What to do during contractions. Helpful advice on how to behave correctly during childbirth. Special breathing exercises

The birth of a child is a great happiness for the whole family, but the birth itself is a serious test for both the body and the psyche of the expectant mother. Feeling the first contractions, most women panic and are lost in front of the inevitable unknown. In this article, we will look at the norms of behavior in the delivery room, as well as each of the stages of the labor process. It is much easier to cope with your emotions if you have basic theoretical knowledge.

How to behave in the delivery room?

First contractions, an ambulance, a maternity hospital, doctors: everything happens so quickly that most women in labor just panic from the surrounding bustle. To make labor activity as comfortable and easy as possible, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Gather all the necessary things in advance: changeable clothes for yourself and your baby, food, personal hygiene products.
  • Listen to the nursing staff: try not to interrupt or shout, no matter how hard and scary it is for you. The main task of the doctor is to help you. And also do not hesitate to ask any questions that arise.
  • Breathe right- it is necessary to master the breathing technique in advance, by the end of the third trimester, bringing the acquired skills to automatism. This will help you calm down, relieve pain, and relieve pain from contractions.
  • Get into a comfortable position- Check with your doctor and get into the most comfortable position to relieve pain during labor.
  • Try not to scream- it is very exhausting and takes away the strength that you will need during attempts.
  • Don't be alone. If all the medical staff left the office, and you feel unwell, do not hesitate to press the button and call a doctor. Childbirth is the best time to play it safe.
  • Do self-massage and massage- this is will help relieve pain and reduce stress levels. If the childbirth is partner, the spouse should do the massage.
  • Push only at the doctor's command- no matter how strong the desire is, amateur performance is unacceptable, since it can harm the baby.

Stages of the generic process:

- stage one: preparation

According to women who have gone through childbirth, contractions cannot be confused with anything else. Spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen occurs at regular intervals. Then, these segments are shortened, and the pain gets worse. The first stage is a long and very painful preparation of the body for childbirth. In turn, it is divided into 3 phases:

  1. Latent- dilation of the cervix up to 4 cm.
  2. Active- opening up to 8 cm.
  3. Transient- full disclosure up to 10 cm.

Important! Don't try to rush the natural procreation process. This can be fraught with tears in the tissues of the birth canal.

- stage two: attempts and childbirth

You are faced with an important and responsible task - to help the baby be born. Concentrate all your attention on following the doctors' commands. Push and breathe at the direction of the medical staff. The baby's head will gradually approach the exit and may hide in the birth canal several times - this is absolutely normal, so you should not be afraid. After the head comes out to a suitable level, the doctor will help the baby to get free.

Reference! At the moment of the birth of a child, a woman experiences a state of euphoria. It is caused by the powerful release of the hormone oxytocin into the blood.

- stage three: exit of the placenta

This stage begins with rather weak and few contractions. As a rule, after 1-2 attempts, the placenta leaves the uterus. It is very important that the uterus is completely cleansed - otherwise, doctors will resort to surgery. At the end of the third stage, the mother is briefly left with the baby under supervision, and then sent to the ward.

Correct behavior during contractions:

Contractions are a painful process. It is only natural that you want to squeeze into a lump in order to wait it out. Of course, this is wrong. But what to do to ease the pain before the long-awaited meeting with the baby?

- keep calm

Obvious advice, which is very difficult to adhere to in the realities of life. The following recommendations will help you tune in the right way:

  • Be savvy about the matter. Nowadays, it is not so difficult to find quality literature on childbirth and motherhood. Knowing what lies ahead, you will not panic in the face of the unknown and will be able to more clearly coordinate your actions in the maternity ward.
  • Go to the hospital with someone who can support and comfort you. This can be a spouse or any other family member. The main thing is that you feel that you can rely on him.
  • Learn to breathe properly. You need to breathe differently during and between contractions. It relieves pain, relieves labor and calms the nerves. Ask your doctor to teach you the basics of proper breathing, and hone this skill at home as you prepare for childbirth.

