How to make a schedule for a 1 month old baby. The daily routine of a newborn baby in the first month: the correct daily routine of a baby

The birth of a little person is always an exciting event, and the first month of his life is a very important period. During this time, the baby adapts to the conditions of life, learns to eat, breathe, feel separate from his mother. In this regard, it is very important that the child spends the period of adaptation in optimally acceptable conditions.

It is necessary in the first month of the life of the crumbs to properly organize his regimen: walking, eating, bathing. A correctly built daily routine in the first days of a baby's life will have a beneficial effect on its further development and will positively affect well-being.

When the regime is adjusted, the child's behavior is calm - he is in a good mood and he is active. He is not naughty at all, sleeps well, and is happy to contact his parents. In turn, new mothers are not nervous about finding free time and space, but get real pleasure from motherhood.

Approximate daily routine for 1 month

All that is required of the baby in the first 30 days is learning to contact with parents through attempts to smile and coo, and of course, eat and sleep. A child who is assigned a certain diet, sleep and walks adapts to biological rhythms faster and better. He clearly distinguishes between day and night, and does not confuse them.

According to the observations of psychologists, we can say that those children who in the first days of life had a well-functioning daily routine and observed it, later on were more collected, disciplined and self-confident.


After birth, the baby in the first two weeks of his life sleeps most of the day (18-20 hours). He wakes up only during feeding. By the middle of the month, the baby is already sleeping less. During the waking period, the baby, in addition to what he eats, is still trying to find out the world that surrounds him. He keeps his gaze on large bright objects for a long time, examining them. Tries to catch the sounds around, reacts to her mother's voice.


In the recent past, almost all mothers fed their newborns strictly according to the schedule, because pediatricians recommended so. According to this scheme, it turns out that the child's meal occurs approximately every 3 hours. And even today, many experts advise doing just that.

But still, the best option is to feed the child when he wants to. In the first months of life, this is very important for the crumbs, because his main need is nutrition.

According to statistics, most babies require food about 6-8 times a day. But here it is necessary to take into account the individual needs of the child and the volume of a single meal, it does not matter whether it is breast milk or a prepared formula. In the first month, the baby should eat about 50-90 ml of special infant formula or breast milk at a time. Basically, young mothers adhere to the rule - to feed until they are satisfied.

It is only necessary not to forget about one point - with artificial feeding, the baby is saturated faster than when breastfeeding. This is because artificial milk mixtures are saturated with trace elements and various fatty acids. So it turns out that in order to satisfy hunger, a small portion is quite enough for babies on artificial nutrition. But then there should be intervals between feedings a little longer, so that the milk mixture is assimilated and the stomach has time to digest everything.

The main thing is to avoid overfeeding. Otherwise, there may be difficulties with digestion, the child will have colic, he will often spit up, constipation is possible.


In the first month of his life's journey, the baby is still getting acquainted with such a procedure as bathing. From the very first days, it is recommended to establish a regime of water procedures. It is better if everything happens in the evening, before the last feeding at night.

For a baby, you need to purchase a special bath. Be sure to observe the temperature regime (36-37 degrees) using a special thermometer. Later, you can simply measure the temperature of the water, trusting your feelings. You can add a decoction of various herbs to the bath: succession, chamomile, celandine or others.


Walking for a month old baby is very important. Of course, fresh air is extremely beneficial for the baby. In spring and summer, you need (for a very short time) to let the sun's rays warm the baby's face. So the children's body will begin to produce vitamin D, which prevents the development of rickets. Well, even the kids sleep well during walks in the open air.

There are a few things to keep in mind before your trip:

  • Walking is carried out only on the 10th day of life, if the child is born on time and is completely healthy
  • In winter, walk for about 10 minutes a day at a temperature not lower than -10 degrees. In summer, the duration of the walk can be 20 minutes, provided that it is not hotter than 30 degrees outside.

Massage and gymnastics

During sleep breaks, parents need to find time to work out with the baby: do some exercises and give him a massage.

A session of baby massage is gentle and careful stroking of the baby's back, his arms and legs. The tummy also needs to be paid attention and perform circular movements with your hand in a clockwise direction. So you can avoid constipation and colic in the crumbs.

Gymnastics refers to simple movements. Flexion and extension of the arms and legs, only very carefully. Give the child your thumb and when he grabs it with his palm, gently lift the baby. Kids love these activities and they are happy to pull themselves up a little.

Communication with the baby

In the period of the first month of life, it is necessary to communicate with the child and even play. The fact that it is still too early for him is an erroneous judgment. It is as important to him as eating or sleeping. In the process of games and communication, the baby initially develops confidence in the world around him, psychologists say.

You need to communicate and play with the baby in a calm environment, when he does not want to sleep, is full and he is quite comfortable. Reading short nursery rhymes is perfect for this, you can sing a song or just talk affectionately with the baby. You can play with it with rattles. Give them to the child so that he tries to keep, be sure to praise for this and help in every possible way.

