What should I do? The cat shed her hair. What to do if your cat sheds very intensely? Natural coat renewal: reasons

One of the signs that a cat has settled in the house is the presence of hair on upholstered furniture, carpets, clothes, and any surfaces and objects. Many housewives are calm about the problem of frequent cleaning of the apartment, but there are also those for whom the accumulation of hair causes panic. If the cats' fur begins to fall out, it means that regular shedding has begun. But in some situations, when a cat sheds a lot, sometimes even experienced “cat lovers” don’t know what to do. And there may be plenty of reasons for prolonged or year-round shedding of pets.

Features of fur renewal in cats

Hair renewal in animals is seasonal. New hairs grow to replace dying hairs; this pattern can also be observed in humans. In animals, this process occurs approximately twice a year, with both long-haired and short-haired cats shedding. This process is absent only in representatives of exotic breeds - La Perm, Sphynx, Cornish and Devon Rex.

Pets can shed at any time, regardless of the season. This may be due to the characteristics of the organism, as well as the conditions under which the animal is kept. Long-haired cats shed fur intensively because they have a lush undercoat. On the contrary, shorthaired cats shed less - their coat fits well and the undercoat is much poorer. You can eliminate the problem of contamination of your apartment with the hair of your beloved pet if you find out why the cat sheds and exactly when it happens.

Natural coat renewal: reasons

The reasons for the natural molting of a mustachioed animal (changing old fur for new ones) are quite banal. It could be:

    first molt;

    seasonal molting;

    apartment shedding;

  • hormonal surges;

    poor nutrition;

    various diseases.

The first moult is when the kitten exchanges baby fluff for the hair of an adult animal. This process occurs at six months of age and can last from a month to two. It does not cause concern to the owner, and only requires daily combing of its fur. Proper nutrition at this age is the key to the successful growth of your pet and the formation of a thick, beautiful coat.

Seasonal molting occurs annually, or rather twice a year: at the beginning of autumn and at the end of spring. This process lasts differently: from 2-3 weeks to 2 months. Therefore, if a cat at someone’s house sheds in the summer, this is a normal process, and there is also no reason to worry. We should not forget about daily combing of the fur coat and proper conditions for keeping the pet.

Indoor molting is a process that can last all year round without interruption, and intensifies during the heating season. At this time, the air becomes too dry, and then the cat sheds all year round. You can help your pet by regularly humidifying the air, as well as using hygiene products to care for your pet. These are special nourishing masks, shampoos and balms. Taking vitamins and a properly balanced diet is a mandatory measure.

Stress has a negative impact on the condition of the pet in general, and on the quality of the coat in particular. Owners often wonder why their cat sheds a lot. And the reason is stress, which can be caused by a variety of factors:

    lack of attention;

    boredom and lack of entertainment;

    jealousy of the new baby;

    the appearance of another animal;

    lack of opportunity to realize sexual instinct.

Constant attention, care and affection from pets can return the pet to its former joy, but in rare cases, the veterinarian may prescribe a sedative.

Hormonal surges are a serious cause of hair loss in a cat. Hormonal imbalance may occur if she senses the approach of a partner ready to mate. Her health may seriously deteriorate and hyperactivity may develop. If your cat has lost weight and is shedding, you should contact your veterinarian to prescribe medications to improve well-being, reduce hair loss, and lower hormonal levels.

It happens quite often that a cat sheds hair after castration. This is also due to hormonal imbalance. Special vitamins can help your pet restore health and get rid of untimely shedding.

Poor nutrition is a possible cause of shedding, because food from the table is not always the ideal diet for a cat. And if the cat constantly sheds, you should reconsider its diet. The best option is high-quality ready-made food for the animal, which has a balanced content of protein, vitamins and minerals. Good food will help prevent shedding and promote rapid elimination of hair clumps from the stomach.

Various diseases can cause prolonged hair loss in a cat. Unnoticed, they may be accompanied by symptoms such as:



    hair loss;

    smell from the mouth.

