How to dress at home: choosing the right outfit. The apartment is like on a catwalk or what to wear at home

This time I decided to touch upon a very painful topic for most women, namely the topic of home clothes. What's the first thing that comes to mind when we present home clothes? Robe? Old things that are embarrassing to put on somewhere, but it is a pity to throw them away, thinking that no one will see anyway, and the household items seem to be like everyone else's?

There is also another extreme. Some women at home wear silk robes and translucent negligee almost all the time. Such clothes undoubtedly have a stimulating effect on a partner, and they should be in the wardrobe of every feminine woman. BUT! It is completely inappropriate to wear it at home all the time, since such clothes do not contribute to rest, a sense of comfort and relaxation.

So what to wear at home to feel comfortable and look beautiful at the same time?

The most sensible solution would be to make at least 2-3 sets of home clothes for the summer-spring and autumn-winter seasons, which can be easily combined. If you are a mom on maternity leave or work at home, then there should be much more sets. An important point when choosing home clothes is the composition of the fabrics, they should be as natural and pleasant to the skin as possible. As for the style, it all depends on your preferences, but it is better to choose the cut of the color of things depending on the type of figure and color features of the appearance! Clothes should be comfortable, fit well, be sized and up-to-date. Remember that clothes that are outdated in style add age, and we clearly do not need it! For example, I love laconic, feminine cut. In home clothes, decorative elements in the form of frills, ruffles, lace inserts, etc. may be welcome, but everything should be in moderation.

Don't limit your search for beautiful homewear to specialized departments only. You can find suitable items in other stores as well. For home, knitted and cotton dresses, tunics or loose blouses combined with leggings, comfortable trousers or jeans are perfect. A wide long skirt is also an interesting option for home clothes.

The choice of home clothes, of course, also depends on the lifestyle. If you are a mother of a small child or even several children, then in this case the functionality of things is especially important. But, always remember that clothes must also be beautiful! Always remember that you are not only a mother, who, by the way, should instill good taste in children from an early age, but also a wife in whom the husband should see an attractive woman. By the way, beautiful and functional things are far from a myth, but a reality!

And now I will pass from words to concrete examples. Especially for this article, I have prepared some examples of beautiful home clothes.

Tunics, loose blouses and a comfortable long sleeve look great with leggings, comfortable pants or jeans.

And in cold weather it will be cozy at home in a warm, oversized cardigan or dress. By the way, the combination of light flowing fabrics and chunky knits looks very gentle.

The dress these are perhaps the most comfortable clothes to wear at home. According to the style, these can be free models, and straight ones, and flared from top to bottom. The choice of length, like the style, will be individual. It all depends on the shape and your preferences. For summer, dresses made of cotton, dress-shirts are especially suitable, and for winter, knitted models and options from dense knitwear. The dress can be complemented with leggings or comfortable tight tights, pleasant to the skin.

And where without "Tracksuit" in your home wardrobe? The suit is undoubtedly very comfortable, but try to choose beautiful feminine options. In general, try to diversify the options for home clothes and look different!

I would also like to tell you about what should be indoor clothing for women housewives or women who work at home, especially if your husband works in a women's team. In this situation, you especially need to take care of how you look at home. Why? Because during the day your man is surrounded by well-dressed women, with hair, make-up, manicure, etc. No matter how strong the feelings, over time, the man will feel the difference more and more if the wife does not particularly pay attention to how she looks at home and begins to compare with the women he sees at work. Coming home, your significant other should not be disappointed, but rather admire! That is why the “home clothes” of a woman housewife should be especially elegant. Of course, cleaning in such clothes is not worth doing. To do this, choose simpler things.

When choosing the right home clothes, you need to focus not only on the comfort and attractiveness of things. The most important thing is that the clothes you choose really fit you. This means:

  1. Things must be correctly sized;
  2. The style of things should suit your figure, emphasize its merits and hide flaws;
  3. When choosing colors for home clothes, be guided by the colors that match your color type.

You probably noticed that your favorite robe is not mentioned in the recommendations. Let's define the role of the robe once and for all:

1. Dressing gown, especially soft terry, is great to put on immediately after a shower, such a dressing gown will perfectly play the role of a towel.

