How to raise vital energy by folk remedies. Bottomless cup of coffee. Why is the balanced work of the entire energy, and not separate chakras

"And what is a person without energy? He is worthless, exactly nothing ... "- so maybe the writer, a specialist in American history, Maurice Mendelssohn, who was written by the biography of Samuel Clememines, who had entered the world culture under the name of Mark Twain. If he is at least a bit of right, then the fact that complaints of the decline of forks is one of the most common today looks especially frightening. The questions asked by Samira Pavlova, that such a human vital energy from a psychological point of view, with which it may be related to its lack of how to help it increase, the psychologist is responsible and the personality coach Alexei Pavlov.

On our site, the topic of increasing the vitality has already been paid to attention (in particular in a newly published article "Energy laws", Or in published a year ago"How to save energy during the working day"), But these were all the less depth and meaningful texts - not responsible for the main questions. So read and delve.

S. P .: I saw several people with huge and obvious psychological problems, which, however, was a sea of \u200b\u200benergy. They constantly participated in some projects, something was organized, against something protested, they studied something, something conquered.

A.P. And it is possible that they did not think so: that is, they did not believed that they had a lot of energy. Often there are people who subjectively feel the constant weakness and lack of forces, and outside look even superficial. It is necessary to clearly understand the difference between the appearance and the inner state. In this case, it is usually an external observation.

Generally speaking, I believe that energy is always! We just need to get to it. Everyone sits on her gold mineral government, these wealth must only master it.

S.P. And what should be done by a person so that he does not feel any power?

A.P. The feeling of "I have little energy" is usually due to the inheritance of the previous experience: the lack of forces in childhood, for example. Feeling impotence and depression. And this past experience turns into reality. As with all psychological problems, the earlier such experience is purchased, the harder it is to work with the problem, since the conceptual mechanism is not formed. But in these cases, physical-oriented therapy is usually helped, for which the verbal expression of feelings or former experience is not so important.

Usually, the state "no strength" occurs in children who imposed some very unwanted actions if these children were not prone to Bunta. Someone could resist when he was forced to play a boring violin, walk to a hate school or simply communicate with an unloved aunt, and someone unconsciously chose the area of \u200b\u200bresistance. Most often these are diseases: constant colds, vomiting, high temperature, abdominal pain. The child as if told adults "Look, I'm conquered, I am ready to do what you want, but I just can't, because I am supporting." The second most common protection is constant fatigue. Here it works the same: "I am ready, I agree, only I can not." It helps the child to defend their rights, without quarreling with their parents. This is the unconscious protest of the child, formed in the habit, preserved for life.

Another way to deprive yourself of energy is to remember the words of parents or teachers "You still will not work out." If the child believed them, and in himself burst out, he "secured" himself from defeats a constant lack of forces. Fear of defeat is adjacent to the parental installation.

The decline of the forces may also be a form of self-telling (here it is necessary to look for what exactly for something for something): A person entails himself anxious thoughts (read " How to get rid of negative thoughts"), Experiences, fear, mental pain, that he constantly has no strength. Sometimes it is not a punishment, but escape from some global experience or an unbearable feeling from the past or present. Such a state of constant "energy bleeding" with the help of experiences also goes into habit.

And sometimes a person needs to prove to the world that parents have not underestimated him, but were right to his account when they said that he would not work as a weakl or from him. "An excellent way" for this - Samubotage: A person excites the desire to do something, and then climbs. Unconsciously, but stubbornly to endure the collapse, this is also an effective way to deprive itself.

The state of psychological fatigue may be connected with the fact that a person simply does not give himself to live, does not live for himself.

One more thing: a person has a lot of energy when he does what he wants. In addition, when you do not do what you want, then go against the current, and feel like in prison.

S.P. And why, in fact, a person may not do what he wants? Many the opposite are confident that they do what they want, but still feel the lack of forces.

A.P. A person often - more often than I want to think - inhibits. And the fact that he considers its desires is not: it is either the expectations of society or parents.

