Eastern traditions in family life. The East is a delicate matter (especially intimate life)

On the Domashny channel, the heroines share their real experience. For absolutely everyone, moving to an eastern country has become a reality, they had to change and improve relations with their foreign husband and new relatives. Someone experienced severe disappointment, someone is quite satisfied. But they have something to tell those of our compatriots who cherish similar dreams.


This is the closest of the eastern countries and the most understandable country for us. We go there on vacation, we are superficially familiar with the culture and life, the benevolent attitude towards us, as tourists, makes us happy. But what does it really mean to marry a Turkish man and leave for Turkey?

1. Turkey is the most Europeanized state, therefore it is not necessary to observe strict rules of religion here. But this does not mean that they will not have to be taken into account at all. First of all, in order to be accepted in the husband's family. But family foundations are an important condition for the Turkish way of life.

2. You will be able to engage in any vigorous activity to which you are accustomed, drive a car and be free to move. But this does not relieve you of your female obligations - the Turks attach great importance to housekeeping.

3. But in the constant confirmation of your importance for your husband, you will not have a shortage. Turkish men are emotional and sensitive, and are also brought up in the traditional rules of dealing with women. This also means that in conflicts with your husband, you will have to be softer.


Tunisia has stricter rules even for tourists. Compliance with restrictions on food, clothing and behavior is more important here than in Turkey, since the way of life of local residents is largely subject to religious traditions and rituals. What is Tunisia preparing for those women who have found love there?

1. Tunisian men are greedy for open beauty, because they are not spoiled by the local. Women of this country cover their appearance and the grooms are given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the bride's appearance in detail only after the wedding.

2. The real stories of Tunisian wives who wished to dissolve the marriage are rather unsuccessful and the most painful issue is common children. The fact is that divorce is a shame in the Tunisian mentality, and men are ready for the most reckless acts when they find themselves in this situation. At the same time, civil marriages in big cities are quite a normal practice today.

3. If you get to know a Tunisian in our country, he will rather show a freer disposition than accepted in his country. This is due to the fact that young men themselves get tired of the strict rules of their country. But upon arrival, they return to the norms of their homeland.


A country in which our tourists are treated favorably, but unobtrusively, which can be found in Turkey and Egypt. By following the rules, you can have a great time here, but getting married is a completely different story.

1. Closed clothing, modest behavior, caution in everything that concerns strangers - these are the main rules for a Moroccan woman. Any manifestations of femininity - hairstyles, cosmetics, looser outfits - are allowed only in relation to the husband.

2. A Muslim woman has much more perimeters in her rights to children during divorce. But in fact, a man has more opportunities to keep his children. The best guarantee will be any opportunity to maintain a good relationship with your husband, even after a divorce.

3. Today Morocco is in a transitional phase towards the empowerment of women. Therefore, a lot depends on your personal behavior and the desire to defend your needs. However, in any case, it is better to look for a way to negotiate peacefully.

United Arab Emirates

This country has quickly transformed from a desert area into a rich and modern paradise on earth. There is a great risk of wanting to stay here forever, especially since the dream of a prince easily turns into a dream of a rich sheikh.

1. The law allows a man to legally have four wives. Few can provide them, but this does not diminish the desire of an Arab man to bring a girl into the house, hoping that in the end she will come to terms with her illegal position.

2. Real stories testify to unhealthy jealousy towards our wife for our relationship.

3. Physical violence against women is punishable by law. Therefore, it is possible to cope with assault, although this is not entirely compatible with family life.


Tourist Egypt is familiar and understandable for us. In Egypt, they know Russian women, in this state there are enough examples of successful marriages between Russian women and local men.

1. The main mistake of girls moving to men in Egypt is to refuse property claims. Practice shows that Egyptian husbands are not at all against property insurance. This provides protection for the woman in the future.

2. It is quite easy to get married in Egypt when you change your religion. But such a marriage in Russia will be invalid.

3. In tourist areas, you can afford more than if you live after the wedding, for example, in Cairo or other remote places.

See the documentary series "Oriental Wives" on the Domashny website.

