Will it hurt the tattoo on the pope. Will it hurt the wrist tattoo? In what places most of all do a tattoo

Each tattoo driver in front of the session is asked: "Is it not hurt?".

We will tell where to actually hurt. Tattoos hurt everyone: both women and men. The intensity of pain depends not only on the individual painful threshold, but also from some other factors. If you did not like the session as it should, but on the eve I drank, or you were cold and feel it - put yourself in a tattoo. Otherwise, doomed yourself to the flour of hell, if, of course, you are going to do something more or less serious, and not a small heart on hand ...

But suppose you feel perfectly. And now you come to a session in a great location of the Spirit, the tattoo will prepare your skin to apply a tattoo, translates the drawing, turns on the machine ... And you start digging pain, twitch - and this does not like you nor the master who can make uneven contours from - From your convulsions.

Just look at this pain map and think where you can really endure a multi-hour "acupuncture" session. If you make a tattoo for the first time, it is worth remembering that the most painful places of application are those that are not protected by fat storms and muscles, as well as those where many nerve endings are concentrated.

For example, Hells painfully hammer their knees, a front of the shin front (where the so-called "dry bone"), ankles, feet, shoulder in the place of attachment of the shoulder joint, the back in the cochon area and spine, neck, the rib section. Painfully tattooed and stomach, as well as a plot under the breast. It practically does not hurt tattoo on biceps, shoulders, soft tibia tissues, buttocks, on shovels. Just look at this pain map and think where you can really endure a multi-hour "acupuncture" session. If you make a tattoo for the first time, it is worth remembering that the most painful places of application are those that are not protected by fat storms and muscles, as well as those where many nerve endings are concentrated. For example, Hells painfully hammer their knees, a front of the shin front (where the so-called "dry bone"), ankles, feet, shoulder in the place of attachment of the shoulder joint, the back in the cochon area and spine, neck, the rib section. Painfully tattooed and stomach, as well as a plot under the breast. It practically does not hurt tattoo on biceps, shoulders, soft tissue tissues, buttocks, on shovels.

How to avoid hellish torment when applying a tattoo? You can take advantage of special anesthetics, which are always in the arsenal of a good wizard. The ointment acts 3-4 hours, and if the pain becomes too strong, it is better to interrupt the session and finish the tattoo in a week or two. In addition, you can drink painkillers. And also - to be distracted by the maximum, talk to the master, watch a movie or listen to your favorite music. And breathe deeply.

Remember: when choosing a tattoo and its place of application, it is better not to think about how comfortable and painless a session will pass, but as far as it decorates your body. And beauty is such - it requires victims.

Without pain, there is no result - when it comes to applying a tattoo, more precisely and you can not say. This process is very painful (at best you will be little painfully). However, armed with knowledge and specific techniques, you can control painful sensations during tattooing.


Part 1

Before applying tattoos

    Talk to those who understand the question. If you have never done a tattoo, then the best way to morally prepare for it is to find out about the process as much as possible, talking to people who have many tattoos or directly with the tattoos. Most of them willingly share their experiences. Forewarned is forearmed.

    • Pain threshold is individual for each person. Although the application of the tattoo is a painful procedure, it does not matter any comparison with pain in childbirth or kidney stones. You will be convinced by talking with knowledgeable people.
  1. Know the most painful places. The intensity of pain depends on where you are going to make a tattoo. If you want to reduce pain, think about making a tattoo on a specific part of the body. The pain threshold is different, however, the general rules are as follows:

    Know what kind Tattoos cause the most painful sensations. Remember that different tattoos cause pain of different intensity. In most cases:

    • The easier and less tattoo, the less painful will be the process of applying.
    • One-color tattoo will be less painful (and its application will take less time) than a multicolor tattoo.
    • The part of the tattoo fill in certain color will be the most painful, since the tattooer needs to be treated several times.
  2. If you want to make a tattoo, take a friend or relative with me, so as not to be alone. Optionally pass through it alone. The presence of a person who can take care of you will alleviate pain while applying a tattoo (you can tell this person about your feelings, and he is to take you).

    • If you are not too shy man, bring a whole company with you. In many tattoo salons, friends allow you to be in the lobby or even in the room where the tattoos do. Such a group of like-minded people will support you and you will not be so painful.
  3. Know that needles will be involved and there will be some blood. The modern process of applying the tattoo involves the use of a special machine, with which the tattoo master quickly pierces the skin with a needle, introducing ink for it. Due to numerous skin punctures, the tattoo place is a little bleeding. If you do not tolerate the type of blood, turn and do not look.

