How to grow a bang so that it does not interfere: effective methods, styling methods and recommendations. The best haircuts, hairstyles, styling for those who grow bangs

Unfortunately, experiments with appearance are not always successful. Sometimes even a banal haircut of a bang brings disappointment and, naturally, there is a desire to quickly return everything to its “places”. There is only one question left: how to quickly grow bangs?

In order to grow bangs in a short time, you will need to make a lot of effort. The shorter the bangs, the longer it will take for it to reach the desired length.
In fact, growing bangs is not difficult, for this you just need to wait a few months. The problem here is different - how to lay it? After all, the bangs will interfere with the measure of regrowth and climb into the eyes.

Quite often, women do not withstand this stage and again take up scissors. However, if they knew how to style bangs during this period, they would definitely achieve their goal.

It is worth noting that if your bangs are too short, then you have a long and hard way, because you need to wait for the moment when it reaches at least seven centimeters in length. After that, it will be possible to somehow lay it down.

But the bangs of medium length can already be laid in different ways. Quite often, women comb it back and fix it with varnish or hairpins. By the way, a neat bouffant looks very nice on such a bang. But here it is important to know the measure, so it is better to first contact the master to show him how to do it correctly.

Bangs, which have a length of more than 10 cm, can be laid either to one side, or together with the rest of the hair, making a parting in the middle. Alternatively, such bangs can also be combed back and fixed at the crown with some beautiful hairpin.

How long does it take to grow bangs?

In order for the bangs to grow by approximately 5-6 centimeters, you will need an average of 3-5 months, since the hair on the human body grows by 1-1.5 cm in one month. But, if you make an effort, you can speed up this process up to 4-5 cm per month.

Thus, having a great desire, you can grow even the shortest hair in a short period of time.

Many girls are wondering how to quickly grow bangs at home? This can be done only if various cosmetic or massages are performed using a special technique. You can also use folk beauty recipes. They are less expensive, but just as effective.

However, remember that excessive application of various cosmetics to the hair can lead to their weight. They will begin to look unaesthetic, as they will quickly become dirty. Therefore, it is better to choose one method and apply it until the goal is achieved.

If you are tormented by the question of how to quickly grow bangs at home, then you should probably know about, which stimulates hair growth and helps strengthen follicles.

You can do massage both during shampooing and before it. To carry it out, you can use any essential oil that you have at home, or sea salt. Only it must be diluted with plain water 1: 1 before use.

Start with light circular motions, then pull the hair slightly (but not too much, otherwise you will pull it out), and then begin to press the hair with the palm of your hand, applying moderate pressure on it.
If you do a massage before washing your hair, then it is recommended to let your hair rest for about 10 minutes, and only then proceed to water procedures.

How to quickly grow bangs: cosmetics

If you decide to use cosmetics, then remember that only high-quality cosmetics can give you a visible result. It is worth buying products from well-known manufacturers that have already proven themselves in the world market.

You should not buy cheap cosmetics from dubious manufacturers, because you can not only not see a positive result from their use, but also greatly harm your hair. Therefore, you should be more careful here.

In addition, experts recommend using only those cosmetics that contain more than 50% natural ingredients and very few different flavors, fragrances and preservatives. After all, all these substances have a negative effect on the hair itself, even though at first they can give positive results.

Therefore, almost all experts are in favor of women using. They are prepared only from natural ingredients, and contain more vitamins and minerals necessary for normal hair growth.

The most effective folk remedies for hair growth are, and masks. They are prepared very easily and are financially accessible to everyone.
To prepare a mustard mask, you will need dry mustard, water and some kind of cosmetic oil (it is better to take it, it stimulates hair growth well). Dilute 2 tbsp. mustard in chilled boiled water. You should have a creamy mixture. Add a tablespoon of oil to it and mix everything well.

After that, you need to take a little more oil and treat your hair with it, retreating from the roots a few centimeters. This is necessary in order to prevent them from drying out, as mustard can burn them badly.

Next, the mustard mixture is taken and applied to the scalp with massaging movements, after which a warming cap is put on. With a mask on your hair, you should walk for no more than 20 minutes. Rinse off in the usual way - using shampoo and balm.

