How to spend time with a 5 month old baby. Catch-up with a toy. Child motor development

The daily routine of a 5-month-old child differs from the routine for earlier ages, primarily by a longer period of wakefulness. The child has learned a lot in 4 months, and he wants to try more and more new things. The role of the mother is to help the baby in this, not forgetting about the main regime points necessary for a given age. Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.

The difference between the daily routines for babies 4 and 5 months is not very big. Regime moments remain the same, changes occur only in some of them. So, what does the 5-month-old baby's day regimen include:

  • Wakefulness (communication, games, developmental exercises);
  • Feeding;
  • Hygiene procedures;
  • Walking;
  • Massage.

The total sleep time per day decreases slightly - up to 14-16 hours. Wakefulness in a 5-month-old child becomes more active. It demands attention and "asks" to be dealt with. The daily portion during feeding remains equal to 1 liter, but does not exceed it. It is advisable to go out with a child twice a day. One walk in summer is 2.5 hours, in winter - up to 2 hours.

As mentioned above, the total sleep time is reduced to 16 hours. Of these, nighttime still takes about 10 hours. Daytime sleep is divided into three parts: 2 hours each. The first time the child sleeps before lunch (after the morning feeding and "walking"), the second time - after 1 pm, the third time - from about five to seven in the evening. The second dream is often combined with a walk.

Feeding is organized according to the following principle: the child eats 6 times a day, and at the end of the fifth month, you can switch to 5 meals a day. The total food volume is 1000 ml. The best food for a baby is breast milk. Apart from him, the baby does not need anything yet. Bottle-fed babies can already be given new foods.

Juices and mashed potatoes are suggested to be introduced to artificial people starting from the fourth month of life. If this has been done, and you have already given new products, noting the reaction to them, in the fifth month you can expand the range by adding something new. Only they should also be introduced gradually, noticing if there are any rashes on the skin, and controlling the child's stool.

The older the child becomes, the more potential he feels in himself. Mom must definitely support him, help him learn to crawl and roll over. The baby makes the first attempts already in the fifth month of life. Special exercises, games and activities will help him develop harmoniously.

  1. Continue communication with your baby: sing songs to him, read poetry or just talk.
  2. A child at the age of 5 months has almost completely free memory, so you need to tell him about various objects and their purpose as much as possible. Use only correct literate words and expressions in your speech.
  3. The cognitive interest of a child at this age is very high. An excellent help for mothers will be a chaise lounge. It can be installed anywhere in the apartment and is easy to carry. For example, by placing a chair in the kitchen, a mother can “put” (namely, place the child in a reclining position) in it and start cooking dinner, talking to him, showing and explaining what she is doing. This will be a cognitive exercise for the baby, and mom will have a good time.
  4. In the past months, the mother gave the baby toys, different in the texture of the material. Now you can explain to him what is cold and what is hot. An example would be a mug of warm tea and a piece of ice.
  5. Continue helping your child learn to crawl. Having placed it on the floor, place your palms under the heels. The kid will push off and try to crawl. Perhaps by six months he will be able to do it quite well.
  6. Many children by the fifth month of life can already roll over on their side. Parents need to keep this in mind and not leave their baby unattended on the changing table. And to provoke a coup, put a bright or his "favorite" toy near the child. He will reach for her and may be able to roll over.
  7. Do not be surprised that a child has “favorite” toys by the age of five months. Children learn the color, size and sensations associated with an object. Perhaps the baby is attracted by the combination of its colors, or it is simply convenient to nibble on it, which they do with all the toys.

Observe the mode of sleep, feeding, wakefulness, do not forget about massage, walks and bathing, and the baby will grow up healthy, strong and beautiful!

From the first days of life, the baby develops in different directions. Activity progresses every month and brings forth more and more new abilities. In parallel with physical development, the baby develops both mentally and emotionally. Close observation allows you to divide the stages according to age. So 5 months of age requires special attention to itself.

In this article, you will learn:

The natural development is the growth of a small person, a change in his weight, head circumference. Directly the dimensions depend on the floor. Boys, as a rule, develop in this regard faster than girls, because they then grow into heroes and defenders of the weaker sex.