Often we, people, just do not know what we want. For example, a person believes that he wants to be a star, but in fact, wants attention. The person is confident that he wants to be successful, and in fact he wants to prove to someone (parents, for example, or a more brother, which is also good. If someone says he wants to be beautiful or attractive, it often means that he wants love. It is quite obvious that the implementation of these superficial desires does not bring genuine satisfaction, and therefore energies. For example, a woman makes several plastic operations, painstakingly monitors the figure, very carefully dresses. She fulfills his desire to be beautiful and attractive, but the desire of love is not fulfilled. Or a person has achieved tremendous success, he is recognized, appreciated, His prases, but he did not achieve the unconditional adoption of his parents. Even if they told him in the end "Wow! You're doing fine! We are proud of you! We are happy that we have such a son! ", He understands that this is not an unconditional feeling of parental love and pride for him. He needs them to love and proud of simply because he is their child, that they believe in him before, but not after he committed something.

Recognition should help understand what a person really wants. It would simply if we had no psychological protection that do not even give even the most insightful people See your hidden needs or ways to solve your problems. Here it can help work with a specialist, for example.

One more thing: there are often banners for true desires. And these are not some erotic or exotic desires. People have the strongest unconscious banning for rest, to spend money on themselves, on the praise of themselves, to succeed. And here you also need to look individually, to solve a specific task.

Surface desires are often desires for desires. A person thinks he wants to learn to play the guitar, but for some reason he has no strength. But in fact, he does not want to learn to play a guitar: that is, pick up the tool, perform exercises, go to the teacher, to do a day, in a word, everything that I like and wonder who really wants to play a guitar. He wants to go out and play beautifully in public. "To be able to", but not "learn." The process is not interesting for him. And the path to the desires of desires is always more than a long and resource-intensive.

S.P. What are true desires and how to find them?

A.P. Conditionally, you can highlight three levels: desires of desires, true desires and basic needs.

If a person lives at the level of desire desires, he constantly has no strength. If at the level of true desires, then it has energy. If at the level of basic needs, then it is highly energy. Basic needs are the most depths and they are very simple. This is the food, heat, protection, proximity to others. They are reduced in essence to one: a sense of security. It seems that everything is primitive simply. But if the psychological problems of a person do not allow him to satisfy them, he receives only the echoes of satisfaction, hence he replaces. For example, a person in the depths of the soul dreams of a safe refuge, but he is not able to create it on his own, in his soul. Then he builds a mansion for a high fence, buying real estate. But there was no sense of security, so there is no. The illusion of security arises for a while. It is easy to understand this, but to realize, to feel deeply, it is very difficult.

"The sea of \u200b\u200bforces" is an illusion of a human dictionary, who has always had few, and he dreams that they are inexhaustible a lot. And so they should be just comfortable and enough.

S.P. How to help yourself understand your true desires?

A.P. Go deep into: for example, we write our desires. Then we are looking for secondary benefits from them (20 pieces per each, no less). Secondary benefits are already dedicated desires, more true. They can be passed through the same "meat grinder" several times. All this brings to the detection of deep needs.

A.P. Take this list and come up with ten ways to implement it into life. And then only practice: you need to try, implement.

Of course, it is best to do this with a specialist, because the psychologist must regulate where a person should stop, how to avoid self-destruction or harm to others, what experiences are best "overpowing" in the office, and not outside, porting with someone relationship or harm yourself.

The quality of life is always higher if we are moving towards our true desires. Although at the first moment a person can be worse, since abandoned a comfortable zone. It's like in a massage: During the course of therapeutic massage of people with chronic diseases, it is often waiting for a deterioration at the beginning, and the improvement occurs only at the end of the process. In work on mental states, the trend is the same: first discomfort enhances, because the person lived in a certain way and considered it with universal laws. It is necessary to simply endure and rethink. Someone passes on the break, someone goes to compromises. And someone retreats and remains one on one with its superficial desires and lack of energy.

Another serious fact: We are people - social creatures, and since childhood we have a tendency to suppress themselves, their gusts and feelings in favor of social standards and requirements. And when a person is freed from the prohibitions, at least superficial, it comes out of it and "bad": socially disrupted. For example, accumulated anger. It often scares it, but it is important to remember that this is not the true essence of a person, it is a ballast who has accumulated over the years of prohibitions to express. Only when it comes out, a person will begin to understand what he really wants. And in order to cope with the negative: angrily, for example, a specialist is also useful.

