What if your ex-wife got into your dream? Psychology of dreams with an ex-wife. Kissing his wife in a dream

Dream interpretation ex-girlfriend or wife, ex-girlfriend dreamed

Dreams of former love partners are a mental projection of their thoughts and memories of the dreamer. In the same way, thinking about people and sorting through the events associated with them, we often ourselves come to them in dreams.

Former love dreams of those who did not let go of the past, recalls it and analyzes past events.

For a guy, his ex-girlfriend in a dream is a sign, the interpretation of which depends on the feelings evoked. If you miss her after waking up, then she is still not indifferent.

According to the dream book, an ex-girlfriend often means that this person remembers and thinks about him. If she is affectionate and kind, sticks with kisses and hugs, then there is probably a hidden resentment, contempt, anger and even a desire for revenge, if the separation was the fault of a man, for example, because of treason. If you dreamed of an ex-girlfriend who is aggressive, then, on the contrary, her love feelings towards the owner of the dream have not yet completely faded away.

The next meaning of the dream - what the ex-girlfriend is dreaming of - is in many ways similar to what the ex-wife dreams of. If in a dream a man quarrels noisily or fights with his ex-wife, the dream rather portends the establishment of harmonious relationships with women. Conversely, too tender relationships, accompanied by caresses and kisses, portend problems in personal or family life.

According to the dream book, the former lover symbolizes nostalgia for the times when you were together. Another dream indicates unresolved issues left after the termination of the relationship. Apparently, the time has come to talk calmly and peacefully.

Most often, a dream about an ex-girlfriend is a shape-shifter, that is, it means the opposite of the dream. For example, if in a dream you were again together and happy, then in reality you have to close this page and start dating another.

Changing the appearance of an ex-wife in a dream requires additional interpretation. Seeing your ex-wife in a dream is not at all what she really is, for example, with a different hair color or altered facial features, unrealistically beautiful or old, scary, disheveled - a bad omen. In reality, female ingratitude, deception or betrayal hurt a man's heart, his pride and pride will be wounded.

What does it mean if an ex-girlfriend dreamed with another guy? You still hope to restore your relationship, but you haven't seen her for a long time, so you suffer from the unknown and are jealous.

Why dream that the ex-girlfriend is pregnant? Often such a dream is seen by young people who are already in a new relationship. You subconsciously compare your new beloved with your old one. You are wondering how her personal life is shaping up. The dream also indicates that with the current girl, the dreamer has everything is stable and durable.

If you dreamed that your ex-girlfriend was crying, this foreshadows troubles in reality. Or difficulties in relationships with people whom you have known for a long time (and this does not necessarily apply to former lovers).

How to understand a dream that an ex-girlfriend wants to return? The symbol is deciphered in two ways. Either she thinks about you, and soon you will accidentally meet in reality. Or your real life is now so far from your former passion that you no longer need her attention.

And if in a dream the ex-girlfriend returned? This should be interpreted in the opposite way: soon you will begin a new life, where the past will have no place. Perhaps you have already met another girl who suits you much more, and all that remains is to realize this.

Had a dream that your ex-wife returned? If during this time you managed to conclude a new alliance, then a dream may mean a misunderstanding with your current wife, which makes it seem as if everything was better in the previous marriage. For single men, such a dream is usually associated with an unwillingness to remarry.

If a former lover dreamed, it means that you are thinking about each other. A new meeting with this woman is quite probable. And if in reality you are married, you should think about whether your spouse is happy. A dream can warn that her feelings for you are fading away.

According to the dream book, kissing an ex-girlfriend is to give in to dreams and memories instead of real actions in life. It also means that you are not yet ready for the new love taking responsibility.

Frequent female question: "Why is my boyfriend's ex-girlfriend dreaming?" This usually means that you subconsciously compare yourself to her - especially if in a dream this person looked attractive and was liked by others. Exactly the same meaning if the husband's ex-girlfriend dreamed. Sleep means that you are jealous and torment yourself with unfounded suspicions that will negatively affect trust in the family.

You are happy in a new marriage, you have not seen your ex-wife for several years, and suddenly she begins to dream and remind you of old wounds. Of course, this is troubling. It's good if the dream is one-time. But what if it repeats itself over and over again? Or maybe you are a woman and you are dreaming about your husband's previous spouse? The subconscious mind clearly wants to tell you something. It remains to understand exactly what the ex-wife is dreaming of.

