What can you do with a 6 month old baby. Sixth month. Child development calendar

6 months is one of the first significant dates in the life of a baby and his parents. The baby begins to get acquainted with new food, improves his skills. What should be the development of the child during this period? What does he already know how to do and what should be taught?

Physiology of a six-month-old child

The first thing a pediatrician does during a routine examination of a baby at six months is to measure his weight and height, which he compares with the data indicated in the centile tables. With their help, the specialist is guided by the pace of development of the crumbs. The tables show the average indicators of weight, height, head circumference, chest, as well as - permissible deviations above or below the norm. For example, for boys at the age of 6 months, the average normal weight is 7.9 kg. But this does not mean that all children will weigh the norm in this way. Within the permissible norm, weight is from 6.6 kg to 9 kg. But if your son weighs less than 6.6 kg at six months of age, or his weight exceeds 9 kg, the pediatrician will monitor his physical development more closely.

Table of norms for the weight of boys

Table of weight norms for girls

There is also a special formula by which the doctor can calculate the weight norms: body weight of the baby at birth + 800xN (number of months). It should be borne in mind that the difference in weight gain may differ between breastfed infants and those fed with an adapted formula.

No less importance is given to growth and head circumference. In the sixth month of life, the baby grows by 2–3 cm. Average values: 64–67 cm. Deviations of 3 cm in one direction or another are allowed. The normal head circumference is 42.1–44.6 cm for boys and 40.9–43.5 cm for girls.

At 6 months, the baby can change his sleep pattern. Now he spends more time in an active state, studying the outside world. The break between daytime sleep can be up to 3 hours. As a rule, at this age, 3-time sleep is still preserved. At night, the baby sleeps for 10 hours with breaks for feeding.

All the above data are average, since each baby is individual. The reference point of the norm should be his good health, cheerfulness and activity.

Another nuance of six months of age is the period of active teething. For some babies, this process begins a little earlier, for others it is delayed by 2-3 months. There are "unique" ones that retain their toothless state for up to a year. But the average baby "receives" his first tooth precisely by the age of six months.

Basic baby skills at 6 months

A six-month-old child is a person who can already do many things. He can:

  • independently roll over on the tummy and back;
  • hold the toys firmly with one hand in the supine position (the second hand serves as a support);
  • holding on to the finger of an adult, pull yourself up to a sitting position from a lying position. Some babies already sit confidently without support;
  • push off with legs from the surface with support in a standing position. Someone can already stand, holding on to a support;
  • crawl in a way that suits him. Not all babies go through the crawling phase. Some "skip" it;
  • play independently up to 15 minutes;
  • pick up toys from any surface;
  • look for a hidden toy at the request of an adult.

The psycho-emotional development of a child at six months also has its own characteristics. The baby improves his speech by imitating different sounds. He masters the "passive vocabulary", demonstrating an understanding of what an adult tells him. He recognizes the voice of his parents and knows how to keep his distance from strangers. He understands the causal relationship: for example, he knows that if you press a button on a toy, music will start playing. At six months, the baby is actively interested in all subjects, so parents should create the safest possible conditions in the house.

What nuances should alert adults?

  • the baby does not sit down even with support;
  • not able to shift objects from hand to hand;
  • does not respond to sound;
  • does not recognize mom and dad and does not try to babble.

A six-month-old baby is very important for close psycho-emotional contact with his parents, which positively affects his further development.

Caring for a 10 month old baby

At six months, the period of acquaintance of the child with adult food begins. Where to start complementary foods can advise a pediatrician. According to WHO recommendations, vegetable purees are first included in the child's diet. But for small children, a specialist may recommend starting complementary foods with cereals.

The energy costs of a six-month-old baby are no longer covered by breast milk alone. But it is important that the child is ready for the introduction of adult food into the diet. After all, the principle of using mashed potatoes is different than milk. There is no sucking reflex. Therefore, if the baby cannot cope with other food, chokes and spits out mashed potatoes or porridge, you can wait a bit with complementary foods. An individual adult food introduction regimen is designed for babies with allergies or gastrointestinal problems.

A video that will help you understand how to properly introduce complementary foods

At six months, babies love to swim. They can arrange bath procedures every day, drawing water into an adult bath. It is better to bathe an hour after eating. The optimum water temperature is +37 C.

After each diaper change, the baby's bottom is cleaned with wet wipes or by washing it under the tap. It is advisable not to forget about air baths: if possible, leave the baby without a diaper.

Walking in the fresh air is important at this age. You can choose the time for them both during daytime sleep and wakefulness of the crumbs. In the summer, the child can spend the whole daylight hours in the fresh air. In winter, you need to walk twice a day for 1.5–2 hours. Reasons for canceling a walk can only be strong wind, rain and frost -10-15 degrees.