    • Tell us about your sensations of the Tattooker - a good specialist will surely help you overcome the process of applying a tattoo with the least discomfort.

    Part 2

    During the applying tattoos
    1. Calm down and relax. So it will be less painful. Make a few deep breaths and talk to another, relative or even with a tattooer. So you can relax and stop worrying about what is about to happen.

      • If you are very tense or nervous, call the tattooer in advance and ask if you can bring objects that will help you relax. For example, you can take a MP3 player with you to listen to your favorite songs and thus relax. In many tattoo salons, you can do anything if it does not interfere with the work of the tattooer.
    2. Take care that you are as comfortable as possible. Depending on the size and complexity of the tattoo, you can spend several hours in the cabin. Although the wizard will take breaks during which you can get up and walk, make certain things that will allow you to go through the whole procedure with great comfort.

      • before visiting the tattoo salon, eat and drink water (1-2 glasses) to avoid dehydration and possible fainting;
      • put on free and comfortable clothes;
      • bring items that will allow you to relax (audio player, read something and so on);
      • before visiting the tattoo salon, take a shower.
    3. Squeeze something in your hand or teeth to alleviate the pain. Straightening muscles, a person significantly reduces pain (this method is applied by the Hoeers to reduce pain during childbirth, and it is worth noting, it works well enough). In many tattoo salons, there are objects that can be compressed; Otherwise, bring this item with you. That's what you can take:

    4. Drive breathing to reduce pain. Try to exhale when you feel strong pain. You can either exhale or publish sound (low hum). Exhaust allows you to reduce tension and pain (that is why during the power workouts, the exhalation is done when lifting burdens).

      • On the other hand, incorrect breathing will only increase the pain. Do not delay your breath when you hurt - so you just increase the pain.
    5. Move as little as possible when you experience pain. The smaller you move, the more precisely the tattooker will cause a tattoo, which means the time of the procedure will decrease (imagine an artist who draws on a moving canvas - it will be very difficult for him to draw something).

      • If you are still necessary Move, warn in advance about this tattoo driver so that he remove the machine from your skin; Otherwise, the tattoo can be spoiled.

Standard question about whether to do tattoo , worries absolutely all people who came to . Moreover, even customers who have experience in applying a native drawing in a particular place, disturb the theme of the pain of the heating in another part of the body.

Today there are a lot of articles, which describes the most painful places for tattoo, minimization methods of unpleasant sensations and so on. Indeed, on the body of each person there are parts of the body, where such procedures are made much easier. However, it is worth noting that the location is not the only significant factor that affects the degree of painful sensations obtained during the procedure. Let's look at them in more detail.

Master Qualification and Experience

If you are afraid that you will hurt the tattoo, so you have a lot of questions and doubts. Then you definitely need to find the one you can trust. The pain from tattoo largely depends on the tattooker and the equipment that it uses. Modern masters in professional studios tattoo use only progressive tattoo machines, helping to reduce the level of pain. The qualifications and skill of the specialist are defining for the duration of the procedure, since an experienced master can simply cope with an identical task.

The complexity and size of the tattoo

The application of a large and complex composition on the body does not cost without a significant time of exposure to the skin and substantial scales of injury of epidermis. Everything is simple enough, since a large tattoo requires significant time costs. Detailing or large amounts of elements leads to the fact that one body section is exposed to a long-term effect of the tattoo of the machine, so the pain may be intensified. In other words, if you want to know if it hurts to make a tattoo, important moments are, dimensions and complexity of the picture. Given this, the composition of impressive size is better to do in 2-3, and sometimes 4-5 visits in Tatu Studio.

Place for a tattoo or where to do it?

A great importance is the choice of part of the body where the native drawing will be stuffed. Indeed, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe calf muscle, the painful sensations will seem fine tingles, and in the zone of wrists, on the edges or footsteps, the drawing of tattoos can become an unbearable test for you.

First of all, it is worth considering the following factors when choosing a location for a tattoo:

  • the number and density of nerve endings;
  • the presence of a fat and muscular layer determining the distance between the bones and the skin.

Our Tattoo Pain Card will help you figure out and make the right choice. According to experts, all parts of the body can be divided into three conventional groups:

  • places where it does not hurt to do a tattoo (shoulders, forearm, buttocks, loins, calf muscles, and so on);
  • zones with moderate pain (back, blades, belly, thigh);
  • the most painful places for tattoos (hands, foot, foot, the outer part of the leg, neck, knee, and so on).