2. A peignoir-type dressing gown is designed to get out of the bathroom and walk to the bed, and when you wake up, walk to the bathroom. Ok, you can still have a cup of tea or coffee in it in the morning, when you are completely sleepy and you need energy charging.

At this point, it is better to limit the wearing of a robe.

But what about old things that are a pity to throw away? If the old clothes are comfortable, then leave a few things, for example, for repairs or general cleaning. But, just a few, and no more! If the thing has served its purpose, then do not regret parting with it. By the way, old things interfere with the circulation of positive energy in the house. In my opinion, a good argument not to regret old, worn-out things))

Do you need hair and makeup at home?

Definitely yes! Hair should always look well-groomed no matter if you are at home, go to work or to a restaurant. There should also be at least a minimum of makeup.

How does it smell at home?

At home, it's not just clothes that matter, but also how we smell. You must not smell of cabbage soup, borscht, laundry, etc. Light and fresh floral-fruity perfumes are ideal for home.

The way we dress and how we take care of ourselves speaks of how we treat ourselves: how much we love and respect ourselves and our loved ones. Rest assured, seeing how you take care of yourself, your significant other will also tighten up and pay more attention to their appearance at home.

While forming our wardrobe, we often forget about a very important component - home wardrobe. Some people believe that you can wear anything at home, but this is fundamentally wrong. We follow fashion news, we can spend hours looking for the right thing for work, and at home we easily put on a comfortable stretched sweater and old sweatpants. How to form a home wardrobe? We will talk about this in this article.

How and from what to form a home wardrobe?

At home, we try to maintain order and cleanliness, bring comfort and spend a huge amount of time and effort on this. But how do you do it? Usually, it is on household items that we try to save money, and we transfer everything that cannot be put on "people" into the category of home wardrobe. And it turns out that when going somewhere, we spend a huge amount of energy on creating the right image for strangers and do not care at all about how we look in the eyes of our relatives.

We maintain order and cleanliness at home, but where do we do it?

Another important factor is how our relatives and friends at home perceive us. Think about what example you set for your children? What if your husband leaves early for work and comes back after you've removed your hair and makeup? It turns out that he constantly sees you only in an old T-shirt with a sloppy ponytail.

At home, we do not need to do makeup or hair, which the stars on the red carpet will envy, but we also don’t need to walk in a t-shirt and jeans that has faded and washed dozens of times. In order to create a home wardrobe, you need to adhere to several rules:

1. Clothes for the home should be comfortable and comfortable, so choose. There should be no tight-fitting or movement-impeding items in your home wardrobe.

Clothes for the home should be comfortable and comfortable, not wrinkled and at the same time look neat and tidy

2. Household clothes should be practical, easy to wash, but at the same time not lose their appearance even after a dozen washings. Also, things should not wrinkle much, so that you do not have to constantly iron them. Therefore, it is better to choose fabrics that contain a small amount of synthetic fibers, such as nylon or elastane.

3. Choose clothes that are suitable for certain activities: cleaning, sleeping, cooking. Yes, you don’t have to wake up and go to cook breakfast in your pajamas and then tidy up the apartment. You should have separate clothes for each occasion, and you should not be afraid to change clothes several times a day. Let's talk about this in more detail.

4. Don't forget your lifestyle. At home, we will not put on a large amount of cosmetics, so the right color can beautify us at any time. In addition, do not get carried away with black or gray, because at home we can afford a lot more!

Choose your home wardrobe according to your color type and lifestyle

5. It is better to divide your home wardrobe according to the seasons. Of course, in winter you can easily walk in shorts and T-shirts, but sometimes in frosty weather it is much more pleasant to put on pants and a long-sleeved sweater.

It is very important both in everyday and in home wardrobe to have things for different situations. And if the everyday wardrobe can be easily divided into business, evening, for going to the cinema or the theater, then with the home one may not be so simple. Think, but rather, make a list of those things that you do at home. Most likely, this list will include: cleaning the house, cooking, sleeping, resting or personal affairs (watching TV on the couch is also a situation!), Playing with children, meeting guests. You may have your own situations.

What should you include in your home wardrobe?

