Games aimed at the spiritually moral development of children. Card file games for moral education

Games for children There are the most diverse - some develop memory, other toddler speech, others are aimed at physical development. There are also games that develop moral qualities of a child.

We have already written about how to organize a moral education in the family. In addition to this, we offer a selection of games to develop moral qualities in a child.

"Piggy bank of good deeds"

Cut from colored paper circles or hearts. At the end of each day, offer to the child to put so many circles in the "piggy bank", how many kind things he committed today. If the baby makes it difficult, help him find this good deed even in the slightest positive things. Such a game will be a stimulus for crumbs to make something good.

"Throw anger"

Give the child black tuchs or dark blots, offer to fold them into the bag. At the same time, encourage the child to tell what bad actions were today. Agree with the baby that you fold your anger, offense or other negative emotion in this bag and go throw it away.

"Affectionate names"

The game is collective, raising a friendly attitude of one child to another. Players must stand in a circle. One of the participants throws the ball to another, calling him gentle by name. For example: Serious, Bogdanchik, Olek, etc. The second player throws the following. Wins one who called more affectionate names.


Offer children to sit in a face face and take up hands. Each child must say something good and pleasant to his neighbor, sitting nearby. The one who is intended to praise, says: "Thank you, I am very pleased." And then he tells the compliment to the next child. When the baby makes it difficult to say something, an adult must help him find the right words.

"Pyramid of Love"

Remember with the children that we all love something. Someone has a family, someone has a doll, and some simply like ice cream. Offer children to build a love pyramid. Adult starts to build it, calling what he loves and puts his hand into the center. Then each of the children calls what he likes or causes sympathy and puts his hand on top. Thus, it turned out a whole pyramid.

If you know other games for the development of morality in a child, write in the comments.

Moral education Preschoolers are a targeted activity of the educator in the formation of moral feelings, ethical ideas, putting the norms and rules of conduct that determine their attitude towards themselves, other people, things, nature, society.

Moral development Preschoolers are a process of positive qualitative changes in moral representations, feelings, skills and motives of children's behavior.

In preschool years, under the leadership of adults, the child acquires the initial experience of behavior, attitudes towards loved ones, peers, things, nature, assisted the moral norms of society in which he lives. Preschool age is characterized by great opportunities for moral education of children: some methods of conscious management of their behavior, activity, independence, and initiative are successfully formed in various developing species of their activities. In the society of peers between preschoolers, positive relationships are established, benevolence and respect for others are formed, a sense of partnership and friendship arises. Proper upbringing warns the accumulation of negative experience, prevents the development of unwanted skills and habits of behavior, which may adversely affect the formation of its moral qualities.

Let us give an example of games that can be used in working with children.


It can be done with parents and teachers, as well as with the children of the preparatory group. Its essence is that you will call your name and inherent quality. Starting on the same letter as the name.


Purpose: allows children to remember the names, each other, to establish contact.

The course of the game: the first participant (for example, to the left of the lead) calls its name. Next repeats it, and calls its. And so in a circle. Exercise ends when the first participant calls the entire group by name

"Affectionate name."

Purpose: Exercise also allows children to remember each other's names, contributes to creating a comfortable environment for each participant.

Instruction: "Remember how you are affectionately called houses. We will throw each other a ball. And one to whom the ball will hit, calls one or more of his tender names. In addition, it is important to remember who each of you threw a ball. When all children name their affectionate names, the ball will go in the opposite direction. Now you need to try not to confuse and throw the ball to someone who for the first time threw it to you, but, in addition, to pronounce his affectionate name. "

· "I will not release a ball from the circle."

Purpose. The formation of the ability to act together, removal of emotional stress.

Playing get up in a circle and take hands. A balloon starts to the center of the circle. Task - any ways, but, without disconnecting hands, keep the ball in the air as long as possible.

"Wrestlers of beauty"

Purpose: assistance in the formation of the child's personality, his social and moral relations with the world around the development of the best qualities.

You have a carriage of beauty. It is worth sending a ring on any person how everything is visible in it immediately. Children get into the circle and pull out folded palms ahead. The teacher imperceptibly puts the ring to someone in the palm. Then the children are shouting with the choir: "The ring, the ring, go on the porch." The resulting ring runs on the middle of the circle. He must touch his friends a ring and tell me that he sees the beautiful in them. One who else saw the beautiful in his friends, gets a carriage of beauty as a gift.

"Help the blind grandfather"

Purpose: Formation of feelings Respect for adults and peers, attentive to those around them, confidence in each other, the development of the character traits that contribute to better interaction and mutual understanding in the process of communication, mastering the skills of interaction and cooperation, adaptation to ethical behaviors, conscientiousness and honesty In the execution of the game rules.

The number of players is at least 2 people. At the beginning of the game is chosen leading by draw. The presenter must offer all participants to divide the couples and find out which of them will play the role of grandfather, and who will help him. The host explains that the "grandfather" sees badly because He is old, so the eyes tie him. Then the leader with the rest of the players comes up with a route (the route should not pass on a straight road, it is advisable to bypass bushes, trees, furniture ...). On this route, players will hold the "blind grandfather". After that, the pair stand at the start and the lead the lead is sent to the road. The victorious is the couple that quickly and without errors will overcome the entire route. The complication of the game - to the "grandfather" can not be adopted and you can only lead his movement with words

· "Only good".

Objective: Help children to form an idea of \u200b\u200bgood; Development of oral speech: creative thinking, imagination.

The teacher with the ball in his hands stands in front of the children, asks them to lure in a row, and then each of them throws the ball. Children catch the ball only when some good quality (truthfulness, kindness, accuracy) is pronounced. In this case, they take a step towards the teacher. If children accidentally "catch bad quality" (intolerance, greed, anger), they take a step back. Wins the one who will come first to the teacher. This man becomes the lead.

· "Colors of emotions"

Purpose: Development of imagination, expressive movements.

The course of the game: it is selected by the drive, on the signal it closes his eyes, and the rest of the participants think among themselves one of the main colors. When the driving will open up, all the participants with their behavior, mostly emotional, try to portray this color, without calling, and the leading should guess it. You can decide for two teams, while one team will depict the color (alternately or at the same time), and the WTO-Paradise to guess.

· "Circle of honesty"

Objective: Continue to form social and moral relations with the world around the development of the best qualities of the child.

