Fading pregnancy is an ultrasound error. Frozen pregnancy - is an ultrasound error possible? Can ultrasound be wrong

Pregnancy is the most exciting and happy period in a woman's life, so it is especially painful to hear at a doctor's appointment, especially in the early stages, that the next diagnosis is fetal growth arrest or frozen pregnancy, in other words. No woman wants to believe this verdict, so it is very important to understand why the fetus stops developing, what signs can be used to understand this, and what methods are used for diagnostics. And also the most important question - can doctors be wrong?

  • What is a missed pregnancy?

    Currently, specialists under this term mean two conditions:

    • Anembryony: the presence of an ovum without an embryo in the uterus, this happens if the formation of the embryo has not started in principle, or if its development has stopped at a maximum of 5 weeks of gestation.
    • Fetal death: means that the fetus developed for some time in accordance with the norm, but for a number of reasons all signs of life began to be absent.


    Despite the fact that the etiology and mechanisms of stopping the development of the fetus have not yet been fully elucidated, experts identify the following reasons:

    • Genetic abnormalities of the embryo,
    • Violation of the anatomy of the reproductive system,
    • Chromosomal pathologies of the embryo,
    • Pathological condition of the endometrium

    There is a high probability of early fetal loss in two cases: with a high reproductive age of the mother and after a large number of previous miscarriages.

    Risk factors

    Unfortunately, experts identify a number of such reasons, and all of them are somehow related to the state of the mother's health. These are the following factors:

    • The mother has alcohol, nicotine or drug addiction,
    • Chronic kidney disease
    • Systemic connective tissue diseases,
    • Uncompensated diabetes mellitus,
    • Arterial hypertension in severe form,
    • Uncompensated thyroid diseases,
    • Low body mass index,
    • Stress.

    Is it possible to feel the death of the embryo?

    At an early date

    The clinical picture of a frozen pregnancy in the early stages is always specific:

    • nausea, vomiting disappears,
    • dizziness, general weakness,
    • a fever appears,
    • the mammary glands are reduced.

    If a woman does not consult a specialist in time, and the dead fetus remains in the uterus for a period of 2 to 6 weeks, pain in the lower abdomen and bloody discharge will occur.

    At a later date

    If pregnancy freezes at a later date, then the main signs are the cessation of fetal motor activity, followed by profuse vaginal bleeding and uterine pain.

    Why ultrasound for a frozen pregnancy?

    Ultrasound is the most informative way to diagnose an undeveloped pregnancy. After such a study, it becomes possible to make a diagnosis not only when complaints appear, but even long before any immediate signs.

    Ultrasound reveals the absence of an embryo in the cavity of the ovum or the absence of a heartbeat at 7 weeks.

    How is such an ultrasound performed?

    The patient needs to remove all clothing below the waist, and then lie on your back on the couch, bending your knees. The study is carried out transvaginally, so the doctor first puts a condom on the sensor, and then inserts it into the body. Next, using the device, the doctor scans the reproductive system, including the uterus and the ovum.

    In the early stages, the specialist measures the size of the embryo, its average diameter and localization, the size of the uterus, the echogenicity of the structures, the coccygeal-parietal size of the fetus, the size of the yolk egg and compares these parameters with the standards corresponding to the timing of the development of the embryo. The presence of a heartbeat is also assessed. Of course, the specialist compares the indicators of the previous survey in order to compare and draw up the most correct conclusion.

    In the second and third trimester, the diagnostician already assesses the state of all systems of the embryo, and in connection with contraindications to transvaginal examination, Doppler ultrasonography or examination through the abdominal wall is performed.

    What does ultrasound show?

    In the early stages of such a diagnosis, the doctor notes a dead fetus that cannot be visualized. It is also possible to assess the fact that the size of the ovum lags behind, at the same time, the size of the uterus does not correspond to the required ones. The deformation of the ovum is also pronounced: the contours are indistinct, there are multiple constrictions, separate scattered echo structures. Another indicator at which an unambiguous diagnosis is made is oligohydramnios. Another advantage of this research method is the 100% ability to distinguish a "false" fertilized egg from a true one.

