Beautiful little snowflakes with your own hands. Paper snowflakes on windows: simple and beautiful patterns (schemes) for cutting

Beautiful paper snowflakes will be a good home decoration for the New Year. They will create the atmosphere of a snow-white, winter fairy tale in the apartment. And simply cutting snowflakes of various shapes from paper can be fun, because this is an exciting activity and they should captivate their children. If you do not know how to cut paper snowflakes, or have forgotten how to do it, then this is not a problem. Next, you will see that everything is very simple. Even a child can handle this. For the New Year's holiday, we suggest you make a lot of snowflakes and, moreover, of different shapes.

How to cut a paper snowflake?

It is surprisingly easy to create a beautiful snowflake from an ordinary sheet of paper. To do this, you just need to use - scissors, paper, pencil, beautiful diagrams, your inspiration and some free time.

First we fold the blank for the snowflake from a square sheet of paper, as shown in the picture below. Using different beautiful schemes, you can cut hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of snowflakes of various, beautiful and unpredictable shapes from the created triangular base.

Using a simple pencil, transfer the drawings shown in the diagrams to the base, and then cut out the snowflakes.

At the end of the article, you can find other schemes for cutting paper snowflakes.

How to make a volumetric paper snowflake?

A voluminous snowflake looks much more spectacular than a regular one, and it is just as easy to create (a little more difficult). Such fabulous 3D snowflakes can be hung around the rooms, as well as on the tree itself to create an atmosphere of the New Year's holiday. You will need: 6 square sheets of paper, glue, scissors, a stapler, inspiration and some free time (15 minutes will be enough). A voluminous snowflake, if desired, can be made multi-colored, using colored paper to create its individual elements. But before you learn how to create voluminous snowflakes without instructions, it is better to use plain white paper (practice on it first). And the snow-white voluminous snowflake will always be in fashion.

1. First we make 6 such square blanks for the future snowflake. You can download these blanks for or snowfields, and then print them on a printer. If you are creating a large snowflake, then it is better to use high density paper - this is necessary so that the snowflake can keep its shape. Fold each square in half diagonally and make cuts with scissors, heading from the fold to the center line.

2. Open the square with incisions, which was folded diagonally, and place it in front of us as shown in the picture. We twist the first row of strips with a tube and fasten them with glue.

3. Turn the snowflake to the other side and start working with the next two strips: we also connect them and fasten them with glue. We work further in the same spirit: turn the snowflake over and fasten the remaining strips. As a result of the actions taken, we should have such a twisted fancy element.

4. We have created one of the rays for our volumetric snowflake, and we need to make six of these! Therefore, we do the same with the other 5 blanks. We connect three rays of a snowflake in the middle with a stapler. Similarly, we connect the remaining three rays of the snowflake. Next, we connect these two large parts together.

5. Our beautiful volumetric snowflake is almost ready! You just need to use glue to connect the snowflake in those places where the rays touch each other. This is necessary in order for the snowflake to keep its shape properly.

So we made a voluminous snowflake out of paper! What great fellows we are! Now you can make a color one!

How to make a volumetric snowflake using origami technology?

It will not be so easy here and it is possible that you will spend at least one hour to create your first snowflake using the origami technique. Well, in the future, when you understand the algorithm for creating such snowflakes, things will go much faster. One caveat - the thinner the paper, the more graceful the snowflakes will be. Translucent light-transmitting snowflakes will look great on the window. Well, in the beginning, you can train on plain office paper.

Before creating a snowflake using the origami technique, you need to turn a rectangular or square sheet of paper into a hexagon. This is one of the most important points that will then affect whether our venture is successful.

1. Fold the paper in half twice so that clear fold lines are visible.

2. Fold one corner with the top towards the center. Bend the top flap to the edge. We now have 2 more fold lines.

3. We fold the paper in half again as shown in the picture on the left. To make the figure on the right picture come out, use two X marks as a reference point and bend valve A along the dotted line.

4. Combining the blue and red lines, bend the valve. As a result of these actions, you should get a shape that looks like a heart.