Of course, it is also necessary to take into account the individual features of each organism, which are defining for the painful threshold. Indeed, there are people who easily tolerate tattooing in hypersensitive zones, despite general recommendations. There are also opposite cases when some customers cannot do without the use of painkillers.

Psychological aspects of the Tattoo of Pain

It is worth noting that for most people who make their first tattoo, fear appears not only because of possible pain, but also due to the unknown. People simply scares what they are absolutely new and incomprehensible. Indeed, according to practitioners' masters, very often repeated tattoo sessions are significantly easier.

Unfortunately, there are also opposite cases when the first experience was unsuccessful. In this case, it will be difficult for you to abstract from what you will hurt to make a tattoo and not think about it. Poor psychological state and general well-being can significantly prevent the procedure, as pain can seriously increase. Given this, it is necessary to tune in to a positive, sleep and not think about what annoys you.

A good option can be distracted factors, namely:

  • listening to music;
  • reading books;
  • view video.

This may seem strange or inappropriate, but very often the application process can take several hours, so in such a situation you need to distract yourself from unpleasant sensations. The main thing is not to overdo it, since some options can distract the tattoo masters from work, which can be negatively affected by the result.

Is it worth using anesthesia?

Many people are so strongly concerned about whether it hurts to make a tattoo that they are willing to take risks using painkillers. It is quite risky, so in most professional tattoo studios Master Tattoo will not make it. The fact is that there is no direct need for this, since special gels and ointments with anesthetics components do not sound well with this task. They not only reduce the discomfort, but also minimize the irritation of the epidermis.

Often, special gels or sprays are used, which include benzocaine or lidocaine. The use of injections or other substances can be compared with the intake of alcohol or light drugs, as the result can be negative consequences associated with poor blood coagulation and an increase in blood pressure. All this can significantly affect the quality of a native drawing.

If you do not want to risk your health, and also want to get a bright and rich composition - then you should use the recommendations of the tattoo of the salon "Anatomy".

Video tattoo pain in the girl

A professionally completed tattoo will always be the subject of admiring views even for those who do not particularly support similar changes. However, in order to acquire, it is necessary to go through a sufficiently painful procedure, and it is better to first be asked for, and whether you can calmly wait for the end of the session. Will it really take a tattoo?

How is the tattooing process

If we speak in a simple language, then the applying of the tattoos is nothing but the injury of the skin with the subsequent making of the coloring substances that will remain there forever. Contemporary in their work use only electrical tattooing machines, so that the impact on the skin is noticeably declining, and the pigment is evenly brought under the skin. Depending on the drawing, the specialist is selected the required amount of needles.

What factors affect painful sensations

  • For each person, its pain threshold is characterized, but, as a rule, in all cases, the procedure for applying a tattoo does not apply to pleasant. It is painful, but tolerant.
  • An important value is the master performing applying. You can make a tattoo with the same tool in the same place, but the change of the wizard will cause a change in sensations in one direction or another.
  • The larger sizes have a tattoo, the more painful sensations you have to experience. Application You will survive easier than the volume and well-scored tattoo.
  • Directly connected with the scale of pain. If you are difficult in choosing, you can guide the dice tattoo remote.

What place is most suitable for less painful procedure

If the desire to apply you does not leave, and the pain is the only thing that stops you, you should know where most of all tattoo. It is necessary to choose those places where the most fat layer. Suppose it can be buttocks ,. The thinner there will be skin, the more powerful feelings will be. The vessels and nerve endings are closer, and the needle can penetrate the bone itself.

To the question, hurt whether everyone will have their answer. The level of painful sensations will depend on the specific area. Here is the same principle: the thinner the skin is, the more painful.

What will help to easily transfer the application of the tattoo

Thanks to the wide experience of people who have undergone a tattooing process, a whole range of measures was collected, which can noticeably facilitate the procedure:

  • Before the procedure, take a shower, drink a glass of water.
  • Try to relax, calm down and distracting the conversation with the master.
  • Coordinate in advance the ability to bring our own musical accompaniment to the salon, or something that can switch your attention.
  • You can squeeze in your hands or teeth an object that will help to overcome especially sharp moments. It can be a rubber espander, towel, etc.
  • Watch out for breathing, exiting the output at the moment when it will be particularly painful. Do not delay it.
  • If the pain becomes extremely difficult, ask the masters to make a little break.
  • With difficult tolerance of pain, in advance of the reception of a specific painkillery.