The fascinating and outlandish East hides many secrets, but, alas, many of them would never be included in the book "A Thousand and One Nights". A series of books about oriental princesses came as a shock to most, as it exposed the ugly truth about the humiliating position of women in Arab countries. We have collected seven different stories - funny, mysterious, motivating, difficult, but they all have one thing in common - the main characters did not give up and went to their goal.

"Princess of Spices"

Chitra Divakaruni

None of the visitors to a spice shop in the California city of Oakland realize that its owner, Indian Tilo, is actually the Spice Princess with magical powers. By buying spices, her customers are buying something more valuable - helping them fulfill their desires. For everyone, Tilo has wise advice and a suitable spice ready: to free from prejudice, to protect from the evil eye, to help overcome loneliness.

But when one day a Lonely American enters the store, Tilo is surprised to realize that he cannot find the right spice for him, because her vision obscures a forbidden feeling that has arisen in her heart, to follow which means for her to lose her magical power forever ...

What will the Spice Princess choose - duty or love?

"I am 10 years old and I am divorced"

Nujut Ali

The story of a Nudjut girl from Yemen who, at the age of eight, was forcibly married to a man three times her age. Under the terms of the contract, the husband had to wait for Nujut to come of age, but he beat and raped her for two years.

At the age of 10, the girl ran away from him and went to court. A story based on true events that touched millions of hearts around the world.

"Kinglet is a songbird"

Reshad Nuri Gyuntekin

This book has become classics of the genre along with "Jane Eyre" and "Gone with the Wind." For several generations, she has been worried about the mischievous and fragile Feride.

After the death of her parents, young Feride is brought up in the house of her aunt along with Kamran. Growing up, Feride falls in love with his cousin, but carefully hides his feelings. Pretty soon it turns out that Kamran is also not indifferent to the girl. The young people set a date for the wedding. But suddenly Feride finds out that Kamran has another. In despair, the girl runs out of the house, never to return there. She still has no idea what shocks lie ahead and what intrigues will play out behind her.

"Girl from the Golden Horn"

The second novel by Kurban Said after Ali and Nino, written in German. The author managed to live both in Asia and in Europe, and the collision of two worlds was reflected in his books.

According to the plot, the 17-year-old daughter of a pasha goes to study in Berlin, where she leads a European way of life. At the same time, the narration is conducted on her behalf, and sometimes many things accepted in Europe seem barbaric. An excellent book that will help you understand the peculiarities of two worlds.

"Thousand Splendid Suns"

The story of the fate of two women who, by the will of fate, witnessed the upheavals that destroyed Afghanistan.

Mariam is the illegitimate daughter of a wealthy man, whom he forcibly married off to a stranger. Leila is a girl from an intelligent family, for whom her father predicted a great future, but forced to become a second wife. By chance, two women ended up in the same house, went from hatred to love and mutual support, because only by uniting, they can survive.

"Night of calligraphers"

"Night of the Calligraphers" is a fictionalized biography of Rikkat Kunt, a woman calligrapher.

In 1932, the Turkish government abandoned the Arabic script and introduced a new writing system based on the Latin alphabet. Scribes are being closed down and calligraphers are out of work.

An amazingly beautiful oriental novel, telling about the fate of a woman who became disillusioned with men and gave herself to the noble art of depicting the Divine Word.


Khyurrem Sultan is one of the most beautiful, powerful and intelligent rulers of the world. Her story inspired the creators of the famous TV series The Magnificent Century.

The book tells the story of the amazing fate of a Slavic girl who was stolen in the 16th century and sold into slavery in the Istanbul slave market. Possessing a brilliant mind, extraordinary willpower and attractive appearance, from a powerless slave she became the wife of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent (the Conqueror), the most powerful sultan of the Ottoman Empire. Having mastered the heights of Eastern and European culture, this famous woman went down in history and played a significant role in the political life of her time.

Unhappy marriages in the West. - Locked away from men. - Polygamy and marriage with one wife. - Respect for wives. - Payback to husbands. - Women's rights in the home. - Their cheerful nature. - The inaccessibility of the harem. - Divorce is easy. - Examples that refute the opinion about the "humiliation" of Eastern women.

