Stain removal chemicals. Acetate fabric: what is it, not synthetic, not natural, but what

When washing, dry-cleaning and removing stains, various chemical substances... To prevent damage to things, you need to know what effect chemicals have on various fabrics from fibers of plant and animal origin.
Water, penetrating into the fibers, promotes their swelling. The swelling increases when the water is heated. In this case, the fabric is usually shortened, especially if it was previously strongly stretched. For example, fabrics stretched during processing in textile factories often shrink during washing. Sometimes, in order to eliminate the shrinkage of the product, the fabric is washed or soaked in water without stretching before making it from it.
Weak alkali solutions, even when boiled, do not have a noticeable effect on cotton and flax fibers. Such fabrics can be boiled in dilute solutions of soda, potash, ash lye, etc. Caustic alkalis destroy cotton and linen fabrics therefore caustic soda should be avoided when washing.
Whitening agents (bleach, hydrogen peroxide, etc.) have a destructive effect on fiber fabrics vegetable origin and their color. Therefore, for bleaching fabrics, you can use only weak solutions of bleaching substances at a low temperature (20-30 °).
Fat solvents: gasoline, alcohol, acetone, turpentine, chloroform, sulfuric ether, benzene, carbon tetrachloride - do not have a destructive effect on tissues.
Strong mineral acids even with low temperatures carbonize, destroy tissues of plant origin, therefore, products made of cotton fabric cannot be treated with strong mineral acids (sulfuric, hydrochloric, nitric), and after processing with dilute mineral acids (no more than 0.25% strength), such products should be thoroughly washed with water, in Otherwise, "when the tissue dries, acids, concentrating, destroy it.
Of organic acids, plant fiber is most strongly affected by oxalic acid, to a lesser extent - tartaric, then - lemon. These acids destroy tissue at high temperatures, but do not have a noticeable effect at low temperatures. Acetic acid does not affect plant fiber even when heated. After treatment with organic acids, the fabrics should be thoroughly rinsed with water.
Fibers of animal origin (wool, natural silk) from the action of diluted (up to 5%) mineral acids (sulfuric, hydrochloric) practically do not change even when heated. Strong mineral acids when long-term action destroy wool and silk fibers.
From the action of strong organic acids (oxalic, formic, tartaric, citric, acetic) wool fibers are not destroyed. With prolonged exposure, some weakening is noticed. For the processing of woolen products, acetic acid with a strength of about 10-15% is widely used.
From the action of caustic alkalis, even in weak solutions (caustic soda, caustic potassium, caustic lime), woolen fabrics are completely destroyed. Alkaline salts (soda, potash) in strong solutions, and especially when heated, also destroy wool and silk. At low temperatures and in dilute solutions, alkaline salts act on wool weaker, but it becomes hard, brittle, loses its shine, therefore, after processing in a soap-soda solution, woolen fabrics should be thoroughly washed with water, adding a small amount of acetic acid in the last rinse.
With great care, weak solutions of soda (up to 0.2%) can be used for washing woolen and silk products at a temperature not exceeding 40-45 °. In stronger alkaline solutions and at higher temperatures, wool and silk fibers are significantly weakened.
Strong solutions ammonia at high temperatures they have a destructive effect on wool. Weak solutions have no effect on wool, therefore ammonia is recommended in cases where it is necessary to use a weak alkali.
From the action of strong mineral acids (hydrochloric, sulfuric), natural silk is destroyed and dissolved. Weak mineral acids (up to 1-5%) have no noticeable effect on natural silk even when heated.
Natural silk is destroyed by the action of strong caustic alkalis even at low temperatures. Weak solutions of alkaline salts also have a detrimental effect on natural silk. Simple laundry soap can weaken the strength of silk, as soap often contains free alkali. When washing, use the best soap or neutral detergents.
Artificial silk differs from natural silk by a significant thickness of fibers and often a stronger gloss, with the exception of matt silk, in which the gloss is reduced by adding special chemical materials to the silk. The fibers are destroyed by the action of mineral acids. Even weak mineral acids are not recommended.