S.P. When there is no energy, then there is no desires. So?

A.P. Usually there are two options. If a person begins to perform desires (and before that did not perform, for example because of the installations), then the installation will begin to pull it back, resisting it to it "change the course". He will pull away from his desires ( obsessive thoughts "Why did I do it?", For example), hence the clinch and rollback: I began to fulfill my desires, I spent all the energy and remained defenseless before installations. Then you need to work with installations, it is overcome. But often a man breaks at this place and stops.

It happens that man was mistaken with the choice of desires, then it does not return energy, but takes away: for example, a person begins to do business, but in fact he just wants to be rich and do nothing. And the business makes it work, and this contradicts his desire.

S.P. Do you need to overcome yourself when there is no strength? Is there so impotence?

A.P. Unsension is a fairly universal concept. If frustration is a stereotype of behavior, then impotence - background. Of course, genuine quality of life is not built on overcoming itself. But overcoming can be useful in one-time situations. For example, make yourself make a successful action. Make a sport. If overcoming itself is conscious, it is reapply by any resource (it may be aid assistance, assistance of a psychologist or mentor, a successful book or a technique for self-help or something else that personally will allow this person to reach the end in its overcoming and defeat himself) and Clearly planned, it can bring huge dividends.

S.P. And what besides the awareness and execution of true desires helps to increase vital energy?

A.P. Blocks in the form of installations, prohibitions and fears on the path of energy must or remove, or make transparent. Accumulated fear, insult, aggression, pain, wines and shame devour energy in frightening quantities.

Any deep release of emotions releases energy. When a person first manifests depressed emotions in psychotherapy, this is a fountain, and sometimes Niagara Falls: That is, the depressed feeling is very strong, and to suppress it, to save it, constantly devastate under control, it is necessary to use the same or greater power. Imagine what is the huge consumption of energy. But often an depressed feeling or "forgotten" (forgotten only at the conscious level) the experience of a person is not the only one! Five such "depressed", and there is no energy reserve for the completeness of life.

"Our world is immersed in the huge ocean of energy, we fly in infinite space with incomprehensible speed. Everything around rotates, moves - all energy. We have a grand task to find ways to produce this energy. Then, removing it from this inexhaustible source, humanity will move forward by gigantic steps. "

Nikola Tesla

S.P. Often they say that it is necessary to express aggression ...

A.P. Expressing aggression, a person exercises to open and close the gate of energy. But it is necessary to do it right. There are internal and external criteria for the completeness of the expression of feelings, it is necessary to work with a specialist. In particular, it is important to find a faithful object of expression of aggression. If you just walk and swear, you will not raise energy.

I will be back to things that help increase vitality. Helps sports. It sounds trite, but this is an absolute fact. Here you need to look at a specific case: someone needs sports just to "take" the desired level of endorphins, which are allocated during physical exertion.

S.P. Accurately stand out? There are people who say that sports does not give them strength.

A.P. First, it is necessary to choose reasonable and payloads. This requires a good coach or body-oriented psychotherapist. Secondly, it is not necessary to wait that the pleasure of sports will come after the first time. It will definitely come when the muscles adapt to regular loads when the level of lactic acid after each workout will stop overdoud. And (this is very important morally) will come first successes. This is usually happening in a month of regular working with the body.

So here is one enough workouts in the benchroom or fitness. Another need something more specialized: for example, work with clips, relaxation, yoga.

For high energy you need to take yourself as you are. Real case: Elderly woman is very generous, with pretty careless character. She did not give peace of the sample of her long dead mom, which is ideal (according to her elderly daughter) led the economy. And this woman tried, for example, to make the book of arrival and expense. They had a lot of common notebooks in her house, where it was filled, say, a full-time text, like "30 rubles spent on something." Do you imagine how much energy she spent to constantly try to become another person? And how much did it go to the experience of despair due to the fact that nothing happened again?

And simple psychohygien is also important: tired - rest. Do not do anything until there is a distinct desire to do something specific. A person does not realize what he wants, since he is always tired. Cost of any activity (even the most pleasant one), when you do not want to do, but do it.

