Double triple pregnancy test. Triple test in the first and second trimester

The significant deterioration of environmental conditions over the past ten years is of concern to many physicians. And with special care in medical institutions they treat expectant mothers, since they are responsible not only for their own health, but also for the health of their unborn baby. It is for this reason that all pregnant women are offered to do a triple test.

This blood test will allow you to find out about the health of your baby in the early stages of pregnancy, to determine the likelihood of the baby developing congenital pathologies.

what is a triple pregnancy test

Today, a fairly significant number of gynecologists have included this analysis in the list of mandatory ones, but given the fact that not every clinic has special equipment for its implementation, there has not yet been a mass distribution of this test.

It is worth noting that the necessary equipment is most often purchased by private clinics, which means that the detection of genetic abnormalities in this way is quite expensive.

With this test, the following markers are examined in the blood of a pregnant woman:

  • Alpha-fetoprotein;
  • Chorionic gonadotropin;
  • free estriol.

Alpha-fetoprotein is a type of protein that is produced in the stomach sac and synthesized in your baby's liver. If, according to the results of the analysis, the level of this protein is low, then this can cause the development of Down's or Edwards' disease. Also, an underestimated indicator may indicate that the mother has a disease such as diabetes mellitus.

A value below the norm can also occur if the placenta in the mother's tummy is too low. By the way, in the latter option, you will most likely have to lie down for preservation, since with such a diagnosis it is quite problematic to get pregnant without medical help.

When the level of alpha-fetoprotein in the blood is too high, doctors can diagnose brain damage in your baby. Quite often, with such analysis results, there are violations in the formation of the neural tube in the fetus or in the development of the anterior abdominal wall.

Also in this case, kidney pathologies can also occur. Just as with low rates, the cause of an increase in the level of this protein in the blood may not be a pathology in a child, but, for example, an Rhesus conflict or oligohydramnios.

In this case, you just need to be constantly under closer medical supervision. And there is another exception in which an increase in the level of alpha-phenoprotein in the blood is considered the norm - this is a multiple pregnancy.

hCG with a triple test during pregnancy

Chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is, first of all, a protein, thanks to which we can confirm the onset of pregnancy already twelve days after fertilization. Also, the study of this marker in the blood allows you to monitor its course throughout pregnancy. A timely analysis can warn you of an ectopic pregnancy or a decrease in the rate of fetal development.

A low rate is typical for cases where there is a high probability of fetal death or with a threat of miscarriage. Also in this case, chronic placental insufficiency can be diagnosed. There is also the possibility of developing Edwards syndrome.

A high level of hCG can be observed with normal toxicosis or with multiple pregnancies. The worst case scenario is diagnosing diabetes in the mother, which will greatly complicate the life of the mother during childbearing. It is worth noting the fact that when combined with a low rate of ATP, the likelihood of developing Down syndrome in the fetus becomes quite high.

EZ with a triple test during pregnancy

Free estriol (EZ) is a hormone synthesized in the fetal liver and placenta. During the normal course of pregnancy, the level of this hormone in the mother's blood should constantly increase.

This indicates that the development of the fetus is normal and the mother's body is gradually preparing for childbirth and lactation. But when the value of the hormone deviates from the norm, pathologies can occur.

With an underestimation of the level of estriol, there may be a slowdown in the physical development of the fetus or a threat of miscarriage. Also, low rates may indicate the presence of some infection inside the womb, which, as you understand, cannot have a positive effect on the child. Diagnose with a low level of EZ and fetal anemia.

By the way, anemia is a fairly common phenomenon among pregnant women, but if you are diagnosed with it on time, then there is nothing to worry about. All you need to do is visit your doctor and follow all his recommendations regarding your diet.

Also, with anemia, a special respiratory exercise, designed specifically for expectant mothers, is quite effective. Thus, you will saturate your body, and hence the body of the child, with a large amount of oxygen, which will certainly have a positive effect on the overall development of the fetus.