5. Focusing on the X point, cut off a part of the workpiece along the blue line with scissors. In what follows, we only need a hexagon - part A.

If you have any difficulties with the hexagon, then you can find tips and answers in the video:

6. Bend one side of the hexagon towards the center to form a fold line. We do the same with all 6 sides. We now have many lines inside our hexagon that form small triangles.

7. Bend the edge of the hexagon to the center again. Using the fold lines made in the previous step, bend the valve A to B, as shown in the left picture. Fold in the same way at the hexagon and the other two sides, until you create a shape that resembles a pinwheel. The last flap can easily cause embarrassment, since it will be hidden under the fold. It needs to be pulled out so that we have six valves sticking outward, as shown in the picture on the right.

8. Press lightly with your finger on the fold of each pocket to form something similar to the picture in the center. In this case, it does not matter which of the valves will be on top.

9. Bend two blue corners on each unfolded pocket to the central part of the dotted line. This needs to be done to prepare the fold lines for the next step. The resulting shape should look like the image on the right.

10. Neatly unfold the folds made in step 8 to reveal the fold lines. In each pocket, combine the blue and red points X. The fold lines obtained in step 9 will help us with this. When we do this operation with all 6 pockets, our shape will look like the image on the right.

11. Turn the workpiece over and bend each corner of the hexagon to the center. A small flap should form each adjacent fold. Do not hide the small flap under the fold. Let him stay on top. You did everything right if you got a blank that looks like the picture on the right.

12. For all small flaps, press the fold line down to create the new fold lines that will be needed in the next step.

13. Turn out the folds made in the previous step, hiding the valves from below.

14. Turn the figure over, turn every corner from the center as far as possible and bend it. We should have 12 valves - 6 large and 6 small.

15. Turn the workpiece over. Between the two large valves, you see small valves. We push each small valve forward. We now have six diamonds.

16. For each half of the rhombus, pull the blue edge to the center of the rhombus and press the fold to the edge. As a result, we have a shape, as in the image on the right. It remains to repeat this action 12 times and the origami snowflake will be ready!

How to fold an origami snowflake (video tutorial):

How to make a paper kirigami snowflake?

Kirigami is a type of origami in which it is allowed to use scissors and cut paper with them in the process of making a figure. The method of cutting kirigami snowflakes is not very different from making simple paper snowflakes, but the result is much more interesting and creative.

First, create such a template, using which anyone, even a child, can make a six-ray kirigami snowflake. On a sheet of paper, for this we build an angle of 60 degrees. In building the corner, a protractor will come to our aid.

Fold a square sheet of paper in half diagonally, put the blank on the template as follows:

Bend the corners of the triangle as shown in the picture:

You can apply lines of future cuts to the workpiece with a simple pencil, and then erase these lines with an eraser, or attach a previously printed and prepared template to the workpiece and cut along it. If at this stage the workpiece is folded in half again, then you can use not a clerical knife, but simple nail scissors to cut the snowflake. In this case, even a child can be entrusted with the work of cutting out a snowflake.

Schemes for creating kirigami snowflakes:

To make the snowflakes created using the origami technique even more wonderful, colorful and original, you can decorate them with sparkles, cute pumps, rhinestones, woolen balls, paint with felt-tip pens, pencils.

Here are our paper snowflakes ready! Unlike ordinary snowflakes, they will not melt, but will decorate our houses and Christmas trees for a long time!

Patterns for paper snowflakes

There are no identical snowflakes in nature. In order for our New Year's snowflakes not to be all twins, we need to use different schemes (templates) when creating them. Try to apply as many patterns as possible. Experiment! Maybe you will even come up with some kind of your own scheme. You can use the following patterns for cutting paper snowflakes:

... Well, or you can independently go to YouTube and type in the search: "How to make a snowflake" or "How to cut a snowflake."

Successful crafts of paper snowflakes!

Hello again, blog subscribers and guests. Still, New Year is the most beloved and desired holiday. Both adults and children are waiting for him. And this is due to the magical atmosphere of New Year's chores, as well as belief in a miracle and the fulfillment of all desires when the clock strikes 12 ...