    Signs of a frozen pregnancy: the fetus has no heartbeat, swelling of the patient's tissues is also observed

    In the second and third trimester, the direct signs of a dead fetus are the following: disappearance of the head contours, divergence of the edges of the skull bones, drooping lower jaw, pathological curvature of the spine, abnormal head flexion, vague contours of the skeleton, chest deformity, abnormal position of the fetus relative to the uterus, inconsistency in the size of the fetus corresponding to the norm, a kind of "scattering" of the limbs, the absence of physiological curvature of the spine.

    What if the diagnosis is missed pregnancy?

    Based on statistical data, it can be argued that in 61% of cases, 2 weeks after ultrasound, the uterus is emptied from the dead fetus on its own, in the remaining women the ovum remains in the uterus due to the tight attachment of the forming placenta or inadequacy of immune rejection reactions, which can subsequently lead to the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases.

    In any case, doctors usually do not wait for further development, but immediately send the patient for an abortion.

    Medical abortion

    In the early stages (up to 6 weeks), medical abortion is traditionally used. In this case, the patient in no case should select the drugs on her own, since this can lead to complications and death. The specific drug, its dosage, method of administration (orally or vaginally) should be selected only by an experienced specialist, and the course of emptying the uterine cavity should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor. If, after using the drugs, the abortion did not go completely, surgical intervention will be required, and ultrasound will help to determine this again.

    Vacuum aspiration

    Another method of removing a frozen embryo is vacuum aspiration, which can be used early (up to 15 weeks). This method has enough advantages: it can be performed on an outpatient basis, this aspiration requires fewer medications and painkillers, and it also does not worsen the prognosis for further conception. Such an abortion is performed by removing the ovum from the uterine region using a special vacuum apparatus (without scraping): in this case, a special catheter is inserted inside even and thanks to the uniform pressure created, the egg comes out. A mini-abortion can take no more than 10 minutes and is still the preferred method of terminating a pregnancy with a frozen fetus.

    Vacuum aspiration diagram


    After the second trimester, abortion by curettage of the uterine cavity is the only option. The very process of scraping and the accompanying expansion of the cervix cause pain. In this regard, they are always carried out using anesthesia and anesthesia. For curettage, the specialist always uses a special device - a curette, a spoon-shaped object. During curettage, the mucous membrane and all contents of the uterus are removed. After curettage, unfortunately, complications, trauma and, in some cases, infertility often appear.

    Fetal scraping instrument - gynecological curette

    Are there any more steps needed?

    Vacuum aspiration requires further monitoring by ultrasound, the doctor needs to make sure that the embryo is completely removed. Otherwise, additional suction of the tissues remaining in the uterus will be required.

    After curettage, the patient needs to undergo a rehabilitation period, which, in the absence of complications, ranges from 10 to 14 days and includes taking antibacterial drugs, hormonal contraceptives and sexual abstinence. After this period, an ultrasound scan is required to assess the condition of the uterus, and the specialist must also make sure that the embryo is finally removed.

    Is a medical error possible?

    Every diagnostician, unfortunately, can make a mistake, since doctors are living people and are also subject to the influence of subjective factors like everyone else. In the early stages, the probability of error is greater than already in the second trimester, for example, but in absolute terms it is still small.

    In order to independently assess whether the conclusion of a specialist is an error and to exclude suspicions of the termination of the development of the embryo, you should pay attention to the following:

    • The patient needs to once again familiarize himself with the prerequisites and, having soberly assessed the situation, draw a conclusion - whether her fetus could freeze in its development or not.
    • It is necessary to recall the complaints of the last weeks and the presence of immediate signs of a suspension of development.
      In any case, you need to undergo an ultrasound scan again with another specialist.
    • If necessary, you can change the antenatal clinic.
      It is forbidden to take any medications that can harm the embryo until the situation is cleared up.

