How to develop breasts to appear milk. A separate question is drawn and flat nipples. How to develop breast milk after childbirth

It is extremely important immediately after giving birth to attach a baby to her mother's chest. This is not just a feeding process, this is a signal at the level of instinct, generating mutual proximity. Yes, and in the future, breastfeeding will help grow a baby healthy. But in order that everything went smoothly needed prepare your breasts to feed.

In order to avoid problems when feeding, breasts should be prepared even during pregnancy.

In Soviet times, in women's consultations, they advised future mothers to rub the nipples with rough cloth, with the aim of flaws. Do not do this yet. Rigid fabric, especially if you rearrange, can injure your nipple. And the cracks that appeared are a gate for infection.

We will apply more gentle breast preparation methods to feed and answer the question of how to develop breasts for feeding before childbirth.

Naturally, breasts need to wash daily, but try not to wash your nipples, soap can cut the gentle skin. Something to lubricate healthy nipples is not necessary, but to strengthen, make less sensitive, will be useful.

Black tea for

In this we will help ordinary black tea. Overlook the napkins, moistened in the brew on the nipples several times a day. Even better if you have an oak bark. Brew it, as indicated on the package, let it cool, and bathe your nipples, or make compresses as well as tea.

How to harden chest before feeding

The answer to the question is how boobs breasts are being developed before childbirth, you know the hardening adherents, since the chest also need to temper. Start with air baths. Just go with open breasts 10-15 minutes. The next stage will be the pouring of the breast at first cool, and then cold water. When you take a shower, at the end, paint the boobs of cool water. Be careful! No need to put records for molding. Reduce the water temperature gradually.

It is also useful to wipe the nipples of ice cubes, it also hardening the procedure. Very good if the ice is cooked from the brave of herbs, the same oak bark, you can take a chamomile, a couple. Keep the ice in the chest not long, you should not freeze. Wipe the nipples with ice once a day.

Check your nipple form before starting breastfeeding

Some women have flat or drawn nipple forms. In this case, the baby will be difficult to get a chest normally, and it threatens the nipple injuries. How to check what is your nipple form? To do this, neatly large and index fingers squeeze the nipple from the opposite sides along the border of the Area. The nipple of the convex shape will be treated forward, and the rotten "hide".

To prepare breasts with flat or drawn nipples, spend a simple massage. With two fingers, carefully pull the nipple, slightly twisting it. Probably there is no need to remind that the hands should be purely washed, and the nails are trimmed and fed?

But before proceeding to the execution of the massage described above, consult a doctor leading your pregnancy. Stimulation of nipples can lead to cuts in the uterus, and it is extremely undesirable for some states.

The pharmacies sell special adaptations of changes in the shape of the nipple, the so-called proofreaders. You need to wear in the last months of pregnancy, ranging from five minutes a day. Gradually increasing wearing time before half an hour.

After the birth of the baby, continue to wear correctors before feeding for 15 minutes.

Breast massage as feeding preparation

You can advise future mommies to carry a daily breast massage. Do it better in the morning and in the evening before bedtime. Massage includes simple techniques:

1. Circular chest strokes. Act both hands at the same time. Very gently and gently. Nipples and Area do not touch!

2. Stroking the chest first at the top to the nipple, then on the side and finally, below. We massive both glands at the same time.

3. We take the left of the left chest into the left hand and slightly raise, at this time the right hand gently press on top. Push, this does not mean, let's give all my might! Everything is very gentle and neat.

Perform each reception 5 times. Such a massage will temper the chest and come in handy to you if it will be necessary to push the milk.

It is important to choose the brain properly, he in no case should squeeze the chest. During pregnancy, the size of the bra has to change in a few weeks. Therefore, do not buy a lot of linen, perhaps it is quite soon it will not suit you. Choose a bra with wide stray and preferably made of natural fabrics.

In addition to physical training, psychological should be carried out. To do this, during pregnancy, it is very useful to communicate with happy nursing moms. They receive from the process of feeding a lot of pleasant emotions and will be happy to share them with you. It is also useful to read positive literature on the upbringing of babies, where it is described how to feed the baby. You must clearly tune in that you are breastfeeding, and it will deliver pleasure and your child. It is necessary to be like classes for future moms dedicated to feeding. There they will show you how to put the baby to the chest correctly, tell how to avoid the appearance of cracks on the nipples. Usually such classes are carried out in women's consultations or with maternity hospitals.

