Crochet blouse for girls for summer. Knitting for girls crochet. Openwork children's blouse: Detailed video MK

Openwork and air, blouse for a girl with a crochet will become an excellent addition to the image of a little fashionista. The children's models proposed in our master are simple and universal, and detailed schemes and descriptions will help them quickly associate the original thing even novice craftsmen.

Gentle knit summer blouse for girls

We need:

  • thin yarn (100% acrylic) gently yellow color - 200 grams;
  • kr. Number 4;
  • 4 Buttons.

The size of age is 6-9 months.


To perform a fantasy pattern, adhere to CX. 1-3, we perform the trim on CX. four.


Knit folded in two yarn threads.

Back and shelf

Children's blouse fit like one item.

We recruit a chain out of 98 V. p. And follow Uz. according to CX. 1. Reaching high. 7 cm, start working on Uz. according to CX. 2, adding in the first row 1 p. \u003d 99 p.

By sticking another 10 cm, go to the new ultrasound. (See CX. 3).

At the same time, at an altitude of 18 cm. With a contrast thread, we mark 24 p. For shelves and 51 p. In the center for the back.

We continue to knit 24 kettles with the right floor., After 6 cm, it is closed from the tv, we close for the neck of the neck 4 p. And in each second row two times 2 p. \u003d 16 p. Octoption work at a height of 29 cm. Left sex. Likes symmetrically right.

Now we proceed to knitting the back (deferred 51 p.). On high 29 cm products, making 16 p. on the shoulders and 19 p. The neck, ends.


We recruit a chain of 30 V. n. according to CX. 1. At an altitude of 7 cm, we operate according to the scheme 2, linked in the first row 1 p. \u003d 29 p., And then adding from two sides in each second row 5 times 1 p. \u003d 39 p.

Finish on high. 18 cm.


We make seams, we bind the product at the bottom (CX. 4), the floor. and the neck - with the same row with. Without n., in parallel, using this row of the looping under the intersection on the left side (1 s. Without n., 3 p. p., We skip 2 p.). Knit the first round of finishes (CX. 4) and sew buttons. Children's summer knitted jacket for beginners ready!

Simple version of knitting blouse for beginners Master: video MK

Openwork summer white blouse for beginners

We need:

  • yarn (100% mercerized cotton, 200 grams 663 meters);
  • kr. № 2.5.


Height: 86 (98, 110/112, 134) See

Chest: 56 (62, 70, 76) See

Length: 27 (30, 36, 40) See

Schedule: 11 (12, 16, 18) see

Density: Rapport width \u003d 3.5 cm., 12 p. \u003d 10 cm.



We perform work, starting from the shoulder and down.


We recruit 76 (88, 100, 112) in. p. in the chain. Knit on CX. 1 (6 (7, 8, 9)

rapports CX.). We repeat 3-4 pp. cx. to high 13 (14, 15, 16) cm, finish the 4th p ..

We add on both sides one more rapport (see CX. 2).


For the right, pick 28 V crochet. p. in the chain. Knit 1-4 pp. by CX. 1. Next, we make an approach. from the neck of the CX. 3, Near the Prouch, we leave the canvas smooth.

Keeping 13 (14, 15, 16) cm, add one rapport (see CX. 2).

We continue to knit with add-ons by the Gorlovinki 3 (2, 5, 4) cm, then smooth cloth by CX. one.

Having achieved height 27 (30, 36, 40) cm, finish the 4th row of CX. And finish.

Left floor. Likes symmetrically right.


We recruit 88 (100, 100, 112) p. In the chain. We work on cx. 1 15 (16, 20, 22) cm, finish the 4th r. cx. And complete the work. The second rusher knits similarly to the first.


We sew shoulders, shelves, we sew the sleeves, make suture of sleeves. Shelves and a fence are tied with. without n. in 2 row.

Knit 2 chains from in. p. Long 25 cm and sew them to the edges of the shelves as a string. Children's summer knitted blouse for beginners ready!

