40 years of marriage gifts. What to give parents for a ruby ​​wedding. Gift to your soul mate

Every married couple remembers that exciting day when their wedding took place. 40 years - what is the symbolism of this significant date? Such an anniversary of living together is a rarity, and it deserves special attention. What is the name of the 40th anniversary of marriage, how to congratulate the heroes of the day and what is better to give them?

Ruby wedding

Ruby wedding - this is how it is customary to call the anniversary of life together, when as many as 40 years have passed since the date of the wedding. What kind of wedding, what to give to parents and how to properly celebrate this significant day are questions that often arise on the eve of such a celebration.

Why is the 40th anniversary exactly ruby? It is known that the ruby, like most rocks, does not represent anything special at the time of extraction. The faded and shapeless stone becomes truly precious, sparkling and blood red only after careful cutting. It is the same with family relationships: after the painstaking work of the spouses for four decades, they become multifaceted, durable and very valuable.

Some families celebrate their 40th anniversary magnificently, while others - in a narrow circle of the closest people. However, no matter what the day will be, it is believed that the spouses should follow one old tradition. On the anniversary date, you need to exchange your wedding rings for new ones decorated with a ruby. The old ones should be put into the box and kept there until the wedding of the grandson or granddaughter. The rings of the spouses who have lived happily for 40 years will bring prosperity to the younger generation.

Gifts for each other

Few people manage to maintain tender feelings for so long and celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary. What kind of wedding, and even more so for spouses with such experience, does without gifts? On this significant day, the heroes of the occasion must definitely please each other with something special.

The best solutions for this case are:

  • jewelry. The husband can present his wife with a ring, earrings, pendant or brooch with a ruby. And the wife - to please her beloved husband with cufflinks, a ring or a tie clip with the same precious stone symbolic for the couple;
  • jewelry with artificial stones of bright red color is a good option if the purchase of expensive products with rubies is not included in the plans of a couple;
  • items for personal use in red or with a red stone. It can be jewelry boxes, a pocket mirror, a cigarette case or a lighter.

40 years of marriage is a really huge period. On this important day, each of the spouses can once again emphasize how strong the union created four decades ago is. A specially ordered engraving will help to make any chosen gift truly special. After all, what could be more pleasant than memorable gifts with gentle words addressed to each other?

Gifts from children

Often grown-up children simply cannot believe that as many as 40 years have passed since the day of the marriage of the father and mother. What kind of wedding, what to give to parents and how to congratulate the dearest people on this solemn day?

The best gifts from children on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of marriage can be:

  • handmade gifts. A photo album with photos of parents for all 40 years from the wedding day, a photo collage inserted into a frame, festive champagne (or red wine) with a photo of the spouses and other original ideas will definitely appeal to the heroes of the day;
  • gifts of ruby ​​color. Beautiful glasses, interior items and even household appliances in symbolic colors will remind parents of their 40th anniversary for many years;
  • practical gifts. A voucher to a sanatorium, an excursion tour, an apparatus for self-massage, a food processor and other useful gifts that can diversify and brighten up life.

An excellent addition to any gift will be beautiful ruby-colored flowers and sincere congratulations, prepared especially for the people dearest to your heart.

Gifts from guests

How to choose a gift when traveling as an invited guest for a 40th wedding anniversary? What kind of wedding, what the children and the spouses themselves give to each other, we already know - let's find out what presents are better to prepare for the guests.

Great gifts from friends and relatives for the ruby ​​anniversary will be:

  • interior items of bright red color: glasses, a beautiful service, a vase, candlesticks, a coffee table, a tablecloth, a box for wedding rings, etc.;
  • symbolic gifts, the number of which is 40. These can be towels, decorative ruby-colored candles and even 40 bottles of vintage wine (however, in the latter case, the attitude of both spouses to alcohol must be taken into account);
  • valuable gifts. Household appliances, an elegant figurine decorated with rubies, a portrait of the heroes of the day in a beautiful frame and other expensive things, decorated in a festive color.

The choice of a gift is always at the discretion of the guests, because close friends and relatives know better than others what the hero of the day will like and find useful. One has only to take into account that it is not customary to give bed linen and clothes for a ruby ​​wedding.