If you are worried that feeding will spoil your breast shape, then you need to start resist this during pregnancy.

Gymnastics will help us in this. During the morning workout, take 2-3 exercises that strengthen the breast muscles, such as the exercise "Prayer":

Stand or sit on the chair straight. Fold hands at the chest level, palm together, directed up. Elbows to the sides. Start with force pressed by the bottom of the palms on each other. At the same time, muscles located under the chest glands are strained. Namely they support the chest, preventing it from dissipation.

An option for the first exercise is the second, called "bulb":

Source position is the same. Hands over head, palm together, fingers up. Also squeeze the lower parts of the palms.

At the expense of one to thirty, we strain the muscles, then relax. You need to start with 10 repetitions, then bring to thirty.

Thanks to this preparation, your baby will receive a full breastfeeding, and you save the beautiful chest and save the wonderful memories of the infant period of your child's life.

Immediately after childbirth, the baby most often applied to. This is important not only for feeding process, this is a kind of signal at the subconscious level, which is designed to generate mutual proximity. In addition, breastfeeding is extremely important for normal growth and development of crumbs, and earlier attachment is one of the most important ways to stimulate lactation. In order to avoid possible problems during feeding, it should be preparing for this chest at the stage of pregnancy. How to do it right, we will discuss further.

During the countries of the Soviets in women's consultations, future mothers strongly recommended to systematically rub nipples with a coarse tissue in order to reflect them and thus prepare for feeding. But this is still not worth doing.

First, rigid fabric can easily injure delicate skin, causing cracks to ensure that infection can easily get.

And secondly, too active stimulation of nipples can cause an increase in the tone of the uterus and even premature labor.

So, the preparation for feeding should occur more gentle methods.

What to do?

Hygienic procedures should be carried out daily, kneading. It is not necessary to use soap, as it cuts the skin and can lead to microcracks. There is no need for an artificial lubricant of healthy nipples, our care will be aimed at strengthening, they need to be made somewhat less sensitive.

In this, we can help the most ordinary black tea, brew it from the calculation of a teaspoon of welding on a glass of boiling water. In the resulting embarofer, wipe the napkins and put them on the nipples several times a day.

Also, for this purpose, you can use the oak bark, purchase it in the pharmacy and make the factory in accordance with the instructions on the package. Application scheme is the same as with tea.

For breast development, you can resort to hardening principles. First you just go with an open chest at a quarter to an hour several times a day. Such air baths will prepare the skin to further effect. The next stage is poultry. Taking a shower, direct the jet on the chest and make the temperature slightly lower than usual. Gradually reduce the water temperature and after a few weeks or months spend contrast dials, first hot and then cold water. Such a procedure will help you also save the beauty of the neckline zone.

Another way to temper is wiping the nipples with ice cubes. At the same time, freezing is recommended not just ordinary water, but herbal decoctions, for example, the same bark of oak, a series or chamomile. It is not worthwhile to keep ice in the chest, you should not flaw. Repeat such a procedure once a day.

Some women have a drawn or flat nipple shape. This anatomical feature may make it difficult to capture his chest baby and lead to chest injuries during feeding. In order to learn about their shape, squeeze the index and thumbs of the nipple along the border of the Area from the opposite sides. The convex nipple would be, as it were, stitch ahead, and flat or rotten hide.

In order to prepare such a breast, you should perform a special, but simple massage. Pull the nipple with two fingers and twist it a little. Be careful, your hands should be clean at the same time, and it is advisable to cut the nails shortly and cutting down.

Before proceeding with such procedures, do not forget to consult with your attending physician. As mentioned above, the stimulation of nipples can cause an increased tone of the uterus and its reduction, which is extremely undesirable if there is a threat of miscarriage or premature birth.

In the pharmacy you can purchase specially designed adaptations that change the shape of the nipple. They are called Correctors, and wearing them need in the last trimester of pregnancy. Start from five minutes a day of such training and increase the period of wearing up to half an hour.

After the child appears to the light, wear correers for a quarter of an hour before each feeding.

Future mothers can conduct everyday breast massage. Such a procedure is best done in the morning, as well as in the evening immediately before bedtime. Massage consists of two uncomplicated techniques:

Circular strokes. Spend on your chest with both hands, moving gently and gently. It is not worth it to concern any nipples nor Area.