To prepare a pepper mask, you will need a tincture of red pepper. If it is not possible to make it yourself, you can buy it at a pharmacy. It doesn't cost much.
The principle of applying this mask is the same as in the previous case. Mix the tincture with cosmetic oil in a ratio of 1: 1 and treat the scalp with the resulting mixture. Do not forget that the hair should also be smeared with oil.

But with the preparation of an onion mask, you will have to tinker. You need to peel a large onion, chop it and squeeze the juice from it. After that, this juice must be mixed with castor oil (1-2 tablespoons) and applied to the scalp.

It is worth noting right away that when holding this mask on your hair, your eyes may water. But the result is worth it. Onion mask is one of the few that allows you to achieve such results - hair growth increases up to 5 cm per month!

The truth is that it is difficult to get rid of the smell of the mask. But many argue that if you rinse them, then the unpleasant odor disappears immediately.

In principle, if you want to quickly grow only bangs, then masks do not have to be applied to all hair. You can simply process them only with the necessary area, that is, bangs.
Now you know how to quickly grow bangs. We hope that our advice will help you achieve your goal in a short time.

Video on how to grow bangs

It is very easy to grow bangs at home. To do this, you will need a few secrets of hair care and traditional medicine recipes. This article offers safe ways for women and men to grow out their hair and beautifully style their regrown bangs.

At any time, a woman can want to change the image. Most often this happens by means of growing or cutting bangs. If in the first case it is very easy to do this with scissors, then growing bangs is much more difficult.

In addition, not every experiment with appearance is successful. You can only return to your original appearance, getting rid of annoying bangs. But, as practice shows, for it to grow back, it takes little effort and time. Especially if a woman wants long bangs.

The biggest problem that most women face when growing out bangs is the impossibility of it. lay beautifully. That is why it is believed that it is much easier to cut it again.

How to quickly and effectively grow bangs at home?

To grow bangs it takes about one and a half, or even two month. All this time, the tree needs proper styling and care. If you pay attention to it, the result of growing will please you.

A few secrets that promote the growth of bangs:

Head massage:

  • Head massage. No matter how simple it may sound, but it is blood circulation stimulates hair follicles causing hair to grow.
  • In addition, themselves follicles become much stronger, delighting you with strong and thick hair. Doing such a massage is useful not only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bangs, but throughout the head.
  • For your massage to be effective, use essential oil. You are free to choose absolutely any oil and dilute it one to one with plain water.
  • diluted oil rubbed into the scalp active circular movements. Fingertips should touch the scalp and press it.
  • Straighten your palms and pat yourself on the head pinning hair. This should not be done strongly, but it is sure that the skin feels soft undulating pressure.
  • Take a piece of hair in your hands and pull it up a little. This should not be done strongly so as not to pull out the hair, but only to pull it a little.

IMPORTANT: If you massage your head right before washing it, then let your skin rest at least twenty minutes from active movements. Only after a while start to wash and thoroughly wash off all the oil from the hair.

Self-massage of the head promotes hair growth and bangs

Cosmetical tools:

  • In growing bangs, they can come to your aid special cosmetics. When choosing such cosmetics, you must definitely give preference to quality brands.
  • Carefully study the composition of your cosmetics: shampoos, balms, masks. Their composition must be at least contain 50% natural ingredients.
  • Do not overload your hair and scalp with "synthetic" masks and products. Try to make sure that your masks from the store are changed regularly. homemade masks and rinsing with herbs.

Properly chosen cosmetics for hair will help grow bangs

Traditional medicine in growing bangs:

  • Women's practice has shown that the most effective traditional medicine for hair growth are special hot masks.
  • This mask is made based on mustard or pepper. Its secret is that it actively interacts with the scalp and stimulates blood circulation.
  • The advantage of such masks is that these are quite “budget funds” that every woman can afford. Minus home masks that they can take a long time.
  • Making a mustard mask is easy: dilute a couple of tablespoons in castor oil dry mustard and add some cold water. The consistency of the mask should resemble sour cream. Apply the mask on the bangs or on the entire head. Hold the mask for no longer than fifteen minutes and rinse thoroughly. Soften your hair with a balm.
  • cook pepper mask can from red pepper tincture. It should be mixed with castor oil one to one and applied to the scalp with massaging movements. Leave on for ten to twenty minutes and rinse thoroughly.

