January 1, May 1 and. May first - what are you celebrating something? May what holiday official name: holiday tradition

Anna Abramova
Abstract Cognitive classes "Holiday May 1 - Spring and Labor Day"

MBDOU D / C №1 "Smile"

Abstract classes

(cognitive development)

Prepared and spent

Educator: Abramova A. A.

goal lessons:

Continue to acquaint guys with holidayswho celebrate in our country;

Stand in detail by day 1(tell the story of the emergence holiday, its meaning);

Rise a feeling of interest in history, a sense of patriotism, push the children to the search.

Planned results:

Raising the level of general erudition;

Learning knowledge about the history of the occurrence holiday;

Fastening the previously studied information.


Colored crayons, markers;

Drawing board;

Projector or any other means of demonstrating images.

Travel course:

I. Organizational moment

II. Actualization of knowledge

Educator: "Children let's remember:

What seasons do you know?

How many months a year?

What spring months do you know?

What may be holidays you know

III. Disclosure of the topic


"So the guys, today we will talk about the first May holiday - holiday on May 1. May 1 - Red day The calendar means it is the day off.

There are such verses:

White leaf with a digit red!

This means - a day off!

It is solar and clear

Pervomaysky spring day


"What else holidaysmarked in a red calendar, do you know? "


"And today we we introduce with the history of this holiday. But at the beginning let's remember: What do you know about the month of May? Think: why it is also called "pollen"(Children call all plants that bloom in May)


"Why did you also call the songwriter?" (Children call the names of the birds that flew and sing in May).


"In general, the guys, the month of May called in honor of the goddess of Maya. She worshiped people to get a good harvest. " (On the projector show slide with the image of the goddess)


"Yes, May last month spring, beautiful, blooming. In May, nature completely comes to life, the earth comes to life. All the workers of the Earth are trying to have time with spring work. That is why this the holiday is called the holiday of Spring and Labor. It is like anthem beauty and people. "


"Children, and now I will tell you and show you like this holiday Have your parents earlier noted? That's right. Attributes on May 1 there are flags, balls, flowers, slogans. " (Slide Display)


"And now let's find out the story itself holiday. In the distance 1886 in America there was a lot workers The demonstration with the requirements for the authorities that they improve their lives. But this demonstration dispersed, many workers died. This learned the whole world. In solidarity, they were supported by workers of many countries. Solidarity is guys, support, a single position in some question. In memory of the wrestle from 1890 day May 1 named the holiday of workers And began to celebrate in many countries of the world. In 86 countries of the world - May 1 National holiday. Until 1992 this holiday We also called it too. He was celebrated very beautifully. " (Slides with photos, image of postcards, etc.)



"And the most common slogan has "Peace, May, work»

IV. Generalization of Knowledge

Educator: "Children, and now let's repeat that you are new to yourself today learned:

May Goddess - in her honor they called the month of May.

May is the last spring month.

1890 - first name holiday day solidarity of workers.

1992 - this holiday Renamed Russia to Spring and Labour Day

Game for consolidation and development of creative skills


"Children, let's break into three groups in the ranks. These will be three teams.


"So, you put a few tasks:

1. Invent the name of his team;

2. Determine the representative to whom on the board it will be necessary to draw with your help the emblem drawing, which on your opinion can serve as a symbol holiday 1 May;

3. To tell why these elements you painted in the picture. How are they related to Holiday Spring and Labor

Children meet, choose representatives from teams. Representatives go to the board and begin to draw. In order they call their team, tell me: What they drew and why. The vote is determined by the winner. The best group is encouraging.


"Let's finish our occupation Poems Jacob Akima:

Shutty warm winds

Spring on the fields brought.

Servings are fed at the willow.

Shaggy, accurately bumblebees.

River dams breaking,

Spring wave flies.

Long live my first!

Long live work and spring!

Let the world triumph in the world

And be friends the peoples of the earth,

And also in the sun in the sun

Lust spring ships



"Children, May 1, good, good holiday! It needs to be held with his family, friends in nature. Rejoicing him together with the effective spring, celebrating His victory over the winter time of the year. "

Do you have some items, photos associated with holiday 1 May(postcards, photos, bring to kindergarten.

Tell the children that this means for you holiday. Find old postcards on the Internet - congratulations on holiday. Look in advance presentations on May 1.

May 1 - Day of Spring and Labor, received this name of the holiday in 1993. However, it is also called - the day of international solidarity of workers. Recently, processions in Russia are held in Russia in which members of the Communist Party are involved, as well as other trade union and social organizations. This day is officially considered a weekend, so it is made fun to celebrate in a circle of family and friends.

