The relationship of physical education with the intellectual and mental development of the child. The role of the family in the development of the preschooler. Based on the results of the survey, for each child, the average value of the indicators of the level of mental development is displayed

All children develop at a different pace, some faster and some slower. There is no single template. However, if a child begins to walk and talk later than his peers, this can become a cause of anxiety for parents, they suspect that the child is behind in development. Of course, the age range when children take their first step or pronounce the first word is very wide, so a slight lag behind generally accepted norms is not a cause for concern. Lagging in physical and mental development can be calculated by the characteristics of the child's behavior, so parents of "lazy" babies should know what to look for in order to determine if the child is lagging behind in development.

Why is the child lagging behind in development?

Delays in mental and physical development can be caused by a number of reasons:

  • Wrong pedagogical approach. At the same time, the developmental delay is explained not by impaired brain function, but by neglect of upbringing. The child does not know and does not learn many things despite the fact that he is absolutely healthy. If the baby is not encouraged to do mental activity, his ability to absorb and process information is reduced. Such problems are eliminated with the right approach and regular exercise.
  • Impaired mental function. This feature is revealed by the nuances of behavior, which indicate mental retardation and a delay in the manifestation of mental reactions. Children with mental retardation do not have disturbances in the functioning of the brain, while they have immature behavior that is not typical for their age. This is often manifested by increased fatigue and insufficient performance.
  • Biological factors that lead to a child's developmental delay. These can be disorders in the body and diseases during pregnancy, alcohol and tobacco smoking during the period of bearing a child, heredity, pathologies during childbirth, infections at an early age.
  • Social factors that the child is lagging behind in development. These include strong control or aggression on the part of parents, mental trauma suffered at an early age, etc.

Types of mental retardation in children

In modern medicine, mental retardation (PD) in children is divided into 4 main types:

  • Mental infantilism. The child is quick-tempered, whiny, not independent, violently expresses his emotions, his mood often changes, it is difficult for him to make decisions on his own, his emotional-volitional sphere is disturbed. It is difficult to identify such a condition, since parents and teachers cannot figure out whether the child is lagging behind in development or is simply indulging. But by drawing an analogy with the normal behavior of the child's peers, this feature can be identified.
  • Mental delay of somatogenic origin. This group consists of children with chronic illnesses or frequent colds. Also, a similar delay in development is manifested in children who have been too patronized from birth, preventing them from learning about the world and learning to be independent.
  • Neurogenic causes of the child's CRA. Such violations occur in the absence of attention on the part of adults or, on the contrary, excessive custody, violence on the part of parents, trauma suffered in childhood. With this type of developmental delay, the child's moral norms and behavioral reactions are not brought up, he often does not know how to show his attitude to something.
  • Organic-cerebral developmental delays. They appear due to organic abnormalities in the body that affect the nervous system and the brain. The most common and most intractable type of developmental delay in a child.

Doctors say that it is possible to identify deviations in the development of a child already in the first months after his birth. When a child turns 3-4 years old, this can be done unmistakably, it is enough to carefully observe his behavior. The main signs of a child's developmental lag are based on the fact that the baby may be especially developed or absent altogether some unconditioned reflexes, when these reactions are present in healthy children. You should pay attention to the following features of the baby's behavior:

  • At 2 months old, the baby is unable to concentrate on anything - cannot look or listen carefully.
  • The reaction to sounds is too harsh or absent.
  • The infant cannot follow a moving object or focus his gaze.
  • At 2-3 months, the baby still does not know how to smile.
  • At 3 months and later, the child does not "hum" - a sign of speech disorders.
  • A grown-up kid cannot clearly pronounce letters, does not remember them, cannot learn to read.
  • A child in preschool age manifests dysgraphia (violation of writing skills), inability to master elementary counting, inattention and inability to concentrate on one thing.
  • Violation of speech in preschool age.

Of course, this list is not a reason to diagnose and assume that the child is lagging behind in development. To identify the disorder, you need to consult with a specialist who can determine if the baby has a disorder.

Practice shows that the sooner parents pay attention to deviations, the more likely they are to cope with them. If a child is lagging behind in development, then his treatment should be started already from the first months of his life, in this case good results can be achieved quite quickly, especially if this condition is not due to biological, but social factors.

Physical, intellectual and spiritual development of the personality- three whales on which ours stands.

It often happens that we work hard, but not a step closer to the intended goal. This is because by performing the intended actions, we do not change ourselves. To change your environment, your life, you need to change yourself - this is the law of Nature. We are not isolated from the outside world, and therefore any change in your internal state entails a change around you.

The success that we achieve is directly related to our inner world, with our constant improvement in all areas of life: in business, in personal life, spiritually, health, relationships with others. Reaching one level, you need to strive for a higher one. As soon as the aspiration disappears, degradation begins.

It is important to find people who will become your guides in this or that area of ​​life. It is very difficult for one to understand what to do and what to strive for. You can learn from other people, see how they act, imitate them, and thus reach a new level of your life.

There are three areas in which you need to improve:

  • Physical development of the personality;
  • Intellectual development of personality;
  • Spiritual development of the personality.

Physical development of personality

Our main resource is health. This is the basis for all our achievements. You cannot do anything without health, because you will not need anything. Ask yourself - are you leading a lifestyle that strengthens your health? Do not be fooled - today you are healthy and feel great, and tomorrow the body cannot withstand the lifestyle that does not strengthen health in any way, but only destroys it, and breaks down, starts to hurt.