Educational games with a baby in six months

Six-month-old babies love to play with adults. Boxes, balls, nesting dolls, soft cubes, musical toys fall into the field of their interests. Books with bright large pictures arouse interest.

What games can you come up with for the crumbs?

  • nursery rhymes "Forty Crow", "Ladushki";
  • hide and seek (you can hide a toy under the diaper and ask the child to find; children also love the game “where are you”);
  • simple sorters consisting of large items;
  • “Get a toy” - parents move an interesting object away and ask the baby to get it.

All toys and games aimed at stimulating the development of fine motor skills of the hands will be relevant at this age.

Video on the topic "Games with kids"

Do not forget about massages and physiotherapy exercises. Massages are best done before bathing. And a special ball is well suited for performing exercises and developing coordination.

Gymnastics for kids (video)

What Dr. Komarovsky says about the development of children at 6 months

A well-known doctor, whose opinion is authoritative for many mothers and grandmothers, believes that the pace of development of crumbs at 6 months is individual. Therefore, the child should not, for example, sit on his own at six months. He will sit down when his spine is fully strengthened. And this can happen at 7 and 8 months. If the baby, when trying to plant it, still collapses, then this is an indicator of its unavailability. You can stimulate development with the help of therapeutic exercises, massages, crawling.

He also has his own opinion about complementary foods: If a nursing mother can afford a full and varied diet (that is, vegetables, fruits, meat, bread, and fish), if parents are able to purchase high-quality food for their child adapted milk formula, and so, subject to all these conditions, you do not need to feed anything until the baby reaches the age of six months.

E. Komarovsky


Any new product is introduced from a microdose: at the tip of a spoon. If the child does not want - no need to insist. The order of introducing products into the diet is also determined individually.

Video on the topic "Dr. Komarovsky about complementary foods"

A baby at the age of six months actively explores the world. The task of parents is to help him do this safely and profitably.

The child at 6 months began to practice rolls more strongly from one side to the other. A baby in six months will learn rifts as the main type of movement on the ground, or maybe skip all this and immediately learn to sit and crawl. As long as the child is learning new skills and showing interest in moving around, exploring the environment, mom should not worry.

What should a child be able to do at 6 months

  • Roll over from back to stomach and back;
  • crawl (attempts);
  • Sit with support;
  • Lean on the support with the tips of the toes;
  • Take the object with the whole palm;
  • Keep your head confident
  • Play alone up to 10 minutes;
  • Study the reflection in the mirror;
  • Show discontent and joy;
  • make faces;
  • babble;
  • Manipulate adults;
  • imitate others;
  • Study things for a long time;
  • Put everything in your mouth
  • Turn your head to the slightest sound;
  • Show reaction to facial expressions of adults;

Baby development at 6 months

Boys are larger than girls of the same age, but physically develop a little more slowly. In most cases, they are able to roll over at 6 months, but do not sit on their own and do not know how to crawl.

The later a girl learns to sit, the better for her health.

Physical development

By the age of six months, the baby doubles its body weight in comparison with the weight at birth and grows by an average of 15 cm. The width of the shoulders should ideally be 1/4 of the length of the body itself. Indicators of height, weight, head volume depend on many factors, but heredity plays the main role.

mental development

At 6 months, the baby learns his name, the names of familiar objects and favorite toys. New in the behavior of the baby will be the appearance of fear of strangers or unfamiliar people. One of the important skills of a six-month-old baby is the desire to make an adult fulfill his desires. The baby knows how to express his opinion with facial expressions, then smile, then wrinkle his forehead.

Features of the development of premature babies

The body weight is doubled. The increase in height is on average 2-5 cm. The circumference of the head increases to 1.5 cm. The child makes attempts to roll over from his back to his stomach. With properly organized care, classes and exercises, physical and mental lag should not be noticeable at the age of 6 months.

What educational toys are needed for a 6 month old baby

  • mobile,
  • rattles;
  • rubber ring-teether;
  • musical toys (drum, xylophone, pipes, bells);
  • squeaky ball;
  • toys with mirror surfaces,
  • tubes with cereal and shiny fillers,
  • toys with transparent walls,
  • disk divided into contrasting colored sectors,
  • soft picture book.

The early development of children includes the right choice of toys. In addition to the playpen, the developing mat, the child needs bright (yellow, red, green, blue) and safe toys made of quality materials. For example, wooden, also making sounds, rolling and of different textures.


At 6 months, the child not only receives attention from others, but also becomes the initiators. The mother may be visited by a previously unfamiliar anxiety because the baby's actions are indiscriminate. There is a possibility that everyone who comes close to the baby can become his friends. But don't worry, he still needs maternal care and affection from you.

The child has realized that his behavior, whether you like it or not, hurts you, so from six months (and all subsequent years) he will do everything to get your attention. Right now, all actions seem cute to you, but when the baby grows up, there is a good chance that he will do some things out of spite, just to get attention. Don't forget to praise good behavior. This is a way to teach an infant to distinguish between right and wrong.