The more the baby will receive affection, attention to himself and care, the more harmonious and confident his development will be.

It is impossible for a child to sleep until dinner, and arrange concerts at night. This regime, of course, needs to be changed. Do not forcefully put the baby to sleep or wake up neither light nor dawn. Walking is a great help here. It's no secret that all babies sleep soundly in the fresh air, so you need to go for a walk at a time when the baby is scheduled to sleep. So it will be possible to adjust, at least, the daytime sleep of the baby.

In order for the baby to be able to understand that morning has come, you can regularly do some hygiene procedures in the morning. When the child wakes up in the morning, take a cotton swab, soak it in warm water and wipe the baby's face. Then clean the ears, nose, anoint the places of diaper rash with baby cream. If this is done every day at the same morning time, it will become clear to the baby that a new day has come.

In the evening, it is advisable to turn off the overhead light and use something less bright to let the child know that night is coming and you need to go to bed. Musical carousels on the crib can also help in this matter. Soon the baby will catch the connection between a change of scenery and sleep.

A quiet calm melody will also help the baby fall asleep. A lullaby performed by mom is a great option. By doing this every night, you will notice that the child falls asleep on time and quickly enough.

The whole first month will not be easy for both the baby and the parents, but you still need to achieve compliance with a certain regimen. Then the result will not keep you waiting long. Very soon, the baby will go to bed and fall asleep at the strictly allotted time. This will enable him to predict further actions and respond correctly. Parents, in turn, will be able to manage their free time wisely.

When a small child appears in the family, the whole life of the parents is subordinated to the only goal - to create comfortable conditions for the newborn. He becomes the "center of the universe", and his mother adjusts her routine for him.

Daily routine of the baby by months

Some parents are accustomed to living according to a schedule, others - as it will be. But the rhythm of each of them is broken with the appearance of a baby in the house. The main concern of the mother is to feed the baby well, play with him, buy, walk in the fresh air and ensure a restful sleep.

Someone is trying to strictly follow the established regime, while another mother will trust her intuition, obeying the will of the child. Children's education specialists (starting from Benjamin Spock and ending with Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky) advise not to limit the baby's life to rigid limits, to apply the principle of a "floating schedule".

It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the development of the baby in the entire period from the first days to a year.

This time is conditionally divided by specialists into 4 stages, containing 3 months each and differing in their specifics. Therefore, it is worth varying the daily routine of the baby by the months of each of the stages.

Does a baby need a daily routine? This question is asked by many mothers, who sometimes find it difficult to make their baby live by the clock. One toddler freely withstands 3-4 hours between feedings, being in a state of sleep, and the other needs food every 2 hours.

There are children who instantly fall asleep under their breasts, while others still have time to actively stay awake after eating. It all depends on the personality of the child. In the first months of life, it is better to adjust your days to the needs of the baby, gradually accustoming him to the daily routine.

Mom's daily routine. The regime, first of all, is more worth observing for the mother, so that she has time to cope with all the affairs and still finds time to rest. It is necessary to take into account the physiology of nursing - the production of breast milk is subject to certain biological clocks.

If the child is able to obey the regime, the mother should make one to make life easier for herself. As a basis, it is recommended to take a table with the daily routine for the baby by months, proposed by Dr. Komarovsky.

Table - newborn day regimen by month:

Name of procedures

Hours for each of the periods

1 to 3 months

3 to 6 months

6th to 9th month

9th to 12th month

Main meal time 6 00 , 9 00 , 12 00 , 16 30 , 19 30 , 21 30 8 00 , 13 00 , 19 00
Lure - 10 00 , 16 00 , - -
Second breakfast/snack - - 10 00 - 15 30
Sleep at home 7 30 – 9 00 , 17 00 – 18 30 , 21 30 – 6 00 10 30 – 13 00 , 16 30 – 18 30 , 21 30 – 7 30

13 30 – 15 30 ,

Sleep in the fresh air 11 00 – 12 00 - - -
Games 6 30 – 7 30 , 12 30 – 16 30 , 20 00 – 20 30 8 30 – 10 00 , 13 30 – 14 30 , 18 30 – 19 30 10 30 – 13 00 , 16 00 – 18 30 , 20 00 – 21 00
Gymnastics, massage 9 30 – 10 30 7 30 – 8 00 7 30 – 8 00
Walk 18 30 – 19 30 14 30 – 16 00 , 20 00 – 21 00 8 30 -10 00 , 18 30 – 19 30
Water procedures 20 30 – 21 00 21 00 – 21 30

The given table of the daily routine of the baby by months will give mothers an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow best to organize the day for the baby. The average data will help parents to keep up with everything, and gradually accustom the child to the regimen.

Having made efforts at this age, it will be easier for the mother to demand order from an already more independent grown-up baby.

Child's regimen by months up to a year

If we analyze the data in the table, it is quite clear that closer to the year, the stability of the routine is being established, which is most close to the regimen of adults. The first quarter of life is more subject to the physiological characteristics of a newborn child.