Strong organic acids (oxalic, citric, formic, acetic) adversely affect the fibers of rayon. For processing silk, you can use only highly diluted (up to 0.5%) acids: acetic and formic.
Strong alkalis have a destructive effect on rayon fiber. For processing, very weak solutions of alkaline salts are used - soda, potash, trisodium phosphate, etc. From: the action of acetone acetate silk dissolves (is destroyed), therefore it is not recommended to clean the fabric with acetone.
Rayon fabrics do not withstand strong heat, so they should be washed at a temperature not exceeding 40 °.
Products made from synthetic fibers react differently to the action of acids and alkalis. Capron is resistant to alkalis, acetone and gasoline, but not sufficiently resistant to acids. The stability of anide under the action of acids and alkalis is the same as that of nylon.
Lavsan is not afraid of the effects of acids, alkalis and acetone, with the exception of concentrated sulfuric acid, which decomposes the fiber. Nitron is resistant. to the action of various acids and solvents. Chlorine does not dissolve in gasoline, but it dissolves well in acetone. At normal conditions it is not affected by acids, alkalis and oxidizing agents.
All synthetic fiber items are best ironed with slightly damp or through a thin damp cotton cloth. Articles made of artificial fibers, especially acetate, are also recommended to be ironed through a cotton cloth.
To properly process the fabric (dry cleaning, stain removal, dyeing, etc.), you need to know the composition and properties of the fibers, to be able to determine from which fibers certain products are made.
Linen fibers, in contrast to cotton, are straighter, not crimped. Cotton fabrics soft, loose, fluffy. Linen - smoother (polished), dense. They are less dirty and easier to wash.
Woolen fabrics determined by elasticity: if they are squeezed in a fist and released, then they immediately straighten - no folds remain on the fabric.
Natural silk they are also distinguished from artificial by outward signs: it is soft "to the touch, crunches, artificial - somewhat coarser and does not crunch.
In semi-silk fabrics on front side shiny silk threads are visible, on the seamy side - cotton, without shine.
Often, to determine the type of fibers, they resort to easy way- the so-called combustion test. If the thread of the test sample burns quickly, evenly, with a bright flame with the smell of burnt paper and leaves easily crumbling ash, these are plant and artificial fibers (except acetate). Acetate silk does not burn, but melts in the same way as nylon.
Animal fibers burn slowly with a dull smoky flame, spreading acrid smell burnt hair or burnt horn.
The fibers of cotton and flax in blended fabrics are determined by the so-called "oil test". If you wet the test piece with some vegetable oil, then the flax threads will become transparent, the cotton threads - dark.
Half-woolen fabrics are often recognized by the cut, on which woolen and cotton threads are visible, having several different colors... In semi-woolen fabrics, the warp threads usually consist of cotton, the weft threads - of wool.
The greatest difficulty is the determination of the nature of the fibers of mixed fabrics with threads from a mixture of various fibers: cotton, wool, flax, silk. To determine the nature of the fiber, it is necessary to pull out individual fibers from the warp and weft threads and determine them in one way or another.
After straightening, woolen fibers again acquire their original crimp, while cotton, linen and silk fibers remain straightened.
The cotton thread breaks with a slight stretch, with a clear border at the point of break - the sharp ends of the threads. Woolen threads stretch much more before breaking.
Artificial silk (viscose) is easily recognizable by the thread if it is moistened: a wet thread breaks much more easily than a dry one. Moisture affects the acetate silk to a lesser extent.
Due to the different ratios of plant and animal fibers to reagents, fibers can be chemically distinguished from each other.
When heated in 10% sodium hydroxide solution (alkali) of the tested tissue samples, it is possible to observe how the fibers of animal origin quickly dissolve, while the fibers of plant origin remain intact.
To distinguish wool from silk, the test specimen is placed in a zinc chloride solution. The wool remains intact, and the silk dissolves.