How dreams with an ex-wife are interpreted in dream books

What do dreams involving an ex-wife indicate:

  • burdensome with memories of the past;
  • there is dissatisfaction with one's life and a thirst for positive changes, secret or overt. It's time to understand yourself, listen to your feelings;
  • tormented by nostalgia. I would like to return to a happy past, because life now is not rich in pleasant events, but nothing is being done to change this.

Dream Interpretations reduce the meaning of all interpretations to the following: the time has come to actively develop and move forward. Actions taken for self-development will certainly be successful.

On a note. The dream about the ex-wife concerns all spheres of life: not only marriage, but also work, hobbies, friendship, relations with relatives.

Why does a man's ex-wife often dream?

Such a dream signals an obsession with the past. You live on memories. Concentrate more on the present moment. If in a dream the ex-wife died, then this promises a new stage in life. Good or bad is unknown. One thing is clear: life will become so active that there will be no time for excruciating regrets.

If the ex-wife often dreams, the dream can also be a warning of imminent troubles.

You should be wary if there was any of this in a dream:

  • a fight or swearing with your ex-wife;
  • murder;
  • you walked together somewhere side by side;
  • she offered a drink (any, not necessarily alcoholic);
  • she manipulated the hair: combing, styling.

The dream in which you see your ex-wife only says that everything has not ended between you, something else binds you. The same can be said about the dream in which your ex-husband also dreamed. There are many reasons why a "ghost" of past love may come to you.

The modern view of what the ex-wife dreams of

The most common reason is love. Despite the fact that you separated, you still cannot forget her. Love is a feeling that is beyond our control, does not depend on us. You may not see each other and not communicate for a long time, but if the feelings are sincere, then they will not go anywhere. After such a dream, answer honestly to yourself if you still love your ex-wife, if you want to resume a relationship with her. You may have deceived yourself that it’s over, but in reality it’s not. If you still have warm feelings for your ex-wife, then do not waste your time, act, everything is possible in our life. There are many real-life cases where former spouses entered the bonds of marriage again.

You can see your ex-wife in a dream for other reasons. It can be just memories, both good and bad. Memories play an important role in our life, because they make up a significant part of our life. They simply cannot be deleted from your life, they will always be a component of it.

It is also possible that there is a feeling of resentment between you. Either she has not yet forgiven you for something, or you are subconsciously angry with her. It's pretty easy to find out who is holding a grudge against whom. Usually, whoever quit, is offended at that. If you are aware of your guilt, then you should apologize. You yourself will be surprised how much easier your life will become. You can start a new life with a clear conscience. And, if your ex-wife has been coming to you in a dream for a long time, and it is unpleasant for you, then an apology is the only way to rectify the situation.

It is likely that some kind of reticence remains between you and your ex-wife, some issues that need to be discussed. In this case, the right way out of this situation is to meet and talk. When you put all the dots on the "and", it will be easier for you to start a new life. If there is still a hope in your soul that you will be together again, then it will be very difficult for you to start a new relationship. You must firmly decide for yourself that it is all over with her. For this, it will be very useful to talk with her about all this. Perhaps if you find out that she is already dating someone else, it will be easier for you to let her go and start a new life.

Very often, to see an ex-wife in a dream is a common dream in dependent men who are very ill alone. They need a woman by their side.

All interpretations of what the ex-wife dreams of

Now let's look at the specific meaning of dreams in which your ex-wife is present. A pleasant meeting in a dream with your ex-wife, who left you good feelings the next morning, speaks of your desire to resume a relationship with her. You may not be showing it, but you subconsciously want it very much. In this case, you should take the first step towards reconciliation. Also, such a dream can promise you a meeting with old acquaintances or friends whom you have not seen for a very long time. The meeting promises to be very pleasant.

Seeing your ex-girlfriend in a dream. which passes by you and does not notice you, says that everything is really over. Love has passed, your relationship is in the distant past, nothing can be returned. Do not harbor vain illusions, start a new life. Go ahead and do not dwell on the past, there is still a lot of interesting things ahead.