Period from one month to three. The baby of the first 3 months is awake a little - his main "work" is good sleep and active nutrition. The mother should feed the newborn at least 6 times a day, but babies who do not adhere to the regimen can eat more often. Even night feedings (2-3 times) are possible.

In addition to the main hours of sleep, once a day the child should be given the opportunity to sleep in the fresh air. During an evening walk, it is preferable that the little one is awake - this contributes to a good sleep at night. The hours allotted for games are the time when they communicate with the baby.

Period from 3 to 6 months. In children over 3 months of age, nutrition is already reduced to 3 meals a day, and 2 complementary foods are introduced between them, which will replace breast milk. If the baby is saturated, then it will withstand a night's sleep until the morning. Although one-time night feeding during this period is considered the norm.

Gymnastics with massage elements during this period is carried out immediately after a night's sleep, before the first meal. In the previous period, massage is recommended after the second feeding.

The second half of the year from 6 months to 1 year. Children of the second half of the year already know how to do without night meals. They have a full-fledged second breakfast and afternoon snack on the menu. During the day, babies of this age are more awake, so a one-time sleep is enough for many, but one more small oversleeping can be introduced.

Outdoor walks and games should be combined, weather permitting. The more active the baby is during the day, the more sound he will sleep at night. Charging already adds elements of physical exercises that kids are able to do on their own.

Baby sleep schedule by month

The main goal pursued by the child's regime for months up to a year is to create comfortable conditions for the mother to perform her main job of caring for the baby. The health of the newborn also depends on this. When he is full, calm, well-groomed, then he will sleep soundly, at the hours when it is needed.

Sleep and feeding. It is not necessary to strictly adhere to the sleep schedule of the baby. No need to wake him up when it's time for feeding. It's okay if the clock moves a little. In a situation where the baby woke up ahead of time and is naughty, only the mother will be able to determine whether it is possible to pull up to the allotted time and get by with some water for now, or is it still worth feeding the baby.

Everyone has heard the saying, “Children grow up in their sleep.” Most of all, it is true at the age of one year. Especially in the first 6 months, babies sleep most of the time, gaining strength for growth. With each subsequent month, waking hours take over more and more, and closer to the year the child is already ready to explore the world.

duration. Babies, in the first 3 months, should be sleeping for 18 hours a day. Closer to six months, the norm for daily sleep is reduced by 2 hours. 7 - 9-month-old babies already have enough 15 hours a day for rest in order to develop normally. By the age of one year, the norm of sleep for babies is already 12-13 hours.

Of the above standards, most of the sleep should occur at night. Therefore, in the daily routine of a newborn, there must be hours of wakefulness during the daytime, so that the baby does not arrange them for himself at night, preventing parents from resting.

You can’t forcefully put the baby to sleep, or, conversely, stay awake too much time - this makes the child irritable, and responds to all attempts by the mother to establish a regimen with capricious behavior.

How to develop a daily routine for babies?

If before the birth of a child, the parents themselves lived without a certain routine, then it is difficult for them to adjust to the regime that the baby needs. In the first months, the whole life of a newborn includes feeding and sleeping with short periods of wakefulness. It is with these main points that the schedule is associated.

Three basic rules for developing a breast regimen:

  • It makes no sense during this period to force the baby to clearly obey the daily routine, since. his perception of life at this stage is more intuitive than conscious. Therefore, up to 3 months, the mother should be sensitive and flexible, but in the future, if she wants a quiet life for herself, she will have to develop a sense of regimen in the baby.
  • The child's body itself will eventually begin to prepare for a meal at certain hours, if it is taught to do so. The daily routine is like a tradition that must be strictly observed, but first it should be comprehended and mastered.
  • If the mother daily follows the regimen set for herself, which includes, in addition to sleeping and feeding, games and walks, gymnastics and bathing, then gradually the child will get used to such a course of life. The main thing is that each action corresponds to a certain clock.

The older the baby gets, the more he likes water procedures. Every month, lowering the temperature in the bath, accustom the child's body to dousing with water at room temperature.

Outdoor walks are also important in this regard. The weather outside the window should not become an obstacle for this - babies quite calmly endure frosts at -10 ° C. If the mother turns this event into a daily tradition, then it will be easier for the baby to adapt to the environment, resisting diseases.

The question of whether a newborn needs a daily regimen can be considered redundant. The schedule of life gradually accustoms the baby to order, which is so necessary in the upbringing of modern children, who are mostly hyperactive.

Over time, the grown-up child will go first to kindergarten, then to school, where the daily routine is the basis. The more the baby is accustomed to the regime from the cradle, the easier it is for him to adapt in society.

So 9 months ended in anticipation of a miracle, and a child was born with velvety skin, rosy cheeks and shining eyes.

Which mode to choose: strict or not quite?