1. So, we sleep at home. Even those who spend most of the day at work return home to rest. Therefore, the choice of clothing for sleeping is an important matter. It is better to give preference to things that will not interfere with resting either you or your body. Eliminate zippers, unnecessary buttons, straps and strings. For sleep, you can pick up a comfortable shirt, shorts and a T-shirt, or even shorts. In the winter season, loose trousers and a long-sleeved jacket will do the trick.

Sleepwear should be comfortable and comfortable

2. Pants, shorts, T-shirts, T-shirts, tracksuit are perfect for cooking or cleaning the apartment - all those things that are not afraid of stains and dirt will be easy to wash and remain in a good presentable form.

3. For free time, as well as for meeting guests, it is better to choose a dress or sundress. After all, at home we must remain feminine and beautiful. And what will highlight our beauty better than a skirt or dress? It can also be properly selected tunics, leggings, cardigans in the cold season. Shorts and loose trousers, for example, pajama style, will also be relevant.

4. Do not forget to also buy some things for romantic evenings with your husband. It can be translucent dresses or negligees, beautiful underwear that cannot be worn under a formal suit.

A robe is not a piece of clothing worth walking around all day.

5. The robe, which women love to wear all day long, is bath or sauna clothes. You don’t need to walk in a robe all day and do all the things at once. You can wrap yourself up in a terry robe after taking a bath, and you can put on a light silk robe in the morning and bring your man breakfast.

Many may say that they do not want to, because in specialized stores, kits may not be so cheap. But do not forget that we can replenish our wardrobe for the home. They are very bright, and it is not always possible to flaunt them in the summer.

Putting together your home wardrobe should be just as important a task as putting together your everyday wardrobe. After all, we should be beautiful not for others, but for our loved ones.

"What's the beautiful! - exclaimed the husband - Why don't you wear such things every day? "

Down with robes, or Our home fashion

And it's true - why? It is as if we are lovingly keeping beautiful things - for some reason, for going out - and at home, among our relatives, we continue to dress up in old things that have been damaged by the iron, faded from washing, crowned with stains from spilled "Whiteness". Every morning we think over our image to the details, choosing the best blouse and stockings for work, going to visit, try on several dresses…. Why is it that we are so careless about the appearance within the walls of our own home?

Someone thinks that everything is possible at home. Some people think that it is more convenient to do homework in old and time-tested clothes that have gone through more than one wash and which they do not mind at all. Someone assures that in this way he manages to be himself - without bothering with makeup and toilet, allowing himself to rest and relax. And in general: who cares what I am wearing at home. If I hide my thick native walls from prying eyes?

What to wear at home? Fashion show branded clothing for home vipa Stylish and comfortable home clothing (video)

But then it turns out that a woman has beautiful clothes, manicure and makeup solely in order to please someone else, some unknown people with whom you in one way or another contact during the day? And the main goal is to impress unknown people? After all, if you recall the first months of meeting your future husband - how much time was devoted to appearance before the date, how many outfits were rejected, and how many graciously accepted.

Beautiful clothes for home (video)

Stop! Probably, we have forgotten why we should remain unearthly creatures even at home ?!

How to be a beautiful lady at home?

Each of us has his own personal and unique taste, creates his own unique image, not like others.

And even in home clothes, each of us is able not only to remain attractive, but also to educate the perception of beauty in those around us, especially in babies.

There are at least seven bright signs that it's time for you to change your home clothes:

  • you have ceased to feel like an integral person, it starts to seem to you that your rich inner world does not correspond to the outer content;
  • your family members have repeatedly jokingly told you how they will be pleased to see you even more beautiful than you are now;

  • you want to be an example for your growing daughter in the field of fashion and style;
  • if you accidentally look at yourself in the mirror, your self-esteem drops, even if your figure is not satisfactory;
  • your mood changes dramatically for the better, as soon as you put on a weekend (street) outfit;
  • you feel embarrassed about your appearance when a neighbor or friend accidentally drops in on you;
  • it is more and more difficult for you to tune in to the "working mood" in household chores.