There are small things that resource-generated, work on the increase in human vital energy:

  • Find outdoors. At least spend an hour per day. There is nothing mystical, although if you please, it is possible to mystically comprehend. Just a sufficient level of oxygen works for an increase in energy. In addition, one of the most common psychoses of our time in big cities is nonsense influences. And it is not surprising, because a person in apartment buildings and offices is constantly surrounded by other people, over his head constantly the ceiling, and above it, people usually go beyond the walls. Therefore, in clinical cases, so many delusional ideas about the rays that are allowed by aliens, special services or evil neighbors. But even on mentally completely healthy people of the apartment (albeit spacious and with good sound insulation - and they are far from all such) "pressure". Release yourself to freedom at least an hour per day. A month later, the results will delight you.
  • Well-groomed and self-care process increases energy. Since our country is very common in the country, internal ban on attention to themselves, for any "pampering", then people often replace experiences about their health and seats in queues to the doctor. But if you go to spa salons, hairdressers, for massage, buy yourself beautiful things, the effect will be no less.
  • Meditation. No feats: Five minutes a day, watch the breath, concentrating only on it. For the year, such a highlighting simply will calm the mental state, improve the metabolism and will increase the will and energy.
  • Music. Listen and sing yourself. This is the point to which people often intuitively come themselves: therefore, there are many people in the megalopolises in the headphones: they are not only separated from others, but also try to feed themselves with the energy of their favorite music. I just want to say that here, as otherwise, you need regularity: listen to music before bedtime, send several times a week. If you can use the company, even in the choir, at least in the car with friends. This is a plus.

S.P. In books on personal growth, they often advise being here and now. But it is precisely the lack of perspective usually very much inhibits a person, lowers energy. This is what (in addition to the obvious difficulties present at the present moment) often ruins old people and homeless: the thought "What will happen to me next?". Does the future have the right to exist? Or is it a false feeling and should you fight with him?

A.P. Live here and now, does not exclude thinking about the future. This concept ("here and now") is strongly simplified and ... have we planted? And it lost its meaning. Meanwhile, it only helps it. It is rather due to awareness, and not with the lack of plans for the future. And plans and goals are needed. Another Victor Frankon said that no goal does not exist.

Although, of course, the question is in the installations. Even in 30 years old can be said, "We will all die once, so I do not do anything." From here, by the way, the "universal" frustration arises, leading to a complete absence of energy. In this case, it is necessary to change the prospect. Remember the story of the Charther Cathedral? When three workers in construction ask that they are doing here. One responds "I'm dragging heavy stones", the other says "I earn money to feed the family," the third answers "I help to build a wonderful Charther Cathedral." In a sense, we can also do with your own goals: put a big task and crush it up to daily goals and tasks. It is useful for a person to have a chain of daily landmarks, from which he cannot retreat.

S.P. And if a person, let's say, always feel the tide of energy in one geographic point and decline in another? Suppose clearly feeling the energy when he is in Thailand, and returning to Moscow, does the decline of forces? Or is it just it seems?

A.P. It does not seem. In Thailand, this person has no sustainable associative connections that resemble experienced negative moments, and in the homeland (regardless of which country of the country) is, and constantly cause negative memories to life. At the same time, ninety percent of them are not conscious. Like any unconscious experience, they pull the energy on themselves. In addition, only positive associations are often connected with another country. There are no household problems (more precisely, if we are talking about tourism, they are simply not tested). Well, finally, there are countries mentality of which suits us more or less. Sometimes it is not bad to change the country, the mentality of which is more suitable.

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Stunning article Alexander Andreeva, who will help you increase the vital energy! How to increase the energy there are two types of energy: physical; Free. Physical energy is the energy that supports the viability of the physical ...

Stunning article Alexander Andreeva, who will help you increase the vital energy!

How to raise energy

There are two types of energy:

  1. Physical;
  2. Free.

Physical energy is energy that maintains the viability of the physical body. Physical energy is necessary to maintain a high tone of free (human energy).

