How to improve complexion using various techniques and folk remedies. How to improve complexion at home

Beautiful skin is the result of quality self-care. Few women have the opportunity to visit cosmetologists and perform expensive procedures. If finances or lack of free time do not allow you to regularly visit the salon, you should not despair. Women in the last century knew how to improve complexion with the help of folk recipes. These simple tools, if used regularly, can work wonders.

Perfect facial skin is not only the absence of acne, wrinkles or age spots. It should be fresh, elastic and juicy. And also have a natural and uniform color. Healthy skin cannot have a yellow or dirty gray tint.

Dull skin indicates that cells lack oxygen and nutrients. Sometimes an earthy hue is due to the fact that dead cells do not exfoliate and clog pores. Black dots appear, the microrelief worsens.

Many women try to solve the problem with cosmetics, but this is only a temporary solution. Every woman should know how to improve complexion and skin condition. Moreover, it is easy and does not require financial costs. The basic rule of beautiful and healthy skin is regular care.

Causes of dull color

The appearance of the skin depends on the state of health of the body as a whole. And also from local blood circulation and moisture. Bad habits and an unhealthy lifestyle damage the skin the most. These are the main culprits for a gray complexion. Causes of skin deterioration:

It is easy to restore a radiant look to the face. The main thing is to change your habitual way of life. And also pay more attention to health and facial care.

The lack of vitamins and microelements negatively affects the condition of the skin. No masks to improve complexion can help a woman who abuses fast food or is constantly on starvation diets. A balanced diet is the foundation of healthy skin.

The fight for perfect skin should start in the kitchen. Every day you need to drink enough water, at least 1.5 liters per day. It should be pure water, not coffee, juice or tea.

Cereal cereals should be replaced with whole grains. Pearl barley containing lysine is especially useful for the skin. It is a protein that stimulates the production of collagen, which is responsible for the youthfulness and elasticity of the skin.

It is important to eat more vegetables and fruits, especially greens. Useful parsley, spinach, cilantro and dill. Don't forget beans and nuts.

Useful fatty acids found in marine fish fight dry skin. Protect it from cold wind and aggressive sunlight. Regular consumption of oily fish helps prevent premature wrinkles.

High-quality fermented milk products regulate bowel function. When choosing yogurt, you need to look at its composition. You should refuse to buy those products that contain preservatives, dyes and a large amount of sugar. There will be no benefit from such yogurt.

In the event that the revision of the diet was not enough, it is recommended to additionally take vitamin complexes. Vitrum Beauty preparations, special dragees Merz, Imendin, Famvital, Supradin have proven themselves well. After the nutrition and the correct regimen are established, you can improve the condition of the skin with the help of home cosmetics.

home cosmetics

High-quality cosmetics can work real miracles. But it only affects the upper layers of the epidermis. Therefore, before improving the face at home, it is important to make sure that there are no serious pathologies.

Home cosmetics are distinguished by safety and high-quality composition. Each ingredient performs a necessary function. There are no harmful impurities. The only drawback of homemade creams or masks is that they have a short shelf life and it will not work to prepare them for future use.

For dry or normal skin, the same formulations can be used. Most often they are not suitable for oily people.

Women with a mixed or oily type need to choose the remedy carefully. It should not only give radiance, but also cleanse the pores and prevent the development of acne.

Radiance masks

Masks can make the skin radiant, even, fresh, supple and clean. It is necessary to apply the product on cleansed and steamed skin. During the procedure, it is recommended to lie down, the muscles of the face should be completely relaxed.

You can keep the mask on your face for no longer than 15 minutes. Then gently, without stretching the skin, rinse with warm water, then rinse with cool. Apply night cream. Two to three procedures can be performed within a week.

To refresh the skin and give the radiance of youth will help the following composition:

  • a tablespoon of powdered milk;
  • a tablespoon of honey;
  • a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • a teaspoon of pure water;
  • half a tablespoon of almond oil.

All ingredients are mixed and gently applied to the face from the center to the edges. This mask can be left to act for 30 minutes. Then, rinse gently.

Walnut has long been considered a symbol of youth and longevity. To prepare a cosmetic product, fresh walnuts must be ground into powder, which can be replaced with natural walnut paste without additives. For the mask you need to prepare:

  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of nut powder or paste;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of natural yogurt without additives;
  • 1 hour boat of liquid honey;
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice;
  • vitamin E oil capsule.

Connect all components. Apply the mixture on the face, neck and décolleté. Then, the skin can be treated with an ice cube.