The baby begins to expand his methods of attracting attention, and now they are not limited to crying. You may notice that the child is constantly moving at 6 months, makes various noises, puffs out his lips with a bow, etc. Over the next three months, your baby will develop a personal style that will let you know what he thinks, wants, or needs.

Clothes for success

The baby becomes more active at six months, so he needs comfortable baby clothes. You need to choose things sewn from soft fabrics to avoid chafed skin during movements. Loose, stretchy and breathable clothing is a very smart choice and will give your little one complete freedom of movement.

Clothes with rough and prickly seams are not needed by the child. Long ties, clasps or bow ties (they can put pressure on the neck) and everything that can interfere with the baby:

  • sleep,
  • crawl,
  • play or make other movements.

Child's chair

The color or smell of the stool will change after. This is fine. If the feces become too hard, change some fruits, vegetables, cereals or barley grains (avoid rice, bananas or applesauce, they can provoke).

How to develop a child at 6 months

Sign language

At 6 months, it's time to teach your baby sign language. The baby develops motor skills faster than speech. Most children, for example, learn to wave (by about 9 months) or point to an object (by one year) long before they can say bye-bye or look at it!

And do not worry: Communication with signs will not hurt, but on the contrary will help the child start talking faster.

Lefty or righty?

A six-month-old baby may prefer one hand for a while, and then vice versa. The baby will be able to determine the main working hand by 2-3 years.

Right-handed or left-handed will the child in the future be laid even before he is born. You can not force the baby to use his right hand at a time when in fact he is left-handed. There will be problems with hand-eye coordination, dexterity and handwriting.

Games with a 6 month old baby

A balloon tied to the baby's leg will help develop an understanding of the cause and effect relationship (the leg moved - the balloon too).

The child will enjoy group games, especially those that involve sounds and words. Let the baby be the leader from time to time, and also imitate his sounds. When it's your turn to lead, a good way to teach and surprise your baby is to make animal sounds ("wah-wah", "moo-moo")

It is important to play with the child with sounds, for example: water splashes, battery noise. You need to show the baby how to make these funny sounds (maybe even sometimes annoying), and then give the baby a turn.

The development of tactile sensations in children

The child uses all his materials at hand to explore the world around him (tongue, hands, feet). Everything in the house around the baby should be safe for games. Baby will love squeezing a soft rubber ball, patting faux fur, chewing on chilled objects and listening to sounds from a variety of soft toys.

Reading books

By looking at books with your child, you will instill in him a love of reading books from the age of six months. It doesn't matter which book you choose. Tabletop books are colorful and sturdy and feature slide-out pictures or textured illustrations.

The baby will not be able to open a book or turn a page until 9-12 months. Your baby probably doesn't have the patience to sit and do nothing while you read stories to them, but don't give up. No matter how old the baby is, reading provides a good opportunity for hugs and companionship.


The child is able to support his weight at 6 months leaning on his legs. Such exercises strengthen his muscles for free movement in the future. Support your baby under your arms and help him stand on the floor or on your lap. Get ready for a lot of giggles.

Motor Development

By the age of six months, the child is likely to be able to drop things from any surface and shift objects from one hand to another without any extra effort. Developing hand movements include finger and wrist movements.

Gross motor skills are required for crawling, during which large muscles such as the arm, leg, foot and the entire body are used. To develop a child's motor skills, put the toy in a place he can't reach and see if he can or he can get to it, encourage him - but don't give the toy.

The child dissipates frustration and becomes much more confident and even faster if you do not give everything on a silver platter.
After several attempts, the baby will lean forward to grab the toy and then straighten up again. Soon, the baby will learn to rock back and forth on hands and knees.

The kid is interested in small details around him. Research methods from 6 months are becoming more and more. As you explore, be sure to keep buttons, coins, safety pins, balloons, rocks, and other choking hazards out of reach.

Complementary foods at 6 months

The sixth month is the time to change the baby's diet, starting to introduce the first complementary foods, be it on guards or willows. The first on the baby’s menu for guards and willows will be mashed potatoes of such vegetables:

  • vegetable marrow;
  • cauliflower;
  • broccoli;
  • sweet potato;
  • zucchini;
  • carrot.

What to feed a baby at 6 months, except for vegetables?

You can give your child cereals and juices. Complementary foods are started with cereals if the baby has problems with weight gain. There are almost 50 to 50 opponents and supporters of juices as the first food for a baby. The plus of juice is vitamins and the desire of the crumbs to drink it, but the minus is not wanting to eat cereals or vegetables in the future because of the difference in taste.