To maintain a high level of physical energy, only 2 conditions are necessary:

  1. Good and full nutrition;
  2. Good and full rest.

The physical energy alone is not enough to maintain a high life tone. More free energy is needed. But before we take for an increase in your free energy, you must have a high level of physical energy. When do you sick, what do you want most? Sleep and relax. You can sleep 17-18 hours a day. And there is no no desire to work at all, and especially do something. Watch out for your physical body. If it is in sufficiency, you can engage in the development of free energy, if not, do it. Rest, sleep a lot, feel good. In general, dedicate a certain time only to rest. Take your vacation, go to the sea, in the mountains, to the cottage, in general, where you can relax perfectly.

So, let's say you have a sufficient volume of physical energy, and now the most interesting point comes: how to increase vital energy. The first thing you have to do is determine your current level of free energy. If you are too lazy to get up, reluctant to go to work or study, if you are taking a dream after lunch, and you are clone to sleep, if you do not have other desires in the evening, except to get around the TV, then the level of your free energy is negligible. It may only have enough to keep the current state.

So whatever your energy level at the moment, it can always be enhanced.

There are 2 approaches to raising free energy levels:

  1. Reduce costs free energy;
  2. Increase arrival free energy.

First, let's talk about what is spent free energy:

  1. Any kind of negative emotions. All that causes bad emotions, pumps out creative energy from you! In particular, the feeling of guilt, experience, fear;
  2. Stress. Any stress is caused by a sense of importance;
  3. Sense of importance;
  4. Artificial methods of increasing energy:
    a. Energy drinks;
    b. Alcohol;
    Artificial methods of increasing energy are very similar to the loan of money for interest (in other words, credit). You take energy now, but tomorrow or later give up much more. Therefore, try to use them and especially alcohol as little as possible;
  5. Cigarettes;
  6. Tract for trifles.

Tell me, in your life, priorities are clearly placed? If not, do it right now. It will save you from in vain waste of energy for trifles. Why spend your energy to work, which is not even listed in your list of priorities? For example, do you like football? Is it really important for you, what team will win? Surviving, you spend energy because you are important.

Are you experiencing what happens in the country in the country's economy? If so, then again you spend energy. But notice that you can not change anything with your thoughts. As long as you do not earn a condition, you can not affect the economy. And is it worth giveing \u200b\u200byour energy to it?

But think, probably one of the highest priorities is your family, children. For their lives you are able to influence significantly. Maybe you should spend your energy to improve their life?

After you clearly put the priorities, you will understand that everything that is not on the list is not worth it that you spend energy on it!

Wash 80% of your energy to the first 3 points of your priorities: 50% - for the first, 20% - on the second, 10% - on the third, and the remaining 20% \u200b\u200b- on all the others! Watting energy into little things, you give it irretrievably. Watting energy on really important things, you invest it, for which you get even more energy.

Well, now the time has come to talk about how to increase your energy level:

1. Dreams, goals

The presence of dreams and goals to whom you are afraid of day, gives you a huge amount of free energy. But this happens only when dreams and goals are yours, and not imposed to you by other people. When the soul and mind are one in their aspirations, you acquire a huge amount of energy in your use. No better feeling than the feeling that your dream moves to you. If you go to your own way, the universe will accompany you in everything and supply the necessary amount of energy always!

2. Vera

It does not matter what you believe in: in God, to the highest mind, in the universe, in superconscious or anything else, your faith in this higher essence should give you free energy in sufficient volume. If you do not feel it, then maybe. You should develop your faith. Very good affirmation: "My world cares about me." Repeating this affirmation, a few days later you will begin to feel absolute calm and a huge influx of energy, because you no need to be afraid. Your world takes care of everything. The phrase of my world can be replaced with what you believe, for example, "God cares about me."

3. Love

Love is a very powerful positive feeling. When your heart is filled with love, you are experiencing a huge enthusiasm and such a feeling that you can do everything! This feeling is a powerful source of free energy.

In this article, I will share the family with you how to increase the vital energy without making esoteric rituals and without buying red bottles.

Vital energy is such a strange thing that no one sees, but it can easily feel. When you have a lot of it, then the mood is splashing through the edge, and you understand that you can minimize the mountain, without fattening. And, on the contrary, when the energy ends, thoughts and movements become sluggish, you feel fatigue, and gradually realize that you have only two relevant needs: where to sleep, and how to make no one interfere.