And probably only for this event the whole country prepares in a special way. New Year is expected in every home! Therefore, in November-December, cities begin to transform, and houses also correspond to the New Year theme. So, on the windows there are beautiful paper ones in the form of fairy-tale characters and, multi-colored ones are burning, and some are already showing off small ones.

Today I want to talk again about how you can festively decorate your houses, apartments, and work premises. After all, as you celebrate the New Year, you will spend it!

And since it is hard to argue with the fact that cutting snowflakes for New Year's decor has already become a kind of tradition and an obligatory attribute of this magical holiday, the story will be about them.

These carved beauties always decorate windows, Christmas trees, kindergartens and schools, office premises. After all, they look very impressive and create a festive atmosphere.

Recently I told you how you can make it in different ways (from beads, fabric, threads, etc.), but this issue will only be devoted to the creation of beauties from paper using the cut-out technology. This is the easiest and most favorite way to create Christmas decorations.

First of all, I will briefly tell you how to fold the paper in order to prepare the basis for applying a stencil and further cutting out snowflakes.

So, the easiest way is to fold the sheet five times. To do this, you need to fold the sheet in half for the first four times, and diagonally for the fifth time. This method is very simple, but its disadvantage is that the products are angular. Therefore, it is better to consider in more detail other methods of folding according to the schemes below.

The most popular and correct folding of paper in order to cut a six-pointed snowflake is the following option. We are used to making winter beauties based on it since childhood.

After you choose your folding method, be sure to practice so that later the products will turn out to be even and beautiful. Then come up with or find a ready-made template, print it and transfer it to a paper blank. Stencil cut carefully and unfold. As a matter of fact, this is all that is required from you to make snowflakes.

For cutting snowflakes, choose thick (but not very thick), good quality paper.

If you do not really understand the schemes or my explanation, then I recommend watching the training video on folding snowflakes. Then everything will work out for sure the first time.

Beautiful snowflakes for cutting with simple patterns for children

After you learn how to fold the paper correctly, it's time to start choosing a template for creating patterned snowflakes.

Start with simple, straightforward patterns. Also involve children in creativity, believe them, too, this activity is within their power.

Patterns for cutting paper snowflakes on windows

You can always make ornaments on a herringbone from ready-made patterned beauties. But most often the windows are decorated with "fluffs". Let's see what templates I found from the Internet. Be sure to try cutting out each piece.

Also, using ready-made products, you can fantasize a little and make not ordinary snowflakes, but, for example, ballerinas. Look at how lovely it turns out!

3d paper snowflakes for the New Year. Step-by-step manufacturing instructions:

Volumetric snowflakes also look awesome and very impressive. They are done in different ways. I'll show you a couple of options.

The first and very simple way to make volumetric masterpieces is to cut ordinary snowflakes according to any pattern, but in several versions. Then the blanks are folded in half and connected together.

The next option is also simple and consists of curling the paper.

And here are the steps:

  • Cut 6 circles out of paper;
  • Draw out the markings in the form of lines 0.5 mm wide using a pencil and a ruler;
  • Make cuts, curl the paper with a pencil and fasten with glue;
  • Make five more elements in the same way;
  • Connect the blanks (by sewing them or gluing them together) and decorate the middle with a bead or rhinestone!

Quilling technique is no less interesting, but more complicated. But very creative decorations are obtained from it.

Also use the origami technique.

Or by the method of manufacturing from paper strips.

I really liked the idea of ​​making fluffy snowflakes. They really turn out to be very beautiful and so light and delicate!

Of course, these are not all examples of creating 3D snowflakes. It's just a whole separate topic, if you are interested in it, I can prepare a specially separate post. Necessary? Then write in the comments). And we need to move on.

Light and beautiful a4 snowflakes - you can download and print

In fact, a large number of stencils for cutting snowflakes are wandering the Internet. Therefore, I tried my best to put together the coolest and most uncomplicated of them. I leave templates right here and right now. Download and print!