Stroking each breast in the direction from above and to the nipple, the same movement repeat the side, and then below.

Repeat every reception five times. With this massage, you boasts and prepare for complaining if it is necessary.

It is also very important to choose the right bra. During the period of the child's waiting, he cannot transfer the chest in any way. It may well be that you have to change the size literally once a month, so you should not buy a lot of linen. Prefer the products with wide straps made of natural tissue.

If you are worried about the fact that feeding will strongly spoil your breast forms, make a special support for gymnastics. Purchase the usual tennis ball and squeeze it with the bottom of the palm, placing your hands in front of you. This simple exercise is very effective.

The closer the estimated date of birth, the stronger the future mothers begins to worry the question: when milk will come, how to feed the newborn so that it does not remain hungry. Many women, having listened to the history of more experienced girlfriends that after childbirth, the crumb will not have enough valuable fluid, they begin to panic ahead of time. But the feeding of the child is a natural process that, with the right setting, will flow without problems.

Colostrum and milk: what and when to wait

Lactation is the physiological process, the purpose of which is to provide a full-fledged nutrition of the child for a long time. Doctors of the whole world do not cease to repeat that maternal milk is the best option for newborns and children of the first year of life, so most women strive to keep breastfeeding after the advent of the baby.

Today, modern medicine adheres to the opinion that it is optimally feeding with crumbling booster to three years: the first six months the baby feeds only to breast milk, then it is gradually introduced to lore, but the valuable fluid is not excluded from the daily diet.

Almost every woman can feed baby breast milk, because lactation is a physiological process.

The timing of the appearance of colostrum and milk depending on the number of labor

With the onset of pregnancy, the body begins to prepare not only to bearing and the birth of the fetus, but also its feeding. From the fifth week of the placenta produces a special hormone - placental lactogen, which, together with prolactin, affects the mammary glands, preparing them to lactation. By the end of the first trimester, quite complex processes occur in the chest, and on the fourth month, many future mothers begin to notice that yellowish liquid is distinguished from the nipples. This is a colostrum that appears in the mother in the first days after childbirth and is considered the most valuable for the newborn.

Many primary women fear that such a small amount of nutrition will not be enough for crumbs. But experts hurry to calm moments: the stomach of the newborn is very small, so several drops are enough for him after appearing on the light. In addition, the composition of the colostrum differs from the mature milk: it is more fat and includes many nutrients and useful elements.

A few days after the birth, the colostrum changes in transition, and then ripe milk

Many future mothers worry that by the time of birth, the baby will not appear milk, because in most cases the babies are applied to the chest immediately after delivery. On this occasion, it is not necessary to worry, since it is most valuable for a newborn in the first hours of life it is a colostrum, and it is already ready and waiting for Kroch to take a nipple in the mouth and starts to actively produce food.

It is interesting. Today, the majority of births that have no contraindications to epidural anesthesia, choose this method of anesthesia when conducting cesarean sections. In this case, the kid immediately after removing is applied to the chest, and it receives a valuable fluid. But with general anesthesia, the first day or two feed the crumb is prohibited.

The deadlines for the appearance of milk depend on what kind of women are in the account. At first-Russian two or three days after the birth of the child, only colostrum is allocated, then it is replaced by the so-called transient milk - it is less dense, yellowish liquid. And only the fifth and sixth day begins full lactation. But after the second and subsequent birth, this process is much faster: the milk comes on the third day.

Video: What is colostrum and when milk comes

What feels a woman when milk comes

It is worth understanding that every organism is individual, and even the doctors will not call the appearance of milk in the young mother. But there are average indicators based on many years of experience, observations and statistics. One thing can be said completely accurately - a tide of the valuable fluid is not to confuse with anything. There are several signs for which a nursing woman will determine that lactation has started:

  • chest increases in size, becomes hard;
  • there are painful sensations in lactic glands;
  • local temperature increases (on the touch the chest is hot);
  • venosal vessels are well transmitted through the skin;
  • milk may be so much that it is spontaneously released from the nipples.

These signs are observed for several days. The primordin, they are expressed more clearly and last longer. But after the second and subsequent birth, the chest reacts not so painful, because the body remembers the whole process and has already passed the lactation. Therefore, moms of the second, third kids most often do not experience severe pain, and breastfeeding is much faster.

In the first days after childbirth, it is very important to make a cloth to the chest often to stimulate the production of milk.

