Preschool education Experience theme: “Sensory development of preschool children through didactic games. Work experience "Sensory development of young children through didactic games

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1.1 Characteristics of early sensory development

1.2 Didactic play as a means of sensory development in young children

1.3 Organization of classes and subject-play environment for the sensory development of young children


2.1 Experimental work on the development of sensory representations

2.2 Analysis of the results of sensory development in children of the third year of life




At the present stage of development of our society, more and more attention is paid to the sensory development of children, since this stage is one of the first and most significant "steps" of further development.

The study of sensory development was carried out by such scientists as: L.A. Wenger, A.V. Zaporozhets, M. Montescopy, N.N. Poddyakova, N.P. Sakulina, A.P. Usova, Z.M. Boguslavskaya and others.

Sensory experience is an experience gained through the senses, a source of familiarity with the world. How the child's world is perceived largely depends on his development in the future. At each of the age stages, the child is most susceptible to certain influences. Each age is a support for the further all-round development and upbringing of a preschooler. At an early age, the experience gained through the senses is of great importance in the life of a child. At this stage, familiarity with the variety of properties of objects plays a leading role. The correct orientation of children in the space that surrounds them is nothing more than the result of the actions performed to study the size, shape and color. This makes it possible to teach an adequate perception of objects, highlighting the main features and properties. Research in the field of pedagogy and psychology suggests that perception in young children is characterized by imprecision and fragmentation. In children, there is a lack of mastery of sensory standards of shape, color, size, surface structure, characteristics of smell, sound, etc.

Objective of the research: sensory development of young children through didactic play.

Research object: young children.

Research subject: sensory development of this category of children.

Research objectives:

1. Analysis of the literature on the problem of sensory development of young children using didactic games.

2. Select and test didactic games aimed at developing sensory standards in young children.

Research hypothesis: the use of didactic play has a positive effect on the sensory development of young children.

The following research methods were used:

Analysis of scientific and methodological literature;


Organization of the study: the study was carried out on the basis of the Klintsy Orphanage, Bryansk Region, Klintsy. Pupils of the “Successful” family No. 3 took part in the study.

The structure of the work: the final qualifying work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references.

touch didactic game object


1.1 Characteristicsensorydevelopmentvearlyage

Early age is the best time for sensory education. This stage has a huge impact on the formation of intellectual abilities in the future. In early childhood, perception through the senses changes qualitatively, and knowledge about the world that surrounds the child is accumulated.

Sensory development of a child is the development of his perception and the accumulation of ideas about the external properties of objects such as: shape, color, size, location in space, as well as smell, taste, etc. (40)

The role of sensory development during early and preschool age is great. This age is the best for the transition of the activity of the senses to a higher level, the formation of ideas about the world around. A number of foreign scientists in the field of preschool education (F. Frebel, M. Montessori, O. Decroli), as well as famous representatives of preschool pedagogy and psychology in Russia (E.I. Tikheeva, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.P. Usova, N.P.Sakulina and others) were undoubtedly right, considering sensory education one of the most important parts of education in preschool age (35; 32).

E.I. Tikheeva gives the following definition of sensory education: it is purposeful improvement, the development of sensory processes (sensations, perceptions, ideas) in children (35).

In the life of a child, a variety of shapes, colors and sizes of objects, namely, toys and everyday objects, are expected; sign with such works of art as music, painting, sculpture. Every child, even without special action, to one degree or another, perceives all this. But if this process occurs suddenly, without the directional influence of adults, it is often superficial, incomplete. Here, sensory education serves as a helper. It must be consistent and planned. (45; 6).

According to L.A. Wenger and V.S. Mukhina's sensory education plays a leading role in the development of the child, improving his sensory knowledge of the world that surrounds him, the development of complex thought and sensory processes in him. These factors determine the level of development of the child's sensory culture (6; 42).

At an early age, in the presence of all the necessary conditions, the child manifests an active development of sensory abilities, which determine the level of development of perception. Perception of objects plays a major role in sensory development. Acquaintance with objects through interaction leads to the emergence of images of perception. In the second year of life, the accuracy and meaningfulness of perception are small. A child, interacting with objects, often pays attention to the most obvious characteristics.

A child in life encounters a huge number of shapes, colors and other properties of objects, namely toys and objects that make up the furnishings of the house. If the assimilation occurs spontaneously, without reasonable pedagogical support of adults, it is often superficial, incomplete.

It is necessary to include in the plan of acquainting children with the properties of objects: color, shape, size as special properties of objects, without which the formation of full-fledged ideas is impossible. The selection of properties at the initial stages, when generally accepted reference concepts have not yet been fixed in children, goes through the correlation of objects with each other (25; 26).

Leading activity at an early age is substantive, so sensory tasks must be included in it. The process of taking into account colors, shapes and sizes is necessary for performing objective actions. Such actions can be the division of objects into two groups, placing tabs in the nests, sticking fungi - bushings into the hole of the board (these types of actions are described in the works of E.I. Radina) (25; 26).

N.N. Poddyakova said that when solving various sensory tasks, it turns out to be important to teach children external methods of comparing objects, for example, superimposing objects on top of each other in the case of familiarizing themselves with the form, attaching them to each other with equalization along one line when meeting with the value, and, finally, close-up on color recognition. In the process of transformation, these external orienting actions lead to the formation of sensory actions that allow visual comparison of objects according to their properties (16).

At the age of four, sensory standards are formed in children: stable ideas about color, fixed in speech, geometric figures, and their proportions in size. Later, a necessary stage becomes their acquaintance with the shades of color, with the types of geometric shapes and with the comparison of values, elements of a series, which consists of a larger number of objects. Along with the process of forming standards, it is necessary to teach children the methods of studying objects: their grouping by color and shape around samples - standards, sequential examination and description of the shape, performing more and more complex eye actions. Finally, the need for the development of analytical perception in children is a special task. One of the main features of sensory development in children at an early age is the use of methods of attachment, comparison, comparison of color, shape, size (16; 32).

According to A.P. Usovoy, early age is a period of intensive development of sensations and perceptions. The correct idea of ​​objects is more easily formed in the process of their direct perception, both visual and auditory and tactile in the process of various kinds of interactions with these objects. The development of sensation and perception processes in children significantly outstrips the development of thinking, therefore, the principle of visibility is widely used in teaching preschoolers (32; 48).

The child, at certain stages of age, is most susceptible to various kinds of actions. In this regard, each age stage becomes a favorable stage for further neuropsychological development and versatile upbringing of a preschool child: the younger he is, the greater the significance in sensory experience, which is the basis of sensory development.

1.2 Didacticthe gamehowmeanssensorydevelopmentchildrenearlyage

One of the most important means of developing the sensory sphere is didactic play. According to a number of authors, the main feature of didactic games is that these games are aimed at learning. They contribute to the development of cognitive activity, which is the basis of learning. This type of games has its own appeal for children. What is important for them is not the inherent task, but the opportunity to get the result, to win. It is important for the participants of the game to have the knowledge of mastering the knowledge related to the training task, otherwise, the probability of successful implementation of the game actions will be small. The ability to teach young children through active, interesting activities for them is a distinctive feature of didactic games (4; 6).

Friedrich Froebel, the author of the pedagogical system of preschool education, believed: the task of primary education is not teaching in the literal sense of the word, but organizing the process of play. The system of games aimed at learning included games with various toys, materials (ball, cubes, balls, cylinders, etc.). An obligatory part of educational games are poems, songs, rhymed tales written by Froebel (35; 25).

E.I. Tikheeva - is the author of one of the first domestic pedagogical systems of preschool education. She offered a new perspective on didactic play. According to Tikheeva, she (didactic game) is only part of the upbringing and educational work with children, along with reading, conversation, drawing, singing, gymnastics, and work. Tasks in the games offered by E.I. Tikheeva, are not included in the scope of exercises for the child's sensory development. The goal is to form mental operations (comparison, classification, generalization), improve speech (enrich the vocabulary, describe objects, compose riddles), acquire the ability to navigate in distance, time, space. The solution of these problems required changes in the content of the games, an increase in the set of didactic materials. The content of the games includes life that surrounds the child with all the diversity of the natural world, relationships, objects created by people. Tikheeva developed a large number of didactic materials, various games used both at home and in educational institutions.