- get into a comfortable position

The following positions will help you get through the contractions phase:

  • Standing with emphasis. You can stand with your elbows against a wall, headboard, chair, or your partner's shoulders.
  • Sitting. Sitting in a chair during contractions is not the best solution. The child gradually moves along the birth canal, and this position can slow down his movement. As an alternative to a chair, you can use a fitball or toilet.
  • On knees. Stand with an emphasis on your elbows and knees, and relax all muscles.
  • Lying on your side. The urge to lie down because of pain and discomfort is natural. It is easier to transfer contractions in a position on your side, placing a pillow under your head and hips. The maternity U-shaped pillow can be used.

- can I walk?

Walking and standing during contractions is possible and, moreover, even useful. The fact is that in an upright position, the child moves faster through the birth canal.

Important! In the absence of contraindications, try to take one of the vertical poses.

When a woman in labor lies on her back, the big belly presses with all its weight on the large blood vessels. This often leads to increased painful sensations, a feeling of faintness and exhaustion.

- give a relief massage

The massage pleasantly relaxes the muscles, relieves painful spasms and calms the nerves. Here are the basic rules for massage during contractions:

  • Keep your hands warm since the sensation of cold can provoke a reflex muscle spasm.
  • Creams and gels ease glide and relieve pain. If necessary, you can use special pain relievers: gels, ointments, oils. If you have forgotten the massage oil at home, but do not want to do the "dry" procedure, ask the nurse for a little petroleum jelly.

- do special breathing exercises

Much has been said about the importance of breathing. Indeed, each period of the birth process requires the observance of a certain breathing technique.

For example, at the stage of intense contractions, shallow breathing "like a dog" helps well: short breaths in and out through the nose and mouth.

When pushing comes, it is very important to listen to the doctor's recommendations and push only at his command. The technique of "blowing out the candle" will help here: take a deep breath with your nose, and exhale with your mouth, stretching your lips into a tube. With all the volume of air taken in, you must push the child to the exit.

- stay optimistic

A positive attitude is perhaps the most important thing during childbirth. Bright thoughts about the first meeting with a baby can overshadow any pain and gloomy thoughts. Set yourself up for the fact that this is one of the happiest days of your life and take action!

Correct behavior during pushing

Pushing is the final push before you see your little miracle. Pull yourself together and concentrate all your attention on the doctor’s commands: he sees the baby’s position in the birth canal and, based on this, gives you commands to push. To do this correctly, you must meet a few conditions:

  • When the push began and the doctor gave the command, take the maximum amount of air, and looking at the stomach, direct it towards the baby to help him meet you sooner. For one fight, you need to push three times.

Important! Make sure that the tension is not on your head. This can be fraught with rupture of the eye capillaries and nosebleeds.

  • Get up and look at your own belly- so you reduce the load on the ligaments and muscles.
  • Rest between contractions- this is important in order to save energy and restore breathing.
  • Try not to scream. With a scream, you lose strength and exhale the oxygen needed for pushing activity.
  • Do not push when the head and shoulders appear. The obstetrician will ask you to switch to shallow breathing "like a dog" to pull the baby out without tearing or damaging soft tissues.


Despite the fact that childbirth is a completely natural process, you should not rely only on nature and intuition. Your behavior in the delivery room will affect not only your well-being, but also the health of the baby.

Specially for- Elena Kichak

Good time of the day, my dear readers!

Women's topics are so diverse that it can be discussed endlessly. The most important thing for us, dear ladies, is health and our children. During childbirth, both are closely interrelated. But even more important is how the woman will behave.

Breathing, posture, moral attitude to what is happening - everything is important not only for easing pain, but also for the state of the future baby. I appeal to all future women in labor: let's figure out together how to behave during labor and childbirth.

If you are giving birth for the first time, the total labor time will be about 16 hours. It is customary to divide it into two periods:

  • latent - characterized by less severe pain and continues until the uterus opens 4 cm;
  • active - contractions become more pronounced and gradually turn into attempts.

The first birth is longer and more stressful. In the second pregnancy, the time of contractions is reduced to 6-8 hours (and some mothers can generally give birth in 40 minutes, for example, me).