Acetate (fabric) is in great demand among consumers. It has a wonderful shiny surface and is easy to care for. What caused such popularity of the above material among the population? Let's try to figure it out.

Material description

Acetate - the fabric, the photo of which is presented in the article, is quite popular and belongs to artificial. It is produced from cellulose acetate by the method special treatment raw materials, always natural. This is how they differ from synthetic materials, which are made by chemical synthesis.

Very often, it is artificial silk that is called acetate. The fabric has similar properties to this material: it has the same shiny surface. But silk, unlike acetate cloth, does not dissolve in acetone.

Blackout fabric: the composition of the acetate material, its properties and care

The above material consists of:

  • 15% acetate;
  • 85% polyester.

Blackout fabric is a three-layer opaque fabric, which is made of polyester and acetate fibers, with double In its external features, this material practically does not differ from drapery fabric. But blackite fabric products have a very important unique ability. They don't let light through at all.

Therefore, the main area of ​​application of blackout fabric is the production of curtains for bedrooms. Using curtains from of this material full blackout can be achieved.

In addition, the fabric has sufficient density, so it retains heat well in the bedroom. It also reliably protects the room from drafts, since it acts as a kind of barrier. In summer, on the other hand, the blackout fabric prevents the room from heating up from the sun. Therefore, curtains made of this material are able to keep cool in hot weather indoors.

Due to the fact that the above fabric is quite dense, products made from it are distinguished by high wear resistance. The curtains do not fade in the sun, since the above material is processed by the manufacturer with special substances. They also prevent other objects in the room from burning out.

Care does not amount special labor... Photocurtains are recommended to be washed in a machine with a gentle mode (" delicate wash") Or manually.

Main advantages

The main advantages of the above material:

  • appearance reminiscent of natural silk;
  • keeps its shape perfectly, does not stretch or wrinkle;
  • excellent elasticity;
  • repels dirt and does not absorb moisture well.

Also among the advantageous properties of the acetate material is that the fabric has good drape. This is, of course, due to the fact that this matter is perfectly flexible and has a remarkable bulk.

It should be noted that acetate fabric is highly resistant to light. Therefore, products made from this material do not fade.

As far as mold is concerned, the acetate fabric is very resistant to mold. Insects cannot harm its fibers.