L.A. Venger developed a system of didactic games on sensory education, which is aimed at teaching children a full perception of color, shape, size, position in space (5; 26).

The works of many scientists are aimed at creating groups of games for a more complete development of the intellect of children, which are characterized by the transfer of learned mental actions to a new content. In such games, there are often no fixed rules; the children are faced with the need to choose ways to solve problems. (3; 27).

“In didactic play,” Boguslavskaya pointed out, “the cognitive activity of the child is formed, the features of this activity are manifested. In the game, the child develops physically, teaches the presence of ready-made content and rules enables the teacher to more systematically use these games for the mental education of children ”(3; 32).

A.K. Bondarenko said that in pedagogy of preschool age all didactic games are presented in three main groups: object games (using toys, natural material, etc.); board printed games; word games.

Toys and real objects (household items, tools), objects of nature (vegetables, fruits, cones, leaves, seeds) participate in games with objects. Games with objects make it possible to expand and clarify the knowledge of children, promote the development of mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, generalization, classification), improve speech (the ability to name objects, actions with them, their qualities, purpose; describe objects, compose and guess riddles, pronounce the sounds of speech correctly), educate the arbitrariness of behavior, memory, attention (4; 28).

A. V. Zaporozhets, A. P. Usova spoke about the fact that among subject games a special place is occupied by plot-didactic games and staging games. In narrative-didactic games, children play certain roles, for example, a doctor, a patient in the game "Hospital".

Staging games make it possible to clarify the idea of ​​various everyday situations ("Let's arrange a room for the doll"), about literary works ("A journey to the land of fairy tales"), about the norms of behavior ("What is good and what is bad"). The development of coordination of small movements and visual control over them is facilitated by games with spillikins, pins, table billiards. Such games have a dominant role in the transition of the "border" to school education.

Games using natural materials (seeds, plants, leaves, various flowers, pebbles, shells) make it possible to strengthen the knowledge of children about their natural environment, form mental processes (analysis, synthesis, classification. Such games are used directly during a walk, interacting with nature: trees, shrubs, flowers, leaves, seeds (4; 45).

In didactic games, a variety of toys are used, in which color, shape, purpose, size, material from which they are made are clearly expressed. In games, knowledge about the material from which the toys are made, about their characteristic properties and attributes is being improved.

Board-printed games are varied in content, teaching tasks, design. They help to clarify and expand children's ideas about the world around them, systematize knowledge, and develop thought processes. Board-printed games are of various types: paired pictures, loto, dominoes, labyrinths, cut pictures, cubes, puzzles. Board-printed games are widespread, arranged according to the principle of cut pictures, folding cubes, in which the depicted object or plot is divided into several parts. These games contribute to the development of logical thinking, concentration, attention. For preschoolers, folding a whole from parts is a complex process of comprehension, the work of the imagination.

Currently, jigsaw puzzles are very popular, where pictures of a special connection technique are divided into several parts and have different contents (images of scenes from cartoons, animals, castles).

A feature of word games is that the process of solving a learning task is carried out in a mental plan, on the basis of ideas and without reliance on visualization. Mostly word games are carried out with older children.

NN Palagina pointed out that didactic play has a structure that characterizes play as a form of learning and play activity at the same time. In a didactic game, the following components of the game can be distinguished: a didactic task; game task; game actions; rules of the game; result (summing up).

The didactic task according to N.N. Palagina is determined by the goal of the teaching and educational impact, formulated by the teacher. It reflects educational activities.

A task in a didactic game is realized through a game task.

It determines play actions, becomes the task of the child himself. The most important thing: the didactic task in the game is disguised and appears before the children in the form of a game plan (task).

Game actions are the basis of the game. The more diverse the game actions, the more interesting the game itself is for children and the more successfully cognitive tasks are solved (4; 27).

The rules of the game, content and focus are determined by the general tasks of forming the child's personality, cognitive content, game tasks and game actions. The rules contain the moral requirements and relationships of children to fulfill the norms of behavior.

Summing up (result) - is carried out immediately after the end of the game. It is necessary to celebrate the achievements of each child. It is very important to think over the conclusion, summing up the results after the didactic game. The collective analysis of the game is essential. Both the speed and the quality of the performance of play actions by children should be assessed. It is imperative to pay attention to the manifestation of the behavior of children and the qualities of their personality in the game; how their mutual assistance in the game, persistence in achieving the goal was manifested (17; 7).

Didactic games have a variety of content, play material, play actions, cognitive activity.

A.K. Bondarenko said that the following stages can be distinguished in the organization of didactic games: preparation for the game, conducting the game, and analyzing the game.

Game guidance is provided to the educator. Leadership is manifested in the implementation of didactic tasks by means of the game, that is, using game actions and rules. However, simultaneously with the guidance, the teacher becomes a participant in the game (25; 47).

The word of the educator is of great importance in guiding games. An appeal to children, explanations, short story stories that reveal the content of the game and the behavior of the characters, figurative explanations of game actions, questions to children - all this reveals the content of the game and the participation of children in it, contributes to the understanding of the tasks included in the game by the children.

Didactic play can be characterized by a variety of forms of activity and their combination. The inclusion of more complex intellectual and volitional tasks contributes to the manifestation of interest in didactic games in older children. The practical activity of children in play becomes more conscious: it is more aimed at achieving a result, and not at the process itself (4; 35).

According to Palagina N.N., leading the didactic game, the teacher has ample opportunity to use various forms of organization of children and thereby enhance motor-motor activity. The teacher's contact with children, children with each other is achieved easier and faster if the children sit in a circle or semicircle, and the teacher is in the center of a circle or semicircle. Sometimes children are divided into groups in different places, and sometimes they "travel" and leave the group.

The result of the didactic game is what the child has achieved: the assimilation of knowledge, in the development of mental activity, relationships, and not just a victory obtained in any way. Game tasks, actions, rules, the result of the game are interrelated, and the absence of at least one of these components violates its integrity, reduces the educational impact (19; 29).

Conclusion: thus, didactic play as a form of teaching children includes two principles: educational (cognitive) and play (entertaining). The educator plays the role of a teacher, and at the same time a participant in the game. He teaches and plays, and children learn by playing.

Consequently, didactic play is a complex, multifaceted phenomenon. In the process of didactic games, not only the strengthening of sensory standards occurs, but also the development of all mental processes of children, their emotional-volitional sphere, abilities and skills.

1.3 Organizationoccupationsandsubject-playWednesdayforsensorydevelopmentchildrenearlyage

The study of the perception of preschoolers by A.V. Zaporozhets and his followers A.P. Usova, N.P. Sakulina, L.A. Venger, N.N. Poddyakov say that sensory education presupposes, first of all, the correct organization of the subject-developing environment, which is one of the conditions for the sensory development of children (5; 22).

The organization of the developing environment as a whole was considered, to one degree or another, by a large number of researchers in various historical periods. The leading role of the objective environment in the formation of a child's personality is emphasized in their studies by R.B. Sterkina, N.A. Vetlugina, G.N. Panteleev, A. V. Petrovsky. ON. Rautskaya, V.S. Mukhina et al. (22).

Shirokova G.A. emphasized that the issue of organizing a developing environment in groups of early preschool age is not sufficiently considered. Particularly important for young children are the social conditions of life, which consist of communication, educational games, the developing influence of the environment - everything that is the culture of upbringing. At the same time, the modern interior and design of the premises in which the classes are held; equipment, furniture, toys, manuals for children are considered as integral parts of the subject-development environment.

The subject development environment (preschool group, site) should provide:

Implementation of various educational programs used in the educational process;

In the case of organizing inclusive education, the conditions necessary for it;

Taking into account the national-cultural, climatic conditions in which the educational process is carried out (15).

Being in the conditions of a subject-developing environment, the child has the opportunity not only to learn the properties, qualities, purpose of various objects, but also to gain experience of social communication, the form of which is the establishment of contacts with peers during the game. This is the beginning of the process of forming elementary communication skills. An adult acts as a role model, with his help universal moral norms and rules are transmitted.