IMPORTANT: You should definitely pay attention to your well-being while applying such a mask. If the scalp is very “burning” and even hurts, do not hold the mask on the hair for more than five minutes. The advantage of home-made masks is that their active use can promote hair growth up to five centimeters per month.

Mustard homemade mask promotes hair growth and bangs

How to cut a bang to grow it?

The most popular advice of all hairdressers in growing bangs, and indeed hair on the head - trim them as often as possible. It's paradoxical, but it's really true.

So you do not give the opportunity hair bangs dry out and break at the ends. If the bangs are not cut, the hair will be on its own break in different places, without giving the opportunity to visually notice its growth.

Trimming bangs is advised a minimum of half a centimeter and a maximum of a centimeter every six (eight) weeks. Under this condition, the bangs will actively grow, delight you not only with a beautiful view, but also with a long one. You can make such a haircut on your own, or you can visit a hairdresser every month (one and a half).

To grow bangs, it should be trimmed regularly.

How to grow a long bang beautifully for a woman, a girl?

Another useful tip in growing bangs - this is her correct fit. If you leave it on your face every day, it will not only spoil the impression of your hairstyle, but will also interfere. regrown bangs tends to regularly get into the eyes, interfere with vision and irritate.

If you choose your ideal bangs style, you can not only look good, but also not notice. how fast the bangs will grow. You can lay in different ways already that bang, which has seven centimeters in length.

A bang of ten or more than seven centimeters allows make an even parting in the middle of the head, lay the hair on its side or simply pin the bangs with a hairpin, taking back. In some cases, medium length bangs can be woven into a small spikelet and "lead" it to its side.

IMPORTANT: Regularly comb the bangs and scalp in the area of ​​​​its growth with a massage comb. This will not only tidy up the hair, but also improve the blood circulation of the head, improving hair growth.

Pinning bangs back

Pinning bangs to the side

Curling bangs to the side

Weaving bangs into a spikelet on its side

Pinning bangs invisible, combing bangs under a hoop

Unusual styling bangs

Braiding bangs in a pigtail

How to grow a bang beautifully for a guy?

Along with women, men can also endure disappointments in haircuts and wish to somehow change their image. You can grow bangs for a man with the help of a few tips:

  • Since a man gets a haircut about once a month, it's safe to say that his hair grows faster. He will be able to grow bangs when will ask the master not to touch the hair in this area. With each haircut, the hairdresser will remove the hair on the sides, on the top and back of the head, and the hair in the bangs will be a level longer.
  • useful to use from peppermint, as well as with pepper shampoos and masks. Apply regularly to the head and keep for five to fifteen minutes. It is very easy to do this when the hair is not long (as in women). The tool is distributed evenly and gives the result.
  • While washing your hair do an active massage. To do this, hold the hair in your hands and pull it up, especially in the bangs.

How can a guy grow bangs?

How to grow bangs beautifully for a child?

Growing bangs for a child is much easier. All because baby hair is not ruined yet modern styling products and hair dryer. As a result, hair follicles actively grow. The right ones will help the child cope with the bangs. styling and regular combing of hair.

IMPORTANT: In no case do not leave the regrown bangs on the child's face just like that. Such bangs can interfere with vision and contribute to the development of strabismus. Try to find the most convenient option: weave your hair into a spikelet or pin it back with hairpins.

Help grow bangs not only massage, but also the use of the correct comb. Buy a wooden comb for your child. Such a comb has a positive effect on the structure of the hair, has an antistatic effect and gently affects the scalp.

Video: “How to quickly grow and remove bangs?”

The main thing in the article

How long does it take to grow bangs?

Nature is so conceived that, on average, a healthy person hair grows 1–1.5 cm per month. After making simple calculations, we get that it will take about six months to grow bangs, and for female beauty this is an unaffordable luxury. Since all this time it will be necessary to pin up or hide the bangs, and this does not always look spectacular.