    Thus, it may turn out that the conclusion of the diagnostician is not a verdict, but a medical error, therefore the result of the medical examination and the final accuracy of the diagnosis depend on the vigilance of the expectant mother.

    The most common other erroneous practice is scraping the walls of the uterine cavity even after the absence of residues of the ovum, confirmed by ultrasound diagnostics. Thus, the doctor performs an artificial abortion after a successful natural miscarriage.

    Surgical evacuation is carried out in this case "for safety reasons", despite the high likelihood of complications, such as structural and functional inferiority of the endometrium, for example. Therefore, again, the patient should do a second ultrasound scan and, if possible, contact another specialist in order to get a clear picture and understand whether there are indications for curettage or not.

Frozen pregnancy on ultrasound results

Today, under the term "missed pregnancy", experts can mean two conditions:

  1. The death of an embryo (fetus) is an embryo that has begun its development, for various reasons it stops, that is, it dies.
  2. Anembryonia - there is a fixed fertilized egg in the uterus, but there is no embryo in it (it was not originally conceived). Also under this term is the fading of the growth of the embryo in the ovum within a maximum of 5 weeks after its inception.

Is an ultrasound error possible?

Having heard the diagnosis "missed pregnancy", a woman may think that this is an ultrasound error. Indeed, this can happen. The correctness of the diagnosis always depends on the functionality of the ultrasound machine and on the qualifications of the diagnostician. Most often, in such cases, women undergo a second ultrasound scan with another specialist to make sure of the sad diagnosis.

Causes of fetal freezing

After determining a frozen pregnancy by ultrasound, it is required to understand the causes of its occurrence. There are several factors that contribute to the freezing of fetal development:

  • The initial conception of an embryo with genetic or chromosomal abnormalities.
  • Violation of the function of the reproductive system of a woman.
  • Endometrial pathology (mucous layer in the uterine cavity).
Fading of pregnancy is also possible in cases where a pregnant woman has previously had an abortion (especially several abortions) or she has had miscarriages. Also, the age of the expectant mother (after 35 years) can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

There are a number of risk factors for fetal freezing:
  • Mother's smoking, alcohol / drug addiction.
  • Chronic diseases of internal organs in a pregnant woman (kidneys, liver, etc.).
  • Diabetes mellitus (uncompensated type).
  • Mother's underweight.
  • Constant stress.

What are the signs of a frozen pregnancy?

A frozen pregnancy makes itself felt. Pregnant women need to listen to their bodies and, at the first signs of fetal fading, contact their doctor.

First trimester

Signs of early pregnancy fading include:

  • Absence of signs of the onset of toxicosis (nausea, vomiting, etc. stops).
  • The appearance of a constant feeling of weakness, fatigue.
  • Dizziness.
  • Fever.
  • Reducing the size of the mammary glands.
If a woman did not understand in time that her pregnancy had ceased to develop, she postponed a visit to her doctor for a long time, then some time after the death of the fetus she will feel pain in the lower abdomen. Bleeding may also occur.

There are certain rules on how to determine a frozen pregnancy by ultrasound. If a scheduled ultrasound examination is carried out in the early stages, it does not visualize the fetus when the pregnancy fades. Also, the death of the fetus will be evidenced by the small volumes of the uterus, which do not correspond to the expected gestational age. The fertilized egg may have deformation, its contours will be indistinctly visualized, the structure will be inhomogeneous.

Second trimester

At a later date, in particular in the second trimester, a pregnant woman can already feel the movements of her unborn child. Accordingly, the first sign of his intrauterine death will be the absence of the previously habitual fetal movements. Also, the woman will be bothered by pain in the uterus and heavy bleeding.

To make an accurate diagnosis of a frozen pregnancy, an ultrasound scan must be done, since the signs listed above accompany many other pathological processes when carrying a fetus.