Consultants for GW explain that milk production occurs on the principle of supply and demand: how much the baby ate for one feeding, so much is formed to the next one. Also affect the intervals between the applying of the child to the chest. In the first time of the nutrient fluid, there may be a lot or vice versa, because the body does not yet know the clear graphics of food reception for the newborn. On average, a month or two after childbirth, when mom and krook learned each other, adjusted under the definite mode, the lactation is settled. The chest is no longer poured so much, does not hurt, since the milk arrives exactly as much as the son or daughter is necessary.

Causes of delay or lack of milk after delivery

There are situations where a woman is experiencing certain difficulties with breastfeeding. We are talking about the absence of milk after childbirth. First of all, it is necessary to understand that the appearance of a valuable fluid depends on several important factors:

  • birth of a child on time or premature childbirth;
  • rhodeworgrate naturally by or by surgical intervention (cesarean section);
  • emotional state of mother. Some categorically against breast feed naturally. They do not just do not want to put the crumb to the chest, but there are disgust from the process itself. Strong stress also negatively affects the production of milk.

If everything is clear with natural childbirth, then there are questions about Cesarean sections. Very often, women experience that after the operation, the lactation will not work. But in most cases, HB is possible. However, for each mom, everything is individually: the fact is that much depends on which drugs were used during and after surgery.

In women who gave birth to docking children with the help of cesarean sections, milk can come both on the fourth-fifth and sixth seventh day after childbirth. This is considered the norm, and you should not panic. The main thing is to apply the baby to the chest more often to stimulate the production of valuable fluid.

Breastfeeding is the best option for the baby, even if the birth was not natural

Emergency delivery is a big stress for the body. For restoration and restructuring, a woman needs more time. In such a situation, milk can come in a week or lactation does not begin at all. Here everything is individually, and even the best doctors are not predicted, how the systems of life and organs will behave.

How to develop breast milk after childbirth

Some young moms face the situation when everything went well: a donkey child, childbirth and without complications, and the milk does not come or it is very small. Most often, this is observed at primordin women. And the reason is that there is a small lactation delay. Nursing mommy has no experience and relevant breastfeeding skills and makes very common mistakes:

  • incorrectly applies crumb. The baby captures only the nipple, so during active sucking the liquid does not stand out from all channels, the chest does not empty completely;

    This is fraught not only to develop a smaller amount of milk, but also the formation of stoles in the breast, which can lead to lactation and maple.

  • it's irregularly kid. Consultants insist that at first after delivery, it is necessary to give the chest newborn as much as possible to stimulate lactation;
  • nervous and is in the state of emotional overvoltage, stress. The success of breastfeeding depends on a good and positive attitude.

Therefore, you should not immediately translate the baby to the mixture and give up. First of all, consult with a specialist who will give valuable recommendations about the establishment of lactation. Among the most common advice, the following are allocated:

Video: What to do when milk came after childbirth

Stages of formation of lactation

After the birth of the child and extract the placenta hormone lactogen, which restrained breastfeeding, disappears from the body of a woman. And the main role is taken by oxytocin and prolactin. The first stage of lactation starts, which includes several stages:

  • isolation of colostrum of dairy gloys;
  • the formation of transition milk. It begins 35-40 hours after childbirth (the amount of colostrum is reduced, the young mother feels tides);
  • transition to mature nutrient fluid. Comes about 10-14 days after the birth of a baby;
  • adaptation of the body, establishing breastfeeding. It lasts from 4 to 8 weeks. During this time, my mother gets used to a new role, a chart of feedings is configured, and the brain can control how much milk will be enough for the full development of crumbs.

If at the first stage of the formation of lactation, a woman is experiencing difficulties, it is worth consulted with a doctor

Two or three months after the appearance of the kid, breastfeeding is fully established. And this stage is called mature lactation. Doctors consider his time when and mother, and the baby calmly recognize each other, they rejoice in every minute spent together, and the breastfeeding process clings to the most native people.

At the stage of mature lactation of breast milk is produced exactly as much as the child is needed. A woman does not feel tidys, increasing local temperature or excessive breast increase.

Several signs of mature lactation:

  • the chest to the touch is not solid, but in sensations it is not so heavy, as in the first months;
  • disassemble and discomfort, which many young mothers feel with the arrival of milk;
  • the mammary glands are not completely filled, because the fluid arrives gradually, which is fairly portions, which are enough for one crumbage.