The latency period of labor is best done at home. Do not rush to go to the hospital at the first symptoms, no matter what child is born to you. Contractions can be false. Their difference lies in the unevenness of the intervals.

When you come to the hospital with such complaints, you run the risk of staying in the hospital, which is not the best option psychologically for a healthy woman in labor.

Try to spend at least the first few hours at home, and with the increase in contractions, you can confidently move to the hospital. It is very important, while staying at home, to behave correctly.

Behavior during labor and childbirth

Compliance with simple rules, dear readers, will help you to alleviate the condition during labor and childbirth. The main goal of your actions is to facilitate the early opening of the uterus and provide oxygen to the baby moving along the birth canal. To do this, we do this:

The last point is especially important, since the nutrition of the child with oxygen depends on it during the period of contractions. Usually, at any clinic, compulsory courses are held for women in labor, where they are told about the types of breathing. If you have not managed to learn how to breathe, I will tell you how to properly inhale and exhale air.

Breathing types

There are several types of breathing patterns during labor and childbirth:

  • Slow . Inhale is done through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Inhalation and exhalation in duration should be in a ratio of 1: 2. This type of breathing should only be used during a contraction. During the rest period, we breathe as usual.
  • Through plump lips... Suitable for latency. When the pain sensation reaches its peak, you can inhale through your nose and exhale with a "poo" sound through pouting lips.
  • Diaphragmatic-thoracic... To feel the correct breathing, one hand is placed on the chest and the other on the navel. When inhaling, the stomach should rise as much as possible, and exhalation should occur through the chest. At the very beginning of the contraction, up to 4 such breaths are made.
  • Like a dog . It is used when it is already difficult for a woman to control her breathing. Then you can press your tongue to the palate and breathe often, as animals do during the heat.

But, for greater clarity, you have a video of how to breathe correctly during labor and childbirth:

Today, many expectant mothers are inclined to give birth at home. The safety of this choice is a separate issue. But wherever you are, try to follow the described rules.

The most important thing that the expectant mother must understand for herself is that childbirth is a completely natural process. Nature has done everything to ensure that everything goes as well as possible.

And even the pain that women in labor experience during labor, they completely forget within a minute after they put a small ball of happiness on their chest.

I hope you now know how to behave during childbirth and labor and how to relieve your condition in case of pain (if you forgot, let me remind you - with correct breathing).

See you soon!

Childbirth is a huge stress for the female body. As in all stressful situations, experts recommend not to panic and calm down in order to be able to think sanely. But not only these recommendations are the answer to the question: how to behave during childbirth. It is necessary to study the mechanism of the process itself, including all the nuances, in order to have an idea of ​​the changes taking place in the woman's body at all stages of the generic process and not to be afraid of them.

Labor process

The entire generic process is divided into several stages, each of which requires a certain behavior from the woman.

Due to her individual characteristics and beliefs, each woman treats the birth process differently. Someone awaits this moment with awe, while others feel fear. In the second case, most often, this happens due to the lack of awareness of the pregnant woman about the appearance of a new life. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to find out what stages the generic process goes through and what awaits the expectant mother at each of them. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with this material in advance, because the beginning process will not allow the information to be assimilated, and the woman in labor will perceive what is happening not in a positive way.

First stage of labor

The first stage is characterized by the onset of contractions. This is the longest process. Pain sensations gradually increase, take even periods of time, which are becoming shorter. At this time, the birth canal is smoothed, the baby sinks to the pelvic floor and prepares to pass through the prepared birth canal.

At this stage, three stages can be distinguished:

  • latent - characterized by a slow opening of the cervix. During this period, it opens by an average of 4 centimeters, the contractions have a moderate pain intensity. As a rule, water flows away. There is still time to get to the medical facility;
  • the active stage is designed to open the neck up to 8 centimeters, the pain sensations intensify, the contractions have an interval of 5 minutes. At this time, the woman should already be under the supervision of doctors;
  • the transient stage is characterized by frequent painful contractions, their duration is about a minute, and the interval is 2-3 minutes. At this time, the attention of medical personnel is riveted to the state of the woman in labor, the cervix is ​​maximally disclosed (10-12 cm.)