If everything was somehow adjusted in the maternity hospital, then, having been discharged home, young mothers are lost in front of what and how, and in what sequence to do it.

The advice is simple: you need to organize the daily routine of a newborn baby in the first two months, adhering to which life already with the baby will quickly go back on track.

Recall that, by definition, a routine is a strict schedule set from the outside, strictly prescribing at what time the mother should feed the baby, in which - put to bed, take a walk, bathe, get a massage and even change diapers. And the baby should also begin to adapt to this newborn day regimen, which is determined by the mother.

Our grandmothers and mothers strictly followed these instructions, strictly feeding their babies every 3 hours, minute by minute, and went crazy because the newborns were capricious, cried, and behaved restlessly.

But just the kids wanted to eat again. Also, the baby could cry if he wanted to be rocked a little, put to bed.

But the mother, seeing that there was still half an hour before the baby was put to bed, played with the baby, distracted him, thereby contributing to the fact that the baby could no longer fall asleep from overexcitement.

It is not uncommon to hear that. Therefore, in this case, we will talk about an exemplary mode when An infant should be fed on demand. From the practical experience of many mothers, we can say that newborn babies with this approach eat, as a rule, 10-12 times a day and rarely 8 times.

Nowadays, it is enough to observe a certain rhythm of the day for newborns. That is, the sequence of actions should be repeated every day: awakening - feeding - hygiene procedures - massage - wakefulness - feeding - sleeping - walking - awakening - feeding - sleeping - bathing - sleeping, etc. There is nothing wrong with the fact that the baby lingered a little longer on the chest, slept more or remained awake more than in previous days.

The main thing is to keep the sequence of actions.

Morning in the daily routine of a newborn

It is likely that the morning of the baby can begin as early as 4-6 in the morning. There is nothing wrong with this, and this does not mean at all that a young mother needs to make beds, waking up all the household members and starting a new day.

It is likely that the baby will eat, he will undergo minor hygiene procedures when changing the diaper, they will be vilified on the handles, and he will fall asleep again.

The next awakening (approximately 7-8 am) should be considered the beginning of a new day. A kid who has developed all the senses will feel that active activity is being carried out in the world around him.

As a rule, the baby will be hungry again and it is unlikely that it will be possible to change morning hygiene procedures for feeding.

Therefore, first mother's milk or milk formula, and then everything else. Breastfed babies in their first month of life take 7 to 20 minutes to feel full in the morning and a little more time - in the afternoon and in the evening, before a longer sleep. After feeding, you should hold the baby vertically to allow milk to enter the gastrointestinal tract faster and eliminate strong ones.

How to wash a baby for the first three months of life?

Now it's time for your morning hygiene routine. Washing is carried out at a water temperature of +28°C. It is important to change the diaper by washing the baby under running water.

It's worth knowing that the girl should be washed strictly in the direction from the genitals to the anus. Then it is worth putting the baby on the changing table and blotting his skin with a soft warm towel. Do not wipe under any circumstances. More on that, we tell in a separate article.

Caring for a newborn boy is different from caring for a girl, so it's useful to know.

Inexperienced mothers at the initial stage may be afraid to wash the child under the tap. In this case, wet sanitary napkins will help out. Using them, you should clean the skin in the diaper area in the direction from the tummy to the back. The dried skin of the baby should be treated by applying a cream under the diaper.

Now you should pay attention to the baby's face, and in particular - his eyes, snub nose, ears.

It is necessary to prepare boiled water and pour it into 2 containers. You can add a decoction of chamomile to the water.

Then with cotton swabs dipped in water, movements directed from the outer edge of the eye to the inner, rub your eyes.

Do not forget that newborn children easily overheat and overcool, as their thermoregulation has not yet been debugged. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the child's clothing. We must not forget about the headdress.

After a walk / walks, wipe the child's face with cotton swabs dipped in boiled water, or use wet wipes.

And if suddenly the child has problems with digestion, we hope that our tips outlined will help you.

Evening swim

Before the newborn has this evening procedure, he may want to eat a few more times, and the mother will have to change diapers.

During the day, the baby should change the diaper at least 7-8 times. Indeed, due to frequent urination and bowel movements (a baby’s stool during breastfeeding happens 5-6 times a day), the baby’s skin needs frequent cleansing.

For those who are not serious about this procedure, we recall that the skin of a newborn:

  • 5 times thinner than adult skin
  • consists of an easily vulnerable hydrolipidic mantle (in other words, a “protective film” on the surface of the skin), therefore it needs daily moisturizing,
  • despite the fact that it contains more moisture (80%) than the skin of an adult, it loses it much faster.

Therefore, it is possible and necessary, starting from the first days after discharge from the hospital. For this procedure, it is enough to select the interval from 19:00 to 21:00.

Despite the fact that the umbilical cord in an infant falls off on the 5-7th day of life, the umbilical wound heals even before the 15th day of life. Based on this, during the healing period of the umbilical wound, it is recommended to use boiled water, adding a decoction of chamomile or string. Babies should not be bathed for more than 5 minutes at a water temperature of 37-37.5 °C and an air temperature of 24-25 °C.