How to cut small snowflakes from patterns and glue them to windows

And I also throw you stencils to create a festive and fabulous atmosphere in your home. Rather watch and choose according to your taste!

By the way, do you know how you can glue snowflakes on windows?

Usually, the following means are used to attach New Year's decor:

  • Toothpaste;
  • milk;
  • soap solution;
  • water;
  • liquid paste;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • PVA glue, stationery.

Let's take a closer look at each method of attaching decorations to windows, as well as how to remove the entire decor later and whether it is necessary to clean the windows after that.

I usually use soapy water or toothpaste. Simple, quick and then the windows do not need to be cleaned for a long time. 😀

Volumetric paper snowflakes with cutting templates

Now, as a separate item, I want to offer you schemes for cutting out 3D snowflakes. You already know how to make them, all that remains is to choose the design of the decoration.

Well, and more simple stencils and the result of cutting. There are so many things that even the eyes run up. I think you can cut out snowflakes right now in order to prepare more of them in advance.

And in the end, I want to show the windows already decorated with snowflakes, Christmas trees and more. So to speak, I offer you ideas for New Year's decor.

I think there are definitely plenty of templates and ideas for cut-out creativity now. So rather dare and cut out the New Year beauties. And do not forget to save the article to your bookmarks, otherwise, God forbid, you will lose).

That's all. I wish you a great mood as always! Bye, bye my dears!

Today we will talk about how easy and simple it is to cut beautiful snowflakes from paper yourself. Making a snowflake using the examples of the schemes and templates given here will not be difficult even for a beginner!

So, let's look at how to correctly make a New Year's paper snowflake with your own hands.

What we need to do first is to find the right color and thickness for the paper. Cutting snowflakes will be much easier from thin paper: such paper can be easily folded and cut without much effort.

Of course, you can try to make a snowflake out of thick paper, but then instead of scissors it is better to use a sharp knife or, for example, a scalpel, in order to prevent the edges of the paper from moving when cutting.

But still, cutting New Year's snowflakes with scissors, in my opinion, will be more familiar and convenient. For cutting out the outlines of the snowflakes, ordinary hairdressing scissors are suitable, and small details are best cut with miniature manicure scissors.

It should be noted that it is worthwhile to decide in advance on the size of the paper from which we will cut the snowflakes. The optimal size, in our opinion, will be A5 sheets (this is half of the usual A4 landscape sheet).

After the suitable material has been selected, you can proceed directly to cutting out the snowflakes.

We tried to make some really beautiful paper snowflakes. This is one of the best we've got.

How to fold paper to cut paper snowflakes?

The diagram below shows how the paper can be folded for further cutting. classic snowflake with 6 rays.

Fold a sheet of paper to cut a six-pointed snowflake

As you can see from the diagram, a regular sheet of paper of the selected format is folded as shown in figure (b), then the excess part is cut off (figure (c)). Next, we unfold the folded paper and bend it along the dotted lines as shown in figure (d). The resulting shape (figure (e)) must be folded again along the dotted line and then cut off the excess edges. Everything, the paper is ready to cut snowflakes

There are other ways to fold a triangle to cut a snowflake. For example, a blank can be made as in the figure below.

How to fold a triangle to cut paper snowflakes

You can clearly see the whole process from folding a piece of paper to cutting out a beautiful New Year's snowflake from it in the videos below. Particularly intricate curls and fine cuts are best obtained with a utility knife.

VIDEO: DIY six-ray paper snowflake

If you already know how to fold paper to cut snowflakes out of paper, then you can skip straight to the templates for cutting snowflakes. You can start with simple ones. Examples of such templates are shown in the figure below.

Snowflake patterns

Do you want to know all the possible ways to fold a piece of paper to cut six-pointed snowflakes? Watch a special video, which clearly shows as many as THREE (!!!) such methods. Which one is better is up to you!

Three ways to roll paper for a six-pointed snowflake

In the following videos, you will learn how you can independently draw a pattern for cutting out a beautiful New Year's snowflake.