In the process of work, seamstresses often find on fabrics and finished products stains that are accidentally formed in the process garment production... Methods and most commonly used compositions for cleaning fabrics and products are discussed below.
The simplest and fastest way is to clean woolen and less often cotton fabrics with a brush when they are dirty with dust, fluff, dirt.
Contaminants that cannot be removed with a brush are removed by dry cleaning. Dry cleaning is carried out using solvents: gasoline, turpentine, acid, ethers, etc. Care should be taken when working with them: many of them are flammable and poisonous. Cleaning should be done in a well-ventilated area or outdoors. It is better to use a mixture of gasoline with soap or Novost powder. After handling gasoline, wash your hands with toilet soap and grease with glycerin.
Gasoline you can remove stains from fats, oils, paints, resinous substances, paraffin, wax, cosmetic creams.
White Spirit used to remove stains from resin, varnish, oil paint, tar, grease, oil. White spirit (heavy gasoline) does not damage the color of fabrics, does not destroy most synthetic fibers, films, artificial leather, accessories, acetate silk, etc.
Turpentine used to remove stains from resin, varnish, oil paint, tar, grease, oil, etc. Cleaning with turpentine is most convenient; it is the least flammable and least poisonous. Turpentine is less volatile and is often used for cleaning delicate fabrics. Turpentine is also recommended to be used in a mixture with other solvents (wine and ammonia).
Acetone is a good solvent for many organic substances. It is used to remove stains from resins, fats, oils, nitro varnishes. The flammability of acetone and its ability to dissolve fabrics made of acetate and chlorine fibers should be taken into account.
Citric acid remove stains from rust, paint, berries, red wine, coffee, tea.
Acetic acid remove fruit stains; it cannot be used to clean acetate silk fabrics.
Potassium permanganate remove ink stains from unpainted fabrics and bleach fabrics from animal fibers.
Perchlorethylene easy to remove fatty substances, oils, resins, tar, paraffin. This substance is not flammable.
Ethyl (wine) alcohol remove stains from essential oils, perfume, iodine, varnishes, resins, ink.
Ammonia remove the old oil paint, varnish, blood, oil, grease, tar, milk, coffee, mold and fly stains. If, when using ammonia, the fabrics change color, they should be immediately rinsed in a vinegar solution.
Hydrogen peroxide (perhydrol) can be used to remove iron stains from cotton and bleached linen fabrics.
Depending on the nature of the dirt, stain removal is used with or without subsequent washing.
For the successful removal of stains, it is important to determine their origin and composition, as well as what fresh spot or old. Before removing the stain, make sure that the intended method of cleaning will not damage the fabric or affect its color. The test is carried out on pieces of similar fabrics, from the inside out or on the least critical areas of the product.
If the cause of the stain cannot be established, then it is recommended to start removing it with the most simple means... First try to remove the stain with a brush or blunt metal object, rinse it off with water, or soapy water.
To remove stains using solvents, place a plate covered with filter paper, a clean cloth or cotton wool under the stain to be removed; apply a stain remover to the stain with a cotton wool or clean rag until the stain disappears; then the stain remover is carefully wiped off so as not to damage the stain of the fabric.
Products made of cotton and linen fabrics are washed with a soap and soda solution (for 1 kg of linen, 10 liters of water, 5 - 8 g of soda and 3 - 5 g of 60% soap are taken).
Skirts and blouses are washed from woolen products, which are then relatively easy to give the desired shape... It is better to use special for washing washing powders or liquid. Often, when washing woolen products, table mustard is used, which prevents large shrinkage and retains its color well. The temperature of the washing solution should be 40 - 45 "C.
Products made from natural silk are washed in the same way as woolen items.
Products made of artificial threads are washed using saponin (a substance obtained from some plants - horse chestnut, nap, primrose, etc.), Novost powder, Universal liquid; solution temperature 34 - 40 "C.
Nylon products are washed in a soft, warm soapy water, without friction.
Non-woven fabrics must not be subjected to mechanical stress during washing.
Cleaning artificial leather, raincoat, duplicated, film and adhesive non-woven materials, as well as faux fur on an adhesive and knitted basis, it is recommended to carry out without the use of solvents, because adhesives and polymer coatings can dissolve in them. For example, Bologna fabric is not resistant to the action of white spirit, perchlorethylene, etc. To clean these materials, it is recommended to use synthetic detergents intended for synthetics, for example, Novost, Lotos, etc.
Artificial fur can be cleaned with a special preparation "Mekhoochistka" followed by coating with an organic silicon emulsion to protect the fur from getting wet, electrifying, contaminated, as well as to improve shine. It is produced in a set with the "Mekhoochistka" preparation.

- synthetically obtained fiber, mainly using polyethylene terephthalate, however, there are technological maps using polycarbonates and LC polyesters. Common examples of fiber include sloter, grated, trevira, etc.

Properties: the material demonstrates excellent resistance to physical attack as well as to organic solvents. Polyester is insensitive to ultraviolet radiation, holds its shape well when heated, due to which folds and pleats are perfectly adhered to clothes. Resistant to microorganisms, moths, and other harmful insects.

Appeal: most often, polyester is excellent at high temperatures, so it can be easily washed at both 40 and 60 (although it's better to read the instructions on the label). However, heating the fabric higher specified temperatures, you may encounter the formation of folds. Regarding the detergent that can be used for washing, consider that you can use any detergent for white fabrics, and a detergent for fine fabrics for colored fabrics. This will significantly extend the life of your item. Clothes made from this material dry perfectly on their own, so do not dry them dry in your washing device. When handling polyester garments, always follow the instructions on the label. So, it is best to iron this fabric through a damp cloth in the "Silk" or "for soft tissues" mode.