After bathing, soaking the baby's skin with a soft towel and moisturizing it, you should feed the baby, sing him a lullaby and put him in a clean bed.

After a long day, walks, so many feedings and diaper changes, even a newborn baby is ready to stay in the arms of Morpheus for 4 hours.

During the night, the baby may wake up several more times. You just have to feed him it is desirable that only subdued lights turn on in the house and it was very quiet. Then the baby will fall asleep again.

Having developed a simple daily routine for a newborn, the mother will approximately know at what time her baby is sleeping, awake, ready to play a little, take a walk. For convenience, you can arrange the regimen of the day of the newborn in the form of a table.

This will give mom the opportunity to sometimes leave home to visit a gynecologist, make the necessary certificates, documents, necessary purchases. And at this time, caring grandmothers or other relatives, armed with a clear plan of action, will be able to sit with the baby.

The birth of a baby is a great joy for every family, but, unfortunately, not all spouses are mentally and physically ready for a complete change in lifestyle. Sleep deprivation at night, a crying newborn, lack of rest and a nervous atmosphere in the house - all these factors negatively affect the condition of both parents. Believe me, most of these problems will automatically disappear if you follow a well-designed daily routine, of course, if the baby has no health problems.

How to teach a child to the daily routine?

Literally 25-30 years ago, the position of the staff in the maternity hospital was tough and inexorable - a newborn could choke on a cry, but he was brought to his mother only at the time of feeding. Some of the babies could adapt to the standard regime, some babies cried during the entire period between meetings with their mother! To establish a regime, we advise you not to be cruel, but to use reasonable tactics:

  • if the baby is crying, and the feeding time has not yet come, do not rush to give him a breast or a bottle of food, perhaps the baby is thirsty, offer him some water or just play with your son or daughter;
  • the newborn is active, he is clearly not going to sleep - you should not leave him in the crib, waiting for him to get tired of crying and fall asleep, take the little one in your arms, sing a lullaby, it is possible that you will be able to rock him.

While awake, do not forget about hygiene procedures, including massage.

Sleep duration in the first month of life?

During the first month of life, newborns sleep 17-18 hours daily. A few helpful tips to help you get him used to the routine:

  • do not play with your daughter or son at night - let the baby get used to the traditional daily routine;
  • if the baby is drowsy and actively yawns, it means that he wants to sleep, you should not disturb him, as overexcitation can cause problems with falling asleep, put the baby in the crib, sing a lullaby;
  • silence in the daytime is a typical mistake of adults, try to immediately teach the newborn to sleep against the background of familiar home sounds, of course, we are not talking about the noise of construction tools and other excessively loud equipment.

What to do if, even after feeding, the child screams loudly, not wanting to go to bed? Try to talk to him, sing him a lullaby, carry him in your arms. If none of the measures work, it is probably worth contacting the pediatrician, perhaps the newborn has a tummy ache or suffers from other problems.


On average, in the first month of life, a baby eat every three hours. If the mother has a lot of milk, it is possible that the newborn will be able to "hold out" longer. Try to breastfeed or bottle on schedule from day one. In between feedings, offer water or just play with the baby, perhaps he is just bored and cries to get your attention.

Do not forget that even in the first weeks of life, the baby should be awake for some time. It is at these moments that he studies the world around him, has fun, learns to distinguish voices and is glad when someone is next to him. It's best to set aside time before feeding, as many babies fall asleep immediately after they're full.

Hygiene procedures

The first month of life is the period when the baby needs a daily bath. Many mothers prefer to prepare boiled water for this, this is not the best option, it is preferable to add a decoction of string or chamomile, which have an antiseptic effect, to the container. Children's skin is extremely delicate and vulnerable, so it is enough to wash your baby with soap 1-2 times a week.

Air baths- an excellent prophylactic against diaper rash, in addition, they contribute to the hardening of the child. At these moments, do exercises with the baby, doing exercises, be sure to tell something nice to your daughter or son - let them feel your love and care. One of the important procedures is massage. It is best to do it after bathing.

Ear and nose cleaning is an important part of newborn care. Do not forget about the folds of the skin - they must be periodically treated with a cotton swab. And, of course, the navel, which requires special care in the first days of life. The health visitor will explain to you how to care for him.


Fresh air is good for the baby. It is better to walk with him at least twice every day, of course, if the weather permits. It is permissible to refrain from walking if there is a strong wind, downpour or thunderstorm outside. Be sure to take a bottle of water with you, in the summer - a spare diaper or panties with a diaper.

The duration of the walk in winter is determined solely by weather conditions. In autumn, summer or spring - within 2-3 hours in a row. During this time, the baby will have time to sleep and get hungry. Try not to overdo it with clothes, especially for those mothers who are worried that the baby may freeze. Dress your baby for the weather.