Summer openwork sweater for a girl with a round coquette: MK for beginners

We need:

  • thin yarn (100% acrylic, 50 grams of 110 meters), about 80 grams of salad and 10 gr. white;
  • 5 buttons;
  • 1 meter of white satin ribbon;
  • kr. № 2.5.

The size of age is 0-3 months.

Main Pattern 1: Knit with. with n., replacing the 1st s. with n. each r. Three in. p. p ..

Main Pattern 2: The number is in a multiple two. Knit on CX., Replacing the 1st s. with n. each r. on the 3rd P. P .. repeat 1-2 pp ..

Finish: * 2 ss., 1 c. p. and 1 ss. from the 2nd SS., related previously *, from * to *.

Pitals for tape: 3 in. p., 1 c. p., We skip 1 p. Nizhny r., * 1 s. C n., 1 c. p., We skip 1 p. *, from * to *, 1 s. with n ..

Butt loops: 1 s. without n., 2nd. p., We skip 1 p. Lower r., 1 s. without n ..

Density (pattern 2): 20 p. X 14 p. \u003d 10 cm x 10 cm.


Description for beginners

We start work with the cutting of the boilers.

Children's coquet

Salad string and crochet recruit 69 V. p., Basic patterns 1. To give the coquette a round shape, make an increase.

1 R.: 3 in. p. p., * 2 s. with n. Of 1 p., 1 s. with n. *, from * to * \u003d 103 p ..

2 R.: No add-ons.

3 R.: 3 in. p. p., add 1 p., * 3 s. with n., add 1 p. *, from * to *, 1 s. with n. \u003d 129 p ..

4 R.: No add-ons.

5 R.: 3 V. p. p. 3 s. with n., add 1 p., * 9 s. with n., add 1 p. *, from * to *, 4 s. with n. \u003d 142 p.

6 R.: 3 in. p., 2 s. with n., add 1 p., * 8 s. with n., add 1 p. *, from * to *, 3 s. with n. \u003d 158 P ..

7 R.: No add-ons.

Spin shelves and before

From the wrong side of the work, knit the crochet in front of the shelf of the back together the main pattern 2 as follows: 23 p. Lion. P. SP., We leave 34 p. for a hivecker, prov. 44 P. Prona, we leave 34 p. For a sake-up and link the remaining 23 p. \u003d 90 p. After 14 cm from the coquette, you finish work, then 1 row with. with n ..


We bind the crocheted cutout of the boilers with white string, making holes for the ribbon, then the edge of the spin shelf 3 p. from. without n., performing on the P.PP. 5 p. For buttons.

We also bind the hives and the product at the bottom of 1 r. from. without n. and 1 r. Finish (see above).

Send Buttons and produce a satin tape along the edge of the neckline of the neck. That's all - a children's summer knitted blouse for beginners is ready to delight their little owner!

Openwork children's blouse: Detailed video MK

Smooth loopback and pleasant knitting!

Yarn: Cotton Violet (282 meters in 50 gr.), Hook number 1 for 2.5 years.

Description of blouse for this dress:

1. Square coquette Rent:

Picture of the pattern \u003d 6p + 1 means each line of the regulated must be divided into 6 loops + 1 for symmetry.

For example: the shelf 2 reports \u003d (6 * 2) + 1 \u003d 13petel; Sleeve 4 report \u003d (6 * 4) + 1 \u003d 25Pettel, front (shelf + shelf) 4 reports \u003d (6 * 4) +1 \u003d 25, etc. If you need to increase the number of loops, then add a loop to 1 report on Shelves and 2 on in front of the bushes at your discretion (1 or 2)

Voted 165 removes. loops.
2 hours: 18st + 1stsn, 2B. p., 1stsn + 46st + 1stsn, 2 V. p., 1st + 35st + 1st., 2 V. p., 1stsn + 46st + 1stsn, 2 V. p., 1st + 18st
(+ 1st is an increase, here in this picture is marked with gray STSN)

Next, knit according to the coquette scheme. After 7 rows, repeat with 4 rows.
I draw your attention that the first and last column in the coquette is the columns with Nakud so that the edge of the junction was smooth.
The coquetki scheme (option number 2) differs from the previous one only by the first next to the SECN. (Before 2 V. P No need to make add, that is, the amount of STSN \u003d the number of centuries. n. initial chain). But the number in. P. Each plane lines will still be divided by 6 + 1 !!!In the Obrigation Scheme: In the lower left corner of the coquetki drew extra power supply over in. p, should not be !!!