The consequences of a frozen pregnancy

If a frozen pregnancy was detected (the ultrasound error was not confirmed), then its consequences, as well as the consequences of cleaning the uterine cavity, may be as follows:

  • Endometrial damage.
  • Cervical erosion.
  • Infection of the cervix.
  • The formation of polyps in the cervical canal or in the uterine cavity.
Such conditions can make it difficult or impossible for the next pregnancy (that is, provoke infertility). To prevent this from happening, you must contact qualified specialists in the field of gynecology. If it is possible to avoid cleaning (scraping) the uterus, but to perform the vacuum aspiration procedure, then this should be done. Cleaning the uterine cavity with vacuum suction is not so traumatic and does not require a long recovery of the body for the next conception.

When can you get pregnant again?

To understand why the pregnancy has stopped developing, a woman needs to undergo a series of examinations after her uterus is cleared of the dead embryo. The list of such studies includes blood and urine analysis, ultrasound, hormone analysis. The attending physician may give other prescriptions.

After the cause has been identified, it is necessary to spend some time eliminating it (if possible). It also takes time to restore the psycho-emotional state of a woman, since a frozen pregnancy is a shock that often turns into depression.

The average period after which you can try to get pregnant again is 6 months. But you should not take this recommendation literally and, after waiting six months, start actively planning a new pregnancy. It is necessary to "put in order" the body, thoughts and feelings (by the way, this applies not only to the woman, but also to her partner, since an unsuccessful pregnancy is also stressful for him). It may take much longer to recover - don't rush.

Freezing of the fetus (its death) is possible up to the 20th week of pregnancy. What is the essence of a frozen pregnancy? The answer is simple: "For various reasons, intrauterine embryo death occurs." Usually a frozen pregnancy becomes a prerequisite for a miscarriage. The dead fetus is rejected by the body (but this is not in all cases).

When making this diagnosis, specialists must carry out repeated diagnostics. Initially, when symptoms of this pathology appear, doctors send the pregnant woman for an additional ultrasound examination.

Every woman in a position hopes that the diagnosis of a missed pregnancy is an ultrasound error and no more. Naturally, expectant mothers are concerned about the accuracy of ultrasound and the possibility of making mistakes in ultrasound. Can ultrasound be wrong in determining embryo freezing?

Causes of fetal freezing

The cause of a frozen pregnancy can be:

  • Chromosomal error;
  • Antiphospholipid syndrome, which is a complex of disorders in which antibodies with its own phospholipids are formed in the body.
  • Anembryonia;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Bad habits, including not only smoking or alcohol, but also coffee;
  • Excess / missing weight;
  • Taking hormonal drugs;
  • Pathology of the uterus;
  • IVF Pregnancy.

According to statistics, the most common cause of fetal freezing in early pregnancy is a genetic malfunction that affects the development of the embryo. Given the fact that the most important processes associated with the formation of the main systems, as well as internal organs, occur in the early stages of pregnancy, it is the chromosomal errors that become lethal for the child at this time.

Unfortunately, genetic pathologies can occur in the embryo even when the parents are absolutely healthy. Most often, for this reason, fetal freezing occurs during the period from 2 to 8 weeks. Less common is a frozen pregnancy after the 13th week.

What are the signs of a frozen pregnancy?

Women who are at risk of fetal freezing are concerned about how to determine the death of the embryo. Indeed, very often this pathology is completely asymptomatic. A woman may not feel pain or any change in well-being. A miscarriage can occur several days or weeks after the death of the embryo.

Suspicion of a stop in the development of pregnancy may arise in the following cases:

  • The onset of bleeding;
  • Painful sensations in the lower abdomen, back;
  • Abrupt cessation of the present symptoms of toxicosis (not in all cases);
  • An increase in temperature above 37.5 0 ะก (only with the development of an inflammatory process);
  • Disappearance of breast tenderness.