Many guests, going to the celebration, ask themselves the question: 40 years - what kind of wedding? After all, congratulations, gifts and even the style of clothing - after all, all this must correspond to the symbolism of the holiday. The 40th anniversary of living together is ruby, so it is desirable that this noble color be used in gifts, bouquets, table decoration and guests' outfits.

As for congratulations, on such an occasion (however, as in the case of other anniversaries) it is better to prepare them in advance, rather than invent them right at the festive table. The following ideas can become original and memorable:

  • congratulations in verse or prose, decorated in a beautiful folder with a photograph of the spouses or written on a large postcard;
  • video greetings. If relatives and friends do not have a suitable video, a film about the happy life of the heroes of the day can be composed of photographs and accompanied by their favorite song;
  • congratulations on the radio. Traditionally, on wedding anniversaries, they order a song or a congratulatory call from the radio station, after which a musical composition is put on especially for the spouses;
  • SMS message or Internet postcard - this option is suitable for those who, for some reason, cannot personally attend the celebration of the ruby ​​wedding;
  • game congratulations. Guests dress up as fairy tale characters, movie heroes or pop artists and congratulate the spouses in a comic form, reinforcing wishes with funny songs and dances.

It is especially good when there are guests at the holiday who remember what the wedding itself was like 40 years ago - what atmosphere reigned that day, what contests, gifts and funny moments were. All this can be partially recreated and remind the spouses of that distant and happy event.

You have lived a worthy and honest life
Every moment, living each other.
Forty years - we honor you from the bottom of our hearts.
Admiring and loving you.

Like rubies, fiery and bright
Lit up like a torch of the heart.
Everything for you - and congratulations and gifts to you.
You will go through life to the end.

Let your example be kind, wonderful
Will become a guiding star.
For another family, still inexperienced
And so childishly young!

The anniversary is shining with rubies,
That the two of us marked forty years.
Among all the many families
I have never seen better than yours in the world!

So let love live for another hundred years
Shrouded in happiness and dream!
We wish you joint successes and victories,
Great harmony and joy!
And airy, unearthly tenderness!

Forty years is quite a lot,
Like two short days
You lived like a family
But they walked together in step
A very long journey!

Fortieth anniversary,
Don't spare rubies!
We wish you not to grieve,
Live together for a long, long time!

Pour wine into glasses
And not a lot, and not a little,
And pour the champagne
Bitterly! Bitterly! Anniversary!

A wonderful holiday brought us together,
In life together you have an anniversary!
Ruby gave the name to this wedding,
So let's drink to you, dear ones, hurry!

Four dozen passed as one
Hearts carried fire through the years.
We want to wish you today
So that love continues to march with you!

Years of milestones have spread around the world,
But your love has not faded away.
Congratulations on Ruby's wedding.
At this glorious solemn hour.
Congratulations and sincerely believe,
That continue along the roads of love
You will go light and confident,
They are kept by our own senses.

To my beloved wife today
I want to tell you a lot
I wish the mercies of the Lord,
And I want to say about love.
We are forty years with you, dear,
We live with dignity and happiness!
I wish you health
And may the Lord protect our house!

Symbol of love and passionate fire,
The ruby ​​never left you.
And with him they got to the anniversary of this,
With fear as soon as you parted.
The color resembles a relationship "blood",
Both gentle and passionate, loving.
Let nothing destroy your union,
Pleasant blues will sound for you today.

Everything that has been passed and experienced
Let it be credited as an advance.
Many, many years to you
We wish it more than once.
This wedding is called ruby
We want to wait for the gold!
So live to be envied
So that your home is always comfortable

Your long union is precious -
Forty years of the family is the reason.
Love has a new taste
The heart flashed with ruby ​​fire.
Heavenly gift - to live always in harmony
With your other half.
May one dream come true -
We wish the family to be happy!

In these wonderful moments
At the 40th anniversary
From family and friends:
We wish you to live better,
So that hard things
Finish safely
You have always succeeded
Happiness, joy, good luck,
Help from all children
New grandchildren to boot
Let the nightingale whistle.

You've been in this marriage for 40 years
You are not happier in the world,
After all, you have a reliable rear,
That you love and loved.
I want to wish you health
Always respect your spouse
I wish you vigor and strength,
And so that you are happy!