Children are divided into two teams. Members of one team get up in a circle and, holding hands, raise them up. This is a circle of honesty. The second team gets into a chain. For each other, funny music runs and runs out of the circle of honesty, like a stream. When the music stops, children forming a circle of honesty lower hands and do not produce anyone from the circle. Those who remained in the circle take turns talk about any honest actions. Then the commands change places.

"Hands get acquainted, the hands quarrels, the hands are laid"

Purpose: the correlation of a person and its tactile image, removing bodily barriers; Development of the ability to express their feelings and understand the feelings of another through touch.

The course of the game: Exercise is performed in pairs, with closed eyes, children are sitting opposite each other at a distance of an elongated hand. Adult gives tasks (each task is performed 2-3 minutes):

♦ Close your eyes, stretch your hands towards each other, get to know one hands. Try to learn your neighbor better. Lower your hands.

♦ Pull your hands ahead again, find your neighbor's hands. Your hands quarrel. Lower your hands.

♦ Your hands are looking for each other again. They want to remember. Your hands make up, they ask for forgiveness, you are friends again.

Discuss how the exercise was passed, what feelings arose during the exercise, what did you like more?

· Gaming exercise "Binding thread"

Children get up in a circle and transmit each other tangle threads so that the one who has already held the tangle does not let the thread of the hands. When the transshipment is transferred, we talk to each other good wishes.

In order for these games to be successful, they should be lived and felt by adults.


Head of MBDOU children

garden number 8 "Zorona"

S.Yu. Mesikova _________________ 2014 year


Goryachkina Valery


Didactic games.

Topic: "Kindness!"
Game number 1.

"We will help Fedore."

Didactic task: Learn to understand the essence of the concepts: "funny", "sorry", "rejoice at the other"; cause the desire to be neat.

Game task. Help Fedore.

Gaming rules. Mimic the cleaning of the room so that it is clear what and how to do.

The course of the game.

The educator asks children to listen: someone sighs. Fedor (from the fairy tale K. Chukovsky "Fedorino Mount") (Rosty Doll). The educator asks in children if they know what happened to Fedor.

Spoons escaped from me

Soca escaped from me

All familiar neighbors

I need to laugh now.

Help me, as long as

Did not run away all the dishes.

Educator. How to help Fedor? Maybe she need to wash the dishes?

Fedor. I would also wash myself, but the dishes fled. What should I do?

Educator. Children, it became funny when the dishes ran away from Fedor? (children's responses). Do you feel sorry for Fedor? (Sorry). Why? Is she to blame for everything? (children's responses). And when did you please for her? (When she brought order in the house). What was Fedor first? (Children show evil, untidy Fedor). And what fedor became then? (Children show affectionate, good and tidy Fedor). Look, Fedor, as our children keep cleanliness.

The game "Who is busy?": Children perform movements, and Fedor guess (wash the dishes, sweep the floor, wipe the dust, knock the carpet). Fedora thanks the guys, promises to be neat and begins to get into the house (pantomime). After that, the dishes return to it (the children give her cards with the image of the dishes).

Game number 2.

"Come to visit"

Didactic task:teach children to evaluate the actions of others.

Game task. To be polite.

Gaming rules. Express your emotional state in facial expressions, pose and gestures so that it is clear.

The course of the game.

The teacher does not draw the Pojarates of N. Pojarates "Pie".

Oil, eggs, flour and cottage cheese -

That's ready for the fox of the cake.

Crust on top of a fag.

Come in, animals, please.

Teddy bear hit the rotational

Wolf leaning on a stick.

And the bunny said Lisavet in response:

Sorry, dear, I don't dressed,

Here is a caftan yes a pair of boots,

Then I will definitely come to the cake.

Educator. Children, tell me, what were the guests, how did they meet the mistress of Lisa? (children's responses). The most polite were fox and bunny. What did they say? (Please forgive me). Let's play the scene.

Children play the scene, the wish playing the role of mistress and guests. Then you can play the game "Cheerful - sad": Children show a pantomime under sad and cheerful music. If the music is cheerful - show what can be done in a cheerful mood (jump, play, run, dance). If the music is sad - show another mood (sad, they regret someone, they are missing).

Didactic task.Create conditions for updating moral norms; Teach children to friendly interaction in the game.

Game task. Teach the dog is not greedy, sharing with others.

Gaming rules.Do not greed, show goodwill, look for ways to interact with other children.

The course of the game.

The teacher brings PSA (a big shaggy dog) and tells the story about how this dog has taken himself. He reads an excerpt from the poem E. Moshkovskaya "Jadde":

By the alley.

Puppy came up,

Asked a piece.

Began to guess:

Or do not give? "

Went out - went out

Just went - wished ...

Cat - Mowowka,

Asked the cat

Began to guess:

Or do not give? "


Just wished ...

The chicken came up.

Asked chicken

Began to guess:

Or do not give? "


Just wished ...

And said:

I would give!

I myself

No longer anything!

The educator asks in children, as the dog did, and asks to explain to the ps that he made bad. It proposes to teach the dog to be generous and kind. The guys explain the cops as it should be shared with others.

Children take on the role of moms and children and play the game "Share with a friend": kids play in the yard; One mother gives his daughter to the scoops and a bucket, another mother gives his daughter for a mold for the kulichiki and a blade. Children exchange toys and play together.

Then the educator in the role of Mom gives the son toy car and asks him not to be greedy, learn to play with comrades. The child independently is looking for ways to interact with comrades: offers together carrying cargo by car; He takes the role of the chauffeur, and the comrade proposes to be a master for its repair, etc. Children set in conditions of communication are looking for ways to interact with peers in the game.

Game number 4.

"Pubyers assistants"

Rule and running game:

The educator tells a fairy tale about the good and evil wizard. Dova-long lived yes there were a good wizard and evil sorcerer in the world. Good wizard worked good deeds, evil sorcerer evil deeds. People loved a good wizard and were afraid and hated the evil sorcerer. Good wizard helped people, evil sorcerer harmed. And if the evil sorcerer sent a drought, then the good wizard caused rain. In his prayers, a good wizard turned to light forces, and the evil sorcerer to the forces of darkness. But people did not know that the kind wizard and evil sorcerer had pleasants. They often collected either in the bright tower of a good wizard, or in the black castle of the evil sorcerer and played the game. And the one who won, received the right to do something. Good, if you won a kind wizard and evil, if he won the evil sorcerer. And since they played approximately one level, then good and evil in the world was about the same. But one day a kind wizard won more often, and angry evil. And when the evil wizard won, he turned the heart of the good stone. And to heal a good wizard, people should become kinder attentively, without the help of magic.