Using various ways to attract the attention of children, arousing their interest, it becomes possible to lay the foundation for the development of curiosity. The food for the mind, received by the child, contributes to his willing participation in the activities and joy in them. During classes, a child who is accustomed to listening to an adult, paying attention to what is shown to him, receives certain knowledge about various objects, their purpose, appearance, a number of properties, such as shape, color, size, weight, quality of material, etc. ., its perception develops and improves.

G.A. Shirokova talked about conditions that promote more effective sensory development in young children. These are:

Creation of a substantively developing environment that contributes to the development of sensory education of children through play;

Creation of a system of didactic games in planning;

Individually differentiated approach;

Formation of sensory perception in each type of activity through a play form, psychological comfort of children, ensuring emotional well-being (45).

The results of the work are:

Increased level of development of sensory education of children;

A positive emotional attitude;

Communication skill with peers and adults;

The ability to distinguish between basic geometric shapes and their variants, as well as the main colors of the spectrum.

In the process of conducting classes and in everyday life, the conditions that have been specially created provide the opportunity for the accumulation of a variety of visual, auditory, tactile impressions. Also, these conditions contribute to the formation of elementary ideas about the main varieties of sizes, shapes and colors. As a result, the ability to form the ability to highlight the various properties of objects, focusing on color, shape, size, sounds, texture, etc. Due to the lack of language skills, the main means of expressing thoughts and feelings are actions (36).

In everyday life, it is necessary to give children the opportunity to observe objects and phenomena.

Sensory education in a given age period is the main condition for the development of cognitive activity, the formation of correctness and speed of orientation and emotional responsiveness. And the rapid activation of sensory systems is one of the main human abilities, the basis of his full development (45; 49).

In the process of selecting didactic materials, it is necessary to strive for the same color saturation. If the red color is bright, then all colors should be just as saturated, bright. Otherwise, a child with a color perception disorder can use as a guide not the color itself, but how intense it is (13; 46).

Fluency and phasing in the complication of tasks that are aimed at sensory development is of great importance for both young children and older children. During the second year of life, with purposeful sensory education, the child manifests a positive attitude towards actions with objects of different sizes, shapes, colors. He studies them for quite a long time: he examines, feels, shifts them from place to place, discovering new properties (46).

For a child of the third year of life, in the presence of special conditions, an accelerated rate of sensory development is characteristic. In this age period, sensory education is the main line of development, and all other lines of development are built on a sensory basis (28; 48).

It is necessary to have conditions for intensively obtaining a variety of ideas (about color, shape, size, texture, distance) both during developmental games-activities and in everyday life. In this case, it is important not only the breadth, but also the systematization of ideas.

After 3 years, the main role in sensory development is played by the acquaintance of children with generally accepted sensory standards and the ways of their application. It is worth taking into account a sharp leap in the development of speech, the child's desire to reproduce - following the adult - words-names of form, color and their independent use should not be ignored.

The result of systematic work on the sensory development of young children is formed skills that indicate the appropriate level of development of perception.

The teachers set the following goal - to create optimal conditions for the development of sensory representations of young children in everyday life.

To achieve this goal, a number of tasks were formulated:

Developing children, enriching their sensory experience by highlighting the shape, color and size of objects.

Teaching children to establish similarities and differences between objects.

Formation in children of the ability to name the properties of objects.

Three directions were identified in the work:

Educational and educational work with children;

Enrichment of the subject-developing environment;

Organization of interaction with parents.

In the second year of life, the main task is to provide the child with a variety of external impressions, to draw his attention to the properties of objects. Sensory development during this period is the main activity. Providing the appearance of more and more impressions, it plays an important role not only for the development of the activity of the sense organs, but also for the formation of the normal physical and mental development of the child.

At the age of 2-3 years, the child accumulates ideas about the size, shape, color and other properties of objects, the receipt of these ideas takes place in the form of a game, through play situations, into which that goal, that task, that skill that needs to be mastered by the child is introduced. Due to the interest of children in the development of the storyline, empathy with the heroes, in the process of active cognitive activity, children master the techniques of grouping and classification, relationships and dependencies between objects in terms of their size, shape, color, location in space, learn to determine the sequence and effectiveness of their actions. As a result, the transition from a simple perception of objects, numbers, phenomena to the awareness of their meanings and the possibility of using them in life.

Conclusion: in this way, when creating the necessary conditions, in the process of conducting classes and in everyday life, we contribute to the accumulation of various visual, auditory, tactile impressions by children. Thanks to these conditions, their skills and abilities are formed, which indicate an appropriate level of development of perception, which facilitates the further education of children.

Based on the above, we can conclude that sensory development is aimed at teaching children to accurately, fully and dismembered objects, their various properties and attitudes (color, shape, size, etc.). Sensory development, which is aimed at the formation of a more complete perception of the surrounding reality, is the basis of cognition of the world, the first stage of which is sensory experience. The success of mental, physical, aesthetic education largely depends on the level of sensory development of children, that is, how much the child hears, sees, and perceives the environment.

Didactic play acts as a means of sensory development in young children. She solves the problems of mental, physical and aesthetic development of every child. The game creates favorable conditions for the assimilation of new knowledge and skills and for the development of mental processes in children. The most important psychological secret is that it is necessarily built on interest and voluntariness. You cannot force to play, you can captivate the game. In it, the gradual formation of mental processes is carried out in peculiar ways: sensory processes, abstraction, communication, etc. Children love it very much when a teacher plays with them. All these elements of the game develop the mental abilities of the child.

In didactic play, the child must independently solve various mental tasks: describe objects, group them according to various properties and attributes, guess objects and actions by description, and invent stories. Children should be able to find the answer, guess, compare, compare, draw the correct conclusion using the existing knowledge and experience. At the same time, they show ingenuity, the ability to independently solve problems, the ability to volitional effort in achieving the set goal.

Based on this, it can be considered that didactic play is a valuable means of educating children's sensory activity. In it, children willingly learn to compare, classify, and refine their knowledge. It helps to make any educational material fascinating, evokes deep satisfaction in pupils, creates a joyful working mood, and facilitates the process of mastering knowledge. By creating special conditions in the process of conducting classes and in everyday life, we ensure the accumulation of various visual, auditory, tactile impressions by children. And due to these conditions, a number of skills and abilities are formed in them, indicating the level of development of the corresponding level of perception, which facilitates the further education of children.


2.1 Experimental work on the development of sensory representations

The experimental work was carried out on the basis of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution "Klintsovsky Orphanage", Bryansk region, Klintsy.

The experimental work consisted of three stages. The ascertaining experiment was carried out with children of the "Family No. 3" group in the amount of 10 people.

Purpose of the ascertaining experiment:

Determination of the level of sensory representations of children 2 - 3 years old (by the example of shape, color and size).

The form of diagnostic work is individual. The time of the diagnostic examination was from 10 to 25 minutes.

According to the results of the diagnostics, high, medium and low levels of development of young children were revealed:

High level - 3 points - the child initially interacts with the adult, accepts the task and independently finds a way to complete it.

The average level - 2 points - the child began to interact, accepts and understands the purpose of the task, but does not complete the task on his own, in the process of diagnostic learning he acts adequately, and then moves on to an independent way of completing the task.

Low level - 1 point - the child does not interact with the adult, inadequate reactions in relation to the task, does not understand its purpose.

When processing the results obtained, the technique of V.I. Zvereva. In this variant, the diagnostic parameters were the aforementioned skills, which were assessed on a three-point scale (1-3).

The results of identifying the level of sensory development of children at the stage of the ascertaining experiment are presented in Table 1.

Table 1: The level of sensory development in young children.

Results of the ascertaining experiment.

The magnitude

General in three sections

3 people (30%); 1 person (10%)

6 people (60%)

4 people (40%) 1 person (10%)

3 people (30%)

1 person (10%)

6 people (60%)

3 people (30%) 1 person (10%)

6 people (60%)

According to the results of table 1, table 2 was created - the results of checking the sensory development of children based on the data of the ascertaining experiment.

Table 2. Results of checking the sensory development of children based on the data of the ascertaining experiment.

Analysis of the results of diagnostics of the level of development of sensory representations, namely the form, showed the following: a low level of the concept of form is present in 60% of children, an average level was found in 10% of the group of diagnosed children, a high level was noted in 30% of pupils (see diagram 1)

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High Low Medium

Chart 1: Analysis of sensory presentation level diagnostics (form)

Analysis of the results of diagnostics of the level of development of sensory ideas about color shows that 50% of children are at a low level, 10% have an average level, and 40% have a high level as well (see Diagram 2).