A dream in which you met your wife and communicate like good acquaintances, but without any feelings and emotions, then this should be taken as a signal that it is time to start a new relationship. Fate will be favorable to you and will definitely bring you to a good person.

If you dreamed of having sex with your ex-wife, then it is likely that this will happen in reality. In addition, an intimate relationship with one of your old acquaintances or girlfriends is possible, from whom you never expected anything like this. But here we must remember the popular wisdom that the friendship between a man and a woman ends when night falls. Statistics show that more than half of these friends had intimate relationships. So it can affect you too.

Seeing your ex-wife pregnant in a dream is a sign that you are very guilty in front of her. You are to blame for the fact that not everything is going smoothly for her now. So, the best solution in this case would be to sincerely ask her for forgiveness. But it must be from the heart.

If you and your ex-spouse died in a dream, then wait for events that will turn your whole life upside down. Something really important is going to happen. These can be both pleasant changes and very sad ones. Be prepared for absolutely anything.

If you saw how your ex-wife calls you to her, it means that she is bored and wants to return you. If the ex-wife is crying, it means that she is doing well. She is happy without you, so you have no choice but to forget her. But, here, if the ex-spouse came to you in a dream cheerful and happy, then wait for a new novel. In this case, she is a harbinger of a new relationship. Rest assured, they will most likely end more successfully than the previous ones.

How to get rid of sleeping with your ex

Other dream books interpret such dreams differently. They claim that after a dream in which you saw your ex-soul mate, you will face problems and troubles in the professional sphere. You should be careful with colleagues and work partners. You can be seriously deceived and betrayed. So, be very careful not to get screwed up.

Such a dream may still be a warning that you will commit some kind of rash act that will entail negative consequences. Quarrels with your new girlfriend are possible. But in no case should this be a reason for parting. Therefore, try not to make hasty decisions or take rash steps. Otherwise, you will later regret it bitterly. Here it is asked to remember the eternal truth: "We have - we do not value, we lose - we cry."

What the ex-wife is dreaming of is not so important. It is important that she is dreaming. Call, talk to her calmly, and not in a raised voice. You are not strangers after all, perhaps she is feeling bad now. As a rule, after such a sincere conversation, the ex-spouse no longer falls into dreams.

Kana, write here! I don't do this kind of work. Either write here for everyone to see, or try it yourself. In addition, nothing came to me in the mail.

The ex-wife dreams of several times a month, divorced for 3 years, now she has a family and I have, but dreams, I would say, make me remember her again. She often dreams that she talks to me normally, invites me to visit her, she sees that I have a new relationship as if jealous. To be honest, I myself remember her as a couple, before the divorce there was a very wonderful relationship, but everything collapsed at once, usually only good things are remembered. I can’t get rid of the memories!

Vasily, there is a good way to get rid of such a dream. Basically, it doesn't mean anything special. Most likely, everything is not so smooth with her. That's why I dream. It happens that he regrets the divorce from you. About the method. Immediately after waking up, tell your dream to a stone or candle flame. There are many more ways, on the site check out an article on this topic. Tells what to do so that the dream does not come true.

Sonmir, please explain such a dream. I divorced my wife a year ago. A few months ago, I dreamed about her being pregnant and indeed it turned out to be so. After that, I periodically dream of her as a pregnant woman, we communicate well in a dream. We smile, we laugh, we spend time together. Even my mother, mother-in-law, talks to me culturally in her sleep. Although in reality everything is on the contrary.

Such a dream is usually taken to be interpreted in a literal sense. Perhaps you wanted your child, or find out that this is a child from you or not.

Tell pzhl if possible the meaning of sleep. Today there were two films in a row with the participation of my ex-wife - between dreams I woke up. In reality, they were together for 7 years, divorced 3 years ago, have a daughter; she (her ex-wife) already has a new family, got married, and is now expecting a child.

So the first dream: “we are sitting in my car, she wants to return to me, but at the same time does not want to part with her husband. There was a conversation that in April we met with her, she was wearing the same dress as now; and that her husband might somehow notice us because of this. " I will note that in reality we did not meet with her in April.