And the kids are given a task. Destroy the stone with their good words, sympathy, good actions. Only then will revive the heart of a good wizard.

Game number 16.

"Emotional" Ferby "

Purpose: Development of the emotional sphere, to learn to determine the pronounced emotion on individual fagments; Develop the ability to realize emotion; Develop color pieces.

Material: Toy "Ferby" with different emotions: joy, sadness, fear, anger, calm, surprise, shame, indifference, timidity, fatigue. Little cards with pictograms, cards with the name of emotions and the description of the external signs of manifestation of emotions (body movement, facial expression).

Gray - fatigue

Blue - calm

Green - shame

Red - Gnev

Yellow - Surprise

Orange - joy

Blue - sadness

Purple - Fear

Brown - indifference

Gaming rules.

1 option "Pictures the same emotion." Suggest children carefully consider Ferby, to draw their attention to the diversity of external signs of manifestation of emotions, their differences and similarity. Suggest everyone to portray this emotion on your face. Fantasy because of what he has such a mood. Wins the one whose expressions of emotions were understandable.

Option 2 "Find out emotion." The game uses toys "Ferby" of different colors and emotions, cards with pictograms, cards with a description of the external signs of manifestation of emotions (body movement and facial expression). The presenter gives pictures. After that reads cards with a description of the movement of the body or the expression of the face, and the player must find such emotion at home and pick up the card itself. Wins the one who will select the desired description for his "Ferby".

3 option "Find emotion." The game uses toys "Ferby" and cards with the name of emotions. Players take turns choose their cards with the name of emotions, and pick up the toy "Ferby" that comes up. Wins the one who truly picks the name to emotions.

Game number 17


Purpose: to acquaint children and parents with each other, to acquaint with the ritual of greetings.

And now let's call each other's names. Moms (Dad) call the name of their child, and children are their parent.

Guys, and let's teach the Pap and Mom to greet the way we do it in class.

Greeting ritual:

Hello my friend, (Hello)

How are you? (put hands on the shoulder)

Where have you been? (touches the uhah lobe)

I missed!

You came?! (surprised)

Okay! (hug)

That's what we are well done! Now let's make a big circle.

Guys, tell me, please, how can I call us all? (Group)

Yes, we are a group! We all play, we are doing, we are very important to love each other and call on behalf. It is very nice when you are called by name. So you appreciate and respected.
Game number 18.

"Circle acquaintance"

Purpose: secure the knowledge of the names of children and parents.

Guys in my hands heart. This heart gives warmth, friendship, love. I suggest you and call my name. My name is Valery Vladimirovna. Now pass the heart in a circle and call your names. (Children and parents pass the heart in a circle and call their names).

Well, the heart returned to me.
Game number 19.


Purpose: promote rapprochement of children and parents, form skills

listen and hear each other, express your feelings.

Guys, we are in turn wish our mothers and dads something good and start our wishes from such words: "My dear (my) mommy (daddy), I wish you ...". Together with the wishes we will pass the heart. (Children say wishes and transmit heart to each other). Well done! Wishes are just wonderful! I have a heart again!
Game number 20.

"Good animal"

Purpose: develop a sense of unity, teach children to understand feelings

others, support and empathize.

We take hands and imagine that we are one animal. We are one big, kind animal. Let's listen to how it breathes! And now we get together! On the breath we take a step forward, to exhale - a step back. And now on the breath we make two steps forward, to exhale - 2 steps ago. Inhale - 2 steps forward. Exhaler - 2 steps ago. So not only breathes the animal, it is also clearly and smoothly beating his big good heart. A knock is a step forward, knocking - a step back and so on. We all take the breath and a knock of the heart of this animal to yourself.
Game number 21

"Find your child"

Purpose: increase self-esteem, developing tactile sensations.

And you, parents know their children well? Can you learn your baby closed eyes?

First train your child's palm. Now try to learn your child blindfolded through your palms. And you guys stand quietly and do not suggest your parents. (Adult is looking for his child blindfolded).
Game number 22.

"Kind heart"

Look, it is a heart. (The presenter shows a big heart of paper). Here it is, what a big "good heart"! We all fit together in it! After all, each of us is there in it, and we will see it now (distributes small hearts).

Guys, draw a gift on your heart for your mother (Pope), and parents - for their child (d. wet and parents draw).

Game like a means of moral educationPreschooler.

"No game is not and can not be

full development.

The game is a huge bright window,

through which to the spiritual world of the child

livestream flows

representations, concepts.

The game is a spark, igniting

sparkle of inquiry and curiosity. "

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

We are facing the following tasks for the moral education of children:

1. To educate friendly relationships between children, habit to play, work, engage together; To form the ability to negotiate, help each other; The desire to please the eldest good deeds.

2. To bring up a respectful attitude towards others. Explain to children that one should not interfere in the conversation of adults; Learn to listen to the interlocutor and without challenge not to interrupt it.

3. Rail a caring attitude towards kids, older people; Learn to help them.

4. Forming such qualities as responsiveness, justice and modesty.

5. Develop volitional qualities: the ability to limit their desires, overcome obstacles standing on the way to achieve the goal, obey adult requirements and fulfill the established norms of behavior, in their actions follow a positive example.

6. Enrich the dictionary by the formulas of verbal courtesy: "Hello", "Goodbye", "please", "Sorry", "Thank you", etc.

7. Develop in boys and girls of quality, characteristic of their gender (in boys - the desire to help girls give way, squeeze a chair, skip the doorway at the door; in girls - modesty, care for others).

8. To form a self-esteem of their actions, to teach goodwill to evaluate the actions of other people.

9. Rise up the desire to express their attitude to the surrounding reality.

10. To form the ability to calmly defend your opinion.

11. To educate the desire to learn the culture of their people (through fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, works of people's decorative creativity), to form a careful attitude towards it.

12. Relieve respect for the culture of other peoples.

Moral education is carried out using certain funds and methods.

1.Iigra, as an effective means of moral education.