You cannot poison yourself with alcohol and cigarettes, eat fatty, low-quality food stuffed with chemicals, do not burden yourself physically - and hope that you will have good health. Sooner or later, the body can not stand it, and rewards with a bouquet of sores.

In order for you to have powerful and excellent health, you need to give up bad habits, and do:

Intellectual development of personality

The basis of your progress towards Success is receiving and processing new information ... You must be able to obtain information, organize and systematize, and most importantly - apply. Ideally, you should strive to receive only the information that you need at the moment in order to move forward in realizing your goals. This is not the case in life - usually you receive and process information in much larger quantities.

Analyze the time during which you receive any information: communicate, read books, watch TV, sit at the computer. And ask yourself, do you really need to do what you are doing and spend time on it? If you want to relax by reading an art book or watching TV, maybe it is better to go to nature? At the very least, it will be good for your health.

Read books that will be useful to you. If you are engaged in your own development, then you can easily find a lot of books that are worth reading. Or improve your professional skills.

Make a list of the books you need to read, the videos you need to watch, and start working through them methodically. Then you need to retell what you understood several times to your friends and acquaintances, so that the ideas that you have gleaned fit in your head and become yours.

In a very short time, you will become an expert in any field that you need.

Also attend trainings, free and paid, study in online and real institutions, find yourself teachers, mentors and like-minded people. Repeat the actions of successful people, constantly learn new things and put them into practice.

Spiritual development of personality

Without spiritual development, a person cannot be happy. Spiritual development is constant improvement in all areas of your life. Only then will you feel satisfaction with your life, when all areas of your life will be revealed to the maximum.

There is one very simple way to check if you are investing 100% in everything you do. After completing any business, ask yourself and others: what grade on a 5-point scale did you deserve? Always strive for 5.

There are three steps in any business:

  • Creation... Male energy of the birth of ideas, plans, goals. The stage of forming a dream and planning is like the process of giving birth to a child, pleasant and short-lived, but which is the impetus for everything else.
  • Implementation... Feminine energy of action, when you need to persistently and painstakingly realize your goals. A woman patiently carries a child for nine months before he is born.
  • Achievement... The success you get. The child is born and lives his own life. The goals have been achieved, and you are enjoying the result deservedly.

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The article talks about the relationship between the development of a child's movements and the development of his intellect (based on the works of Russian and foreign teachers). From birth to school, the child's brain develops very actively, especially powerfully up to 2.5 years. It is very important not to waste precious time, because the brain is a muscle and it needs to be trained. The possibilities for children are endless!



The development of the intelligence of a preschooler

through the development of his motor activity.

The human brain is a great thing. It works until the very minute

while you get up to give a speech. "/Mark Twain/

In its historical development, the human body was formed under conditions of high physical activity. Every day primitive man had to run and walk ten kilometers in search of food, constantly flee from someone, overcome obstacles, and attack. So four main vital movements were distinguished, each of which had its own meaning: running and walking - to move in space, jumping and climbing - to overcome obstacles. For millions of years, these movements were the most important condition for human existence - the one who mastered them better than others survived.

Now we see the opposite picture. The development of science and technology has contributed to a gradual decrease in the physical activity of people. But all human abilities are a product of the activity of the cerebral cortex. About 60% of the signals go to the brain from human muscles. Already in the 50s, it was proven that the brain is a muscle and must be trained.

An increase in IQ occurs at different stages of a person's life path. American scientistGlen Domann has shown that early interventions are especially important for the development of intelligence. A child is born with "bare" hemispheres. Neural connections in the cerebral cortex (intelligence) begin to form from the moment a child is born, and they develop most intensively from birth to 2.5 years.

20% of a child's future intelligence is acquired by the end of the first year of life, 50% - by 3 years, 80% - by 8 years, 92% - by 13 years.

The younger the child, the faster and more neural connections are formed.

According to psychologists: a small child learns the world through activity. And his activity is expressed, first of all, in movements.

Undoubtedly, G. Domann is right, asserting that in the history of mankind there are no more inquisitive researchers than children. The first ideas about the world, its things and phenomena come to the child through the movements of his eyes, tongue, hands, movement in space. The more varied the movement, the more information enters the brain, the more intense intellectual development. The development of movements is one of the indicators of the correct neuropsychic development of a child. Studying the development of the brain and its functions, G. Domann objectively proved that with any movement training, both hands and brain are exercised. The most important and surprising thing is that the earlier the child begins to move and the more he moves, the faster his brain grows and develops. The more physically perfect he becomes, the stronger his brain will develop, the higher his motor intelligence will be, and, accordingly, his mental intelligence.!

Doctor and teacher V.V. As a result of deep medical research, Gorinevsky came to the conclusion that lack of movement not only negatively affects the health of children, but also reduces their mental performance, inhibits overall development, and makes children indifferent to their surroundings.

According to Professor E.A. Arkina - intellect, feelings, emotions are excited in life by movements. He recommended giving children the opportunity to move both in everyday life and in the classroom.

Many researchers have found that:

“To make the child smart and sensible,

make it strong and healthy.

Let him run, work, act -

let him be in constant motion. "
J. -J. Russo

Academician N.N. Amosov called movement the "primary stimulus" for the child's mind. Moving, the child learns the world around him, learns to love it and purposefully act in it. He proved experimentally that the development of motor skills of the fingers depends on the skills of logical thinking, its speed and effectiveness. The underdevelopment of the child's motor sphere makes it difficult for him to communicate with other people, deprives him of confidence.