How much should a baby weigh at 6 months

Girls weight (kg)

month very low short below the average average above average high very tall
5 4.8 5.4 6.1 6.9 7.8 8.8 10
6 5.1 5.7 6.5 7.3 8.2 9.3 10.6
7 5.3 6 6.8 7.6 8.6 9.8 11.1

Boys weight (kg)

month very low short below the average average above average high very tall
5 5.3 6 6.7 7.5 8.4 9.3 10.4
6 5.7 6.4 7.1 7.9 8.8 9.8 10.9
7 5.9 6.7 7.4 8.3 9.2 10.3 11.4

Baby growth at 6 months

Girls height (cm)

month very low short below the average average above average high very tall
5 57.4 59.6 61.8 64 66.2 68.5 70.7
6 58.9 61.2 63.5 65.7 68 70.3 72.5
7 60.3 62.7 65 67.3 69.6 71.9 68.6

Boys height (cm)

month very low short below the average average above average high very tall
5 59.6 61.7 63.8 65.9 68 70.1 72.2
6 61.2 63.3 65.5 67.6 69.8 71.9 74
7 62.7 64.8 67 69.2 71.3 73.5 75.7

Why did a 6 month old baby start sleeping badly

One of the main causes of poor sleep at six months of age is calcium deficiency, as it is intensively used for the growth of bones and teeth. The lack of calcium in the child's body excites the nervous system. A well-known pediatrician on TV, E.O. Komarovsky, recommends giving the baby 1 tablet of calcium gluconate per day.

The first significant date in a child's life is six months. From this age, the baby gradually turns into a person. Every day your baby will surprise you with the appearance of new communication skills, the manifestation of his personality and character. The development of a child at 6 months brings huge changes in the mental and physiological spheres of the baby, especially with regard to changes in nutrition and regimen.

Physiological development

In order to assess the physical development of the child, pediatricians use centile tables, which indicate the norms for months. They are different for boys and girls. In addition to body weight and length, the tables contain indicators of head and chest circumference, which are also important to consider when assessing the physical development of a baby. A child at 6 months should have the following indicators: weight 6.8 - 8.4 kg (± 1 kg), height 64 - 67 cm (± 3 cm).

What can a baby at 6 months

  1. The child is already
  2. By this age, in all children, the physiological disappears both in the arms and legs.
  3. Lying on his stomach, the child can lean on one arm and grab the toy with the other.
  4. Holds your hand firmly with your fingers when pulling up from a prone position. Self-pulls so that you almost do not have to make an effort. Some babies are already able to sit on their own (?).
  5. Tries to crawl in a plastunsky or on all fours, creeps up to the toy (?).
  6. When supported by the armpits, rests and pushes off with the legs, “dances”.
  7. Some babies try to get up by holding on to the edge of the crib.
  8. Grabs objects with one hand, takes from one handle to another. Holds a toy in each hand. Feels the thing with the whole palm. Picks up a fallen toy and throws it again.
  9. If you hide a toy, he starts looking for it. He himself finds an object covered with something.
  10. Independently plays up to 10 - 15 minutes. He repeats many times what he does: he opens and closes the box, wraps and unfolds the handkerchief.
  11. In six months, the first tooth can hatch, as a rule, this is the lower central incisor (about that). At 6 months, the child visits the dentist for the first time, who will evaluate the correct structure of the jaw and frenulum under the upper and lower lips.

Psycho-emotional development

  1. The child's babbling is improving more and more. Crying and crying fade into the background and appear with physiological discomfort. In the baby's speech, consonants and vowels merge in various combinations. Because of this, it may seem that the baby is already pronouncing the words and talking, but this is not the case yet. It’s just that the child already skillfully imitates the sounds he hears, but “speech” does not yet carry a semantic load. By the end of the 6th month, the baby makes up to 40 different sounds.
  2. Now the baby is not just maintaining a “dialogue” with you or repeating, he is trying to understand the meaning of what you said. The child is able to look for the thing that is being said.
  3. The baby can recognize the parents by voice without seeing them. If the child hears the voice of the mother in another room, then by screaming he makes it clear that he knows about her presence. Asks for hands.
  4. Many children are already capable of showing affection and tenderness. They can snuggle up to their mother when they sit on her lap. Outsiders are no longer afraid as before, but in communication with them they keep a distance and do not show activity.
  5. In the thinking of the child, the simplest cause-and-effect relationships are formed. For example, the baby understands that if you press the button in the toy with your finger, the music will play, the toy will fall, there will be a knock, if he screams, the mother will come up. But real progress in intellectual development can only be thought of when the baby develops fear - a sign that the child not only catches the connection between events, but can also anticipate them.
  6. The child begins to be interested in the practical application of the surrounding objects. Because of this, communication with him is now not only emotional in nature, but acquires the features of cooperation: the baby attracts your attention with babble in order to get the subject of interest to him and to learn with your help its functions and qualities.