However, do not panic immediately when you discover one or more of the above symptoms. They can also occur during the normal course of pregnancy. The main thing is to let your obstetrician-gynecologist know about the appearance of complaints.

Signs of a missed pregnancy in the first trimester

First trimester

In different semesters, fetal freezing has distinctive symptoms. In the first trimester, toxicosis may suddenly stop (about a day).

Softening of the mammary glands is manifested. This symptom is noticeable to a woman, because from the moment the baby is conceived, an increase, soreness of the mammary glands is noted. At the same time, this symptom remains doubtful, like any other (except for ultrasound, blood for hCG).

Decrease in basal temperature as a result of a decrease in the amount of progesterone. An error in the results occurs in the case of illness, taking hormonal drugs.

The absence of an embryo during ultrasound examination. But ultrasound can be wrong too. It is recommended to pass it after 5-6 weeks, because at this time the fetal heartbeat is clearly visible. Experts advise to wait with the cleaning of the uterus and carry out diagnostics in 1-2 weeks.

Second trimester

The main sign of a non-developing pregnancy is the cessation of the baby's movements. Of course, you should not worry if the child does not move for a day or a day. If they have not been observed for a longer time, go to the doctor. So you get rid of unnecessary worries. The solution to your worries is to check your baby's heartbeat with an obstetric stethoscope.

Allocation of a significant amount of colostrum, and after a while and milk. These symptoms last longer than 25 weeks. But if besides this symptom there are no others, you should not worry. In the presence of fetal movements, this is simply the preparation of the body for breastfeeding.

Stopping the growth of the uterus.

Ultrasound diagnostics for suspected frozen pregnancy

The diagnosis of a frozen pregnancy is never made by a specialist only by the presence of the above symptoms in a pregnant woman. The woman must be prescribed an additional examination. Since ultrasound diagnostics is considered the most effective way to diagnose a stop in the development of an embryo, it is this that is recommended for a pregnant woman.

Ultrasound will allow not only to determine / refute a frozen pregnancy, but also in case of fetal death, to establish the period of its fading. Doctors prescribe diagnostics only after 6-7 weeks of pregnancy. When examining at earlier stages of embryo development, the information obtained by ultrasound may be unreliable.

Detection of a frozen pregnancy at a very early stage is true in the following cases:

  • The embryo was not found, although the size of the ovum is more than 20 mm. In this case, anembryonic disease is diagnosed. In the normal course of pregnancy, already at the 7th week, the size of the embryo reaches 20 mm;
  • Lack of cardiac activity of the embryo, the size of which reaches 16 mm (with transvaginal examination) or 25 mm (with transabdominal examination).

There are times when the doctor doubts the accuracy of the results obtained. Then the specialist appoints a second examination after a week or two. The quality of the results is influenced by both the qualifications of the specialist conducting the inspection and the quality of the technique. Older ultrasound machines can be misdiagnosed because they cannot detect the heartbeat of the embryo.

Ultrasound errors

Very often a woman does not even suspect about the embryo freezing. Arriving at the next scheduled ultrasound examination, a pregnant woman may be shocked by such a diagnosis. There are times when the diagnosis was wrong. Of course, for doctors, this is another diagnosis, but for a woman expecting a baby, it is just a disaster.

If the doctor, after fixing the complaints of a pregnant woman, characteristic of a frozen pregnancy, makes a hasty diagnosis, do not rush to clean it. An experienced specialist will definitely prescribe an ultrasound scan to confirm the death of the fetus. In the early stages, everything is much more complicated, but thanks to modern technology and the qualifications of gynecologists, confirmation / refutation of fading is real.

If you feel free to wait, do not rush to cleanse the uterus. There were cases when doctors were wrong, and women gave birth to healthy children, without any pathologies. More precisely, you can find out about the probable death of the fetus on an ultrasound scan carried out at 6-7 weeks of embryo development. At this time, its dimensions are large enough and the heartbeat is clearly audible.

It is necessary to undergo an ultrasound examination on new equipment, since old ultrasound machines may not notice the work of the embryonic heart. This error can cost your little one life.