A variety of movements, especially if they are associated with the work of the hands, have a positive effect on the development of speech.

A child of the 21st century, according to academician N.M. Amosova, is faced with three vices of civilization: the accumulation of negative emotions without physical discharge, malnutrition and physical inactivity.

As a result, the internal organs in their development lag behind growth, therefore, various diseases and abnormalities occur.

Studies by N.M.Schelovanova and M.Yu. Kistyakovskaya show that:

the more diverse the movements that the child performs, the richer his motor experience, the more information enters his brain, and all this contributes to a more intensive intellectual development of the baby.

To increase intellectual activity, it is necessary to use physical activity systematically. They improve the flow of thought processes, increase the amount of memory, develop the ability to switch from one activity to another, and focus attention.

It should be emphasized that the acquisition by a child of a huge number of motor skills and abilities can be achieved only with a purposeful, well-organized motor mode.

The highest IQ was found in children who exercise 4-5 hours a week.

You cannot develop a child's ability to move without, to one degree or another, not developing visual, manual, auditory, tactile and language skills.

There are six functions that make man stand out from all other creatures. They are all a product of the cerebral cortex.

Three of these functions are motor in nature and are completely dependent on the other three - sensory functions. The six human functions are distinct from one another. However, they are completely interconnected. The better these skills are developed, the more success the children have.

  1. Motor skills (walking, running, jumping).
  2. Language skills (conversation).
  3. Manual skills (letter).
  4. Visual skills (reading and observation).
  5. Hearing skills (listening and understanding).
  6. Tactile skills (sensation and understanding).

The more physically developed children are, the higher their level of general development, including intellectual development. But it is worth noting that more than 60% of children are physically inactive.

In this regard, there is a need to improve the motor experience of children, which will contribute to the maximum development of each child, mobilization of his activity and independence.

Depending on the degree of mobility, children can be divided into three main subgroups: high, medium, low mobility.

Children of average mobilityThey are distinguished by the most even and calm behavior, uniform mobility throughout the day. Their movements are usually confident, clear, purposeful, conscious. They are inquisitive, judicious.

High mobility childrenare distinguished by unbalanced behavior, more often than others they find themselves in conflict situations. According to my observations, due to excessive mobility, these children do not have time to grasp the essence of the activity, as a result of which they have a "low degree of its awareness." Of the types of movements, they choose running, jumping, avoid movements that require precision, restraint. Their movements are fast, harsh, often aimless. The main attention in the development of motor activity of children with great mobility should be paid to the upbringing of purposefulness, controllability of movements, improvement of the skills to engage in more or less calm types of movements.

Children with low mobilityoften lethargic, passive, get tired quickly. Their volume of physical activity is small. They try to step aside so as not to interfere with anyone; they choose activities that do not require a lot of space and movement. In sedentary children, it is necessary to educate an interest in movement, the need for mobile activities. Pay special attention to the development of motor skills and abilities.

Movement, even the simplest one, gives food for children's imagination, develops creativity. The main means of its formation is emotionally colored physical activity, with the help of which children learn to express their emotions through body movements.

Of particular importance in the formation of the motor creativity of preschoolers are game motor tasks, outdoor games, physical entertainment, which are always interesting for children. They have a great emotional charge, differ in the variability of the constituent components, and make it possible to quickly solve motor problems.

Children learn to come up with motional content for the proposed plot, independently enrich and develop play actions, create new storylines, new forms of movement. This eliminates the habit of mechanical repetition of exercises, activates, within accessible limits, creative activity for independent comprehension and successful application of familiar movements in non-standard conditions.

In the course of teaching motor actions, the child's cognitive, volitional and emotional forces are developed and his practical motor skills are formed. This means that teaching movements have a purposeful impact on the inner world of the child, his feelings, thoughts, gradually emerging views, moral qualities.

Physical intelligence(or bodily thinking) Is the work of the brain complex, which controls any physical activity, both external and internal.

Scientists have found that human consciousness needs about 0.4 seconds. in order to fix a new phenomenon. Whereas the body can assess the situation and react in 0.1 seconds. Thus, if you pay due attention to the development of physical intelligence, you can gain some abilities:

1. Ability to quickly navigate in unforeseen situations.

2. Ability to master physical skills, moreover, almost without making mistakes.

3. Endurance and the ability to work longer, quickly switch and focus your attention from one activity to another.

4. Ability to easily endure a stressful situation or illness.

5. Develop and use body language that conveys most of the information in communication.

6. Increase the productivity of any activity without much energy expenditure.

Thus, you can derive the following formula:

It was proved by special experiments that restriction of children's freedom of action, expressed in various forms - restriction of physical activity or in constant "mustn't," "don't go there," the child's impulses for research and, therefore, limits the possibility of independent, creative study and understanding of what is happening. This is a ban on the development of all thought processes!

P.S. For parents: Test to determine the level of development of physical intelligence



You learn faster by holding an instrument or device in your hands and trying to do something on your own than when someone is directing you.

You are a frequent visitor to gyms, regularly perform a set of physical exercises

Constantly rely on your own gut to make the right decisions

You can easily imitate the movements and manners of another person

Feel frustrated if you are inactive or perform repetitive movements

By profession, you are a surgeon or carpenter, mechanical engineer, etc. (a profession where physical intelligence is especially important)

Enjoy your chores

Watch sports channels, give preference to sports programs

All your best ideas came to you while you were out for a walk, jogging, cooking.