If you notice at least a few of the above reasons, there is no reason to panic. After all, each of us knows that there is nothing better than sincere compliments given by caring people. We urgently get down to business and work in the following areas:

  • without pity we remove stretched, faded, shapeless things from our wardrobes; we send there everything that cannot be restored, that which has been lying for at least 3 years and has not been dressed even once; everything that we left on the principle of "put on when I lose weight" or "put on when the opportunity presents itself";
  • take it for granted that comfortable clothes can ALSO be attractive;
  • in no case should you use streetwear as home clothes: home clothes should be comfortable and as comfortable as possible;

  • soft terry dressing gowns are, of course, pleasant and comfortable, but use them exclusively for their intended purpose, namely as bathrobes; walking in such a robe every day cultivates negligence;
  • ask your husband or family members in what clothes (what style) it would be most pleasant for them to see you at home; take note of this and shape your home wardrobe according to their wishes;
  • pay close attention to indoor shoes: nothing can spoil the mood like uncomfortable shoes or shoes that are not in size!

And one last thing: a few recommendations on which types of home clothes are the most popular right now.

Home clothes in the program ‘Fashionable Sentence’ (video)

The championship remains with knitted home dresses and sundresses - they do not hide their figures, are easy to wash and have a variety of colors and styles.

No less popular are "duets" of knitted T-shirts with thin spaghetti straps and shorts or short "tennis" skirts. If you are a romantic person, then find out what clothes are suitable for this look:

Sports suits made of soft velor fabrics are still popular home clothes.

Did you like the post on the site? Take it to your wall:! Always be fashionable and stylish! 🙂 Smile and be happy, because you are beautiful!

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Take off your heels and formal suit and put on comfortable home clothes. Here are just some people choose the wrong things as home clothes. So how should you dress at home?

How to dress at home

Old torn things, which are still a pity to throw away, are kept by many for a summer residence or used as home clothes. But, if suddenly a handsome young man who made a mistake in the apartment rings you at the door, then your appearance in a stretched T-shirt will not be very impressive. A short robe or shorts with a tight T-shirt looks much sexier.

At home you also need to look attractive and stylish. You should not walk around in washed clothes. Pay attention to your choice of indoor clothing just like choosing any other clothing. After all, your appearance is primarily an attitude towards yourself.

Of course, you should not wear evening dresses at home and walk in heels. First of all, your clothes should be comfortable, so that it is convenient to clean up and relax with your loved one on the couch.

Some people ask: is it worth wearing a bra at home? Of course, he supports the chest and visually enlarges it, but sometimes it is still worth taking a break from him. In addition, an incorrectly chosen bra can be harmful to health.

How to dress beautifully at home

Several options for "outfits" for the house:

The robe is the most popular type of home clothing. You can choose a robe with buttons or zippers, short or long. A bathrobe will help keep you warm if the apartment is cool. The cotton blend will allow the skin to breathe in hot weather. The silk robe is very delicate to the touch. It's nice to put it on your shoulders right after waking up.

A sports suit is also very common not only for sports, but also for use at home. It is convenient to do household chores in it, and climb into a chair with your feet. The costumes are made from different materials. You can choose the style to your liking.

Pajamas are considered sleepwear, but this is not entirely true. The stores offer a large selection of pajamas in various colors with a wide variety of patterns. It can be a T-shirt with shorts, and breeches with a T-shirt. The fabric is also available in different versions. Everyone will easily pick something to their liking.

A tunic or a sundress is also one of the options for clothing for the home. It looks very nice, and the right style will help to hide figure flaws.

If you are not trying to hide your figure, then get shorts with a T-shirt. In the summer, this is the most suitable option. In addition, your loved one will be delighted.

In addition to clothes, you also need to choose comfortable ones. Some people prefer to walk barefoot around the house, but not all have underfloor heating. Nice slippers, sneakers or ballet flats are suitable as footwear for the house. Just remember that the skin needs to breathe. Therefore, choose shoes with thin fabrics and thin soles.

Buy several options for clothes and shoes for your home so that you can diversify your home life and delight your loved one. Just remember to keep your home wardrobe clean.

Hello everyone! What do you wear at home? Rather, what kind of clothes do you choose? Dressing gowns, old worn clothes or nice and comfortable clothes? For some reason, many women do not think of home wardrobe as something important. Well, I put on an old T-shirt or a shapeless robe, well, what's wrong with that, no one sees me anyway, I'm at home. And the close ones who live with you are blind? Do you think they enjoy looking at such a misunderstanding? Yes, I do not argue, it so happens that there is not enough time for yourself, but this is not an option. You don’t go out or go to work in whatever? No, of course not, because people will look askance at you, and be surprised at your slovenliness, but at home is a completely different matter. So, you need to radically change the situation and be able to look decent, neat and beautiful, regardless of your location.

