Everything is the limit the limit of feelings the limit of pain. Love is the strongest thing that can break anyone. Not betrayal, not lies, not even death. It is love. A woman who forgives very often and endures for a very long time often leaves unexpectedly and forever.

He is a long twenty-eight years, and twenty-eight winters, moreover,

He kept one secret in himself and was an exemplary husband in the family.
Everything was, like, as always: the wife was preparing dinner ...
But suddenly a misfortune happened: he took it and remembered the secret.
Under the noise and sour smell of cabbage soup, grumbling narrowed in the morning,
He remembered everything to the smallest detail, as if it was yesterday ...
... She was sitting by the window, and the soft wonderful moonlight
Painted her beautiful silhouette in pale tones ...
Strands flowed over the shoulders, slid snakes onto the chest ...
And he thought in the heat of the moment: "I'll marry her someday!"
He remembered everything to the smallest detail: the curves of the lines, the softness of the lips...
And the heat of her simple speeches, and outside the window a huge oak tree.
Interlacing of hands… Merging of bodies… A cascade of brown hair…
And the way he wanted her to a frenzy, to tears!
Confessions of a quivering stream, as he whispered them in his ear!
A funny curl above the ear that trembled with breath ...
She looked at him with eyes as wet as the night.
The words were intoxicating like wine: “I love you… Give birth to my daughter…”
In the morning he lost his peace: he fussed, then he was bored ...
Then, covering his face with his hand, he sat on a chair and was silent.
The wife grumbled, as always. Scolded the runaway soup ...
And he noted that the age of her, aged, does not suit her.
How white color and strands of dyed hair do not suit her.
And for twenty-eight years everything was somehow not serious ...
Suddenly he jumped up, grabbed his coat, forgot about his hat and socks.
All twenty-eight years - not that ... All twenty-eight winters - melancholy.
Found that house. The house is oak. Ran up the stairs like an arrow...
To calm the trembling from cold lips, and nasty cowardice - down with it!
She is probably drinking tea now and wrapping herself in a shawl ...
And from her beautiful eyes flows a quiet sadness ...
Or maybe you started knitting? Maybe weaving lace?
So much to say to her! And most importantly, I'm sorry...
She opened the door ... In the eyes - a question. She was twenty again...
A cascade of brown hair… A familiar silhouette…
Above the ear - a light curl ... Like many years ago - exactly the same ...
" You are not mistaken?" - No, I couldn't ... Are you Anya? " Vera. Her daughter…"
"And Anya?" - "Mom is no more ... Who are you?" He turned back:
“I have been going to her for twenty-eight years…” - She has been waiting for you… Twenty-five…
How dizzy ... How my heart sank in my chest!
And he remembered her words with a plea: "Don't go!"
He hunched over. Wandered away. The plexus of hands ... The fusion of bodies ...
I love you... Give me a daughter... But he really wanted a daughter.
How strange. Anya is no more ... I cried ... I threw into silence: “I will love you for many, many years ... You alone ...”

P.S. KEEP LOVE - it is the foundation of your happiness...

A woman who forgives very often and endures for a very long time often leaves unexpectedly and forever!

My feelings can be stretched to be called love at first sight, but it's true. When I met Helsing for the first time, I could not say a single well-organized sentence. His tongue was slurring, his heart was pounding tirelessly, and his face was treacherously flushed with paint.
This mysterious and cold-blooded look that seemed to see right through you. These graceful hands, always ready for sudden movements. That curly dark brown hair that really stood out from the rest. This dark mantle, threatening with all its appearance. This is a strong body, so attracted to itself like a magnet. And those lips that make desire stronger than common sense.
But one detail disturbed this all too ideal picture. Child. Helsing was by his side all the time and almost never let go of him, as if afraid to smash or break such a fragile creature. Perhaps they slept in the same bed, but I did not have time to see this.
After the experiment, the mini version of Bob reacted in panic to everything that surrounded him, except, of course, the evil spirits hunter. And in his arms the child felt safe, but if someone else touches his bodyguard, then Bob, as if at the snap of his fingers, begins to hiss or growl, in order to prove his rights.
Some jokingly said that this couple was made for each other, but they would know what scratches this leaves on my heart. Every day I heard Helsing say such tender words that everything will be fine, I am near, that sometimes I turn around to look at him, standing next to me and whispering right in my ear, but I was always disappointed as well. After all, these words were not addressed to me, but to the same clone sitting in his arms in his arms. Tears welled up on their own and I went to my place under various pretexts.
There were only two walls in my path, one of which was simply my fear. I couldn't bring myself to finally look him in the eyes and say. no shout out: ""I love you! "". I was a problem for myself, even though at times I thought that the child was to blame. But it's not. Or…

Everything is fine. - I waved, at least somehow reassure my friend.

