Discharge during pregnancy - normal and pathological in the early stages, in the second or third trimester. Natural and pathological discharge during pregnancy

Each representative of the weaker sex is forced to deal with vaginal discharge. They are cyclic in nature and are directly dependent on the production of certain hormones. Cervical fluid begins to appear with the arrival of the first menstruation (menarche). Regular discharge ends when a woman enters menopause and subsequent menopause.

A separate situation is considered during the bearing of a child. This is where things change a bit. Almost every expectant mother is faced with the fact that she has discharge at the 12th week of pregnancy. It is about them that will be discussed further. You will find out what mucus can come out of the genitals during this period. You can also find out what to do if you find discharge at 11-12 weeks of pregnancy.

What are they needed for…

Allocations at the 12th week of pregnancy, as in earlier periods, occur for the simple reason that this is how nature intended. This mucus is necessary for the formation of cork. It is she who will protect the unborn baby from the penetration of microbes and bacteria into the uterus throughout the entire period. The cork will come out just before the birth.

Discharge at the 12th week of pregnancy should not disturb a woman if there are no additional symptoms. When any other alarming signals join, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will examine you on the gynecological chair and evaluate the cervical mucus. For a more detailed study, the material is taken for analysis.

Normal discharge at 12 weeks pregnant - what should they be?

What should be the normal cervical mucus? During pregnancy, the hormone progesterone acts. It is necessary for the normal tone of the uterus. Without it, the reproductive organ will begin to shrink and simply reject the fetus. It is under the influence of this substance that the abundant separation of mucus from the vagina begins. In the first trimester, it has a transparent tint and can stretch slightly. Externally, the mucus is a bit like egg white.

Allocations to may somewhat change their character. They acquire a whitish or even milky hue. The amount of mucus can be quite abundant. That is why gynecologists recommend expectant mothers to use disposable sanitary pads. They need to be changed regularly to prevent infection.

Candidiasis, or a fungal infection (thrush) in pregnant women

White discharge at the 12th week of pregnancy, which is accompanied by a sour smell, itching and the formation of lumps, is thrush. This infection accompanies almost every expectant mother. However, not everyone has it so clearly. Many women do not experience the described inconveniences. However, yeast is found in their smear.

Thrush during pregnancy does not pose a particular threat to the baby. That is why such discharge at the 12th week of pregnancy is not treated. Correction is postponed for the second third of the term. The optimal time for drug therapy is 16 weeks. It is worth noting that men can be carriers of thrush without being sick with it. That is why both sexual partners must undergo treatment.

Sexually transmitted infections

Yellow discharge at 12 weeks pregnant indicates an infection. At the same time, symptoms such as itching, an unpleasant "fishy" smell join. Sometimes there may be an increase in body temperature. It is worth noting that this condition is very dangerous for the child. Possible infection of the membranes and their premature opening.

With infections of the genital tract, it is imperative to pass an analysis to determine them. Sensitivity to antibacterial agents is also detected. Only then can appropriate drugs be prescribed. The ideal option would be to cure the pathology a few months before conception, but if this did not happen, then the correction is carried out after Among the safest antibacterial agents are drugs based on amoxicillin. Other funds are prescribed only when comparing the risks and benefits.

Inflammatory processes of the small pelvis

At the 12th week of pregnancy, they may occur due to the inflammatory process. It is worth noting that most often the pathology extends to the reproductive organ. As a result, involuntary contractions occur. In some cases, this can cause a threat of termination of pregnancy.

It is always necessary to treat pathology individually. There is no single medicine that suits everyone. In most cases, the inflammatory process in the uterus is eliminated with the help of antimicrobial compounds, tampons for vaginal administration, suppositories and immunomodulatory drugs. However, not all of the listed medicines are approved for use in expectant mothers. Often, the inflammatory process causes abortion.

Hormonal disruptions in a woman's body, or corpus luteum insufficiency

Brown discharge at the 12th week of pregnancy may occur due to a lack of a hormone. Immediately after ovulation, the site of the burst follicle appears. It secretes the hormone progesterone. As you already know, this substance is simply necessary to maintain the normal course of pregnancy.

When progesterone is low, the uterus begins to contract involuntarily. This leads to detachment of the attached fetal egg. A hematoma forms between the wall of the uterus and the embryo. The larger it is, the less likely it is to keep the child. That is why you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Brown discharge is already coagulated blood. That is, the emptying of the hematoma occurred several hours or days ago. It is worth noting that not always the exfoliation of the membranes leads to the fact that bleeding occurs at the 12th week of pregnancy. The hematoma may not open, but resolve on its own with appropriate treatment.