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High Low Medium

Diagram 2. Analysis of the results of diagnostics of the level of sensory representations (color).

Analysis of the results of diagnostics of the level of sensory ideas about the value shows that 60% of children have a low level, on average 10% of children, a high level in this group is 30% of children (see Diagram 3).

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High Low Medium

Diagram 3. Analysis of the results of diagnostics of the level of sensory representations (value)

According to the diagnostic results, based on the data in Table 1, Table 2, diagram 4 was made, which presents the results of checking the sensory development of children based on the results of the ascertaining experiment. This diagram shows that at the time of diagnosis, the low level of development is 60%, the average level is 10%, and the high level is 30%.

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High Low Medium

Diagram 4. Results of checking children's sensory development based on the results of the ascertaining experiment.

Conclusion: according to the data obtained during the diagnosis, at the time of its implementation, it was revealed that most of the children (60%) have a low level of sensory development.

Characteristic for some children with different levels of development.

Yana has an intermediate level - she quickly established contact with adults, shows interest in assignments.

The manifestation of positive emotions persisted throughout all the tests. She acted purposefully, periodically made mistakes, as a rule, eliminated with the help of an adult. In total, Yana completed about four tasks, selected in accordance with her age, in completing the tasks for older children she resorted to the help of an adult.

During the performance of the proposed tasks, the child used the method of tests, comparisons, and also relied on visual orientation. Leading hand, right.

Valera has a low level of sensory development - she found it difficult to make contact.

The child showed little interest in the general situation of the lesson, and showed indifference to the results. I left mistakes unnoticed, did not correct them.

The result of the activity partially corresponded to the sample. The child had difficulties with the tasks provided for his age; a series of tasks for a younger age was completed independently or with partial help from an adult. Forceful influences on didactic material and enumeration of options were noted; in case of an error, the child did not postpone the wrong option, but repeated it again. Inappropriate actions with objects were noted. The leading hand is undefined.

Conclusion: on the basis of the ascertaining experiment, it can be concluded that in most children the standards of shape, color and size are formed at the average level. The main part of the children during the choice pays attention to the depicted object, for example, if you ask what color the tree is, then they choose green, if the sea, then blue.

In the formative experiment took part inmates of the family No. 3 "Successful", in the amount of 5 people: Masha, Semyon, Alina, Tima, Varya.

The purpose of the formative experiment is to increase the general level of development of young children in the field of sensory development.

The objectives of the formative experiment:

· To form interest in didactic play as a means of assimilating sensory perceptions;

· Develop imagination in the process of organizing didactic games.

To implement the tasks of the formative experiment in the course of developing work on sensory development, a long-term lesson plan was drawn up (table 3).

Table 3. Long-term planning

Name of the game

Purpose of the game

"Let's make beads for the dolls"

formation and consolidation in children of the skill of grouping objects by color, teaching children to string beads on a string.

consolidation of the ability to group and correlate.

"Matryoshka tea party"

development of speech perception, understanding of instructions, accurate execution of tasks; mastering and correlating the size of the items of toy dishes with the size of nesting dolls; understanding and use of adjectives and their comparative degrees: "large", "smaller", "smallest"; understanding of plural nouns and nouns with diminutive suffixes; to form the skill of using nouns in the dative case: "Masha", "Dasha", "Sasha".

"Let's make beads for the dolls"

to consolidate in children the ability to group objects by color, to teach how to string beads on a string.

"Pick a skirt for a sweater"

"Help the dolls find their toys"

the ratio of primary colors, their selection at the request of an adult, designation

signs of color by the word - "blue", "yellow", "red", "green"; coordination of nouns denoting a piece of clothing with adjectives denoting a sign of color, in gender, number. consolidation of the ability to group homogeneous and correlate dissimilar objects by color.

"Decorate my mother's sundress"

"Matryoshka tea party"

choice of an ornament of a certain shape at the request of an adult; activation in speech

child's words "circle", "square", "triangle"

development of speech perception, the ability to understand instructions, accurately performing tasks; to correlate the size of the items of toy dishes with the size of nesting dolls; understand and use adjectives and their comparative degrees: "large", "smaller", "smallest"; understand plural nouns and nouns with

diminutive suffixes; use nouns in the dative case: "Masha", "Dasha", "Sasha".

"Doll and doll"

development of the ability to relate objects in size; name items of doll clothes; using diminutive

suffix for small doll clothes.

"Tea Party"

"Doll and doll"

consolidation of ideas about the variety of figures; understanding the meaning of the names of geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle); the use of the names of geometric shapes in active speech; fixing the names of tea utensils (cup, saucer, sugar bowl, teapot); continued development of visual attention and memory.

development of the ability to relate objects in size; naming of items of doll clothes; the use of diminutive-affectionate suffixes to denote small doll clothes.

"Place cars in garages"

consolidation in active speech of the names of the primary colors (yellow, blue, green, red); establishing the identity of the difference between cars on the basis of color; extraction of the named color from

three other colors; the formation of grammatical categories - the coordination of nouns with adjectives denoting color, in gender and number.

"Find the headlights

reinforcing diversity

geometric shapes; revitalization

vocabulary of adjectives in

for auto"

plural (round, square,

triangular); continued formation

concepts of the similarities and differences of objects by

reinforcement in active speech

"Arrange the cars

names of primary colors (yellow, blue,

to garages "

green, red);

establishing the identity of the difference between machines

a sign of color; extraction of the named color from

three other colors; shaping

nouns with adjectives,

denoting color, gender and number.

"Spread out the balls"

correlation of objects of primary colors; finding balls of a given color at the request of an adult, activating adjectives in speech that denote a sign of color (yellow, blue, green, red); agreement of a noun with an adjective in gender and

number (red ball)


correlation of volumetric objects

with a plane image; the name of their shape - "circle", "ball"; determining the shape in a practical way (volumetric - roll, and planar - put on the surface); selection of a ball from a number of objects.

"Lay out the cubes"

"Spread out the balls"

establishing the identity and difference of objects on the basis of color; selection of one color from two (four) at the request of an adult; consolidation in active speech of the names of the primary colors (blue, green, yellow, red); consolidation of the use of correct grammatical categories (coordination of a noun with an adjective in gender, number - red cube, red cubes)

correlation of objects of primary colors; finding balls of a given color at the request of an adult, activate in speech

adjectives denoting a sign of color (yellow, blue, green, red); coordination of nouns with adjectives in gender and number (red ball)

"Help the dolls find their toys"

consolidation of the ability to group homogeneous and correlate dissimilar objects by color.

"Multi-colored ribbons"

learning to distinguish color tones by comparing them with each other and applying to a sample. building sustainable

image of the color tone.

developing a sense of responsibility towards others.

"Look for your home"

"Run to me"

developing the skill to distinguish color tones by comparing the sample with other objects only by visual correlation

Development of attention and ability to focus. Development of the ability to behave in a children's team

"Close the window"

the formation of purposeful and visual perception of the form, learning to examine, compare and distinguish between the main geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle)

"Come to the meadow"

learning to compare and distinguish objects in size

"Funny nesting dolls"

learning to distinguish and compare objects for different qualities of magnitude

"Run to me"

help in mastering the technique of comparing objects by color.

Development of attention and ability to focus.

Development of the ability to behave in a children's team

"Lay out the cubes"

"Spread out the balls"

establishing identity and difference

items based on color; selection of one color from two (four) at the request of an adult; consolidation in active speech of the names of the primary colors (blue, green, yellow, red); consolidation of the use of correct grammatical categories (coordination of a noun with an adjective in gender, number - red cube, red cubes)

the ratio of items of primary colors; finding balls of a given color at the request of an adult, activation in speech

adjectives denoting a sign of color (yellow, blue, green, red); agreement of a noun with an adjective in gender and number (red ball)

"Close the window"

the formation of purposeful visual perception of the form, learning to examine, compare and distinguish between the main geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle)

"Come to the meadow"

Learning to compare and distinguish objects by size

"Find the headlights for the car"

"Place cars in garages"

Consolidation of ideas about the variety of geometric shapes; activating the dictionary with plural adjectives

(round, square, triangular); continuation of the formation of concepts about the similarities and differences of objects in shape

reinforcement in active speech

the names of the primary colors (yellow, blue, green, red); establishment

the identity of the differences between cars on the basis of color; highlighting the named color from three other colors; formation of grammatical categories

Coordination of nouns with adjectives denoting color, in gender and number.