Fresh parsley is useful not only for ingestion. Based on it, you can prepare an excellent remedy for dull skin. For the procedure you will need:

  • 5 gr. chopped parsley;
  • 15 ml heavy cream or homemade sour cream;
  • homemade egg yolk.

For this remedy, parsley must be cut as small as possible. Greens should give the skin its juice as much as possible. The yolk of a homemade chicken egg can be replaced with a quail.

Creating flawless color

Oily skin can look dull and dirty. The cause of this appearance may be clogged pores and a layer of desquamated epithelium that covers young cells, so the face must be regularly cleaned and scrubbed.

When the skin is cleansed, all the nutrients from the mask will be able to penetrate into the cells. For color enhancement and cleansing this recipe would work:

  • medium cucumber;
  • 10 gr. oatmeal ground on a coffee grinder;
  • 10 gr. cosmetic clay;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of apple cider vinegar.

The cucumber is rubbed on a fine grater, and with the help of gauze, juice is squeezed out of it. Combine with vinegar, oatmeal and clay. You can keep the mask on your face for no more than 15 minutes.

The tomato mask not only gives the skin radiance, but also successfully fights comedones. It unclogs pores and removes blackheads . For one session, prepare:

  • medium ripe tomato;
  • 10 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • 2 teaspoons of natural yogurt;
  • half a teaspoon of cornstarch or flour.

Scald the tomato and remove the skin. Grind the pulp and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Apply for 15 minutes.

Protein masks are often used to narrow large pores and reduce oiliness. By adding a few additional components to the protein base, you can get an excellent remedy for the radiance of the face. In addition to chicken protein, you will need:

  • 10 ml lemon juice;
  • 5 drops of tea tree oil;
  • 5 drops of rose oil.

Whisk the protein into foam. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix. Apply the mixture only on a cleansed face.

Avocado is a great remedy for skin beauty. This fruit contains essential fatty acids. They are essential for both dry and oily skin. For the mask, you will need a tablespoon of mashed avocado, as well as:

  • a few drops of lemon juice;
  • 15 ml low-fat kefir;
  • 5 drops of vitamin A in oil.

Apply the mixture on the face. In order for the mask to hold better and not fall off in lumps, the avocado must be crushed as best as possible. For these purposes, ripe fruits are most suitable.

Purifying scrubs

High-quality skin care is impossible without the use of scrubs. Scrub allows you to remove dead skin cells, cleanses pores, improves blood circulation and allows better absorption of nutrients from creams, masks and serums. Dry and normal skin is treated 1 time in 7-10 days. A combination and oily twice a week. A scrub consisting of:

  • 6 sorrel leaves;
  • sprigs of parsley;
  • 3 drops of olive oil;
  • 15 grams of flax seeds, ground in a coffee grinder.

Finely chop the greens, add oil and seeds, apply to wet skin and make a light massage for 5 minutes. Rinse off and apply your usual cream.

A sugar-based scrub improves blood microcirculation and cleanses pores. It is necessary to use powdered sugar or grind sugar yourself in a coffee grinder. And you will also need:

  • 10 ml of sesame oil;
  • 15 gr kiwi puree.

Mix all products and apply on face. Make a small massage and leave to act for another 5 minutes. Then rinse.

Despite their affordability, home cosmetics are more effective than most professional products. The basis of finished cosmetics is an emulsion complex, which in 80% of cases consists of petroleum-based mineral oils. In addition, do not forget about parabens and dyes.

Adding a few milligrams of nutrients to such a truly toxic composition is not able to make the skin perfect. This does not mean that it is necessary to completely abandon ready-made funds. It is important to choose them correctly by reading the composition.

Beautiful skin is the dream of many girls and men, it indicates the health of the body, gives confidence, emphasizes natural beauty. If you know how to improve complexion at home, you can save not only on cosmetic procedures, but also on expensive cosmetics.

Improving vitamins for facial skin are your little indispensable helpers in the fight for youth and beauty. They will not help you get rid of any specific problems (pigment spots, acne, open pores), but will greatly facilitate the fight against shortcomings with the help of other means. Also, taking vitamins immediately affects the condition of not only the skin, but also hair, nails, and even mood.

  1. The skin has lost elasticity;
  2. The complexion became pale or with a grayish tint;
  3. Extensive scaly areas appeared, most often in the area of ​​​​the nose or cheeks;
  4. The face took on a painful appearance, some imperfections appeared: spider veins, circles or bags under the eyes.