Test for the development of the baby at six months

  • Keep the toy at a distance of 20-30 cm from the child. He must be able to shift his gaze from the environment to the toy, highlighting it from everything else.
  • Offer your child a bottle of milk first, and then a toy. The reaction of the baby should be different: when he sees the food, the baby opens his mouth and can make sucking movements, at the sight of the toy there will be a reaction of revival.
  • When the baby is lying, ring the bell in front of him, and then slowly move him away. With your help, the child will begin to rise and move to a sitting position.
  • Talk to your child by changing facial expressions. The baby will begin to repeat after you: wrinkle his forehead, smile.
  • Try to take away the toy that he holds in his hand. At 6 months, the baby will hold the object tightly and resist, expressing displeasure.
  • If you often call the baby by name, then at this age the baby should already respond to him with a revitalization complex.

What should alert

  • The child cannot and does not try to sit, even with support.
  • When you support the crumbs by the armpits, he does not "dance."
  • Does not transfer an item from one pen to another.
  • Does not respond to sounds, rustles that are out of sight.
  • Doesn't ask for pens.
  • He doesn't babble, doesn't smile, doesn't recognize his parents.

Additional Information:

Baby development at 6 months video 1

Introduction complementary foods

The most favorable age to start introducing complementary foods is six months. Until that time, breast milk provides the child's body with all the necessary substances. When feeding with a mixture, the first complementary foods are introduced a little earlier - from 4 to 5 months. When it comes to the timing of the introduction of complementary foods, it means the end of the month in which it is started.

Complementary feeding table from 6 months (Clickable)

After 6 months, neither breast milk nor formula can compensate for the energy costs that are spent on intensive growth and physical development. The baby's body begins to need a large amount of minerals, trace elements and vegetable proteins.

If you start complementary foods later than the deadline (6-7 months), then it will be difficult for the child to adapt to the new food and its consistency. Late introduction of complementary foods is fraught with the occurrence of deficient conditions (malnutrition, anemia, rickets), poor development of chewing skills and taste perception, as well as the need for the simultaneous introduction of several products, which can cause an allergic reaction or a digestive disorder.

It is important that the child is ready for complementary foods. Be sure to check with your pediatrician before introducing new foods. If the baby is choking or spitting out food, then wait a little with the innovation.

So, it is more convenient to start complementary foods in the morning, before feeding. For children prone to constipation or overweight, it is better to start with vegetable purees from zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli. Thin people can start with gluten-free cereals: buckwheat, rice or corn, boiled in water without salt and sugar. The first purees and cereals should be monocomponent, that is, contain only one vegetable or cereal.

In summer and autumn it is usually possible to find quality vegetables. Before use, they must be processed and cooked, preferably steamed (this way more nutrients remain). The puree should be homogeneous, i.e. free of lumps and not very thick. To do this, use a blender and, if necessary, add water or a decoction on which vegetables were boiled. Or use ready-made baby purees in jars. Teach your baby to eat from a spoon right away. Use bottles with a pacifier only when necessary (on the road). Do not give hot food or from the refrigerator, the optimum temperature is 37 0 C.

Begin to introduce with 1/2 - 1 teaspoon, and then supplement with milk or formula. For 5 - 10 days, bring to 150 - 180 g and completely replace one breastfeeding. The rest of the time, continue to feed on demand. New products are introduced only after getting used to the previous one. You cannot introduce more than one new product. Multi-component purees and cereals can only be given from about 7 months.

Monitor your child's stool and allergic reactions. If there is an allergy to something, then cancel this product and try to introduce later.


Weaning from the pacifier

Weaning from the pacifier: if the crumbs have already had their first tooth, be sure to try to wean it from the pacifier. The pressure exerted by the nipple on the gums can lead to crooked teeth. It is better to buy a teether ring for your baby. During the introduction of complementary foods, it is easier to wean from the nipple, as the baby begins to learn to drink from a cup, and nighttime bottle feeding is already becoming rare or completely disappears.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Baby sleep at 6 months (mode)

After 6 months, the baby sleeps about 14 hours a day: two sleeps of 1.5 - 2 hours - day and night - up to 6 - 7 hours in a row. But still the mode remains individual. Many babies continue to breastfeed several times a night - this is normal and may last until you stop breastfeeding. Be patient. To help your child sleep longer at night:

  • The interval between the last daytime sleep and bedtime should be at least 4 hours.
  • Bathe your baby before bed. Warm water relaxes and soothes.
  • Feed your baby after bathing.

How to help your baby develop - games

Continue stimulating your baby's language development as you did in previous months. Buy your child some small colorful books with cardboard pages that he can turn himself. It is better if the books are not just with pictures, but with short rhymes or nursery rhymes in which words and phrases are repeated. Children who have read poems from 6 months begin to speak earlier.