In this situation, you should contact a veterinarian who will examine your pet and prescribe appropriate treatment. Sometimes an effective measure is to prescribe a course of vitamins that will help get rid of the problem of hair loss.

Owners of cats and cats, regardless of the advice and recommendations of a veterinarian, should have at least a general idea of ​​what to do so that the cat does not shed, does not get sick, and delights with its spontaneity and playfulness.

During the period when the cat is shedding, it is necessary to carefully comb his coat daily with a slicker brush, which removes dead undercoat. An excellent tool is the furminator. This small tool removes almost all dead hair much more efficiently than conventional combs and slickers.

While licking itself, a cat swallows a fairly large amount of hair, which accumulates in the stomach in the form of hairballs. In this case, regurgitation is a normal mechanism for cleansing the stomach, but sometimes it ends up in the intestines, causing digestive problems, and in some cases even blockage. To prevent this, the cat must be given a paste to remove hair during shedding. It is also useful for this period or for the entire time to switch the animal to special food designed for long-haired breeds. Some lines even produce food that promotes hair removal.

A radical way to solve problems with seasonal shedding in cats, especially long-haired breeds, is a haircut. But the result may not please not only the cat, but also you. Therefore, it is better to accustom both yourself and your pet to regular brushing.

A fluffy little ball brings a lot of happiness and no less trouble. One of the constant headaches for a clean housewife is shedding in cats. In normal times, if a pet loses fur, it is only a little. During the molting period, some cats are able to cover the furnishings of the apartment with fluff.

Cats start shedding early. At about the age of six months, kittens begin to gradually change not only the structure, but the color of their fur. The duration of the first moult varies. Sometimes at least 6 months. During this time, the kitten sheds baby fluff, growing dense guard hairs. In pointed and multi-colored cats, the markings appear brighter. The appearance becomes complete.

You need to combat molting in a comprehensive manner. To begin with, support the kittens with vitamins and enhanced nutrition. In addition, this is a good opportunity to accustom your pet to hygiene procedures: combing and bathing. And simply smoothing your fur coat with a damp hand will not only be pleasant, but also useful.

Don't miss this moment: how well you take care of your kitten will determine the appearance of an adult cat in the future.

Why and how cats shed

Subsequently, molting will become regular. For cats, this is a natural process of preparing for the change of season. Ideally, a cat sheds twice a year:

  • before the cold weather begins. Reducing daylight hours and a significant decrease in temperatures include protective mechanisms that involve a change in wardrobe. Cats are rapidly growing a new coat that can protect them from frost. For example, the British grow a powerful, dense undercoat, which is much thicker than the summer one;
  • before the onset of heat. Rising temperatures make it necessary to prepare for the summer heat. “Winter” fur, having served its purpose, is no longer needed. Therefore, a lighter version is growing.

Cats that have free range react most strongly to the change of seasons. Their bodies are exposed to natural weather conditions and are sensitive to the changing seasons.

Cats living in an apartment without walking, despite the lack of seasonality in the home climate, also shed. Only the time of this process is not strictly tied to the environment. Depending on the breed, cats shed 1-2 times a year.

It should be borne in mind that in mature, uncastrated cats, shedding can begin at any time as a reaction to certain changes in physiology. This is how the body will react to hormonal changes during estrus or after kittens are weaned from mother's milk. This is not a reason to panic, you just need to provide your cat with improved nutrition and vitamins.

How long does seasonal molting last?

If you are scared by your kitten's long first molt, don't worry. This is due to complex processes of physiological maturation. Shedding in cats that can be called adults goes back to normal. On average it lasts a couple of months a year. Once in the spring, and again at the end of autumn. There may be minor time shifts in the schedule.

Usually short-haired pets fit into the schedule and timing of shedding. It’s more difficult with the fluffier ones. Persians or Maine Coons, after shedding their guard hairs, take a long time to get rid of the undercoat. They definitely won't be able to do it without your help. If you do not help them with their struggle, the consequences can be serious. From local tangles to completely matted fur.