Attention! If you see that the indicators are below the norm, then you should not immediately panic. There can be several explanations for such indicators, starting with malnutrition and ending with the mother taking antibiotics. So before falling into depression, it is still worth consulting with a doctor and undergoing several additional examinations.

A high level of estriol in the blood may indicate a multiple pregnancy. In the worst case scenario, with such indicators, a violation in the functioning of the child's liver can be diagnosed, which after birth may turn out to be a pathology.

It is also worth noting that too rapid an increase in the level of estriol in the blood in a short time period may indicate the possibility of premature birth.

triple test during pregnancy

Before we talk about the norm, I would like to say that no matter what result you see on the sheet with the transcript of the analysis, you should not panic. Remember: you are not a doctor, which means you have no right to diagnose yourself.

Just think about the fact that there will be some time before the appointment with the doctor, during which you will worry about all sorts of possible scenarios. And this will definitely not have a positive effect on the health of your unborn baby. Do not forget that all the rules are rather conditional, so nothing can be 100% confirmed.

Do not forget about the fact that in order to diagnose a serious deviation in the development of the fetus, the indicators must exceed the norm by SEVERAL TIMES! But a slight deviation only indicates the need for an additional examination or re-passing the triple test.

So, the norm for the ATP indicator ranges from 26.00 IU / ml to 57 IU / ml for a period of 14 to 20 weeks of pregnancy. The rate of ATP increases by about 4-5 IU / ml per week, so do not worry if the results made with a break of two weeks differ significantly. This is fine!

The norm for hCG at weeks 11-12 is 45,000 IU / mg, at weeks 13-14 - 35,000 IU / mg, at weeks 15-25 - 22,000 IU / mg, at weeks 26-37 - 28,000 IU / mg. As for the normal level of free estriol in the blood, the norm, starting from the 17th week, ranges from 5-6 nmol / l to 30-40 nmol / l.

A triple test during pregnancy will help to identify congenital pathologies for a woman during the bearing of a baby. It is no secret that during this period, the health of the mother and child is directly related to the results of tests, medical procedures and tests. Only a complete and proper examination gives confidence in the health of the unborn baby and his mother.

What Happens During a Triple Test?

Unfortunately, today the risk of developing any pathology or anomaly in an unborn baby is quite high, so doctors strongly recommend it.

In addition to the triple test, there are many more tests and procedures that are also designed to determine the likelihood of a particular deviation or disease. This is the so-called double test, which is done on the basis of a mother's blood test, but the markers there are somewhat different. A double test during pregnancy is carried out no later than 11-13 weeks.

When carrying out such a procedure, a woman takes a blood test to determine the level of the following three (which is why the triple test is called so) marker indicators:

  • alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) - a blood plasma protein (with further development of the embryo, it enters the fetal liver);
  • human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) - this hormone is produced by embryonic cells (chorion), and a little later they form the placenta;
  • free estriol (E3) is a hormone produced by the mother's placenta and the fetal liver.

The triple test is recommended between 15 and 20 weeks of pregnancy. It is better to do this in advance so that there is a margin of time for repeated procedures (in case of ambiguous or negative interpretation of the test results).

What is the benefit of analyzing each of the components of this test?

The level of one or another marker in the blood of a pregnant woman can be overestimated or underestimated. After conducting a triple test, the doctor will be able to find out this result. If the level of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is underestimated, this may mean that the fetus has Down syndrome or Edwards disease. If the level of AFP is elevated, then the fetus may develop brain and neural tube disorders. There is a high probability of developing diseases of the kidneys and organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition to the above, a high level of alpha-fetoprotein indicates a conflict between the Rh factors in the blood of the father and mother, insufficient intrauterine fluid, the risk of miscarriage or death of the baby in the womb. However, if the expectant mother is expecting more than one baby, but several - a multiple pregnancy - then you should not be afraid of an increased level of APS, this is a medical norm.