When making such a diagnosis, the doctor must prescribe additional examinations and once again send the woman for an ultrasound scan. But can ultrasound be wrong? This is a question that worries many women.

Often with abnormal development of the fetus, an involuntary miscarriage occurs at the beginning of pregnancy. But such a serious pathology as a frozen pregnancy is not always possible to determine. Ultrasound errors are associated with an incorrect position of the fetus in the uterus. If pathologies are identified, the woman is offered to terminate the pregnancy.

A frozen pregnancy, an ultrasound error leads to very unpleasant consequences. It happens that problems arise during childbirth, or the baby may be born with abnormalities. Therefore, it is better to undergo an ultrasound scan with a trusted specialist and, preferably, the equipment is new.

The reasons for the possible freezing of the fetus

The reasons for the appearance of this pathology may be different. If these are genetic or other chromosomal abnormalities, then an ultrasound error is almost impossible. In the case when a woman cannot bear a normal healthy child, then it is worth investigating her hormonal background. Hormonal disruptions are a serious cause of fetal growth arrest. In the later stages, it is much easier to identify a frozen pregnancy. Also among the common reasons for stopping fetal development are:

  • rhesus conflict
  • infectious diseases
  • weight problems
  • bad habits of the mother
  • taking certain hormonal drugs
  • pathologies concerning the uterus
  • IVF pregnancy

Bad habits during pregnancy

If a woman leads an active and healthy lifestyle, then her chances of bearing and giving birth to a healthy child are very high. If a woman has bad habits, then they can be considered the enemies of healthy offspring. Pregnant women who give up these habits during pregnancy also have a good chance of giving birth to a healthy baby. Although in such children, health problems can manifest themselves at an older age.

A woman should eat right, as weight problems can also be the cause of a frozen pregnancy. At the same time, it is bad when a woman is too fat, and when there is a lack of weight.

The key to a well-going pregnancy is the woman's care for her health. It is imperative to register with the antenatal clinic, where all the necessary procedures and tests will be prescribed that can help identify problems with the development of pregnancy in time.

Does it all depend on age?

In modern society, women are in no hurry to become mothers. Although the optimal age for giving birth to a child is 18-30 years. It is after the age of 30 that missed pregnancies are not uncommon. Ultrasound errors are extremely rare here. If a woman decides to give birth after 40 years, she should take her own health very seriously. Basically, such pregnant women are under the constant supervision of a doctor.

Also, missed pregnancies are often diagnosed in women who become pregnant with IVF. In this case, a woman can become pregnant only on the second, or even on the third attempt.

Signs of a missed pregnancy

Women at risk are worried about how to determine this. Indeed, in most cases, everything is asymptomatic, and the pregnant woman may not feel any changes.

Suspicions arise if:

  • bleeding appeared
  • lower abdominal pain
  • abrupt cessation of toxicosis
  • elevated temperature

If at least one of these symptoms appears, it is imperative to inform the treating doctor about it. But you do not need to immediately raise a panic, such symptoms can appear during the normal course of pregnancy.

The main signs

In each of the trimesters, the manifestations of pathology are different. For example, in the early stages, toxicosis may stop abruptly. Enlarged and painful breasts soften. Also, due to a decrease in the level of progesterone, the basal temperature may decrease. Ultrasound in the early stages is advised to be carried out no earlier than the 5-6th week, when the fetal heartbeat is already clearly audible. An error in the results is possible in the case of taking hormones. Experts advise in this case to repeat the study in a couple of weeks.

In the second trimester, the main sign is the cessation of fetal movements, which takes longer than a few days. If the baby does not move for 1-2 days, do not worry. For a period of more than 25 weeks, there may be an increased excretion of colostrum or even milk. But if the baby is moving normally and there are no other symptoms, there is no need to worry either.