Sometimes shedding in cats occurs unplanned or does not stop for a long time.

Reasons for intense year-round shedding

Considering that shedding in cats is a natural physiological process, it is important to understand when it goes beyond the normal. If fur falls out intensively for more than a month, especially out of season, and without objective prerequisites, this is a reason to think about the reasons for what is happening.

Usually a cat sheds a lot:

  1. During illness. It doesn't matter if there is an internal disease or the cause is on the surface of the body, shedding in cats is an indicator of health. In normal condition, fluff does not fly in different directions. Moreover, you can suspect anything: from banal vitamin deficiency or allergies to serious diseases of internal organs. Only specialists will carry out competent diagnostics. You should not self-medicate, as you will only make the problems worse.
  2. Unsuitable care products. If health is not suspicious: tests are normal, behavior is active, and shedding does not stop, this is a reason to change the shampoo, at a minimum. Ideally, change all cosmetics for the cat. You may be using the wrong brush. Pay attention to what accessories are recommended by breeders and veterinarians for each specific breed separately for everyday care and for the molting period.
  3. Errors in feeding. Often the reasons for year-round molting are in the food. Natural food must be prepared according to special recipes that provide an ideal balance of nutrients. Be sure to supplement with vitamin supplements a couple of times a year. Ready-made food, even the most expensive and high-quality, is also not a guarantee of peace of mind. One ingredient that is individually unacceptable to your cat and shedding is guaranteed all year round. Choose carefully. Preferably, with control through analysis.
  4. Stress. Among cats there are phlegmatic cats that hardly react to changes in the external environment. But there are cats for whom even your daily trips to work become the real end of the world. Jealousy, lack of attention, loud noises, unfamiliar smells - this world is fraught with many dangers and possible causes for stress for cats. If diseases are excluded, feeding and accessories are checked to the smallest detail, go to the veterinarian for a sedative.

Sometimes a cat sheds heavily in winter, especially if it constantly lives within four walls. Among the reasons: dry air and too high a temperature. How to fight? Humidifiers. Open containers of water that evaporate moisture help a lot. For example, an aquarium. Again, fun for the cat.

Methods for reducing fur during shedding

When a cat sheds, you will need a whole arsenal of tools to fight it:

  1. Complete balanced nutrition.
  2. Supplements and vitamins. Particular emphasis on amino acids. Along with veterinary supplements, you can give an egg yolk and be sure to leave the sprouted grass. For long-haired dogs, it makes sense to buy a paste to remove lumps from the digestive system.
  3. Give the cat a bath. With water and subsequent combing, the lion's share of dead hairs is eliminated.
  4. Combing. Cats with short fur without a lot of undercoat will get by with a regular brush a couple of times a week. For furry cats or cats with thick undercoat, you may have to resort to a furminator.

Are there any non-shedding cat breeds?

The desire to have a cat with a flowing coat can be realized without the exhausting struggle with shedding if it is possible to have a Burmese, American Curl, Somali or Turkish Angora.

Shorthaired Siamese, Abyssinians, Burmese, Bengals, Singaporeans, Egyptian Mau or Bombay cats will cause minimal problems.

There is a completely exotic solution to the shedding problem: rexes and sphinxes. These cats definitely do not shed in the traditional sense of the word.

Choose a cat with the prospect of spending at least 10 years side by side with her, and with a successful combination of circumstances, as many as 20. The shedding of Persians, Britons, Siberians or Maine Coons has made them not the most popular among lovers of order and cleanliness in the house. No amount of care or improved nutrition can prevent their marks from appearing in the most inappropriate places.

The first and most important thing about molting is that All representatives of the animal world molt. Every single one of them. At a certain point, they change their body coverings. Some have skin, some have shell, and cats change their coat. And that's okay.

Cats even change the top layer of their skin. By the way, it changes constantly. The upper cells of the epidermis die off, and new cells take their place, and so on as long as the animal is alive.