Use of anesthesia - for and against

During a session on anesthesia, either applied or not. It all depends on, the convictions of the master and wishes of the client. Some refuse to be the fact that the drugs affect the skin regeneration.

Many people calmly do without painkillers, as the process is enough tolerated, and is completely transferred without additional drugs.

But in situations where large-scale and long-term work is planned, with a greater probability, anesthesia will need.

Apply an anesthetic drug or not - the solution is individual. Perhaps you wish to fully experience a ritual or just pick up the place where it does not hurt tattoo.

Is it painful to make a tattoo on the wrist

Will it hurt to make a tattoo?

There is no unequivocal answer to this question, and each holder of the tattoo describes its feelings in different ways. But the following factors significantly affect pain.

If the fear of the upcoming pain is very big and even prevails over the desire to decorate yourself with a tattoo, it is hardly necessary to rush. If you have repeatedly postponed a campaign to the salon, because they are afraid of pain, it is likely that intuition hints on the incontiniteness of the choice of the pattern or the achievement of the solution. And if you have long and firmly decided to become a carrier of a tattoo, then no fear of the disease of the procedure can stop you.

All about tattoos in the field of wrist

And you can also fill the small tattoos that will replace or supplement the rings, for example, a massive tiger head or elegant crescent.

Tattoos on the inside of the wrist may be a bit painful, nevertheless, girls are increasingly choosing this place for permanent decor. Here you can fill the tattoo phrase, a world map, a small heart or ...

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From the place of applying a tattoo. As a rule, some of the most painful are areas located closer to the bone, as well as containing a large number of nerve endings. It is believed that the most sore places for applying a tattoo is a region of genital organs, breasts, ears and eyes. Tattoos on the neck painfully do in the vertebral area, but due to fine and sensitive skin, the side and front of the neck can be more painful. Tattoos on the leg painted in the ankle and stop area - due to a small layer of subcutaneous fat and a large number of nerve endings. Tattoos on the wrist painfully do in places with thin skin and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bone. In addition, painful are areas of ribs, armpits, elbow and knee joints, spine. Where does not hurt the tattoo? It is believed that the least painful parts of the body containing the greatest fat interlayer between the bones and the skin. The most common places where it does not hurt to make a tattoo, are shoulders, since in this area there is a fat layer and a small amount of nerve endings. Also not strong pain in the field of ICR and buttocks, although in these parts of the tattoos are not so common;

The second enemy is my own laziness. A good master will give you a set of instructions for the care of "new clothes". Follow them strictly because the first two weeks decisive. Consider this as a postoperative period. Do you sit on a bike with an unemployed foot? Do not doubt, the tattoo is an injury. Thousands of injections per minute piercing the epidermis and put the pigment into the dermis. Since we decided, it is best to approach the question seriously.

On a note

  • Leather - live fabric. It changes and stretches. Even with perfect care, the tattoo must be updated for about once every 3-5 years. It will cost that as much as fill up a new one. And it will hurt the same way.
  • Moles when applying the tattoo bypass and hide in the picture.
  • Hair at the place of application Tattoo continues to grow.
  • If you have a scar or a scar, must pass at least a year after the injury before this place can be closed something.
  • On the session you need to come sober, full and sleeve. On the eve of drinking, too, it is impossible: it will be more painful, the bleeding will increase, the healing process will slow down.
  • Light temperature and dizziness after a tattoo session is normal, and this is the only side effect (except for pain and eath), which is possible when performing all sanitary conditions and rules of care.
  • Between sessions on the same zone (for example, if you do "sleeve") must pass no less two weeks.
  • You can reduce the tattoo with a laser by 90-95%. It will be parently longer and more expensivethan the tattoo itself.

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Other factors affecting the soreness of the tattoo.

  • Eagle configuration. Modern equipment is no less important.
  • The duration of the session. The more time the specialist spends on a job, the greater load is experiencing an organism. The optimal time during which the client will feel most comfortable - up to 5 hours.

It is believed that the least painful parts of the body containing the greatest fat interlayer between the bones and the skin. The most common places where it does not hurt to make a tattoo are shoulders, since this area contains a fat layer and a small amount of nerve endings. Also not strong pain in the field of ICR and buttocks, although in these parts of the tattoos are not so common.