"Tea Party"

consolidation of ideas about the variety of figures; understanding the meaning of the names of geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle);

the use of the names of geometric shapes in active speech; fixing the names of tea utensils (cup, saucer, sugar bowl, teapot); continued development of visual attention and memory.

The long-term plan is designed for 8 weeks. Games were held both during classes and in free time. The plan includes games to develop ideas about shape, color and size. Before starting the game, the children were given instructions explaining what to do. When drawing up a long-term plan, a number of important points were taken into account by the noted practices.

The need to alternate such teaching methods as explanations, instructions, etc. with the game was taken into account; conducting group and individual lessons with children; the use of tasks in the performance of which children can relax, move, that is, in the course of classes, dynamic pauses were used, the use of the principle of clarity, scientific nature, and consistency. The leading role is assigned to the teacher; all tasks are selected taking into account the age characteristics of children; focus on increasing the level of complexity of tasks and consolidation of the passed material.

2.2 Analysisresultssensorydevelopmentchildrenthirdof the yearlife

In the process of this work, the individual characteristics of children (character, mental abilities) were taken into account. Children learned the material in stages, at different rates. Here they find confirmation of the words of L. S. Vygotsky that development does not proceed linearly, but according to the principle "One step forward - two steps back." Some of the tasks and exercises were carried out by the children quite easily and quickly; a number of tasks caused some difficulties.

During the experiment, all the necessary conditions were met. Diagnostics and development classes were carried out in the daytime, some time after breakfast or in the afternoon - after an afternoon snack. During the lessons, practical aids were used. Classes were held daily, according to the schedule.

At the initial stage of the formative experiment, during the games, the children took an active part in their organization. Later, some difficulties arose, such as lost interest and difficulties in completing some of the proposed tasks ("Let's make beads for the dolls", "Help the dolls find their toys"). Difficulties in time were noticed in some of the children, due to insufficient development of speech.

On the whole, games evoked positive emotions in children. They looked at the didactic materials used in the games with interest.

Children who completed tasks slower than others were given more time to complete the tasks. With those who showed anxiety, lack of confidence in their abilities, the task was carried out jointly.

During the game, praise and emotional support of each of the children were actively used.

In the process of acquiring and assimilating new knowledge and skills, children began to actively participate in the game, the greatest impression was made by the game “Come to the meadow”. In this game, the children really liked the role of the presenter, because all the actions of the leader were repeated by the others; not everyone was able to cope with the task. After numerous repetitions of the game, the guys completed the task at a higher pace and fewer mistakes.

For boys, the most interesting game was "Place the cars in the garages". This game was used in construction classes. The boys enjoyed building garages.

Often, at the request of the children, the games they have already studied were carried out. The game was chosen jointly, and at the end of the game a new game was played. The guys became more disciplined, they sat on chairs in anticipation of the game.

The children were divided into groups, which took turns taking part in the game. The games with acquaintance with the size were carried out in the simplest way ("Tea drinking matryoshkas", "Doll and doll"). These games aroused great interest among girls. After the end of the game, the girls enjoyed arranging the "tea drinking" of matryoshkas and dolls in the kitchen corner, gradually involving the boys in their game.

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Sensory parentingthrough didactic games.Sensory parentingearly age through didactic games (relevance of the project and prospective work on self-education) .O of particular importance at the present time is the issue of early development children ... The main activity children younger preschool age is a game in the process of which his attention, memory, imagination, thinking, discipline, dexterity, fine motor skills of hands, etc. develop. therefore we can say with precision that,sensory educationconstitutes the foundation of the general mental development of a preschool child, and also hasindependent meaningas a complete perception necessary for the successful learning and development of the child in the nursery garden. Sensory education a child of younger preschool age - this is primarily the development of itsperception and formation of ideasabout such important propertiesobjects as a form, color, size, position in space, as well as smell and taste. The period of the first three years is the period of the most intense mental and physical development of babies. The success of the mental, physical, healthy development of the child largely depends on the levelsensory development, that is, on how much the child hears, sees, perceives the environment world .S perception of objectsand the phenomena of the surrounding world, cognition begins. All other forms of cognition - memorization, thinking, imagination - are built on the basis of images perception are the result of their processing ... Therefore, normal mental development is impossible without relying on full perception .p baby in the first years of life, faced with a variety of shapes, colors and other properties items , in particular toys andhousehold items... And of course, every child, even without purposeful education, one way or another, perceives it all... But if the assimilation occurs spontaneously, without the guidance of adults, it often turns out to be superficial, incomplete. This is where it comes to the rescuesensory education - consistent, systematic familiarization of the child with sensory culture. development of the child for his future life puts forward the theory and practice of preschoolparenting task developmentand execution of the most effective means and methodssensory education in children garden. Huge role in the development sensory abilities of childrenearly age is assigned to didactic play, since the child learns practically everything in this world through play. Didactic games perform the function of monitoring the statesensory development children. development monitoringsensory abilities of childrenshowed an insufficient level in our group sensory development in all indicators, mainly low and medium levels prevailed. As a result of the study, it became necessary toproject development and implementationaimed at increasingsensory culture of childrenjunior preschool age .O main directions for futurework on sensory education of children 2-3 years old: 1. Formation of practical ways of orientation... "Search engine" , effective test, practical measurement, the ability to follow the movement, use a pointing and correlative gesture in the course subject and gun action, when comparing objects and also the formation of a system"Gaze-hand" .It is important to form a visual - tactile perception when the child learns geometric shapes or size items originally to the touch, and then only examines them. Examples of didactic games: "What shape?" , "Magic bag", "Find by touch", "Handkerchief for a doll", "Recognize the figure", "Find a pair", "Games with clothespins" etc. 2. Formation color perception. To form uchildren performancesabout color, special classes in application, drawing, modeling, development color perception is important in aesthetic raising a child. Work on the development of representationsabout color is carried out in stages. In the first stage of the childteach color matching is given instruction: Give the same (by color) cube, circle, etc.).H at the second stage, the child performs the task according to verbal instructions. On the third, he himself names this or that color.Examples of didactic games: "Hide the mouse", "Pick by color", "Who has what dress", "Leaves for a tree", "Collect the beads for mom", "Balloons", "What color is gone?", "Multi-colored beads", "Lay out the pencils by boxes ", "Salted dough beads" etc. 3. Formation form perception... Unfolding objects into "piles" taking into account the size, shape.Special games offered... Through visual reference perception forms the child to learn to complete these tasks. If the child has not yet developedideas about the shape of an object, then the exercises begin by distinguishing between a ball, a circle and their sizes. Actions are accompanied by speech. Examples of didactic games: "Make a figure", "Fold the pattern", "Find the same", "What item is superfluous?" , "What figures does it consist of?" 4. Formation perception of magnitude. Differentiation and clarification of concepts large - small are carried out in various games - exercises for constructive activity : Build tower blocks from blocks, play with prefab toys.In these games, not only areideas about the size of objectsbut also developing manipulative hand activity, brought up sequence of actions, develop spatial representation ... There are also games with nesting dolls and pyramids. Examples of didactic games: "Tower", "What is there?" , "Fruit picking", "The longest, the shortest", "Which box?", "Farther-nearer", "Colored circles" etc. 5. Formation of perception spatial relationships. First performances about space are closely related to the development of opportunitiesindependent movement, perception location of body parts(body diagrams.) C It should be emphasized that the availability and usefulness for each type of taskdetermined not only by age, how preliminary preparationwhich the children received. Examples of didactic games: "Let's dress a doll", "Show me what I will name", "Where is the toy hidden?", "What changed?", "Where I am?" , "Hide and Seek", etc. Expected result forsensory education: Children learn to distinguish between primary colors; Get to know the size and shape items; In children skills will be formedindependent activity; Is brought up cognitive interest, curiosity; Development in children survey skills and abilities; Development of fine motor skills of the hands; The level of pedagogical competence of parents in the formation ofideas about the sensorimotor activity of children; Will rise self-esteem of children, their self-confidence; In children creativity, curiosity, observation will develop; Cohesion of the children's team.