I see it's not! he objected.

Are you sighing for Helsing again?

Yes, only Classic knew about my love, because he was the first to notice how often I look at the fighter of evil spirits. Maybe the others have already guessed too, but I don’t know exactly what they have in mind.
However, I nodded briefly and looked away.

El, you should finally talk to him! How can? - The classic put his arm around my shoulders.

But I. - I was ready to give a couple of excuses, but Classic interrupted me.

No buts! El! Truth. You must tell him. Sooner or later, but must. It hurts to look at you.

It hurts me to watch how Helsing hugs not me, but the other! - I shouted, unable to restrain myself.

El. - The classic probably wanted to calm me down and give me advice, but I turned him to the door by force.

It was the last thing he heard as he left. All I had to do was lie down on the bed and come to my senses, I can’t go out to the others in this form.

The next morning, I started making breakfast. The fragrance not only spread throughout the base, but also attracted a surprising variety of faces.

Good morning ElBobo! - all the same different voices greeted me.

Kind! - I answered shortly without looking up from the stove.

After putting the food on plates and spreading them on the table, I hurried to sit down in my place and also start eating.

Good morning El! - said a rougher voice, but at the same time so pleasant that he himself forced me to raise my head and look at its owner.

Which turns out to be none other than a hunter for evil spirits, and in the hands again everything is also a fragile creature.

D-good. - I answered muffledly and looked again at the plate, which no longer attracted me much.

The owner of the dark robe sat down at the table across from me and whispered something pleasant that made mini-Bob smile and make him start eating breakfast.
My heart ached again, and my eyes began to burn. Hold on, just not in front of him.
Having not finished my breakfast, I put the plate near the sink and hurried to my room.

El, won't you? Shizo asked.

There is no appetite. - I threw.

Key turn. The creak of floorboards. Heavy breath. And fall on the bed. Why? Why does my heart hurt so much?

Less than ten minutes later there was a knock on the door. So weak and barely audible. However, getting out of bed, I opened the door and saw a mini-Bob on the threshold?
I was surprised, because he never went anywhere without his bodyguard.

Hi? - I tried to be friendly, but it turned out to be a stretch, because I was faced with the main problem of my love.

El... Why are you leaving when we are around? The voice trembled slightly. - Do you hate us?

You? You?! I hate you! - the words themselves were asked to come out, oh, how I wanted to tell him everything, how I wanted to strangle him, but.

Mini-Bob started crying, fell to the floor in surprise and covered his eyes with his small hands.

P-sorry. Baby! Please don't cry! - I fell on my knees in front of him and began to stroke his head, because I had no idea what to do.

Baby? - a dark silhouette came out of the darkness of the corridor very quickly and knelt down in front of the baby.

Chshshsh. be quiet, don't be afraid, baby. I'm near. - taking him in his arms, Helsing left without saying anything.

It was like I didn't exist at all. I'm just a shadow of the past that's left behind. I mean nothing to him. Nothing at all...

Fight! - a deafening scream completely knocked me out, and I fell to the cold ground with a roar. - El! You must fight to the last! Don't fly in the clouds! Victory in the revolution depends on all of us!

Scar picked up my already dull sword and hooked it to his belt, then held out his hand to me. Grabbing a hand that was as strong as possible, I got up, wiped my sweaty forehead and tried to catch my breath.

We'll work tomorrow, bull tamer. - without a shadow of a smile, the leader said and left me alone.

Completely empty, like a test tube that has completely drained.

A blow and I again find myself on the ground, completely exhausted. It was as if I was already breathing my own blood in my lungs, my heart was pounding as if it were about to jump out of my chest, and dark dots were flying before my eyes, everything blurred like a mirage.

You overdid it. - was heard nearby. A silhouette in blue approached my exhausted body and waved his hand in front of my eyes. It's too much, he needs to rest.

James, we don't have time for this! Scar objected.

But he could get a lot worse if you keep treating him like that. - calmly continued to intercede agent.

From the side of Scar, an unsatisfied lowing was heard.

El, be honest. What are you fighting for?

Somehow, getting up from the ground, I looked at the leader and almost whispered:

I don't know myself anymore.

The annoying ticking of the wall clock, the impenetrable darkness outside the window and the stormy conversations of other clones were so everyday and so close that they simply ingrained into my soul. For all the time of my stay here, Classic tried to make me laugh as much as he could, which he did not do very well.
I decided to take a walk, since the weather allowed. Going out into the street, at first I hesitated on the spot, but still I went. The sky was open and the little twinkling of the stars added to the beauty of the night. A cool breeze blew on his face, refreshing him well.