Second dream: “she is pregnant, she told me that she wants to divorce her husband and go to me. I’m kind of glad, and it’s like there’s no trust, and I don’t want to go back to what happened, I don’t want to worry and hassle again - she has a spouse, etc. I called her on the phone, her husband picks up the phone and tells me that she cannot speak. I walk down the street, two strangers meet and I start to tell them about this situation ... one disappears somewhere, and with the second we go and talk about it ... We come to the conclusion that women themselves do not know what they want ...)) "And I wake up. And the question hangs in my head: "Why did you dream about me again?"

In general, the ex-wife periodically dreams, about once every 3 months. On the personal front, everything is not so smooth for me, relationships with women do not develop very well - they end quickly.

Thanks in advance for a possible explanation.

Good evening! The dream is completely inspired by the past. And now you do not have enough new relationships. There are two key points here. The first is a car. She symbolizes the desire to be in charge, which many women do not like. The second is pregnancy. You strive to start a family, rush things. Many women need to look at you. And you are in a hurry, you should take a closer look and get to know each other. In any case, soon you will find it - the very and only one. Good luck to you!

Dreams are reflections of our desires and worries. Often through them our subconscious is trying to reach us. If a man dreamed of an ex-wife, perhaps this is a sign of an unfinished relationship between them. Either there are unsaid words or your feelings are still hot. So how are such dreams interpreted in dream books and what can an ex-wife dream of to her husband?

Why does the ex-wife dream of her husband

The most voiced version of why a husband might have such a dream is love... The meaning of the dream is that your divorce did not change your feelings for your past spouse. A feeling like love does not depend on our desires and on whether we want to love or not. You may not even see a person for months, not have any contacts, in any case, if you love her, then you cannot get away from this feeling.

It is worth pondering after such a dream and being honest with yourself whether the husband still has feelings for his former wife and whether you have a desire to return your relationship. It may very well be that you ran away from answers, did not want to admit to yourself that love still lives in your heart. Think about it, because often former spouses converge again.

And also the ex-wife may dream of the husband for other reasons of the game of consciousness. Dream Interpretations assume the possibility that your memories prevent you from simply moving on. What we lived together will not go anywhere, and the past, like memories of it, cannot be erased from life, let alone from memory.

Another reason why a former spouse may dream may be resentment. Perhaps your ex-wife can't forgive some of your actions. If the ex-husband is offended, then the subconscious mind can remind him of this. It's not hard to guess who is offended. Often abandoned people show resentment to the people who abandoned them. In order to move on with a clear conscience, you'd better just ask the person for forgiveness. Surprisingly, such an act can calm you down and after that it will become easier and more peaceful for you to live.

If the former spouse my husband dreams constantly, then he definitely has one way out, this is to apologize to the person, perhaps this will correct the situation. It may very well be that between you there are reservations, omissions, or you cherish the hope of reconciliation and want to start all over again. In any case, in order to continue a calm, peaceful life, you will have to talk with your ex-wife.

Often the former spouse dreams of men who do not know how to live alone, who definitely need a woman's company.

Let's take a closer look at what the ex-wife's husband dreams of.

In many dream books it is noted: if the husband dreamed of an ex-wife, moreover, if this dream left you pleasant impressions, this is interpreted as the husband's desire to restore relations with her. You may not admit it, but your consciousness betrays you. Under such circumstances, you can take a step towards reconciliation... You may also have such a dream to meet with old acquaintances, which will leave an indelible impression. See the ex:

What else can an ex-wife dream of to her husband?

Various dream books give their own individual interpretation of dreams. For example, there are dream books that claim to see an ex-wife in a dream, a sign of malfunction and discomfort at work. They advise to be vigilant with employees at work, as you may be stabbed in the back.

You can also interpret such a dream like this: you are going to do something poorly thought out, something that will make you overcome problems. Conflict may arise with a girl in a relationship with you at the moment, but there is no reason for separation. Try to think carefully about each of your steps so as not to face unplanned situations.

Consider several other versions of the interpretation of this dream:

What to do if the ex-wife is dreaming

The reason a man's ex-wife dreams is not so important. The bottom line is that she is dreaming. Maybe you should talk to her, ask about her affairs, maybe she has problems. Talk to her heart to heart, make contact. Experience shows that after this, the woman dreams of her ex-husband less often.

If you dreamed that you visiting ex-wife- this is a sign of a difficult period in life.