The centers that are responsible for fine motor skills and speech are very close and interconnected in the brain, so it is important to conduct activities with the child aimed at the activity of the fingers:

  • Kids at this age love games with boxes or molds of different sizes, nesting dolls.
  • Make several bags with different fillings: dried peas, beans, coarse salt, millet, pebbles, buttons.
  • Take a ball 5 - 6 cm in diameter, put it in the baby's palms. With your hands, squeeze the outside of his handles with the ball inside and roll him there. You can roll a walnut. Do 3-4 minutes daily.
  • Massage your fingers: gently massage them in turn and gently sip. Do 2-3 minutes every day.
  • "Combing": in turn, lift the child's arms and smoothly move them back and forth along the head.
  • Squeezing and unclenching a squeaker toy.
  • Spiral toys for moving figures.

The games in "Magpie-crow", "Ladushki", "Ku-ku", "Got a horned goat" remain relevant.

If your child succeeds in doing something new, be sure to praise him. The child already feels that you are pleased with him.

Increasing the number of toys exponentially is a problem that all parents face. In order not to litter the house with ten regular tumblers and cubes that bother the baby already on the 3rd day, divide all the toys into two parts. Give one part to the baby for games, and hide the rest. Change toys every 4-5 days. Keep in mind that at 6 months, a child can play with a maximum of two toys at the same time.

Reading reviews:

The baby will soon begin to crawl, so it becomes crowded in the crib or playpen. Provide the baby with a carpet on the floor and lay out a few toys on it, let the baby try to crawl towards them.

Continue to carry out gymnastics and massage with hardening procedures daily.

Try to keep all activities and games with the child simple and at the same time useful. Do not overload the baby, his psyche is not yet ready for long sessions. Now the child needs your love and attention even more. If you want to make his life joyful, follow your every word and action, which is now imprinted in the subconscious of a small person.

Baby development at six months video 2

sixth month of life. Child development calendar. Video 3

Half a year is perceived as a certain milestone in the development of the baby. You are wondering what a baby should be able to do at six months and how to help a little person advance in his development.

Today I will talk about this, but remember that children can acquire new skills at different times and at different paces.

Development of the body and new movements of your baby

At the age of six months, much of what the child already knows is improved, and at six months new skills appear:

  • By this age, babies can roll over from their back to their tummy and vice versa;
  • Often and for a long time lie on the tummy;
  • Thanks to the development of the muscles, the baby can already lean on the outstretched arms and from this position turn in different directions;
  • Standing in this position, he can lift one handle or hold some object in it;
  • The baby is trying to crawl in a plastunsky way.
  • The physical development of the child allows him to move around the room: At six months of age, most babies are able to crawl on their stomach or roll, so they can already reach any object. Find out from the article when the baby starts to crawl >>>

If your baby is not crawling yet, encourage him to acquire this skill: put a new toy in some distance. The child will be interested and will make attempts to reach her. In the end, the muscles of the crumbs will get stronger, and he will crawl.

  • The most active children at this age not only crawl, but also stand on their feet at the support.
  • The physical development of a child at 6 months is characterized by the appearance of a sitting skill. Some babies sit up and can sit for a few seconds without support. Read the article to find out when the baby starts to sit >>>
  • At six months, the baby uses both handles well, the eye is developing rapidly. This means that the baby can grab a toy in each hand and knock them against each other. The thumb is still used rarely and unsteadily when gripping, most often the kids take objects with a handful or four fingers.

The list of what a child should do at the age of six months is quite wide, but if at six months the baby does not perform this or that action, do not be discouraged, it means that the little one will acquire this skill a little later.

Games and toys

The psychomotor development of a child at 6 months leads to a change in the nature of the interaction of the baby with the outside world. Now the little one wants to study everything around and actively participate in all the events that take place:

  1. The kid moves around the room, carefully examines the surrounding furniture and various objects;
  2. Examines his arms and legs;
  3. The development of a child of the sixth month of life necessarily includes the reading of poems, nursery rhymes and finger games by adults, which are very fond of kids. And if earlier the child only listened intently to how his mother reads poetry to him, now he emotionally reacts to these activities; smiling, laughing, babbling.

Play with the baby not only in finger games, but also in bodily games: “Big feet walked along the road”, “We drove, we drove”, “The locomotive is going, going”, etc.

Taking the baby in your arms, use different support methods, dance with the baby. So you will not only strengthen children's muscles, but also create a positive contact with the little man, give the baby pleasure from new tactile sensations.

At 6 months, the baby's sense of touch is developing; he not only drags everything into his mouth, but also diligently feels with his fingers.