The Chinese call it " Q.", And even created a whole Chinese medicine qigong, which is translated as" management of qi ". But, perhaps, today, I do not have enough qi article for writing a qigong article, and I will simply tell about somewhat accessible to each way to raise vital energy.

Exercises every day

Normal charging is the easiest way to increase vital energy. Exercises enhance breathing and blood flow, which means that every cell of your body receives more oxygen and nutrients than at rest. And the better your cells feel, the better you feel, and the more energy you have.

If you are not a sports fan and your goal is only to raise the energy, then you do not need to adhere to the system. Make any exercises that give the load to your muscles, but perform them regularly. Perform the morning charging, run, jump through the rope, float, ride a bike - any activity is good. How to raise vital energy? Train!

Healthy nutrition

Your vitality directly depends on what you eat. Click the mouth fast food, and the level of your energy will fall. If you regularly eat unhealthy and artificial food, then, depending on your relationship to religion, your energy will either postpone into body fat bodies, or to flow through a special point in the middle of the forehead.

In the products that have undergone a long and complex industrial processing cycle, there can be no many vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances, so necessary organism. If they can be there anyway. And that is why you should pay your attention to the most natural and healthy food. I want meat - take raw chicken breasts and boil instead of buying a sausage or sausages. Write the milk - take ordinary cottage cheese instead of a beautifully packaged "miracle cottage cheese." And, of course, fruits and vegetables should be your biggest friends. How to raise vital energy? Eat more fruits and vegetables.


Our body has two states: hungry and fused. In a hungry state, the body supplies with energy all systems and organs harmoniously and evenly, while cleaning it and the output of slags. In the full state, almost all the energy goes into the stomach, and this is exactly what the sleepy and stupid state of satiety after rich lunch is explained. Let you better clean the body, and do not waste most of the energy to digest food.

How to raise vital energy? Starve (no matter how paradoxically sounded).

Drink water

It would be logical about this place to write "Drink coffee", as coffee is a well-known and simple energy. However, I am an opponent of increasing the same parameters of the body identifies the deterioration of others, and the coffee in this plan is a very controversial drink. Therefore, I can call the best drink to raise vital energy. Water helps to purify the body from slags and toxins, water is a source of oxygen and nutrients, in the end, our body consists of water by and large. Therefore, to increase the energy instead of alcohol and coffee, and at least two liters per day.

How to raise vital energy? Observe drinking mode!

Normal Son.

This is another prerequisite for maintaining a high level of energy. The human body who does not fall out does not have time to cleanse normally, recover and prepare for a new day, and in the end, every day is still harder and harder. The presence of a computer, internet, and many entertainment in it, like games and social networks, gives many temptations.

It even comes to the information addiction - this is when you sit at the computer, everything did everything, it is necessary to get up and go to bed, but you can't break away from the screen and we climb to read or see even anything. In this case, weak vital energy is provided to you - and not only due to lack of sleep.

Exception of multitasking

This often silences all sorts of a guru from the energy, but I'm not a guru and I will say. Until inappropriate, much energy devours our multitasking when we immediately take over several cases. Therefore, if such situations are often found, think about how it can be avoided. Perhaps will help some techniques of time management and organization of work activities. In general, do business in order, do not proceed to the second case without finishing the first, and you will be happy.

The above tips are just the beginning. Choose what is most convenient for you, and soon your energy will increase. But if you do not know where to start, I will offer you what very much helped me - observe the normal mode of sleep, paragraph 5.

And also - meditate. This is the best, in my opinion, how to raise vital energy.

People with a high energy level are faster than dreams, they are always in good mood, do not have a lack of funds, are popular with representatives of the opposite sex, feel cheerful and active. If in your life everything happens exactly to the opposite - it is worth paying for this issue of increased attention and learn how to increase your energy.

Human energy is represented by two varieties:

  • physical;
  • and free (or vital energy).

Due to physical energy, the normal vital activity of the human body occurs. It is also necessary to maintain a high free energy tone.

So you always have a lot of physical energy, it is important to adhere to these rules:

  • fully feed high quality food;
  • well rest (healthy sleep is playing a huge role);
  • practice high physical activity;
  • regularly visiting the baths and saunas, in which negative energy dissolves;
  • it is more often in nature;
  • yoga and oriental martial arts are very shown.