If only I could leave and forget everything. I thought, stopping and throwing my head back. - Who am I, who are they all, who is the Announcer and. forget this pain.

What are you doing here and where is the baby?

He sleeps, and I decided to get some air, tonight is a very good night. Helsing said. - And you?

I also decided to walk. I replied shyly, looking away.

Meanwhile, Helsing approached decently close, almost in a dense one, making me blush again.

Everything is fine?

Y-yes. just ... - the language again began to get confused.

While I was nodding again and looking to the side, the hunter's hand was piled on my shoulder, which at that moment seemed unbearable.

El, can I ask you a question? he began.

K-of course.

Is there a person on the team that you like?

Suddenly, a hand moved from shoulder to cheek and began to stroke her lightly. The hunter approached me almost tightly, and grabbing me by the waist, subtracted the remaining centimeters.

Hels. - Tears again began to burn my cheeks, I could not stand it and fell on the hunter's chest.

How long have you been

From the very beginning. Suddenly, a deep sigh came from him.

I'm sorry it took so long to reciprocate. You know that the baby is very worried when I am not around, I simply did not have time to say.

How often do you have to lose things that you just gained? How much does it hurt? After all, you have been waiting for this for so long, you have suffered so much and suddenly you lose it in an instant, in an instant. Is it fair? Life is a thread that is so hard to keep and so easy to break.

El, watch out!!!

Everything happened instantly, I didn’t have time to realize anything. Helsing abruptly turned me around and hugged me tightly. I heard a shot, and at the moment when I opened my eyes I regretted everything in the world. Other people's blood flowed down my hands. Helsing fell to the cold ground with a hole in his chest. Red blood began to spread across the ground and appear black in the darkness. I lifted the dead body and pressed it to my chest, beginning to beg for forgiveness and asked to come back, as if that would change something.
Only then did I see one of Announcer's robots standing not far from me. With another loud click, the machine pointed its hand in my direction, where the bullets seemed to be.

I didn't give a damn about my life, just to be close to my beloved.

Shoot! I shouted.

Every person has a limit inside. The limit of feelings. Pain limit. Tears limit. Limit of hate. Forgiveness limit.
Therefore, people can sometimes endure for a long time. Be silent for a long time. Long time to draw conclusions. And then in an instant to take and leave without words and explanations.

Son, remember, a man should not force a woman to live in uncertainty. Then love will definitely be replaced by hatred, sooner or later. They know how to love even in anticipation. It's us, men, when a woman goes away for a while, we start in our minds or openly look for a replacement for her. If you know you're not coming back, better tell the truth. She will cry, but she will accept. Just don't neglect it. This is exactly what women don't deserve.

Forgive a man for mistakes, Do not scold him for his weakness. With the tender power of your smile, inspire him to a feat... A woman has wisdom from God! It's hard for a man to admit it. And, in general, you need a little, So that he does the impossible... With an invisible, light hand Guide him through life... And you will have a "House over the river"... Do not demand - wish in your thoughts... Not immediately happiness will be built, And there will be failures along the way. You believe in him, and in bad weather He will survive ... He will not cry. It's so easy for a man to break, Break into sins, slam the door From your excessive requests, From caustic reproaches, disbelief... Going through troubles and joys, you remember the immutable thought - Forgive your beloved weaknesses! And he will do the impossible...

You need to build a relationship with a person for whom you will always be in the first place.

“I am selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I get out of control, and sometimes I'm hard to handle. But if you can't connect with me when I'm in a bad mood, then you don't deserve me in a good one."
- Marilyn Monroe

No matter how many shortcomings a person has, he will always be perfect if he is loved.

Kiss on the nose.
A minimum of vulgarity and a maximum of tenderness. Minimum lust and maximum care. A minimum of falseness and a maximum of intimacy. Take care of the one who kisses you on the nose.
This is nothing but sincere love.

Love those who are just around
Who dare not change
Who caresses you with a warm look,
Who just helps to live.

More important in life is not the view,
He is often deceitful
Not that beautiful that glitters -
What is beautiful is warm.