I turn to the story of the position of women in the East. Since I was born and raised there, I will be considered an interested person, and I probably will not be able to destroy the misconceptions about the relationship between an Arab wife and her husband, prevailing throughout Europe, especially among the Germans.

Arriving in Europe, I myself was mistaken when I judged its morals by external signs. The smiling faces that I saw every time I appeared in society convinced me that family relationships in Europe bring more happiness than in my homeland. But later, when my children grew up and began to need my care and attention less, I got closer to the European world and learned that I was mistaken in thinking that people and life here are what they seem. I have seen many marital unions, which are not in vain called "marriage bonds" and are clearly intended to make the man and wife bound to each other endure hellish torture on earth. And I have seen enough unhappy marriages not to believe that Christian marriage regulations are much higher than Muslims or provide much more happiness ... Neither religion nor adherence to traditional views of life can guarantee family happiness. It all depends on whether the husband and wife understand each other well. This alone can create the peace and harmony that make married life truly wonderful. I am familiar in all details only with the situation that exists in Zanzibar, although in Oman it is almost the same. However, it is in Arabia and among the Arabs that the Muslim faith is maintained in its purest form, and therefore I can say that I am talking about the entire Muslim East - except for those parts of it where this basis has been overgrown with innovations as a result of close communication with the Christian West.

To begin with, it is wrong to think that an Eastern woman is less respected in society than her husband. The main wife of a man - of course, we are not talking about the purchased younger wives - is equal to her husband in all respects, retains the position in society that belongs to her by birth, and the rights and privileges associated with it. It seems that the Arab woman is helpless and that her freedom is partly limited, but it only looks like this, because she lives in solitude. So women live in all Muslim countries of the East and in some eastern non-Muslim countries; and the more noble a woman is, the more strictly this rule is observed. Her face should not be seen by any man except her father, husband, sons, nephews and her own slaves. If she must go where a stranger is present, or speak with a stranger, faith commands her to be covered with a veil on her face and with a covered head. Part of the face, chin, neck and ankles should be hidden from view. Observing this rule, she can walk wherever she wants and go out into the street. Poor women with few or no servants are often forced to leave the house and thus have more freedom. If you ask such a woman for her opinion, she will answer that our laws were not created for the poor. And I must admit that it is known that high-ranking ladies are jealous of poor women because of this advantage - which fate gave to Omani women, because in their poor country they cannot support many servants.

However, a rich woman can go out during the day. If her relative is ill or died, she can go to his house, she can also come to the judge to defend her interests, since we do not have lawyers. But tradition requires her to use this right only when absolutely necessary, and the inclinations of women coincide with the tradition: because of vanity, women do not like to wrap themselves in bedspreads and look like walking dolls. While I admit that the Eastern view of dressing is odd, I find that European clothing is no better. The dress that the ladies wear here to balls seems to me an even greater exaggeration, but in the opposite direction.

A woman who has no male relatives is truly pitying. Completely fenced off from the stronger sex by religion and custom and therefore deprived of advice and protection, she can find herself in a very difficult situation. She is often robbed by her manager or deceived in some other way. Several women I know even got married in order to get rid of these constant deceptions. So the forced seclusion of women at times becomes very painful. Nevertheless, Eastern women do not need the shower of sympathy that Europeans generously shed on them, because they hardly feel this limitation: habit makes any life bearable.

They are even more pitied because of polygamy - because the wife is forced to share the love of her husband with another woman or other women. A Muslim is allowed to have four legal wives, and if one of them dies, he can marry a fifth. He can buy as many younger wives as he wants. But I have never seen a man who had four legal wives at the same time. The poor man can afford only one wife, and the rich man does not have more than two, and they live separately from one another, each in his own house. Some women protect their independence by asking the groom to sign an agreement that he undertakes not to marry or buy any other woman as a junior.

Thus, in practice, monogamy prevails. But if a man is fully aware of his legal rights, the situation can easily become very bad. It is quite natural that hatred and anger arise in the family and hot southern blood begins to boil with frenzied jealousy - the frequent manifestations of which should seem to prove how hot the love of an eastern woman is than the love of a quieter northerner. However, this passion - jealousy - often makes life in polygamy unbearable, and that's a good thing. Many wealthy men, not wanting daily scandals and quarrels, prefer to have one wife. Every person who can think reasonably, and especially every woman, should clearly see that polygamy deserves neither protection nor justification.