A popular material whose performance is much closer to the properties of natural fabrics. Most famous brands polyamide: perlon, nylon and chelanka.

Properties: this material perfectly demonstrates its properties in summer time, since it perfectly permeates air, eliminating discomfort for the owner, and is also especially resistant to sunlight and salt sea ​​water... In addition, polyamide is considered to be one of the most durable materials.

Appeal: Handle polyamide in the same way as polyester fabrics, i.e. try not to overdry when washing and gently iron with an iron with the slightest heat and steam. One important feature- things made of polyamide are less resistant to high temperatures during washing, so we do not recommend washing them at temperatures above 40 degrees.

Viscose is a material that, depending on the processing, can look like silk, wool or linen. It turns out thanks to chemical attack on natural raw materials (cellulose), although it is one of the most "natural" fibers among the above. The essence of processing is the complete dissolution of cellulose and "forcing" it through small holes of the required diameter, thereby obtaining viscose fibers. It is possible to give the desired appearance by varying the production parameters, while the gloss, fineness and crimp of the fibers will change, which will ultimately affect the nature of the material obtained. For example, the thickening of the thread leads to the fact that the viscose fibers take the form of linen.

Appeal: it is necessary to wash in a gentle mode, not exceeding the set temperature (30-35 degrees) with a product for thin fabrics. Viscose is a vibrant and delicate fiber that cannot be twisted or dried in a centrifuge. It is best to dry the material by gently wringing or blotting with a dry cloth. It is strictly forbidden to dry the item in a drying device.

acetate and triacetate fibers are obtained from cellulose acetate in organic solvents (for example, the latter is obtained from a mixture of methyl chloride and alcohol). While depending on the method (dry or wet), you can get acetate silk or staple fiber.

Properties: Acetate fiber surpasses viscose in elasticity, does not wrinkle very much when used, it lends itself well to dyeing, which allows you to get a brighter range of colors. Triacetate fiber is less hygroscopic than acetate fiber, it absorbs moisture better, which negatively affects the properties of clothing and color fastness. Soft, high-quality material that lets in the sun's rays.

Appeal: it is best to wash it by hand, in no case use solvents or cleaning agents based on acetote, since given view It dissolves fabrics perfectly in it and may not survive washing. Good for high temperatures (washing is possible at 70 degrees), but do not overdo it, acetate decomposes at 210 degrees, and triacetate at 290. When ironing, it is best to use low temperatures and iron with back side in a sparing mode.

Elastic fabric additive allowing the material to stretch more than 6 times and then re-accept original form... Lightweight with good breathability. Compositionally, it is a segmented polyurethane material, which is quite strong to tear and abrasion, but soft and flexible. Wrinkles poorly, does not form folds when worn.

Appeal: in principle, there is a general tendency in handling fabrics - gentle washing, low temperatures, neat ironing of things. The material is very convenient, often, to remove dirt, you just need to rinse the item in water. It is very important not to use drying devices, and also to carefully monitor the rest of the fabrics in the composition in order to more accurately select the washing mode.

Polyacrylic or acrylic is a material very similar to wool, more tear-resistant, resistant to external influences, and also more easily dyed. Most often, it is used together with wool to make knitwear and outerwear.

Appeal: the fabric does not wrinkle, washing is carried out at 30 degrees, does not need ironing, since it dries perfectly by itself. As with other types of synthetic fibers, it is best to refrain from drying with drying devices.

Meryl is a new generation fiber that surpasses natural fabrics in strength and resistance to external influences, but just as easily breathable, as well as lighter ones in relation to natural fibers. The material does not allow moisture to pass through, and also does not require special care, is distinguished by an increased ability to drape, suppress the development of microorganisms and a wide variation in textures.

Nylon is one of the most known materials from polyamide solution, which is the oldest synthetic material, which instantly conquered humanity. The main distinctive properties, especially at the time of its first appearance, has become high wear resistance, gloss and lightness. The whole footage weighed much lighter than their natural counterparts, while the price was just as much cheaper. Resistant to the action of many chemical and biological reagents, does not fade under the influence ultraviolet rays, perfectly stained, which is especially unusual under the influence of artificial lighting, due to which the fabric shimmers and plays with a mass of shades.