When communicating with others, you gesture

Love to play pranks on friends and acquaintances

Spend the weekend in nature

You show signs of hyperactivity

Enjoy playing sports in your free time

Boast physical grace and good coordination


Evaluation of results:

1-4 - physical intelligence, unfortunately, is underdeveloped.

5-8 - not all is lost, just your physical intelligence needs a good shake-up.

9-13 - the level of development of physical intelligence is above average.

14-16 - you have a high level of physical intelligence.

It should be noted that the brain must not only work, but also learn to rest more deeply. Disconnect for 1-5 minutes - dump unnecessary information, exercise will also help switch.

This, of course, may seem paradoxical: in order to fully relax, you need to exercise! But for psychologists this is not news - it has long been proven that full muscle relaxation can be achieved just after their strong tension, many methods of psychotherapy are based on this. For example,Method "Key" H. Aliyev - Synchrogymnastics "Unlock your abilities, find yourself!"

The "key" is a controlled ideomotor action that automatically relieves stress. With the "KEY" you can:

Quickly enter a state of deep relaxation and rest, relaxation;

Increase resistance to stress;

Increase immune protection, activate self-healing processes.

"Key" helps:

Significantly accelerate the healing process of any painful condition, especially psychosomatic conditions;

Get rid of fear, complexes and stereotypes of thinking that limit the freedom of creativity;

Gain confidence;

Concentrate quickly;

Unleash the potential of creativity;

Reinforce the effectiveness of any teaching and training.

The advantages of the method:

Speed ​​- the result can be obtained in the first lesson.

Accessibility - even a child can master the technique.

Range of practical applications - the method can be used for treatment, relaxation, memory development, disclosure of hidden abilities, intuition and much more.

Key "allows a person to establish a relationship between mind and body.

Trains the ability to focus.

Exercises of the "Key":

Imagine that the hands go up by themselves.

  1. "Skier"
  2. "Twist" - turns left and right, standing
  3. Back bend
  4. "Swing your hands"
  5. "Lash" - blows with hands on the shoulders.

The effectiveness of the "Key" method has been proven by studies conducted from 2002 to 2007. GNII VM MO RF

1) Psychophysiological indicators.

The index of physical condition, which characterizes the readiness to perform physical activity, increased by an average of 53%.

The duration of continuous intense monotonous activity increased by an average of 2.5-3 times.

Indicators of fatigue: The ability to write without errors appeared after 8-13 minutes.

The integral indicator of the functional state of the cardiovascular system improved by an average of 12%.

At the same time, it improves physical performance, reduces fatigue and makes it easier to perform physical actions, without the usual stress, and a decrease in distraction.

The improvement on the scales was respectively:

On the scale of "well-being" (in an integrative form reflects the functional state of the body) - 18%;

On the scale of "activity" (reflects the current energy potential) - 18%;

On the scale "mood" (reflects the emotional attitude to the internal and external conditions of life) - 20%.

2) Psychological indicators.

The level of situational anxiety was significantly reduced by 55%.

In the dynamics of conditions arising after passing the course of anti-stress training, it was revealed:

Normalization of mood;

Reduced anxiety;

Lack of a pronounced emotional reaction to situations that worried earlier,

Increased activity and efficiency;

Sleep normalization

Stabilizing self-esteem, increasing self-confidence;

Balance, (decrease in irritability, a pronounced state of "calmness").

"Star of self-regulation"

1. Divergence of hands.

2. Convergence of hands.

3. Levitation of hands.

4. Flight.

5. Self-oscillations of the body.

6. Head movements.

Exercise "Scanning" for emancipation:

1) 30 seconds - any repeated head turns in a pleasant rhythm.

2) 30 seconds - any repetitive movements at shoulder level in a pleasant rhythm.

3) 30 seconds - any repetitive movements "from the hip" in a pleasant rhythm.

4) 30 seconds - any repetitive movements at leg level in a pleasant rhythm.

5) Repeat the found liberating movement again.

Child development is an important stage in the formation of a self-sufficient personality. It is at an early age (before puberty) that basic life skills are formed, fundamental knowledge about the surrounding reality is laid, and new information is absorbed most quickly.

Intellectual development of the child: concept

Psychologists and teachers in specialized literature are debating the essence of intellectual development. There is an opinion that this is a certain amount of skills and knowledge, or the ability to assimilate this knowledge and skills, to find solutions in non-standard situations. In any case, the child's intellectual and cognitive development cannot be unambiguously determined in advance: the pace can be accelerated, slowed down, partially or completely stopped at some stage (depending on the circumstances).

The multifaceted and complex process associated with the development of various aspects of the personality is an important part of the overall development, preparation of the child for school and later life in general. The intellectual and physical development of the child is carried out as a result of the influence of the conditions and circumstances of the environment. The leading role in this process (especially with regard to children of preschool and primary school age) is assigned to systematic education.

Intellectual education of the child

The pedagogical influence on the younger generation in order to develop intelligence is called intellectual education. This is a systematic and purposeful process, which implies mastering the social and historical experience that has been accumulated by older generations, represented in skills and abilities, knowledge, norms and rules, assessments.

Children include a whole system of various methods, means, creating optimal conditions. Depending on the age, the child goes through several stages. For example, at the end of the first year of life, most babies have visual-active thinking, because they have not yet mastered active speech. At this age, the child gets to know the environment through the tactile study of various objects.