But what about civilized Christian European marriage? I will not talk about polygamy, which exists among the Christian sect of Mormons in a Christian country. Let's go back to respectable European society. Is the marriage bond really so holy in him? Isn't it often absurd to talk about "one" wife? Indeed, a Christian is allowed to have only one spouse, and this is a great blessing. The Christian faith orders to do what is good and right, the Muslim allows evil. However, the prevailing customs and peculiarities of real life in the East largely mitigate the evil effects of the law, while here sin very often prevails, despite the law. It seems that almost the only difference between an Eastern and a Western woman is that the former knows the number and, possibly, the inclinations and nature of her rivals, while the latter is pleasantly ignorant.

Of course, only rich men can buy younger wives. Initially, these wives are slaves, but motherhood gives them freedom. In rare cases, a cruel master sells such a wife after the death of a child, because he is tired of her or for the sake of money. After the death of a man, all his younger wives become free. If later one of them marries a brother or other relative of the ex-husband, then she does it as a legal, that is, the main, wife.

It is a myth that Arabs treat their female companions with disdain. Our creed alone would have prevented this: in some respects, it puts a woman below a man, but at the same time orders him to protect a woman because of her weakness. A pious, God-fearing Muslim is just as kind to his wife as a well-brought up cultured European, and perhaps even more in control of himself, because he never forgets that God is present everywhere, and until his last breath retains faith in God's retribution. Of course, everywhere you can find scoundrels who do not treat their wives with the appropriate courtesy and respect, but I can say with a clear conscience that here I have heard more often about respectable husbands who beat their wives than in my homeland. A good Arab would think he would dishonor himself if he went so far beyond the bounds of decency. Negroes behave differently on plantations. I often had to reconcile my husband and wife, who beat each other heartily.

The wife is also not obliged to submissively endure all the whims of her husband. If one of his quirks offends her, she can seek support from her relatives or, if she is alone in the world, has the right to seek justice from the qadi. A close friend of mine, at the age of sixteen, agreed to become the wife of her relative, who was much older than her and completely unworthy of her. This completely frivolous man imagined that his wife would tolerate everything, therefore he was very surprised when one evening, returning home, he found that instead of his wife, a letter was waiting for him at home, written in very severe terms. I had a habit of visiting this friend on her estate without informing about it in advance, because I knew that her dear husband prefers the pleasures of city life. But one day she came to me to say that I should no longer come to her without informing her about it, because now her husband was at home all the time. He came to her, repented and begged her forgiveness. Once he learned how decisively she could act, he tried not to offend her anymore. I could cite other examples of women's independent behavior.

When the couple meet, they kiss each other's hand. They eat together, together with the children. A woman does many small things for her husband as a sign of love. When he leaves the house, she gives him a weapon and removes this weapon from her husband when he returns; gives him water for drinking and so on - in general, he gives those small signs of attention that make life together pleasant and happy, and he does it without the slightest compulsion. In matters of house management, she is the supreme mistress. There is no custom to give out a certain amount on a regular basis specifically for housekeeping; husband and wife draw from the same wallet, although if a man has two main wives living separately, he divides his income between them. The extent to which a woman enjoys her domestic advantages depends on her will and on the will of her husband. Once, when I was having a big party on one of my plantations, and it seemed that some of the guests would inevitably refuse to come because it would be difficult for them to get their mounts in time, a lady offered to lend me as many donkeys and drovers as I needed. When I offered to get her husband's consent to this generous offer, she replied rather bluntly that she was not used to asking his permission in such unimportant matters. Another friend of mine in Zanzibar had even greater control over her husband's household and household affairs - she managed his estates and his city house. The husband did not even know the exact amount of his income and did not mind receiving from her hands all the money he needed; thanks to her intelligence and foresight, he lived very well off.