After a long forty,
Your feelings have not faded away.
Congratulations bye
And we wish to live in happiness.
You are the keepers of your family,
You have many grandchildren and children.
The keepers of the hearth of love,
Repeat your run.
Live together for so long
To the delight of the entire planet.
Good luck, and only,
We will help you with any advice.

The 40th anniversary has arrived.
No wonder his name is ruby:

But he will always warn about trouble

To the Ruby wedding
Don't invite us
We all remember and congratulate
On the right day and the right hour.
Let them burn like two rubies
From the love of the heart always
Don't fade your senses
Many more years.
This wedding will remind you
The day that forty years ago
You considered the most important
Wearing rings in harmony.
May that happiness not fade away
You became the ideal
Congratulations and wish
Be drunk on this day.

Ruby crowns forty years.
Union all the charm it means.
But let the green light be on for you,
And red accompanies with beauty!
With a gift, you will be delighted
Tolerance, love, respect,
Forgive insults all without regret,
All the best to keep in oneself the ability!

With a ruby ​​wedding
Happy anniversary
I'm in a hurry, my dears,
I would rather congratulate!
I wish you a lot of joy
And happiness and health!
Let your house be filled
Both light and love!

Today's date is beautifully called -
Ruby wedding. The father is already screwed,
But this is nothing - today there is a reason
After all, not everyone can live forty years together.
And our rhyme to parents
Beautiful, laconic:
May you continue to be lucky
Both at work and in personal life.

Ruby is famous of course
And he will amuse you.

And we will lead them with love.

Ruby is famous of course
And he will amuse you.
We congratulate you now,
We wish mom and dad love.
So that you are the most beautiful
And in life they were so brave.
We give you rings with rubies,
And we will lead them with love.

Rubies are strewn with this day -

Accept it soon, mom, dad.

I wish you lots of fun!

Ruby like a heart that burns
She delights everyone with her beauty.
And your anniversary is also made of ruby,
Families are worthy of experience and initiative.
We will call you Ruby, spouses,
Let's shake your hands for your strong love.
And we wish you a keg of glory and honor,
And there is so much money that you do not know the accounts.

I wish you one soul -
Cheerful, kind and not sleepy,
So that all rubies turn
In a diamond crown on the "crown"

I congratulate you on the ruby ​​wedding,
I wish you all the best in your life.
So that you live together for many years,
No malicious enemies and no tears and no troubles.
I wish you only a saint in your life.
And beautiful happiness, even cool.
You love each other, as you do now,
After all, this is life, and not just an hour.

At least a little gray
You are young as before!
Life has been hard
But the hand lies in the hand!
Together you walked together,
Understood what you need,
You were never lazy
And they worked so hard!
Now we honor you,
May your family grow
Grandchildren will give birth to great-grandchildren,
They value you very much!

The ruby ​​wedding has come to you.
You walked towards her for a long forty years.
And next to you, your whole life has passed,
The 40th anniversary has arrived.
No wonder his name is ruby:
Transparent, scarlet, like blood in youth,
Ruby will drive away the sadness, longing,
Peace, love gives good people.
The stone will not prevent danger -
There is no strength to fight with fate,
But he will always warn about trouble
He is dear to us with such an ability.
How wise is a wedding in forty years
On the stone of fidelity to name a ruby!
There is no stronger blood connection than yours!
We are happy to congratulate
With a forty-year date, your union.
You have retained the strength of the marriage bond.
So God forbid you to continue to live together,
To keep care and love in our hearts.

Ruby wedding on the doorstep
The spouses celebrate a glorious day
And accept congratulations from loved ones,
Today they are not lazy at all,
Although a lot of time has passed,
How their family got married
They answer all questions directly,
Hearts are still full of love
Be always, our relatives, together,
You've lived through so many difficult years
Be the bride and groom forever,
Keeping a vow of love and fidelity!

Ruby wedding is happiness
After all, you have lived together for forty years,
We wish you to keep the fire of your passion,
We wish you good luck and victories!
May all good things happen in life
After all, you are only forty for two,
Let any dream come true
We dedicate this verse with love!