Sequence of stages of development

Each previous stage of a child's development creates the foundation for the next. As you master new skills, old ones are not forgotten and do not cease to be used. That is, if a child has already learned, for example, to tie his shoelaces on his own, then he cannot “forget” this action (except in cases of serious illnesses and injuries that affect the functioning of the brain), and any refusals can be perceived by the parents as whims.

Components of intellectual development

The intellectual and moral development of children is achieved by various pedagogical and educational methods. A significant role in this process is played by the family (the desire and ability of parents to take care of the child, a favorable atmosphere) and school (educational activities, various activities, communication with peers and interaction in society).

Parents, educators and teachers, as well as all other persons involved in the learning and development process, need to encourage the child's activity, the desire to learn new things. Joint activity turns out to be very productive. It is necessary to choose an activity that is interesting for both (both the child and the adult), an entertaining intellectual problem and try to solve it.

Creativity is an important aspect of the intellectual development of preschool and primary school children. But a prerequisite is that the child should enjoy the process of learning and creativity. If tasks are performed in order to earn some kind of reward, out of fear of punishment or out of obedience, then this has nothing to do with the development of intellectual abilities.

Play is one of the most important activities for a child. It is in the process of playing that you can instill an interest in learning, creative and cognitive activities, and reveal artistic abilities. Usually the game develops the ability to concentrate longer and be active. Themed games require imagination, observation and memory, while sculpting and painting are useful for developing fine motor skills and a sense of beauty.

Emotional development of a child up to one and a half years

The intellectual development of a child from birth to three years old is based on the emotional perception of the world around him. Information is acquired only through emotional images. This forms the further behavior of the child. At this age, it is necessary to strive to maintain a friendly atmosphere in the family, which positively affects the growing baby.

A leap in physical and mental development occurs at the age of 1.5-2 years. At this time, the child learns to speak, learns the meaning of many words, can communicate with others. The child can stack pyramids and tower blocks, can handle a spoon well and can drink from a mug on his own, dress and undress, learn to tie shoelaces, fasten buttons and zippers. Character changes noticeably.

Logical model of assimilation of information

From one and a half to five years, a new stage begins, the level of the child's intellectual development rises. Basic life skills are actively formed, the ability to master musical tones, artistic images appears, logical thinking develops. Intellectual games, for example, logic tasks, constructors and puzzles, strongly stimulate the child's development. This age is great for mastering a variety of creative pursuits, actively reading books and learning a foreign language. The child absorbs knowledge, strives to develop and quickly perceives new information.

Speech model of development of a preschooler child

In the intellectual development of preschool children (4-5 years old), an important stage is the moment when the child begins to perceive and remember information spoken aloud. Practice proves that a preschooler can learn a foreign language much faster than an adult. Therefore, many parents make the most of this fruitful time in order to direct the baby's energy into a useful channel.

Useful activities will be reading books, talking about the world around you (the period of "why" is not over yet), memorizing short poems by heart. Parents need to maintain constant contact with the child, find answers to all questions and select useful options for spending time (preferably together). Emotional support, praise for achievements does not lose its relevance.

Between three and six years of age, it is advisable to use puzzles, to solve intellectual puzzles independently or jointly with the child. The child's intellectual development is not limited to teaching specific skills (reading, writing, counting), because the modern generation needs to have a well-trained semantic memory, developed logical thinking and stable attention for successful study and future life. These are complex mental functions that need to begin to form at an older preschool age.

The tasks of mental education of preschoolers

In the process of intellectual development of preschool children, several pedagogical tasks are achieved, among which should be listed:

  • development of mental abilities;
  • the formation of a general understanding of the norms and rules governing social relations (interaction between children, children and adults);
  • the development of complex mental processes (speech, perception, thinking, sensations, memory, imagination);
  • the formation of ideas about the world around;
  • development of practical skills and abilities;
  • the formation of various ways of mental activity;
  • formation of competent, correct and structured speech;
  • development of mental activity;
  • formation of sensory perception.

Models of development of preschool children

The features of a child's intellectual development are individual, but many years of pedagogical experience of researchers (educators, teachers and psychologists) made it possible to identify the main models. Distinguish between emotional, speech and logical development models.

Children who develop predominantly in an emotional model are usually more susceptible to criticism, need approval and support, and are successful in the humanities and creative activities. The logical model assumes the ability to solve logical problems, determines the disposition to the exact sciences and the receptivity to musical works. The speech development model determines the child's ability to memorize information well by ear. Such children love to read books and talk on given topics, do well with the humanities and learn foreign languages, memorize poetry.

In order to grow a developed personality, prepared for later life, it is important for parents to take an active part in the process of the child's intellectual development, without placing all the responsibility on the educational (upbringing) institution, teachers and educators or other persons (grandmothers and grandfathers). A necessary condition is a comprehensive impact on the consciousness of the younger generation, which can be carried out in the process of playing, joint developmental activities or simply productive communication.

Piaget's theory of intellectual development

The Swiss philosopher and biologist believed that the thinking of an adult differs from that of a child in greater logic, therefore, it is precisely the development of logical thinking that should be given considerable attention. Jean Piaget at different times distinguished different stages of intellectual development, but most often the classification included four successive stages: sensorimotor stage, preoperative stage, stage of specific operations and formal operations.