But there are ways and means allow you to grow bangs up to 5 cm per month. We will talk about them below. It turns out that it is realistic to make hair longer in a short period of time and it is possible to grow bangs in 1-2 months. And here's how, let's try to figure it out.

How to quickly grow bangs at home?

So, if we set the task grow bangs fast at home , it is necessary to resort to radical methods. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Method number 1. Cosmetical tools

The key to success is high-quality cosmetics made from natural products.

Therefore, it is best to turn to proven well-known brands that have proven themselves well and received positive reviews. Approach the problem in a complex way and use several aids for hair growth at once:

  • shampoo;
  • conditioner;
  • masks (mousses);
  • balms.

Remember: hair should not be overloaded, so periodically replace cosmetics with traditional medicine recipes that use 100% natural ingredients.

Method #2. Folk recipes

Masks based on mustard, red pepper, onion and garlic will stimulate the hair follicle and allow hair to grow faster. These products are affordable for everyone, unlike rather expensive cosmetics. In addition, making it with your own hands, you can be sure of naturalness. Here are recipes for hair growth:

  1. Mustard mask. Turn 2 tablespoons of mustard powder with water into a creamy mass. Add 1 tbsp of castor oil to it. Mix and apply to the area of ​​the bangs, after lubricating it, not reaching the roots by 1 cm, with clean oil. This is done so as not to dry out the hairs. Keep the mask for 15 minutes and wash your hair as usual.
  2. Honey mask. Mix egg yolk and honey in equal proportions. Apply to the scalp for 20 minutes twice a week.
  3. peppercorn. Pour vodka over pepper and leave for at least 14 days. Pepper infusion is also available in pharmacies, and is quite cheap. It is mixed with castor oil 1:1 and rubbed around the bangs.
  4. Tomato rub. Grind a fresh tomato with a blender and rub the resulting mass into the bangs area. If necessary, such rubbing can be done all over the head.
  5. onion juice. Chop the onion and squeeze out the juice. Add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil to it and apply. Such a tool is considered the most effective, although the smell remains. To remove it, you can use an acidic solution (vinegar or lemon).

Method number 3. Head massage.

Since hair growth directly depends on blood circulation in peripheral vessels, stimulation of these zones becomes a necessity. The easiest way to resort to massage. It is carried out with light massaging movements daily.

How to grow a bang so that it does not interfere?

The main disadvantages of growing a bang is the fact that in the process of its growth it climbs into the eyes, hangs with uneven hairs and terribly interferes with its owner. It is at this moment that many girls throw the idea of ​​growing back and cut short bangs again. But this method is quite radical.

You can remove the bangs so that they do not interfere with the help of hairpins, hoops, headbands, invisibility, or simply braid overgrown curls.

How to grow bangs and look beautiful?

It is also worth considering how the image will change after the bangs grow. It’s great if the hairdresser advises you, he will also advise which long bangs will suit you.

Knowing what the final will be, be patient, as no one has yet managed to grow a bang in a week. Do not forget to consider your hair type when choosing cosmetic products to accelerate growth.

How to cut a bang to grow it?

The condition for stable hair growth is their periodic trimming. All professional hairdressers say this.

By cutting off the lower split ends, you enable the hair to purposefully grow, without being "distracted" by restoring breaks.

For active growth, the bangs need to be cut every two months by 0.5 cm. The hairdresser will do this or you will cut the ends yourself, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to remove the damaged part of the hair.

How can you remove, hide bangs when you grow?

Growing bangs, want to look good? Then learn how to style it properly while it grows, as hanging long strands on the face cannot make a girl attractive. Having learned how to hide the bangs correctly, you will not notice how quickly it has grown. You can start hiding bangs in original hairstyles when it reaches 7-10 cm. But how to do it beautifully, look at the photo:

How to lay the bangs that you grow: photo examples

How to wear, stab bangs when you grow?

Initially, it will save the bangs that have begun to grow invisible. With its help, the bangs can be hidden back or sideways. She will also save if, when combing, individual strands of a bang that has not yet grown out will be knocked out.

When the length of the curls reaches 10 cm, you can safely divide the bangs in the middle and put them in a common hairstyle.