Knit the coquette of the desired depth (I measure so that it is good for my shoulders).
Before adding a loop for a subside (under handles), knit turning rods only on the hinges of the front and back.
I tried to portray the swivel ranks on two shelves back

When you knit a row of columns with Nakid add to the remuneration. The loop for the cutter (I was added to 18 weapons. The loops + 1 on each side \u003d 3 of the pattern of the pattern). Connect knitting in the circle and then knit pattern in a circle.
You can use such a scheme, only instead of 1 in. n. between reports knit two

2. Soo.
On this scheme, I designated as I knit the initial lifting loops to get a good seam

Arrogments indicate where to clutch a row.
A row of columns with Nakud i start like this: 2 remuneration. Loops + STSN in the same initial loop.
In the next row, the initial loops knit like this: 1 century. P. + Pillar without an attachment in the same initial loop + 1 remuneration. the loop

3. Expansion of the canvas:
After connected knitting into the circle, lie several rows of the pattern right. To expand the web in the rows of columns with an attachment to make uniform gains for 2 reporting reports.

4. Ryushi.
Tied the length of the dresses you need to knit the top Ryush according to the scheme

Ryush Krepim to a row of columns with Nakud.
The second ruff (yellow) knit like this: we flexing the top ruffs and find the wrong lintels of the row of columns with the nakid (in the process I will show in the photo) for these jumpers knit a number of columns with 2 naks. Further, according to the surface of the top ruffle, only instead of the columns with 1 nakid, knit st with 2 nakids. Place the lower Rush relative to the top need in a checker order

5. Siderest.

For a hood to dial 19 loops (3 reports + 1V. P.)
In each row of columns with Nakud (5th and 9th), make uniform increases of 6 loops (for expansion to another pattern of the pattern). The first and last increase in the scheme are not considered !!!
In the 13th row of additions do not need. It should be 65 loops. Make a strapping according to the Ryushy scheme (start with 2 tbsp. Without Nakida)

6. The neck of the neck.
Threading the main color to tie the neck and the place under the intersection of the semi-brass (on one side to make the loops under the junction). For the invalid lintels of the semi-rolls knit a contrast thread of a series of columns with 1 nakid.

There were those times when moms at home knitted and sewed as needed that family members were to wear. Now needlework for women is not a duty, but the pleasure that they open for themselves. How nice to see the fruits of your work on a cute tea. After all, the thing made by her own hands is unique, the second is so not. A child dressed in a suit or dress made by careless mother's hands, feels special and hotly beloved. Knitted stylish blouse for a little girl crochet - an alternative to expensive warm sweatshirts from the store. Especially urgent it will become in cold weather. Crochet-related blouse circuits, but let's consider at least one example for the girl.

Learning to knit blouse with a crochet for a girl with schemes

The granted openwork baby blouse is original in that it has a lace pattern and crochet coquette for a girl 10-11 years old.

The pattern density will be 17 loops on 15 rows.

  1. Prepare the necessary materials. We will need yarn - 350-400 grams, which contains wool, hook at number 4 and buttons that you like.
  1. Consider schemes 1 and 2.

The pattern begins on them with a column with an attachment and a column with two nakid.

  1. The part begin to knit from top to bottom and back back from the middle of the pass. We recruit 77-85-85-92-100 air loops and knit a number as follows. In the second air loop, knit a column with Nakud, another column with an attachment knit in the next 5-3-3-5-3 air loops. Then remove one air loop, knit a column with an attachment into each 4th air loop and repeat it to the end of the row. After that, we should have the following number of columns with Nakad: 63-69-69-75-81. Remember that 1 air loop at the beginning of the row is equated with a single column with Nakud.