In the later stages, the expectant mother needs to attend a consultation every 2-3 weeks. A diary of fetal movements must be kept. If there are bad symptoms, an additional ultrasound is prescribed. An error at a later date is also possible.

Ultrasound diagnostics

The doctor will never diagnose "fetal freezing" only on the basis of certain symptoms, he will definitely prescribe an additional ultrasound scan to the woman. An ultrasound scan is prescribed after the 6-7th week, because if you do it earlier, the results may not be true. With the help of an ultrasound scan, the doctor will be able not only to confirm or deny the diagnosis, but also to establish the deadline for the fetus. It happens that the doctor may doubt the reliability of the results, then he may prescribe a second examination in 1-2 weeks. On old ultrasound machines, you may not hear the fetal heartbeat, and, accordingly, make the wrong diagnosis.

Treatment methods

Freezing early pregnancy usually ends in spontaneous miscarriage. This period can last for several weeks. Some doctors just wait for this to happen, and some, in order to avoid the development of inflammation, advise curettage of the uterus immediately after confirming the diagnosis.

The consequences of a frozen pregnancy

After a frozen pregnancy, a woman may be assigned additional tests. This is usually done if the fetus does not freeze for the first time. Analyzes are prescribed depending on how long the fade occurred and what reason the doctor suspects.

A very important factor is the emotional state of a woman. If a decision is made that a pregnancy will be planned again, the couple should be tuned in only to a positive result of gestation. Some people need the help of a psychologist to get out of stress and decide to try again.

When will it be possible to get pregnant again?

If the missed pregnancy that has occurred ended in a spontaneous miscarriage at an early stage, and the woman has no health consequences, then the next pregnancy is usually planned in a few months. If there was a curettage of the uterus, then it is better to wait until the body recovers. Usually this period lasts about 6-12 months.

If a woman has once suffered a frozen pregnancy, then the probability of success next time is very high. If this pathology is repeated several times, this probability is significantly reduced. During the recovery period and planning the next pregnancy, a woman must undergo a recovery course, which also includes:

  • psychological rehabilitation
  • organizing the correct daily regimen and healthy nutrition for yourself and your partner
  • exclusion of bad habits
  • the menstrual cycle should improve

Experts also advise to use contraception during this period.

The planning of a new pregnancy must be approached very carefully and it is necessary that both partners are engaged in this.

In any case, a frozen pregnancy and the loss of a child is a huge stress for a woman. Any couple can face this, even if they do not have any bad habits or diseases. Therefore, if a woman nevertheless decided to become pregnant again, she should take very good care of her health. It is necessary to undergo ultrasound diagnostics when it is due on time and not be afraid of the device's error, since the analyzes can also be wrong. You just need to contact a trusted doctor who can conduct ultrasound diagnostics on new serviceable equipment.

Can an ultrasound be wrong with a frozen pregnancy? This question worries those women who, after ultrasound diagnostics, were given such a terrible diagnosis. Yes, this is possible, but more often than not, if such a diagnosis is made, it is absolutely true. The problem lies in the fact that a pregnant woman may not even suspect that the pregnancy has frozen and the fetal heart is no longer beating. It is impossible to identify any symptoms of this pathology for a rather long period of time. In addition to the absence of a heartbeat, the absence of an embryo in the ovum may be a sign of fetal development.

If fetal cardiac arrest is suspected, it will be necessary to carry out another diagnosis in a week or two.

Frozen pregnancy on ultrasound: signs

Ultrasound said frozen pregnancy. When should such a diagnosis be believed?

The first type of frozen pregnancy has the following signs of fading:

  • The diameter of the ovum is 20 - 25 mm. Its growth is slowed down;
  • There are no signs of a fetus;
  • The size of the uterus corresponds to the fifth - seventh week;
  • There are no signs of progressive pregnancy.

The second type of missed pregnancy is more difficult to diagnose. Its main characteristics are considered to be:

  • The normal growth rate of the ovum, in which there is no embryo inside or its remains are diagnosed;
  • The size of the ovum by the tenth week can reach 45 - 50 mm;
  • The villous chorion is not visualized starting from the eighth week.