Can be used as an accessory original hairpin , which will serve as an additional decoration and make the image interesting.

bezel perfectly masks the bangs and fits any type of hairstyle. Together with him, you can make both an interesting styling, and just dissolve your hair.

How to braid your bangs beautifully when you grow them out?

In addition to hoops, all kinds of hairpins and headbands, when growing, it will look original braided bangs. The fashionable trend of weaving braids is still preserved and women of fashion can take advantage of this when growing bangs.

It is worth giving preference to tight pigtails, as short hairs can fall out of lush ones.

Hairstyles for those who grow bangs: the best photo ideas

How to grow a long, oblique bang to the side?

If you are the owner of an oblique bang and decide to grow it, then the simplest solution for styling it will be, namely cascading haircut. The main "trick" of such a hairstyle is a smooth transition from less short hair to longer ones. In such a range, the bangs that have not yet grown out will be lost and will not attract attention.

If the option with a haircut is not yours, then the bangs that begin to grow should be hidden under the styling on the side. So you get rid of bangs climbing into your eyes and you will look attractive.

The bangs grow from short to the level of the chin for about a year, and so that it does not interfere, it is laid with the help of styling products and accessories. Using scarves, headbands, hairpins and other devices, you can style your growing hair in style.

Growing bangs interfere and spoil the overall look of the hairstyle only if you do not use tricky devices for its stylish styling.

Is it worth it to grow bangs?

Bangs are suitable for most women, the question is the correct selection of its length and shape:

  • a straight bang with an even cut is associated with youth and enthusiasm, therefore it can visually rejuvenate;
  • deep oblique elongated - distracts attention from chubby cheeks;
  • torn - gives the image lightness and enthusiasm.

Depending on the shape, length, density and styling, it makes the image concise and strict, or, conversely, gentle and feminine, if it gently frames the face.

Pros and cons of bangs

Haircuts with bangs have both pros and cons.

Well-chosen bangs:

  • gives personality to any hairstyle.
  • successfully hides wrinkles on the forehead;
  • makes the look more expressive;
  • masks disproportionate or sharp facial features, bringing its shape closer to the reference proportions of an oval;
  • frees from daily washing and styling of all hair, allowing you to work out only the area near the forehead.

However, bangs have their drawbacks:

  • if it is incorrectly selected, there is a risk of spoiling the entire hairstyle and exposing the flaws in appearance;
  • she needs constant maintenance of the master’s form and perfect cleanliness, since unkempt facial hair creates an unpleasant impression for others;
  • short cut frontal strands provide few options for styling, and in order to grow them out, you need to stock up on time and patience.

How to stab growing bangs with accessories

Growing bangs are a good opportunity to experiment with your hairstyle using various styling products and accessories: you can beautifully stab it, remove it with a rim, braid or braid it.

We remove bangs under a scarf or ribbon

The strands hidden under the scarf create a bold and sexy retro look. Hair can be combed back, made into a voluminous crest or put aside. On sale there are scarves of different colors: plain, polka dot, with a floral print, decorated with beads or rhinestones.

The following colors are on trend:

  • "rose quartz" - suitable for girls of any color type, used in spring and summer ensembles;
  • "sirenity" - discreet and elegant, goes well with rich blue;
  • "buttercup" - a shade of yellow, harmoniously looks with the military style;
  • mother-of-pearl-turquoise and lilac-gray are soft shades, suitable for girls with the spring color type.

There are many ways to style your hair with a scarf, here are 5 of the most popular ones:

  • Gather your hair into a bun at the crown using a foam chignon. To do this, make a regular ponytail, put a chignon on it, and, evenly distributing the strands, wrap them under a voluminous accessory. Then fold the scarf so that you get a strip about 15 cm wide, wrap it around your head and tie the ends in front with a double knot. Hide the ends of the bangs under the scarf.
  • If the curls are long or medium length, attach a fabric strip at their edge and gradually wind the strands around it. Having reached the level of the neck, wrap the scarf around the head and tie it in front. Hide the visible ends of the hair under the rim.
  • Wrap a fabric strip around the loose curled strands. Lock it in the back. Wrap part of the hair from the main mass inwards, passing them through the rim. Fasten the bangs with invisibility and hide under the fabric rim or, if the length allows, also wrap up and fix with a strip of fabric.
  • Let your hair down. Fold the scarf into a triangle. Put the middle edge on the crown, so that it hangs slightly on the forehead. Wrap the sides of the scarf around your head twice, crossing the ends at the forehead and tying them at the back of your head. Hide the ends of the fabric. Pin the bangs under the scarf.
  • Gather the bulk of your hair into a bun at the crown. Form a wide strip from the scarf that covers the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hair, except for the bun. Tie a scarf in front, hide the ends of the fabric.