Next, begin to insert markers. It can be pins or clips. The first marker is inserted after 5-6-4-5-6 loops, then 13-14-15-16-7 markers insert after each 4 loop. Total, 6-7-5-6-7 loops remain from the last marker. In each row, we repeat the addition of the next sequence - 5-5-3-3-2 times, and in each fourth row 0-0-2-2-3 times. Total now it turns out 147-159-165-177-189 loops.

Adjasted as follows. Knit 2 loops at 1. The first time from all markers in the row, the subsequent - also from all markers in a series, but on the other hand. Adjusts do before and after markers.

We look at the A2 scheme and knit 1 column with 2 nakida in each of the 4 columns with an attachment, then on the following 7 columns with an attachment, based on the scheme "A". Then we look at the "B" scheme and knit until 10 columns remain with Nakud. According to the scheme "C", we act on the next six columns with an attachment and one column with two nakis.

Go to the scheme 1. It must be read vertically. In the first two rows, the first and last 4 columns with two camids are kicked. Then we are allowed again near the markers in the 4th row. In the 7th row we begin evenly add 16-13-16-15-12 loops. Total turns out 177-187-197-209-219 loops.

The last row ties 28-30-31-33-34 by the columns with Nakid, then 6 air loops (they are necessary for further knitting sleeves), 36-38-40-43-45 columns with Nakud are skipped, then 49-51-55 -57-61 columns with Nakid, again 6 air loops and again we skip 36-38-40-43-45 columns with Nakud. At the end, knit 28-30-31-33-34 columns with Nakud.

Now we have 177-123-129-135-141 loops. We remove old markers and insert new ones through 3 air loops under the sleeve. The first row knit according to the scheme A 2, and then in the same way according to the schemes A, B, p. That is, they are tied by the first and last 4 loops on each side as a column with two nakidami in the first two rows. Continue the A2 scheme until the pattern is accumulated 4-4-4-5-5 times after the cocktails. Thus, the height of the product from the premium becomes 24-24-24-30-30 cm from the armor. This is just the smallest size. It is necessary to tie 0-4-6-4-6 cm according to the A1 scheme to the height of the product equal to 24-28-30-34-36 cm.

  1. Go to knitting sleeves.

It is necessary to knit there and back so that the pattern turns out to be identical pattern on the shelves. The sleeve will be 42-44-46-49-51 loop. Start knit from the marker, and make the first row from the wrong side after three air loops. The first row ties with an allowance with a premium in each air loop. At the same time, evenly reduce the pinches with the allowance to 6 loops.

The accumulation is performed by tiering two hinges together.

The next row ties with the front side by one columns with two premiums in every first 3-1-2-0-1 postbag column. Further, the scheme A 2 knives like this: the scheme "A" - 7 loops, "b" - until 8-6-7-6-7 loops remain, the scheme "C" on the last 6 loops. We end with one column with two premiums in each of the last 2-0-1-0-1 bars with a surcharge.

Turn the product and continue to knit. The fourth rail to knit according to the scheme and equally decrease by 5-1-3-0-2 loops. It turns out only 31-37-37-43-43 loops.

Start the A2 scheme again and continue to knit it down 3-4-4-5-5 times. During the third reproduce, evenly reduce 0-6-6-6-6-loops. It should turn out 31-31-31-37-37 loops. And when the A2 scheme is accounted for 4-5-5-6-6- times on the sleeves, it is possible to continue to knit the A1 scheme until the sleeve becomes 26-30-32-38-40 cm.

The second sleeve fit on the same principle.

  1. The final stage is the assembly of the product. Sushch the sleeves, and then the sew buttons on the left plank.

The scheme provided, the crochet blouse for the girl on which was knitted, was clear to everyone, well, the product itself is ready! Now the question of how to tie a stylish blouse with a hook, will not remain unanswered for you, because I want to create a stylish product for a girl.

Video on the topic

And if you want to tie a blouse of a different style, then these videos may be useful for you.