Raising children is completely in the hands of the mother, whoever she is - a legitimate wife or an acquired slave, and this is great happiness for her. An English lady from society is expected to enter the nursery once a day, a French woman sends her offspring to the village, and outsiders take care of the children there. The Arab woman constantly surrounds them with the most tender care and almost never lets them out of sight all the time while they need maternal care. For this she is rewarded with strong love and deep respect. Relationships with babies compensate for the disadvantages of polygamy and make her family life happy and joyful. Anyone who has seen how carefree and cheerful oriental women are, should know how little truth is contained in stories about their oppression and humiliation.

But a deep understanding of the true state of affairs cannot be acquired in a few minutes of a visit. An Arab, for all his politeness, does not like strangers, especially if they are from another nation or profess a different faith, to peer into his personal life. When a European woman came to visit us, we began by opening our eyes in amazement when we saw her incredibly wide figure in girth, because in those days ladies wore crinolines that could block the stairs.

There was little talk, mostly about the secrets of clothing. The lady was shown the usual hospitality, the eunuch sprinkled her with rose water, she was presented with farewell gifts, and she left no wiser than she was. She visited the harem, saw the "unfortunate" women here (under the covers), was surprised at our clothes, our jewelry, how cleverly we sit on the floor - and that's all. She could never boast that she had learned more than other Europeans who visited us. From the door and then back to the door she was escorted by eunuchs, not for a moment was she left unattended. A Western woman is rarely shown any room other than the one in which she is received; sometimes she manages to see the wrapped ladies who amuse her. In short, she has no way of studying the Eastern family and the position of our women.

Another feature of our marriage life: a girl, having become a wife, does not thereby change her position in society or her name. The prince's wife, born into a simple family, can never even think of claiming the same titles as his. Despite her marriage, she remains the “daughter of so-and-so,” and that is how she is addressed. Conversely, an Arab prince or tribal chief often allows his daughter or sister to marry his own slave. He says to himself: my servant is her servant, so she remains the mistress as she was. However, after such a wedding, the husband ceases to be a slave in the literal sense of the word, although, of course, speaking of his wife, he calls her "your highness" or "mistress." A man, mentioning his wife in conversation - which he is trying to avoid - never calls her "my wife", but refers to her with the words "daughter of such and such" or he can say "mother of my family", regardless of whether she has children or not.

Spouses who did not know each other before marriage sometimes find it difficult or even impossible for them to live in harmony, and therefore the ease of Mohammedan divorce is undoubtedly a blessing. Of course, it is better for a husband and wife, radically different in opinions and character, to part peacefully than for them to remain chained to each other all their lives and both suffer from this torment that could end in violence or crime. In the event of a divorce, the woman receives back her property, over which she had unlimited power even during the marriage. If the husband demands a divorce, the wedding gifts remain for her, but if the divorce occurs at her insistence, he returns them.

From everything that I have written, it should be clear that the eastern woman is not such an offended and oppressed creature, not as zero as they say about her. My stepmother Azza bint Sef is a prime example of this. She had complete power over Seyid Said, the management of the court and the state went according to her whims. If any of us wanted to receive something from the Sultan, she had to approve the request, and she retained her power until his death.

Another example I remember is the daughter of an Omani army officer who came to live in Zanzibar with her husband. She was cunning and witty, but ugly to the point of ugliness. Nevertheless, her husband adored her, fulfilled her whims and whims with angelic patience. Wherever his wife went, he willy-nilly had to accompany her, so that he could not confidently consider a single minute of his time his own. He was just a slave to his wife.

To refute the misconception about the "inferior" position of Eastern women in comparison with men, I must mention one more person. My great-aunt, my grandfather's sister, is considered to this day a model of discernment, courage and efficiency.

After the death of my grandfather, the ruler of Oman, who bore the title of Imam of Muscat, his three children remained - my father Said, my uncle Selim and my aunt Aisha. Since my father was only nine years old, a regent had to be appointed, and then my great-aunt did something that had never happened before - declared that she would rule herself until her nephew came of age, and silenced anyone who objected. The ministers, who were already looking forward to the pleasure of ruling the country in accordance with their own plans, were greatly disappointed, but forced to comply. Every day they were required to appear before the regent to report and receive orders. She watched everyone at the same time and seemed to know about everything - to the chagrin of those who were lazy and careless in their work. She shed the bonds of etiquette when she wanted to. When she consulted with the ministers, she put on the chalet as if she were about to go out, was completely indifferent to the fact that people condemned it, and tried to carry out her task with prudence and energy.