Ruby wedding happened
We will celebrate it together,
Perhaps we dreamed about this date,
And time turned back quickly
You are just as young and cheerful at heart,
You cannot hide your interest from loved ones,
The bride and groom are good-looking,
Gone are misunderstanding, jealousy, arrogance,
Be always, dear, energetic,
May your eyes shine with joy
Let everything be practical in your everyday life,
And only a tear drips happiness!

Before the wedding, gold is left,
Just a little bit for both of you,
These years are so small
Our relatives, good luck,
You've been living together for forty years
Together you are always side by side,
Solve adversity with a song
After all, there is one destiny for two,
Be welcome, don't be sad
Together, it's more fun in life,
Do not pay attention,
You are on envious people!

For forty years you lived together
And the ruby ​​you deserve
Great-grandchildren are already growing
They are waiting for grandfather and woman to visit!
Kiss each other
Let neither a storm nor an evil blizzard,
Never be torn apart
You health for years!
And more earthly love,
Until a hundred years still bloom,
Do not succumb to evil winds,
Enjoy the good life!

Two ruby ​​rings -
A symbol of happiness without end.
For the merging of hearts
For the shine of the rings!
You lived to be gray
But cheerful, as before,
Blaze like a ruby
Feelings and hopes.
Stay always
Just like that.
I drink a glass for you to the bottom.
Be young!
We keep love for 40 years,
She shines a star for us.
I am loved, you are loved
So everyone is young.
We will always be young
Have fun and drink wine.

For forty years the family is big,
Celebrates with the whole crowd,
And there are very few left
Gold to you before the wedding,
Congratulations deserved
Your marriage is very good,
They gave birth to glorious children,
Everyone looks like a father,
Be happy, dear ones,
Make us happy every day
To love each other was
Every day is not lazy at all!

Beautiful wedding ruby
Congratulations on this date!
Love each other as before
Let luck and success whirl a cool waltz!
Health, success to your family
The same warm understanding!
And happiness will always come to your house,
It's so cozy and comfortable in it.
Raise your kids just as honest
Strong, brave, right,
And your grandchildren will be cool with you,
You will be proud of them!

Congratulations, spouses,
Let your ruby ​​shine
May your love for each other
Gray hair will not cover the snow!
By the attraction of the heart
You have merged into one forever.
There are no stronger bonds like this -
Let's give thanks to your union!

Fourty years! Like rubies in the sky
Your little one's weddings are on fire!
Grandfather and grandmother, they loved very much
For so many years you have each other in a row!
But love extends further
So your eyes scream with feeling.
Less sadness and falsehood in life,
More granddaughters and grandchildren are growing!
Share with them all of you, not a part
Strength, health, skill, labor ...
The great path to great happiness
Let him lead you everywhere and always!

Alas, not everyone is given to understand
How to live warm and sweet in marriage.
Love to give, and to give
Himself to each other without a trace!
It's not a secret for you!
We respect your wisdom!
Today the marriage is 40 years old!
Congratulations on your anniversary!

Rubies are strewn with this day -
Today is the ruby ​​wedding
And a beautiful congratulation from children
Accept it soon, mom, dad.
Soul and soul intertwined like grapes
Weaves into spring trees
And I'm so happy about the holiday
I wish you lots of fun!

Rubies gleam over the Kremlin,
There are countless stars in the firmament.
You have been united for forty years!
Congratulations, mother-in-law, father-in-law!
There were days of separation, sorrow,
But joy drove them away;
We met a new day with a smile
You gave birth to a happy daughter ...
The son-in-law will not resist a toast,
I'm not used to limping in words:
Live in happiness, you are up to a hundred years old,
My mother and father are dear to me!

No, not forty forties -
Forty affectionate years
By fate you passed by
As one - hand in hand.
God give you the same faith
And love by an endless measure
And a great earthly reward -
Jubilee in the distance.
So that he burst out, like this one,
Gifted and illuminated
Became a joy and a covenant
And he did not diminish love.

R ubinovy ​​wedding is not inferior to more significant and accepted dates in society, like silver and gold. After all, the life of two people together is much more multifaceted and more important than the combination of beautiful numbers on a postcard. For forty years, only those who truly value the comfort of their partner, show titanic patience and agility, and also fight with the whole world for their personal little happiness, will be able to live side by side.