This stage lasts up to one and a half and two and a half years, while the kroch and the mother's body will not be ready to complete the lactation.

Lactation crises: what it is and how to cope with them

When breastfeeding is established, the milk is clearly produced and on time without unexpected tides and other nuances. But every woman is individual, so many nursing mothers have a sharp decrease in the nutrient fluid at a certain time. Such phenomena are called lactation crises.

Distinctive features of crises are anxiety of a child, frequent and long-term feeding, a feeling of an insufficient amount of milk in the chest.

Several periods are distinguished when lactation is possible:

  • two weeks after childbirth. Someone has a valuable fluid in general may abide. At this time, the crisis is associated with stress and emotional overvoltage. Complex childbirth, health problems, fatigue (especially if the baby does not sleep at night and does not give enough sleep), the appearance of cracks on the nipples and, as a result, a painful feeding process. Not all women are able to cope with so much difficulties, so they begin to experience problems with the production of milk;
  • a month after the delivery. Most often, this is due to the fact that the body began to adapt to lactation and learns to regulate and form so much milk as a child is necessary, and no more;
  • three and six months. The baby grows, shows more attention to the world around the world, shows character, seeks to learn and see something new. It changes the mode of sleep and wakefulness, therefore the frequency of applying to the chest can decrease, and with it and the power supply for crumbs.

What to do to overcome lactation crises

  1. A psychological attitude is very important. You need to be calm, tune in to success and positive breastfeeding experience. It is more often to talk to the baby, soothing him and himself. The child feels mom's mood: if the woman is happy, joyful and balanced, will also feel like a crumb.
  2. More relax. Of course, sleeping at night in the first months of my son or daughter is very difficult. But you can fall asleep during the day when the baby is sleeping.
  3. Making milk gloomy massage. Such actions stimulate blood circulation, which is useful for the movement of fluid in dairy ducts.
  4. Observe the power and drink mode. Eat products that increase lactation, as well as drink more fluid.
  5. Feed baby on demand.
  6. Increase the number of applying to the chest at night.

Video: What is lactation crisis

Baby feed breasts - the natural desire of most women. Experts insist that in this valuable fluid there are all the necessary vitamins, minerals and immunoglobulins, which are so necessary for the full development of the kid. Do not panic and fear in advance that problems may arise with lactation. Consultants on breastfeeding and gynecologists will definitely respond to those who have arisen, and the attachment will bring pleasure to the young mother and baby.

Women's breasts are not in vain called the symbol of motherhood: there is a milk generation, and it is thanks to this a child can eat from the first hours after birth. Attach your crumb to the chest is a great happiness, but there are cases when the unearthly feeling of maternal joy is overshadowed by the strongest pain caused by cracks on the nipples. Blood begins to leak out of cracks, and directly nipple hurts and bakes so that it is impossible to even touch it, not to mention feeding.

Unfortunately, such a problem happens every second young mammy, which does not know how to prepare the chest to feed.

Breast care in the process of pregnancy

Already throughout the pregnancy, nature begins an independent process of preparing your mammary glands to future motherhood and feeding the baby: ducts are poured, the bust increases externally and becomes harder, the outlines of the arole are changed, its sensitivity increases.

Preparation of the chest to feeding should begin yet with pregnancy, optimally - from 30 weeks. It is necessary for the hygienic care: if during the first two trimesters wash the breast with ordinary soap or gel for the soul, then on the latter, they should be excluded so as not to overcover the skin.

Starting from the third trimester, it is recommended to lubricate the nipples to the nipples every day to prepare the skin of the chest (it is desirable to choose with a supplied vitamin E). At the same time, you should not forget about the need for internal saturation of the body with vitamins A, E, omega-3 (polyunsaturated fatty acids). They are contained in sea fish, vegetables, vegetable oil, fruit.

The contrasting shower improves the elasticity of the skin. Separately, this procedure can not be done for the bust, it is enough to pay attention while taking a common contrasting shower for the whole body recommended to women right since the beginning of pregnancy. The stream of the jet should be non-intensive, variablely changing with warm on cool water.

Is it possible for breastfeeding

In some recommendations on how to prepare the breasts to feed the child, the future mothers find the Council to put a hard sponge to solidify the nipples into a cup of bra. In fact, it is enough to use lining from a terry towel, gradually providing the desired effect, or periodically perform wipes.