Second stage

The second stage is called the "pulling period". The woman in labor is asked to move to the birth chair, since the baby is already ready to be born. This applies to natural childbirth, since during a cesarean section, a woman is taken to the operating unit. The child slowly moves along the birth canal, can roll over in the process. Further, its head reaches the exit. Struggling, the woman helps the baby to overcome this difficult path. After the appearance of the head, the doctor helps her completely exit the perineum, after which the shoulders and body are born. The birth of the head is the most difficult process of the second stage, the shoulders and body come out quickly. The newborn is placed on the mother's chest and the most difficult work for the mother is over.

Third final stage

The release of the placenta occurs at the third stage. At this time, the woman needs to push a little more so that the "child's place" is completely released. The contractions will no longer be so painful and there are very few of them. This is an important point, since the remnants of the placenta in the uterus threaten health problems (bleeding, inflammation).

The pushing stage is the most difficult for a woman in labor.

How to behave during childbirth for a woman in labor

Only by understanding the sequence of stages and the characteristics of each of them, you can get an idea of ​​how to behave correctly during childbirth. Each stage has its own nuances, so it is advisable to consider each of them separately.

Contraction behavior

The first phase of the onset of contractions is the least painful, and the interval between them is quite large. Therefore, at this time, the mother can calmly get ready and decide what to do, how to get to the hospital. If you have relatives or friends who can give you a ride, it's time to call them. If not, call an ambulance. Those who have not given birth for the first time should hurry up, since the process is faster than in first-born ones.

During contractions, a woman chooses a position for herself in which she is most comfortable.

During the second phase, the expectant mother must arrive at the medical facility. The contractions are already more painful, their interval is gradually decreasing. At this time you need:

  1. Choose the right posture. They can be changed several times, focusing on your feelings. Most often, it is easier for women in labor to endure pain in such positions:
  • standing, holding the support with your hands;
  • On knees;
  • upright while moving. Slight rocking of the pelvis from side to side is especially helpful;
  • lying on your side with your knees slightly bent;
  • reclining on a fitball.
  1. Breathe correctly. This ensures the flow of the required amount of oxygen into the body of the mother and baby. If you do uncontrolled exhalations and breaths during contractions, you can increase soreness and provide the child with a temporary lack of oxygen. During contractions, two breathing techniques are used:

  1. Do self-massage. Acupressure massage can help relieve pain. To do this, clench your hands into fists, gently massage your lower back. With your fingertips, you can make light massage movements from the center of the lower abdomen, gradually moving to one side, then to the other.
  2. Relax as much as possible after the bout. Remember that you will need strength to push. Therefore, after each contraction, try to normalize your breathing and try to relax for a while until the next one begins.
  3. Monitor the interval of contractions. In some cases, doctors ask the woman in labor to count the minutes of rest and the duration of the contraction. The more often they occur and the longer they last, the sooner the birth canal and cervix will be ready to expel the fetus.

6. Calm down and don't panic. This rule applies to all three stages of labor. The body of the expectant mother took care of natural pain relief in advance. For example, a few weeks before delivery, the nerve endings of the uterus are partially destroyed, thereby reducing pain. In addition, during contractions, the female body produces the hormone of happiness (endorphin) and the pain reliever enkephalin. But there is a nuance: they work in full force only when the woman is calm. Fear and nervousness drown out their action, and as a result - more pronounced soreness. Therefore, various techniques of meditation and self-soothingness in between contractions are encouraged, be it singing or concentration exercises from yoga practice.

Behavior during pushing

The second stage of the labor process takes place in the delivery room. Medical staff will be there to monitor and help the woman in labor.

Important!Listen carefully to your doctor's instructions. This is a prerequisite in the process of a successful childbirth, because the specialist knows better what is happening. Coordinated work with the obstetrician reduces the risk of injury to the birth canal, cervix and baby.