Approximate schedule of the day

We offer you to familiarize yourself with the approximate schedule for the newborn:

  • 07:00 - the first feeding;
  • 07:30–08:00 – exercise, hygiene procedures;
  • 08:00–10:30 - sleep;
  • 10:30-11:00 - second feeding;
  • 11:00-12:00 - games, communication;
  • 12:00-14:00 - sleep, if the weather permits, you can take the baby outside to get some fresh air;
  • 14:00–14:30 - third feeding;
  • 14:30–15:00 - wakefulness, if the baby is in a good mood, you can leave him alone with rattles;
  • 15:00–17:30 - sleep, as an option - a repeated walk;
  • 17:30–18:00 - fourth feeding;
  • 18:00-18:30 - communication with relatives, games;
  • 18:30–20:00 - sleep;
  • 20:00–20:30 - swimming;
  • 20:30–21:00 - wellness massage;
  • 21:00–21:30 - fifth feeding;
  • 21:30–00:00 - sleep;
  • 00:00–01:30 - sixth feeding;
  • 01:30-07:00 - night sleep.

Use this schedule as the basis, the basis for the formation of your child's individual daily routine. On average, there should be about 3-3.5 hours between feedings, the duration of each sleep session should be 2-3 hours.

Scheduled life or "free flight"?

Opponents of the day regimen insist that the newborn should be fed on demand from the first days of life, giving him the opportunity to independently establish periods of sleep and wakefulness. Following these tips, the mother puts the baby to the breast every time he cries, believing that he is hungry. On the forums, some women admit that they feed newborns every 40-60 minutes. Such a schedule causes chronic fatigue, milk production decreases, the child stops being satiated, which makes him even more naughty.

Compliance with the regime of the day has a number of advantages that cannot be denied. We list the important points:

  • Feeding at the same time forms a conditioned reflex in the child, he will wake up almost exactly on schedule.
  • A clear rhythm of alternating periods of sleep and wakefulness has a positive effect on the emotional state of the baby.
  • The mother of a newborn has the opportunity to fully relax, which means that the likelihood of problems with lactation decreases, there is time for personal life and household chores.

A common mistake parents make is hard coercion to live according to a schedule. Each child has their own biorhythms, the task of mom and dad is to catch them and take them into account when drawing up a daily schedule. For example, the baby is clearly tuned in to active communication, cooing, showing interest in toys and the environment - it is difficult to put him to bed, it is better to wait until the child gets tired and put him to bed. Such an algorithm of behavior is optimal in the first weeks of a newborn's life, when his daily routine is just being formed.

We hope that our advice will help you cope with all the difficulties, and caring for a child will turn into extremely pleasant chores. Good luck!

The child's regimen consists in performing certain actions during the day strictly on time. Like all adults, a child needs sleep, nutrition, wakefulness, the development of intellectual and physical skills, hygiene procedures and natural needs.

Every baby from birth already has some instincts. For example, newborns feel the need for sleep and nutrition after a certain period of time, but any child is endowed with his own biorhythms.

Each child has individual biorhythms that are not always convenient for adults.

It will become much easier for you if you stick to a certain schedule, taking into account the individual characteristics of the baby. This will not require much effort, but it will bring considerable benefits to others and to the baby himself.

The daily routine of the baby

In the first time after birth, the baby spends most of the time in a dream. The daily routine of a child up to a year old is distinguished by a constant character, so it is much easier for a mother to adjust her time and adapt to it. What does a baby usually do during the day? What should the daily routine for a baby look like? Let's try to answer these questions that concern young parents.

morning hours

Every family has a custom to spend the morning in their own way. In one of the morning hours, the baby is actively awake. He tends to play, smile, get acquainted with the world around him. From infancy, the baby must be taught morning hygiene: the procedure for washing and changing clothes. Morning time is well suited for gymnastics, massage, as well as taking air baths with a crumb.

The signal that the baby has played enough and is tired is the desire to climb onto the mother’s arms and cuddle up to her chest. The first morning feeding falls between 5 and 9 o'clock. The newborn gets food and goes to bed, and at this time the mother has a free minute.

daytime hours

Usually during the daytime, the baby goes to bed twice, the duration of sleep is from 2 to 4 hours. While the newborn is awake, he continues to learn about the world around him. If the baby is satisfied with everything, he is happy and behaves calmly. As soon as the baby becomes uninteresting, he begins to act up, wanting to attract attention. It will be better if the baby spends his sleep in the daytime on the street and breathes fresh air, and at this time you can enjoy talking with friends or family, read or just relax.

It is better to organize a child’s daytime sleep on a walk, then he will have a good rest and breathe fresh air

Evening hours

Being active during the day, by the evening the baby is noticeably tired. Evening time is desirable to spend in a relaxed family atmosphere. Immediately after birth, the baby must be bathed in the evenings. Over time, these water procedures will become a signal for sleep for the baby. The optimal evening time for bathing is 8-9 hours 30 minutes before feeding.