Everyone wants to find a girl who doesn't smoke, doesn't drink alcohol...
The one you call, and she is always happy to hear from you and chat with you for days, even though her favorite movie is shown on TV, or the phone rang during sleep! The one you call and you can’t hear the voices of a noisy company, including men’s, in the receiver. The one that won't go out with another boy, arguing that he's just a friend. The one that will never hide anything from you and will always be honest with you.
Well, just the one that will be insanely happy with you, the way you are! Everyone wants ... And when they find it, they don't appreciate it, they don't respect it, they bring it to tears. And when she leaves without becoming happy next to him, he blames her for everything and calls her the last words.
Here they are, the "real" men of our time.

Man is never present where he really is. He always digs into the past or looks into the future, but just being calm in the present is such a rarity.

In order to find happiness with a man, you need to understand him strongly and love him a little.
In order to find happiness with a woman, you need to love her very much and not even try to understand.

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It is easy to deceive the eyes, but it is difficult to deceive the heart.
Al' Pacino

Silence and a smile are two powerful weapons. Smiling is a way to solve many problems, but silence helps to avoid them.

The more I get to know people, the more I respect dogs.

So many people, so few bullets.

Love does not end with the fact that we do not see each other, people believe in God all their lives without seeing him ..

Sorry... here's your nose, I found it in my files.

Loneliness is the worst thing that can happen to a person. And it doesn't matter who this person is, a poor man or a rich man, a simpleton or a sly one, a fool or a genius. Loneliness does not knock and does not wait to be opened, it has the keys to all doors

Imitating someone, you lose yourself.

Do not look at those who are strong and rich. Sunrise will always be followed by sunset.

Every person has a limit inside. limit of feelings. pain limit. limit of tears. limit of hatred. limit of forgiveness. so people can sometimes endure for a long time. be silent for a long time. long time to draw conclusions. and then in an instant take and leave, without words and explanations ...

At any moment, only tea will warm you.

I don't like living in a world where doing the right thing is so rare that it starts to be considered good.

I am ashamed of those for whom modesty is a subject of ridicule, religion is backwardness from life, and modesty is self-doubt...

When we feel good, we believe only in success ... We forget loved ones, relatives, friends and God ... We consider ourselves cooler and smarter than everyone ... But life puts everything in its place, punishing severely ... Let the whole day pass in misfortune and problems ... Even if this day you got only a crumb ... Do not forget God when you feel good ... And he will not forget you when you feel bad!

No one will feel good around you while you feel bad alone with yourself.

I was able to get lost in myself by locking my soul.
Having lost trust in people, I am now a lone wolf.

If the world doesn't give you what you need, you'll have to do it yourself.

Cruel world, stupid people, no one will understand, but everyone will condemn...

No matter how much you hurt me, know that I will always give you a helping hand at a difficult moment for you, because I am not you ...

The most wonderful day of the week is, of course, tomorrow.
Tomorrow everyone will quit smoking, go on a diet, go in for sports, start studying, stop disappearing somewhere at night and call the right person in time.

Just remember that people will always whisper behind your back. But this is your life, only yours .. and you alone decide what is important ...

Love and death come uninvited, and man is powerless here...

Strong people speak with their eyes.
Weak people open their dirty mouths behind their backs.

A real man is like a wolf: either alone or with one she-wolf forever. And running after sheep is the lot of sheep.

The most important thing in life is FAMILY! Career - does not wait for you at home, money - will not wipe your tears, and fame - will not hug you at night.

I like your eyes, dark and beautiful, like my soul.

My father taught me that duty and honor are above all things in life. A person who does not know how to keep his words will never earn respect.

A person who plays alone never loses.

I always thought I had nothing to fight for.
then I met you and realized that I was ready for war.

Never say you're bad at life. The Almighty will hear your words and say: "You do not know what a bad life is," and will give you a fate 10 times worse.
Whatever happens, say: "I live well", then the Almighty will say: "You do not know what a good life is," and will give you a fate ten times better.

And silently you can miss someone madly.

In the beloved - all my soul ...

No way without him?
- Without him, there is no need ...

It's not really up to you to decide what connects me to this person.

Don't forget to be the one he fell in love with

Forgive me for all my tantrums, scandals. You just don't understand how I'm afraid of losing you.

Thank you.-For what?-For everything...

He is the only one, and the soul is drawn to him, and no one else will be like him.

What is love?
- Love is HE.
- So simple? And who did you mean?
- That's when you fall in love, HE will be only ONE ...

Yesterday was the court. Your eyes and my heart judged, your eyes justified, and my heart was accused of tenderness for you and condemned to lifelong love.

We try to forget, knowing that we will always remember.

I promise... I will be the best for you and I will be only yours, I promise... not to give a reason to doubt my feelings for a single moment, I promise... you are the last person I say these words to, I promise.. ... love you with all my heart... forever...

I'm not just breathing unevenly towards him. I choke on him..