May 1 What is the holiday official name: holiday story

The celebration of this day is associated with the events that happened in Chicago in the XIX century. In America, on May 1, 1886, the workers staged a strike and demanded to make an eight-hour working day. Ultimately, everything ended with the skirmis of protesters with the police. In 1889, the Paris Congress announced on May 1, the Day of Solidarity workers, who officially made a day off. However, the Brussels Congress in 1891 gave the opportunity to each country to approve the date of the celebration on May 1. Ultimately, the United Kingdom set to celebrate the holiday on the first Sunday of May.

May 1 What holiday is the official name: History of the appearance of the holiday in Russia

On May 1, the official holiday began to be considered only after the October Revolution, which was in 1917. The government of the country decided to conduct demonstrations and parades on May 1. For the first time, such an event on Red Square began to broadcast by television channels in 1956.

In 1970, the name was enshrined by this holiday - the day of the international solidarity of the working people, and on May 2, as a rule, picnics are satisfied with nature with loved ones and friends. However, after the collapse of the USSR, this holiday was renamed - the holiday of spring and labor.

May 1 Which holiday is the official name: tradition traditions

Worldwide on this day, trade unions are undergoing demonstrations and require improvement of working conditions. Workers who distinguished themselves receive awards and certificates from the state. On this day not only congratulate the workers, but also noted the beginning of the last month of spring. Therefore, it is customary to arrange fairs, as well as concerts in which celebrities participate. For many people, this holiday is no longer considered political, but only serves as a reason to meet with friends and relax.

Today is May 1 for many - only the Echo of the Soviet past. But his story is interesting and unusual. The article will tell about how transformed on the International Labor Day. Yes, indeed, the traditions of this celebration take their beginning in the depths of the centuries. At that time, our ancestors celebrated a holiday that symbolized the beginning of the new field of field work. So it is labor.

Holiday goddess

The authorities make a lot of adjustments to the perception of those or other phenomena. The ruling elite looked at all times to rooted his ideology in society. The scope of their activities was distributed in all directions: from the interpretation of history to the foundation of the celebrations.

It is very interesting to form the tradition of celebrating on May 1. What a holiday on the first day of the third month of spring, knew in ancient Greece and ancient Rome. Each of these peoples worshiped she was a patroness of farmers. Every year, the peasants to hide the goddess, mass celebrations arranged. The date came on May 1. On this day, any work was canceled. All celebrated the arrival of the new yield season. Later, the Romans in honor of Maya called the month.

Russian celebration

Celebrated modern holidays and Slavs. April 30 and May 1 were highlighted in red in their calendar. The ritual who spent our ancestors was called Radonitsa. The essence of the holiday on May 1 in Slavs - Spring cold care. These days also honored the dead. Gifts were brought to their graves, among whom were and welcomed the goddess I live, having had the power to revive nature. All day May 1 was assigned to rest. People bathed in cold water to cleanse, and burned ritual bonfires on the banks of the rivers.

With the advent of Christianity, representatives of the Church set the goal to destroy the pagan rites. It concerned both the patroness of the fertility of Maya and the Russian rituals of honoring the dead. But to get rid of the fun and joyful holiday was the task of difficult. Everyone knew what holiday was important on May 1, and continued to celebrate it.

Therefore, it was decided to transform traditions. Spring's pagan holidays were presented as the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ, having moved some of the original elements.

First day of workers

Over the ten centuries of Christianity, the feast of the arrival of heat disappeared and noted already as a miracle of resurrection. But historical events made their amendments.

1856 Australian workers organized a protest march. The main requirement was to transfer workers on an 8-hour working day and at the same time not to reduce the salary. Then Fortune was on their side. Goals they have achieved without bloodshed. Since then, they celebrated their victory annually.

Thirty years later, in 1886, on another continent, US and Canadian workers decided to achieve an 8-hour working day by rallies and demonstrations. This happened on May 1. What holiday on this day, everyone knows, but not everyone knows that his story is tragic.

The strikers sought a limited working day (before that he hesitated from 12 to 15 hours), established salary and social guarantees. Each city raised the riot. But the center of protests became Chicago.

Motherland on May 1.

Events in Chicago entered the story as "rally on Haymarket". About 40,000 dissatisfied workers came to the streets of the city. The next day, one of the leading plants fired more than 1000 employees. Offended and unemployed people arranged another demonstration. Under the goal of that plant, the uprising was dispersed by the police, while dozens of people were injured, and several strikers were killed.

Even more bloody events occurred three days after May 1. The history of the holiday acquired a new turn.

At Haymarket Square, in the shopping center, organized a rally against the massacre of power. Everything was relatively calm. Police was going to clear the square. But one of the provocateurs quit the order of the bomb. Police began shelling. During the shooting, many peaceful protesters died. The repression followed, and after a while and the apology of the authorities.