Gynecological examination and tissue damage

At the 12th week of pregnancy, they may be the result of a gynecological examination. As a rule, at the end of the first trimester, doctors conduct planned studies for expectant mothers. For this, gynecological mirrors are used. They help to assess the condition of the cervix and take the necessary tests.

While waiting for the baby, all mucous membranes become more sensitive. That is why the careless action of the doctor can slightly hurt the delicate area. As a result, a small bleeding wound is formed. When mixing droplets of blood with normal secretions, they acquire a pinkish tint.

Cervical erosion

Bloody discharge at the 12th week of pregnancy is often a sign of erosion. It is worth noting that the woman does not feel any other disturbing symptoms. Usually, the discharge increases after sexual contact. They are inoffensive. The expectant mother may notice only a slight "daub" on her underwear.

Erosion of the cervix is ​​a pathology that is obviously not corrected before pregnancy. All due to the fact that the remaining scar can adversely affect the opening of the cervix and cause complications in childbirth. Erosion is treated only after delivery, when the mucous membranes and tissues are restored. Often the problem disappears on its own.

Other causes of discharge at 12 weeks

Many women experience urinary incontinence during pregnancy. In some representatives of the weaker sex, this happens closer to childbirth. Others suffer from the moment of conception. If you find yellowish spots on your underwear, then these may be urine droplets. In this case, the correction of the reproductive system will not help you. It is worth contacting a urologist and getting recommendations.

Violation of the microflora of the vagina can also cause discharge. However, they do not pose any threat to the unborn baby. Much more dangerous is the situation with bleeding.

brown discharge at 12 weeks pregnant

This symptom is almost impossible to ignore. Most often, a woman finds on toilet paper, underwear or while taking a shower. Their intensity may increase with physical exertion. Also, such causal relationships may not exist.

If you find yourself with brown discharge, you need to call a doctor as soon as possible or go to the hospital. The reason for their occurrence may be different changes. Only a specialist can determine exactly your problem.

Why do they appear?

What is the reason for the expectant mother at 12 weeks may have brownish shades of vaginal mucus? As you already know, it could be a lack of progesterone. It is worth noting that this reason is the most common of all available.

Brown "daub" may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the woman feels severe pain in the lower abdomen (on one side). There is also weakness, a decrease in heart rate. Failure to act in such a situation can lead to internal bleeding and death.

Such mucus occurs after careless sexual intercourse, since all surfaces in the vagina become especially sensitive. The slightest effort can lead to damage to small vessels. In this case, there is no danger for the child.

Brown discharge detected at week 12 may appear due to an abortion. In this case, we are talking about an abortion that has begun. However, doctors assure that at this time the size of the fetus is very large. Therefore, to cleanse the uterus, a woman will need surgery (curettage).

What to do when a symptom is detected?

Brown discharge that occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy can be quite dangerous. In some cases, there is a threat to the life of not only the embryo, but also his mother.

If it is possible to terminate a pregnancy, doctors prescribe bed rest, sedatives, which are allowed in such situations. Medicines are also prescribed to help stop the contractility of the uterus. Hormonal preparations based on progesterone are prescribed for any bleeding up to 18 weeks of pregnancy.

With such a pathology as an ectopic pregnancy, a woman is provided with urgent surgical care. During the operation, a pathological egg is removed and the consequences of its development are eliminated.

Brown highlights and forecasts after them

Any discharge during the course of the first trimester of pregnancy should alert the expectant mother. Timely contact with the doctor increases the chance of saving your baby's life. Remember that you can not independently carry out the correction. The use of certain medications can have a very bad effect on your condition. What drugs to take and when it is better to do it - the doctor determines.

If you turn to a specialist in time, then the forecasts will be good. Remember that in such situations, not days, but hours and minutes play a role. If bleeding occurs, it must be stopped as soon as possible.

If a woman is faced with an ectopic pregnancy, then the forecasts will be the better, the sooner she consults a doctor and receives an ambulance. Usually the embryo in such situations is attached in the fallopian tube. Its rupture and subsequent removal reduces your chances of a subsequent pregnancy by about half.

Article Conclusion

Pregnancy is the time when you give life and growth to your baby. Remember that this process must be approached very responsibly. After all, only a healthy woman can save herself and her baby from problems. Be sure to research before planning. Get treatment if necessary. This will be the key to a good course of pregnancy and the absence of pathological discharge. All the best to you!