The game is one of the most effective means of moral education of the preschooler in the family.

In preschool age, the game is the type of activity in which its internal content is enriched, its internal content is enriched, the basic meaning of the game related to the activities of the imagination is that the child has a need to transform the surrounding reality, the ability to create a new. It connects real and fictional phenomena in the plot of the game, gives new properties and features familiar items. Taking some role (doctor, artist of the circus, chauffeur), the child does not simply try on the profession and features of someone else's personality: he enters her, gets in, penetrating her feelings and sentiment, enriching and deepening his own personality.

The child's game has its own characteristics. The emotional side of the game is often determined by the attitude between the child and adults. These relationships cause a child a desire to imitate senior family members, their relationships. What is a democratic relationship between family members, the brighter they manifest themselves in the communication of the child with adults, transferred to them in the game. Communication, a variety of life situations create conditions for the game activity of the child, especially for the development of plotting games with household themes, there is a moral education of the child. The game - as a leading type of activity of the preschooler, causes qualitative changes in his psyche (which mentioned above). The game is important for the acquisition by the child social skills of communication, interaction with peers, not to mention that the child's penetration into the world of adults takes place in the process of gaming activities. Thus, the human game is such an activity in which the social relations between people outside the conditions of direct utilitarian activities are reconstructed.

The role-playing elements begin to develop even in early childhood. In preschool age, the game consists in specific activities, which has a complex structure. It is known such a variety of preschoolers games that it is necessary to structure our knowledge - otherwise confusion will arise.

The most relevant for preschoolers are plot-role, didactic and mobile games.

1. Suitering and role-playing games The following structural components have:

Plot - That is, the reality that children reflect in their games. Usually they reproduce scenes from family life and work. At the same time, each preschool age is typical to reproduce different sides of reality within the same plot (from concentrating on the performance before the reflection of complex social relations).

Throughout preschool childhood, there is a complication of both the plot and the content of the game.

In the course of the plot games, the preschooler takes certain role And obeys rules, demanding from other children of their observance. Given this feature of the plot-role-playing games, an adult is important to competently manage the game of children to convey to them moral norms of behavior and rules that are reproduced by children in the process of gaming activities.

2. Didactic games - This is a specific and informative activity for children. This type of game has ready gaming material, intent and rules. Didactic games are used in the pedagogical process (in contrast to the plot-role, which have a spontaneous character). Didactic games have target. This game is aimed at obtaining a specific result. The goal has two aspects:

Cognitive, i.e. what we must teach a child;

Educational, i.e. Those ways of cooperation, form of communication and attitudes towards other people who should be instilled in children.

The purpose of the didactic game is aimed at the development of certain mental processes, abilities. The game plan is a gaming situation in which a child is introduced, and which he perceives as his own. In all cases, the intention of the game is implemented in gaming actionswho are offered to the child to take place.

An important feature of the game is gaming regulationswho are coming to the consciousness of children its intention, game actions and training task.

Adult organizes the game and directs it - it helps to overcome the difficulties, assesses the actions of the child. Didactic games are meaningful to the child with activities in which he willingly turn on. The resulting social experience becomes his personal property, as it can be applied in other conditions. The game should give a child the opportunity to apply in practice what it is familiar to him and encourage to absorb a new one.

Preschoolers form moral ideas about the careful attitude towards the surrounding subjects, toys as adult labor products, on the norms of behavior, about relationships with peers and adults, about the positive and negative qualities of the person.

In the upbringing of the moral qualities of the person's personality, a special role belongs to the content and rules of the game. Most didactic games are collective. The presence of rules creates conditions for self-organization of children, and this in turn is the basis for the formation of proper behavior and relationship among people.

3.Work games Aimed at improving health, improving the general physical fitness of children, satisfying their biological need for movements. The distinctive feature of the moving games is their emotionality (it is impossible to allow monotony). Moving games must contain interesting motor tasks, gaming images, unexpected situations. There are mobile games aimed at the development of agility, movement coordination, speed, etc.

We bring to your attention another type of games that causes interest from preschoolers. Perhaps this type of games is not as widely used by children (due to the fact that it requires special adult intervention), but their pedagogical value is indisputable.

These games make up a large group of games with rules. They are based on a variety of movement - walking, running, jumping, climbing, throwing, etc. Moving games satisfy the need of a growing child in motion, contribute to the accumulation of diverse motor experience.

Moving games are even more diverse than didactic. By birth, folk and author's games are distinguished. According to the structure, they can be divided into plot and immutty games (using motor toys, with the inclusion of sports elements). There are also games in the nature of their organization: in this case, games are allocated without separating players to groups (commands) and with division into groups.

4.Translate games (dramatization games) - make it possible to acquaint the preschooler with the world around the images, paints, sounds. Entertainment causes joy, and the fabulous images strengthens the attractiveness of the game.

Theatrical games are divided into directorial and dramatization games.

The directors include a desk theater, shadow theater. Here the child or adult is not an active person, but creates the scene, leads the role of a toy character - volumetric or plane. He acts for him, depicts him intonation, faithful. By participating in dramatization games, the child seems to be in the image, reincarnates to him, lives his life.

Dramatic game He contributes to the mental development of children, the development of mental processes (memory, imagination, attention, etc.) and such qualities of personality as independence, initiative, emotional responsiveness, imagination. The importance of these games for the aesthetic education of preschoolers, the development of artistic abilities and creativity, which is manifested in search of a variety of expressive means to create an image of the hero of the work. The development and improvement of movements in the game contributes to the physical development of children.

Especially I would like to highlight the value of the game-dramatization in the socio-moral education of preschoolers. Children attracts the inner, emotional saturation of literary plots, concrete active acts of characters. Children emotionally master the literary work, penetrate into the inner meaning of the actions of heroes, they have an estimated attitude towards the hero. Literary work
Rates a child with a literary character, activates the processes of formation of empathy, sympathy, assistance, contributes to the formation of moral motives of behavior.

Thanks to the fairy tale, the child will know the world not only by the mind, but also with a heart, expresses his own attitude to good and evil. Favorite characters become samples for imitation and identification. In the process of work on the expressiveness of the replicas of characters, the dictionary is imperceptibly activated, the sound culture of speech, its intonational system is improved. Pronounced replicas put it before the need to correctly express. The dialogic speech is improved, its grammatical system. Theatrical activity is aimed at developing in children sensations, feelings and emotions, thinking., Imagination, fantasies, attention, memory, will, as well as many skills and skills (speech, communicative, organizational, designer, motor).


