How to measure the temperature of the infant electronic thermometer. How to measure the temperature of the infant: choose a thermometer for a newborn and the optimal measurement method

Baby body temperature control is the most important part of the care of the baby. Any increase or decrease in this parameter is a signal that the body is trying to fight any ailment: inflammation, infection or virus. Sometimes the reason is that the baby tritely overheated. As a rule, parents often have difficulty with how to measure the temperature of the infant, because the traditional measurement method is not always possible.

Permissible norm

Temperature is an individual indicator that depends on the set of internal and external factors: child's clothing, body weight, operation of the domestic secretion glands and the circulatory system. There are exemplary rules to be taken to rely on to establish a health status. It is believed that normal - from 36.3 to 37.3 degrees. These indicators are set only after 2-3 months, when the thermoregulation of a newborn baby is stabilized. The method of measurement plays a big role - in the axillary depression, the temperature will be somewhat lower than with oral or rectal measurement techniques.

Often in infants this indicator can be slightly elevated due to the fact that parents wrap a child in diaper and overly warm clothes. If at the same time the kid eats well and remains calm, it's not worth the trouble, but you should reconsider the choice of things.

How can the temperature be measured?

  • Touching the body surface. Many mothers use the easiest way to measure temperature - with the help of touching the forehead with palm or lips. It is believed that it is so impossible to accurately determine this parameter, but it is quite possible to detect a heat or even a slight rise in the temperature of the infant. In this method, the mechanism of contactless infrared thermometers is based, which make it possible to measure the outermost temperature in the newborn, and roughly define the source of inflammation. It is important that the external temperature will always be slightly lower inner, as the skin cools the body to avoid overheating;
  • Oral way. For this method, all known types of thermometers will be suitable, mainly, comply with the sterility and cleanliness of the device. Before use, the instrument must be sterilized, for example, with the help of manganese. Today, thermometers in the form of pacifiers received great distribution, which are perfect for very small children on breastfeeding. Usually, with this method, the temperature is slightly higher than with the traditional dimension in the axillary depression;
  • Rectal way. For this method, the thermometer must be pre-insoled and disinfected. The tip of the device should be slightly moistened with wet cream or ordinary petroleum, so as not to cause inconvenience to the crumb. The child must be put on the back, and the legs lift a little and fix it, carefully supporting them for the ankles. The thermometer is administered directly to the rear pass about 2 centimeters;
  • Traditional dimension. The classic temperature measurement in the axillary depression can also be applied to a newborn baby. This method is the least safe, while you can get the most accurate temperature indicators. At the same time, the axillary region in an infant must necessarily be dry, otherwise the sweat can distort the thermometer readings. At the same time, it is important to tightly clamp a child's handle to maximize the infant temperature as accurately as possible.

Types of thermometers for a child

Today there is a huge number of devices for measuring the temperature in children. Each of them has limitations, its pros and cons.

Infrared thermometer

One of the last inventions of medicine is non-contact infrared degrees. The device is built on the fact that all items, including the body of the child, selects radiation during heat isolating. With the help of the device, you can measure not only the body temperature of the baby, but also a bottle with baby food or water for swimming. A large plus device is that it does not cause discomfort to the baby. At the same time, the indicators are difficult to be called accurate, because the external temperature is significantly different from the inner. When using the device for the first time, read the instructions carefully, how to measure the temperature - the disruption of operation can affect the results.

One of the varieties of this type is an ear thermometer, built on the same principle. Its plus is that it captures the internal temperature tests in the ear shell, to read the result, the device is enough just 5-7 seconds.

Mercury degree

Despite the large number of modern devices, the mercury thermometer is still in great demand. His testimony is considered as accurate as possible - the error is only 0.1 degrees, and the instrument itself has a small cost. The principle of the accumulation of mercury thermometer is built on the fact that when heated, mercury is raised by flask, and because of its features, they do not fall after cooling. That is why it must be shaken to reset the testimony.

The main minus is the temperature measurement duration of a mercury thermometer, the exact data can be obtained only after 7 minutes of keeping the device, which is difficult to make even an adult person. When measuring, fix the newborn in the hands to distract it from unpleasant impact. In addition, the fragile glass case is of great danger, as it does not stand the fall even with a small height.

Digital Thermometer

Measure the temperature electronic thermometer - the best choice for infants. Despite the fact that its accuracy is slightly lower than at the mercury analogue, it is completely safe to use and requires less measurement time, which allows the temperature to measure even the most restless crumbs. For accurate indicators, close contact with the body is needed, so the electronic thermometer is better to use the rectal way, with a traditional dimension, it will show an underestimated result.