For girls, the following indicators are characteristic:

For boys, the indicators will be different:

These average data are established by domestic studies and may differ individually for each child.

Physical achievements of the child

It is at this age that coherence of actions begins to manifest. The kid is already clearly beginning to coordinate the movement of all parts of the body to achieve the goal.

His abilities are not limited to turning the body from the abdomen to the back - some children are able to turn in the opposite direction.

Typical movements for the age of 5 months are:

  • The ability to half-sit- brings significant relief to parents. In this position, the baby is able to observe the actions of others and examine objects. This allows you to keep it busy for a while and free up a few minutes for household chores.
  • Crawl- both forward and backward. Different children have their own way of crawling: someone pushes off with their feet, and someone pulls up on their hands.
  • Attempts to grab any object within reach. True, this is not always possible, since the mobility of the hands is not yet fully formed.
  • First beginnings in playing with favorite toys... The baby already distinguishes between color and image, as a result of which preferences are formed in him and he chooses a specific toy he needs.

When getting acquainted with new things, the child can already distinguish between its state, warm or cold, and feels the surface. Children can have other amazing abilities as well, as every year the development is faster and faster.

The development of a 5 month old baby is also reflected in the ability to actively raise limbs. A toddler can tighten his body by holding his parent's finger and try to sit up. But he will not be able to stay in this position, and it is too early to seat the child in an even position.

In the case of forced sitting, for example, in pillows, the spine may bend. While independent pull-ups will only benefit the development of his muscles.

Thus, possible deviations in development can be observed. If the baby does not perform any actions characteristic of his age, you can identify weak parts of the body and strengthen them through regular massage.

Knowing each other

The curious age of 5 months attracts the young researcher to study people. He likes to watch them, to catch any movement, to hear the conversation. But at five months, the baby already clearly knows a close circle of people and can distinguish strangers.

It is important for parents not to become "strangers" for the child. This can happen due to the limitation of your communication with him. The closer the contact, the closer the parent becomes to the baby. Not only emotional relationships are important, but also bodily touch.

There is no need to forbid the child to ruffle his hair, grab his nose or ears, because he is interested in all this - so he tries to convey what he cannot say in words.

In order not to lose the thread with the child, at an early age, it is necessary to follow the path of mutual knowledge:

  • Talk more- this way his own language will be formed faster. Over time, the baby will increasingly pronounce vowel sounds, and perhaps even simple syllables.
  • Participate and come up with joint games- everything is individual. By experimenting, you can find out the games you like the most. Most people like it when their parents toss them up or tickle them a little.

When planning your daily routine, you need to devote any free minute to communication, and not just the necessary care of it.

Feelings in shaping a baby at the age of 5 months

During this period, changes occur in vision. If earlier a newborn was able to see only at a distance of no more than 50 cm, now his vision is fully developed. He can observe movement and objects at any distance.

All children like to observe themselves in the mirror. Thus, they seem to study themselves:

  • changing your facial expressions;
  • hand movement;
  • conveys the mood to its reflection.

The sense of touch at five months occurs practically through the lips and mouth. Any small object that the baby can grab, he unconsciously pulls into his mouth. And this is due not only to the possible teething. This is how the child explores objects.

Also at this age, children are very susceptible to their own sounds. By publishing them, the baby himself enjoys his own successes. And the kid will repeat the ones he especially liked repeatedly until he comprehends a new sound.

How to rationally occupy a child at this age

For starters, you can try to teach him the concept of causation. For example, rolling a car without using hands down a slide. Also, all children love soap bubbles, namely the way they burst when in contact with the body. Watching their flight, the child will receive unforgettable joy for a long time.

One of the educational types of toys for the age of 5 months can be sound toys... And not only those that independently emit sounds, but also those that squeak or scream only when you click on them. So the researcher will be able to independently choose the frequency and sequence of sounds.