To prepare the gentle skin of the breast to motherhood it is useful to take air baths. It is necessary to start the bust daily for 20 minutes. In the warm season, short-lived sun baths are useful.

Two months before delivery, you need to make a massage of the Nipple and Areola every day. It should be light, circular movements: first clockwise, then against. Next, take the nipple with big and index fingers, gently pull up to the top and back, then perform "exercises" up and down and left - right. For massage enough two minutes.

The impact on the nipple leads to stimulating the cutting of the uterus, so the massage is needed, but do not overdo it.

The program of how to properly prepare breasts to feed, includes a course of special gymnastic exercises.

Exercise in the preparation for breastfeeding

The following exercises differ good efficacy and absolute safety for pregnancy:

  • "scissors". Straighten your hands in front of yourself, at the expense of "times" - spread them to the parties, at the expense of "two" connect so that one palm is above another;
  • "Floating". Perform alternate circular movements with your hands, representing that we are sailing;
  • straighten your hands in front of yourself, palm jumble tightly with each other. On the exhalation - elbows, on the sides, on the breath - connect again.

What you need to buy for breasts before childbirth

It should be borne in mind that the correct preparation for breastfeeding includes the acquisition of several special items that will be needed for this period:

  • special leaf for feeding. You can buy a bra that is sold in pharmacies, which has specially detachable cups, or take the usual with a clasp ahead and a cotton-based cups sold in underwear stores. Lifter pick up without bones, on wide coarse straps, well adjacent to the body and supporting bust (but not pursuing). It should be borne in mind that the lactic iron increased during pregnancy after delivery will add another one to the size of the bra;
  • lactation tabs. This is an indispensable thing that will protect the clothes from the nipple of milk, gives a nursing mom a feeling of full comfort;
  • pillow for feeding. It will conveniently accommodate the baby, and reduce the load on the back, neck and shoulders of mom;
  • lactator (breast pump). A convenient tool that will help to quickly and well push the residue of milk of dairy ducts, which contributes to the improvement of lactation;
  • ointment with Lanolin, designed to lubricate nipples. The tool relieves irritation, pain.

How to develop breasts after childbirth and leaving

Separate question - drawn and flat nipples

Very often, future mothers concerns the issue of drawn and flat nipples, such a form is perceived by many as unsuitable for feeding. In fact, this is an erroneous misconception, doctors in one voice pay attention to young moms, that the baby sucks the chest, but not nipple, therefore, it does not matter.

The most important thing is that you need to make all the future mothers, it is:

  • perform even before the birth of the baby all the listed rules of preparation;
  • learn to properly apply a child to the chest. There will be no problems with feeding when holding a newborn face to the chest that does not require the turn of the head. Then the crumb will quietly capture the area of \u200b\u200bthe area of \u200b\u200bthe Area, pressing the tongue to which the breast milk can easily produce.

Many mothers note that the use of a lactator (breast pump) quickly helps to eliminate the problem with the shape of the nipple.

This issue is very relevant to all moms, especially those for whom these are the first birth. There are certain recommendations and advice related to breast preparation for feeding, but you have to discuss any actions for consultation with your doctor. There are many mistakes that allow both young and mature moms. It is a specialist who can explain what to do to avoid discomfort, probable problems with lactic glands. It is imperative to pick up a breast preparation complex for feeding, which is suitable for you individually.

According to statistics, each second young mother faces strong pain, burning, fracture and blood on the nipples. This is a sign of breast unpreparedness. To the feeding of the kid. Mother's milk is very necessary child for quite a long time - about 6 months. To answer the question of how to prepare breasts to feed, it is important to consult the physicians about how food should be. For its timely receipt in the necessary number, a woman should not only eat right, but also prepare the chest to this process in advance with the following actions:

  • preparation of breasts to lactation;
  • preparation of the postpartum event;
  • massage;
  • exercises;
  • hygienic procedures.

About, how to develop breasts for feeding It is important to think even during pregnancy. It is necessary to study the degree of sensitivity of the breast, as well as pay special attention to various forms of nipples.

Pregnancy during pregnancy

Through pregnancy, there are many changes in the body of the future mother. For example, breasts increases, becomes more sensitive. First Council In this case: Using a lining that effectively affects the nipples. For their hardening, we need materials like a terry towel. If you feel uncomfortable, you can simply make wiping, but necessarily periodically.