A similar device appeared on the market at all not so long ago, but it has already managed to gain great popularity. The device is convenient to use, especially for infants, actively sucking the dust. Measure the temperature of the child needs no more than 3-4 minutes, which allows you to quickly get the data. In addition, the baby will not even notice that his familiar nipple was replaced by a thermometer, which means there will be no problems and whims when measuring temperature indicators in newborns. The device has two disadvantages - it shows only an inner temperature, which is always higher than the testimony from the body surface, in addition, as the child grows, the degrees of this type will become perfectly useless.

In order to reduce trouble and quickly measure the temperature of the infant, there are several useful recommendations:

  • Despite alternative methods, the temperature of the child is still desirable to measure in the axillary depression. It is these indicators that are considered reference. Therefore, the electronic thermometer is the most preferred method of how to measure the temperature of the child;
  • To achieve accurate readings, the temperature must be measured several times. After feeding or sleep, it may be somewhat higher, which will only cause the mother's unfortunate concern;
  • To control the growth and health of infants, the body temperature should be measured every day, preferably at the same time. At the same time it will be useful to keep a diary, which will allow to identify the average norm for your child;
  • During the measurement, you need to communicate with the baby, soothe it. This will help to reduce the alarm of the baby, and also briefly reduce its activity in order to obtain an accurate result. Swimat the baby is not desirable - this will affect the testimony;
  • Before installing a thermometer (except for a non-contact infrared thermometer), its metal tip must be warm. It will not affect the result, but will reduce the level of discomfort for the child.

Measuring body temperature in children - an important procedural moment in the first year of life. Regular measurements allow not only to identify the temperature standards for your child, but also to notice its increase in time, because it is known that small children are ill much more often than adults.

In this article, you will read information on how to measure the temperature of the infant, which devices can be measured by the temperature from a newborn or infant child, how to measure the testimony on the degrees for infant or baby, as well as much more.

Increased body temperature in a newborn baby for young parents is often the first cause for concern. However, such a state of babies is considered the norm, since after his birth, many organs have not yet formed to the end. Therefore, a certain time is required until the child's body is fully formed and adapts to the environment.

When to measure the temperature of the baby

If the infants normally feeds and calmly sleeps, then the normal body limit up to 37 ºС is considered the norm, since they still have no thermoregulation system. It is not necessary to worry about this, over time, it is normalized in an infant to standard indicators.

In such cases, the antipyretic tablets should not be infected in such cases, otherwise the indicator may fall to 35 ºС. Therefore, parents should know what body temperature is most optimal for their baby. Unfortunately, medical staff do not always inform young mothers about it, and this is very important.

Nowadays, there are many ways to measure the degrees of the body to a monthly child.

Types of thermometers for measuring body temperature:

  • electronic;
  • mercury;
  • disposable;
  • infrared.

Increased temperature in infants is a protective and natural response to the disease. It is recommended to shoot down only if it reaches a mark 38 ºС and higher.

To worry parents, if the infants are observed:

  • student breathing;
  • rapid pulse.

How to measure the temperature of the baby

Many parents are wondering how to measure the temperature of the baby? Everything is very simple, just follow the following rules:

  • put the baby on the back and in the axillary fold put the tip of the thermometer;
  • before conducting the procedure to wipe the skin and remove small particles of dirt and sweat;
  • hold the baby's hand to make the tip of the thermometer completely in contact with his body;
  • modemaker hold up to 7 or 10 minutes.

For these purposes, it is best to use a mercury thermometer. To keep track of the health of the baby, it is enough to measure the testimony of the body once a day. If necessary, 2 times a day, in the morning and evening. It should also be remembered that in the evening of infants the body increases.

If the baby cries, shouts and strains, then the temperature is also rising. To obtain more accurate data, it is recommended to measure it when it is in calm condition or sleeps. So you can measure it without having trouble and harm the infant.

It is impossible to check the temperature at the kid:

  • In the feeding process;
  • When babies scream or crying.

And you wonder how it starts? We will tell detail about its manifestations. You also need to know about, because it is quite dangerous.

If you do not know whether to buy a ball for the newborn massage, just follow the link and we will show how you can make a useful massage to your crumb.