Thus, I would like to conclude that the game, as the leading activity of the preschooler, is essential in the formation of personality. Each type of game (didactic, construction, plot-role-playing, mobile, dramatization) affects the moral development of a preschooler child.


Ganina Marina Rafailovna

Municipal government special (corrective) educational institution for students,

pupils with disabilities health

"Mariinskaya special

(Correctional) Secondary school boarding schoolVIII. kind

Spiritual and moral development of pupils.

Games, exercises, parables.


Mednetseva Oksana Viktorovna.


1. The game "PUBLIC TO OTHER".
^ purpose: The formation of the ability to express its positive attitude to others, to provide and accept signs of attention.
The course of the game: Children become in a circle and in turn say something positive one of the participants of the game. Signs of attention may be marked personal qualities, appearance, skills, behavior manner, etc. In response, the child says: "Thank you, I also think that I ..." (repeats the said to him, and then reinforces one more praise to his address: "And I think that I ...")

2. The game "Prince and Princess".
^ purpose: Development of self-confidence, the ability to express a positive attitude towards others.
Games: Children stand in a circle. The center is set and declared that this is a throne. This throne sits down the one who has most of all written by the achievements and will be a prince (princess). The rest of the guys have no signs of attention - they make the plates of the paper airplanes, one by one - they launch them in the Prince and tell him something good.

3. Exercise "Creation of a miracle."

Children are divided into pairs, in one of them in the hands of the "magic wand" (pencil, twig or any other item). Touching the partner, he asks him: "How can I help you? What can I do for you?". He answers: "Spear (stansuy, tell me something ridiculous, jump on the rope," or offers something good to do later (time and place is stipulated).
This game teaches preschoolers of empathy, the ability to understand the feelings of the other, to sympathize with Him.
4. Exercise "Yes."

purpose : Improving empathy and reflection skills.
The group is divided into pairs. One of the participants says the phrase expressing his condition, mood or sensation. After that, the second must ask him questions to clarify and find out the details. For example, "Strange, but I noticed that when I am in such a state, the color of my clothes is about the same."
The exercise is considered to be fulfilled if, in response to questionings, the participant receives three affirmative responses - "Yes."
5. Exercise "Give pebbles."

Leading . "Guys, please, please, out of the box one pebble and give it to the one who wants, but necessarily with the words:" I give you this pebble, because you are the most ... "
The children who did not get anything, pebbles give the lead, but necessarily noting the best qualities of every child to which he gives a gift.
. Exercise "Slice floats on the river."

^ purpose : The development of empathy, the removal of aggressiveness, the development of non-verbal communication skills.
Material : Audio recording with calm music.
Holding : Children stand in two ranks at a distance of an elongated hand from each other - they are shores. One child is a pinch. He slowly "sails" between "shores". "Berega" with soft touches help "sofk". They tell her gentle words, called name. "Slice" chooses herself, at what speed it moves. Exercise can be carried out with open or closed eyes.
6. Exercise "Affectionate hands - a good look - a pleasant smile."

Participants are invited to put their hands on top of the hands of a neighbor, sitting on the left, watch his eyes and smile. And so in a circle.
7. Exercise "Happiness".

Goal : If most of your children are in a good mood, you can spend this game to make it even better and happy. Of course, no man can be happy constantly, but this sympathy we can expect only from the person who feels happy - then he has enough energy to notice how things are doing from others.
Materials : Paper for drawing and pencils to each child.
Instruction : « Do you know any story about a happy animal? Do you know any person who is almost always happy? When are you happy, what are you experiencing?I want you to draw a picture that will show what happens when you are happy. Use paints and lines, shapes and images that will express your understanding of happiness ... "
Help children draw symbols and abstractions.
^ And now let's discuss what makes you happy. Dictate i will record.
Write down the words on the board and give children to continue this entry. If you work with older children who write well themselves, you can decompose different sheets in the following categories: People, places, things, work ... The decade can be described in front of it something that they are creating them yesterday. They may even be composed of a poem in addition to this, in which each line begins with words: "Happiness is ...". Strings are not necessary.
Exercise Analysis:

    Why can't we feel happy all the time?

    What do you do, after some trouble again become joyful?

    When do you experience a big-big happiness?

    Do you sometimes do something that makes you happy?

8. Game "Healing Hearing".

    Was it difficult for you to fulfill the rules of this game?

    How did you feel, spoken up?

    How did you feel like a listener?

    Did you feel securely with your partner?

    Are you finding what is hearing - a personal gift?

    What do you think many people have really real listeners?

9. Exercise "Learn to appreciate individuality."

purpose : Learn to appreciate the individuality of the other.
Time spending : 60 min.
Stages of the game :
If we knew how to appreciate our own individuality, we would be easier to take a partner inacost.
Members of the group are searched in a circle, each of the paper and pencil are prepared.

    At the beginning of the game, tell about the following: "We often want to be exactly the same as the rest, and suffer, feeling that they differ from others. Sometimes really good when we are like everyone else, but our individuality is equally important. It can be appreciated. "

    Invite each player to write about some three signs that distinguish it from all other members of the group. This may be recognized by its obvious advantages or talents, life principles, etc. In any case, the information should be positive.

    Give three examples from our own life so that participants make it completely clear what is required of them. To create a gaming atmosphere, use your fantasy and a sense of humor.

    Participants record their names and perform the task (3 minutes). Warn what you collect records and read them, and members of the group will guess who is the author of certain allegations.

    Collect sheets and once again point out the positive aspects of what people are not like each other: we are interested in each other, we can find a non-standard solution to the problem, give each other impulses to change and learning, etc. Then read each text, and let the players guess who he was written. If the author fails to "calculate", it should be called himself.

^ 10. Exercise "I am you. You are me".

purpose : Awareness of your own identity.
Stages of the game : Training participants are divided into pairs and tell each other about everything that is considered necessary for a certain period of time. Partners can ask each other any questions. After communicating in pairs, participants represent each other, mutually exchanging roles.
Discussion of the game :

    What is easier to do: tell about yourself or about others?

    How did you feel when you represented a partner?

    How did you feel when a partner represented you?

    In what cases we feel silent, and in what - confidence?