If you use a ribbon instead of a scarf, you get a more delicate and romantic hairstyle in the Greek style:

  • Part your hair in a straight parting.
  • Wrap a ribbon about 4 cm wide around the head and tie so that the ends are at the back.
  • Divide the bangs on one side of the parting into strands, wrap them one at a time up and thread through the tape. Work this part of the hair up to the back of the head.
  • Repeat the procedure for the other part of the head.
  • Gather the strands at the back of your head into a ponytail, a bun, a braid, or secure with hairpins.

Using the bezel

Headbands are still relevant. They are worn not only by young people, but also by mature ladies, while not worsening their image at all. This is possible thanks to a wide selection of fashion accessory models: plain, colored, printed, plastic, metal, fabric, headbands for every day and festive, decorated with beads, stones or pearls. This practical thing allows you to remove naughty curls with one wave of your hand. In this case, the bangs can be laid to one side or up, smoothly or with the effect of stylish negligence.

Headbands with an elastic band are used to create all the above hairstyles, and due to their strong fixation on the hair, they are more convenient than a ribbon or scarf.

Weaving a bang so that it does not interfere

Weaving on the hair can give the image of youth and softness. Women fell in love with it due to the variety of models and techniques (French, classic braid, fishtail, braid inside out, tight or loose weaving).

French braid on bangs

Overgrown frontal strands can be woven into a French braid. To do this, make a parting on the side, take a strand from most of it, divide it into three and weave a braid, adding hair on both sides. Secure with a thin rubber band.

There are many models of hairstyles with braided bangs: the braid can be slightly lowered to the forehead, braided along the hairline from temple to temple, on both sides of the central parting, you can add volume by stretching each strand of the finished pigtail or form thin braids in the direction from the forehead to the crown .

Spit in reverse

In this case, the strands are not stacked on top of each other, but under the bottom. In all other respects, the weaving technique is similar to the previous one. If desired, you can extend the braid by adding strands from the bulk of the hair.


Take a small frontal strand, divide it into two parts and begin to twist them together, laying to the side. As you progress, weave loose strands into the flagellum. Pin up your hair with invisibility.

Hairstyles for growing bangs

In a female haircut of different lengths, there can be both bangs and the total mass of hair. The combination of these elements gives many options for the basic hairstyle.

Ultra-short frontal strands can be lifted up, left straight or slightly curled, or they can be given a side direction by smearing the tips with modeling wax.

The bangs, which have grown to the middle of the forehead and more, allow you to experiment more actively with the main hairstyle, regardless of whether it is short, medium or long.

For short hair

On the basis of a short haircut, they make completely different styling styles:

  • all hair is separated by a side parting and combed to the sides. Optionally, the bangs are decorated with a thin rim, ribbon or scarf;
  • the bangs are laid up with a slight pile, the side occipital strands are smoothly combed;
  • make a mohawk;
  • curl strands;
  • bangs are woven into a braid: horizontal, vertical or circular;
  • all hair is smoothly combed back, creating an “after shower” effect;
  • bangs are laid in a wave in a retro style.

For medium length hair

Frontal curls of medium length (eye level):

  • separated by a side or straight parting and laid in two directions;
  • twisted into bundles or woven into pigtails (horizontal, vertical, circular);
  • with the help of a fleece, they lift it up and fix it with invisibility and varnish or a ribbon (handkerchief);
  • curl, hiding in the total mass of hair;
  • stacked in a retro style 20-60 years (neat waves, bunches, strict geometric curls);
  • with the help of a comb-brushing and a curling iron, they are formed into a voluminous oblique bangs with ends twisted up.