The attention of people is often paid to beautiful dates, so the ruby ​​wedding has become overgrown with fewer traditions and requirements regarding the celebration. But for some people, this fact becomes more of a plus, because you can fully reveal your imagination and come up with your own celebration scenario.

The symbolism of a forty-year marriage

The very name of the anniversary “Ruby Wedding” contains a symbol of celebration - a precious and very attractive ruby ​​stone. It is he who is a symbol of the relentless passion and liveliness that is inherent in lovers. Rubin yielded superiority in strength only to diamond, so people who have managed to live 40 years together try to correspond in feelings to the symbol of the holiday. Also, people compare the cutting of a ruby ​​with the process of grinding two people in everyday life, because the stone is given a scrupulous grinding and fitting before use.

The color gamut of ruby ​​is quite wide - from orange-red to a real flame of purple. Jewelers know very well that the redder and thicker the color of the stone, the higher its price, and, consequently, the product itself along with it.

In ancient times, people relied on the stone the most cherished desires - to see their own future, so everyone tried to get at least the smallest piece of it to enhance intuition and flair. Some peoples even considered it to be a link with good luck. Everyone who wore it on their left hand could be sure of their own success. There are also known cases when ruby ​​was used as a sure means of stopping bleeding. Already in the modern world, rubies also figured in medicine, but already as a basic element in the production of a laser.
Another symbol of the holiday is the ambiguous beauty of the Nasturtium flower, which resembles Pansies in shape, but still returns to the precious ruby ​​in color. The touching plant has been used since time immemorial in medicine as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Ideas for a celebration

There are several factors that determine the way of celebrating the anniversary: ​​the state of health of the married couple, financial situation and the emotional interest of relatives.
If the couple is filled with strength and desire to create a real celebration, you can safely call all close relatives and spend the anniversary in a cozy restaurant. Such a solution will simplify household chores and allow for optimal docking of all guests.

You can start with a True Memories Tour. Skillful grandchildren can make a real film about the family life of the heroes of the day, filling it with separate comments or monologues of relatives about the most interesting events. The kinder and warmer the atmosphere of the film is, the more pleasant it will be to watch the edited material. This kind of presentation will help set everyone present in the necessary mood and relax the worried heroes of the day.

As a souvenir for all who come, you can prepare thematic cards or boxes of chocolates with a wedding image of the heroes of the day. So everyone will have a little reminder of the evening they lived, which they can get at any time and relive pleasant memories again.
Many people take the ruby ​​color as a symbolic color for decorating a room, but a rich shade often strains a person who arrives in the zone of his influence for a long time. Therefore, the ruby ​​color should be introduced as an additional or accent color. A combination of delicate white or creamy large flowers with small droplets of red will be pleasant.

Red good-quality napkins, red lines of glasses and, of course, candles will help to continue the ruby ​​color (you can combine large white and smaller red ones). Tablecloths and chair covers should not be selected in such a rich color, the room should remain airy and light, because a wedding anniversary is a celebration of light and love.

The main guest of the celebration is red wine of the best varieties, because its inimitable aroma, color and taste will help you to enjoy the taste of tart passion and love as much as possible. Wine has always perfectly conveyed the whole gamut of a person's feelings and aspirations. 40 years of marriage were full of different events: sometimes we met disasters on the way, but not infrequently a miracle appeared on the doorstep, as well as upsets and ups. The married couple was able to overcome all storms and complications, retaining their warmth and love.

The Tree of Wishes is very popular, which you can create yourself or order from the masters. The type of tree, the size of the leaves and their color can be decided together with the heroes of the day. Some people like birch with its romantic twigs and brunks, others like Canadian maple, the leaves of which allow you to write a whole poem as a keepsake. The color scheme will help to understand the mood of the couple: autumn foliage symbolizes peace and tranquility, and a riot of luscious greenery will remind you of the inner core of each person, which makes everyone wake up in the morning.
The composition can be supplemented with a red pot, as a continuation of the holiday symbol, or with several red leaves. So the ruby ​​thread will flow into all the details of the evening. Near the tree, you can equip a place for storing presents, as well as pleasant things.

Celebration traditions

In the last decade, the main tradition of this holiday has become the exchange of new rings, which would necessarily contain the stones of a real ruby. To embellish this moment of exchange, you can prepare in advance the ceremony of vows, during which the wedding rings will change.
In order for the ruby ​​spouses to be able to enjoy the moment to their fullest, it is worth preparing them in advance for this event. Men are quite often stingy with the manifestation of feelings and impulses, so he should consider the oath in advance.