It is better for mom to prepare for sleep in advance, because after water procedures, the baby will express a desire to be with her, to feel her warmth and native smell. After the baby falls asleep, so that he feels your presence, sit with him for a little more time, and then quietly put him in a separate bed.

night hours

At night, depending on age, a newborn may wake up once or twice to eat. If the baby behaves restlessly and does not fall asleep in any way, exclude possible causes:

  1. Too light and noisy. The baby is able to fall asleep only if it is quiet and calm around. If possible, the computer and TV should not work, bright lights should be on. For good sleep, the baby must fall asleep in a comfortable environment.
  2. The kid got hungry. If the baby is full, he will not wake up at night. If the baby often gets up at night and needs to eat, tell the pediatrician about it, he may advise you to supplement it with a mixture.
  3. Hot or cold. The baby needs to create comfortable conditions for him. Make sure the room is not too hot. If the baby, on the contrary, freezes at night, freeing himself from the blanket, dress him warmer.
  4. The clothes got wet. At night, the baby should be in a diaper so that he is dry and comfortable to sleep.

Baby's daily routine from birth to a year - table

ActionChild's age
1 to 3 months3 to 6 months6 to 10 months10 to 12 months
Feeding6:00 6:00 7:00 8:00
wakefulness6:00-7:00 6:00-7:30 7:00-9:00 8:30-12:00
Dream7:00-9:30 7:30-9:30 9:00-11:00 -
Feeding9:30 9:30 11:00 12:00
wakefulness9:30-10:30 9:30-11:00 11:30-13:00 12:30-13:30
Dream10:30-13:30 11:00-13:00 13:00-15:00 13:30-15:30
Feeding13:00 13:00 15:00 16:00
wakefulness13:00-14:00 13:00-14:30 15:00-17:00 16:30-19:00
Dream14:00-16:30 14:00-16:30 17:00-19:30 -
Feeding16:30 16:30 19:00 19:00
wakefulness16:30-17:30 16:30-18:00 19:00-21:00 19:30-20:30
Dream17:30-19:45 18:00-19:45 19:00-21:00 -
Bathing19:45 19:45 20:30 20:30
Feeding20:00 20:00 - -
wakefulness20:00-21:00 20:00-21:00 - -
Night sleep21:00-6:00 21:00-6:00 21:00-7:00 21:00-7:00
Night feeding23:30 or at 2:0023:30 or at 2:0023:00 -

The child’s daily routine is formed by the mother, based on the individual characteristics of the baby, and you can simply navigate the table. The time of the procedure can always be changed, taking into account not only the preferences of the baby, but also the interests of the whole family.

There is no need to infringe on the basic interests of the whole family for the sake of the child - if desired, it will be possible to establish a regime so that everyone is comfortable

Based on the data presented in the table, we can say the following:

  1. Sleep duration is approximately 20 hours per day.
  2. The baby eats and begins to wake up. As you get older, your active time increases. During the period of wakefulness, you need to play with the baby, do massage and gymnastics, and have time to carry out hygiene procedures.
  3. Starting from the third month of life, the child spends less time sleeping and more and more awake. Sleep takes about 16-18 hours a day. During the day, the baby eats 6 times every 3 hours and once at night (we recommend reading:).
  4. At 3-6 months, the child is given about 15-18 hours of sleep per day, at night it takes about 10 hours of sleep. The number of feedings is reduced to 5 times a day and once at night.
  5. At 6-9 months, the baby sleeps 3 times for two hours during the daytime, and the time of wakefulness increases to 2.5 hours. The baby needs to be fed 5 times a day every 4 hours. The last time the baby can get food late in the evening, thanks to which he will be able to sleep the whole night. Approximately 8 hours are allotted for a night's sleep.
  6. At 9-12 months, the baby goes to bed twice during the day. The duration of sleep at this time reaches 2.5 hours.
  7. Walking must be done with the crumbs 2 times a day for two hours.
  8. During the first year of life, the regimen of the child has to undergo changes. At first, the little one sleeps 2 times in the daytime, and closer to the year only once. In a year, a child's sleep lasts about 10-12 hours a day. If you follow the pediatrician’s advice and do everything right, then in one year the child’s daily routine should approximately be as follows: feeding - 4 times a day, sleep - 2 hours, night sleep - 10 hours (without waking up for feeding).

In the daily routine of an infant, sleep takes up most of the time

Advantages of the clock mode

  1. If you adhere to the feeding regimen, this will help protect the baby from allergies and diathesis in infancy. In order for your baby to be healthy and always in a great mood, he needs to eat right. Children who eat on a schedule rarely suffer from digestive and metabolic problems.
  2. Difficult moments, such as teething or illness, will be much easier for the baby to cope with.
  3. If you perform certain procedures for the baby (walking, sleeping, morning toilet) at the same time, it will be easier for you to build your routine in such a way that you can manage all household chores (grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, etc.). d.).
  4. The kid should develop intellectual and physical skills. Parents can ask for help in raising children from close relatives (grandparents, sisters). So the little one will be able to feel the love of all family members, and they, in turn, will have a great time.
  5. If you follow your child's daily routine, don't miss any important moments. The development of the baby will occur according to his age. He will be able to walk on the street for the required amount of time. Thanks to the clock mode, your little one will always be full, dry, clean and rested.