In the detailed course "My Beloved Baby" you will find step-by-step recommendations for the development and upbringing of a child of this age, >>>

At six months, the crumbs have new toys:

  • Soft cubes with pictures. It is good if the surfaces of the cubes are made of different textures. Children look at images, listen to their mother's explanations, break towers that parents build;
  • Musical toy with pleasant music. For kids at 6 months old, a baby piano with several large keys that are easy to press is well suited. Such a toy is needed for the development of logic: kids understand that when different buttons are pressed, different melodies are heard;
  • Bath toys. Most of all, babies like rubber squeaky animals and dolls;
  • Miscellaneous utensils: a large wooden spoon, plastic plates and mugs. At six months, the child is interested in everything related to the food of adults; therefore, using dishes is something that both girls and boys should be able to do;
  • Cardboard picture books. The peanut loves to look at them and listen to how mom reads. Do not be upset that the baby pulls them into his mouth all the time, this is completely normal;
  • Soft paper and various bags. Give them to the kids only under the supervision of an adult! Kids love to tear paper and rustle the bag;
  • On a walk, a baby at 6 months already loves to watch soap bubbles; Interested in a balloon.

Important! The most important thing in choosing toys is to make sure that they do not have easily broken off small parts that the baby can swallow.

The mood and emotions of the crumbs

The mental development of a child at six months gives him the ability to separate parents and relatives from strangers.

  1. The kid loves to communicate with loved ones whom he often sees;
  2. The peanut smiles and laughs when he feels good, and cries when he is dissatisfied with something;
  3. At 6 months old, the baby learns to express negative emotions: the kids know how to frown, babble with displeasure;
  4. When the baby examines a new toy, a concentrated expression appears on his face;
  5. Children perceive intonation and react to it accordingly: a gentle voice causes a smile on the baby’s face, and from a strict one he can cry;
  6. The little man subtly feels the mood of his mother, if she is sad, she can whine and be capricious. Unfamiliar people alarm the baby. He does not immediately begin to trust them, he may not go on the hands and cry from fear.

Paying attention to the features of the development of the child, you can predict the nature of the child, because it is at 6 months that his first main features appear.

The development of a premature baby at 6 months almost completely corresponds to the development of a child born at term. At this age, “hurried” children begin to fully communicate with loved ones, and mothers are encouraged to spend as much time with them as possible.

Six months for a child is the time when parents control what he should be able to do; boys and girls have different developmental norms. Psychologists have found that girls acquire new skills a little faster than boys.

Learn a lot of interesting things about the development of a child at 6 months from my video tutorial:

The kids are talking

At six months, the speech development of the crumbs continues. The kid already pronounces syllables more confidently, his “repertoire” is expanding. To train the tongue and lips, do the following exercise with the crumbs. Wait for the child to say a series of syllables, such as "fa-fa-fa". Say "fo-fo-fo" or "fi-fi-fi."

So you show the baby how to make syllables. When talking to a toddler, look directly at him and clearly articulate the words. He will remember how to pronounce different sounds.

When a child is six months old, his development goes very quickly and the list of what he should be able to expand is expanding; a video of different moments in the life of a crumb will help you remember it at the age of six months. Have time to enjoy these days, spend more time with your baby. You will not even notice how your little one starts to run and talk.


At 6 months, a small child's visual perception improves and hearing becomes more acute. Every day the baby attaches more and more importance to individual events. going on around him. He can quickly calm down and begin to listen to the sounds of music or the singing of his mother, even when he cries a lot and is naughty.

At this age, the baby is much better at recognizing the emotional palette in the relationships of the people around him, and especially his parents. The mood of mom or dad is instantly transmitted to the baby - if the parents quarrel and speak in raised tones, then he may cry, and if mom smiles and dad communicates with her friendly, then the face of the little man lights up with a smile!

Until the age of six months, the child cried and was upset mainly due to various physiological inconveniences - tummy hurt , hit, scared, now even moved to another place toy box may cause tears.
The so-called baby talk, which is the foundation of speech development, is also being improved. Improving pre-speech abilities include the combination of breathing with sounds, emotionally colored movements of the tongue and lips, more
meaningful pronunciation of the first syllables and some consonants.


During a recent experiment, linguists found that the foundations of the native language are laid as early as six months of age. They recorded the infantile babble of little children from families of different nations on a dictaphone. When the British were given to listen to the recordings, in 85% of cases they correctly called the babble of the crumbs from the English family, the Germans - from the German, the Italians - from the Italian. Therefore, in the statement: "Native language is absorbed with mother's milk" there is a grain of truth.


Knows how to clearly express desires with gestures (pulls out handles so that mom takes the baby in her arms, points with a pen at the thing she wants to take);

Rolls over from tummy to back , from the back to the tummy or to the side;

At 6 months, the child should be able to crawl forward and crawl back a little. Tear off your tummy while crawling from the floor may not yet work;

Should be able to easily lift the body on straightened arms, if he rests his palms on the surface;

Knows how to change the intonation of spoken sounds in time, depending on the situation and needs;

At half a year, the baby should easily differentiate his toys in accordance with the purpose during the game. (the rattle can be shaken and it will make a sound, the ball can be rolled on the floor);

A 6 month old baby should get angry and actively object if a toy is taken away from him;

Turn your head when you call out or call his name.