"Sensory education of children through didactic games"

From work experience

teacher of the mini-center "Bot"

Amelchenko Marina Ivanovna


Institution name : GU Tselinnoy secondary school mini-center "Bota"

FULL NAME. (fully): Amelchenko Marina Ivanovna

Date of Birth: 09/17/1965 year

Education: Specialized secondary, diplomaKOSTANAY PEDAGOGICAL SCHOOL"Educator in a preschool institution"

Refresher courses No. 0325582

of April 07, 2012 INSTITUTE FOR TRAINING AND RETRAINING OF EDUCATIONAL WORKERSSubject: "Features of modeling the pedagogical process in preschool, childcare center and preschool based on the integration of subject content"

Refresher courses for teachers No. 0986 dated December 06, 2014 ACADEMIC CENTER "Start»

Topic: "Integrated planning of the teacher's activities as an innovative approach in teaching and upbringing of preschoolers"


Speciality: "Educator at DU"

Work experience: since 1984

Teaching experience: since 1984 (20years)


“The most far-reaching successes

science and technology calculated

not only for the thinking one,

but also a sensing person "

B.G. Ananiev.

A child in life is faced with a variety of shapes, colors and other properties of objects, in particular toys and household items.

He also gets acquainted with works of art - music, painting, sculpture. And of course, every child, even without purposeful upbringing, perceives all this. But if assimilation occurs spontaneously, without reasonable pedagogical guidance, it often turns out to be superficial and defective. This is where sensory education comes in.

Sensory education is defined differently by different scientists. For example, according to Poddyakov, sensory education means purposeful improvement, the development of sensory abilities (sensations, perceptions, ideas) in children. Zaporozhets A.V. defines sensory education as follows: it is aimed at the formation of the child's processes of sensation, perception, visual representation.

Wenger L.A. understands sensory education as a consistent, systematic familiarization of a child with human sensory culture. Thus, having analyzed the above definitions, we can say thatsensory education is purposeful, consistent and systematic pedagogical influences that ensure the formation of sensory cognition in a child, the development of sensory processes (sensation, perception, visual representations) in him through familiarization with a person's sensory culture.

Sensory education has a great influence on the development of a child's perception and the formation of his ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size, position in space, taste, and so on. It is with the perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world that cognition begins.

The sensory development of a child literally from the first days of his life is the key to the successful implementation of various types of activities, the formation of various abilities, and the child's readiness for schooling.

The success of mental, physical, aesthetic education largely depends on the level of sensory education, that is, on how perfectly the child hears, sees, and perceives the environment.

That is why it is so important that sensory education is systematically and systematically included in all moments of a child's life, primarily in the processes of cognition of the surrounding life: objects, their properties and qualities.

Thus, the problem of the formation of sensory culture is a priority, is of paramount importance in the development of a child and requires close attention.

But, as you know, the main form and content of organizing the life of children is play, play is the most beloved and natural activity of preschoolers.

While playing, the child learns to touch, perceive and assimilate all sensory standards; learns to compare, compare, establish patterns, make an independent decision; develops and learns the world.

My teaching activity in the period from 2013-2015 is associated with children of primary preschool age. It is this age that is most favorable for improving the activity of the sense organs, accumulating ideas about the world around us. The accumulation of mental baggage in preschool children constitutes sensory impressions. Therefore, I chose the topic for myself: "Sensory education of children through didactic play."

I started my work in this direction by studying the pedagogical literature, analyzing the research of scientists on sensory education of preschoolers.At the beginning of the year, I carried out diagnostics to identify various skills and abilities in children, that is, I determined the level of preparedness of children for learning. The sensory abilities of the babies were tested. I found out that only a small part of them distinguish between primary colors and sizes, and they tried to distinguish the shape and distinguish units

The purpose my work is - the formation of sensory culture in preschool children by means of didactic play (the formation of ideas about the color, shape, size of objects, location in space, smell, taste, sounds, etc.)

Based on this goal, the following tasks follow:


Form sensory standards (color, shape, size)

To form the ability to highlight the essential features of objects.

To form the ability to compare objects with each other, to look for similarities and differences.

Teach children to determine the quantitative and qualitative relationships of objects.

Development of auditory attention.

The development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Then I decided on the participants in the work: group educators, children, parents. Thus, the stages of my work can be represented as follows:

Stage 1 - information and analytical. At this stage, the first task of the work was solved: Collection and analysis of information on this problem

Stage 2 - design. At this stage, the following problem was solved:

Selection of tasks and carrying out diagnostics to identify the level of sensory development of children at the beginning of the project.

Stage 3 - creative. Acquisition and creation of didactic games for the development of sensory skills.

Stage 4 - creating conditions for working with children. At the last stage, the following task was solved: to teach children to perceive objects, their various properties and relationships (color, shape, size, location in space, to develop sensory processes) accurately, fully and dismembered.

Stage 5 - control and analytical. At this stage, diagnostics were carried out in order to determine the results obtained at the end of the work.

Expected results :

1. Educational:

Raise children's interest in didactic play;

Foster a desire to use didactic play in everyday life;

To foster in children the desire to study.

2. Educational:

Teach children to perceive and represent an object and phenomena, analyze them, compare, generalize through didactic games.

3. Developing:

To develop in children the ability to determine the properties, signs of an object;

To develop in children the ability to use sensory standards and methods of examining objects;

To develop the attention, perseverance of children.

When working with children, I use various forms of work: individual, group, subgroups.

In the course of implementing my work, I chose a system of didactic games:Didactic games and exercises to consolidate the concept of form:

“What figures does it consist of? "," Find an object of the same shape "," What a superfluous figure "," Make up an ornament "," Magic train "," Wonderful bag "," Finish a house "," Stamp your pants "," Geometric lotto "," What lies in bag "," Whose houses are similar? "," Find the same pattern "," Find by touch "," Find by description "and others. Didactic games and exercises to consolidate the concept of magnitude.

“Compare objects by height”, “Longest, shortest”, “Arrange the colored circles in descending, ascending order”, “Which box? "," Further - closer "," Harvesting "," Pick up a cup to a saucer "," Collect a nesting doll "," Collect a turret "," Pick up clothes for dolls "," Building up for exercises "," Broken stairs "," Sticks in a row "and others.

Didactic games and exercises for color consolidation.

“What color is gone? "," What color is the object? "," Collect beads ", Multi-colored loto", "Colored trains", "Name the shades of color", "Balloons", "Arrange the shapes by color", "Collect vegetables", "Lay out according to the pattern", "Pick yourself a neighbor" , "What tree is the leaf from", "Fold the pyramid", "Decorate the Christmas tree", "Fold the rainbow", "Striped rug", "Hide the mouse", games with mosaics and others.

Didactic games for the development of tactile and taste sensations:

“Wonderful bag”, “Identify by touch”, “Handkerchief for a doll”, “Recognize the figure”, “Find a pair”, “Guess what you ate? "," What, what happens? "," Heavy-light "," Warm-cold "and others.

The work was carried out in stages. First, she taught children to distinguish between sizes and colors, choosing identical ones. I did not associate ideas about color with a word. I developed memory, attention, logical thinking in children. For this, didactic games were offered: “Don't be mistaken”, “Pick by color”, “Multi-colored glades”, “Collect the beads”. The didactic material aroused great interest in children, a desire to act. The kids exchanged objects, compared them, made conclusions. Of course, not all children coped with the task. But still, some of the children remained indifferent to abstract material, so they had to use plot games "Hide the bunny" and "Hide the butterfly", the purpose of which is to teach children to generalize objects by plot and color. I have developed a multifunctional panel "Forest Glade".

Taking into account the peculiarities of children's perception of color, I used first red and blue, then yellow and green. When most of the children learned to distinguish between the four primary colors, white and black were introduced for familiarization. I also tried to pick up toys and items of intense color. The guys learned the simplest mental operations, namely: compare, contrast colors.

And of course, the implementation of this work was not done without the participation of parents. I conducted individual conversations with parents ("Games and exercises that promote sensory development and education", consultations ("Development of sensory abilities in young children through didactic games", "Didactic play as a means of sensory education of children", parent meetings, questionnaires to identify

the level of knowledge of parents about sensory education.