During the period of the sensorimotor and preoperative stages, children's judgments are categorical, units, not connected by a logical chain. The central feature of the period is egocentrism, which should not be confused with egoism. Already from the age of seven, the child begins to actively form conceptual thinking. Only by the age of twelve or a little older does the stage of formal operations begin, which is characterized by the ability to think combinatorially.

Children with intellectual disabilities

Corresponding to the medical term "mental retardation" in pedagogy is the concept of "intellectual disability". For children with intellectual disabilities, a special educational system has been created, there are separate schools and orphanages, but in a number of cases today inclusive education is used (jointly with children without intellectual disabilities).

Typical manifestations of a reduced level of functioning of mental processes aimed at cognition of the surrounding world and consistent development are deficiencies in mnemonic activity, a decrease in the indicators of verbal-logical thinking, difficulties in understanding and perception, the predominance of visual-figurative thinking over abstract-logical thinking, an insufficient amount of knowledge and the volume of ideas. for a certain age.

Causes of deficiency

Intellectual disability is the result of a combination of organic and social factors. In the first case, we are talking about the peculiarities of the functioning of individual structures of the brain caused by damage, trauma, congenital or acquired diseases. The group of secondary causes is the special conditions of development (domestic violence, conflicts, neglect, alcoholism of the parents, neglect of the child).

Teaching a special child

The purposeful development of a child with intellectual disabilities is more significant than teaching his normally developing peer. This is due to the fact that children with disabilities have fewer opportunities to independently perceive, save and further use the information received. But to achieve success, not any is important, but special organized training, which is aimed at the formation of positive personality traits, provides a range of necessary practical skills, basic knowledge necessary for existence in the modern world, and provides for the correction of existing shortcomings.

Motor development, improvement of the system of perception and cognition are closely interconnected. The development of the brain and motor activity causes the transformation of the child's cognitive schemes, and this, in turn, improves his perception abilities.

From an almost helpless creature to a little man, independently moving on two legs and actively speaking, the baby progresses with amazing speed. From birth to one year, his mental development proceeds quite actively and purposefully. The more favorable conditions you provide, the more success he can achieve.

The study of the laws of development of higher nervous activity showed that the senses are included in the work only when they have an appropriate impact. A baby, of course, cannot provide himself with all kinds of influences on his own; an adult must help him.

A loving mother, taking her baby in her arms for feeding, swaddling or bathing, lulling and soothing, becomes a richest source of information for almost all senses: hearing, vision, perception of touch, warmth, changes in body position in space. Information is primarily needed for the normal functioning of the senses. Moreover, the impact should be varied and change from time to time. The way a person enters life largely depends on his first experience of communicating with the world. And for a baby, the world is, first of all, you are his parents.

The period of infancy is the most important period in human development. What the child "absorbs with his mother's milk" will stay with him for life and will add unique touches to his personality.

A growing body, a developing brain, needs good sleep, which is an indispensable condition for the normal growth and development of a child. A healthy baby sleeps a lot in the first month of life - from 17 to 20 hours a day. To make the child fall asleep, create appropriate conditions for him - dim lighting, quiet music and, of course, a time-tested remedy - sing him a lullaby.

This is from time immemorial an existing universal sleeping pill, and the lullaby has always been intended not only to calm the child, it was the original form of introducing the child to the world of the people around him, the main means of education in infancy. "The song of the mother is the main song in the world, the beginning of all human songs," wrote the Kazakh poet Rasul Gamzatov.

Your lullaby combines melody, rhythm, affectionate movements and words - the optimal balance of influences necessary for the normal physical, emotional, cognitive development of the child. If you sing lullabies from an early age (and even during pregnancy), your baby will begin to "hum" earlier and, therefore, exercise his vocal cords - a necessary tool for the implementation of speech function.

The full development of a child depends on his ability to control his body. This process is ordered and subject to general biological laws. This is manifested both in the growth and formation of individual parts of the body, and in the development and improvement of their functions.

Your child is born with a series of motor operations that are practically ready for use, which he gradually transfers from involuntary under his conscious, volitional control during the first few months of life. For pediatricians, the manifestation of these reactions is important information about the degree of development of the infant's nervous system.

It is these motor operations that help him adapt to the world and rapidly progress in his development. The baby is already ready to learn about the world and learns it in motion. In a newborn, from the moment of birth, many complex movements develop mainly according to a genetically given program in the process of maturation of the organism. Reflex movements arise immediately and without special training from the first hours of life under the influence of appropriate internal and external stimuli.

At birth, a baby has sensations of all modalities, elementary forms of perception, memory, thanks to which his further cognitive and intellectual development becomes possible.

Smell, as one of the oldest and most important sense organs, begins to function in a child immediately after his birth. Elementary vision, movement and hearing have the same features.

In the first two months of life, the child demonstrates the ability to reflexively turn his head in response to the touch of an object to the corner of his mouth, squeezes his palms strongly when touching their surface, and makes general uncoordinated movements with his arms, legs, and head. The newborn has a well-developed contact sensitivity, which plays an important role in the life of the baby. His reactions to touching the face in the mouth area are a manifestation of the search reflex, with the help of which the child is able to find a source of food from the first minutes of life.

The sucking reflex is one of the main biological "tools" for the life support of the newborn. Sucking may seem like a very primitive act. However, it is not: sucking acts as a cognitive and creative process. It is of great importance for the mental development of the child. This form of activity for the baby is the first and most accessible. It is in her that such an important quality as the ability to learn is manifested. Moreover, studies show that the more actively the baby interacts with the mother, the more intense his sucking movements become. The mouth becomes the main research tool with which the baby discovers the world for himself, so you should not always occupy this active organ with a pacifier or a finger.