Now your baby has an anniversary - he is 12 weeks old! It is already so good that only details will be improved further. All major organs and systems have already been formed and are actively working. Dear mothers, just imagine: the top layer of the skin is already being renewed in the crumbs - the epidermis, the “old” cells from which are exfoliated.

Fetus at 12 weeks pregnant: gender, weight and size

In place of eyebrows, eyelashes, on the chin and on the upper lip, fluffy hairs are born. The fingers of the hands and feet have already separated and are covered with marigolds, a skin pattern is formed on the pads - a unique “fingerprint”. And although all organs have already been formed by this time, they continue to develop. The intestine "stood" in its place and is periodically reduced. The pituitary gland and thyroid gland produce hormones and iodine, the liver produces bile, leukocytes appear in the blood in addition to red blood cells, the kidneys, the nervous system work, muscles strengthen, bone tissue continues to mature. The baby is growing rapidly, and now its length is more important than weight. The amount of amniotic fluid increases - at week 12 it reaches 50 ml. The uterus is growing at a rapid pace. Before pregnancy, the uterus is located in the pelvic area and has modest parameters: it weighs 70 g and holds no more than 10 ml. But as the fetus develops and grows in it, it goes beyond its previous location and fills the abdominal cavity. At 12 weeks pregnant, you can already feel and feel it. Interestingly, by the end of pregnancy, the volume of the uterus increases to 5-10 liters, and the weight after childbirth is more than 1 kg! The fetus is already very similar to a baby, it weighs about 14 g and has a length from the coccyx to the crown of the head 6-9 cm. On a special device - doppler - you can already listen to the baby's heartbeat.

Future mom

From the 12th week of pregnancy, you will begin to gain weight up to 500 g every week. Until this time, your increase, if the pregnancy develops normally, should have been 1.8-3.6 kg. If you were tormented by toxicosis, you may even have lost a little weight. But from the second trimester, the expectant mother should noticeably feel better - the corpus luteum is becoming obsolete, the placenta is actively involved in the work. However, if the pregnancy is multiple, then the “storm” can go even further. It's time to start controlling yourself in food: do not overeat, forget about harmful snacks, remember about the needs of your and your child's body for calcium and iodine, as well as the risk of constipation. Drink compotes, eat dried fruits, vegetables, do exercises.


At week 12, the unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis gradually become a thing of the past. If the pregnancy is “traditional”, then nausea and vomiting, and with them irritability, emotional instability, moodiness and tearfulness - all the “intrigues” of hormones - will become only an unpleasant memory for the pregnant woman. True, if mom is expecting twins or triplets, then toxicosis will make itself felt for some time - you will have to be patient. You may have noticed that you have become less likely to go to the toilet in a small way compared to the beginning of pregnancy. But all your internal organs are still working in an enhanced mode, due to the large volumes of blood, you may feel that your heart has begun to beat faster. The uterus continues to grow in size, but this does not yet affect the size of the abdomen, usually by the 12th week of pregnancy, the tummy has not yet rounded. However, if motherhood is the first for a woman, and depending on the physique, in some cases such a “hint” of an interesting position in the form of a slightly protruding belly may already appear now. In any case, a woman personally can already feel some “roundness” of forms and physical changes, even if they are not visible to others. The breast is pouring more and more, the mammary glands are preparing for lactation. As this preparation progresses, some itching of the skin on the chest is often felt. Itching in the chest may be accompanied by itching on the abdomen and thighs - keep in mind that you have a predisposition to the formation of stretch marks, and now take care of prevention. Do not be alarmed if one morning you find age spots or vascular formations on your face - after childbirth they will disappear, but now you have to be patient. Also a short-term phenomenon is a dark strip on the abdomen, going down from the navel, which the expectant mother can acquire at 1 week of pregnancy. This strip is a consequence of the accumulation of the melanin substance, it does not pose any danger, it is not a defect, and after childbirth it will disappear on its own. Now you can feel a certain relief associated with the disappearance of the need to often go to the toilet for a little. The uterus rises higher, ceases to put pressure on the bladder, respectively, it now does not require frequent emptying. Instead, another problem may arise - increased gas formation and constipation: instead of the bladder, now the uterus begins to put pressure on the intestines, worsening its peristalsis. It is possible that as early as week 12, the expectant mother will experience episodic heartburn. True, this symptom is more often characteristic of the later stages of pregnancy, but from time to time heartburn may appear even now. The reason is the weakening of the septum between the stomach and esophagus under the influence of progesterone, due to which gastric juice moves through the esophagus, causing a burning sensation. At week 12, it is already quite possible to take care of the issue of choosing a new, “pregnant” wardrobe. Now you should definitely get enough sleep and rest, choose comfortable shoes with low soles, indulge in good emotions more often. Think more about the baby, about your friendly happy family, indulge in spiritual thoughts, learn to relax and be at peace. The most fertile period of the entire pregnancy is approaching - the second trimester.