The whole world learned about the so-called revolution on May 1. What a holiday could be based on these events? Of course, began to celebrate the victory of the working on the system!

Underground Maevki.

Officially presented the event and introduced the International International Congress II. This structure united in its ranks socialist workers from around the world. In 1889, in Paris, it was decided to celebrate the day of the proletariat in memory of those killed in Chicago. The offer to enter the streets of the city every year and fight for their rights has come. Since then, there has been separated from the light of the glory of the day on May 1. The holiday in Russia (at the time of the Empire) was first noted in 1890 in Warsaw. The following year, the Day of Workers in the whole world was happy again rejoiced. There workers hid from the leadership in the forest. Under the type of picnic, people discussed important revolutionary issues. She picked up movement and Moscow. The first proletarian Maevka took place there in 1895.

Openly celebrated Labor Day in 1917. The celebration had a bright political color. The slogans, exclamations, portraits of political figures - everything was directed to the class struggle. A year later, with the coming to power of the Soviets, the law was adopted that from now on at the national level will be celebrated on May 1. What a holiday and how to spend it, every Soviet man knew.

Time of worker people

The brightest May Day shares were organized by the Soviet government. The teams were preparing for the celebration of Weeks. It was not only a day off, and a large-scale cultural program whose planning was engaged in the elite.

The parades of the Union envied the whole world. People gladly walked on demonstrations. Everyone struggled for the best transparency.

In order for in the first years to bring the masses to the streets, the power of Schitrla. The leaders were allowed on the main squares column of technology, among which there was a tank. At the miracle gathered to see the yawaks.

The parades of the 20-30s were remembered by the magnificent acrobatic and gymnastic numbers. Various scenes were also raised, in which capitalists were raised. This is what holiday on May 1 was in the Soviet Union.

Labor Day

The celebration was started in the Union called the Day of International. But later the name has changed. Since 1930, day 1 was known as the holiday of international solidarity of the proletariat. The years of the Great Patriotic War made their modifications. Then the day was renamed in battle proletariat. Next, the new official name is established - International Labor Day. But the people called him simply - May 1. The history of the holiday takes its beginning to the United States, but it is worth noting that there workers relax on the first Monday of September.

More than 140 countries, workers give the weekend on May 1 or on the first Monday of the month. Another 80 states celebrate the holiday on another day.

Forgetting traditions

Today, the holiday scenario on May 1 acquired new features. It is worth noting that less and less Russians want to devote the day to mass shares. Experts argue that such a decline in activity is caused by the fact that during the communist ideology, the exit to the parade was forced, whereas now, even the parade itself has lost its original qualities.

In modern Russia, May 1 lost political context and is noted as officially such status was provided to the celebration on December 30, 2001, which is indicated in Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

This day people try to spend friends and families in nature, relax and gain strength until the next holidays.

International holiday - Spring and Labor Day, celebrate on May 1 in many countries of the world, including Russia

Officially, Spring and Labor Day as a national holiday is celebrated in 86 countries.

In different countries, the holiday celebrated on the first day of May is called differently - the day of the international solidarity of workers, the day of spring and labor, the day of spring or day of labor.

Holiday history in the world

This date takes its own date in the American city of Chicago, where May 1, 1886 passed a large-scale protest of the workers. Tired of unbearable conditions, people demanded restrictions on the number of labor hours per day to 8. But the rally not only did not reach the goal, but also led to numerous victims among the protesters.

The American authorities who were not going to reduce the 15-hour working day, ordered the police to take hard measures against protesters. As a result, a massive fire was opened, which hovers hundreds of lives. Despite this, annually on May 1, the workers continued to hold protests, demanding to take into account their difficult working conditions. Such rallies often ended with these fights with policemen. It was in memory of the first Chicago protest actions a date began to celebrate, first of all, as a holiday of labor.

Such mass performances did not remain unnoticed. Congress of the II International, which in 1889 was held in Paris, decided to call on May 1 Worldwide Solidarity of Workers. It was done in honor of the workers of Chicago, the first to decide to resist the existing system.

In addition, it was decided at Congress that people of all states have the right to go to rallies annually on May 1 and nominate their social demands. So, the labor holiday was officially recognized at the state level.

History of the holiday in Russia

History History on May 1 in Russia begins in 1890. It happened in Warsaw. Inspired by the example of American colleagues, the actions of the Poles, the Russian workers gradually came to the thoughts about the start of protests. The first mass demonstrations of the proletariat were marked in 1897, when the holiday acquired a political color.