In addition, the child has the ability to visually track moving objects, turn the head in their direction. In maternity hospitals, in the first days of their life, children instinctively turn their faces towards the window, from which daylight pours.

You have probably noticed yourself that the child definitely prefers sweet liquids over others. This means that the infant is able to distinguish between substances by taste. He is even able to determine the degree of sweetness. Even at the sixteenth week of fetal development, the child's taste buds are formed, and he already recognizes his mother "by taste." If mom is full of sour apples, the baby frowns, from sweets - smiles. Before birth, children really like the smell of vanilla, strawberry, banana. The newborn senses smells, reacts to them by turning the head, changes in the heart rate and breathing.

Thus, it is necessary for the child to receive more information that he is already able to "process". The need for information is associated with one of the most important human needs - the need for new impressions, which is clearly manifested at about the third or fifth week of a child's life and acts as visual concentration. Observing the behavior of the infant, psychologists have found that the lack of impressions even in a completely healthy, well-fed and well-groomed child can cause screaming and crying. You have probably noticed more than once that the child calms down and looks carefully when you start making different faces for him or showing him bright, shiny toys.

The need for new impressions is generated by the inclusion in the child's life of the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for higher mental manifestations (thinking, memory, speech, etc.). The human brain is designed in such a way that its development is possible only as a result of active work. Therefore, your baby's brain needs stimulation.

Lack of information is the main reason for the lag in mental development of children in an orphanage, where they do not receive proper attention from adults, there is no proper organization of impressions for the child's senses.

However, it is hardly necessary to excessively enrich the child's environment, presenting him with an incredible abundance of various toys and rattles. The child's nervous system during this period is very vulnerable, he is extremely susceptible to any influences and quickly gets tired.

The role of various sensations, thanks to which children perceive the external world, increases unusually rapidly in the first year of life. Due to the interaction with surrounding objects and people, the development of the brain and the visual system, especially the improvement of the eyes, the amount of information that can be perceived by the senses increases.

The most interesting in this regard is the child's reaction to receiving this or that information, which can be judged by the sucking of the pacifier. If the child is shown something interesting and entertaining, for example, shaking a funny rattle in front of his eyes, then you will notice how his behavior will change: the nipple in his mouth will freeze for a while, but then the interest will disappear and the sucking will continue.

In newborns, sensations and motor acts are related to each other. They think in a primitive way, communicate with you not through words, but through separate, incoherent sounds. As their motor skills and perception abilities develop, mental and language skills become more complex. By the end of the first year, the baby is already thinking purposefully and is ready to say his first word.

The physical maturation of the organism plays a certain role in the development of intelligence. Of the biological abilities that appear in a child during the first two years of his life, three seem to be the most important: ability to imagine (representation of a missing object), iconic memory and symbolic encoding ... They appear in the indicated sequence at about the sixth, twelfth and eighteenth months of the child's life. These biological abilities allow children to form and develop systems for the presentation, coding and transformation of information perceived with the help of the senses.

When children have not yet fully mastered the language and they do not have mental images for words, their knowledge of people and objects is formed on the basis of information they receive from their own sense organs and random movements. During this period of children's development, all learning is carried out through reflex actions and the five senses. If you put any object in the baby's hand, he will immediately grab it. He grabs your finger, toys, blankets, your hair - and he does it all in the same way. Touch his lips with your finger and he will immediately begin to suck on it. To loud sounds, bright light and sudden movements, he will react with crying. Almost all the behavior of newborns is subordinated to "master" objects in one way or another in contact with them with the help of the system of innate reflexes of sucking and grasping.

Your child is an inquisitive and creative creature. Everything is interesting to him, he wants to touch, taste, explore. These needs should not be extinguished in him. After all, all that is done for him is not self-indulgence, but a serious occupation - comprehension of the surrounding world of objects and things. Forbid the child only what is dangerous for him.

Children "practice" all the skills they have at a certain stage of development. A newborn has very few such skills - only unconditioned reflexes. Your kid repeats them over and over again. Newborns do not distinguish one object from another, so they treat all objects in the same way.
Gradually, the child begins to memorize, deposits in his brain all the information coming from the outside world, and he no longer needs to feel, feel, perceive any external influences in order to understand what is happening around him.

By the age of two months, your baby's behavior will no longer be purely reflexive. He develops the habit of sucking his thumb, which indicates the formation of the ability to coordinate the actions of the hands and mouth. If until now thumb sucking was accidental, now the baby voluntarily, deliberately "directs" the movement of his thumb, directing it to the mouth and achieving the desired result - thumb sucking.

The kid can already distinguish between sucking a pacifier and a blanket; when he is hungry, he knows to reach out to his mother. Your baby quickly learned that some things he sucks give milk and others don't. In his brain, various schemes appear to distinguish between objects that give or do not give milk, and at the same time certain reactions to them are formed.

Your baby will follow you when you make any sounds, move around the room. This behavior suggests that he can already coordinate hearing and vision, and he also developed the ability to focus on any objects - objects and people. However, if you leave the room or his favorite toy disappears from sight, your little one will act as if you never existed.