The tradition of eating cherries is less popular - the process itself consists in the fact that the spouses are served a plate of cherries, on top of which there is a paired berry. Having eaten it, they are obliged to plant the bones in the ground. The seeds that sprout bring the couple real happiness in the future and a unique passion. Cherries are obliged to bring the closest relatives and the more people bring them (one by one, an armful), the more confident the life of a married couple will be.

What to give ruby ​​anniversaries

For 4 decades together, the spouses have clearly succeeded in the skill of selecting gifts for each other, so it will be very easy to calculate the most necessary and pleasant. On this day, many try to emphasize the ruby ​​theme as much as possible - men buy a dress of the corresponding color, women buy leather diaries or other business paraphernalia.

But the most difficult thing is for the guests, because everyone wants to please the heroes of the day not just with a trinket, but with a present necessary in the family. After the release of the cult series about the life of women in New York, many began to practice the wish list before any celebration. The culprit of the holiday makes a list of everything they want and distributes it to guests or large supermarkets, everyone has the opportunity to choose one of them according to their taste and capabilities and be sure that they will like it.

Comfortable family sets of high-quality dishes, chic bed linen in pleasant colors, as well as desired vouchers for health improvement remain traditional gifts. Large-scale purchases of household appliances or other household equipment can be planned from a family or several invitees. It all depends on the sociability of the invitees and the mood of the heroes of the day.

You can give a gift with simple wishes or teach the whole family a funny song, in which the warmest words and wishes for the older generation would sound. Joint training and performances will add real cohesion and fun to the family, which sometimes gets hotter in the gray everyday life. The recorded process of performance in the future will also serve as an excellent family material for a joint family album or newsreel.

Other wedding anniversaries: Descriptions

To live 40 years in marriage is a real gift of fate, which is not given to every person. After all, for this you need to have real talent and work together to create such a strong and happy family. Many people do not know, 40th wedding year is what kind of wedding? The fact is that it is not as common as, for example, a gold or silver date. But nevertheless, this is also a very important event that should be celebrated with friends or in a family circle.

Why 40 years together is a ruby ​​wedding

40 years of life - what kind of wedding? This question will be answered by the symbol of the 40th anniversary of the date of marriage - a gem with an amazing color. The value of this red stone is slightly inferior to that of a diamond, but when a ruby ​​is processed by jewelry, it turns into a product of magical beauty.

Therefore, family relationships, like the symbol of the anniversary (at 40), cut and polished by the years lived together, become strong and indestructible. For both spouses, the ruby ​​date is a wonderful occasion to see their loved ones, relatives and friends, gathering them at the anniversary celebration.

Ruby Jubilee Traditions

On this wonderful holiday, the spouses, according to tradition, should exchange rings, as they did many years ago. What is so remarkable about this date - "wedding day, 40 years"? What kind of wedding, such should be the rings, that is, jewelry should be picked up with a ruby. And their old wedding "newlyweds" put in a box or casket, so that later they can be inherited by their grandchildren.

There is one more beautiful and touching tradition. On this day, the couple eat two cherries from a paired leg, without separating it. The bones from it are not thrown away, but buried in the ground, and if all these years the heroes of the day lived in peace and harmony, then after the lapse of time trees should grow, whose trunks will be tightly woven.

Where to celebrate the anniversary? Features of the hall design

So 40 years have passed since the wedding day. What kind of wedding was, of course, the spouses remember perfectly. This day is remembered as if it was only yesterday. On the occasion of the ruby ​​jubilee, you can also organize a real feast, which can be remembered for a long time not only by the heroes of the occasion, but also by their loved ones.

It can be held both at home and in a restaurant or cafe. If, nevertheless, the choice settled on the second option, then for this it is important to choose the right room and decorate the hall according to all the rules in order to celebrate the significant date - the 40th wedding year. What kind of wedding is it without a host or a musician? To create a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere, you can invite someone who will amuse the guests to their fullest.