The material also has a couple of drawbacks: it is highly electrified, and can also cause allergic reaction... Smooth and pleasant to the touch material is one of the sides of the coin, nylon is poorly breathable, creating a greenhouse effect, and also does not absorb moisture, adding discomfort to the owner during use.

Nylon is based on acetic acid and amides, so the material must not be washed in chlorinated solvents. If pure nylon is a rather problematic and complex material, then its addition to natural fibers or other synthetics masks it as much as possible. negative sides, while increasing wear resistance and aesthetics.

Lycra is one of famous brands polyurethane fiber, which is a representative of the traditional qualities of synthetics. Elasticity, lightness and fineness of the fabric allows the manufacturer not to experience special problems in the production of things from lycra, and special air permeability, wear resistance and drape are separate advantages for the buyer. It is rarely used in 100% of the product and much more often in combination, giving the product desired character and shape.

Appeal: washing at low temperatures, at which it is not recommended to use rinses, since they can negatively affect not only the quality of lycra, but also other elastane components in the material.

Sheep is considered to be the main source of wool fibers. Also used wool llama, alpaca, Angra artiodactyl breeds. The classification of woolen fabrics is divided into low quality wool - "Wolle", higher quality blends with wool have the designation "Schurwolle", or - natural wool... This classification is awarded if the woolen material has no more than 7% impurity in its composition. Finally, "Reine Schurwolle" - highest class wool, which contains no more than 0.3% of third-party fiber. Such wool has high heat-absorbing properties, practically does not get dirty and dries for a long time.

Properties: high-quality wool is resistant to strong odors, which are instantly eroded from it. In addition, in the process of wearing, such material falls off even more, which only improves its thermal insulation properties.

Appeal: the material should only be washed by hand using a detergent for woolen fabrics. A special recommendation - do not exert strong physical influence during the washing process, do not rub, twist, tug or squeeze the material strongly. Do not dry with drying devices or centrifuge. Ideal temperature regime- no more than 30 degrees, mode - wool. For gentle drying, wrap woolen thing v terry towel or let it "lie down" rather than hang it out in the sun. Exposure to ultraviolet light is better, the heat of a radiator or dryer can negatively affect the quality of the garment and cause it to increase its wear resistance.

The famous "diamond fiber" - six angora goat with a rare addition of other fiber. It is distinguished by its strength, elasticity, and the appearance of products made of mohair often attracts the eyes of passers-by due to its splendor and shine. The fabric made of this material is off-season and, due to its insulating properties, will fit perfectly at any time of the year, providing the wearer with comfort. The wool content of the Angora goat cannot be more than 85%, which is associated with the technological difficulties of production (with an increase in the percentage, the material disintegrates). We recommend using this as universal way check the authenticity of the product and the honesty of the sellers.

Angora or Angora - rabbit fluff, the content of which in the yarn cannot exceed 70%. It is very sensitive to mechanical stress and very often dissolves. The thing cannot be washed by hands or in a typewriter, and it is also undesirable to wet and expose to strong temperatures. Angora is soft and delicate fabric which is only suitable chemical wash... Along with such gentleness and exactingness, expensive species yarns using angora can last for years.

When buying cashmere fabric, there are a few details to pay attention to. First of all, the color of the fabric. Most often, the color is light gray, black or gray - this depends on the color of the goat's coat. Wool for fiber is taken from the chest or neck, which also affects the cost of the product. Natural cashmere costs thousands of dollars, and the manufacturer always indicates the density of the fibers in the yarn. The more of them - the warmer the yarn, and the less - the more it is suitable for the summer season.

Appeal: cashmere items should not be covered, they should always be treated with care, guaranteeing gentle care... When washing, use delicate treatment or hand wash, at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees. We recommend that you wash your garment after every fourth wash.