At the age of four to eight months, babies perform purposeful actions and their behavior becomes even more controlled, coordinated. The patterns that developed in the baby's mind in the early stages are now coordinated by him. Now the objects simply relate to the child's environment, but do not directly touch his body. His behavior appears randomly, but if the result is enjoyable, then your baby will repeat a certain movement. He begins to form some idea of ​​the constancy of objects and people, that is, understanding that they exist even if they cannot be seen.

Awareness of the constancy of people appears in babies before they can realize the constancy of objects, but this happens on the condition that they have a warm relationship with their mother or father.

At this age, children can "guess" the location of moving objects, that is, they can try to grab a moving toy in the place where it is supposed to appear.

Between the ages of four and twelve months, your little one coordinates the old patterns by which he tries to get things done. Now there is a further improvement of purposeful and voluntary actions. The kid can deliberately combine some arbitrary movements in his actions to achieve a goal, for example, to get a toy.

Physical activity has a great influence on intellectual maturation in the process of a child's development. The baby's energy is overwhelming, the main thing is to direct it to a safe channel for him. The evolution of motor activity is carried out in several stages. Its stimulation consists in encouraging the baby to move from one stage to another.

Swimming is invaluable. Swimming with the baby for a long time and, most importantly, regularly, it brings the child joy, gives him courage, increases his resistance to diseases, and develops a sense of balance. His lung capacity increases, that is, the body is supplied with oxygen, which, in turn, improves brain function. It is necessary to teach a child to swim from birth.

After the child has learned to crawl, he needs help to overcome this milestone. The prone position is preferable for both sleep and wakefulness, surrounded by visual stimulants (bright toys, various objects). The supine position allows the baby to explore its arms and develop the grasping reflex, but it is better to put the baby on its back only when you want to play with it.

The crib should be large enough so that the baby can turn freely there both during sleep and after waking up.

At this age, it is useful to carry out gymnastics with the baby, which consists of the following exercises:

1. Place your baby on his back. Cross his arms across his chest and pull lightly on them.
2. Do the same for the legs.
3. Putting the baby on his back, bend his right leg at the knee and lift it to the tummy, bend the left arm at the elbow and place it on the chest. Then do the same with the left leg and right arm.
4. Take your baby in your arms. Tickle the baby and tip over gently to strengthen the muscles.
5. Place the child on your shoulder and circle with him.
6. Place the baby on a large rubber ball with his belly, holding it firmly, move the ball in all directions.

The next stage in the development of motor activity is walking on all fours at the age of four to twelve months. It is necessary to organize a large space for the baby where he could, being safe, calmly develop his mobility. When the child tries to kneel, help him by supporting his legs with your hands. Teach your child to back away by creating games for this. It is very important to monitor the rhythm of the development of the baby's motor activity. If you force learning, the child will get scared and stop learning new movements. The exercises are the same as in the previous stage, but, as the child grows and gets stronger, they become more difficult.

The next step, between eight months and two years, is walking. This period is quite difficult, as it turns out that helping a child to walk is not so easy. It is important for parents to understand that their patience and endurance are necessary conditions for their children to successfully master the difficult skills of walking on their feet. With the development of physical skills in a child, some awkwardness is natural: it will take some time before the baby starts running well on his own, and while he stumbles all the time, falls, fills himself with bumps. The main thing is to make sure that he does not hit the back of his head.

The ability to change the direction of walking, to swerve in one direction or the other, or even backward, develops rather quickly in children. Motor skills are improved on the street when the toddler plays with toys that can be rolled along with him or in front of him. While walking, make him walk holding hands. When the baby is standing, leaning on something, call him to you so that he takes a few steps and comes into your arms. Let the child walk barefoot at home, as it is easier for him to walk if he can feel the surface of the floor with his feet. It is important for loving parents to remember that, actively moving, the child trains his body, thus establishing connections between the brain and motor activity.

It also needs its own gymnastics, which will help develop balance in the child, make him feel his own body and feel the strength of his muscles. It must be repeated daily:

1. Place your baby on your shoulder and on the inner bend of your elbow and circle with him. Change the position: the child lies on the elbow on the back, on his stomach, on his side.
2. Take two of the child by the hands and ankles and gently swing the child.
3. Now swing the baby by holding one ankle and one hand.
4. Lift the child by the arms and circle in different directions.
5. Take the child under the arms, toss it into the air and catch it.

Teach the kid to somersault, for this he needs to pull his head in and roll forward. When he gets used to it, place the child on his back, press his hands to his head and pull up on his legs to help him do a backward roll.

Turn the baby upside down and make him walk on his arms, then he will need to press his chin to his chest. Finish gymnastics with somersaults. Such exercises will cause indescribable delight in your child. But you need to do them on a hard mattress. Be careful, but don't be overly sure - you need to instill in your child a taste for calculated risk and absolute faith in you.

The motor skills acquired by children allow them to stand and move, due to which the world they know expands, and in addition, it becomes possible to study it from different points of view. The more information a child receives from his senses, the more successful his mental development is.

Many of the motor skills that a child tries to master include learning to manipulate. The easier your baby is to manipulate his hands and fingers, the more quickly he will turn over the pages of books, button up buttons, use a fork and spoon.

Manipulation skills do not come immediately, so you should encourage your child to exercise more. If your baby cannot fasten a button, and is busy with it for a long time, do not bother him. Of course, you can do it faster, but let him cope with this difficult task for him. Teach your child to unscrew lids, string objects on a string, pour water into a vessel with a narrow neck. Special toys will help you with this. Be sure to have the simplest constructor and pyramids in your kid's arsenal.

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