Human chorionic gonadotropin is the same hormone, the level of which is the first to signal the onset of pregnancy. This hormone is secreted by the cells of the fetus that form the placenta. As a rule, there is a high probability of the death of a child in the womb, a missed pregnancy, a threat of termination of pregnancy if the level of human chorionic gonadotropin is underestimated. With a low level of hCG, the likelihood of the fetus having Edwards syndrome is also high.

If the level of human chorionic gonadotropin, on the contrary, is elevated, then this indicates either several fetuses (multiple pregnancy), or this can happen when a pregnant woman is tormented by bouts of toxicosis. If the mother has diabetes, this also increases the level of hCG.

The third marker is free estriol. This is a hormone whose level should gradually increase during an excellent pregnancy. It affects both the condition of the blood vessels of the uterus, and the condition of the breast and its preparation for future feeding.

The level of free estriol indicates the development of the fetus. If the level of the hormone is underestimated, this may indicate a probable delay in the physical development of the child, the threat of involuntary termination of pregnancy, viruses that are in the womb. With a low level of the hormone free estriol, the fetus may have Down syndrome, problems with the adrenal glands (insufficiency). However, if the expectant mother has taken antibiotics at some time or her nutrition was insufficient, then this will also lower the level of EZ.

At an elevated level, pregnancy may be multiple, or indicate the presence of liver disease. If the level of the hormone has risen too sharply in a fairly short period of time, this indicates the likelihood of premature birth.

All of the above is far from being a diagnosis, but just a screening. The final diagnosis is made by a specialist not only on the basis of a triple test, but in the aggregate of a number of tests, procedures and analyzes performed. Therefore, do not be afraid of the result of the triple test. Its main advantage is that the results are very reliable and with a high degree of probability help to determine the presence or absence of pathologies.

The probability during the triple test is 80-90% in the presence of a deviation in the development of the nervous system and 60-70% in the case of chromosomal abnormalities.

Maybe it's just me, but maybe someone will find it useful)

Very often during pregnancy, doctors prescribe double and triple tests (pregnancy screening), which allows you to check if the child has developmental pathologies. Future mothers are anxious people and, having received a referral for double and triple tests, they can easily panic. And this should not be done, since the research data (in the case of a positive result) indicate only the likelihood of pathologies. That is why such tests are called screening, and not diagnostic.

These analyzes are most relevant for:

  • Pregnant women at the age of 35;
  • Those who had severe complications of pregnancy in the past (to find out if there is a threat of miscarriage and stopping the development of pregnancy in the early stages);
  • Having had two or more miscarriages in early pregnancy
  • Those who have had bacterial and viral infections right before pregnancy or at the beginning of it (hepatitis, rubella, herpes, cytomegalovirus);
  • Having in the family a child (or in the past, the fetus of an interrupted pregnancy) with Down's disease, other chromosomal diseases, congenital malformations;
  • Those who have relatives with hereditary diseases;
  • Those who were exposed (both mother and father of the unborn child) to radiation exposure or other harmful effects before conception;
  • Those who in the family had cases of the birth of children with congenital malformations.
  • Whatpregnancy screeningwhen it should be done and how to read the results yourself.

    double test

    When.Done in the first trimester of pregnancy, at 8-14 weeks.

    Why.Double test reveals an increased risk of developing Down syndrome and Edwards syndrome in the fetus. In addition, this test is also informative in assessing the threat of miscarriage and termination of pregnancy in the short term.

    How is screening done? Examines the blood of a pregnant woman. The analysis should be taken on an empty stomach.

    What includes. The level of the hCG hormone (free subunits of beta-hCG) and the content of the PAPP-A protein in the blood of a woman are examined.

    Who is shown.

    RAPP-A is a complex protein that is produced during pregnancy. The level of its concentration in the blood serum of a woman is growing every week. It is important to study the level of its content in order to find out if the child has a risk of developing Down syndrome in the child. Analysis can be done already from the 8th week of gestation. After 14 weeks, the diagnostic significance of PAPP-A is lost. If the level of PAPP-A is lowered, then there may be fetal chromosomal abnormalities, Down syndrome, Edwards, Corneli de LANGE, the threat of miscarriage and termination of pregnancy at short periods.