Belly at 12 weeks pregnant: pulls, hurts

Pain of a different nature and different localization for pregnant women is not uncommon. One of the most common pain complaints is abdominal pain. Experts reassure: if abdominal pain occurs from time to time, and at the same time “nests” on the sides of the abdomen, periodically giving to the lower back or groin, it usually does not pose any danger. Such symptoms are usually explained by the “intrigues” of progesterone, or rather, its effect on the ligaments that support the uterus, which are now softened and stretch more and more as the abdomen grows. Anxiety should be caused by pain in the abdomen that occurs in its lower part, aching and pulling, possibly cramping. In the presence of such pains, and even more so when they are also aggravated by smearing brown or bloody vaginal discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor. After all, this picture indicates the danger of spontaneous abortion, which can be prevented by reacting in time and taking all necessary medical measures.

Discharge at 12 weeks pregnant

While progesterone “rules the ball” in the body of a pregnant woman, the discharge remains slightly thick, of a uniform consistency, light or milky in color, without any unpleasant odor, with a slight sour smell. Any change in the color of the discharge towards yellow or green-gray, the appearance of discharge with an unpleasant odor, with impurities of pus, frothy or curdled discharge indicate the attachment of an infection. Now, during pregnancy, when the woman's immune system is weakened, genital infections are not at all uncommon. Most often, women during pregnancy are faced with thrush, or candidiasis, an infectious disease caused by fungi of the genus Candida. Changes in secretions can also be caused by the pathogenic effects of chlamydia, trichomonas, cocci. And almost always, infectious diseases of the genital tract are accompanied, in addition to atypical discharge, also by discomfort in the perineal region - itching, burning, which are aggravated after urination. In the presence of the above symptoms, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and undergo specialized treatment to prevent infection from entering the fetus. The “signal” for immediate medical attention should also be the appearance of brown or bloody discharge. Bloody discharge against the background of pain in the abdomen indicates an increased risk of miscarriage. If the separation of blood is not accompanied by pain in the abdomen, and is usually observed after a medical examination or sexual intercourse, most likely, erosion of the cervix takes place. Both in the first and in the second case, one cannot do without consulting a specialist. And if spotting is associated with the risk of miscarriage, you may also have to go to the hospital for preservation on the recommendation of a doctor.


Week 12 usually becomes the very first meeting of parents with their baby: the first planned ultrasound, if a woman is disciplined registered at 6 weeks, falls on this particular week. But if for mom and dad, ultrasound will be a way to see the baby on the monitor and experience genuine joy from this, then for the doctor leading the pregnancy, ultrasound is an invaluable method for assessing the condition of the uterus and fetal development. During an ultrasound examination, the doctor will examine the condition of the uterus and its tone, see the location of the placenta, and set the estimated date of birth. The task of ultrasound at the 12th week of pregnancy is also the size and dynamics of the development of the fetus. Already at this stage, ultrasound examination allows you to determine the risks of developing congenital pathologies or chromosomal abnormalities. But it should be remembered that the results of an ultrasound scan can in no way be regarded as a diagnosis: if after the session the specialist has any suspicions, the mother will need to pass additional tests and undergo an in-depth detailed examination. The doctor compares all the indicators obtained during the ultrasound with the indicators indicated in the table of normal values. Again, the results of the first ultrasound will later be used to compare with the results of subsequent ultrasound studies - so the specialist will be able to track the progress of the pregnancy and monitor the development of the baby.

In practice, brown daub during pregnancy is very, very common. Not in all cases, this portends danger and promises problems with gestation. But absolutely always, doctors urge women in such situations to seek medical advice: spotting of any color, quantity and consistency at different stages of pregnancy can mark a real danger.

Actually, the biggest difficulty is this: there are a number of reasons why spotting in early and late pregnancy is considered a physiological norm, but also many situations when they are a sign of a serious disorder. Therefore, never jump to conclusions and always confirm your guesses or fears in the gynecologist's office.