Photo - Healthy complexion

Fighting a lack of nutrients is as easy as shelling pears: start taking vitamins for women. Many complexes also include acids and fats, which are necessary to increase tone, hair growth, improve vision and condition of the nail plates.

In addition to taking supplements, you should definitely review your diet. We do not incline to proper or separate nutrition; with the modern rhythm of life, this is not always possible. Just try limit the following product:

  1. Coffee. Caffeine negatively affects the vascular system of the body, as a result of which various problems appear (bruises under the eyes, reddening of proteins);
  2. Alcohol. With regular drinking of alcoholic beverages, the skin acquires a grayish-white tint, swells and loses elasticity.
  3. Nicotine. Under the influence of cigarettes, the face becomes an unpleasant yellowish color, earthy, pores open, wrinkles and other signs of premature aging appear.

Naturally, not only the restriction of some products and the introduction of others, but also caring activities will help to quickly improve the complexion. An important role is played by the normalization of blood circulation, this process is responsible for the distribution of nutrients through the epidermis and giving cheeks a blush.

To enjoy a beautiful matte shine, it is enough to wipe your face every morning with an ice cube. You can freeze both mineral water and herbal decoctions, green tea. Such a morning event will help not only wake up faster, but also close the pores, remove oily sheen.

Do not forget about cleansing the top layer of the skin. In order to give it a glow, you need to regularly do color-improving peels, scrubs and masks. Soft oatmeal peeling is incredibly effective. It evenly exfoliates dead cells without scratching the skin.

Photo - Face mask

To prepare it, mix two tablespoons of oatmeal, a spoonful of flower honey and a drop of coconut essential oil. Apply the mass on the face and spread over its entire surface. After each problem area, walk in soft circular motions for 3 minutes.

A harder sugar scrub works well. It not only improves the blood supply to the face, but also deeply cleanses the pores. For a spoonful of sweet remedy, you will need 5 drops of any essential oil for the skin. It can be castor oil, almonds, coconut, olive. Use in the same way as oatmeal peel.

Be sure to try other types of peels, to find the right one for you, you need to try several types of this procedure. Once a month, you can also go for professional cleanings: diamond, laser or ultrasonic.

Video: How to improve complexion: tips

One of the keys to improving the complexion is skin nutrition, it can be a homemade mask, cream or a simple oil applied at night. Here are the most effective recipes:

  1. Pure argan oil can be used as a night cream. This is just a chic remedy that will save you from a number of shortcomings: dryness, tightness, lack of nutrients, in addition, it is considered hypoallergenic;
  2. Traditional medicine is recommended to improve the tone of the face - use goat fat. This is just a storehouse of trace elements and vitamins necessary for the epidermis. It can be applied to the skin as a cream without rinsing (for dry and sensitive) or as a mask, removing after 20 minutes (for normal and combination);
  3. To whiten your face in a short time and at the same time improve its color, a citrus mask will help. You need to peel the orange and squeeze the juice out of it, add a couple of drops of essential oil there and apply with a sponge on the skin. Wash off after 10 minutes. Categorically this mask is prohibited in case of allergy to vitamin C;
  4. Excellent nutrition for carrots. It should be noted that raw carrots are often used as a self-tanner, so Snow White needs to be very careful with this mask. Grate the root crop, add a spoonful of honey to the vegetable, mix thoroughly and apply on the face. Remove after 15 minutes;

Photo - Carrot mask

Don't forget to cleanse. Every morning and evening it is necessary to wipe the face with a tonic or lotion without alcohol (depending on skin type). For sensitive dry, cucumber lotion is suitable, while for oily or problematic, a product based on strawberries or salicylic acid will be relevant.

Often, girls do not have enough time to prepare homemade masks or folk remedies simply do not fit. This is where professional products come in to help improve complexion.

Very good reviews about cosmetics from Black Pearl - this company specializes in the production of cosmetic preparations for young women over 25 and mature women with normal skin. Basically, the lines are aimed at nourishing it and giving it a natural glow.

It is impossible not to say about the cream from Shiseido, which helps to improve the color of any face thanks to the natural red caviar in its composition. This is a rather expensive pleasure, but the effect is undeniable.

Photo - Belkosmex mask

Vishi micellar water is useful for cleansing and toning the face, improving its tone, closing pores and cleansing them. It will saturate the skin with minerals, rare vitamins and acids, while cleansing it very gently. In a short time, this tool will help you become the owner of an almost perfectly light and even skin.