    PAPP-A norm in pregnant women

    Term (weeks)


    hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin)

    Consists of two subunits: alpha and beta. For the most accurate assessment of the level of hCG, tests for the beta subunit are used.

    The level of beta hCG - allows you to judge how the pregnancy is proceeding. An elevated level of beta hCG may indicate the presence of a multiple pregnancy, and that the term is set incorrectly, the presence of toxicosis (and early and late) diabetes mellitus in a pregnant woman or a chromosomal pathology in the fetus. A reduced level of beta-hCG may indicate the presence of an ectopic pregnancy, indicate a halt in the development of pregnancy, a threat of termination (especially when the hormone level decreases progressively, by more than 50% of the norm), and chronic placental insufficiency.

    The norm of hCG in pregnant women

    Term (weeks)

    The content of hCG,


    triple test

    Why. Allows you to eliminate the risk of chromosomal developmental anomalies in the fetus (in particular, Down syndrome, Turner, Edwards, etc.), anomalies in the development of the neural tube.

    How. Do a blood test (on an empty stomach)

    What includes. The level of AFP (the main component of the liquid part of the blood (serum) of the forming fetus), the level of hCG and free estriol (E3) are being examined.

    Who is shown. By order of the Department of Health of Moscow No. 144 dated April 4, 2005, this test is included in the scheme of all screening examinations of all pregnant women in the first trimester.

    ACE (alpha-fetoprotein protein) produced by the fetal liver. By its level in the mother's blood, one can judge the presence or absence of anomalies in the development of the abdominal wall, esophagus and duodenum of the unborn child, neural tube defects and some developmental delays. Too low AFP levels may indicate the presence of Down and Edwards syndrome. It must be remembered that a change in the level of AFP does not necessarily indicate any pathology. This may be due to the presence of a threatened miscarriage with placental insufficiency, an indication that you were simply given the wrong gestational age, or even a sign of multiple pregnancy, when this protein is produced by several embryos and its level is elevated.

    Normal AFP in pregnant women

    Term (weeks)

    AFP content, U/ml

    < 15

    Free estriol (E3) . The placenta and the liver of the unborn child are involved in the production of this hormone. According to the level of E3 in the blood serum of a pregnant woman, one can judge the condition of the fetus. Normally, estriol levels increase throughout pregnancy; each waiting period for a baby has its own level of E3. To a greater extent, monitoring of estriol levels is indicated for pregnant women over 35 years old, or if the future father is over 45 years old. In addition, this analysis is needed if the woman took cytostatics and antiepileptic drugs, if she had multiple miscarriages, if ultrasound detected calcifications in the placenta, fetal malnutrition, etc.

    Estriola norm in pregnant women

    Term (weeks)
    Content of ЕН, nmol/ml

    results screening of pregnant women (AFP, hCG, PAPP-A, free estriol) can be measured in units of MoM. These are international units, and their norm is from 0.5 to 2 for all indicators in all tests.

    However, do not rush to draw conclusions from the test results yourself. There are so-called false positive results. In order to get a true picture, it is necessary to take into account many factors: the age and weight of the expectant mother, her nationality, the characteristics of the course of pregnancy, the adequacy of setting the gestational age, and even the presence of bad habits in women.

    In addition, in different laboratories, tests are carried out according to different calculation systems (in our article, the results for the most popular systems).

    Therefore, in order to be sure of the correct interpretation, be sure to consult with a specialist obstetrician-gynecologist or geneticist.

    Modern diagnostic methods allow you to learn a lot about the condition of the baby even before his birth. One of the reliable tests to identify possible violations is the triple test during pregnancy, which is part of. What the diagnostic results show, what problems poor performance may indicate - we will talk about all this with you today.

    Triple test - a biochemical study of blood serum, an analysis is prescribed to determine the risks of genetic abnormalities and disorders.