Methods for the development of a 5 month old baby

In order for the baby's ability to master motor skills to actively develop, the help of parents is required. There are several methods in a playful way that will bring the muscles to a state where they can freely control body parts:

  • Raise and lower your hands, while massaging and stroking them;
  • Shake your head from side to side.
  • Massage with light pats of the body;
  • Help the child to crawl;
  • Pull your legs to your stomach.

For the mental development of the baby, you can use the game of children's hide and seek "cuckoo", when you should hide from the child by closing your eyes. Gradually, he will adopt the movements and repeat the same actions, and possibly accompany them with sounds.

Studying regularly with your child, devoting all your free time to him, you can get in return not only a strong growing body and healthy active development, but also incomparable love and joy of the baby. From the first days, children adopt all the habits and moods of their close environment, so a smiling and happy child will be a worthy reward.

In the first year, the development of the baby is very rapid. The crumb constantly pleases with new skills and small achievements. A five-month-old baby is very different from a newborn toddler. What has the baby learned by the age of 5 months and how can parents stimulate the development of a baby at 5 months?

The child studies the world with interest, it becomes more and more interesting with him

Physiological changes

  • The constitution of an infant at 5 months becomes more proportional, and the muscles are significantly strengthened.
  • The child's vision continues to develop. From the gaze of the baby, neither stationary nor fast moving objects escaped. The baby also likes to look at pictures.
  • A 5-month-old child is salivating quite abundantly, which is not only associated with the upcoming teething, but also helps to clean the oral cavity, because the baby pulls almost all objects that fall into his hands into his mouth.
  • The stool of a child who is fed only with breast milk can be both frequent (5-6 times a day) and rare (once every 2-5 days). Babies who are formula-fed or started to receive complementary foods usually defecate 1-2 times a day, and their feces are more dense and have a pungent odor.
  • Urination at 5 months of age is normal up to 15 times a day.

Hypertonicity inherent in newborns usually completely disappears by the age of 5 months.

Physical development

During the fifth month of life, the child adds about 700 grams, and his height increases by an average of 2 centimeters. Chest circumference begins to prevail over head circumference.

Track the dynamics of the physical indicators of the development of the crumbs

Each baby develops at its own pace, but experts have determined the average indicators characteristic of most children of a certain age. Having learned them, you will be able to find out whether the child is growing normally and whether additional consultation with doctors is needed.

We have collected the normal range and average values ​​for 5-month-old babies in the following table:

What can the kid do?

  • The baby has mastered the flips on the back from the position on the tummy. Now the child chooses the position in which he will study the world around him. Some kids have started to master crawling. While they are trying to move on their stomachs, actively moving their legs, and also roll over.
  • The baby can already sit, but only with support (for example, in a highchair). At the same time, the back of the crumbs is bent, so doctors do not recommend leaving a 5-month-old child in a sitting position for a long time. If you hold the baby under the armpits and place it on a solid surface, you will notice that the baby will be standing on straightened legs.
  • The crumb freely controls its handles and is able to both grab and hold objects for a long time with both hands. Invite your child to take a toy and see how the baby grabs it with a handle. The baby will carefully study the subject and can get so carried away that he will spend up to 10-15 minutes with the toy.
  • The toddler is already getting to know his mother and other people with whom he often communicates. He briskly responds to expressions of attention from loved ones and distinguishes the tone with which they communicate with him. Strangers, on the other hand, cause a completely different reaction in the child, mostly alert.
  • The baby's speech is actively developing and is a prolonged humming. In the sounds uttered by the tiny one, one can already note a certain intonation, which the child copies from the parents. Some kids already pronounce not individual sounds, but syllables.
  • Little ones really like songs and nursery rhymes from mother's lips, which is manifested by stormy fun. Just as violently, the little one knows how to express negative emotions, for example, when they took a toy or put it in a crib, and the child still wanted to talk to his mother.
  • The kid began to take an interest in the food of adults. He looks into the plates of mom and dad, and if parents like the idea of ​​pedagogical complementary foods, this behavior may be a reason to start introducing the baby to the first portions of new food.

