Healing spells for colds and flu. Healing from a cold. Magic conspiracy

Throughout our lives, we are exposed to various stresses that weaken our immunity. In the modern world, events happen instantly, and often we do not have time to protect ourselves from diseases. Prayers for health will help you to always be in great shape so that flu and viruses are bypassed.

There are many religions and beliefs in the world, but if you look, the meaning is the same everywhere: turning to Heaven, we are looking for protection. Someone prefers to use prayers, others use conspiracies, and the rest are used to relying on positive thinking and affirmations.

In fact, everyone is right in their own way, because faith helps any of us in life. It is she who makes us move towards our goals and hope for the best. Appeal to the Higher Forces has a beneficial effect on the biofield, cleansing and strengthening it. It is the presence of strong energy protection that helps not only to cope with diseases and various infections, but also to overcome difficulties and obstacles.

Prayers for health

There are many options for turning to Heaven for healing. It all depends on who you are used to praying to and how serious the illness is.

In the early stages of the disease, you can turn to the Blessed Virgin Mary or your Guardian Angel. In this case, there is no specific text, since the request for health must be sincere and come from the heart. Therefore, you can use those words that will come to you during prayer.

If the recovery is delayed and there is a risk of complications, you should contact the Holy Great Martyr and healer Panteleimon.

Saint Panteleimon, I humbly ask you to turn your gaze to the servant of God ... (name of the patient). You, who knew all the torments on Earth and the blessings in Heaven, who suffered not only for yourself, but also for faith in the Almighty. I beg you for help. Come and heal the servant of God ... (name of the patient), protect him from illness and from all kinds of ailments. Let him live his life in health and clear mind and praise your name and the Lord God. I trust in your mercy and thank you sincerely. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Such a prayer should be read three times a day until the person gets better. Then you can contact the healer once a day. It will also be a good help if the patient himself or one of his close relatives puts a candle to this Saint in the church.

However, prayers alone are not enough for recovery. There is no need to abandon modern medicine, because turning to the Higher Forces helps to heal a person only at the energy level. Combine several techniques to achieve your goals, don't be afraid to experiment, trust the Universe and don't forget to press the buttons and

09.02.2016 00:50

Prayer to a revered Christian saint, whom God endowed with the gift of healing sick people, is considered one of the strongest. ...

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If you are tired of constantly looking for a way to treat colds, then it is best to use folk methods. They will be more effective if you add a cold spell to them. Such methods have previously saved more than one generation. So, spells can really be trusted.

Conspiracy for colds

Why is it worth using this particular method of treatment?

The answer is quite simple: "This method is used as an adjunct to the main treatment in order to speed up the result."

Yes, they will help the first time, the second and the third, but they will significantly spoil the immune system, and the body will no longer be able to fight any disease, not just a cold. Colds tend to be seasonal and every year we get sick and spend a lot of money on medicines. Maybe you should try folk remedies for colds, for example, slander. With the help of magical texts in ancient Russia, almost all diseases were treated.

The proposed spell helps against colds in cases where the disease is not accompanied by a high temperature of 38.8 degrees. And it's definitely not the flu. You can pronounce it on any drink that is given to the patient. Accordingly, pronounce directly on a glass of liquid and immediately give to drink. The runny nose will go away after the first application, and the cold itself will disappear on the third day. In some cases, the very next day there will be no trace of it.

Put your hand palm up under the glass, so your pure energy will flow into the drink, and read the plot:

“Water, widow, flowed underground, flowed into my mug. As it hit, it disappeared, and the ailment with fever and a leak took it from the nose. She took it to the depths of the earth, hid it, and saved the servant of God (name) from the sore, delivered. Amen".

cold spell

This slander is read with the use of millet, used for children and adults. In the morning you need to buy millet and come home to sift through a sieve. We put in a fabric bag of a single color. We lower both hands into the bag, pour it from place to place and pronounce the plot:

“I didn’t buy millet for myself, I didn’t collect it for porridge. She sowed, removed the dust, and took away the disease from the servant of God (name). You don’t get sick, you don’t cry, you don’t talk about illnesses. Take away from the servant of God (name) a cold, a red sore from the lips and body, from the head and legs. I'll take you to the birds, and I won't even cook porridge. I close the words with the key, and send the key to a distant pond. Amen (3 times)."