    What does the triple test show

    1. The level of AFP is the main component of the blood serum in the baby's body, the protein is synthesized by the liver and yolk sac, it enters the amniotic fluid. In the mother's blood, this compound can be detected 5 weeks after conception.
    2. HCG, the most important pregnancy hormone, appears in the blood of the expectant mother a few days after the fertilization of the egg.
    3. Estriol - synthesized in the baby's liver and placenta, gradually increases from conception to the birth itself.

    The timing of the triple test is 15-20 weeks of pregnancy, it is during this period that the main markers of genetic anomalies and some physiological problems can be accurately identified. The reliability of the analysis for the detection of neural tube disorders is 90%, for the detection of chromosomal abnormalities - 60–70%.

    Who is assigned the analysis, and how to properly prepare for it

    Every expectant mother can do a triple test of her own free will, but if a woman is at risk, the gynecologist will definitely prescribe this examination for her.

    When is a Triple Test in the Second Trimester Necessary? :

    • the expectant mother is already 35 years old;
    • in the family history there are cases of chromosomal abnormalities;
    • radiation exposure of one of the parents;
    • taking cytostatics, some antibiotics, drugs against epilepsy;
    • cases of miscarriage in the past;
    • Ultrasound showed signs of abnormalities in the baby.

    How to take the triple test?

    For analysis, venous blood is taken, which is collected in 3 different test tubes. It is necessary to take biomaterial on an empty stomach - this is a prerequisite, the last meal should be 8-10 hours before the examination. In the morning you can drink only a little pure water without gas.

    Norms of indicators

    When deciphering a triple test, all 3 indicators must be taken into account, otherwise such an analysis is difficult to consider truthful and reliable.

    But even disappointing results for all three positions are not the basis for making a diagnosis, the results of ultrasound are important, if necessary, an examination of amniotic fluid is prescribed.

    Triple test norms in the second trimester

    Possible reasons for deviations

    The possible risks of developing chromosomal abnormalities in an infant can only be discussed if the main indicators of the AFP test and the triple detailed analysis significantly exceed the permissible limits. In different laboratories, the results of the examination may differ radically, therefore, for a more accurate assessment of the values, the MoM coefficient is used, at any time the values ​​should be 0.5-2 units.

    IndexPossible reasons for increasing valuesPossible reasons for decreasing values
    ACEdisorders in the structure of the brain or spinal cord;

    gastroschisis - the intestines and other organs are covered with a stretched umbilical cord, and not with the muscles and skin of the peritoneum;

    renal pathologies;

    violations in the formation of the duodenum, or the complete absence of an organ;

    anencephaly - the absence of a brain in a child, ACE indicators in this case are 6.5-7 times higher than the permissible values.

    A slight increase in ACE is a sign of Rhesus conflict, lack of water, the threat of miscarriage, fetal death.

    Chromosomal abnormalities - Down syndrome, Edwards, Shereshevsky-Turner. Diseases of the expectant mother - overweight, diabetes, a decrease in performance are also observed with low placenta previa.
    hCGDown syndrome, carrying twins, triplets, miscalculation of the term of conception. High rates are observed in diabetes, toxicosis or preeclampsia.Edwards Syndrome. With a decrease in values ​​​​by 50% or more, the likelihood of miscarriage, the development of placental insufficiency is greater, a similar situation is sometimes observed with the death of the fetus.
    EstriolThe size of the fetus significantly exceeds the allowable values. With a sharp increase in indicators, there is a risk of premature birth.In an infant, against the background of a decrease in indicators, physical growth slows down, the risk of developing heart defects, anemia, adrenal hypoplasia, anencephaly, and Down syndrome increases in the baby.

    An increase in ACE is observed when there is a threat of miscarriage, when there is a violation of the blood supply between the fetus and the placenta, when carrying several babies at the same time, a decrease in estriol often occurs when taking antibiotics, if the mother is on a diet or eats improperly.

    All these conditions are not dangerous, but doctors always prescribe additional tests to be on the safe side.