But, despite the fact that the labor holiday was officially recognized by the authorities, massive walking was not for a long time. Only in 1901 the first slogans were noticed, the power was discovered. By 1912, the number of representatives of the proletariat participating in the May demonstrations reached 400 thousand. And in 1917, the whole millions of people were walking through the streets, demanding the overthrow of the royal power. It was this year that the Russian holiday began to wear official character, and demonstrations and parades began to be held openly.

In each local village in the streets, there were entire working groups, carrying posters in their hands that reflect the existing ideology. And the reward for the most distinguished themselves was the possibility of participation in the main parade of the country, which was held on Red Square in the capital.

Photos from free sources

Despite the fact that initially May Day was political in nature, because of which it was noted strictly enough, in time he turned into a loved folk holiday. The slogans called for action against capitalist defendant, changed transparencies on which solemn congratulations were written.

People began to celebrate this date in a family or friendly circle, rejoicing a two-day weekend. Traditionally, the first day was dedicated to paradians on which political speeches were replaced by congratulations, large-scale processions were conducted illuminated by television. But the second day it was possible to spend on a cheerful Maemka with close people and relax before working everyday life.

That way on May 1 or the day of the international solidarity of the working people gradually turned from the annual political rally to the folk celebration. Red checkboxes and balloons - integral attributes of this date. The older generation enjoy remembers which unique atmosphere reigned at this time throughout the country. The first present warmth, sensations of the magic of spring and the ability to spend two additional weekend with close people - this is what I symbolized May Day in the Soviet Union.

After the Soviet Union broke up, this date still continues to celebrate. But the former rush around the holiday is no longer there, and the main joy of it is an additional weekend. The last solemn parade dedicated to May 1 was held in 1990.

Despite the fact that the holiday no longer pleases people on such scales, its value is not forgotten. The famous slogan "Peace! Work! May!" Still continues to sound in congratulations.

Photos from free sources

May 1 in the world

This day is not only noted in the United States and Russia. The number of countries that joined the celebration of a significant date equal to 142. Most of them celebrate it on May 1, but there are states where the celebrations are held on the first Monday of the month.

Special love this holiday enjoys in:

  • Spain;
  • Germany;
  • Sweden;
  • Greece;
  • France;
  • Italy;
  • Holland.

Each country has its own traditions of celebration. For example, young Spaniards on this day are presented to their halves the first spring flowers that bloom by this time.

And in Germany, large-scale walking, whole fairs and cheerful dances are conducted. In addition, there is a wonderful tradition - loved young people plant a tree in front of the window of their chosen.

On the night of April 30, on May 1, there are giant lights in Swedish cities in the Swedish cities, in which garbage that copied all year is burned. After that, it is time for dancing and fun. And there are different rallies in support of labor class.

In Greece, this day is a holiday, symbolizing the change of the time of the year. Young girls collect the first flowers, weave the wreaths and decorate their homes.

In France, May Day is associated with valley. It is such flowers that personify happiness, the French give, congratulating each other.

Italians on this day are returning to the pagan sources of the holiday. In honor of the goddesses of Maya and Flora, festivals colors are arranged.

In Holland, May Day - the time of the festival of tulips. A lot of people from all over the world are specially coming here to look at this colorful spectacle.

Thus, May 1 is a wonderful holiday that unites different peoples. No matter what version of the celebration is carried out in the country. In any case, this is a bright spring holiday that brings a lot of positive emotions.

Prepared based on information from free sources

The holiday of May 1 or May Day is well known in Russia, the United States, Europe and is celebrated on May 1, or on the first day off. In the nearby past, in the Soviet Union - May Day celebrations were called as the "Day of International Solidarity of Workers", had the status of state, with established days off.

In other countries, the celebration, passing in the first days of the spring month, is called "Spring Day", "Labor Day", etc. In Russia since 1997, the first day of May is referred to as "Spring and Labor Day". The origins of the first one is customary to search in paganism, it is popular among citizens, with geography covering several continents.

Pagan roots May 1

Spring celebrations began to celebrate the ancient Romans about 3 thousand years ago. After sowing, the victims of the goddess of Earth and fertility of Maya were brought to get a good harvest. The ancient Greeks cut the branches from the Holy Pine Attis, dressed up their jewelry made of fur and solemnly brought into the Pantheon. On the way, they danced, sang songs and rejoiced, trying to die in the power of nature. Perhaps since those times and the tradition of the spring festival went.

In France, Germany, Austria and some other countries of Western Europe, the night of April 30 is known as "Valpurgiyeva Night". For popular beliefs, it is at that time a rampant "unclean power" passes. The people are going together, burns fires, drives round dances around them, sings the songs and even shoots, in order to scare the "evil".