Applying a pattern for cutting paper snowflakes

How to draw a pattern on a snowflake

Paper snowflake with a pattern containing large elements

Patterns on snowflakes containing thin cuts (lines)

Patterns and patterns for cutting snowflakes

There are many patterns and templates for cutting paper snowflakes, examples of which we have already given. How can you cut a beautiful snowflake out of a folded paper triangle with your own hands using diagrams downloaded on the Internet? Everything is very simple!

In the examples above, you need to cut the snowflake according to the diagram above so that only the white part remains, the black must be cut off.

By analogy, snowflakes are cut out, the schemes of which are presented below.

Easy to cut Christmas snowflakes

Here are examples of schemes for cutting a simple snowflake out of paper.

The frantic pace of modern life does not always allow you to feel the festive mood before the New Year. Therefore, we try to decorate the room to create the appropriate atmosphere.

It is not necessary to buy decorations in the store to decorate a room. But it will be more pleasant to decorate the room with your own hands. It is enough to get together with the whole family on a day off and start preparing for the New Year.

The simplest festive decor element is a snowflake. In Soviet times, children folded a sheet of paper several times and cut out geometric shapes. In the unfolded state, a snowflake with openwork patterns was obtained.

With the development of modern technologies, it became possible to learn about the various methods of making decoration elements.

In today's article, we will consider several options for making a popular New Year's attribute.

It is quite simple to make a beautiful one or a Christmas tree. To cut out a snowflake, we need scissors and a piece of paper. Follow the step-by-step instructions with the photo and you will definitely succeed.

Let's prepare a square sheet of paper (15 cm). First of all, we fold it diagonally, as shown in the photo below.

Then we connect both ends of the triangle and smooth the fold with our hand.

We continue to bend the sheet and cut off the excess, as shown in the image below.

Now we need a round object, for example a pencil with glue. We use it to draw two circles on the blank.

The next step is to cut out the paper, along the drawn circle, and we should get the following figure:

As a result of these actions, we have drawn the snowflake around the edges. Now let's get to the center. To do this, cut out a semicircle on one side of the workpiece.

As a result, we got such a craft.

For a change, you can experiment, just cut out different shapes.

Step-by-step instructions for making volumetric snowflakes

You can decorate the room with 3d decorations. There are many ways to make this decor. We will consider one of the simple options for creating a large snowflake.

First, we need to make a perfect square out of a rectangular sheet of paper. To do this, fold it, as shown in the photo below, and then cut off the excess part.

Fold the triangle in half. We make sure that all lines are even, and the ends coincide.

From the edge where the ends meet, we make notches with a pencil in increments of 2 cm. And draw lines, leaving about one centimeter from the edge.

Now, along the lines drawn, we make cuts with scissors.

We carefully unfold the workpiece so as not to damage it.

In the next step, we need glue. Starting from the center, we begin to glue each pair of strips.

Then we turn the workpiece over and glue the next pair of strips on the other side. Thus, we prepare six parts of the future snowflake.

It remains only to fasten the blanks with a stapler, first in the center, and then along the edges.

You can use glitter to decorate your jewelry. Painted edges also look nice. Go for it!

How to make beautiful Christmas snowflakes

Do you want to make a beautiful decoration for your apartment? It couldn't be easier. Just prepare paper and scissors. In just one minute, you can cut a snowflake with your own hands for the New Year holidays.

Here's the end result:

We take a regular A4 sheet. Bend one side to the other from the corner to get a triangular shape. We do not need the lower part, so we cut it off with scissors.

The next step is to fold the workpiece in half.

Now we bend one side a little obliquely, and bend the opposite side from above, and turn the workpiece over. The actions are shown in the image.

The appearance of the finished snowflake will depend on the drawing in the future. Here you can show your imagination, but first, use the ready-made option, and then experiment.

It remains only to cut the decorated element according to the drawn template.

It remains to expand our workpiece and evaluate your results. If you do everything according to the instructions, then you will definitely succeed.