When decorating the room where the celebration on the occasion of the ruby ​​anniversary will take place, you need to focus on the fiery red hue, because it is a symbol of anniversary and love. In the hall, you can hang multi-colored balls in the shape of hearts, put attractive scarlet tablecloths on the tables, and put vases with ruby-colored flowers on top. The windows can be decorated with bright curtains in burgundy or pink, and the walls with beautiful red ribbons.

Celebrating the ruby ​​anniversary at home

If you want to create a light and relaxed atmosphere at the celebration, then, of course, it is better to organize it at home. First, you can invite a hairdresser to give the bride and her guests beauty, and then, while everyone is not tired, hold a photo session in memory of such a significant day.

An excellent decoration of an apartment can be helium balloons, which children can then play with if they suddenly get bored. The toastmaster can host the celebration on the occasion of the 40th wedding anniversary, so that the invited guests will surely enjoy and remember this day for a long time.

Making a menu for a ruby ​​wedding

Finally, a place has been determined where to celebrate the 40th wedding year. What kind of wedding or anniversary is it without delicious treats? The menu for guests should be thought out so that it also symbolizes the ruby ​​date. From the drinks offered, this will help to realize red wine or champagne. The highlight of the festive menu is to make a salad, which will be decorated with pomegranate seeds, which look strongly reminiscent of a ruby.

You need to treat guests with red marmalade and fruit, which can be served as a dessert. The conclusion of the celebration, of course, will be a birthday cake, which will be pre-decorated with strawberries, cherries or raspberries. One of the options for decorating the cake is red rose petals, which will look very aesthetically pleasing and original.

40th wedding anniversary contests and entertainment

Without a doubt, the whole evening will be dedicated to the fact that the guests will congratulate and honor the "newlyweds". But still, in order to somehow diversify the atmosphere at the holiday, you can hold interesting contests and games for those invited. Relevant, for example, would be a task that allows you to check how the guests know wedding anniversaries.

The conditions for entertainment are very simple: by the name of the anniversary, you will need to find out when it is celebrated, or exactly the opposite - the participants guess what date it is, by the number of years lived. The one who gave the most answers becomes the winner.

Another very interesting and pleasant competition is called "Who will praise the most." The essence of the game lies in the fact that each hero of the day recruits a team of guests, where he is the captain. Then the participants take turns drawing a letter from the bag, and names any praise in honor of the rival captain. For each such compliment, the team scores a point for itself, whoever gets more points won.

At each holiday, of course, there is a musical accompaniment, so one of the proposed contests may be associated specifically with music. The host of this evening invites all guests to sing in chorus the favorite song of the heroes of the day. To do this, you need to print the text with it in advance and distribute it at the beginning of the evening for review. If there is an appropriate audio recording, you can turn it on quietly and sing along.

If there are those present who like to sing, you can hold a "Karaoke" competition, and for those who like to dance, the appropriate entertainment with the name "Who will dance better" is suitable. In these games, all active participants can get small ones in the form of sweets.

Gifts and warm words for the "newlyweds"

Everyone who is invited to celebrate the ruby ​​anniversary, of course, asks the question: "What do they give for a 40-year wedding?" Presentation variations can be different. But the date itself can answer this question - 40 What to give, the symbol of this anniversary will tell you. Whatever the gift may be, it must be wrapped in red paper.

Not everyone can afford a real ruby, but an artificial version of it was created in laboratories in the last century, which is not so expensive. Thanks to this, you can safely donate jewelry or souvenirs where this pebble is used. A box or vase with red color will also serve as an excellent souvenir.

A portrait will become a memorable and lasting gift for the spouses. Instead, it is also possible to present a large-format printed photograph of a married couple. It can be decorated with a beautiful frame. Undoubtedly, this gift will be to the taste of the heroes of the occasion.

Many do not know how to congratulate the heroes of the day on this solemn day. This is very easy to do. For example, a good option would be to say a toast in the form of prose, for example:

“40 years ago your destinies were united, and you swore loyalty and love to each other for centuries. All these years you have walked together hand in hand, creating together a family hearth of love. Today, as you celebrate your ruby ​​wedding, you can rightfully be called a couple to follow.