But to maintain a high vitality, one physical energy is not enough. It is important to have a sufficient amount of free energy. But before being taken for its increase - take care of the physical body. When it feels good - only then begin to raise your free energy potential.

But first determine at what current free energy level you are. Symptoms will be testified about the lack of vitality:

  • reluctance to perform any actions;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • irritability;
  • it's hard to get up in the morning.

The increase in the level of free energy can be carried out by 2 ways:

  • due to the reduction of spending energy;
  • due to the increase in its free energy potential.

But before you tell how to increase the energy, we will talk about what we spend our free energy.

Where the free energy goes

Life forces leave us at such moments:

  1. When we suffer from any negative experiences. All of them actively deprive you of creative energy (especially the feeling of their guilt, anxiety, feeling of fear).
  2. With stressful experiences.
  3. When we feel a very important person.
  4. Unnatural ways to increase their energy potential (at the expense of alcohol, energy drinks). These methods of increasing energy balance have a great similarity with a loan of money under a high percentage. You take the energy today, but tomorrow (or later) it will have to return and in much larger quantities. Therefore, it should be resorted to these methods as less as possible.
  5. When we smoke.
  6. Upse yourself to the little things. Ask myself a question: "Do you stick to clearly arranged priorities?". It is worth doing this in order not to spend your vitality in vain.

You spend your energy on any experiences, often even on those who do not imagine much importance (worry about the life of celebrities, the economic condition of the country, winning their favorite football team and so on).

Pay attention only to your most close people (relatives, close, friends - all those in whose life you are able to influence). You can even make a special list, which makes the case of the first importance and place what can wait.

At the same time, it is important that 80 percent of your vital forces were consumed by three first sub-clauses in this way:

  • 50 percent - the first item;
  • 20 - second;
  • 10 - the third;
  • the remaining 20 percent is the rest.

Remember that energy upset over trifles will never return to you back. Therefore, invest it better in more important things to subsequently returned to you by Storm.

Having understood with energy spending, now let's turn to the methods of increasing energy.

How to increase human energy

Dream, put goals

Dreams and real goals that you try to achieve will fill you with a very significant amount of free energy. But it will work exclusively, if the dreams and goals are invented personally, and not another person imposed you them. When the soul and the mind are in harmonious relationships with each other for their own purposes, you get a lot of free energy to implement the conceived.

If you go on your way, the Universe will help you in every way and will ensure the necessary energy fullness always!


At the same time, the object of your faith does not play a significant role: it may be God, the highest mind, the universe, the superconscious or something else. The main thing is that thanks to the faith you will also be filled with sufficient amount of free energy.


Love is a very powerful positive feeling. When she overwhelms you from the inside, you perceive everything with great enthusiasm and begins to seem that you can conquer any vertices! Love is a very strong source of vitality.

Practice energy gymnastics

This is a set of exercises whose execution contributes to the expansion of energy channels.

Thank you

When you express your gratitude, you are experiencing positive emotions and along with this filled with free energy.

Engage in art

Which of the types of art most of all do you like? Thanks to art, your soul comes to life.

Now, in the information age, art is undeservedly turned out to be in the background, replaced by the Internet and television. It is worth paying his time if you want to always maintain a sufficient balance of energy and disclose your inner potential.

Listen to the music

Music is pure energy. Therefore, it is so important to regularly listen to the compositions of your favorite musical performers. The louder you will make music, the more energy flow will increase, fill with music to the edge!

Find a hobby

The hobby acts as an occupation that is done for the soul. Any hobby fills you with additional free energy.

Communicate with people having high energy

Some people have a very large energy potential. They themselves consume this energy themselves, and excess it goes out. Contacting with such personalities, you get a particle of their energy from them.

People with strong energy unconsciously cause surrounding positive emotions. Often, people can not even explain their cause.

For all successful people, a strong biofield is characterized, so, after contacting with them you feel much better in the emotional plan. When such people enter the room, it seems to poured the invisible light.

Practice self-confederation

You probably know that self-sufficiency will allow you to get everything you can only dream of. It is quite realistic to increase your energy, for this it is important to regularly enjoy visualization and resort to energy gymnastics. You can also apply a clean self-hypanosis for this purpose.