If not in most cases, then at least very often, women are worried about this phenomenon in the early stages of pregnancy. Moreover, it can occur already in the very first days and weeks - at 3, 4, 5, 6 weeks. Sometimes it seems that this is the beginning of menstruation, or that there is a brown daub instead of menstruation.

Most likely, this is implantation bleedingoccurring between 6 and 14 days after conception: a fertilized egg at this time is attached to the walls of the uterus, which may be accompanied by a slight release of blood of any color and barely noticeable pain in the lower abdomen from the side of implantation. Most often, implantation bleeding has a pale color - pinkish, cream, beige, light brown. It looks like a slight admixture of blood to the usual vaginal whites.

Since with the onset of conception, the hormone progesterone begins to dominate in the body of a pregnant woman, creating in it all the conditions necessary for the preservation and development of pregnancy, under its influence, light brown discharge can occur from time to time at different stages of pregnancy, starting from the beginning - 9, 10, 12 week. They are minor, not accompanied by pain and other discomfort. May resemble discharge, as on the last day of menstruation. Also, such a symptom may indicate a lack of progesterone, and in this case, the pregnancy is in jeopardy.

Some women normally have a brown daub in the form of an ichor (the so-called "daub") in the first trimester - on the days of the expected menstruation.

In most cases, light brown discharge is not dangerous, but risks can still be. But if you observe dark brown discharge during pregnancy, and especially if they are accompanied by other dangerous symptoms, then you should contact your gynecologist immediately.

Dangerous brown discharge during pregnancy

It is very difficult, and even almost impossible, to independently reliably determine the cause of such a phenomenon. This is exactly the case when it is better to play it safe and go for an examination to the doctor. There are frequent cases when blood from the vagina during pregnancy, including brown, indicates a threat of miscarriage, which often occurs in the very early stages. It is possible that the pregnancy develops ectopically: in this case, it will have to be interrupted. If, along with this symptom, other signs of ectopic pregnancy appear, then in no case should you hesitate: every minute is precious!

If you complain of brown vaginal discharge, your doctor will likely refer you for an ultrasound to diagnose your condition more accurately.

Ultrasound is able to detect disorders and pathologies that require immediate medical attention:

  • ectopic pregnancy: when the fetal egg is fixed in a place not suitable for its further development;
  • detachment of the fetal egg: when an already attached embryo begins to be rejected by the mother's body, as a result of which spotting occurs;
  • placental abruption or placenta previa: noted at a later date and also threatens pregnancy with its interruption or premature onset of labor. In this case, dark brown discharge during pregnancy will be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen;
  • missed pregnancy: with intrauterine death of the fetus, the body will begin to try to get rid of it, which is accompanied by a number of characteristic signs, including spotting.

Any of these conditions require immediate medical attention. And only a specialist can confirm any of them. Therefore, to do nothing or rely on one's own guesses is at least irresponsible. Most of all, brown discharge during pregnancy should cause concern if at least one more sign is present at the same time:

  • there is nausea, vomiting;
  • dizziness, fainting are observed;
  • there is a strong weakness;
  • chills occur;
  • bleeding is profuse;
  • accompanied by pain in the abdomen or lower back, radiating to the rectum.

Do you observe brown discharge during pregnancy, while your stomach hurts, you feel sick, you feel dizzy? Go see a doctor! And let him reassure you that this is just a “side effect” of your condition, which does not threaten you and the baby in any way. God would. In the meantime, exclude any physical activity: strict bed rest is indicated. In this case, it is better to lay your legs on a hill.

Brown discharge in late pregnancy

We have not yet mentioned that the cause of the appearance of brown blood from the vagina may be some diseases of the genitourinary system of a woman. Also, with erosion of the cervix, this phenomenon is not at all uncommon. In this case, brown spotting may appear due to a mechanical effect on the neck: after intercourse, after a gynecological examination, etc.

By itself, neither erosion nor the discharge arising from it poses great threats, but after childbirth, the disease will have to be treated if it does not disappear on its own.

If spotting occurs at 38-39 weeks of gestation, then there is a very high probability that this is a mucous plug. It looks like a fragment of clear or whitish mucus, which may contain streaks of blood. Sometimes the cork leaves gradually, in parts (slight mucous discharge) or all at once (in the form of a clot of dense mucus), but this is always a harbinger of an early birth: they can begin after a few hours or only after a few days or even weeks.

Especially for - Elena Semenova