Don't forget about procedures. For example, facial paraffin therapy can be done at home, but more effective professional products are often used in salons. Be sure to do face massages and face culture - these are chic ways to eliminate visible skin imperfections with minimal means and give it an even and clean shade.

A beautiful even tone of the face indicates the absence of health problems, the ability to take care of oneself and eliminates internal complexes. But, unfortunately, most people have to work hard to achieve a positive result. Consider the methods by which you can quickly improve complexion at home.

Facial care products

One of the main conditions for a uniform complexion is good blood circulation, which is responsible for delivering nutrients to skin cells. This will ensure proper skin care. There are the following required steps:

  1. Start every morning by washing your face. This will help the skin wake up, close the pores and remove the fat that stood out during the night. It is very useful to prepare cubes of frozen decoction of herbs (chamomile, mint) or green tea in advance and wipe the skin of the face with them.
  2. Cleanse your skin with special cleansers to remove dirt and oil residues. It can be cosmetic soap, lotion or washing gel.
  3. Wipe the skin with a tonic that will restore the natural acid-base balance, relieve inflammation, dryness, and eliminate skin redness.
  4. The final stage of daily facial skin care is its nutrition and hydration. In the cold season, cosmetologists recommend applying a nourishing cream in the morning and moisturizing in the evening, and in the warm season, moisturize the skin in the morning and nourish in the evening. Thus, the skin daily receives a sufficient amount of moisture, as well as all the vitamins and nutrients it needs.

Such care is necessary for the skin, both in the morning and in the evening. And cosmetics must be selected according to the age factor and skin type. For help, it is advisable to contact a qualified specialist in order to accurately determine your type and choose the right cosmetics.

In addition to daily care, do not forget to do it once or twice a week. To do this, use exfoliating agents. Such cleansing of the upper layer of the skin of the face will ensure a uniform color of its entire surface. An oatmeal, ground coffee, sugar or salt scrub will do the job perfectly. Choose the peel that suits you best.

How to improve complexion: vitamins and nutrition

An equally important factor that affects the complexion is a healthy diet. Pale color with a grayish tinge is a sign. First of all, you need to try to solve this problem with a balanced diet, and if it doesn’t work, drink a course of vitamins. There are some dietary rules that affect the complexion of the skin. Let's consider them in more detail.
  1. Eliminate unhealthy foods from your diet. These are salty, sweet, smoked, fried, spicy, coffee, alcohol, nicotine, soda, as well as snacks containing a lot of preservatives and chemical additives.
  2. Eat foods that contain fiber, vitamins and nutrients. For the constant regeneration of skin cells, protein is needed - this is lean meat of birds and animals, legumes, all types of fish, sour-milk products, fiber (cereals, whole grain bread, plant foods), as well as healthy unsaturated fats, which are rich in cold-pressed vegetable oils, salmon, mackerel, herring.

    Beauty vitamins and are simply indispensable for the skin. The first of them is contained in the liver, butter, sour cream, fatty fish, carrots, pumpkin, potatoes, tomatoes, spinach, broccoli, herbs, lettuce, apricots, melon, plums. Vitamin E is rich in seeds, nuts, cereals, peas, corn, soybeans, eggs, liver and vegetable oils. Regular consumption of all these products will not only provide the skin with useful trace elements, but will also bring undeniable benefits to the whole body.

  3. Moisturizing your skin is essential for an even complexion. to ensure that you are drinking enough fluids. To improve your complexion, drink at least one and a half liters of clean water a day. For these purposes, spring, mineral or melt water without gases is best suited.

Another effective and affordable method that affects skin color is masks that you can prepare yourself at home. The result will appear instantly, immediately after rinsing.
  • Fresh cucumber whitens the skin well. Use only a grated vegetable or add a tablespoon of honey to it.
  • Any citrus fruits (lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit) will do for masks. The secret lies in vitamin C, which performs a whitening function. Simply dampen the sponge with juice and apply to the face.
  • Align the complexion of the mask from any fermented milk product. For owners of dry and normal skin types, it is preferable to use sour cream or fatty cottage cheese, and for oily skin, a yogurt mask is better.
  • In winter, when there are no fresh vegetables and fruits, grated raw potatoes can be used for the mask, adding a spoonful of flour and honey to it. Such a mask should eliminate pigmentation of the skin of the face.

    Video tips on how to improve complexion and skin condition (Alginate masks):

Spring is joy, a sunny mood, a boost of energy and a desire to look not just good, but stunning. But after a long winter, with its cold and winds, lack of vitamins and movement, your face is not happy at all. Pale, gray skin, circles under the eyes, some redness, acne ... What should I do? How to quickly improve complexion, restore skin tone and radiant appearance?