Soon after she began to rule, war broke out - unfortunately, this happens often in the East. One family, related to ours, wished to overthrow the government and seize power himself. They thought it would be easy under female rule. Devastating the country with fire and sword, they reached Muscat and laid siege to it, first driving many peasants into this city, who fled from them in search of help and protection. Muscat is well fortified, but how can even the thickest walls help if there is not enough food and ammunition?

It was then that my aunt showed all the firmness of her spirit - and earned admiration even from enemies. At night, in men's clothing, she rode out on horseback to inspect the forward posts, and sometimes only the speed of her horse saved her from captivity. One evening she rode out in a very gloomy mood, because she learned that the enemies were intending to break into the fortress by bribery and cut off the entire garrison. Deciding to test the loyalty of her troops, she drove up to the sentry, asked him to call his superior, and offered him a tempting reward on behalf of her opponents. The noble soldier's anger restored her confidence - although her supporters nearly killed her as a spy.

Things were getting worse and worse for Muscat. Hunger began, and everyone was overcome with despondency. There was nowhere to wait for help, and in the end it was decided to make one last desperate foray to die with honor. The remaining gunpowder was enough for just one battle, but there was no more lead. Then the regent ordered to collect all the nails and even all the stones of a suitable size in order to make ammunition for muskets from them. All other iron and copper objects were smashed, and cannonballs were cast from them. Even silver dollars from the treasury were sacrificed - they were poured into bullets. And all these extreme measures brought success: taken by surprise, the enemy army fled in all four directions, leaving half of its people on the battlefield killed or wounded. Muscat was saved.

After that, my great-aunt continued to rule quietly, and when she handed over the kingdom to my father, it was in such excellent condition that he could look at other countries in search of a new land suitable for conquest - and he saw Zanzibar. Therefore, the fact that we took possession of this second country was largely due to her.

And she was an oriental woman!

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In most Muslim countries, women are required to wear headscarves and abayas - loose clothing that covers the body from head to toe. According to the German dermatologist Yael Adler, due to the fact that only the face and hands remain uncovered, girls, living all their lives in sunny and warm countries, experience a huge lack of vitamin D, which can lead to serious bone diseases.

Women forced to wear the veil for religious reasons are severely vitamin D deficient and suffer from severe osteoporosis, even in countries with deserts and the equatorial sun.

Yael Adler

“What the skin hides. 2 square meters that dictate how we live

Many things require permission from a father, husband, or older brother.

To go to school, work, travel or do anything else with their lives, women in conservative Muslim countries must ask permission from their father, older brother or husband. This practice is not enshrined in laws, but is widely used in everyday life, not only in the East, but even in religious Muslim families who live in Europe.

The "boundaries of what is permissible" for Eastern women may be different. In Saudi Arabia, a woman cannot get a driver's license, and she is allowed to work only in several areas: medicine, education, since 2000 - finance. Most professions are considered "undesirable". In Iran, many public places remain gender-segregated: for example, transport has separate seats for women and men. In addition, women are prohibited from attending sports matches.

As for Afghanistan, after the overthrow of the Taliban, women's rights have expanded, but, unfortunately, many are observed only on paper. “Yes, now there are more women on the streets of Kabul and several other large cities than under the Taliban, more girls go to school. But, as with previous reform efforts, progress for women only concerns women in the capital and a handful of other urban areas. The main prohibitions and regulations of the Taliban (Islamist movement. - Ed.) women are still law in vast areas of this almost illiterate country — a law supported by a conservative tradition, ”journalist Jenny Nordberg notes in her book Underground Girls in Kabul.

A woman is often captured in her own home.

In the book Burnt Alive. Victim of the Law of Men "An Arab girl (the book says that she is from" the West Bank of the Jordan River ") under the pseudonym Suad tells what atrocities she had to face in her own home. The only way to "escape" from the family, where she was considered absolutely powerless, for the girl was marriage. However, due to the impossibility of marrying before the older sister and an extramarital affair with a man, Suad almost fell victim to a “murder in the name of the family's honor”: a relative of the girl tried to burn her alive.