11. Exercise "Values".
Participants in the group are distributed lists of possible human values:
- interesting job
- good furnishings in the country
- public acceptance
- material wealth
- Love
- a family
- Pleasure, entertainment
- self improvement
- freedom
- Justice
- Dobrot
- honesty
- sincerity
- Vera
- purposefulness,
Then everyone is proposed to choose from the list of the five most important values \u200b\u200bfor it and two values \u200b\u200bthat are not very significant at the moment. After the part of the individual work, the participants are combined into small subgroups (3-4 people) and discuss their options. Then there is a general group discussion, during which participants share their impressions. 15 minutes
12. Exercise "I say I see." Purpose: playing the situation of cashless statements.
- A description of behavior means a message about the observed specific actions of other people without estimation, that is, without attributing the motives of actions, assessing installations, personal traits. The first step in the development is to speak in a descriptive key, and not the form of assessments - the improvement of the ability to observe and report its observations without giving estimates.
- Sitting in a circle, now you are watching the behavior of others and, in turn, say that you see relative to any of the participants. For example:<Коля сидит, положив ногу на ногу>, <Катя улыбается>.
The presenter ensures that evaluation judgments and conclusions are not used. After execution, the exercise discusses whether the trend was often observed to use estimates, whether it was difficult to exercise that the participant felt. 10 minutes
^ 13. Exercise "Enemies". purpose : Learn through the appearance to see the inner, soul and character of a person, his relationship with others.
A circle.
One volunteer - in the center of the circle.
Rear: Now we pay. Group - trying to present the enemies of this person, people who were, are or might be enemies. Them:
- age ...
- social status...
- Psychological characteristics ...
- In "What cases and for what reason they would become enemies for sitting in the" Center ...
2) In the center of the circle - analyzes the statements, assumptions of the group, if he has a desire, it reacts, confirming or rejecting the assumptions of other participants.
3) Then another person sits into the center: if desired or by lot.
^ 14. Creating "Wind blows on ..." Purpose: Get more information about the interests of each other.
Instruction: The presenter begins the game with the words: "The wind blows on ... (for example, on who has blond hair)." All blonde gather in the center of the circle, press each other's hands and become in place.
Possible options:

    The wind blows on who loves ice cream.

    The wind blows on the one who has an animal at home.

    The wind blows on the one who has no rubber bands or hairpins on her hair.

    The wind blows on who loves dumplings.

    The wind blows on who has a sister.

    The wind blows on the one who has a brother.

    The wind blows on who loves to dance.

    The wind blows on the one who has many friends.

The wind blows on who loves to sing.
^ 15. Exercise "We divided the orange"
Objective: Training to constructive communication techniques.

Instruction: The presenter proposes to divide the apple into three parts so that everyone is satisfied (solution - you need to ask who wants what part).

^ 16. Exercise "Pass the signal"

Purpose: Training to contact communication.

Instruction: The presenter offers children to get into the circle and take up his hands, hiding them behind the back. The presenter starts the game by squeezing a hand near the standing participant who must transfer the signal to the following and so in a circle (if the eyes cannot be informed).

^ 17. Exercise "Class Map

Purpose: Development of involvement in the team, the significance of everyone.

Instruction: The presenter offers the guys to make a map of its class where the houses will be the students themselves, and the roads will become roads of friendship. A poster on which they placed cards with their names and draw roads, connecting them with friends. At the end, the map is hung in the class.

^ 18. Exercise "Joint drawing"

Purpose: Training in the skills of interaction, the ability to work in pairs and in the group.

Instruction: The presenter offers students to crash on the pair and holding hands for one pencil to perform some not a complex drawing. At the end, it was easy to discuss who was easily, and it's hard to perform work.

^ 19. Exercise "What are we"

Purpose: a positive attitude in general to its class.

Instructions: The presenter proposes to call as many definitions of the class beginning for each letter the word "class".

^ 20. Exercise "Clew"

Purpose: Development of self-criticality.

Instruction: The lead offers the guys wining the tangle thread for a finger to call their bad quality (in a circle). Then back the thread from the finger in the ball say as this quality can be fixed in yourself.

^ 21. Exercise "Molecules"

Purpose: Group cohesion.

Instruction: A psychologist tells the rules of the game: on the team, children need to be united into pairs, each time different. The one who will stay without a pair answers questions:

What are the rules of friendship?

^ 22. Exercise "Acquaintance"

Purpose: Representing itself and the formation of skills of confident behavior, understanding the positive image "I".

Instruction: The presenter gives the first participant to the toy and asks to introduce themselves, calling his name. Then the toy is transferred to the next participant and so while the toy returns to the lead.

^ 23. Exercise "Complement"

Purpose: The development of a positive attitude towards others.

Instruction: The lead gives the first participant to the toy symbol and says the complement: "You look good today" (options - you are very kind, cheerful, beautiful, you study well, etc.) and asks to say the complement next to the next and so while the toy does not return to the lead .

^ 24. Exercise "Friendship Island"

Purpose: Group cohesion, setting tactile contact.

Instruction: Before the exercise, the presenter spreads on the floor of the newspaper. Then says: "Imagine that you are on the island. Began tide. In order to escape, it is necessary to fit everyone on the remaining small block of the Earth. This island of salvation will serve as a newspaper. It is necessary for everyone to fit on this newspaper, no one leaving in the water. "

^ 25. Exercise "I give you warmth" (author)

Purpose: Development of benevolence to others, the establishment of tactile contact.

^ 26. Exercise "Sculpture"

Purpose: Development of the ability to understand the other, work in a pair, creative thinking and imagination.

Instruction: The presenter tells the fairy tale: "Lived, there were king and queen: Creator and Muse. And they had a daughter clay. Parents burned and cherished it, did not show anyone. She grew, and soon sculptors learned that the Creator and Muse had a charming daughter. Many wanted to marry her, but the king denounced everyone. Muza was upset, and the Creator answered: "They love themselves, their talent, not her." One day he arrived in the city of a young sculptor. I saw clay and was captured by her plasticity, grace. Clay asked the sculptor: "Do you want to be king?" "No, I like your softness, uniqueness, plastic. I see your image, "answered the sculptor. And the clay became his wife. "

After the story, the host refers to the group: "Stand apart opposite a friend, face to face, forming two circles. The inner circle is "sculptors", the external - "clay".