I designed the folders - transportation (for example, "Didactic games on sensorics for children 2-4 years old", and also involved parents in the manufacture and purchase of didactic material.

The result of the work done can be seen if we analyze the results of monitoring the level of development of sensory culture in children at the beginning and end of the work.


"-" - the child does not fulfill the standard, he is not interested in him yet

"V" - the child makes attempts to fulfill the standard, shows interest in him

"+" - the child fulfills the standard with interest, correctly.

Cognitive development

According to the indicators of competence development in the PO "Cognition", that is, indicators on the beginning of 2013 (at the beginning of work) children had no idea about color, shape, size, did not know how to analyze, compare, generalize, examine objects, did not know what sensory standards are, were reluctant to play didactic games, did not follow the rules. The children mostly had a low level of development. At this point in time, as a result of my work, the level of sensory development in children has increased significantly. Childrendistinguish between the main colors, shapes, size, texture of objects. Show curiosity, special interest in people and their actions, reproduce simple buildings as shown by an adult. Shows a benevolent and respectful attitude towards the animal world, demonstrates the initial skills of orientation in space.

Thus, the data obtained in the course of my work confirm the fact that didactic play is of great importance in sensory education, didactic play is the most acceptable and effective way of communicating knowledge to a child. It helps the child to find out how the world around him works and expand his horizons, contributes to the formation of the personality.

It was the use of didactic games that helped me to raise the level of sensory education in children, to form knowledge on sensory development. Through didactic play, children got acquainted with sensory standards, with methods of examining objects. The children developed the ability to accurately and fully perceive the properties of objects, learned to analyze, compare objects. The children began to pay more attention to didactic games, they had a desire to play didactic games and use the game in everyday life. Children have become more attentive, diligent, and maintain friendly relations while playing.

In addition, parents have also learned and expanded their knowledge of what sensory education is, how it matters in child development, and how didactic play plays in sensory education.

Therefore, we can conclude that for the formation of sensory culture in preschool children, it is necessary to systematically conduct classes using didactic games, as well as to use didactic games in the free activities of children.


    N.N. Podyakov, V.A. Avanesov "Sensory education in kindergarten" - M., "Education", 1981.

    E.G. Pilyugina "Classes on sensory education with young children" - M., "Education", 1983

    L.A. Wenger "Education of a child's sensory culture"

    E. B. Volosova “Early Childhood Development (Key Indicators). - M., LINKA-PRESS, 1999

GOAL: teach children to recognize objects by characteristic features.

STROKE. Organizing the game, the teacher selects objects familiar to the children. Having seated the children in a semicircle so that all objects are clearly visible to them, the adult conducts a short conversation. Then he asks several kids to repeat the names of the objects, to answer what they are for.

In order to complicate the game, another rule is proposed: several toys are put in the bag. None of the children know about them. The summoned child, with his hand in the bag and groping for one of the toys, talks about it. The bag will open if the children recognize the toy by the description.


The main goal of didactic games with clothespins is the development of fine motor skills of hands in young children.

Also, these games are aimed at developing the ability to compare and combine objects based on color.

In addition, playing with clothespins contributes to the development of feelings of their own movements and the formation of a positive attitude towards working together with an adult. They stimulate the speech activity of children.

Purpose of the game: develops thinking, attention, memory, increases vocabulary, improves fine motor skills of hands, develops speech, logical thinking, teaches to compare geometric shapes with objects.

Target: to form the ability to distinguish and correctly name the primary colors; develops fine motor skills of the hands;

Stroke: children are invited to hide a butterfly from a spider on a flower corresponding to the color of the butterfly.

Tasks: to form the ability to distinguish and correctly name the primary colors; learn to combine a bunny with a clearing (guideline by color); act purposefully, consistently; develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Game progress:

The teacher invites the children to hide the bunny in the clearing from the chanterelle, the bunny and the clearing must match in color.

Purpose of the game: Consolidation of children's knowledge about clothes, shoes; development of fine motor skills of the hands;

Course: The teacher invites the children to choose clothes for the doll, teaches them how to choose the right clothes.

Purpose: determine the shape of the handkerchief, teach how to tie a knot, develop hand motor skills.

Course: The teacher invites the children to choose a handkerchief for the doll by color and size.

Stroke: The teacher asks the children to collect beads by color and shape.

Purpose: to learn to distinguish colors and shapes, to develop hand motor skills.

Move: The teacher asks the children to assemble the pyramid in color and shape.




    Report : Generalization of experience on the topic of self-education "Sensory education of children through didactic games"


    Didactic games

Lyudmila Bendik
Sensory education of children through didactic games

« Sensory education of children through didactic games»

Sensory development is the foundation of the child's overall mental development, which is, in its queue, an essential condition for a child's successful learning. From birth, the child learns perceive objects and phenomena of the environment with the help of the senses, tactile techniques.

Huge role and significance sensory development lies in the fact that it is the basis for the intellectual development of the child, develops attention, imagination, memory, observation.

From the way a child thinks, sees how he perceives the world around him with the help of touch, largely depends on his sensory development... As far as the child is well developed in early childhood, so simply and naturally he will master the new one in adulthood.

In the process of practical actions with objects, the child accumulates sensory experience. In everyday life, the child's personality is enriched. across direct communication with nature, with the phenomena of social life, with the world of objects created by human hands. Didactic games perform the function of teaching aids - children master the signs of objects, learn to classify, generalize, compare. Due to the fact that the leading activity of a preschooler is play, it is by playing that the child learns to touch, perception, learns everything sensory standards... The game acts as a means sensory development and nurturing.

His work on sensory I started development by collecting information on this issue, studied pedagogical literature on sensory education of preschoolers.

In my work, I solve the following tasks:

Continue introducing flowers spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, violet.

Show children the peculiarities of the location of color tones in the spectrum;

Meet children with the size and shape of objects

To form skills of independent activity.

I build my activities in stages, taking into account age children. Didactic games I include in educational activities, in joint activities, in individual work. To form elementary mathematical representations, I select games with mathematical content requiring mental stresses:

-puzzle games,

-games jokes

-games with entertaining questions: "Why isn't the oval rolling?", "Who will find it faster", "Unfinished Pictures", "Live numbers", "Pick by color", "One - many"... In 2015, she spoke at the pedagogical readings educator and talked interestingly about the Kuisener sticks, the logic blocks of Dienes. We also purchased these games and special albums for them. Children are very interested. They are bright, entertaining, children really like to play with them.

To organize joint and independent activities children i created a sensory corner that filled didactic games of the cognitive direction for the development of color, to consolidate knowledge about shape, size, taking into account safety, aesthetics, visibility, accessibility.

A child who is keen on playing does not notice that he is learning, although every now and then he is faced with tasks that require mental activity from him.

Didactic games I include in work with parents in the form « home games» ... I explain the game to the parents, and the parents at home with their children reinforce it. An exhibition was also presented for parents didactic games and copyright multifunctional manuals, during which parents got acquainted with new games, as well as, together with their children lost them, discussed the already held games... This systematic work is yielding positive results.

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Sensory education, aimed at the formation of a full-fledged perception of the surrounding reality, serves as the basis for cognition of the world, the first stage of which is sensory experience. The success of mental, physical, aesthetic education largely depends on the level of sensory development of children, that is, on how perfectly the child hears, sees, and perceives the environment.

A child in life is faced with a variety of shapes, colors and other properties of objects, in particular toys and household items. The child is surrounded by nature with all its sensory features - colors, smells, noises. And of course, every child, even without purposeful upbringing, one way or another, perceives all this. But if assimilation occurs spontaneously, without reasonable pedagogical guidance from adults, it often turns out to be superficial and defective. But sensations and perception lend themselves to development, improvement, especially during preschool childhood.

The task of the kindergarten is to ensure the fullest development of pupils, taking into account age characteristics at the stage of completion of preschool education, to prepare them for schooling. It is in this age period that the foundation of health and the development of physical qualities necessary for the effective participation of the child in understanding the preservation and strengthening of his health is laid and strengthened.

A child's readiness for schooling is largely determined by his sensory development. Developed sensing is the basis for improving the practical activity of a modern person. And the origins of sensory abilities lie in the general level of sensory development achieved in early preschool age.