Since then, as I can remember, I had neither games nor pleasure. To be born a girl in our village is a curse. The dream of freedom is associated with marriage. Leave your father's house for your husband's house and never return there, even if your husband beats you. It is a shame if a married woman returns to her father's house. She should not seek protection anywhere other than her husband's house, otherwise it is her family's duty to return her to her husband's house.

"Burnt alive"

She also has to put up with her husband's polygamy.

In many Muslim countries - for example, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, the UAE - polygamy is still allowed, and a man can marry as many women as he pleases. In Jordan, you cannot marry more than four girls; in Iran, in order to remarry, you need to obtain consent from the first wife.

Women are severely restricted in their rights

A Muslim woman's right to divorce is usually limited: even if her husband cannot provide for her (and this is one of the few reasons considered in the Arab world to be sufficient for a woman to legally leave her spouse), she must first contact a guardian - father or older brother - who will deal with family troubles. But for a man, in order to part with his wife, according to the Koran, it is enough to say the word “talak” three times, which means “divorce”. And after three months, which are given to a man to confirm his decision, or, conversely, cancel it, the divorce proceedings can be completed.

It is unacceptable for a Muslim woman living in a conservative country to show even a small part of her body to strangers. So even on the beach, women dress in burkini at best, and at worst, do not bathe at all, even in 40-degree heat. And although burkini meets all Sharia law, some believe that women should only swim when surrounded by their family, in other words, in their own pool or on a secluded beach. Proponents of this point of view believe that after bathing, the contours of the girl's body become visible to others, which is undesirable.

The fascinating love stories of oriental women are worthy to appear on the pages of books. Beautiful novels with touching and insidious fates of the main characters will overwhelm you into the world of a special mentality, in which the beautiful half of humanity cannot decide with whom to build their happiness. Here women do not marry for love, but this feeling still overtakes them each in due time. Books about oriental women and love are dedicated to the brightest life stories. Plunging into these works, you will understand how strong love can be and what people are ready for for the sake of the one they love with all their heart.

The beautiful Samia was born into an Algerian family and was brought up according to strict Muslim canons. When she turned 16, she was unwillingly married to a wealthy man with a fanatical view of religion. But with the birth of children, she realizes that she can no longer live like this ...

Another heartbreaking story about Algerian traditions. An adult girl Nora has lived her entire life in France in a “golden cage”. In an outwardly decent family, daughters are brought up in religious fear and do not have their own opinion, forever depriving them of the right to vote ...

3. Stolen face: I spent my youth in Kabul - Latifa
Imagine that you are a freedom-loving girl and your face has been stolen forever. Latifah was brought up in wartime, when the whole of Afghanistan was overrun by the Taliban, who advocate the suppression of the female personality. And then, at the age of 16, for the dreamy beauty there came a total hell ...

Two women's fates intertwined into one knot of pain, despair and humiliation when the war came to Afghanistan. Mariam is the illegitimate daughter of a wealthy businessman, and Leila is her half-sister, who is brought up in love and prosperity. But how will the sisters live now?

Many girls dream of a rich sheikh and life in a luxurious palace. The American beauty was "lucky" - the heroine married a wealthy Iranian and gave birth to his child. But the fairy tale soon ended and now she can only run without looking back from the golden paradise ...

Sultana is a wealthy and beautiful princess from Saudi Arabia. She lives in a luxurious environment, blinded by the glitter of precious stones. But “behind the scenes” are the humiliation and the powerless position of the daughter of the Arab sheikh. How will the girl break out of the Muslim hell?

The slave life remained in the terrible past and now the Sultana finds her own "I". The girl not only learns to live anew and express her opinion, but also revolts against the savage customs that force every Muslim woman to become a slave to her husband ...

The Sultana has been reborn from the incinerating Islamic fire and now gathers around her a Commonwealth of oppressed and intimidated women, seeking to escape from cruel husbands. The heartbreaking story about their difficult life and fierce struggle will not leave anyone indifferent!