If you dream that your ex has prepared dinner for you, the dream book predicts the help of friends in difficult times.

Any dreaming dream has its own reasons and can talk about your state at the moment. So that you don't dream, you need to find the right dream book that will help you interpret the dream and give the correct answer.

The Oracle sees a pregnant ex-wife as a symbol of a difficult choice in reality. The decision has to be made either in personal life or in professional activity. If in dreams paternity was in doubt, in reality the feeling of uncertainty will accompany until the very last moment.

The ex is not pregnant with you? Perhaps, in reality, not all actions in relation to her on your part were positive. It is highly likely that such actions will be repeated again.

Try to find time to reflect on your actions. A failed relationship is not yet a reason for negative actions in relation to the ex-spouse.

Beat ex-wife in a dream

The meaning of a dream where you had to beat your ex-wife communicates unpleasant moments. In reality, you feel anger, rage towards the woman in sight. Such emotions seriously complicate your life, interfere with having pleasure, and rejoicing.

Ex-wife dreams with another

The interpretation of the dream, which featured an ex-wife with another man, informs about the need for an important choice. You stand still, you cannot continue to move, as you constantly recall past events and relationships. A similar circumstance interferes with the achievement of success, both in professional activity and in the love arena.

In a dream, marry an ex-wife

Dreaming of marrying an ex-wife? You worry too much about the breakup, you can no longer think about anything other than a failed relationship. Due to the fault of negative emotions, the achievement of plans and the realization of innermost desires is postponed indefinitely.

In a dream, the ex-wife wants to strangle you

Had a dream that your ex-wife wants to strangle you? There is a high likelihood of betrayal by your partner or deception. It doesn't have to be treason. Perhaps feelings on his part, as such, do not exist. Relationships can fall apart at any time, damaging your emotional state.

Talking to your ex-wife in a dream

The dream where you talked with your ex-wife is a harbinger of a fast trip or an exciting date. Perhaps you will have to meet with your wife to resolve important issues that interfere with a full life.

In the near future, you will be able to free yourself from memories, thoughts about a failed relationship. Either a trip or a serious conversation with an ex-soulmate will help with this.

Ex-wife dreams of a child

Did the ex-wife with the child appear in the dream? There is a possibility of receiving unexpected news from the ex-spouse. She is capable of surprising people with her actions and decisions.

If you do not want surprises on her part, start preparing for them right now. Then they will not be unexpected.

To dream of relatives of an ex-wife

The interpretation of the dream, where the relatives of the ex-wife were present, reports unexpected news. A large number of haunted people act as a harbinger of unpleasant moments, quarrels with loved ones or colleagues. Through the fault of negligence, conflicts can drag on indefinitely.

It is important to be considerate and calm even in the most difficult situations. You should not throw impartial words or go on about emotions in order to prevent problems from arising.

Dreamed of ex-wife in a wedding dress

Dreamed of an ex-wife in a wedding dress? There are important choices to be made. You may not be able to shake off memories of past events and happy moments, which makes it difficult to enjoy life and move towards well-being and happiness.

It's time to make a decision - to live in the past or in the present. But remember that in the first case, you shouldn't even think about the well-being and realization of your innermost desires.

Dreaming of sex with his ex-wife

The dream where you had sex with your ex-wife can become prophetic. It is quite possible to bring it to life in the near future. However, the ex-spouse does not necessarily act as a partner. Perhaps an old friend or a new acquaintance will take her place.

Try not to commit rash acts, not to be led by emotions and your own desires. There is a possibility that later you will have to regret what you did.

Ex-wife's sister is dreaming

According to the Oracle's dream book, the sister of an ex-wife is the personification of betrayal, betrayal on the part of a loved one who enjoys your trust. There is a possibility that it is not the second half who will cheat, but a friend or just a person dear to you.

It is necessary to show maximum care in relation to the people around you. Try to spot the danger in time, prepare yourself, or avoid facing it.

Quarrel in a dream with your ex-wife

Do you dream that you started to quarrel with your ex-wife? Disagreements in personal relationships can arise in reality for a variety of reasons. Even simple misunderstandings can cause serious scandals. There is a chance that you will start arguing with the ex-spouse about the division of property.