You can do the exercises shown in the next video, according to the methodology of O. N. Teplyakova, an expert in intellectual development.

Development activities

  • Spend about 10 minutes daily gymnastics, since this will help the baby to strengthen the muscles (especially now it is important to strengthen the baby's back) and learn how to control his own body. Spread the baby's arms to the sides and cross them on the chest, then pull the baby by the arms to give him a sitting position. After that, move the baby's legs, turn the baby over on its stomach and work out in this position.
  • Place a bright toy near the baby to encourage crawling. so that the baby could not reach her with his hands, but was forced to try to crawl a little. Place a palm under the toddler's legs, from which the child can push off.
  • Massage by the age of 5 months becomes a little more difficult. The baby's body can now not only be stroked and rubbed, but also pinched, kneaded and beaten.
  • Continue training on fitball, after all, this not only helps the development of the muscles and vestibular apparatus of the child, but also improves the digestive function. Also, activities in the water - in the pool or in a large bath - are very beneficial for the development of the baby.
  • When purchasing new toys for your child, show your child how to handle them. Let the baby see that the ball can be rolled or thrown, the rings from the pyramid can be scattered or folded, and the plush rabbit can be stroked or hugged. Do not forget about the safety and cleanliness of all toys that you give to the baby, because the baby will definitely taste them.
  • Talk to your baby constantly while you are awake, so that the child hears new words and your intonation. Often call the toddler by name, and when showing photos of relatives, be sure to pronounce their names.
  • When talking to the little one in a voice, bend over to the baby's ear and say a few words in a whisper.
  • When communicating with a baby, suddenly stop and make your face still. The baby will be surprised and then try to get you to talk to him again.
  • Play a game that can be called "up and down" with your baby. Raise the baby and say "up", then say "down" with a different intonation and lower the baby.
  • Come up with the baby to the large mirror, so that the child can see not only his own, but also your reflection and can compare them. Even if the baby does not understand that this is just a reflection, he will like to see himself and his mother in the mirror.
  • Seize opportunities to do sitting and crawling exercises and while swimming, after all, it is much easier for the baby to move in the water. When wiping your baby after a bath, name the parts of the baby's body that you are touching.
  • Play peek-a-boo with the baby using different variations of this game. You can cover your eyes or baby's eyes with your hands, hide your face under a towel or diaper, hide behind a cupboard, or even hide a toy under a blanket. No less interesting for a baby and games of "okay" or "magpie-crow".
  • Encourage your toddler to look at pictures of animals. and in doing so, name the beasts and imitate their voices.
  • If possible, make or buy a book for your baby made of fabric, on the pages of which there will be different applications, lacing, buttons, Velcro. Such a little thing will help in the development of the child's sense organs.
  • You can introduce the little one to finger paints. Dip your baby's pens in jars of bright colors and leave marks on the paper. This will certainly evoke positive emotions in both the baby and you.
  • For a walk and during household chores, sit the baby in a sling. From it, the baby will be able to observe all your actions and the world around him, while simultaneously feeling your warmth and protection.

Show your child the toy from a distance, thereby stimulating the baby to reach for it

When massage is better to use nursery rhymes: both you and the child will be more interesting.

For information on how to massage a 5-month-old baby, see the video of Nikolai Nikonov, a leading doctor and massage therapist in Russia.


In the first period of wakefulness of a 5-month-old child, hygiene procedures that are already familiar to the child are performed. The baby's face is washed, the eyes are wiped, and the nose and ears are cleaned as needed. In addition, the baby needs to regularly cut marigolds, as they grow back quickly.

At 5 months of age, the child continues to do daily gymnastic exercises and massage. The baby should also be bathed every day, especially since the baby really likes such evening procedures.

Daily regime

A baby for five months is awake for about 2 hours after each sleep, sleeps three times a day for a total of up to 5 hours and about 10 hours at night. Many 5 month old babies stop waking up at night for feedings.