It is generally accepted that Molting in predators is seasonal. The summer coat changes to winter in the fall, and the winter coat changes to summer in the spring. It used to be the same with cats. But now they have moved into apartments, and the environment does not affect them in the same way as it would if the cat lived on the street.

In the apartment, both winter and summer, the temperature is practically the same and cats most often shed all year round. You can check this by looking at the woven materials in your apartment. You can always find hair on the upholstery of a sofa, chair, and so on. Fur comes out in clumps from fluffy cats. Smooth-haired cats shed fine, spiky fur.

But if you use the following words to describe the process of changing a cat’s coat: peeling, shedding a lot, hair falling out a lot, then you can say with confidence that this is a pathological process, and not physiological molting. And we will try to find out the causes of such a phenomenon as pathological hair loss in cats. So that you can remove the causes and cure the cat.

Causes of severe hair loss:
1. Old age. In old cats, all physiological processes are aimed at aging and death. The hair does not stay well in the hair follicle and falls out more often than we would like, and new hair does not always grow. That's why old cats sometimes have a disheveled, unkempt appearance.

2. Diseases of the digestive system. When the gastrointestinal tract is affected or diseased. After the digestion process, the tissues and organs do not receive the amount of nutrients, vitamins and microelements that the body needs to maintain the skin and coat in good condition. And, as you know, without vitamins and minerals, hair does not grow and the fur does not shine. And the molting process intensifies to the point of baldness.

3. Diseases of the genitourinary system. If a cat has a serious kidney pathology, then they do not remove many substances that the body does not need. These substances accumulate, and this affects the skin, and, of course, the coat. Do not forget also that improper functioning of the ovaries also negatively affects the condition of the skin and coat. Baldness appears (they are usually symmetrical).

5. Poor nutrition cats seriously affects the condition of the coat, for example, chicken heads and necks, beloved by many cat lovers, lead to constant constipation in cats, which contributes to the accumulation of toxins in the body. And this leads to serious molting.
Or fish, fish, fish for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Scientists have proven that many varieties of sea fish contain substances that destroy vitamin B1, and this also leads to impaired hair growth. So much for heavy shedding.

6. Stress. If your cat experiences extreme stress too often, this can also lead to hair loss and slow growth of new fur.

7. Inflammation and congestion of the paraanal sinuses leads to self-injury of skin and fur. Cats practically lick their bellies until their skin is clean. This is how their rectum hurts and itches.

Your actions:
1. If your cat sheds, but it does not cause you any concern, then it is best to teach the cat to patiently accept your hygiene procedures with its fur. For smooth-haired cats, a rubber brush that fits on your hand is perfect. And if you can spend a few minutes brushing your cat every day, there will be significantly less hair on your furniture and clothes. And the cat will look neater and cuter.

2. It’s another matter if the cat’s hair loss is associated with some kind of disease. In this case, you should consult a doctor, get tested and start treating your cat.

3. Change the type of feeding. Eliminate harmful foods first. If necessary, change the cat's entire diet. You can do this under the supervision of your veterinarian.

Elena Valerievna Gordeeva
veterinarian, animal psychologist, dog trainer

What to do if your cat sheds a lot? After all, excessive hair loss is not just terribly inconvenient and unhygienic. Losing a large amount of hair is a symptom of many diseases. Sometimes very dangerous for the owner himself.

A person loses his hair, a cat sheds, this is the norm of life and the law of nature. But when we have too much hair loss, we sound the alarm; much the same thing happens with the fur of a pet. Throughout the year, the cat sheds; in spring and autumn, shedding occurs more intensely, and you have to remove the fur more often and comb out the fur.

Summer and winter are a calmer period, and there is much less hair loss. But if you begin to notice that the period of active shedding in a cat lasts throughout the year, and with regular brushing even during calm periods, the fur does not decrease, you need to watch your pet. After all, this is the first sign of dermal disease.

There are breeds of cats that shed all year round, for example, for the “British” this is the norm, and there is nothing wrong with that. Simple cats with short hair and a thick undercoat also shed excess fur, little by little, but all year round. It is worth worrying when symptoms such as excessive restlessness in the cat and frequent and irritated licking of fur are added to heavy hair loss.