3. While pushing, it is better to slightly raise the upper part of the case.

  1. In the intervals between attempts, as well as between contractions, try to rest for further effective action.
  2. It happens that a woman, after the pain experienced in contractions, can no longer determine by her condition whether there is now a contraction or not. In this case, be sure to tell your doctor about it. He will help and tell you when to push again.
  3. Don't be distracted by unnecessary thoughts. Correct pushing is the key to a quick birth. Therefore, all thoughts are aside. No nuances such as involuntary bowel movements, your appearance, etc. should not bother you at this moment. This is a natural response of the body, in which there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Ideally, if you know how to behave correctly, the attempts will look like this: the fight begins - we take a deep breath. We find the support of the delivery chair and hold on, the head is slightly raised, the chin is pressed to the chest. We hold our breath and direct the force of attempts to the area of ​​the uterus and press, while exhaling air.

At the stage of attempts, a feeling of "bursting" is characteristic. This is fine. Correct behavior during labor and awareness of what is happening will give the woman in labor confidence and help to pull herself together.

Expectant mothers, if they wish, can attend courses for young parents at the clinic or maternity hospital. There they tell in detail and in an accessible way, and sometimes they show videos on how to behave during childbirth. A woman can ask questions of interest and get a detailed answer. Find out about such a service in your antenatal clinic, you will surely be interested in listening.

During pregnancy, you should attend courses for young mothers, where they will tell you how to behave correctly during childbirth.

Birth of the placenta. What do you need to know?

The above two stages of childbirth require effort, peace of mind and follow the instructions of the medical staff from the expectant mother. At the last stage, very little is required from a woman - to push several times, but this is incomparably easier than the main attempts. Some recommend coughing to help expel the placenta and membranes. The duration of this stage takes from 5 to 30 minutes.

What shouldn't you do?

There are mistakes that are most often made by women who do not know how to behave correctly during childbirth. As a result, they experience tremendous fear and insecurity, trauma and pain that could have been avoided. So, the main "no":

You should NOT scream loudly during childbirth, so as not to consume the oxygen necessary for the body
  1. Do not believe the horror stories told by acquaintances or friends that childbirth is very scary. First, the pain threshold is different for everyone. Secondly, you do not know how this or that figurant of scary stories behaved in a particular situation.
  2. Do not give up medical manipulations. The specialists know what they are doing and they know best if you or your baby need help.
  3. Do not squeeze your pelvic muscles during labor, even if you really want to.
  4. You can't scream for a long time. It is clear that a short involuntary cry can escape, but try to control yourself. Screaming, you exhale oxygen, which, on the contrary, should enter the body.
  5. It is no longer possible to drink and eat when the contractions have begun. This is fraught with vomiting and complications of anesthesia (if required).
  6. The natural urges of the body (urination and defecation) cannot be restrained. If your body requires it - do not resist. Excessive fullness of the rectum or bladder will only make it difficult for the baby to pass through the birth canal.
  7. Don't make your own decisions about taking pain medications. This requirement also applies to the postpartum period.

All of these prohibitions are dictated exclusively by common sense, and their only goal is to preserve the health of the mother and child.

Knowing how to behave in childbirth, a woman receives not only information awareness, but also psychologically prepares for what awaits her. The expression “knowledgeable means armed” is the best fit to describe the actions of a woman in labor. In this case, the woman is not just a passive sufferer-observer, but an active assistant in difficult but joyful work. Only calmness, self-confidence, understanding of what is happening and well-coordinated work with an obstetrician-gynecologist will guarantee that your childbirth will go well.

Contractions are contractions of the uterus that are necessary to drive the baby out of the womb. They are accompanied by severe back and abdominal pain. How to behave during contractions to relieve the condition?

How to behave for a mother-to-be during the period of uterine contraction

The woman feels severe pain during labor. In order for it to decrease, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:
  1. Most expectant mothers find it easier to stand upright.
  2. It is recommended to move to relieve the condition. Doctors advise walking, squatting, and taking a cat pose.
  3. If there is a fitball at home, then you can lean on the ball, swinging. There are no specific guidelines. Every woman finds a position that is most comfortable for her. The main thing is to move, because movement is capable. It also improves uterine contraction.
  4. How to behave during childbirth? Having taken a comfortable position, it is recommended not to strain. In the intervals between contractions of the uterus, it is worth resting. You can even take a nap, save your strength for the birth process.
  5. A woman needn't worry. The excitement only makes the pain worse.
  6. In order not to be so painful, it is recommended to think about the upcoming meeting with the baby, to set yourself up for a positive. The expectant mother should drive away fear and worries. If the pain gets stronger, it means that the long-awaited meeting is closer.
  7. Doctors advise to breathe deeply. Inhale with your mouth and exhale with your nose.
  8. Better not to sit up.