Walking with a child of this age is still recommended twice a day - in the morning and in the afternoon. Often, during such walks, babies no longer sleep, but look at the world around them. The duration of walks is determined depending on the weather, for example, if it is rather cool or there is a light rain, you can walk with a baby for only 1-2 hours, and in warm summer weather, in the shade of trees, you can spend up to 6 hours a day with a baby.

If a 5 month old baby is exclusively breastfeeding, there is no strict feeding regimen. The baby sucks while going to sleep, as well as after waking up. A feature of feeding at this age is frequent interruptions - the baby can be distracted by any rustle or noise. Complementary feeding for babies receiving only mother's milk is not yet administered at 5 months of age, provided that the baby is healthy and the mother has enough milk.

Breastfeeding on demand is best for the baby.

A bottle-fed child has a strict regimen of meals, which provides for 5 feedings at the age of 5 months with pauses between them for 3.5-4 hours. The total amount of the mixture for the crumbs is calculated based on the weight of the baby (it is divided by 7). Further, the daily amount of food is divided equally by the number of feedings. On average, an infant of 5 months receives from 900 to 1000 ml of the mixture per day, eating about 160-200 ml of food at a time.

The number of complementary foods for formula-fed babies and infants who began to introduce complementary foods earlier according to indications is increasing. Babies are beginning to be given not only vegetables and porridge, but also fruit puree, as well as vegetable oil.

Calculate Your Complementary Feeding Chart

On fifth month the growing crumbs change the regime of the day. Now he plays longer, eats not 6, but 5 times a day, sleeps not 4, but 3 times during the day. At the same time, the approximate duration of wakefulness per day is already in total about 8 hours.

The fifth month of life: the mental development of the child

The attitude of the crumbs to people is changing. When addressing him, he no longer immediately reacts with a complex of animation and a smile, but carefully examines the person. He will be delighted with acquaintances, and when a stranger appears, he may even cry. Just as clearly, the infant distinguishes and reacts differently to the intonation of the voice and music. This age is characterized by a melodious humming.

At 5 months, a baby can be taught to eat half-thick food with a spoon.

Child motor development

Young children develop very quickly. A five-month-old baby every day becomes not only physically stronger. He has improved coordination and accuracy of movements. He can raise from a prone position not only the head and shoulders, but also the trunk. At the same time, he rests not on bent, but on straightened handles, with open palms, and not with cams.

In the fifth month of life, the baby will delight the parents for the first time rolling over on your own... From this moment on, the toys should no longer be hung, but laid out around him in order to stimulate crawling and the desire to turn again. He willingly sits down from a supine position, although he still needs a little help. And held by the armpits, not only stands confidently and firmly on his feet, but also oversteps them.

Hand movements are becoming more and more dexterous. The kid can feel, shake and turn the toy for a long time, without dropping it accidentally, but throwing it when it gets tired. Fingers strive to penetrate into each of her holes. The child is able to catch a suspended rattle with his hands on his own.

Physical development: a complex of massage and gymnastics

To improve the baby's motor skills, a gradual complication of gymnastic exercises and an increase in the time and volume of exercises with him are recommended. For this, a new, third complex serves, which should be performed daily and in a certain sequence:

  • take the arms wide apart and cross them on the chest;
  • bend legs alternately, imitating cycling;
  • turn the child from the back to the stomach through the right side;
  • massage the back muscles with stroking, kneading and patting techniques;
  • to smoothly swing in the air a child lying on his hands in a position on his stomach;
  • abdominal massage;
  • swing, as in the previous paragraph, the baby, but already lying face up;
  • massage the feet and perform their flexion and extension;
  • alternate bending of the arms and legs;
  • turn the baby from the back to the stomach through the left barrel;
  • in the prone position on the tummy, raise the upper body;
  • press your palm tightly to the soles of the baby lying on the tummy so that he can push off, stimulating crawling;
  • with the baby lying on the back, spread his arms to the sides and raise his head and torso in this position;
  • finish by rubbing and vibrating the chest.

At the age of 5 months, children enjoy swimming. This is very useful, as it helps to cope with frequent muscular dystonia, develop good coordination of movements and acquire the ability to control your body.