Some babies at six months of age can:

Transferring a spoon or toy from one handle to another;

Reach out with an outstretched handle to an object that is far beyond its reach;

Sit for a while with support (the child should not be in a sitting position for too long , since the musculoskeletal system is still poorly developed);

Look for the named thing that is in the children's room;

Clearly pronounce some simple one-syllable words.


Sleep still occupies a significant part of the time at this age. Breast milk remains the main food for most babies, but you can gradually introduce complementary foods. Click on this link and EXPAND SOME PRACTICAL ROUTINES FOR YOUR BABY.

Helpful Hints:

√ Tip 1 - choose the most convenient place for playing with the crumbs and spread a wide blanket on the floor;

√ Tip 2 - store your baby's toys in one basket or in a box. Help the baby to independently pull out toys from his own "treasury";

√ Tip 3 - repeat the names of toys as often as possible , stretching them to the child;

√ Tip 4 - periodically place a small sliding pillow under the baby's tummy to make it easier for him to crawl forward.

Several options for educational games for a six-month-old baby:

▫ Game 1 - musical bottles

This educational game promotes the formation of hearing and mindfulness.

Pour water into plastic or aluminum bottles (so that each has a different volume).
Hit the bottles with a spoon to make different sounds. If the baby will pull the handle to the spoon, give him the opportunity to play music.

▫ Game 2 - Okay

Develops coordination of movements and a sense of rhythm.

At the age of 6 months, it is difficult for a baby to clap his hands on his own when his mother says "patties, patties". But if dad is involved in the game, then everything will be fine! Dad will put his child on his knees, the baby will lean back against his father's stomach. Then dad will take the baby by the wrists and, in time with mom's words, will clap his little hands and slap mom's hands.

▫ Game 3 - unusual bubble

This game helps to develop hand motor skills and tactile sensations.

Take a balloon and pour some water into it. Tie it tightly so that water does not seep through. Demonstrate before the eyes of the child the properties of a ball filled with water - squeeze and unclench it, throw it to the surface. Then let the baby play with an amazing toy, but be careful that he does not try to try the ball "on the tooth"

¡ Interesting photo!
See how strong it will be and how noticeably the child will change after the birth of 6 months


If a baby at 6 months receives enough mother's milk , then you need to include additional food in the diet quite a bit and very selectively. Let's find out what you can already feed a little peanut at this age.

- It is very useful to give a six-month-old baby mashed vegetables and rice. You can make a porridge-like mass of carrots with rice. Puree from fresh cauliflower and potatoes can also be included in the child's menu. By 6.5 months, you can diversify his diet with celery, beans, beets, broccoli, green peas. All products can be given to the baby in the form of soups and cereals.

Closer to 7 months, you can diversify the crumbs menu with meat broth from fresh lean beef or chicken. Pass the meat through a meat grinder and cook it over low heat for several hours in clean drinking water (40 g of meat per 200 ml of water). You can add some onions and carrots. At the end of cooking, it is desirable to add greens - dill, celery, parsley. After 2 hours, strain the broth several times through several layers of clean gauze and boil the broth again.

A few days after the inclusion of the broth in the menu of a 6 month old baby, you can give the baby mashed meat. To prepare it, you need to take 100 grams of lean beef, 5 grams of butter, 50 grams of milk and some greens.
Preparation: Thoroughly clean the meat from the film and fat. Cut into small pieces, pour clean water and simmer over low heat until fully cooked. When the pieces of meat are cooked, you need to pass them 2 times through a meat grinder and rub on a grater. Add hot milk, butter and bring puree to a boil. When the puree is ready, add some grated greens and stir. The broth can be used to make vegetable soup.


From the first minutes of the baby's birth, it is important to control the change in his weight. . If the weight of the child is normal and is constantly growing, then the diet is chosen correctly. If the baby has stopped gaining weight, then it is necessary to adjust his daily menu and the time intervals between feedings.

The normal weight of six-month-old boys ranges from: 6.5-8.6 kg.
Normal weight for 6 month old girls: 6.2-8.4 kg.

Weight deviation from the norm by 16-30% upwards indicates an overweight, and 16-30% downwards indicates underweight. In these cases, you should consult a pediatrician for advice and adjust the diet of the crumbs. after examination.

Height of 6 month old boys: 63.3-69.2 cm
Growth of girls at 6 months: 62.5-68.6 cm

If the deviation from the norm is 7 or more centimeters up or down, then it is necessary to undergo an examination after consulting a doctor.


In this video tutorial, experts give answers to the most common questions moms have to teach their baby how to sit and crawl properly: