What was happening in the playboy mansion. Playboy Dark Side: Who was actually Hugh Hefner. Donald Trump was a frequent guest mansion

Everyone wants to have a big mansion, one of the most expensive suites in the world, traveling for a private jet and hang around the clock. But the most important heritage of Hugh, of course, this is his playmeitts - girls living in Hefner's mansion. Now the famous playboy 91 year and he is still in the game. And, it seems, it is not going to throw your rampant lifestyle. But is his life is beautiful, as it seems to us, and how does it look like?

All girls in Hefner's mansion seem happy, but it is only visibility. One of the former Playmeits told that they were strongly limited in the rights and freedom of movement, and Hugh Hefner was Mil with them, but perceived girls as sex slaves, which should satisfy him around the clock. None of the girls decided to refuse him or at least rudely answer, because no one wanted to problems. And only one of the girls decided on such a frank confession. Hugh is a millionaire, so he can afford a luxurious mansion, gorgeous girlfriends and the illusion of a beautiful carefree life. However, no matter how everything is in fact, many of the men still dream of being in his place.

Playboy was always surrounded by hundreds of the most selective beauties. However, one girl was able to make it impossible: Hugh Hefner finally found a woman he left for the night. And she was the only one in his bed, the rest of the playmeits were forced to fade for closed doors. However, it is married to a millionaire - not so great gift. We'll have to put up with old age and, say, unusual conditions marriage contract.

Crystal Harris married Hugh in 2013, and she signed the "iron" marriage contract. Hugh Hefner wanted to make sure that his inheritance will go away to his children, the Union of Southern California, as well as charitable organizations. The girl did not have a penny. This is probably one of the reasons why she was the first spent with him, but as a result, the crystal accepted the conditions Hugh.

Hugh belongs to a two-story villa worth $ 10 million. It has a rotating bed and walls, jacuzzi, terrace, taking area solar baths, indoor pool, gym, Media Center, Massage and Spa, Glass Elevator and More.

He not only met celebrities at parties, he lived with them! Hugh Hefner told Vanity Fair that his favorite guests - Actor Tony Curtis and Cartisturist walked Silverstain. Round out that there is whole line Underground tunnels connected to the Hefner mansion and leading to neighboring houses of celebrities. Tunnels were closed in 1989, but still Hefner has special relationship with celebrities.

What is rich to do in free time? According to him, there was no better restThan stay in his mansion. He told Vanity Fair what this happens because « this place, everyone wants to go, and I agree with them. Everything, what you want is here. "He also loved watching movies in his room or just work. Now that he gets older, Hugh Hefner's life is much calmer, but he never ceases to enjoy life.

Hugh Hefner bought his private aircraft "Big Rabbit" in the late 1960s. It was he who delivered a playboy and his guests to another sexual adventure. The plane was a symbol of the sexual revolution. It was the only black plane with spotlights that were installed at the ends of the wing to make sure that the "big rabbit" will always stand out. The 38-seater passenger aircraft was like an apartment - with a bedroom, living room, dining room and everything you need for entertainment. It was also equipped with a bar and club. Unfortunately, Hugh sold a plane in 1975, and he was used as a commercial airliner until 2004.

How to get an invitation to a party Hugh Hefner? You must be famous or send your photos in Bikini if \u200b\u200byou are a girl. If you have passed the test, you will fall on the hottest party, the participants in the literal sense are surrounded by naked flesh. Large dance floor, alcohol in unlimited number and swimming pool for those who want to cool. Unfortunately, last year Hefner sold his famous mansion to his neighbor on special conditions. But this does not mean that he will no longer arrange parties. The new owner will not be able to fully use the building purchased to them, since, according to the terms of the sale contract, 90-year-old Hefner has the right to live here until the end of life. Although it will not be free: Playboy Enterprises promises to pay the metropolus annual rental of 1 million dollars.

The two-story building in the Gothic style, built in 1927, on the project of architect Arthur R. Kelly, is located in one of the prestigious areas of Los Angeles. It has 22 rooms. On the territory of the estate of about 25 thousand square meters. M is a tennis court, a basketball court, a pool with a grotto, as well as a small zoo. Hefner acquired an estate in 1971 for about $ 1.1 million, and the famous playboy parties regularly sat regularly here. The mansion was put up for sale at the beginning of this year. for 200 million dollars . Thus, the discount came out twice. While estimated by experts, real price The estate due to the unsatisfactory state today is no more than $ 60 million.

His current home, standing next door, Metropoululos also bought Hefner too. The transaction in the amount of 18 million dollars took place in 2009. Both houses were designed by one architect and were initially concealed as two parts of one complex. Therefore, after buying a PLAYBOY mansion, Metropoulos plans to combine two buildings. As reported to Playboy Enterprises, money from the sale of the mansion is needed to maintain business. Last year it became known that the company discusses the possibility sales of the legendary magazine .

Hugh Hefner seelned to his 29-bedroom mansion of only the most beautiful girls. And they had to wear only the most candid clothes. Every girl was given a week $ 1000 so they spend them on themselves. In them Life in the mansion was also included in the unlimited number of services of the beauty salon and plastic operationsMost often, the girls chose an increase in breast, liposuction and rhinoplasty. Hugh not only chose the hottest girls, but also reworked them under him and his tastes.

If you are one of the girls playmete, you must forget about such concepts as respect and consent. No matter how old he is, the playboy never stopped having sex. Despite the fact that he publicly denied it, each friend was to participate in a strange ritual: Hefner's son called to his bedroom of all girls climbed into pink flannel pajamas. They arranged the show and kissed each other to excite it while he satisfied himself. It is impossible to calculate the number of girls who passed through the rotating door to the bedroom, because they were too much. And in the bed of the playboy sometimes there was a tool. The former Playmete Madison says that all girls hate this routine bedrooms. Hugh Hefner can be the greatest playboat in the world, but it does not make it the best partner in bed. Hundreds of women could tell about it.

"Rabbits" do not have the right to life outside the mansion, and they can not go out from there too, therefore, therefore the house and is charged with such a high fence. Former playmeits say it looks like a prison. The girls should have come back to the mansion until 9 o'clock in the evening, they could not invite girlfriends in the mansion, male visitors were not allowed. They had to always look as beautiful as possible and sexy and, God forbid, not to get into the secular chronicle unwrapped or in a non-primary form. Those who violated the rules immediately expelled.

Hugh Hefner is so rich that he found a way to buy a elixir of life. Surrounded by young beautiful women A 91-year-old man will stay forever young. Playboy knows what is now in trend. It is not shy to appear in the video Snapchat with his wife crystal. Despite the fact that his body can be old, his heart will always be young, like women he loves.

Maybe the secret of immortality consists of what: to live every day, as if he is the last. In the end, at such age every day for Hugh can really become the last. But when the time will comeHe will be proud to say that he lived in full life.

There are many paradise corners in the world where everyone would like to be. One of these beautiful places is the Pleiboy mansion, which is located in the heart of California. Here you can entertain and enjoy the society of sexy girls.

A little prehistory

Hugh Martner Hefner (the future owner of the mansion and founder of Playboy magazine) has lived a breathtaking life. He served in the army during World War II, studied at the Psychological Faculty of the University of Illinois in Urbane-Sampain, worked in Shaft and Esquire magazines.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating your own magazine has appeared at Hugh in student years. But to realize the idea of \u200b\u200blife only after dismissal from the advertising department esquire magazine. According to Hefner himself, he had to do this, since the bosses completely refused to increase wages.

Alone by collecting money, Hugh Hefner published the first issue of the magazine with Marilyn Monroe on the cover. At that time (50s), the circulation of Playboy was 70 thousand copies, three quarters of which were sold out on the first week!

Gradually, the owner of Playboy magazine has been established, and he allowed himself to acquire one of the most vintage houses of Los Angeles. Then the purchase cost Hefner $ 1.1 million. A little later, this house became known to many as the famous mansion of the "Playboy".

History mansion

The real story of the Pleiboy mansion begins from the moment when it was built, and not acquired by Hefner.

Arthur R. Kelly was designed in the distant 1927. The mansion was made in the Gothic-tyudor style at that time.

The first owner of the house was Arthur Latts Jr., the son of the founder of the department store The Broadway. Later, Louis D. Statham became the owner of the house (famous engineer, inventor and chess lover). It is at him Playboy bought a mansion for Hugh Hefner in 1971.

Famous parties in the "Play Boy" mansion

Attending the mansion loved many singers and actors. Among the permanent guests, Paparazzi was noticed by actors: Charlie Tire, Poly Shore and even at parties often appeared Snoop Dogg., John Lennon and Leonardo di Caprio.

In addition to the "weekly" celebrations in the mansion were held annual thematic parties, like MidSummer Night 's Dream Party, more famous for MidSummer' s Party, which took place in the first Saturday of August. For example, above, you can see the photo of the "playboy" mansion, which was done in 2015. Then Halloween served as the theme for MidSummer 'S Party.

In addition to celebrities in the mansion, more than a dozen girlfriends Hefner was constantly attended. Some of them spent his free time the owner himself, while others entertained guests at parties. Of course, each such girl received a good weekly allowance in the amount of 1 thousand dollars. In addition, Hugh Hefner bought them an expensive jewelry jewelry, Cars, paid plastic operations.

The death of the owner and the sale of mansion

No matter how sad, but everything ever ends. Hugh Hefner died on September 27, 2017 at the age of 91, and the new owner of the famous mansion was Daren Metropoulos, Metropoulos & Co. investment manager, as well as the neighborhood. The amount he posted for the house is not known to anyone, but starting price made up about $ 200 million.

It is noteworthy that the house in which Metropulos lived to Hefner's death was also acquired by the deceased and designed by the same architect. According to rumors, it is even known that initially the "playboo" mansion and the house of Darren should have become two parts of one residential complex, so the new owner plans to combine them soon.

What is a mansion?

Located mansion in the south of the bright and sunny state of California, in Los Angeles, namely in the area of \u200b\u200bHolmebi Hills. Club, California University of Los Angeles and Public Club of Bel-Air Country Club are located near him.

Mansion himself covers an area of \u200b\u200babout 2 hectares. On such a fairly large area is not only main HouseBut also building for guests, tennis court (part-time basketball court), golf course and treadmill. In addition, next to the place where the playboy mansion is located, there is also a large parking parking lot, a special area for relaxing with a small waterfall, a swimming pool, a patio and a barbecue area.

Looking at the photo of the Pleiboy mansion, you can also see that landscape design comprises little Garden With citrus fruits, a large pond with carp and thoroughly well-groomed trees, which are surrounded by the whole territory. Among the exotic trees there are sequoia and fern.

What inside?

What looks like a "playboy" mansion outside, already known. It is a big, majestic estate, made in the Gothic-Tudor style, surrounded by parking, groves, recreation and sports zones. But inside the main house looks even better.

Mansion "Playboy" - a large two-story building, consisting of more than twenty rooms, many of which are bedrooms. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, a dining room and the main hall, performed in classic style. On the walls you can see portraits that are made in different periods Hugh Hefner's life, as well as his own metal statue, lonely standing in the old corner.

Coming out of the hall, you can get into the rest of the mansion rooms. For example, after a long, exhausting day, you can relax in the room equipped under the cinema. And you can also visit the wine cellar, gym, a small library, gaming room Or climb to the second floor to choose one of the bedrooms to waste.

Of course, except the one listed in this big House There is a lot of other, no less interesting premises. For example, there is a corner for the carnal joy, called the cave "Grotto". It was a favorite place of many celebrities who came to Hefner to relax and have a good time in the company of adorable girls.

And finally, several interesting facts About the mansion:

  • Pleiboy mansion appeared in many Hollywood films. For example, he is in the film "Boys like this", where the famous actresses Anna Faris starred and
  • When Hefner was still alive and arranged parties, he established some rules of behavior for all guests, violating which, even celebrities lost their rights to re-visiting the house.
  • This house was famous not only as the most noisy place in the Holmebi Hills district, but also as a refuge for exotic animals. Last Life Hugh Hefner received a zoo license for his mansion. Here it was possible to see monkeys, rabbits, parrots, peacocks and flamingos.
  • Despite the fact that the houses often worked in the house, many visitors complained about dust and dirt that were present in some rooms.
  • According to many guests, there is a secret room of Elvis in the "Playiboy" mansion, in which the Rock and Roll legend spent the night with several girls. Until now, no one has managed to see it.

On September 27, at the age of 91, the legendary founder of Playboy Hugh Hefner was rested. His life is sheaven legends and secrets. Most of the riddles are associated with the famous mansion where Elderly Hugh lived surrounded by beautiful young girls.

What happened behind the closed doors of this luxury villa, which Americans call the "Depraved House"?

Hefner personally selected the inhabitants of his house

Usually it was pretty inexperienced girls up to 28 years old from a poor families and small cities. Hefner got acquainted with them at parties and beauty contests and invited to visit. Often they did not have the concept that they would expect them. Anyway, so they tell now.

Life in the mansion was subordinate to the rigorous schedule

For example, on Mondays, guests came to Hefnera, which girls had to entertain, night orgies were arranged on Wednesdays and Fridays, and on Sundays Playboy and his girls organized a pool party.

Girls were to strictly obey the rules

It was impossible to return to the mansion later at 9 o'clock in the evening, as well as bring guests there. In addition, the girls were forbidden to have boyfriends on the side. Hugh very strictly followed the observance of these rules. To the girl who violated them, the most severe sanctions were applied, right up to expulsion from the "Magic Paradise".

All girls received a weekly salary of thousands of dollars

However, according to the memoirs of the girls, Hugh very reluctantly parted with money. Every Friday, girls had to remind him that it was time to pay to pay, and then he walked to the safe with a disgruntled habitation and distributed money to them. If the girl in something hesitated, he could easily deprive her weekly benefit.

Girls were required to look good

They used the services of a beauty salon, as well as a plastic surgeon. The most common hefner wards were resorted to rhinoplasty, liposuction and breast enlargement. If some girl appeared in public place unwrapped, and then her photos got into the newspaper, it was regarded as serious misconduct. The girl could deprive the salary and even forever expel from the mansion.

Hefner was not particularly clean

Hugh's girlfriends remembered that there was enough dirty in the mansion: nestable linens, dust carpets, stains in the porters ... Hefner adored dogs, and four-legged pets allowed to protect the need directly on snow-white carpets ...

Every evening, the girls should have changed into pink pajamas and appearing in Hefner's bedroom.

And it doesn't matter that the pajamas they shot almost immediately how the bedroom threshold crossed.

Hefner loved group orgies

The chief playboy of the planet preferred a meeting with several girls at the same time. Hefner himself talked about this:

"Each girls have their own bedroom. And they go through their rooms when everything is finished in my bedroom "

Some girls at first were shocked by the preferences of their patron, but did not hurry to leave the mansion.

Hefner took Viagra

Due to excessive passion by drugs that increase potency in last years His life began with health problems, but he did not hurry to give up miraculous pills.

According to rumors, Hugh Hefner gave his drugs for drugs

Some former girls He was remembered that Hefner gave them narcotic drugs, which, in his opinion, possessed an exciting effect.

Famous mansion Playboy. In Los Angeles, which Playboy Enterprises appreciated 200 million dollars, They put for sale in February of this year, the TMZ portal reports.

However, real estate experts believe that the price for such an old building is too high. According to realtors, the house was built in 1927, so the real price of the mansion does not correspond to the declared at least four times. However, taking into account rich history These walls the cost of the mansion can reach 90 million.

In addition, according to the publication, the future buyer will be obliged to fulfill one condition. The company will sell the house, provided that Hugh Hefner is the founder of Playboy magazine, will have the right to live in the mansion until the death of death. In addition, the buyer has no right to go to Hefner's room.

Playboy magazine is one of the most famous brands in the world. The first issue of the publication was published by a 51,000 edition in December 1953. Now Playboy is produced in various languages \u200b\u200baround the world. Russian version of the magazine has been published since 1995.

What is the famous mansion Playboy: 10 incredible facts

1. Dirty life.

On the first floor, the mansion is the main entrance, kitchen and dining room. On the second floor there are all the bedrooms. But according to the stories of many visitors, the mansion, with respect to purity, this house left much to be desired. It could easily be stumbled upon dirty bedding, dirty mattresses and furniture. White carpets often shot the stains and were wrapped in a litter of dogs running there and here. Moreover, local dogs The curtains are very loved, at which they also make their need.

2. Girlfriends Hefner

It is said that Hugh Hefner "sheltered" about two dozen "girlfriends". But this does not mean that he is having fun with all of them at the same time. Usually he gets one girl, while the rest entertain guests at sex parties. Moreover, today Hefner is already married to Crystal Harris, who is younger for 60 years. This is his third marriage, the first of which was concluded in 1949 with Mildred Williams, with which they acquired two children, but in 1959 they were separated. And after 30 years, Hefner married again, this time, at Kimberly Konrad, with which divorced in 2010.

Parties in the PLAYBOY mansion. VIDEO

3. Commandant hour

Oddly enough, but everyone in the house is observed by the local " curfew", Which comes at 9 pm. At this time, all the "girlfriends" of Hefner must be on the territory of the mansion, if only Hefner himself did not come out with them somewhere (which happens 2-3 times a week). Anyone who violates this rule will lose 1000 dollars' weekly benefits. This money is usually important for them, since in addition to duties in the mansion, they do not have the right to do anything. In addition to the manual, they get a car, medical insurance and plastic surgeon services.

4. Time parties

Despite their status married man, Hefner continues to arrange rude parties, like Mardi Gras, MidSummer Night's Dream Bash, a collection of July 4 and Halloween parties. Hefner himself decides who will be invited to a party. Paradoxically, but according to many guests of such parties, Hefner himself does not like such events very much, and prefers to relax in home coat, revising the same classic films and drinking cookies.

5. Wild animals

PLAYBOY mansion serves not only by extinguishing raw parties, but also a house for tens of exotic animals. Moreover, this is one of the few mansions that has a real zoo license. Hefner adores birds, and you can find them everywhere, starting with ducks, peacocks and parrots and ending with Tucanians and Flamingo. Also here you can find a lot of real fluffy rabbits and hundreds of squirrel monkeys.

6. Grotto

When you think about the Playboy mansion, you will surely come to mind the well-known grotto: artificial cave, blue jacuzzi, waterfall, muffled light. This is followed by strategically placed (and a little dirty and moldy) mattresses surrounding with water, if suddenly someone wants to do something interesting. This place may seem like a real sex shelter. But before you give here someone with your attention, you risk getting some disease from local bacteria.

7. Fireworks

The bedroom is not the only place where Fireworks are running. Considering the permanent nightdowns, here you can witness an impressive salute here for almost any day of the week. PLAYBOY mansion - the only a private house In Los Angeles, which has a permanent pyrotechnic license. Something tells us that residents of neighboring houses are not very happy about this fact.

8. Hefner - Landlord

Initially, Playboy's mansion was located in Chicago, where Playboy was founded. In the 1970s, Hefner moved to Los Angeles and settled in this mansion, which is now known to everyone. In fact, Hugh Hefner is no longer the owner of this house. The mansion belongs to Playboy Enterprises, and Hefner himself simply leases part of the mansion, rooms and sections with their buddies and guests.

9. Room Elvis

The mansion is also the secret room, the named "Elvis Room". The legend says that in the early 1970s, the King Rock and Roll King himself, Elvis Presley, spent the night at once with 8 girls. Many burn from curiosity, trying to look at this great place in every way, but Hefner keeps him secret from everyone.

In the photo: in this mansion Hugh Hefner moved in the 70s

10. Celebrities in exile

The mansion is a talked piece for famous athletes and celebrities. Frequent guests here Charlie Shin, Snoop Dogg, Corey Feldman, Poly Shore and David Hasselhoff. The former inhabitant of the mansion, Isabella Saint James, said that at one time even Leonardo di Caprio did not go to spend the days of the days. But the status of celebrities does not give the right to violate the rules of the mansion. Thus, at once several people were expelled from the territory of the mansion in just a couple of years. The term of their expulsion varied from several months to life.

One of the first was the expelled Luke Wilson in 2006, when he tried to spend a friend with him, arguing that this is his brother Owen. He was expelled by one and a half years, and for the right to return here from him demanded a number of humiliating apologies. In 2007, the NFL star, Reggie Bush, was also expelled from here for violation of the rules of behavior. Nobody reported details.

The most awesome was the expulsion of John Lennon, who just put the cigarette cigarette paintings by Matisse.

The main source of information on what happened behind the closed doors of Hugh Hhefner mansion was the memories of one of his girlfriends Holly Madison.

She, like many other girls, failed to build a career after leaving Hefner, but at least earned money on autobiography. In this book, Madison told many dirty and strange details of his life with the owner of the Playboy Empire.

Hugh Hefner was born in 1926, so he even managed to visit the fronts of the Second World War (as a military bar). It is noteworthy that he grew up in an ultra-conservative christian family - Grand-theologian Hefner wrote about sex as an unpleasant lesson to continue the kind.

Theer is that at the end of the 40s Hefner caught fire the idea of \u200b\u200bpublishing his own magazine about women and parties. In 1953, the first number of Playboy came out, and one of the factors that ensured his success was the photo Marilyn Monroe on the cover.

Editorial site notes that things quickly went uphill; After an inevitably followed divorce with the first wife, Hefner arranged a nine-meter bed in his house - and began to print on the pages of Playboy his own photos on this bed surrounded by half-breed girls.

The game in the main playboy of the world was gaining momentum, and from the mid-60s to the end of the 80s Hugh Hefner was a king: in his mansion in Los Angeles, parties were continuously held with the participation of the first Stars of Hollywood, there were constantly several models, and the success of the Playboy Empire Even several drug scandals and a prosecution in pedophilia did not prevent.

In the mansion of Hugh Hefner 29 bedrooms, and in each of them girls lived - in some rooms there are several people. It is believed that most of them were not lovers of Hefner - they were kept "for entourage." The girls were obliged to take part in all public events, received 1,000 dollars a week on clothing and cosmetics, but not everyone was invited to the bedroom.

Holly Madison, who several years old was one of the residents of the mansion and the "beloved wife" Hugh Hefner, in his book told the details of the local life. According to her, the rooms were very poorly furnished, and many of them were noticeable signs of edging: the furniture seemed selected on the garage sale, for once lush carpets copied their needed numerous Hefner dogs; In addition, in each room there was a table with vaseline, oil and napkins. It made a house similar to cheap porn studio.

Among the stars who participated in the rapid parties in the mansion were many celebrities - Charlie Sheen, Leonardo Dicaprio, Colin Farrell, Ron Jeremy and many others. Man In order to receive an invitation to Hefner's house, it was necessary to be rich, famous and deserve Hugh. The girl was enough to be beautiful - thousands of novice models sent their photos in bikini, and if Hefner considered them attractive, the roles received a pass.

Some of these girls remained in a mansion for a long time, and the most beautiful (and least fundamental) became Her Malders. Isabella Saint-James, one of the girls Hefner, said that some girls participated in obscene entertainment in the house. The editorial office Visor. The city clarifies that it continued in the 90s, and in zero, when Playboy's empire had to be held to maintain the forces of the Empire, but in reality he liked to observe anything else.

According to Holly Madison, the reason why Hefner stuffed his house beautiful girlsIt was his endless loneliness. He himself said that he never recovered after the divorce with the first wife, and if Milli had not thrown it, life would have formed otherwise.

In 2012, Hefner made another attempt to be cooled and married - the model of Crystal Harris became the third wife Hugh. In 2015, management declared the end of the era - a magazine was issued, which was to become the last in history with a naked girl. As a model, Pamela Anderson was invited, which at the time of the photo session turned 48 years.

Playboy was going to become a "serious" magazine, but this strategy failed - already in 2017 the publishers decided to return to the old concept and again start typing on the cover of semi-digit women. The founder of the empire Hugh Hefner caught and this moment. He died on September 28, 2017, in own home, surrounded by loved ones.

In Russia, Playboy began as a serious magazine, in which the photo of semi-nailed girls was more additionally supplement than the main dish. At first, the editor-in-chief of Playboy in Russia was Artemy Troitsky, the stories in the literary section sold Viktor Pelevin, and among those who appeared on the cover of naked Russian stars were Natalia Vetalitskaya, Jeanne Friske, a group of "Lyceum" and others. We suggest you see how Russian stars of the 90s have changed over the past years.
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