Put the bag under the pillow, on the second day, shift the cereal under the feet, and on the third day, scatter it under the mattress. On the morning of the fourth day, feed the birds. There is no difference between home and street.

A conspiracy from a fever in a child

When reading, you can wipe the child's body with cool water. At the same time, pronounce a conspiracy from temperature:

“Heat, hot retreat. Do not disturb the servant of God (name), do not torment. With all my heart I will love, listen to the servant of God (name). You came to me, the servant of God (your name), gave me the mind. I indicated the mistakes, and now go the other way from the body of the servant of God (name), step back. Amen".

cold remedy for lips

Colds do not always leave marks on the body. But there are cases and the person always suffers. It's hard for the female gender. To get rid of the effects of a cold on the lips and around the nose as quickly as possible, as well as the presence of abscesses or boils, you can always use a milk spell. Only natural milk and honey are used. Milk (20 ml) is heated to 45 degrees and 3 tbsp. spoons of honey. In the process of adding and mixing, say a conspiracy:

“What is left by the sore - disappear, what is given by the disease - take away, and return my face. So that it is clean and attractive, without acne and boils, without red spots and abscesses. Key. Language. Lock".

This mixture is rubbed daily on the face. To quickly get rid of the effects of a cold, you can do lotions and rubbing not one, but several up to 9 times a day. Lotions are made no more than 3 times a day for 15 minutes. Liquids must be allowed to dry on their own.

Do not wipe with other means than milk. It is advisable to take herbs or linden honey. It will also be better if the honey is liquid, but it cannot be specially heated.

Spell to ward off a cold

Mixing equal amounts of fresh applesauce and honey, brew the infusion. We read a plot on him:

“Heat and flow out of the nose. I persuade the ailment with honey, I discourage the forbidden fruit. What is said is fixed. It's set up by me. Amen (3 times)."

For a quick recovery, take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Words from a cold

By instilling a saline solution (200 ml of water / 1 teaspoon of salt) into the nose, read the slander against the common cold:

“For the nose to breathe, I didn’t know the leak, I forgot about the runny nose. Burns, bakes, but forgot the ailment. Key. Language. Lock".

A conspiracy from colds for a child

If the temperature has receded from the child and you can bathe him. So, it is possible to talk water in the bathroom. We pour water, baptize three times, and read the plot:

“Consecrated by God, purity of body and soul must be given. Amen".

Bathe your baby in person. At the same time, imagine how the disease falls off in pieces from the body of the child.

Ritual for colds for babies

The rite is called licking the cold, suitable for infants and children up to 6 years of age. It is necessary to lick off the tongue from the heels to the top of the head, then from shoulder to shoulder. After each movement, spit over the left shoulder. In the process of licking, they say a spell:

“Like water off a goose, thinness leaves the servant of God (name)”

You need to do this three times each time you bathe your baby.

Conspiracy against flu + video

Three times a day, clasping your head near the temples of the patient with both hands, say a conspiracy against the flu:

“I will take away the heat from the body, I will take away the illness from the body. Let the disease sink in the swamp, but find no way to the servant of God (servant of God) (name). There is her life, there her life, with worms and toads to while away the eyelids, but the sickness in the body does not know the way back. Amen".

Then wash with holy water and let dry.

The common cold is a disease that all of us have experienced. With unpleasant symptoms, people try to cope with the help of various means, ranging from the use of traditional medicine recipes and ending with drugs. Unfortunately, often the treatment with pharmaceutical preparations does not pass without a trace for the whole organism and, trying to get rid of the symptoms of a severe cold, one has to deal with the negative consequences of the use of drugs in the future.

Not everyone knows that it is not at all necessary to poison your body with chemistry, if you turn to the use of magic. A simple conspiracy for colds will help reduce fever, reduce cough and runny nose, give strength, remove sore throat without medication.

The ritual for a child's cold will be a lifesaver for loving mothers who care about the health of their children. Such effective and very strong. With their help, you can get rid of SARS and influenza not only for children, but also for adults.

However, in relation to a child, a conspiracy for a cold will work faster than an older person. This phenomenon is explained simply, children are much closer to higher powers and God, often believe in miracles and magic, and they also do not have such a burden of sins on their shoulders as adults.