It's simple, in order to improve the complexion, you need to follow our skin care recommendations. In less than a week, improvements on the skin will already be noticeable. So, without delay, let's get started today.

How to improve complexion in a week

First and most important: We make an audit in the refrigerator. Without regret, we throw away mayonnaises and ketchups, sausages and smoked meats, sweets and cakes. Starting today, your refrigerator turns into a kingdom of healthy and tasty products, and the queen in this kingdom is greens. Go to the market or shop and buy "cabbage, potatoes, carrots, peas, parsley and beets ...". Be sure to cottage cheese and sour cream, yogurt and kefir. Any fruits and berries. Meat is possible, but low-fat - veal, beef, turkey or chicken. Fish - whatever you like. Bread - black, gray, with bran. Quail eggs are better.

From all this variety, you can cook an incredible amount of tasty and healthy dishes that will help improve complexion, just turn on your imagination a little or simply fish out a recipe from the Internet.

Second: We allocate at least two hours for a walk. Fresh air complete with movement - rosy cheeks and good mood.

Third: The skin looks good when it has rested. Therefore, we sleep in a room with fresh air, and not with clogged windows.

These three steps are the most important. And you need to fulfill them daily, and remember them every minute.

Now we proceed to direct actions to resuscitate and improve the skin of our face.

Facial cleansing

“I must, I must wash my face In the mornings and evenings…”

Remember these nursery rhymes? And why do you perform "every other time"? For skin over 25 years old, simply washing with water is not enough. Also chlorinated. Your laziness in the evenings is the future envy of those who have not forgotten that good skin is clean skin. Now it is not at all a problem to find cosmetic facial cleansers that are right for you, taking into account age, skin condition and all that. Remember: an overcast complexion adds at least 5 years of age. Do you need it?

So every morning we start with washing. And we end the day with them. Contrasting washes give a good tone to the skin. If it doesn’t work every day, then at least once every two days these procedures should be carried out.

After you wash your face, wipe your face with tonic and apply your favorite night or day cream (depending on what time of day it is).

Facial skin tone

Without tone, life is dull and boring. If you do not tone the skin, it will also become dull and dull. And if for the tone of the body you need to do a lot of things, then the tone of the skin of the face requires only ten minutes of attention a day. In the morning, wiping the face with ice gives a good effect. Ice cubes are easy to freeze in special forms. You can just water, or you can decoction of herbs - the skin will be grateful.

Movement also improves the properties of the skin. So move more.

Massage makes the blood run more cheerfully through the veins and enriches it with oxygen. Consequently, the skin acquires elasticity and becomes elastic. Doing massage yourself is easy and takes a little time. The main thing is to learn where the massage lines are on the face and for several minutes just pat your face along these lines with your fingertips.

Facial skin nutrition

If you do not nourish the body, the person will simply die. If you do not nourish the skin, the same thing happens to it. So why don't you forget about the stomach, and forget about the face?

The skin of the face is constantly under pressure from the environment and internal emotional state. Either the wind blows it, then the dust clings, then the sun burns, then the frost “pinches”. And we ourselves add trouble - either we put poor-quality cosmetics on our faces, then we drink beer, but under a cigarette ... Our poor skin! We torture her and want her to always remain tender and velvety. Could you always be in a pleasant mood if you are nervous, insulted, humiliated, scolded from morning to evening? Here's the same thing.

In addition to a variety of creams, lotions, tonics and scrubs, which are widely advertised by various cosmetic companies, there are also natural products. Try to create such a symbiosis of modern technology and folk ways. Morning and evening - tonics and creams. In the afternoon - masks from berries, fruits and vegetables. No need to part - enough to "feed" the skin with vitamins up to three times a week.

It should only be remembered that tomato, carrot, coffee give a rich swarthy-pinkish complexion, and lemon, cucumber, parsley have a whitening effect. You can experiment. Most likely, you will invent your own recipe for a face mask, after which your skin will become even and radiant.

There are many recipes to restore youth to the skin and improve complexion. The same amount of advice and recommendations. But no matter how much they talk about it, the most important thing is your love for yourself. Love yourself, and your body will very quickly respond to you with beautiful matte skin, a toned shape and a “floating” mood - checked!

Who hasn't heard that facial skin can glow? How to improve complexion at home so that they talk about you with admiration?

You need quite a bit and a lot at the same time for those who are not used to sticking to the regime and taking care of themselves regularly and systematically.