DIY snowflakes using quilling technique

To make snowflakes using this technology, you will need perseverance and a lot of patience. Since the work is quite painstaking. But the result is worth it, the decoration is very beautiful. Young children will find it difficult to use this method, but parents and schoolchildren may like it.

To understand the whole point of this method, watch the corresponding video:

Try to make one craft, if you have enough nerves, then continue the creative process.

Snowflake stencils

It is not necessary to use special technology or fold the paper, followed by cutting. You can decorate the house with snowflakes, which are easy to make from ready-made templates. It remains only to download the patterns, and cut out an element of decor from them using a clerical knife or scissors.

I offer several interesting options that you can print or download to your computer:

We cut out these stencils, paint them if necessary and stick them on windows or other surfaces that we want to decorate.

You can print all these patterns using the icon below:

As a result of clicking, a new window will open, in which you should click on the "Printer" shortcut and set up printing.

Snowflakes for the New Year in the form of a ballerina (templates and schemes)

As you already understood, snowflakes can be given a very different shape, structure and volume. But if you want to diversify the decor elements, then use the ballerina templates.

I have selected several options. If desired, download or print them, after the stencils there will be a PDF file shortcut with all the images.

Click on the PDF file shortcut and download the templates.

If you know how to draw, then try to make a stencil yourself. You will succeed.

Step-by-step snowflake making workshop for beginners

If you have never made a paper snowflake with your own hands, then I offer you step-by-step and detailed instructions. This method is one of the simplest.

We need A4 paper, you can use colored material. To make an equilateral square, you need to connect the top side to the side. And then we cut off the bottom.

We fold the resulting triangular blank in half, then smooth the corners.

So that all the edges and corners are even, we outline the points for further manufacturing. Expand the triangle so that the square is folded only diagonally.

Now connect the upper corner to the center of the base and iron the bend with your hand to outline the point.

To create the next point, bend the base to the first bend.

Then we connect the upper corner of the triangle with the previous inflection.

Now we need a ruler. Bend the triangle along a line that runs from the end of the top segment to the center of the base. We do the same on the other side.

We fold the workpiece along the side lines. Carefully iron the bending lines.

Cut off the excess paper along the fold line.

As a result, we get a hexagonal blank, from which we will further make a snowflake.

We fold the workpiece along the lines again and fold it in half.

We need to draw some kind of pattern. To get started, use the ready-made version in the photo below, and then you can experiment with the drawings.

We cut out according to the template.

We carefully unfold and we should get such a snowflake with 6 rays.

The main thing is to remember all the steps, and then the whole process will take you no more than one minute.

Easy way to cut paper snowflake for kids

Involve children for the New Year's decoration of the room. This process will be fun for them. Watch the video how a girl makes a simple but beautiful snowflake in just a couple of minutes.

It is possible that the first couple of attempts will be unsuccessful, but then you will not notice how you have been making New Year's snowflakes for a long time.

Turn on your creative imagination and come up with original crafts with your children.

DIY snowflakes are the most affordable and simple New Year decor for your home, school or workplace. You can make them from the most ordinary paper by cutting out according to ready-made templates and diagrams, which can be found in large quantities on the Internet. You can also make a beautiful large and voluminous snowflake or using the quilling technique, origami. Moreover, in addition to white paper, newspaper sheets, pages of an old book or an unnecessary music book are also suitable as source material. Such non-standard material, especially if artificially aged with coffee, will give the finished craft a special charm. As for the manufacturing technique, most of the New Year's snowflake master classes are quite simple and can be played even by children, for example, as part of a labor lesson at school. In our today's article, we have collected for you a whole selection of original templates and patterns for cutting beautiful paper snowflakes for adults and children. In addition, here you will find interesting step-by-step master classes with photos of snowflakes, as well as videos with lessons on how to make them yourself.

Simple New Year's snowflake 2017 made of paper with your own hands for children, master class

First, we suggest that you master a very simple do-it-yourself New Year paper snowflake master class for children. It is so affordable that it is even suitable for a kindergarten. To make this simple New Year's paper snowflake with your own hands for children, you can use both plain white paper and colored sheets. Thin corrugated paper is also perfect.