Where to measure the temperature of the newborn

There are several ways to measure the temperature to the breast rectal. Which one for you the most optimal you choose yourself:

  • put the baby on the side, and pull the legs to the body;
  • the baby lies on the stomach at one of the parents on his knees or on the bed;
  • the child lies on the back, while the legs are raised to the top.

During the rectal dimension, it is necessary to lubricate the tip of the thermometer with children's cream or other means, for example, vaseline. It is not recommended to use the usual mercury thermometer for this purpose. Carefully and gently keep a thermometer into an anal hole for a maximum of 2 cm no more and leave for 3 minutes. So that the child does not get injured from sharp movements, it is advisable to conduct a procedure when he sleeps or in a calm state.

Where to measure the temperature of the newborn:

  • in the groin fold;
  • rectally (through the rectum);
  • through the ear;
  • in the mouth.

To measure the readings through the ear it is necessary to use only electronic devices. Pull the ear of the ear and then lift up a little up to straighten up the auditory canal, and a drumpatch was visible. The tip of the thermometer gently lead in the ear for 3 minutes.

What kind of thermometer is better to measure the temperature of the breast child

Measuring Temperature for infants Very unpleasant procedure, which can cause stress from him. Therefore, it should not be measured several times a day. Most practical and convenient to measure degrees with a baby using an electronic thermometer.

Electronic degrees are in the form of a pacifier, with which it is convenient to measure the testimony of the infant in the mouth. The only negative is that the electronic thermometer cannot be measured in the groin fold. In addition, they need to often change batteries.

Disposable thermometers are convenient for use on the road. It is enough to attach to the skin of the baby or shove under the tongue and leave no more than 1 minute.

There is another way how to measure the temperature in a child contactlessly with the help of an infrared thermometer. To do this, it is enough to bring the thermometer to the ear infant or to the skin. However, it does not give accurate data, but it allows you to measure it in 5 seconds and without harm to the infant.

How to measure the temperature of a newborn baby if such a need arises? This question is quite often bothering parents. There are a large number of different types of thermometers. About which one is better and how to use it correctly, not everyone knows.

Measurement of body temperature in a newborn

Long before drug intake, the human body begins to fight against the emergence of the inflammatory process. To neutralize malicious bacteria, the immune system is forced to connect many special features. As a result, antibodies that kill viruses or bacteria appear. But the prerequisite for such "help" is a slightly elevated body temperature. How to correctly measure the temperature in newborns?

Until that moment, until the baby goes half a year, the temperature to measure him is strongly recommended daily, since the protective barrier has no such kids installed. The adaptation function to different temperatures also has not fully completed its formation. Because of this, a newborn child up to six months often not only overheats during active games or crying, but also quickly transferred in calm state.

If the newborn has a reduced temperature (less than 35º C), then the reason is to search in the reception of medicines that lower the heat. If the kid recently used such medicines, then the temperature will not change for a long time.

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Varieties of degrees

The mercury thermometer is considered the most common and reliable way to determine the temperature in the infant. It is rarely mistaken and only 0.1 °, which makes it a truly reliable device. Naturally, there are some drawbacks. The first is that the duration of measurement (approximately 8 minutes in the armpit and about 6 minutes in the rectum) is too large.

The kid is not able to lie so long in one pose. Such a device is unsafe, because it is attended by mercury. In addition, the mercury thermometer is too fragile, so during its use you need to contact him very gently. It is almost impossible in conditions with a small child.

The electronic thermometer is almost every home first aid kit, because it is a modern and convenient tool for measuring temperature.

With it, it is possible to safely measure the temperature of the baby by any option, but when used in the axillary depression, it shows the least accurate result. It is indeed very practical in use, since the duration of the measurement is about 3 minutes.

This thermometer is only suitable for children who love the nipple, so the device will serve only until the newborn child uses a pacifier. The electronic thermometer is very inaccurate, in contrast to mercury, the error is -1 °. Such an appliance requires frequent battery replacement.

The infrared thermometer is almost the last invention. It happens two types: contactless and ear. The first type of this device in one instant measures the temperature when it is applied to the skin. It does not have the high reliability of the results, but is very practical when controlling the changing temperature or to obtain data on the temperature of artificial nutrition.

The thermometer for earnings is really very practical to measure the temperature in the infant. It copes literally for 6 seconds until the newborn sleeps. Minus such a thermal man is that it is too expensive. If parents travel along with their child, then an indispensable disposable thermometer will be. It is sold in the form of thin strips. They should be applied to the skin or put under the tongue. The duration of measurement will be approximately 1 minute. Such a thermometer is quite unreliable, but very practical on the way.