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When planning a daily routine for a child, do not forget to take into account the peculiarities of his biorhythms. Among children there are both "larks" and "owls". Some like to get up early and stay up late, and some vice versa. Some people have a big appetite and some people have a smaller one. Some children are too active and mobile, because of which they spend a lot of energy, and some like peace and spend much less energy. This must be taken into account when drawing up a daily routine for a child.

To begin with, take a closer look at the little one - what does he do while awake, when he goes to bed and after what time does he ask to eat? See how the baby sleeps at night, and if he gets up, how often? Based on the information received, try to perform all the necessary manipulations at the same time: feed, walk, put to bed, carry out morning and evening toilet.

How to teach your child to follow the daily routine

  1. It will take a long time to get the crumbs to stick to the schedule. In the first months of life, children's organs and systems are not yet fully developed. Biorhythms are also in the process of being formed, which can cause them to confuse day with night, sleep and wake times. Your task is to help the baby learn to perceive the surrounding reality correctly.
  2. Observe how often the baby asks for food, what time she goes to bed during the day and at night.
  3. Based on the data obtained, sketch out the child's daily routine on paper.
  4. Try as soon as possible so that the baby eats and goes to bed at the same time. This is the main task of the regimen of the child.
  5. For the next two to three weeks, continue to stick to your chosen schedule. During this period, the little one should get used to the current routine. The result depends on the individual characteristics of the child: someone gets used to it faster, someone slower. On average, 8 weeks is a good indicator.
  6. It is important to know that a breastfed baby will ask to eat more often than an artificial one, since breast milk is easier and faster to digest than an adapted formula. In children on artificial feeding, pauses will reach up to 3-4 hours.
  7. Try to wake up in the morning at the scheduled hours. If the baby had a restless night - this is not a reason to break the schedule, gently pick it up, spend the morning toilet and feed it.
  8. Games, sleep, walks, bathing and feeding, try to do strictly at the scheduled hours. The result will not keep you waiting, and your little one will do everything with great desire exactly when it is needed.
  9. After about three weeks, try not to breastfeed on demand. If after 1.5 hours he again reaches for his chest, give him some water - perhaps the little one just wanted to drink.
  10. At night, you can read a book or sing a song. If the baby woke up at night, do not talk to him loudly so that he understands that he needs to continue sleeping.

It is advisable to stubbornly observe the time of the morning rise, then the child will quickly get used to the regime.

Doctor Komarovsky's advice in choosing a daily routine for babies

The most important thing, Dr. Komarovsky believes, is for parents to be able to achieve a child's day regimen in the first month of life. In the following months, this will make it much easier to establish a schedule for sleep, feeding and wakefulness of the crumbs. What does Komarovsky advise?:

  1. Before changing the baby's life schedule, observe what regimen the newborn adheres to, and keep this in mind (we recommend reading:).
  2. Pay more attention to feeding. A breastfed toddler eats every two hours, and artificial feeding should be done less frequently, otherwise the crumbs will become overweight.
  3. If the baby sleeps well at night, he will be active during the daytime. To achieve this, monitor the temperature and humidity in the room where the baby sleeps. Do not wrap the baby too much, let the skin breathe.
  4. Patience is the key to success. Do not rush things, the body of the newborn will gradually get used to the routine.

Komarovsky prefers the child's regimen by months. So it is easier for the baby to adapt to the changed conditions. Do not forget - it is necessary that the schedule you choose is suitable not only for the child, but for the whole family.

What to do if a child confuses day with night?

Some children are active at night and spend most of their time sleeping during the day. This phenomenon is called "inverted graph".

What actions should be taken if the baby confuses day with night? First, check with your pediatrician. Usually, the doctor advises giving the newborn sedatives in the form of infusion of motherwort or valerian. Make every effort to get your baby back to the normal routine of a child's day before the year.

If the baby has confused day and night, you need to return to normal mode as soon as possible.

How to return the child to the correct daily routine?

  1. Try to find out the reason why this happened. Pay attention, because of what exactly the baby cannot fall asleep. Perhaps he does not feel well: his tummy, throat or ear hurts, his temperature rises. If this is confirmed, seek help from a doctor and follow his instructions.
  2. Make sure your baby is comfortable and comfortable in your crib. Bed linen should be made of natural material. It is not necessary to put a pillow or pick up a very low one.
  3. After putting the baby in the crib, look for wrinkles in his clothes, because of which he may feel uncomfortable. Choose pajamas for the baby only from cotton or linen fabric, with the seams outward.
  4. Overnight is best