Options for long hair

Long frontal strands (at the level of the wings of the nose) are laid in the same way as strands of medium length. In addition, they can:

  • divide with a straight parting, comb your hair smoothly and stab with invisibility behind the ears;
  • collect on the temechka in a perky bun;
  • put in ponytails (along the hairline, form squares about 3x3 cm in size. Gather strands from each square into ponytails. Raise each elastic band and stretch the tail. Form the next row using strands from the previous one. Braid the desired area of ​​\u200b\u200bhair in this way);
  • braid a basket (make ponytails, as in the previous version. Divide the strands from each ponytail equally and weave into the next row, staggered. This way you get rhombuses, or a “basket”).

If you have just decided or have already started growing bangs, the following tips will help you do it right:

  • Curls laid to the side divert attention from the heavy chin and round cheeks, but if they are stabbed in bulk at the crown, then you can additionally adjust the low forehead.
  • Perfectly smooth bangs emphasize high cheekbones.
  • Even strands, laid in two directions with a straight parting, make the face narrower, but do not suit girls with a high forehead.
  • Wet curls lend themselves better to manipulation.
  • To keep the hairstyle all day long, apply foam to the hair before styling, and after it is completed, fix it with varnish. Choose professional styling products that do not stick curls: Schwarzkopf Professional Silhouette, Kapous, Estel or products from other trusted brands;
  • Before using the pins, lay them on a cloth, spray with hairspray and fix your hair while the barrettes are still damp. So they will hold on to the hair more firmly.

Take good care of your hair:

  • Once a week, use masks containing active ingredients that improve blood circulation and accelerate hair growth (these are pepper, cinnamon, burdock oil, mustard powder, essential oils, aloe juice, etc.), and every day before going to bed, massage your head with fingertips with using B vitamins.
  • Regularly visit a hairdresser who will control the process of growing bangs and give it an aesthetic appearance and natural shape in time.
  • Limit the effect of high temperature on the hair. Try to use the hair dryer and iron as little as possible, and if you need to heat styling, do not forget to use a heat protectant.
  • Use combs with natural bristles or wooden teeth with rounded edges. They do not harm curls.
  • Forget about dyeing strands and perms for a while. After such procedures, the hair will require a long recovery.
  • Despite the large list of the above styling, do not use them very often. All kinds of bouffants, tight hairpins and elastic bands, curling irons, curlers and styling products negatively affect the hair structure, therefore, after such procedures, it is recommended to make a restoring mask that will nourish, prevent brittleness, soften hair and give it a healthy shine. For example, oil. It's easy to cook at home.

Heat natural oil (burdock, olive, almond, jojoba) in a water bath, rub it into the hair roots and distribute along their entire length, not forgetting to work out the tips. Wrap with a film and a towel and leave for 1.5-2 hours. Rinse with mild warm water using shampoo.

Ensure the supply of nutrients from the inside:

  • Replenish your diet with foods rich in vitamins A, H, C, B and E. They are present in oatmeal and buckwheat, liver, citrus fruits, fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Drink the amount of clean water your body needs. This indicator is individual and is calculated from the ratio of 30 ml per 1 kg of weight.

On average, hair grows 1-1.5 cm per month. So, it will take about a year to grow a short bang to the point where it can be freely removed behind the ear. But, contrary to popular belief, this process is not only comfortable, but also exciting. Proper hair care will make them healthy and strong, and original ways of styling growing strands provide an interesting opportunity to experiment with your image.

Video how to grow a bang so that it does not interfere

Where to put bangs if you grow them out or just want to clean them up beautifully? The presented video reviews talk about styling options, in one of the videos a review of a girl who faces this problem every day, in the second recommendation from a professional.

An easy way to change the look is to create a new hairstyle model.

Comfortable star options
without bangs beautiful How to grow

If fashion trends offer models with long bangs, and you want to be in trend, then the question arises of how to quickly grow bangs at home.

Let's make an effort

Benefits of bangs:

  • changes the image, makes the image individual and stylish;
  • the ability to accentuate the hairstyle on this element without styling the rest of the hair;
  • rejuvenates, which is important for older ladies;
  • corrects appearance features: high forehead, elongated or round face;
  • hides skin problems, for example, pimples on the forehead, relevant for boys and girls of adolescence.