Necessary materials for a simple DIY paper snowflake for children

  • A4 sheet
  • scissors
  • markers
  • Scotch
  • stapler
  • decor (sequins, rhinestones, buttons)

Instructions for a master class of New Year's snowflakes for children with their own hands

  1. We cut the sheet into strips 2-3 cm wide and about 15-20 cm long. The number of strips will determine how voluminous the craft will be in the end.
  2. We wind each strip on a felt-tip pen or marker, securing the edges with paper tape.
  3. We leave the blanks for at least an hour so that they take a wave-like shape.
  4. We remove the paper strips from the felt-tip pens and connect with each other using an asterisk-shaped stapler.
  5. We decorate the ugly joint with bright sequins, beads or rhinestones. Also, if you wish, you can add pieces of New Year's rain or glue confetti. Ready!

Volumetric snowflake 2017 with your own hands made of paper, a master class with a photo

Do-it-yourself volumetric paper snowflakes are considered one of the most difficult in technique. However, if you have at your fingertips detailed instructions with step-by-step photos, as in our next master class, then you should not be afraid of difficulties. We assure you that after the first self-made voluminous snowflake made of paper with your own hands, the rest of the copies will "go like clockwork." See for yourself by following the instructions below.

Do-it-yourself materials for a volumetric paper snowflake

  • A4 sheet
  • scissors
  • tape or glue

DIY instructions for a master class of volumetric paper snowflakes

  1. For the next craft, you will need a rectangular sheet with the following parameters: length - 25 centimeters, width - 18 centimeters.
  2. We bend the lower left corner of the sheet inward, as in the photo below.
  3. Cut off the extra edge to make an isosceles triangle.
  4. Fold the triangle in half.

  5. With scissors on the tight side of the fold, we make two shallow cuts, as in the next photo.
  6. We unfold the workpiece so that we get a rhombus with notches. We connect the inner corners of the central incision with each other using tape or glue.

    On a note! If you use glue, be sure to additionally fix the workpiece, for example, with a clothespin, until it dries completely.

  7. We repeat the procedure with the next cut edges, fixing them in the opposite direction with the first workpiece.
  8. The edges of the last cut will also be fastened together, but in the opposite direction.
  9. The result should be the following construction.
  10. For one voluminous snowflake, you will need from 6 to 8 such blanks. They can be made in different colors to add color to the craft.
  11. Using tape or glue, we fix all the blanks according to the template below.

Beautiful large snowflakes 2017 with your own hands from paper - in stages with a photo

You can make a beautiful paper snowflake with your own hands for decoration and quite large sizes. Such decor will certainly attract everyone's attention and will become an interesting interior solution on the eve of the New Year. Learn how to make a beautiful large snowflake with your own hands out of paper in stages from our next master class.

Necessary materials for a large do-it-yourself paper snowflake

  • A4 sheet
  • Ruler and pencil
  • clothespins
  • christmas garland, glitters

Instructions for a step-by-step master class of a large beautiful snowflake with your own hands

  1. First you need to cut 20 thin paper strips, 10 strips on each side. The longer they are, the larger the finished craft will be. Then we lay out five strips in a row with small intervals, and on top we lay out five others according to the braiding principle.
  2. We turn the resulting workpiece so that it lies in front of us in the form of the letter "X". Now we connect the adjacent strips first, and then the extreme strips and glue them. Fasten the top with clothespins until completely dry.
  3. We repeat with each side. As a result, one strip should remain on each side, forming a thin cross.
  4. We leave the workpiece to dry completely for about half an hour. Then we remove the clothespins and move on to the second identical part of the craft.
  5. Connect both pieces together by rotating the bottom of the snowflake 45 degrees. Now the loose strips can be fastened with the already prepared beams.
  6. We glue them with glue and fix them with clothespins, leave them to dry completely.
  7. It remains to decorate the finished snowflake. This can be done with pieces of Christmas garland and sparkles.