But my translation:

Size: 0-3 months.

3 Mounds for 50 g. James C.Brett Rainbow Double Knit (100% acrylic)
Hook number 4 and 5
3 Buttons
5 m satin ribbon width 6 mm

Sample: 9 tbsp. with n. and 4 rows \u003d 5 x 5 cm

Reference: Leave the latest paragraph. On the hook, make a nakid and stretch the thread through all 3 p.

Pattern "Shell": 2 tbsp. from 2 n., 1 remote. p. 2 tbsp. with n.
Pattern "Fork": 1 tbsp. from 2 n., 1 remote. p. 1 Art. with n.

Processing the edge of "Pico": * 2 9 tbsp. with n., 3 remuneration. p. 1 Art. with n. In the 1st of the 3 Wait. p., skip 1 tbsp. with n. *, repeat from * to *


Crochet number 4 dial 55 p.
0th row: 1 tbsp. with 2N. In the 4th floor from the hook, 1 tbsp. with 2N. in each. p. to the end (\u003d 52 tbsp. + 3 Rec. p.)

1st row: (addition) 3 remuneration. p. 1 Art. with 2N. in the next. Art., * 2 art. with 2N. in the next. Art., 1 tbsp. with 2N. in each. From the next. 4 tbsp. *, repeat from * to * to the end, 1 tbsp. with 2N. At the top of the 3rd n. Rotate (\u003d 62 tbsp. + 3 Rec. p.).

2nd row: 3 remuneration. p. 1 Art. with 2N. in the next. Art., 1 tbsp. with 2N. in each. Art. to the end, 1 tbsp. with 2N. At the top of the 3rd n. Rotate.

3rd row: (addition) 3 remuneration. p. 1 Art. with 2N. in the next. Art., * 2 art. with 2N. in the next. Art., 1 tbsp. with 2N. in each. From the next. 3 tbsp. *, repeat from * to * to the end, 1 tbsp. with 2N. At the top of the 3rd n. Rotate (\u003d 77 tbsp. + 3 Rec. p.).

4th row as the 2nd row

5th row: (addition) 3 remuneration. p. 1 Art. with 2N. in the next. Art., * 2 art. with 2N. in the next. Art., 1 tbsp. with 2N. in each. From the next. 2 tbsp. *, repeat from * to * to the end, 1 tbsp. with 2N. At the top of the 3rd n. Rotate (\u003d 102 tbsp. + 3 Rev. p.).

4th row as the 2nd row

7th row: (addition) as the 5th row until 1 tbsp remains. with 2N. and 3 remuneration. p. 2 tbsp. with 2N. 1 in Art., 1 tbsp. with 2N. in the top of the 3rd (\u003d 136 tbsp. + 3 weed. p.).

1st row: 3 remuneration. p., * Skip 1 tbsp., 1 shell in the next. Art., Skip 1 tbsp., 1 tbsp. with n. in the next. Art. *, repeat from * to * until it remains 3 tbsp. with 2N. and 3 remuneration. p., skip 1 tbsp., 1 shell in the trail. Art., Skip 1 tbsp., 1 tbsp. with 2N. At the top of the 3rd (\u003d 34 shells). To turn.

2nd row: 3 remuneration. p., * 1 plug in the remuneration. P. Shelli, 1 tbsp. with 2N. in art. with n. *, repeat from * to * until 1 shell remains and 3 removes. p., 1 plug in removal. P. Shelli, 1 tbsp. with 2N. At the top of the 3rd p. Rotate.

3rd row: 3 remuneration. p., * 1 Shell in fork, 1 tbsp. with n. in the next. Art. *, repeat from * to * until 1 fork and 3 removes will remain. p., 1 shell in the plug, 1 tbsp. with 2N. At the top of the 3rd p. Rotate.