Conspiracy for colds and flu

To conduct the ceremony, you will need to pour dried blackcurrant or raspberry leaves with boiling water. Take 100 grams of foliage per liter of water. As soon as you fill the ingredients with liquid, say the following words: « Neither in the North is there such wondrous tender beauty, nor in the South is there such a magical depth of the sea, nor in the West are there such extraordinary heights, but on the eastern side all living creatures unprecedented have gathered, high mountains have spread, seas have spilled with deep oceans. There in the palace sits the queen of unprecedented beauty, all living things obey her and are carefully guarded. She has a magic tree in her heavenly garden, fruits grow on it, and bees protect it. As honey bees collect, so the health of the servant of God (the name of the patient) will be brought. May it be so. The word is spoken, the lock hangs on it, and the key lies deep in the ocean».

Leave the decoction for about an hour. Let the patient drink four times a day in equal parts. Please note that the infusion must be consumed hot and with a teaspoon of honey. If you give a decoction to an adult to drink, then you should not devote him to the magical details of the origin of the drink. People who are biased towards rituals can, with their distrust, nullify the effect of the conspiracy or even refuse to use the infusion.

Strong conspiracy for colds

If a cold is accompanied not only by weakness and chills, but also by a severe runny nose with a cough, then a ritual for any liquid that the patient drinks will help to cope with this painful condition.

To perform the ritual, take a cup of tea, water or decoction in your left hand and say a conspiracy in such a way that the surface of the liquid fluctuates slightly from your breath: “Let Nicholas the Wonderworker and George the Victorious, Mother of God Mary and Prophet Peter, Saint Elijah and Saint Catherine, King David and wise Solomon help. May the Lord our God Almighty direct them to help the servant of God (the name of the patient), so that his illness passes and goes into oblivion. I beg you by this conspiracy and act according to your order. Amen".

Perform this ceremony at least three times a day.

A conspiracy from a cold to the water

During the ceremony, take clean water and sea salt. Three spoons of white gold per glass of liquid. Throwing salt into a glass, stir it clockwise and say a conspiracy: “Vodichka is clean, I beg you to wash away his illness from the servant of God (name), take it to the deepest depths of the seas-oceans and lock the inclement ailment in the underworld so that it will forget the servant of God (name) forever.”

Wash the patient with charmed water three times, while saying: “I wash you with clean water, I return health to your body.”

Conspiracy from the common cold

Take a clean handkerchief of the patient and cast a spell on it: “From the nose of the servant of God (name), as he takes this handkerchief, nothing else flows and does not hurt. My word is strong. May it be so. Amen."

cough conspiracy

Make a yeast dough and, while kneading it, say the following words three times: “In the swamp there are all kinds of living creatures, on the deep bottom of the ocean - sea reptiles, in the thicket of the dense forest - animals unprecedented, as soon as I mix the dough to the end, the cough of the servant of God (name) will go to these places and will not return. May it be so. Amen."

Make pancakes, pies or a pie from the dough. All households and guests can eat ready-made pastries, but it will only help the person for whom the ceremony was performed. The family should not be devoted to all the details of your cooking, otherwise the magic will not work, and you risk eating up the charmed shortbreads yourself.

Definitely do not neglect the doctor's call if the symptoms worsen and the condition worsens. But conspiracies also should not be ignored, they can speed up the healing process.

Such a seasonal disease as a cold can pretty much ruin a life if it is not cured in time. Today, traditional medicine offers many effective medicines that allow you to remove the unpleasant symptoms of the disease in a short time.

But, unfortunately, many potent drugs can cause allergies or lead to other malfunctions in the human body. Therefore, you should know that as an alternative to traditional methods of treatment, you can use special magical effects. Almost all of them came to the modern world from antiquity, so it can be argued that they are all time-tested.

All rituals are very simple and effective, but only on condition that you really believe in the power of magic. The conspiracy against a cold should be pronounced clearly and in each phrase you should feel your confidence that the disease will soon recede and you will return to normal life.

A conspiracy for a cold can be directed at oneself, but can also be read over a sick person. Very often, folk remedies are used as additional attributes in rituals against colds, the effect of which is enhanced by magic words.

Ritual with salt

At the first sign of a cold, you need to perform a ritual with salt, which will allow you to get rid of unpleasant signs of the disease as soon as possible. For the ceremony, you need to use coarse salt, as well as spring or melt water.