Then the roles are changing. The task of the "sculptor" is to cut out any image that your "clay" reminds you. Time to work 3 minutes. "

^ 27. Exercise "What are we similar"

Purpose: Cohesion and creation of a benevolent emotional background.

Instruction: Members of the group are sitting in a circle. The host invites one of the participants on the basis of any real or imaginary resemblance to him. For example: "Light, please come to me, because we have the same hair color with you (or we are residents of the Earth, or we are one growth, etc.). Light goes into the circle and invites someone from the participants in the same way. The game continues until all members of the group find themselves in a circle.

^ 28. Exercise "People of a strange city"

Purpose: learning for positive interaction techniques, raising emotional background.

Instruction: The psychologist tells children about a fabulous city, where there is an ancient clock on the square. As soon as the clock beat once, all the inhabitants greets as follows: rubbing each other, if the clock beat twice - rub the backs, if the clock beat three times - they touch the knees to each other. The psychologist gives the team, and all children begin to walk around the room in a free order. The psychologist publishes some kind of sound, and children begin to gain a conditional way. It is necessary to follow the security!

^ 29. Exercise "Ladoshki"

Purpose: Positive attitude towards each other, the ability to see good in others.

Instruction: The presenter suggests to circle his hand on the A-4 sheet of format and write one of its positive quality. Then the sheet is transmitted in a circle, and each trainer examines another positive quality of the owner of the "palm". So continues until "palm" does not return to its original place. The guys get acquainted with the opinion of classmates about themselves from the positive side. If there are many participants, they can be divided into groups and "palm" a circle will be held in group members.

^ 30. Exercise "Conductor"

Purpose: Teach children trust in others and responsibility.

Instruction: The lead distributes the path of the "tracks" to each child and offers one to become a conductor, and another driven with closed eyes (work in pairs). The slave, listening to the conductor with a pencil moves along the "tracks". The conductor must have a slave for this so that he does not touch the edge of the "track". Then the participants change. Before starting the game, you must demonstrate the exercise on the board.

At the end of the game, carry out the exchange of sensations, in which role it was easier. It is important to summarize that this is due to how responsibly behaves one, the result of another depends.

^ 31. Exercise "I + you \u003d we"

Purpose: Development of the speed of reaction, coordination, cohesion team.

Instruction: Cotton for each team needs to be built quickly:

    By growth;

    In color of the eyes (from dark to the brightest);

    By date of birth.

^ 32. Exercise "Class Emblem"

Purpose: Development of a shaped presentation of its class.

Instruction: Each group on the Watman sheet should be depicted with the emblem, including the main components and characterizing the elements of the class. Then one of the representatives of the group "Protects" its emblem

48. Exercise "Map of our path"

Purpose: Development of a projective view of a group, planning.

Materials: three or four watman sheets, pencils, markers, paints.

Instruction: All participants are divided into three or four subgroups. Each subgroup is invited to perform a drawing on a pure sheet of Watman - "Life Path" or "The Way of Fate", submitting it an arbitrary manner, for example, the form of a geographic map (universe, earthly ball, a separate mainland, country) with the name of objects. On the map may be such objects like happiness, friendship, love, family, genus, health, values, etc. Upon completion of work, each subgroup presents its drawing with comments.

^ 33. Exercise "Printing machine"

Purpose: Creating a working atmosphere, appeal to the subject of classes.

Materials: cards with letters.

Instruction: Each participant receives several cards with separate letters. The presenter explains that this letters and punctuation marks of the group should be folded together, which belongs to the topic of classes. For convenience, the letter of each word is written by one, different from others, color. The proposed phrase: "The enmity should write on the water, and friendship - on copper." The content of the phrase requires a discussion only if it was compiled by the group incorrectly.

Exercise "Who am I?"

Purpose: awareness and formation of "I-Concept", the opportunity to present themselves.

Materials: Not required.

Instruction: Participants write 10 definitions responsible for the question "Who am I?".

Those who want to read their definitions, others listen carefully and ask clarifying questions. This process teaches students to understand themselves and be attentive to each other. It is important that the discussion takes place in the atmosphere of support and respect for each person.

^ Proverbs: Bike "Wind and Sun"
Once the sun and the angry northern wind started a dispute about which of them is stronger. They argued for a long time and finally decided to face the forces over the traveler, who at that time was riding along the big road.
"Look," said the wind, "as I fell on him: MiG is a mug of a raincoat." He said and began to blow that it was urine. But the more I tried the wind, the stronger the traveler was wrapped in his cloak: he grumbled in bad weather, but drove farther and farther. The wind was angry, raced, snapped the poor traveler with rain and snow; Scroll wind, the traveler put on his cloak in the sleeve and tied to the belt. Here the wind itself was convinced that he could not pull himself.
The sun, seeing the powerlessness of his rival, smiled, looked out because of the clouds, heated, dried up the earth, and at the same time the poor semi-masonry traveler. Feeling the heat of sunlight, he boiled, blessed the sun, he took his cloak himself, turned it and tied to the saddle.

    You see, then then the meek sun an angry wind said, - caressing and kindness can be made much more than anger.

Head and Snake Tail

The snake once lived, the head and the tail of which argued all the time among themselves. The head says the tail: "I should consider olders!" The tail replies: "I am also worthy to be older." The head says: "I have ears to hear, eyes to watch, mouth to eat, when moving, I am ahead of the rest of the body - this is why the older should be considered me. And you do not have such advantages, because you can not be considered the eldest. " And the tail in response: "If I let you move, then you can move. And what if I wander around the tree three times? " He did it. The head could not move in search of food and almost died of hunger. She told the tail: "You can let me go, I admit you a passion."
- Tail, having heard these words, immediately pulled off the tree. The head again says the tail: "Since you are recognized as older, let's see how you will go first." The tail went ahead, but did not make a few steps, as fell into the fiery pit, and the snake died on fire.
^ About wind and flower
The wind met a wonderful flower and fell in love with him. While he gently caressed the flower, he answered him even greater love expressed in color and aroma.
But the wind seemed little of this, and he decided:
"If I am a flower house all my power and strength, then he gives me something even more." And he drove into a flower with a powerful breathing of his love. But the flower did not carry a stormy passion and broke.
The wind tried to raise it and revive, but could not. Then he subsided and laid on the flower with a gentle breath of love, but he faded in front of her eyes. The wind shouted:
I gave you all the power of my love, and you broke! It can be seen, there was no power of love for me to me, which means you didn't love! But the flower did not answer anything.