Dangerous symptoms or time to sound the alarm

First, you need to pay attention to your cat's cosmetics; perhaps for starters, it makes sense to change the shampoo. And in some cases, replacing shampoos with medicinal or medicinal ones completely alleviates your pet’s condition.

If intense shedding is combined with sudden weight loss, then this is a good reason to visit the veterinarian. Such symptoms are observed in those cats that live in an apartment and do not leave it. The lights are always on, the floor lamps are on, and the temperature of the room is comfortable for humans, but is not entirely suitable for the animal, and the molting process is blurred for him, stretching throughout the whole year.

Simply put, the cat’s biological clock malfunctions, which leads to a protracted period of intense shedding. The only way to facilitate this process is to bring the living conditions in the apartment as close as possible to those on the street, that is, to regulate the temperature comfortable for the cat. Install air humidifiers, as hot batteries and dry air cause maximum harm to the skin and coat. Try to match the daylight hours outside the window and indoors. Creating such rules will help adjust the molting process to natural principles.

Incorrect and problematic shedding can be caused by difficult or difficult childbirth, vitamin deficiency and lack of fatty acids; an unbalanced diet can also be included in this risk group; all these reasons appear primarily on the pet’s fur. In this case, the veterinarian will prescribe a course of fatty acid-based medications, including a balanced intake of vitamins such as Omega-3 or Omega-6.

All these diseases naturally need to be identified and treated under the supervision of a veterinarian. And it’s worth remembering that they don’t go away on their own.

Danger to humans in cat fur

Well, here the kitty “shared” ringworm with her owner. And it's not the cat's fault. This is the fault of the owner who did not monitor the health of the pet.

But the most important point that you should not lose sight of is the sudden baldness in certain areas of the skin near your pussy. In combination with the discovery in yourself or in your household of skin itching, sharp redness in some parts of the body, immediately after the cat’s health deteriorates, this may indicate a disease such as

If the pet is healthy, then all processes proceed as they should for a cat’s life. Shedding is a normal part of life for them and therefore there is no need to worry about it. But situations also arise when wool falls out in excessively large quantities and does not stop throughout the year. Then many cat lovers begin to worry about their pets. But, despite this, it is easy to cope with the problem, even if the owner got an animal for the first time.

Healthy cats should shed several times a year. In spring, this happens before hot weather so that the thick coat does not become a burden. The second time they shed occurs in the fall, so that they shed all the fur and grow new, warm ones.

Cats that live permanently in an apartment sometimes lose this rhythm. During the heating season, they begin to shed their fur. The heating air is warm and dry, which has a detrimental effect on the animal’s fur. Thanks to such climate changes, cats often shed it. Wool often sticks to clothes, rugs and sofas. This problem makes it difficult to clean the house.


  1. Long hair in the cat family. If a cat’s hair is naturally long and thick, then you shouldn’t be surprised that the animal loses too much hair. These breeds include Angora, British, Scottish, Persian, Siamese, Maine Coon and others. If a cat lover decides to buy a long-haired breed, then he should be prepared for frequent and heavy shedding.
  2. Improper maintenance and care. Also, the cause of excessive shedding can be non-physiological characteristics of the cat family. Frequent hair loss may be due to improper care of your pet's fur. This may be the wrong shampoo for him, washing too often and too much, or not brushing his coat. In addition to the above reasons, which are understandable and solvable to everyone, there are many others. These include diseases and poor living conditions for the animal.
  3. The main reason is the pet’s unbalanced diet. Due to the owners' use of canned and dry food of poor quality, the cat develops a lack of vitamins, macro- and microelements. And with a mono diet, the cat loses hair continuously. Therefore, it is not recommended to feed your pet exclusively fish and meat food.
  4. Shedding due to illness, age and pregnancy (or lactation). In addition to problems arising with nutrition, molting also occurs when there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract or kidneys. When an allergic reaction occurs, a cat loses some of its hair and quickly loses weight. When a cat is pregnant or if she is already pregnant, hormonal levels are disrupted. You need to be prepared for pieces of fur to come out even when stroking.
  5. As a cat ages, it does not become healthier. She gradually weakens and fades. An elderly cat does not have the strength to care for its fur or lick it. She does not have enough microelements in her body. Therefore, old animals often experience heavy shedding.