As a rule, working women look better than housewives for the most part. Unfortunately it's true. But on weekends, many relax and turn into a gray mouse again. This article is intended not only for young mothers, housewives, but also for those who want to enjoy looking in the mirror anytime, anywhere.

Imagine how happy your husband will be if you meet him not only with a delicious dinner, but also in all its glory and in a good mood. You need to learn to be a woman, and not feel sorry for yourself. You work on yourself, and then everything will work out.

Maybe someone will think that I am expressing myself very rudely and do not understand what I am talking about. I am used to speaking directly and expressing my thoughts clearly. I myself have two small children. I know what it is like to stay at home and manage a household, while looking after and caring for children. I know how sometimes it is not sweet for young mothers and how sorely they do not have enough time not only for themselves, but also, sorry, to go to the toilet. I know what I'm talking about, but I repeat once again, this does not mean that you should give up and spit in your face. Remember, you are a woman and must always be.

How to look beautiful at home?

The only answer is to choose a good wardrobe. Throw out all the rags with holes, scuffs, all shapeless things in the garbage and forever forget that you once wore such things. Let you have 2-3 sets of home clothes, but you will look your best in them.

Don't make excuses. Yes, it is convenient in it, yes, it’s a pity to throw it out, but it’s new. But ask yourself one single question: would you go out in it, dress for work or visit friends. If the answer is NO, then feel free to get rid of this stuff.

Why is it important to dress nicely at home? First of all, you do it for yourself. In one hundred percent of cases, a woman who dresses beautifully, comfortably and fashionably at home, thereby increases her self-esteem. This is very important, especially for a housewife or mothers on maternity leave. The second plus of this transformation is the preservation of warm and loving relationships between spouses. Who likes to see a mouse every day if a man constantly observes beautiful and well-groomed women at work, on the street, and so on.

We compose a home wardrobe

Let's figure out how to choose home clothes, and what criteria it should meet.

  • Firstly, the clothes that you wear at home must be neat, that is, without holes, spools, protruding threads, clean. Its price does not matter whether you like Chinese consumer goods or brand names? Please! But the way it is, it highlights your strengths, rather than reveals your weaknesses. Beauty has not yet been canceled.
  • Another quality that should not be neglected is convenience. Do not force yourself by putting on a completely uncomfortable thing that constantly needs to be corrected, tightened, tightened, and so on.
  • Choose clothes made from natural fabrics that are less wrinkled, such as knitwear.
  • Now, fortunately, the stores sell a huge number of different models of home clothes. Prices also vary. If you cannot shop for a long time, online stores will come to the rescue. Pay attention to the selection of home wardrobe no less time than the clothes that you put on on the way out.

How to make a home wardrobe correctly

I suggest doing this for the purpose of each thing.

Sleepwear. Only cotton, linen or silk should be preferred. Your skin needs to breathe at any time of the day. Pajamas or a shirt, a peignoir or a set of a T-shirt with underpants, but not a bag.

Clothes for every day. Here, a flight of fantasy can take you very far. Now they sell fashionable and inexpensive home dresses, beautiful styles and colors, of any length and width.

Sets with shorts will make you years younger, and your husband will not take his gaze off your legs.

Tracksuits can also be a part of your home wardrobe. But they should definitely decorate you, sit well and highlight your dignity.

I advise you to get rid of bathrobes and leave only one, warm plush or terry cloth. In which on a cold winter evening you will not only keep warm, but also warm your loved one with your warmth.

We figured out how to look beautiful at home, and what to do with hair and face? Of course, you shouldn't do evening hairstyles every day. But you can take on a couple of quick styling, which will not take much time. Make-up at home is also not necessary, just tint the eyelashes, and you are already a beauty.

My dear girls and women! Love yourself, raise your self-esteem, look beautiful and tidy, you are the beautiful half of humanity! Do not give up, believe in the good and everything will be fine. I kiss and hug everyone!