    What other tests can be prescribed for pregnant women

    To confirm or refute the risks of developing chromosomal abnormalities, a woman in the second trimester may be prescribed a quadruple test - in addition to the 3 main components, the amount of inhibin A is measured.

    Inhibin A is a hormone synthesized by the placenta and the embryo, its level increases from the moment of pregnancy.

    The norm is 2 MOM, the indicators are affected by weight, age, and the presence of bad habits. Increasing values ​​- increases the likelihood of developing Down's syndrome, cystic mole, decreasing indicators - the risk of miscarriage.

    Additional tests for expectant mothers

    1. Three times during the entire period of pregnancy, women are recommended to do a PAP test - this is a cytological study, a smear from the cervical mucosa is used as a biomaterial. The study can identify various dangerous infections - HPV, chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, precancerous conditions.
    2. The sail test is a specific analysis that is carried out to detect violations of the synthesis of a special protein that is responsible for blood clotting. Significant deviations from the norm can cause miscarriage, premature birth, uterine bleeding, placental thrombosis.
    3. Chorionic villus analysis - a test for the detection of genetic anomalies, is carried out at 9-11 weeks. Using a special tool or a thin needle, a small sample of placental tissue is taken, the procedure is almost safe, the risk of miscarriage is minimal.
    4. Amniocentesis - a study of amniotic fluid and fetal cells, is performed at 16-24 weeks of pregnancy. Assign only with poor performance of the first, second screening.
    5. An ethanol test during pregnancy allows you to identify signs of DIC, a tendency to thrombosis, and calculate the risks of preeclampsia. Normally, in expectant mothers, this analysis should be negative, with a positive result, the likelihood of miscarriage due to thrombosis of the placental vessels increases.

    Do not be alarmed if the doctor prescribes additional tests for you during pregnancy - there are no completely reliable diagnostic methods for accurately identifying pathologies in the baby.

    If the results of mandatory examinations seem suspicious to your gynecologist, he will definitely send you for additional studies, such is his job. And you just need to calm down, treat all the tests as an additional opportunity to learn more about the intrauterine development of your child.


    A triple test during pregnancy is a significant method of prenatal diagnosis, but only a significant deviation from the norm of all three indicators indicates serious problems. The It's Kids team advises never to get nervous ahead of time.

    Modern medicine allows the expectant mother to learn more about the development of the baby. Screening or a triple test during pregnancy reveals the risks of developing pathologies in the fetus. It is carried out to confirm or refute the results of the first screening tests, as well as if there is an urgent indication for a triple test.

    What is a triple test in the second trimester for?

    Secondary screening is carried out at 16-20 obstetric weeks. It is at this time with the correct course of pregnancy in most women, the indicators are approximately the same. Week 18 is considered the most optimal.

    The triple test consists of a combination of ultrasound diagnostics and a biochemical blood test.

    The study received this definition due to the analysis of 3 components of the blood of the expectant mother: hCG, ACE and free estriol. Together they give an overall picture of the development of the fetus and the possible risks of abnormal deviation.

    There is a group of pregnant women who are required to be screened:

    • Expectant mothers over the age of 35;
    • Couples who are closely related and expecting a baby;
    • Genetic disease of one of the parents;
    • Acute infectious disease of the mother at the beginning of pregnancy;
    • Previous frozen pregnancy, habitual miscarriage;
    • The birth of the first children with abnormal deviations;
    • Treatment with medications prohibited during pregnancy;
    • Poor first screening result.

    Before conducting the test, the expectant mother must refrain from eating citrus fruits, cocoa and chocolate, as well as exclude fatty, spicy and fried foods. You need to take the test on an empty stomach. You can eat 6 hours before the tests.

    What does the ACE test show?

    All 3 tested hormonal components perform certain functions in the developing body of the child, and enter the mother's blood.

    Alpha-fetoprotein, abbreviation AFP, is a protein produced by the baby's liver and involved in the formation of the neural tube. Once in the anatomical fluid, the hormone through the placenta enters the mother's bloodstream. Alpha-fetoprotein can be detected as early as 6 weeks of pregnancy. With various pathologies, protein release increases significantly, which is diagnosed during the test.