It is necessary to pour water into a glass, throw a pinch of salt there and say the following words:

“Mother, natural water, pure and transparent, I turn to you, the Servant of God (my name), wash away all the aches and pains from me (or give the name of a sick person), take the malaise and weakness into the depths of the sea, drag the disease into a deep pool , put a stone collar on it. And never come up again, but forget about me (or name the name of a sick person) there forever. Amen".

After that, you need to moisten the middle finger of the right hand in the charmed water and apply drop by drop on the forehead, chest, in the region of the right and left shoulder.

In the process, other words are spoken:

“I, the Servant of God (my name), command the charmed water, I conjure white natural salt. Leave the aches and pains from the body, head, and heart. Let your eyes be clear and your face bright. Amen".

Conspiracies to strengthen folk remedies

As you know, folk remedies are good for colds. Their effectiveness can be increased by magical conspiracies.

If a high temperature rises during a cold, then you need to knead the head of garlic into gruel and say the following words:

“I drive away with magical words, the Servant of God, (my name) frontal heat, a hundred natural streams and trunks will help me in this. There will be no fiery fire either in the forehead or in the crown of the head, the temperature aches from the bones will go away, and the pain in my sternum will leave. I drive out the ailment and I won’t let it go back. Amen".

After that, you need to grate a slice of black bread with gruel and eat it.

To treat a cold at the initial stage, you should rub your chest, feet and palms with vodka and wrap yourself in woolen scarves.

“As people walk on fresh and transparent dew, so it gives them strength drop by drop. A bad disease will not live, it will not create disgrace on the lips, it will not breed rust in the nose, it will not spill redness in the throat. From the Servant of God, (his name), the disease will forever turn away and disown.

As you know, one of the most unpleasant manifestations of a cold is a runny nose. But at the same time, it is rather poorly treated with drops and other medications. Therefore, you can help get rid of a cold to a sick person with the help of simple magical conspiracies.

For one of the effective ways, you need to give a sick person a red rag and ask him to blow his nose into it.

After that, you need to wrap the nail with it and put it in any slot, pronouncing the following words:

“I don’t place a nail in a slot, but I pin a nasal ailment against the wall. Just as this nail will never, anywhere, ever come in handy, so the snot from the nose will no longer flow. My conspiracy is strong, and the disease will quickly recede. Amen".

It also helps with a runny nose and a charmed infusion made from dry birch buds. To prepare it, you need to pour half a teaspoon of kidneys with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for an hour.

The filtered solution must be spoken with these words:

“The healing solution will wash the nose and wash away the snot. More so that it does not burn, does not hurt, does not sneeze and does not tickle. Amen".

After this, the infusion should be drunk by a sick person, who should immediately be put to bed. This rite is recommended to be repeated for three days before going to bed.

Cold conspiracies are white magic, so you can use them without fear of harming yourself or another person. But at the same time, the first medical help should not be neglected, because other serious diseases can be masked under the symptoms of a cold.

Complete collection and description: a prayer for cough and runny nose for the spiritual life of a believer.

Cough is one of the most common and unpleasant symptoms of respiratory diseases. In the season of colds, it annoys many sick people and causes a lot of torment, especially if it becomes protracted. Usually, special medicines are used to treat cough, which are presented in pharmacies in a huge variety. However, getting rid of this scourge and recovery will come much faster if you combine a magical cough conspiracy together with pharmaceutical preparations.

The principle of the cough conspiracy

Any magical conspiracy is a special verbal formula that comes into close contact with the human energy field and has a certain effect on it. The cough conspiracy is also no exception.

A cough conspiracy belongs to the category of healing rites. The principle of operation of any healing conspiracy boils down to the fact that its vibrations, communicating with the patient's biofield, launch a special program, as a result of which the human body is tuned for recovery. According to the same scheme, the cough conspiracy conducts its work.

Cough conspiracy: rituals for different occasions

Cough conspiracy after a cold (“frog conspiracy”)

A very simple conspiracy that quickly helps to eliminate a cough. It is usually read during the treatment of colds, when the main signs of the disease have already gone (i.e., the patient has begun to recover), but the cough remains as a residual symptom. The words of the conspiracy are:

Cough conspiracy for washing water

A cough conspiracy pronounced on holy water taken in the church. Church water is used in many rituals and ceremonies, so it is advisable that you always have its supplies in your home.