There are many reasons for hair loss in cats. To help your pet, it is enough to quickly and correctly find the cause of the problem. The right decision for the owner would be to visit a specialist. A good veterinarian will be able to determine the exact cause, and if it is a disease, he will be able to prescribe the correct treatment that will make life easier.

Troubleshooting solutions

The method of treatment will depend primarily on the cause of the shedding. Some people select treatment through errors and trials, but this method is not recommended. It is advisable to first find the root of the problem. Some solutions to the problem will not take much time to eliminate all the causes. Others, on the contrary, will take more effort and require spending money.

Creating suitable climatic conditions
If the reason is an unsuitable temperature climate, then the temperature in the house should be brought closer to natural conditions. Suitable temperature: in summer the apartment should be warm, and in winter, on the contrary, cold.

To solve the problem with the temperature climate, it is recommended to place the cat in a loggia or on a balcony - there the climate is more suitable to the natural one. To lure a cat to a new place, it is advisable to move the scratching post, sleeping place and favorite toys there. The doors to the balcony should be kept open at all times; you should not restrict your pet’s movements around the apartment.

Brushing a cat
In many cases, regular brushing can help eliminate shedding. Cats should be accustomed to such procedures from childhood, but if this is not done, then when hair falls out, the pet should be combed well. To carry out the procedure, you need to purchase a special comb or brush. They are sold in many pet stores.

If the cat has long hair and it constantly rolls into shreds, then you will need another tool to comb it out. For this procedure, it is better to purchase a furminator. It is not sold in all stores, and its price is much more expensive. But it has more advantages, for example, the device allows you to comb out not only the top layer of fur, but also the undercoat, which the comb cannot reach. After using such a tool, the pet looks well-groomed and feels much better.

Lack of vitamins and minerals
Often the problem occurs due to a lack of nutrients. Then you should contact a specialist to prescribe more suitable minerals for your cat. Such products can be in the form of drops, powder or tablets that should be added to the food. Vitamins allow you to replenish the entire balance of various microelements, as a result of which the cat’s fur will become better and more beautiful. Mostly, veterinarians prescribe drugs such as Radostin, Shestevit, or Farmavit Neo. Thanks to the biotin included in these medications, cell regeneration improves, and the coat becomes thicker and shinier.

Your cat should be fed a variety of foods. You should add various soups and cereals to your diet. People who think that cats only like dairy products and fish are wrong. Such food will only harm your pet’s health.
And remember that you should constantly pour clean water into a separate bowl.

Traditional methods against shedding
Some cat problems can be solved using traditional methods. No one can guarantee that hair loss will stop completely, but sometimes you can get rid of the cause.

  1. To replenish biotin in the animal’s body, you should add egg yolk to the food. But it is important to ensure that protein does not get into your cat’s food, as it can interfere with the absorption of the substance.
  2. You can also give your pet fish oil. It contains many vitamins. This method will help restore the cat’s immune system, after which the coat will become healthy. It can be purchased at any pet store.

What periods are considered normal for molting?

For normal seasonal hair loss, a duration of no more than four weeks is considered. Sometimes such deadlines are a little delayed, but they should not exceed one and a half months.

If the reason lies in stress, pregnancy or poor nutrition, then the poor condition of the cat's coat will last much longer. To stop shedding, it is recommended to eliminate all factors that cause the process of hair loss.

If you follow simple rules for keeping your beloved pet, you can easily get rid of the problem. Regular brushing, replenishing the body with vitamins and a balanced diet will help solve all problems, and the cat will be well-groomed and beautiful.

Video: how to deal with shedding in cats?