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How to measure the temperature?

If the crumb is calm, then you need to put a baby on your knees back to your chest. A thermometer should be put on the mouse and hold the crumb knob until the end of the measurement. The baby, who else can not sit, should be put on his back, then raise his handle, tightly placing the tip of the thermometer under the mouse. Then, lowering the limb, wait for the signal or withstand the device for about 8 minutes.

To find out the baby temperature, you can use a rectal way. To do this, it is necessary to put the baby on the back, one hand take its lower limbs for the ankles and lift, hanged a bit in the knees. The tip of the thermometer is recommended to apply a children's cream or, for example, vaseline. Gently put a thermometer about 2 cm in the rectum of the baby. After the temperature is measured, slowly remove the device.

The child's health status can also be checked using an ear thermometer. To do this, delay the ush's lobe a little back and slightly up. Then in the direct ear passing should be placed the terminal of the device. After the measurement is complete, it is necessary to carefully remove the thermometer, as with the introduction, pulling the baby's ear. In the thoracic baby, measure the temperature with an oral way, only using a thermometer-nipple. Other options to get information about the temperature of the baby is not.

For the grid, the inferior is considered to be the temperature of 36.3-37.3º C degrees, while in the mouth - 37.1º C, and in the rectum - 37.6-38º C. It is strongly recommended not to interfere with the body to win an infection. Reduce increased temperature indicators is recommended only when the thermometer shows a value greater than 38.5º C.

The state of health largely determines the temperature of the infants. The thermoregulation processes are not fully formed, so it is so easy to overheat or cool. It is important to follow and outside the air in the room.

The body temperature of the infants is between 36 to 37.4 degrees. During the first 10 months, it jumps for many reasons. The standard of an adult is considered to be 36.6 degrees. About 10-12 months, it becomes such both in young children.

If a small increase in the mark on the thermometer has a child for 10 months, but he is calm and eats well, perhaps at the moment of development it is the norm. To determine how many degrees is the norm for the child, you can trace the temperature regime for several days. Make measurements are needed at the same time.

At how many degrees will show the thermometer, many factors affect.

  1. Place where measurement is produced. In the mouth or in the rectum, the temperature will be slightly higher than in the axillary region.
  2. View of the thermometer. The most accurate is a mercury thermometer. Electronic thermometer can distort data to several degrees.
  3. After eating, bathing, long crying, the mark on the thermometer can rise up to 38 degrees. After sleep, or when the child is frozen, there is a reduced temperature.

The change in the indicator on the thermometer is a consequence of stress, overheating, virus, teething. May increase after vaccination. Do not shoot down the child's temperature over 3 months below 38.2 degrees. But this is if there is no contraindications.

Doctors advise immediately after the vaccination giving antipyretic and antihistamines. Such vaccinations as BCG and against hepatitis B are not accompanied by an increase in temperature. Vaccinations against polio in rare cases give a reaction above 38 degrees.

Different temperature-level options in children

In the event that a child's body temperature is above 36.6 degrees, parents begin to worry, but not always justified.

In the first days after birth, the body temperature is about 38 degrees. By the end of the first month, it comes to 37 degrees. But the temperature is not always equal to the same digit. Adults see that she constantly jumps.

Over 1 month body temperature can increase to 38 degrees after vaccination, when the first teeth are broken, with a lack of liquid, especially in hot time.

If the digit on the thermometer is above 38.2 degrees, it is in most cases a sign of pathogenic microbes in the body. But even in this case, the decrease in temperature is not required. Candles, syrups and other antipyretic can disrupt the process of natural thermoregulation. High mark on the thermometer is an indicator of the struggle of the body with infection.

If the increase occurs to 38.5 degrees, the antipyretic should be used. For children, various forms of such drugs are produced - candles, syrups, drops, solutions.

Causes of body temperature

The most common causes of heat in infants are the following.