4th row: (Separate for the arm) 3 p., * 1 plug in the remuneration. P. Shelli, 1 tbsp. with 2N. in art. with n. *, repeat from * to * another 3 times, 1 fork in removal. P. Shelli, 2 tbsp. with 2N. in art. with n., Skip 7 shells, 2 tbsp. with 2N. in the next. Art. with n., * 1 plug in removal. P. Shelli, 1 tbsp. with 2N. in art. with n. *, repeat from * to * 8 times, 1 fork in removal. P. Shelli, 2 tbsp. with 2N. in art. with n., Skip 7 shells, 2 tbsp. with 2N. in the next. Art. with n., * 1 plug in removal. P. Shelli, 1 tbsp. with 2N. in art. with n. *, repeat from * to * another 3 times, 1 fork in removal. P. Shelli, 1 tbsp. with 2N. At the top of the 3rd n. Rotate.

5th row: 3 remuneration. p., * 1 Shell in fork, 1 tbsp. with n. in the next. Art. *, repeat from * to * 4 times, 1 shell into the chain of the armor between Art. from 2 n., 1 tbsp. with n. in the next. Art., repeat from * to * until 1 plug remains and 3 rewards. p., 1 shell in the plug, 1 tbsp. with 2N. At the top of the 3rd (\u003d 22 shells). To turn.

Repeat row 2 and 3 to make only 8 rows with seashells.

1st row: the involving side to yourself, attach the thread in the same art. with n. With 2 tbsp. with 2N. and 1 remuneration. P. At the base of the armor, 3 of the Wards. p., * 1 fork in the shell, 1 tbsp. with 2N. in art. with n. *, repeat from * to * another 5 times, * 1 plug in the shell, 1 tbsp. with 2N. In the same Art. with n. as 2 tbsp. with 2N. Based on the armor. (\u003d 7 forks). To turn.

2nd row: 3 remuneration. p., * 1 Shell in fork, 1 tbsp. with n. in the next. Art. *, repeat from * to * until 1 fork and 3 removes will remain. p., 1 shell in the plug, 1 tbsp. with 2N. At the top of the 3rd p. Rotate.

Repeat the rows of the pattern, first 1 row with forks, then 1 row with seashells 2 more times.

Track. Row: 1 remote. p. 1 Art. with n. In the base of the War p., * Skip 1 Art., 1 tbsp. with n. in the next. Art., 1 tbsp. with n. in the shell, 1 tbsp. with n. in the next. Art., Skip 1 tbsp., 1 half a half. with 2N. in the next. Art. *, repeat from * to * to the last shell, skip 1 tbsp., 1 tbsp. with n. in the next. Art., 1 tbsp. with n. in the shell, 1 tbsp. with n. in the next. Art., Skip 1 tbsp., 1 tbsp. with n. To the top of the 3rd (\u003d 29 p.). To turn.

Track. Row: 1 remote. p. 1 Art. with n. In the base of the War p. 1 Art. with n. in the next. Art., * 2 Us. p., skip 1 tbsp., 1 tbsp. with n. in the next. 2 tbsp. *, repeat from * to * to the end. To turn.

Track. Row: 1 remote. p. 1 Art. with n. in each. loop to the end (\u003d 29 tbsp.). To turn. Repeat the post row 2 more times.

Track. A row ("Pico"): 1 remuneration. p. 1 Art. with n. In the base of the War p. 1 Art. with n. in the next. Art., * 3 IS. p. 1 Art. with n. In the 1st of the 3 p., Skip 1 Art., 1 tbsp. with n. in the next. 2 tbsp. *, repeat from * to * to the end. Finish.


Sew sleeves. Starting from the bottom edge by the front side to himself, the crochet number 4 to plunge 1 series of Art. with n. evenly along the right edge, around the neck and along the left edge (3 tbsp. with n. in angular loops). To turn.

Track. Row: 1 remote. p. 1 Art. with n. in each. Art. before the neck. To turn. Track. Row: Treatment of edge with a pattern "Pico" to the end. Finish.

Take the same for the other edge of the shelf. Finish.

Hide ends. Sew buttons. Ribbon through each. 2 tbsp. with 2N. Around the coquette and at the bottom of the sleeves. Decorate with robes and bows.