  • Sleep at least 8 hours.
  • Go to bed before midnight.
  • Eat simple and healthy meals.

It's complicated? May be. Especially if habits are not developed and life drags along as it should. Every day throws one problem, then another, and everything seems more important and necessary than your own health. Even for beauty.

But the components for caring masks that can be found in the kitchen cabinet - this seems to most people simpler and more affordable. Let's deal with at least what is easiest to implement - we take care of the skin of the face with the help of homemade masks.

However, one without the other is ineffective. Keep this in mind when choosing cheap homemade or expensive brand name facials.

So, we decided - the regimen, nutrition, walks and ... the simplest, extremely cheap, affordable home remedies for cosmetic face masks and they will definitely say about you that your skin is shining and it’s impossible to take your eyes off you.

How to make skin well-groomed at home

Elastic, smooth, peach skin of the face is the dream of any woman. Someone gets such skin from nature, many achieve excellent results by regularly caring for their skin. It's not difficult at all. The main thing is to remember the basic principles of facial skin care, according to your type.

Regular cleansing, toning and additional facial skin care bring amazing results. It is important to correctly determine the type of skin.

Normal skin does not require special care. It is enough to eat right, do not overdry and choose the right care products.

Dry skin requires delicate, attentive treatment. It is worth making errors in nutrition, forgetting about the harmful effects of the sun and wind, and it can turn red, peeling will begin, and premature wrinkles will appear.

Owners of dry skin need to know about the benefits of vitamin A. You will have to fall in love with dishes using egg yolk, carrots, liver, fish oil. With an abundance of modern simple, but tasty and varied recipes, it is simple and affordable.

When choosing care products, the main criterion is softening, moisturizing, nourishing the skin of the face.

Oily skin requires thorough cleansing, degreasing, moisturizing and toning. Poorly cleansed skin can lead to clogged pores with excess sebum combined with dust and the formation of blackheads.

The nutrition of owners of oily skin should be limited to fatty, spicy, salty, spicy foods. The use of B vitamins, iron preparations, brewer's yeast, sulfur preparations is recommended. Fruits will help to have healthy skin.

Mixed skin type requires a different approach to caring for different areas of the skin.

There are also universal products that can be successfully used for all types of skin.

The hackneyed truth ... but we repeat all the same.

Facial skin care needs systematic, including good nutrition, the use of properly selected cosmetics, sufficient exposure to fresh air, healthy long sleep and good mood.

There are an unimaginable number of recipes for beauty and health. From absolutely fantastic and impossibly expensive to the simplest and most accessible, handed down from generation to generation for centuries.

Despite the burden that lies on the shoulders of a modern woman, if you wish, you can always find time for yourself.

Combine business with pleasure, having arranged for yourself the most pleasant relaxation.

Judge for yourself how simple the methods of gaining or maintaining beauty are, decide whether it is worth spending precious time on these very simple and affordable means. A couple of simple, if not the simplest face masks.

Oatmeal face mask

Carefully grind, into flour, oatmeal and mix them with cream. Once on sale there was oatmeal - this is the hercules ground into flour. Nutrition and soft peeling in one bottle.

Apply the resulting mixture on your face, cover with a napkin and lie down. Listen to music, dream. For a mask, 15-20 minutes is enough. Wash off with warm water.

The procedure should be carried out in series two to three times a week. Spend a month - replace two with another or take a break altogether.

Small wrinkles that upset us so much will be smoothed out, or disappear altogether. The skin will be nourished and become elastic and fresh.

And although this mask does not include a single suspicious component, do an allergy test. Be safe, everything is possible now.

Parsley face mask for wrinkles

Rather, this is a seasonal version of the mask for the beauty and health of the neck. The skin on the neck betrays the true age of a woman and even young people are disturbed if not cared for.

You can rejuvenate your neck by preparing a milk-parsley infusion. Pour chopped parsley with boiling milk. Wrap and leave to infuse for five minutes at a time. Strain and soak a washcloth in this warm infusion and apply on the neck. Cool down - repeat again. And again - lie down, not thinking about anything, relax all your muscles, give yourself a serene idleness for 20-30 minutes.

At the end of the procedure, gently, without stretching the skin of the neck, rinse off the infusion with warm water and apply your favorite nourishing cream.

Is it worth it to spend a lot of money on the purchase of newfangled creams and masks for beauty and health, if everything that is needed for this is at our fingertips. The desire to be young and beautiful and folk remedies, proven over the centuries - that's all you need.