  1. Overheat. Children, especially in the first six months of life, easy to overlay. Do not put on a child warm clothes in large quantities or for a long time to keep the sun.
  2. Infection. In this case, other signs appear - cough, runny nose, drowsiness, capriciousness, impaired appetite and sleep. Mom is not difficult to understand that the child fell ill.
  3. Teething. During this period, the child constantly scratches the gums with fingers, pulls all items in the mouth. The gums swell, they are inflamed.
  4. Reaction after vaccination. A few hours after the vaccination, the temperature rises. Vaccine against measles, vapor and rubella causes up to 39 degrees. This is the normal response of the body. There is a similar level for about three days, in rare cases - up to 5 days. To bring down the temperature can be allowed antipyretic. In the event that, for the fourth day after vaccination, snot and cough appeared, we can talk about the attachment of a bacterial or viral infection.
  5. Allergy. The temperature is high, while Allergen is present. May be accompanied by other symptoms - a rash, nasal congestion.
  6. Stress.After a long cry, overwork, or in the presence of nervous diseases in children, about 10 months, you can observe the lift mark on the thermometer.

The body temperature should not be measured every day, as it is for a child stress. For the thermometer must be taken in the following cases:

  • lethargy, capriciousness, anxiety;
  • dry oral cavity;
  • temperature rides for several days;
  • pulse and breathing became frequent;
  • face blushed;
  • if there is chills in the body;
  • blurred look;
  • increased sweat selection.

In this case, antipyretic candles will help. They are harmless and have a quick effect, they are convenient to use.

How to reduce the temperature in small children

Before the arrival of doctors should make measures as soon as possible to bring down the temperature. The following activities are allowed at home:

  • abundant drink;
  • it is impossible to go too much baby;
  • it should be done wet room cleaning and airing it;
  • the room should not be bright light, loud and sharp sounds;
  • you can make compresses - moisten a sponge with warm water and wipe the baby's body (it is impossible to spend off with alcohol or cold water, as it leads to spasms of blood vessels);
  • with an increased sweating, it is often changing clothes.

The antipyretic candles and syrups must correspond to the age of the child. At home, preparations such as Nurofen, Panadol, Ibufen are allowed. You can choose any form of their release - candles, drops, syrups.

The doctor can assign Viferon Candles or Genferon. They have an anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect, activate the protective functions of the body. With their help, it is possible to knock down the high temperature for the third day.

The temperature of the infant to the age of 10 months may be low slightly and reach 36 degrees. Even if it reached 35 degrees, but at the same time the child feels satisfactorily, there are no reasons for concern. In the case when the mark falls below 35, you should consult a doctor. Additional surveys will help to install, from which there is a reduced temperature.

In rare cases there is a congenital low temperature (always below 36 degrees). The child feels good, so it does not need to do anything.

Low temperature in the child can be caused by various reasons.

  1. In premature children, thermoregulation is broken, therefore there may be a reduced body temperature.
  2. Heat during sleep is preserved less.
  3. Low temperature is observed in viral diseases.
  4. Anemia or lack of vitamins in the body leads to a weakening of immunity.
  5. The low mark on the thermometer may be a consequence of overdose of vasoconducting droplets for the nose.
  6. Endocrine diseases.
  7. Recent reception of antipyretic drugs of various forms of release (candles, drops).
  8. If the room is cool, then the children of the first months of life are easily transferred.

What can be done to increase the temperature of the child for 10 months:

  • need to wrap a baby with a warm blanket, give warm drink;
  • create all the conditions for he rest well and slept;
  • you can make a warming massage;
  • reception of the vitamin complex.

In what cases should be treated for help

It is important to consider how many days the high or low digit is holding. It is necessary to contact the help of doctors when the body temperature is infant, especially under the age of 10 months, is accompanied by other symptoms.

  1. The violation has arisen in a child under three months.
  2. The appearance of convulsion.
  3. The neck of the child becomes tense and it is difficult to bump forward.
  4. Strong runny nose, attacks of suffocation, whistling breathing, keen wheezing.
  5. Abundant swelling.
  6. Liquid stool with foam, streaks of blood.
  7. Rare urination, urine color change.
  8. The appearance on the skin is rash.
  9. Temperature body keeps high longer than five days.
  10. Does not be shot down by antipyretic. Candles and other drugs do not help or act no more than two hours.
  11. There are chronic heart diseases, kidneys or other organs.
  12. The reduced body temperature is accompanied by the formation of skin cover, drowsiness, poor appetite. Low mark on a thermometer in children under 10 months can be a dangerous child.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the state of a small child. Features of the structure and functioning of internal organs in infants contribute to the rapid spread of the disease. It is important in the first stages to recognize the violation to prevent serious complications.