Needle cough conspiracy

This cough conspiracy is focused on those cases where a cough is also accompanied by a tickle and sore throat.

First you need to prepare all the items necessary for the ceremony: church candle - 1 piece, new sewing needles - 6 pieces, a bowl of clean water , tweezers(to hold the needles). Ritual time - sunset .

The procedure for the performer:

  1. Light a candle, wait for a good flame, say the first sentence of the plot.
  2. Take one needle, red-hot its end on a candle flame (it is better to hold the needle with tweezers so as not to burn your fingers). Throw a red-hot needle into a cup of water, while pronouncing the second sentence of the conspiracy.
  3. Perform similar actions with the remaining 5 needles, saying for each the appropriate part of the cough conspiracy.
  4. After all the needles are in the water, you need to carefully drink from the bowl in small sips 6 times (be careful with the needles). If the ceremony is performed to treat a child, water can be given to him from a teaspoon (also 6 times). The water in the container must remain.
  5. With the onset of dawn, take this bowl of water and needles, go to a lonely tree: stick the needles into the bark of the plant (trunk), pour the rest of the water under the roots. Go home without looking back and without starting conversations with anyone.

The text of the plot is as follows:

If the cough is accompanied by a sore throat

Below, this cough conspiracy is relevant for cases where the patient, along with a cough, is also worried about a severe sore throat. The text is whispered into a glass of holy water:

The sick person should drink the charmed water, or gargle with it.

Conspiracy from a lingering cough

A protracted cough is treated with water, to which the following conspiracy is slandered. This water is used for washing. The period of the ceremony is 3 days in a row (can not be missed).

Conspiracy-amulet against coughs and colds

If you want to deal with a cold and all the unpleasant symptoms that accompany it as little as possible, I recommend protecting yourself (or your loved ones) with one simple conspiracy. Read it in the morning, before you start washing. It is especially useful to use this plot during the cold season. The text is like this:

A few more conspiracies that will ensure your health and longevity - look at the video:

If a child coughs

It is so laid down that children have a weaker immune system compared to adults. In the season of colds, many of them are not spared by the disease. Any mother endures the suffering of her own child hard, and any mother can protect her blood from illness with the help of a folk conspiracy.

If a cough has attacked a child, a conspiracy to honey can help get rid of the symptom. It should be pronounced either by the mother of the child, or by the grandmother, or by another person who definitely does not want evil for the baby. It is believed that the conspiracy will work more effectively if the godmother of the baby reads it.

The text of the conspiracy should be spoken on a teaspoon of natural honey, then dissolve the bee product in warm water and give the child a drink with the resulting drink. The words:

The ritual should be carried out for several days in a row - until the baby feels better.

It is allowed to pronounce this conspiracy on cough syrup - so that magic enhances the therapeutic effect of the pharmacy drug.

The nuances of treating a cough in a child with the help of a conspiracy

Children are naturally very impressionable. Therefore, the performer must be sensitive when using magical conspiracies to treat a child. It is recommended to adhere to several conditions:

  • the plot must be chosen as simple as possible so as not to inadvertently frighten the child, not to embarrass him, but it is better not to carry out the ritual in front of his eyes at all;
  • charmed drugs should be pleasant and, preferably, sweet in taste - so that the baby does not refuse to take them;
  • you should not read the plot with skeptical household members;
  • it is better to give water in an opaque container so as not to cause unnecessary questions;
  • the ritual should be performed until the disease subsides and the condition of the sick child noticeably improves.

Independent use of a cough conspiracy

Healing conspiracies are mostly white magic. The condition for their effectiveness is the obligatory faith of the performer (the patient) in the power of magic and the power of the word. A person who uses a cough conspiracy must certainly believe in the power of a magical effect and not doubt a positive result - then recovery will come as soon as possible. Many cough conspiracies are accompanied by a certain set of ritual actions - they must be performed exactly with the instructions, nothing can be ruled out.

The use of therapeutic cough conspiracies in no case means a complete rejection of medications. The use of medicines must be mandatory! Folk same conspiracies cough should be used along with traditional therapy as not the main, but aid .