The pious Muslim woman Mariam prays with zeal for the speedy return of her son from the terrible war. Afghanistan is engulfed in cruel fire of the faithful against those people who do not want to live by their rules. But will Allah hear the sad prayer of the tormented woman?

The famous Norwegian publicist Osie Seierstad wrote a poignant story about the hard life of Afghan women. The author shares his impressions after visiting the city of Kabul, liberated from the heavy oppression of the Taliban and meeting its first free spring ...

Deborah Rodriguez is a freedom-loving American woman who successfully “extricated herself” from two unsuccessful marriages. One day an energetic woman decides to go to Afghanistan to help “slaves” dependent on her husband's opinion to gain self-confidence. The first step is to open a beauty school.

The novel-revelation from the famous Arab writer about the sexual sensuality of Muslim women, hidden under the cover of a flowing veil, is a real shock to even the most sophisticated readers! After all, Almonds give off voluptuous bitterness ...

Many women living in a Muslim state feel oppressive loneliness and realize their sad fate of being a skillful "doll" with their despot husband. The provocative novel is permeated with bitter tears and calls for attention to a social problem.

Strict parents forced Leila to marry when she was 21 years old. The Moroccan girl does not have the right to vote and her own opinion, and her whole life was built at the whim of cruel men and now nothing can be changed. Or is there still a chance for a better future?
Fawad is a ten-year-old Afghan boy who survived a Taliban attack. His mother gets a job as a housekeeper for Georgia, a beautiful girl from Great Britain who has a swift romance with the dangerous crime boss Hadji Khan.

16. Disgraced - Mukhtar Mai
Mukhtar Mai is a notorious woman who was brutally raped by familiar men in the presence of a large crowd of people. No one came to the defense of the 30-year-old Muslim woman, so she herself decided to tell the terrible truth about her difficult fate, finding the strength to live on.

The famous publicist Viktor Malarek reveals the shocking truth about the girls who went to work abroad and fell straight into the "clutches" of slave traders. Now they are prostitutes or "Natasha", as they are contemptuously called by powerful and oppressive Muslims ...

Robert Irwin is a famous historian and traveler who wrote a sensational book in the 19th century about the terrible life of Arab girls. This is a heartfelt novel about the nightmarish existence of Muslim beauties hiding from the cruel world in an impenetrable veil ...

19. Burnt Alive - Suad
How does it feel to know that those closest to you have sentenced you to a cruel death for "disobedience"? The bestselling book describes the shocking fate of a real woman who dared to go against Muslim customs in her early youth and was miraculously saved from being burned alive.

Every year about two million young girls are maimed to please their "master". Wild beauty standards make even the most "rock-hard" people shudder and show all the cruelty of Muslim customs, which rob women of the most important thing - health ...

21. I am 10 years old and divorced - Nujud Ali
Yemeni customs allow older men to marry little girls. At the age of 10, Nujud was forced into marriage: the husband wanted the immediate fulfillment of his "sacred duty", and for disobedience he was beaten. But the heroine managed to escape and demand a divorce!

How do "easy ladies" live abroad? A beautiful Russian girl is ready to satisfy her Turkish clients "at the highest level", and in return - pain and humiliation. The accusatory book tells about non-reciprocal love, betrayal and boundless loneliness ...

Samia is a righteous daughter from a Muslim family. Even before birth, the parents decided everything for her, facing the fact of choosing a rich spouse. Every day, being subjected to unthinkable humiliations, the girl shed rivers of tears, but she decided to get out of the never-ending nightmare ...

"I will return, I will return ...". - This phrase is repeated like a prayer by many girls who have left to live in a "luxurious oriental tale." The Russian beauty and the hot Muslim man deeply and mutually fell in love with each other, but what will ultimately come out of such a contradictory union?

The truthful story of the relationship between the rich Kemal and his distant relative Fusun will captivate any reader for a long time! Archaic Istanbul customs demand complete obedience from a Muslim woman to her husband, gradually tearing off the mask of innocence ...

A Pakistani girl from an early age lived in an English orphanage, surrounded by warm love and respect from other people. But as soon as she crossed the threshold of her home, everything changed overnight. The family decided to raise her according to cruel Muslim customs ...