Breast preparation - quite a long process . So to get a good result We must begin the development of the breast since the thirtieth week of pregnancy. As for hygiene: On the last trimester, you can not wash your chest soap, gel for the soul. They seem harmless, but are able to cut the skin.

A good procedure is a contrast shower. The flow of water should be changed alternately, the jet should be weak or average intensity. In this way, you can make the skin more elastic, so the contrasting souls are recommended from the very beginning of pregnancy.

In addition, it is very important to take air baths every day, that is, to bare breasts for a short time - 15-20 minutes. If you do not knowHow to prepare the chest can start with this procedure.

When a woman on the sixth month of pregnancy, It's time to start lubricating nipples by oils that have a useful impact. Well, if the composition of this oil includes vitamin E. It is also very important not to forget about proper nutrition. It is worth introducing marine fish into the diet, a large number of vegetables and fruits, as these products contain many vital elements.

How to prepare nipples

There are three nipple forms: flat, drawn and convex. It is not necessary to make hasty conclusions that it will be inconvenient to feed the child, even if there is a suspicion of the wrong type of nipples, because the problem will be the right preparation for lactation.

First you need to determine the form. If you are easily pressed to the halo of a nipple, and he repeats, it means that you should not worry, as everything is fine, it is comfortable for feeding. If he pulled inside - this is not entirely good, but after some procedures and exercises everything can be fixed. And also the shape of the nipple can be determined by temperature. If you are cold, then the drawn is even more deepening in Areol, if it is normal, or convex, it will be thrown forward, and the flat will not change at all.

The problem of the irritation of the nipple subsequently, it is drawn deep into the inside. In this case, it is necessary to make special exercises that will get rid of a young mother from this problem. And can help massage.

The problem of flat and drawn nipples

The main thing is not to be afraid. Even if you did not have time to develop nipples, or were not sure how to prepare the chest, the movements of the child in the process themselves will change the shape of the nipples. Do not try to immediately use artificial feeding, because Mother's milk is very important for the proper development and growth of the baby.

If you have a fear of feeding or uncertainty that everything happens, calm down . Everything should be goodbecause the nature itself, you have the ability to feed children.

Increased sensitivity of nipples is a frequent fact that very upsets young and inexperienced mothers. There are many mammies with such a problem. Feeding, in this case, is an extremely unpleasant and painful process, which brings only uncomfortable sensations. You can eliminate this defect in such ways:

In addition, it will be useful to consult with doctors who know the specifics of the body and can take the optimal decision on how to better prepare nipples to feed.

How to develop breasts for feeding

It is clear that the better the mother's chest is developed, the better the feeding process passes. Unfortunately far from everyone know aboutThat breast preparation is an extremely important responsible process for which only the future fever is responsible.

One of the breast preparation methods is hard control over how lactation passes. It is important to understand that it is precisely from this factor that the effectiveness of feeding a breast child depends.

How to facilitate the lactation process and make it pleasant:

Of course, you can listen to the advice of experienced women, but a qualified doctor should remain the main source of information.

Hygiene during feeding

Doctors argue that soaking the chest before each feeding does not follow the baby. It is enough to take a shower once a day without special detergents, or use neutral and non-allergic reactions. After washing, dip chest with a clean napkin. If you abuse the frequency of baths for dairy gloys, you can provoke the appearance of dry skin. When it all happens, it is worth using natural ointments or creams, but only after feeding.

After the end of the feed does not need to wash the chest. Milk, which remains on the nipples, forms a protective ball and reduces the risk of dryness and cracks. It is also important to wear clean napkins treated with iron in a bra. This is important for breast protection, as well as absorption of milk, which can stand out.

Do not use disinfection tools. They can harm skin, change the natural smell of the body, as well as cause uncomfortable feelings of both you and your baby. Prepare your chest is better natural methods.

How to keep your breast shape

In the process of saving the chest during feedingand recovery after its end, such methods are effective:

  1. Proper nutrition, it is especially important to use fish oil.
  2. Exercise like push-ups with widespread hands and others.
  3. Massage with natural oils.
  4. Do not sleep on the stomach when the chest is filled with milk.
  5. If you have gained overweight during pregnancy (and most likely, it is so), do not try to lose weight rapidly.

Pregnancy is the most joyful event in the life of every woman, but it is important to prepare to prepare for it. The condition of the chest, the processes of production of milk and development of hotels are essential factors that are a kind of foundation for the health of the newborn and his mom!