Disadvantages of the hairstyle element:

  • an illiterate choice will spoil the usual perception of your image;
  • Regardless of the desire, this element of the hairstyle is not suitable for every type. For some, it will simplify the appearance, up to the loss of individuality;
  • the downside is frequent visits to the salon in order to correct the shape and length;
  • in the presence of thin strands, this element is inappropriate: a few lonely hairs on the forehead will not add attractiveness to the image;
  • only straight thick bangs look stylish, configurations with oblique bangs cut with an iceberg, curly or angle are possible. Remember: such a fantasy is appropriate for a certain density of curls.

Unreal desires

Weigh all the pros and cons, think about the options regarding the length and type of your hair, in order to finally decide whether to wear bangs despite all the difficulties.

To grow a bang in just 1 day is unrealistic in principle. You can visit the salon and get hair extensions if there is an emergency.

If you have hair below your shoulders, and you want to equalize the bangs with the main length, it will take more than one year to achieve this goal, taking into account the use of hair growth aids.

To not interfere

How to grow a bang so that it does not interfere in everyday life can be seen in the photo.

When growing, learn to style beautifully until the bangs have grown. Beautifully laid curls do not fall into the eyes and do not cause discomfort.

Consider styling methods, how to remove bangs in the process of growing:

  • with the help of a hoop, handkerchiefs, bandanas, knitted bandages fashionable today, hairpins, invisible, bows, flowers, etc.;
  • with the help of various weaves;
  • stab on the side;
  • styling in punk style with fixatives.

There are ways to beautiful styling with the help of additional accessories.

You will need:

  • hairpins or invisible;
  • hoop or bandages;
  • ribbons, flowers or a scarf;
  • fixatives for styling.

Your actions:

  1. An easy way is to stab with stealth or a hoop. You can use beautiful hairpins, which is applicable to girls.
  2. Laying on the side or back, see before and after photos.
  3. Braid a pigtail from a bang, make a spikelet or twist it into a neat flagellum so that it does not interfere.
  4. In the same way, elongated bangs are laid when they grow, see photo.
  5. If there is no time for complex styling, use fixatives: varnish or a special spray.
  6. Punk styling. Iroquois is suitable for both a guy and a girl. It is necessary to apply special styling to the bangs and make a strong fixation, lifting the curls above the forehead up. Laying will turn out quickly and stylishly.

Auxiliaries to accelerate the growth of curls will help to quickly grow hair:

  • psychological factor: perseverance and the absence of stressful situations will have a beneficial effect on hair growth;
  • massage of the scalp with means of enhanced growth. These are ready-made and folk remedies, for example: oils (almond oil, burdock, olives and others). With your fingertips, rub the products into the roots or only into the bangs, then comb the curls in different directions for 10-20 minutes, massage is useful both before and after masks;
  • a periodic haircut per millimeter will enhance the growth of the strands, which will help you quickly remove the bangs when you grow;
  • stimulates growth the adoption of a vitamin complex containing zinc, calcium, copper, vitamins H, C, B12, B6, A, E;
  • eating foods that promote growth: carrots, oatmeal, cabbage, fish, etc.;
  • the use of specialized detergents with keratin, proteins, oils;
  • exclude for a while the chemical treatment of curls and even a useful lamination procedure - they help slow down hair growth.

How to grow curls

Time-tested folk recipes of grandmothers will help to grow bangs correctly.

Oil based mask.

Take equal proportions of castor and burdock oil.

Your actions:

  1. Lightly heat the oils in a water bath.
  2. Rub the mixture into the head and spread over the entire length of the hair.
  3. Wrap with cellophane and insulate.
  4. The exposure time for oily hair is within 2-3 hours, with dry curls you can leave it overnight.
  5. Wash off in the usual way.

This mask is effective in enhancing the growth of curls and is a nourishing natural moisturizer. Strands grow at least 3 cm per month. Therefore, think in advance about styling the bangs when you grow them out - see the photo of the options in the gallery.