Stringing ax

One person disappeared an ax. He thought on his neighbor and began to look at him. In fact, he walks as she who has stolen the ax, looks like a sheltered ax, - every gesture, every word was given a thief in it.
Soon the ax found. When after that the man looked at his neighbor again, he was nothing like the stole ax ...
^ Abandoned Taiwan
He lived, was the young Taiwan, desperately making the hands of a girl living in a nearby house. For two years, he wrote to her letters, in writing a day, where he poured his love feelings.
Within two years every day, the postman brought letters to the girl. If the young man did not make such efforts, the young lady could hardly marry the one who eventually came out - for the postman who brought her all these letters.
^ Art does not argue
In one Mountain village, a man lived, known by the fact that he never argued with anyone. And now the correspondent came to him to write about him in the Guinness Book of Records. And between them such a conversation took place:

    Tell me, is it true that you lived 90 years old and have never argued with anyone?

    Yes it's true.

    Well, in general, with anyone or who?

    Generally with anyone, with anyone!

    And what even with your own wife?

    Even with his wife.

    Even with their children?

    Even with children.

    And what, for 90 years, not a single time?


    Never - never with anyone with anyone? - Already beating, the correspondent continued.

    Well, yes, - calmly answered the old man.

Correspondent (blushing and irritating):
Yes, it can not be that you never argue with anyone with anyone!

Argued, argued, argued ... - the old man replied concilibly.

Paradise hell
Once Mulle Nasreddina dreamed that he was in paradise. Beauty around! True, soon he began to feel hunger, and around anyone.
Hey! Dear! Is there anybody here? - he shouted. Immediately a person came to him and said: to your services, nor you can do everything!

Nasreddin for the start asked to eat, and there was everything in short. And whatever he asked - everything is fulfilled and in fact! I washed, got drunk, got away! Well, what else would he? A beautiful woman asked, and in the world gave him Guria - heavenly virgin. Bed with Lebia Parina - And there was a bed! And so it lasted for several days. And everything was too good, and everything was too much. Nasreddina wanted some voltage, labor, because in his entire life he was not without tension, without anything, because of what people are worried, they are written. Everything was just unbearably blissfully!
Then he acting and told him:
Not! Stop! This is too! I would be some kind of hardware. You know, terribly tired of sitting like this with empty hands.

Acting desires answered:
I can do everything but this: no work is possible here. And why do you need work?

Yes, tired! Do you understand?! Tired! It's better to go to hell if there is no work here! - said Mullah.

Acting wishes laughed to exhaustion. Having calmed down at last, he asked:
And where are you, in your opinion, are you?!

A friend in need is a friend indeed

Once, Mulla asked:

    Mullah, can you say how many friends do you now?

    How much I can not say now, "Mulla replied," because this year I got a good harvest and I live in contentment. Perhaps I can answer your question next year.


Mom poured cookies on a plate. Grandmother having fun of the cups. All sat down at the table. Vova pulled the plate to himself.

Delhi one by one, - strictly talked Misha.

The boys poured all the cookies on the table and laid it on two handhes.

Smooth? - asked Vova.

Misha measured her handful eyes.

Smooth. Grandma, pour me tea!

Grandma gave both tea. The table was quiet. Cookie bugs quickly decreased.

Crumbly! Sweet! - spoke Misha.

Yeah! - responded with the mouth of Vova.

Mom and grandmother were silent. When all the cookies were eaten, Vova took a deep breath, patted his stomach and got out of the table. Misha came the last piece and looked at Mom - she prevented a spoonful of tea. He looked at her grandmother - she chewed the crust of black bread.


The dog fiercely barking, falling on the front paws. Right in front of her, clinging to the fence, sat a little disheveled kitten. He widely revealed her mouth and mowed mowed. There were two boys nearby and waited for.

A woman looked out into the window and sucking out on the porch. She drove the dog and shouted the boys angry:

    Shame on you!

    And what is ashamed? We did nothing! - the boys were surprised.

    That's bad! - An angry answered a woman.


Two women took water from the well. The third approached them. And the old old man on the pebbles rest sat down.

Here says one woman's different:

    My son's deft is silent, no one sinks with him.

    And my sings like a nightingale. There is no such voice, "says the other.

And the third is silent.

    What do you not say about your son? - Ask his neighbor.

    What to say? - Says a woman. - There is nothing special in it.

So they scored women full buckets and went. And the old man is behind them. Women go, stop. Hands, water splashes, lomit back.

Suddenly there are three boys run away.

One through my head is tumbling, walks the wheel - the women admire them.

My other song sings, the nightingale is poured - his women heard.

And the third to the mother ran up, took the buckets and dragged them.

Women are asked by an old man:

    Well? What are our sons?

    And where are they? - The old man is responsible. - I only see one son!

Blue leaves

Kati had two green pencils. And the Lena is not one. So asks Lena Katya:

    Give me a green pencil.

And Katya says:

    I will ask my mother.

Come on the other day both girls go to school. Lena asks:

    Allowed mom?

And Katya sighed and says:

    Mom has allowed, and I did not ask my brother.

    Well, ask still brother, says Lena.

Comes Katya for another day.

    Well, allowed brother? - asks Lena.

    Brother was allowed, yes I'm afraid you break the pencil.

    I'm careful, "says Lena.

    Look, - says Katya, - Do not finish, do not push firmly, do not take the mouth. Yes, do not draw a lot.

    It's a lot, says Katya, "do not finish, do not push firmly, do not take the mouth. Yes, do not draw a lot.

    I, "says Lena," only leaflets on the trees need to draw a green grass.

    This is a lot, "says Katya, and frowns herself.

And the face disgruntled did.

Lena looked at her and moved away. Did not take a pencil.

Surprised Katya, ran after her:

    Well, what are you? Take!

    No need, Lena is responsible.

At the lesson, the teacher asks:

    Why do you, Lenochka, leaves on trees blue?

    Green pencil no.

    Why didn't you take your girlfriend?

Silent Lena. And Katya blushed as cancer and says:

    I gave her, and she does not take.

Looked at the teacher on both:

    We must give it so that you can take.