The first months after birth, the baby does not have a clear daily routine. It is up to the parents to establish it. But 5-month-old children have already formed a certain regimen, but there are times when it gets lost, and mom and dad need to know how to create comfortable conditions for the development and rest of their child. How much should a toddler sleep and stay awake? How and what should be fed?

Norms of night and day sleep for a child at 5 months

At 5 months, sleep for a child is necessary to restore strength and energy reserves, which he spent on studying the environment and learning certain skills. The baby's brain also rests, because every day the baby remembers, realizes and studies a huge amount of new information. That is why parents should pay attention to their child's daily routine and sleep standards.

At five months, the child sleeps about 15 hours a day: 10 hours at night, waking up to feed 2-3 times, and 5 hours during the day.

By the age of five months, the baby's daily regimen is fully formed. Babies get used to sleep and eat at approximately the same time, so parents know when they go to bed and when they wake up for their first meal. And the child, in turn, after the evening bath, for example, is waiting for a hearty dinner, after which he quickly falls asleep and sleeps soundly at night. The schedule is convenient for adults who can plan their time and get enough sleep.

Pediatricians emphasize that the daily routine is not established by the baby, but by the parents, determining the time of sleep, wakefulness and feeding.

During the day, the baby sleeps three times.

  1. The first dream is in the morning. After waking up and feeding, the child wants to sleep in one and a half to two hours. Pediatricians recommend taking a walk with the baby in the fresh air at this time.
  2. The second dream is daytime. After lunch, the little one needs rest again. In the hot season, doctors advise to spend this time at home, and if it is spring, autumn or winter outside, then you can take a walk outside. From this, the baby's sleep will only be stronger.
  3. The third dream is evening. Many parents are against sleeping in the evening, especially in the cold season, citing the fact that it is already dark outside, the child can confuse day with night, his schedule will go wrong, and he does not want to go to bed on time. This opinion is fundamentally wrong: at five months, the baby physically cannot stay awake from two or three o'clock in the afternoon until the evening, he needs rest. If you do not let your baby sleep, he will be capricious, cry and feel discomfort from fatigue and overexcitation. But after taking a nap for one and a half to two hours, the little one will actively spend time with their parents and, tired, will sleep soundly at night. In the warm season, evening sleep is also best done outdoors.

How to organize a baby's sleep day and night - video

Causes of Sleep Disorder in 5 Months Babies

Pediatricians, including Dr. Komarovsky, recommend that parents adhere to the regimen. But at the age of five months, the established schedule can easily get lost. It depends on the physiological changes in the baby's body. There are 4 main causes of sleep disturbance.

  1. Teething. At five to six months, the first teeth begin to appear. Very often, this process is accompanied by pain, fever and discomfort. Most of all, this worries the child at night, so the baby may not sleep, be capricious and cry. In this case, it is better to contact a pediatrician who will conduct an examination and select effective and safe drugs that can alleviate the condition of the baby and provide him with good rest.
  2. If the child is sick. Fever, sore ear, throat, or runny nose keep your baby awake. Do not self-medicate: be sure to consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary treatment for a quick recovery of the child.
  3. Fear. It is a very common cause of troubled sleep. To solve this problem, it is recommended to put a crib in the same room as the parents, to purchase a dim night light that will illuminate the room.
  4. Hunger. It is also a common cause of sleep disturbance in 5 month old babies. Some parents mistakenly think that eating at night is harmful at this age. Pediatricians say: before bedtime, the child must be fed so that he is comfortable. A well-fed baby will sleep for several hours before waking up for the night feeding, after which he will also fall asleep.

If, under the influence of some factors, the daily routine is violated, parents need to be patient and try to restore it, eliminating the cause. To do this, you need to gradually shift the time of sleep and wakefulness until you can return the desired schedule.

Children's sleep rules: Komarovsky's opinion - video

Food intake schedule for a baby at five months for an infant and a bottle-fed baby

At five months, the toddler receives nutrients from breast milk or an adapted formula. The number of feedings required at this age is five, plus two to three breastfeeds per night. Some children wake up once at night. If your baby is one of them, then experts do not recommend specifically waking him up: a hungry child will definitely wake up on his own. And if he is fast asleep, then one feeding is enough for him.