Silk is a fiber obtained from silkworm cocoons - its caterpillars are specially bred in production. Gloss, versatile smoothness and quality are those distinctive characteristics silk, which have been valued since ancient times. The silk production process consists in artificially breeding cocoons, killing them further and eroding it into hot water... The resulting yarns are often intertwined with each other to obtain the required density of the material.

Properties: due to its physical and chemical characteristics, the material can rightfully be considered universal - it can be used both in summer and winter time... The material absorbs no more than 45% of its own weight, and its moisture will not be felt tactilely. It is best to give silk items to dry cleaning, however, it is also possible handwash... According to the conditions - here, as always, no more than 30 degrees, delicate mode, no significant mechanical impact... Wet silk items do not need to be dried in a centrifuge or drying devices, but must be carefully wrapped in terry cloth, squeeze out slightly. When washing, you can use a little vinegar - this refreshes and improves color range products. The clothes are ironed on the “silk” mode, while it is not recommended to spray it with water, as this can lead to the formation of marks and stains.

even in the conditions of the appearance of a large number of synthetic fabrics, many of which, thanks to modern ways production, significantly exceed natural materials by many indicators, the production of flax and things from it did not decrease. This is primarily due to the unique properties of the material. Linen perfectly absorbs moisture, dries quickly and gives off moisture, which feels great in the warm season.

Flax fiber does not accumulate static electricity, but chemical and physical composition fibers promotes the manifestation of thermoregulatory qualities. The production of linen material consists in obtaining the necessary fiber from the stems of plants and their further yarn until the moment of obtaining linen.

Properties: Linen material has a smooth and even surface, a kind of shine, resistant to different types pollution. As experience proves, linen material is great for helping human body in the heat, lowering its temperature by 3-5 degrees. In addition, flax fiber has peculiar antibacterial properties, creating such a microclimate on the human body that prevents the formation of a pathogenic bacterial environment there (for example, fungus on the legs).

Appeal: flax tolerates the temperature well when boiling, but the temperature regime should not be exceeded anyway, erasing colored things at 55 degrees, and finished at 40. Detergent- universal powder, and the washing mode is delicate, when ironing, you can allow a high iron temperature, but it is still better to pre-moisten the material. Linen wrinkles very much, therefore it is best to dry linen made of this fiber outdoors, however, we recommend that it be quickly removed and folded after drying - this way the linen will wrinkle less, preserving its natural texture.

Cotton is the cheapest, most widespread and widespread natural fiber obtained from cotton bolls.

Properties: the material is hygroscopic. Moreover, when moisture is absorbed, the material can significantly increase in size, and its strength will also rapidly fall (in contrast to alternative materials, whose strength rather increases). not too strong, but comfortable material, sensitive to ultraviolet light, which can also cause Negative influence for its strength. High temperatures also reduce the strength by 2 times. Of the other drawbacks of the fabric, it is especially sensitive to the effects and reproduction of microorganisms, which causes the material to rot and fall apart. Some technological improvements - mercerization (simultaneous treatment with an alkaline solution during stretching) and refining (reduction of such indicators as ductility and crumpling) - can lead to an improvement in consumer properties.

bamboo fiber is environmentally friendly and natural fiber, which is considered one of the most modern natural products obtained by regenerating cellulose of bamboo stem. Cultivation of production raw materials, congenital antibacterial properties, environmental friendliness of use - all this attracts the attention of world clothing manufacturers to this material.

Properties: no effect of accumulation of static electricity, as well as the ability to freely wash the material in washing machine, a tendency to drop. Does not cause allergy attacks.

hemp fiber has increased tactile properties, which are clearly felt when wearing products. Like many natural materials, hemp fiber has increased thermoregulatory properties, maintaining the necessary temperature balance, depending on the season. Harmful effects sun rays is almost completely extinguished, while the bandwidth (and hence harmful effect) of other materials is at a much lower level. Hemp fiber materials are naturally practical, durable and increased time exploitation. Also, one cannot fail to note the environmental friendliness of the production of this fiber, which has positive impact on the environment.