    Elevated levels of ACE in the blood can mean the development of the following defects:

    • kidney pathology;
    • Anomaly of overgrowth of the neural tube of the fetus;
    • Absence or overgrowth of the duodenum;
    • Brain damage.

    At the same time, the indicators should be overestimated by 3 or more times from the statistical norm. A slight increase in AFP can be observed with oligohydramnios, possible miscarriage or fetal death.

    For women with multiple pregnancies, elevated AFP results are normal.

    An underestimated level of AFP is typical for women suffering from diabetes mellitus, obesity, or with a low location of the placenta. If low AFP is combined with serious changes in other indicators, there is a risk of having a child with chromosomal abnormalities.

    What the Scores Tell You: The Triple Test for Risk of Genetic Disorders

    The level of hCG - human chorionic gonadotropin, is also important for determining the risks of genetic disorders. The hormone begins to be released after the embryo attaches to the uterine wall. Its amount increases, concentrating as much as possible on 6-7 weeks, then the level gradually drops. HCG is a protein produced by the placenta, which characterizes its condition.

    Low human gonadotropin in the second trimester may indicate the following abnormalities:

    • placental insufficiency;
    • dangers of miscarriage;
    • Fetal death.

    Overestimated parameters indicate an incorrectly established gestational age, toxicosis and diabetes of the mother, as well as gestosis of the fetus.

    High hCG in combination with reduced levels of AFP and free estriol indicates a high risk of developing Down syndrome in the fetus.

    Free estriol (EZ) is a female sex hormone produced by the liver and placenta of the fetus. It controls the process of growth of the uterus and placenta, improves the blood supply to the genital organs. E3 gives a lot of information about the course of pregnancy and fetal development.

    A low level of estriol may indicate various threats:

    • Not gestation;
    • placental insufficiency;
    • Anemia in the fetus;
    • intrauterine infection;
    • CNS defects;
    • growth retardation;
    • Pathologies of the heart.

    Underestimated rates can be observed with poor nutrition of the expectant mother or taking antibiotics.

    An increase in estriol indicates a large baby, multiple pregnancy, or the likelihood of premature birth.

    Reliability of Research: Quadruple Pregnancy Test

    To confirm or refute the risks of a genetic abnormality, specialists can do a more detailed quadruple pregnancy test. Dates are scheduled in the second trimester. An additional study of inhibin A, a female hormone, which increases during pregnancy, is added to the triple test. In the normal state of a woman, it is produced by the ovaries, in expectant mothers by the placenta and the embryo.

    The value of inhibin A indicators:

    • With an increase, there is a risk of fetal chromosomal abnormalities, Down syndrome and cystic mole;
    • Lower results indicate a risk of spontaneous abortion;
    • The norm is 2.0 MOM.

    The quadruple test must be supplemented with ultrasound diagnostics of the fetus. At high risks, additional studies are prescribed to confirm chromosomal pathology.

    The deviation of one of the tested indicators does not mean an anomaly in the development of the child. Only the totality of all tested analyzes that indicate a certain deviation may have risks of a genetic disorder.

    Expectant mothers must be prescribed dads - tests that are carried out 3 times during pregnancy. The Pap test is a cytology smear taken from the surface of the cervix. With the help of laboratory analysis, various types of infections are detected: papillomavirus, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, the presence of cancer cells. Timely detected and cured infections will not have time to harm the fetus.

    Another method for the necessary diagnostics is a sail - a test that allows you to detect violations of the production of protein C, which affects the functioning of the hemostasis system - blood clotting. Its deviation can lead to abortion, placental thrombosis, bleeding.

    What is a triple pregnancy test (video)

    Tests and analyzes will help a pregnant woman dispel fears, and if markers of genetic pathologies are found, undergo additional examinations. It should be noted that with the help of testing it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis. They only allow you to identify a risk group.