Babies who are breastfed or formula-fed consume approximately one liter of milk or formula per day.

Today, doctors advise to introduce complementary foods for children starting from six months. In some situations, this is done from four to five months. Basically, such recommendations are received by parents whose children are bottle-fed or poorly gaining weight. In this case, the pediatrician will tell you which product should be given first, and how much food the baby needs at a certain age.

Komarovsky on the introduction of complementary foods - video

What can you do with a five-month-old baby while awake?

The mode for the baby includes not only sleep and feeding, but also the waking time. For children of five months of age, it averages 2-2.5 hours between breaks for recuperation.

In the morning after waking up and feeding, pediatricians recommend carrying out water procedures and gymnastics. After them, the child needs rest, and he quickly falls asleep. Swimming is ideal in most cases in the evening. Water has a relaxing effect and prepares the baby for a night's sleep.

During the day, you can play and have a good time outside: the little one is always interested in seeing the objects around him, to catch new sounds. While awake, experts advise giving the baby a light massage, which develops and strengthens his muscles.

In warm weather, spend more time outdoors: fresh air is very useful for the development of the baby, and the world around, people and children will attract the attention of the child.

At five months, children focus on new subjects. You can entertain them in the daytime as follows:

  • purchase bright noisy toys (rattles, children's musical instruments, sounded soft toys) and play with a baby;
  • tell the child the names of animals and depict the sounds they make;
  • do fitball exercises, which are useful for strengthening the muscles of the abdomen and back;
  • take it with tactile pads or soft books so that the baby can feel the different textures of fabric and filler with his fingers, developing fine motor skills of the fingers;

    You can sew tactile pads yourself and put various cereals, small balls inside, or buy ready-made ones.

  • put it on a developing mat with many bright interesting details that will distract the little one for a while, which will allow mom to do other things;
  • inflate soap bubbles, which will be interesting for the child to follow, which contributes to concentration;
  • vilify the baby around the apartment, giving the opportunity to take a good look at everything, while talking about all the objects he saw.

Developing activities with a child - photo gallery

Tactile pads develop fine motor skills of toddler's fingers
A developing mat will distract the child for a while Fitness ball exercises will help to strengthen the muscles of the back and abdomen

The routine for the crumbs

Even at such a small age, the daily routine is important for both the child and the parents. At five months, the baby spends most of the day in a dream, waking up for feeding, and only a little time remains for active games.

At 5 months, the daily regimen for breastfed and bottle-fed babies is no different: they eat five times a day and wake up to feed 2-3 times at night.

Approximate daily routine for a baby of five months - table

6:00 rise, first feeding (breastfeeding or a portion of the adapted formula 200 ml)
6:30–8:00 water treatments, light massage, time with parents
8:00–10:00 morning sleep
10:00–11:00 second feeding (breastfeeding or dairy-free porridge 150 g)
11:00–12:30 massage, games with a child, a walk on the street
12:30–14:30 afternoon nap
14:30–15:30 third feeding (breastfeeding or vegetable puree 150 g)
15:30–17:00 outdoor walk, time with mom, educational games, exercise
17:00–19:00 evening sleep
19:00–19:30 fourth feeding (breastfeeding or adapted mixture 200 ml)
19:30–20:00 communication with parents, games
20:00–20:30 water treatments, relaxing water games
20:30–21:00 fifth feeding (breastfeeding or adapted mixture 200 ml)
21:00 night sleep with awakening for feeding 2-3 times a night

* If the interval of 3.5-4 hours for honey feedings is too long for the baby, then you can give the baby a breast on demand between them. Focus on the needs of your child.

Child and Mode - video

By accustoming the baby to the regime, you can plan your time and properly organize the development of the baby. As they get older, the daily routine will change: the number of naps and feedings decreases, the child becomes more active, learns to sit and walk. But this happens gradually, and it is easier for children who have developed a schedule to adapt to changes in their body.