How the fetus behaves in the womb before birth

Childbirth brings a woman a lot of new sensations, not always pleasant. But this is a big test for the baby as well. After all, he also takes part in the delivery process. How does the fetus behave during labor?

It is important that the baby is active during the contraction of the uterus. This will speed up his birth. It becomes easier for a woman if the baby moves.

The child has a natural reflex - this is pushing away from something with his legs. For this reason, during labor, he moves, unlocks his limbs from the walls of the uterus, presses his head against the bottom of the pelvis. This helps his mom give birth faster.

Having a baby is a difficult process. A woman should prepare for painful sensations, discomfort. But there are some ways to alleviate the condition of the expectant mother, which are worth using. The child also helps her in this.

It is necessary to imagine how the childbirth will proceed and behave accordingly. There is a joint work of mother and child, and you need to know how to do your part correctly.

Understanding how to behave during labor and labor can significantly reduce pain. It is important to know what positions are best for contractions, and how to breathe correctly. It is important not to worry and focus all your thoughts not on your feelings, but on the child, the long-awaited baby who is about to be born.

At different times of childbirth, you need to behave differently:

  • The first phase is associated with the onset of contractions. They cease to be uneven and occur periodically and not too often - every 20 minutes for 1-2 minutes. At this time, you can behave as usual, do business, read, pack things, take a bath. The time between contractions allows it, you need to save your strength. You must try to breathe deeply, deeply. It is in this phase that you need to get to the hospital in order to meet the next phase already there.
  • The second phase is an increase in the frequency of contractions. They already happen every couple of minutes and continue the same amount. Here it is already necessary to adhere to certain rules, for example, you cannot sit or lie on your back. Better to walk, you can squat down or get on all fours. It will be possible to breathe deeply only between contractions, and during the fight you need to switch to shallow breathing "like a dog." In no case should you hold back your breathing - the oxygen content in the blood depends on this, and therefore in the child's body. Save your strength and try to distract yourself, sing songs, tell poems, listen to music. You can't scream - a scream can provoke a spasm of the cervix, but moaning as you exhale is possible and even necessary to help the muscles of the cervix to relax.
  • The third phase is trying and having a child. The first attempts should be taken with caution and not rushed to help them: if the cervix is ​​incompletely dilated, this can be dangerous, so if you want to give birth without tears and incisions, do not rush and listen to the doctor's advice. It is imperative to breathe, either like a dog, or often sobbing, but regularly. You can take in air before starting the attempt and release it with force, this will help the child's movement. The very process of the appearance of the baby will take about five minutes.
  • The birth of the placenta is no longer painful and scary. The baby was born, it is on your chest, and it is enough to push once at the doctor's advice for the placenta to come out.

You are not alone during childbirth.

At this difficult moment in life, there will be doctors next to you who will definitely tell you how to behave correctly during childbirth. You just need to carefully follow their advice. The participation of your spouse will not hurt either, who should be aware of everything that you have to do and understand well what to do and how to give birth without pain and breaks.

Dad should not only worry about you, but also really help:

  • control the actions of doctors and nurses if they do not pay as much attention to the woman in labor as they would like, because she herself has no time for control now;
  • massage the lower back, this is useful and relieves pain;
  • remind you to breathe correctly.

Prepare for childbirth

Physically, your body will prepare itself for childbirth and will do whatever it needs to do. You need to mentally prepare for childbirth in order to be calm and by all means to help the child to be born on his own. If you are psychologically prepared for the pain that accompanies the birth of a child, you can direct all your forces to help him come into this world without pain. You just take on his pain - this consciousness will help you, because you are already a mother!