You have reason to be proud: attentive children, wonderful grandchildren are growing up. You carried your love through the years, through hardships and hardships, remaining tender and devoted to your sincere feelings. Let the ruby, this bright red stone of love, give a new sparkle in the relationship and keep your feelings until the end. Happy anniversary! "

What to give if the heroes of the day are parents

Parents need to choose a gift for 40 years of wedding that is touching and reverent, because for them this is a special and important event in life. It doesn't have to be some super expensive thing. Parents will be most pleased to receive as a gift a photo collage made of forty photographs that capture the most significant events and moments in the life of the spouses. As the closest relatives of the heroes of the day, children are obliged to know their preferences and wishes, so you can build on this, use a presentation for the idea.

A gift can be made with your own hands, such as a mini-garden for their balcony. It will take at least a week to make it, but it is unlikely that any other guest will present such a present to the heroes of the occasion. An original gift will be an album with photographs, where a touching quote will be written for each of them, or a bouquet of plush toys.

Gift to your soul mate

Husband and wife will undoubtedly also want to present gifts to each other as gratitude for the years they have lived together. In all this, give something worthwhile and durable. Of course, jewelry will be the most suitable present. A spouse, for example, can please his beloved half with anything: a ring, earrings, bracelet, brooch or pendant, on which you can make the appropriate engraving with warm words. The wife can present as a gift a bracelet, signet, ring, tie clip or cufflinks, on which touching declarations of love for the spouse will be written.

How best to end the celebration

For the celebration of the anniversary to remain in the hearts of guests and “newlyweds” for a long time, it must have a beautiful ending. For a spectacular end to the evening, you also need to remember that a 40th wedding year is what a wedding. Ruby shades should prevail. Therefore, the beautiful result will be the launch of forty dark red air lanterns into the sky, which in their number symbolize the years lived together. In honor of the heroes of the occasion, you can organize a chic fireworks or fireworks.

The original ending of the evening can be some kind of dance number or show. If, of course, there is such an opportunity, then the heroes of the day can be sent straight from the celebration to their second honeymoon, which they will remember for all the remaining years.

After forty years of marriage, the spouses celebrate the so-called ruby ​​wedding. Ruby is an expensive exquisite red stone.

After forty years of marriage, the spouses begin to understand each other so much that in the literal sense of the word they become dear people.

In order to create a ruby, it is necessary to make a lot of efforts that not everyone can do, and in a relationship, not everyone is able to maintain love and respect for many years.

This anniversary is called ruby ​​for a reason: the ruby ​​has many shades that symbolize sincere, eternal, passionate love.

Ruby wedding: how to celebrate 40 years anniversary

Noting wedding anniversary 40 years, you need to organize a chic holiday. But it all depends on your financial situation.

Try to send out invitations in advance, because many relatives and friends will want to congratulate on this date. You can buy invitation cards, or you can make yourself. Grandchildren must be present at the wedding, great-grandchildren, because they are proof of the happy life of the spouses.

When decorating a room where a wedding will be celebrated 40 years later, do not forget that red is a symbol of ruby: try to have as many red colors in the hall as possible, you can also lay a red tablecloth on the table, red napkins will be an indispensable decoration for the table.

Celebrate 40 Years Wedding Anniversary it is recommended that it is interesting and fun, you can even call the toastmaster who knows how to properly conduct such an event. She easily organizes contests, everyone will be involved in the game.

On the table, as a treat, there should be pomegranate; from alcohol, red wine must be present, which in its color resembles a ruby.

You cannot ignore the birthday cake, which must be decorated with the number 40 and the figures of two lovers.

What to give your spouse for a ruby ​​wedding?

What to give a husband or wife for their wedding anniversary? In the old days, on this day, the spouses took off their wedding rings and put on rings in which there is a ruby. Old rings were hidden in a box, they will be useful to grandchildren who will marry.

What to give for a ruby ​​wedding if you are a guest

Have you been invited to celebrate your 40th wedding anniversary and have no idea what to give? Indeed, the gift for this anniversary must be taken very seriously.

As a gift, you can present a joint photo in a frame or a painted portrait of the spouses, and as an addition to the gift, the spouses can give a bouquet of ruby ​​roses, which are a symbol of strong love.

Of course, the best gift for ruby wedding there will be jewelry in which there is a ruby, but not everyone can afford such a gift. In the Middle Ages, in laboratories, piece rubies were grown, from which figurines were later made, they were affordable for everyone.