During the first 3 years, moral qualities begin to form, character traits take shape. The child's sensory experience is enriched through touch, muscular feeling, vision, the child begins to distinguish the size, shape and color of an object.

Familiarization of preschoolers with the color, shape, size of the object allows you to create a system of didactic games for sensory education, aimed at improving the child's perception of the characteristic features of objects.

Didactic games are games in which cognitive activity is combined with play. On the one hand, didactic play is one of the forms of educational influence of an adult on a child, and on the other hand, play is the main type of independent activity of children. In preschool pedagogy, didactic games have long been considered the main means of sensory education.

Didactic play is a complex phenomenon, but structure is clearly revealed in it. The success of the game lies in its effectiveness, therefore preparation for the game is the specification of the existing baggage of knowledge and skills or the formation of them.

In view of the fact that a large interval between games is undesirable, it becomes necessary to consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills in independent activity and, in part, in classes aimed at children mastering actions with objects. The question of the repetition of the didactic games requires special attention. Review games do not have to be completely identical to the previous didactic game. Repeated presentation of the same problems is provided for on new material. This ensures that children are mentally active in their play.

The rules of the game determine the nature and method of play actions, organize and direct the behavior of children. They give the opportunity to consolidate the material already passed and learn something new. An indicator of the level of achievement of children in the assimilation of knowledge, and the development of mental activity, relationships.

Didactic games on sensory education can rationalize the work of the educator, give him the opportunity to trace the process of sensory development, allow him to evaluate the effectiveness of the applied means of sensory education and, if necessary, attract new ones. The systematic conduct of didactic games allows for a better and more complete cognition and perception of the surrounding reality by children.

A child's sensory experience can be realized through a variety of didactic games. I would like to present to your attention sensory-didactic games by the author, which I am - "Sensory alphabet for kids", "Winter fun" (panel), "ABC of health".

Working with younger preschool children, I have done sensory book "Sensory alphabet for babies". In order to create a small masterpiece, you do not need to have special talents in sewing, it is enough to be attentive and observant. After all, you need to do such a thing that will interest and captivate the child. And, of course, I turned on my fantasy. Eventually book represents sheets (panels) bound in a binder. The book is useful and safe. All parts are very firmly sewn and secured.

The sensor alphabet is made by hand from fabric and scrap materials. Sensory alphabet is such a book, "readers" of which are the smallest. Children do not read, but touch it, leaf through, examine and slowly begin to get used to a new form of information - a book. The alphabet consists of seven pages - panels, which are interconnected by means of loops in the folder - the recorder, which ensures its quick transformation into separate game panels.

Each page is a story that a child can understand: houses, trees, sun, clouds, etc. I tried to use images of objects that the child often sees in everyday life. There are 7 pages in the book, on which I applied small drawings, supplemented with various fittings. Each page is covered with fabric and various scenes from different materials are sewn onto it, with a specific task and a rule of the game.

Directivity: this didactic game is intended for children of primary preschool age. From 1 to 7 children take part in the game, according to the number of pages in the sensory alphabet. The game makes it possible to obtain a variety of sensations, contributes to the development of tactile sensitivity, the assimilation of the system of sensory standards, perception in general. Working with such a book also develops the child's spatial perception, fine motor skills of the fingers, speech, forms the culture of communication and handling the book.

Purpose of the game: To develop the intellectual abilities of children, to form a system of sensory standards, to develop fine motor skills of the fingers, to develop coherent speech of children of younger preschool age. A sensory book is effective in the sensory development of preschool children, its purpose is multifunctional:

  1. Allows you to carry out diagnostics to determine the level of development of sensory functions: visual, auditory, tactile, kinesthetic perception.
  2. Normalizes muscle tone, develops the movement of fingers and hands.
  3. Develops general, fine motor skills, breathing.

Rules of the game. Variable use of the game is possible in accordance with developmental tasks (accumulation of sensory experience, development of speech (vocabulary, onomatopoeia, phrasal speech, development of fine motor skills).

Sensory-didactic game "Winter fun" (panel).

Directivity: this didactic game is intended for children of middle preschool age. 3-4 players take part in the game. The game makes it possible to obtain a variety of sensations, contributing to the development of tactile sensitivity and perception in general (promotes the development of visual perception, attention, imagination, develops logic, contributes to the development of visual-motor coordination, expansion of vocabulary, as well as the development of the ability to express one's feelings in words) ...

You can come up with game plots to form:

Positive attitude towards physical culture and sports;

Elementary concepts of harmful behavior.

The panel consists of three semantic parts. The first part is a skating rink. The second part is a snow slide. The removable figurines for these parts depict children playing winter sports. The third part is "a clearing of bad habits." It is gray in color. This part of the panel contains silhouettes of figures with addictions.

Purpose of the game: to form a stable positive attitude of pupils to a healthy lifestyle, the adoption of sports and physical culture as an alternative to bad habits.

Game rules: it is possible to use the game variably in accordance with developmental tasks (accumulation of sensory experience, development of speech (vocabulary, onomatopoeia, phrasal speech, development of fine motor skills).

The players mix the children's figures in the bag and distribute them to the players. Children determine the type of sport and place the children's figurine in the appropriate place: on a slide, on a skating rink, on a ski track or in a "glade of bad habits." Children explain their choice. If necessary, answer questions. The educator can invite them to come up with a story about any character.

I believe that such a game is the most important means of shaping a child's personality and disclosing his cognitive capabilities.

"ABC of health" made by hand from fabric and materials at hand for the development of children's sensory abilities, for the development of health-preserving aspects. Today, the preservation and strengthening of children's health is one of the main tasks of all preschool educational institutions. The readiness for a healthy lifestyle does not arise by itself, but is formed in a person from an early age.

The alphabet consists of four pages - panels, which are interconnected by means of loops in a folder - a recorder, which ensures its quick transformation into separate game panels. On the pages, I applied small drawings complemented by various fittings. Each page is covered with fabric and various scenes from different materials are sewn onto it, with a specific task and a rule of the game. The topic of this sensory-didactic game is aimed at understanding children of a healthy lifestyle, adherence to the daily routine, the rules of personal hygiene, the need for physical education, and healthy eating.

Directivity: this didactic game is intended for older preschool children. From 1 to 4 children take part in the game, according to the number of pages in the sensory alphabet. The game makes it possible to obtain and consolidate knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, the formation of elementary concepts about behavior, factors harmful to health, a variety of sensations, contributes to the development of tactile sensitivity, the assimilation of the system of sensory standards, perception in general. Working with such a book also develops the child's spatial perception, fine motor skills of the fingers, speech, forms the culture of communication and handling the book.

Purpose of the game: to develop the intellectual abilities of children, to accumulate experience in maintaining and strengthening health, to form a system of sensory standards, to develop fine motor skills of the fingers, to develop coherent speech in older preschool children.

The sensory book is effective in the sensory development of preschool children, its purpose is multifunctional:

1. Obtaining and consolidating knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

2. Allows to carry out diagnostics to determine the level of development of sensory functions: visual, auditory, tactile, kinesthetic perception.

3. Normalizes muscle tone, develops the movement of fingers and hands.

4. Develops general, fine motor skills, breathing.

Rules of the game: possible variable use of the game in accordance with developmental tasks, accumulation of experience in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, sensory experience, speech development (vocabulary, onomatopoeia, phrasal speech, the development of fine motor skills).

A multifunctional book is a toy that is used both in the free activity of children and in organized forms of work.

The sensor book develops finger movements, fine motor skills: fastening, lacing, attaching velcro, fastening zippers. The development of fine motor skills of the hands is clearly traced in the course of the individual development of the preschooler. Usually a child with a high level of development of fine motor skills is able to reason logically, he has sufficiently developed memory, attention, and coherent speech. Therefore, the development, improvement of the movement of the fingers contributes to a faster and more complete formation of speech in a child, while undeveloped manual motor skills, on the contrary, "inhibit" such development.

The proposed multifunctional sensory books can be recommended for work with preschool children not only for educators, but also for speech therapists, psychologists, social educators and parents.

Thus, it is safe to say that didactic games are the leading form of sensory education. Only with a certain system of conducting didactic games can the sensory development of preschoolers be achieved.