If the ovum is in the uterus for a long time, it is unlikely that an ultrasound scan will show a frozen pregnancy. In this case, the following can be considered additional signs of fading (anembryonia):

  • Severe oligohydramnios;
  • Deformed ovum - constrictions are visible, the contours are not clearly visualized. You can also consider individual echo structures that have no connection with each other;
  • The size of the uterus does not correspond to the norms according to the tables of weekly pregnancy development.

Today, the society of sonologists has developed a number of signs that can reliably speak of a frozen pregnancy. A woman can independently navigate them, looking at the transcript after an ultrasound examination. If in doubt, it is possible to undergo an expert ultrasound.

  • Absence of a fetus with a heartbeat eleven days after an ultrasound scan showed a fetal egg with a yolk sac;
  • When the size of the ovum is 25 mm, there is no embryo in it;
  • With a parietal-coccygeal size of 7 mm, there is no heartbeat.

Frozen pregnancy: ultrasound error

Can an ultrasound be mistaken about a frozen pregnancy? Frozen pregnancy: can there be an ultrasound error? A positive answer to this question awaits women who have been diagnosed with anembryonia. What can you say about this?

Ultrasound: frozen pregnancy at 8 weeks, ultrasound at 12 weeks: frozen pregnancy - it is at this time that medical and diagnostic errors are possible. Due to the very small size of the embryo, it is not always possible to hear its heartbeat using ultrasound diagnostics. After the first trimester, the situation changes. If the doctor makes such a disappointing diagnosis, this is hardly a mistake, since the embryo should noticeably grow by this period, and its heart should beat distinctly.

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What are the reasons for the fading of pregnancy?

  1. Genetic anomalies. With a frozen pregnancy, such a diagnosis is made to the vast majority of women;
  2. Hormonal disruptions in the body. Due to the insufficient production of some hormones in the woman's body, the embryo cannot fully attach to the uterine cavity, which makes it impossible for its full development in the future. Too much of the male hormone in the female body can be especially negatively affected;
  3. Penetration of infections. This factor carries with it a great danger, since it can provoke the fading of pregnancy not only in the first, but also in the second and third trimesters - these are the reasons for the fading of pregnancy;
  4. Wrong lifestyle of a pregnant woman and problems with blood clotting.

How can a woman recognize a frozen pregnancy before an ultrasound scan?

The following symptoms should be suspected of stopping pregnancy:

  1. Disappearance of painful sensations in the chest;
  2. Bloody issues;
  3. Termination of toxicosis (this is not always a symptom, since it can go away on its own);
  4. Pain in the back and lower abdomen;
  5. An increase in body temperature (above 37.5 degrees).

You don't need to panic when these symptoms occur. It is only necessary to let the doctor leading the pregnancy know about them.

Freezing late pregnancy

Symptoms of fetal developmental arrest in the second and third trimester are considered to be bloody discharge, lack of fetal movement and pain in the lower abdomen. A woman should regularly listen to her well-being and keep a schedule of the baby's movements in the womb.

An antenatal clinic at a later date is required to visit every two or three weeks. At such appointments, the doctor will listen to the baby's heartbeat and determine where the fetus is located. If there is a suspicion of fading, he will direct the woman to undergo an ultrasound examination, the purpose of which will be to confirm or refute this suspicion.

Ultrasound after a frozen pregnancy: when to do it? To check the condition of the reproductive system, an ultrasound scan should be done after three months. If the pregnancy was terminated in the first trimester, you can start planning to conceive again in a couple to three months. If fading occurs in the second or third trimester, you will need to wait about a year.

After an unsuccessful pregnancy, a woman needs time to start planning a baby again. It is not easy, but you need to understand that there is still a chance to get pregnant and successfully bear a baby. It is necessary to strictly adhere to medical recommendations and adjust your own lifestyle.