Get home pets

Animals always cause positive emotions from their owners, every time your look falls on a cute animal.

Exchange physical energy on free

When you practice sports and active types of recreation - comes physical fatigue, but there is an increase in life tone. Thanks to regular jogs in the mornings, swimming, fitness, dancing you fill yourself with an additional amount of free energy.

Exchange Finance Free Energy

Now we are talking about money. When you give them up and do not expect that they will return to you back, the universe fills you with life forces.

Do you have sex!

Sex is the most powerful source of free energy, therefore it is worth increasing its energy potential due to this pleasant and useful classes.

Supporting your body in good physical form and resorting to the methods described above the increase in the number of free energy, you will significantly strengthen your biofield and due to this your life will start changing for the better.

Do you want to be full forces throughout the day? Below are 6 ways to raise energy and look beautiful without coffee and energy drinks. Our lifestyle and nutrition is directly related to the feeling of vigor. Easy + sea of \u200b\u200benergy or severity + desire to lie down? The choice is yours.

1. Eat more vegetables and fruits

Ice cream, cookies, Coca-Cola, chips not only destroy our health and beauty, but also deprive us of energies! Sugar charges the body of rapid energy for a short time, after which the forces remain even less. After a few hours, a desire to eat with a cookie or snickers appears again. If you eliminate such products from the diet, the body will not spend invaluable energy to digest empty heavy food with zero benefit.

It is better to eat a bowl of brown rice or wholegrain paste (if you are not sensitive to gluten) with a large portion of vegetables that will provide the body with slow energy for the whole day. Do not forget about superfids for power charge - bananas, almonds, ginger, green vegetables and acute peppers.

2. Except caffeine

Caffeine stimulates the tide of strength, at the same time depriving us of energies. Coffee, energy drinks and coca-cola cause physical and psychological addiction. One cup of coffee is not enough for charge energy from morning to evening, so a few hours later there is a desire to drink a cup. Coffee provokes such side effects as headache, fatigue, irritability. The more coffee you drink, the stronger the side effects are manifested.

Try several times a week instead of coffee for breakfast drink green smoothie from greenery and fruits that are full of vitamins and minerals.

Green smoothies are easily absorbed by the body, in contrast to heavy food and make us more beautiful and healthier. The nutritional composition of such mixes is charged with energy for the whole day!

3. Fuck out

Sleep is necessary for physical and psychological health. You can read more likely it is likely that you lack energy due to insufficient sleep.

Watch your feelings immediately after waking up! It is very important to completely restore at night. And wake up with new forces and desire to minimize the mountains.

A few hours before sleep, postpone electronic devices that can break the daily biorhythm. And on the day off, turn off the alarm clock, trust your body and sleep as much as you want.

4. Pei water

Dehydration reduces the level of our energy. Pee clean water, herbal teas, eat fresh vegetables and fruits to feed the body and maintain a water balance. Add sometimes lolly lemon for taste.

5. Executive sports

And you knew that physical activity increases the level of energy at times is stronger than caffeine? A 40-minute walk in front of breakfast will fill energy for the whole day! Regular physical exertion makes us stronger, positive and energetic.

6. Not nervous

When we are tired of emotionally and psychologically from the daily tasks and stressful situations, we feel physical fatigue. Stop for a few minutes during the day, calm the mind will help completely reboot yourself. To take a deep breath several times before answering a call, donate 2-3 minutes on the way home or taking a bath after the weekday - these are small steps that can try each of us.

Switching from a restless mind into the body will save the precious energy, will drastically change you and your way of thoughts! You will become calmer, more balanced, peaceful and feminine. Thanks to this moments, you find answers to exciting questions, and any problem is easy to solve.

Do first steps, gradually changing the usual way of life. Several times a week, replace the morning coffee on a glass of fresh green juice or smoothie. Try instead of candies to dry fruit when the energy is zero. Always listen to the inner sensations.

When we feed the body of healthy food, dedicate a few minutes a day only yourself, then not only feel the sea of \u200b\u200benergy and the inner balance, but also look great! After all, beauty reflects physical health! Otherwise does not happen.

With love,

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