Thank you! Usually, after an illness, a cough is still tormenting for a long time. I tried a conspiracy for a long cough - and a week had not passed, as the unpleasant symptoms disappeared. For me, this is a record!

Good spells. Will definitely come in handy during the cold season.

My grandfather has been suffering from cough for a long time. After reading the article, I definitely decided to plot to help him.

Two weeks ago, I was admitted to the hospital with a fit of choking and severe coughing. At the hospital, I was treated and discharged home, with recommendations for further treatment. Together with traditional treatment, I will read a conspiracy for a lingering cough. Only now the moon is growing. And on what moon should one start reading cough conspiracies?

I think that cough conspiracies should be read as soon as it appears. Why wait in this situation? Even if they do not help, then there will be no harm from them. Try first one and then the other. If you believe in their strength, they will help.

If you want to get rid of something (disease, damage, evil eye), you always need to read on the waning moon, and to add (money, love) on the growing moon

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Unexplored world of magic and esotericism

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Summer flew by - we did not notice. Together with rains, slush, colds and flu came to us. It's time to turn to the conspiracies of white magic, which will help you heal quickly and not earn complications.

You will need coarse salt and clean, preferably spring water. Pour water into a glass, throw in three pinches of salt and say directly above the glass, so that your breath touches the surface of the water:

“Mother, fast water, wash away all the light, all the ache from the servant of God (name), take them into the depths of the sea, drag them into the deepest pools, put stone clamps on them so that they never come up again, about the servant of God (name ) forget forever.

Now dip the middle finger of your right hand into the charmed water and drop it on your forehead, chest, left and right shoulder with the words:

“I command with holy water, I conjure with white salt: get out, all the ache, get out, all the mayata, from a violent head, from a zealous heart, from clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from bones, from brains, from fingers and joints.”

You can also talk herbal vitamin tea. Another drink will do - tea with honey, warm milk, fruit drink. Take the cup of drink in your left hand and say directly above it:

“Frola and Laurus, Blasius and Harlampy, Nicholas the Wonderworker and George the Victorious, King David, Mother Elena, Holy Catherine, remove and demolish, quenching the illness of the servant of God (name) with my conspiracy, your order. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Of course, the faithful companions of a cold are a runny nose and cough. And you can try to get rid of them by calling magic for help. Take a red rag, wipe your nose, throat, chest with it. Then wrap this rag around the nail and drive the nail either into dry wood or into a well-dried wood or block. While doing this, say:

“I don’t hammer a nail, but I pin the disease. Just as this nail is no longer useful anywhere, so the ailment will not return to me. Be these words all strong and molded, stronger than a strong stone, harder than solid iron. To all my words, the key and the lock, now and forever and ever!”

It’s also quite good to say several times during the day:

“Does not flow, does not burn, does not hurt, does not itch. Amen".

You can also get rid of cough. Speak:

“I speak chest heat, hearty phlegm, breaking dryness, from the rising red sun, from spruce, birch, aspen and buckthorn trees, from all the trees of the saints. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Even if you do not believe in magic, try these conspiracies - they will not harm you.

We get rid of coughs and colds with conspiracies

In the autumn-winter period, colds, fever and cough in a child and an adult are common. If you categorically do not accept treatment with “chemical” drugs, then the only way out is traditional medicine, enhanced by folk conspiracies for health. There are many such rituals, they can be general purpose or specifically for a particular ailment.

Held at dawn. It is read on the sick by the caster. After reading the name of the patient in a conspiracy, he must open his mouth and not close it until the end of the procedure. At the end of the reading, the caster crosses the patient's open mouth three times.

“The lips of the servant of God (the name of the patient) open,

try to help me. Let the Holy Spirit in

expel cough and sickness. Yes, it will only be so. Amen"

Ritual at sunset. A glass of holy water and a smooth, white, smooth stone are placed in front of the patient. The material should be natural, not pressed chips or concrete, ideally white marble. The healer pronounces the words:

“I will go out, the servant of God (the name of the healer), crossing myself,

sprinkled with holy water, in an open field, on the steppe will.

In that field, a clean stone lies and is silent -

does not perhaet, does not cough, does not get worse, does not get sick.