Kids are born with an immature thermoregulation system. This means that they cannot control it through the rapid breath or enhanced sweating, as we do it, adults. This is especially true for premature children.
The newborn is easily overheated in a stuffy room and overwhelmed with warm clothes, and also easily freeze if the air baths were too cool. Under these conditions, moms are interested in how to measure the temperature of the infant and interpret it. There are a lot of questions: how to make it a little child carefully? When an increased temperature feature infection, and when the result of overheating? We will talk about it.

Where can I measure the temperature?

- In the traditional way is the measurement in the axillary depression. It is actively used in older children who can already be explained, for which the procedure is carried out, as well as those who have not yet turned over and does not sit, for example, the monthly kid.

- The thermometer in the ass (rectally or in the rectum) put babies using an electronic thermometer. To do this, its tip must be pre-mixed in vaseline, and then be sure to disinfect.

During the procedure, the baby is laying the side and slightly press the knees to the tummy. The thermometer is introduced no further than 1.5-2 cm. The mucosa of the rectum is very wound, so manipulation needs to be carried out carefully.

- You can put the device in the mouth. It is important that the child does not try to nibble him or chew. To do this, it is better to offer a baby a thermometer-nipple.

- You can still measure the temperature in the ear. This is done only with the help of a deducer. Other devices for this will not fit. To put the thermometer's spout in the ear, you need to slightly delay the lobe back and a little up.

Choose a degree

The range of pharmacies is rich in such devices. Some of them are more accurate, others are more convenient to use. It is easiest to measure the temperature of the sleeping child to measure the temperature, because it is important for the correct result that the measuring device is tightly in contact for some time with the skin.

Mercury thermometer

It is considered the most accurate, since it has a small error in the measurements - only 0.1 degrees. How to measure the temperature of a breast child with a mercury thermometer? Take the baby on the hands, carefully put the thermometer's spout in the armpit and cover the crumbs handle. It is necessary to keep it at least 5 minutes, better 7-10. In order for the baby lying at this time calmly, you can give him the chest, if it is on breastfeeding.

This method has its own minuses:

- Mercury sidewars are easily fighting, and it is difficult to prevent if the baby already grows and spinning in his hands. Couples of mercury poisonous, especially for children and domestic animals.

- Due to fragility, the thermometer cannot be inserted in the ass or in the mouth. In this case, the likelihood of injury to the baby with shards of glass is great.

Electronic degree

The most common and safe option. Moms love him for not beating, it can be used and rectally, and in the mouth, and the armpit. For kids produce models in the form of dummy. But they only suit those crumbs that suck nipples.

How to measure the temperature to a newborn electronic thermometer? Turn it on by clicking on the button, and insert it under the mouse. Before use in the rectum, do not forget to lubricate the spout Vaseline. If you are comfortable to change the temperature of the infant in this way, then get a separate degree "for priests".

Of the minuses, you can note a greater error in measurements - up to 1 degree. Compared to a mercury device, this is a lot, almost 10 times. Also during operation, batteries are sitting, which also affects the accuracy of measurement.

Infrared device

It is he who is offered to be used as an ear thermal man. It is done very quickly, about 5 seconds, so it can be used even from the most restless children.

Similarly, a non-contact infrared thermometer works. He is brought to the forehead of a fevering child. Some moms even manage to measure the temperature of the dairy mixture with it.

Compared to other devices, this has a relatively high cost, while it is not so accurate as mercury.

Disposable device

It is a test strip that is applied to the skin, under the tongue and for 1 minute gives the result. Strips are not very accurate, but may be helpful in a road aid kit.


Measuring the temperature of the crumb, compare it with the norm. For each of the measurement locations, it is its own.

- The normal range when measured in the armpit is from 36.3 to 37.3 ° C.
- In the rectum, it is slightly higher - from 37 to 38 ° C.
- In the mouth of the norm will be 37-37.2 ⁰c.
- in the ear 37.6-38 ⁰c.

Increase in temperature is usually a sign of infection, but not always. Physiologically, it rises after crying, food, active games, it is also somewhat higher than in the morning. Fever children can respond to overheating, stress or endocrinological pathology. If there is no external signs of the disease, the child eats well, actively sleeps and awakes, but at the same time he has increased the temperature, it needs to be observed.

Usually doctors advise not to shoot down the temperature if it does not exceed 38.5 ° C. However, this does not concern the babies of up to 3 months, babies with the defects of the development of cardiac, nervous or pulmonary systems, as well as those who have once ever already occurred against the background of high temperatures.

Daria Romashko, pediatrician.