So would the servant of God (name of the sick person)

didn’t cough, didn’t cough, didn’t get sick,

was always full of strength and unharmed. Amen"

In this case, a sick person must perform the following actions. At the words "crossing himself, sprinkled with holy water" to be baptized and sprinkle himself with holy water, then after the sound of his name, the patient picks up a white stone and lightly taps himself on his chest.

From cough on needles

The ritual is performed at sunset, when, in addition to coughing, itching and sore throats are felt. On the fire of a church candle, the tips of six needles are red-hot, and in turn they are thrown into a cup of holy water with the words:

“3 sisters - you are pectoral devils,

khvorobitsy and khripitsy - I will leave you through 6 fiery arrows.

My first arrow will definitely pierce the devils in their eyes.

My second arrow will pin their legs.

My third arrow will close the husky mouth.

My fourth arrow will bind the hands of evil twigs.

My fifth arrow will pierce their hearts.

And my sixth last arrow will drive the spirit out of them.

You need to throw red-hot needles in turn, according to the list of arrows in the plot. After finishing the reading, carefully drink six small sips from the cup. If the ritual is performed on a child, then you can scoop up water with a wooden spoon and let it drink. At dawn, go to a lonely standing tree, preferably at a crossroads, stick a needle into its trunk, while saying:

“What is not spilled, not added, not drunk,

from 3 sisters buried, through a deck and a stump,

through holy water

Pour the roots of the tree with the remnants of holy water. Go back without looking back and without talking to anyone along the way.

From cough on honey

Usually performed on children. A mother or grandmother can read it, but the conspiracy has a special power if the godmother reads it. You cannot perform a ritual under duress, the intention to help must be sincere, and the desire must be strong. To carry out the ritual, you should say a spoonful of natural honey:

"A little child, a dear child,

Mother of God, help me heal,

So that his cough would not choke him, he let him sleep and live in peace.

I conjure, I persuade, I ask,

Give the baby (name) health, strength,

Let all the bad sideways, go sideways,

And good, healthy will always be with him.

Place honey in a glass of warm water and stir until dissolved. Give your child a drink before bed. This water should be drunk before relief begins, which should come in two or three days.

From a cold

If the child has caught a cold, then in the evening, after putting him to bed, read the plot on the water:

“I dare enemies, I drive out illness, I drive away all troubles, I remove pain,

I apply protection to the Lord Almighty."

Wash the child crosswise three times with this water, and put him to bed. This rite is very effective when performed on a waning moon.

From temperature

A small stone of hard rocks is taken - basalt or granite, so that it does not collapse from heat and instant cooling, it is washed clean. Water, preferably spring or from a well, but also from a pump room or an artesian well, taken at dawn, is also suitable. The stone is heated on the fire of a candle while the plot is being read:

"In an open field, in a wide expanse,

A burning stone stands

And on this stone a big woman sits.

In her white hands is trouble, a hot frying pan.

Her white frying pan does not burn her hands.

She is not hot, not parko and does not take chills.

So that the servant of God (name)

There was no chill, no fever,

May she get better and get up soon.

Which word I will speak

Which word I will not agree,

The Lord God will prompt and order the ailment to leave.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever.

And plunges into a glass of water. A patient with fever is wiped with this water and allowed to drink three times. Relief should come very quickly.

From a runny nose on a red handkerchief

Any red cloth is taken, the patient blows his nose into it, the cloth is wrapped around a nail, and it is stuck into a crevice or hole in a dry tree. The following words are read:

“I don’t insert a nail, but I pin the disease.

How this nail will not be useful anywhere else,

So the snot from the nose no longer pours.

My words are strong and sculpting,

Stronger than hard stone

Harder than strong iron.

Key, lock, tongue.

From now on and forever!”

From a cold to birch infusion

We are preparing an infusion on dry birch buds - you can buy it at every pharmacy. Half a teaspoon in a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Strain and when the water has cooled, give the patient a drink, after reading the plot:

“The water will wash away the snot, it will wash the nose,

so as not to burn, not damp,

no sneezing, no pain.

If the ritual did not help on the same day, the next must be repeated.

Ritual on the tree

If you are tormented by an old runny nose or cough, we perform the following ritual. Before dawn, we put on our old clothes and wear them without removing a single item until sunset. After sunset, we find and hug an old willow, and pronounce these words:

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