    On a note! Broken Christmas tree decorations can be used instead of store sequins. To do this, carefully crush a glass toy wrapped in a thick cloth with a rolling pin. The resulting crumb must be mixed with transparent glue and then used to decorate crafts.

    Snowflake 2017 from a book for the New Year with your own hands, a step-by-step master class

    In the next step-by-step master class, we will make snowflakes for the New Year with our own hands from an old book. This is a great way to breathe new life into its yellowed pages. It is impossible to name a snowflake from a book for the New Year with your own hands (step-by-step master class below) with a simple children's handicraft. Small children will definitely not cope with it. It is rather a master class for creative adults who do not perceive the making of New Year's decorations solely as child's play. On the contrary, they are happy to create beautiful and exclusive decor elements.

    Necessary materials for a snowflake from a book for the New Year

    • book sheets
    • sequins
    • ruler and pencil
    • scissors
    • fishing line or thick thread

    Instructions for a step-by-step master class snowflakes from a book for the New Year

    1. First you need to line the book sheets into strips of 2 centimeters wide.
    2. For one side, you will need 7 such stripes: 1 in the full length of the page, two are 2 centimeters shorter, two more are 2 cm shorter than the previous ones, and two stripes are 6 centimeters shorter than the first.
    3. Fold the longest strip in half into a loop, gluing the bottom edges together. On the sides, you need to fold the strips shorter, also gluing their lower parts, as in the photo below.
    4. Repeat similar manipulations with the remaining strips and fix them under heavy pressure, for example, a table lamp.
    5. When the workpiece dries up, you should additionally fix its edges with a thin fishing line. In general, you will need 6-8 such blanks for one snowflake.
    6. Cut the book sheet again into strips of equal length. Cut and roll into a tight ring, tie with fishing line. The ring can also be additionally coated with transparent glue.
    7. After complete drying, you should proceed to the connection of the craft. For this, the end of the workpiece is tightly coated with glue and connected to the ring.

    8. We repeat with each piece.
    9. To better fasten the snowflake, we glue the extreme loops of the adjacent rays of the snowflake with glue.
    10. Small sparkles are suitable as a decor, which should be applied to the side edges of the snowflake. You can also use pieces of garland, sequins, small beads.
    11. Then you need to make a loop of fishing line so that you can attach the snowflake, for example, to a Christmas tree. Ready!

    DIY origami paper snowflake for children, master class

    The art of origami is multifaceted and difficult, but with the correct instructions in this technique, you can do it yourself and a fairly simple craft, for example, a children's snowflake. True, to be frank to the end, the next master class with a photo, made exclusively in the origami technique, cannot be called. In it, for a children's paper snowflake with their own hands, in addition to the origami technique, threads with scissors will also be used.

    Necessary materials for origami children's snowflakes for the New Year

    • thick colored sheet
    • pencil and ruler
    • needle and thread
    • scissors

    Instructions for a master class of children's snowflakes using origami technique

    1. To begin with, we cut out a strip 5-7 cm wide and about 20 cm long.Using a pencil and a ruler, we make notes on each centimeter along the length. Cut out an imitation of a "fence" from above, as shown in the photo. Draw small rhombuses in the middle of the resulting columns. Then we mark the middle of each centimeter with dots and pierce them with a thin needle.
    2. Now we take a ruler and place it on top of the first line dividing our “fence” section in half. Gently bend the workpiece inward, and then remove the ruler and bend it in the opposite direction. We repeat the same with each section. As a result, you should get an accordion, as in the photo below.
    3. We hold the accordion tightly with the fingers of one hand and with scissors cut out the previously marked rhombuses in the middle of each section.
    4. We take a needle and thread and carefully thread it through the small holes that we have already pierced with the needle two steps back.

      On a note! The thread must be taken tight so that it firmly holds the finished structure!

    5. When the thread has already passed through all the points, we re-enter it into the first hole to close the structure.
    6. We remove the needle and begin to gradually pull the thread until a tight ring is formed. We tie the thread to a knot, and put a coil on top of the snowflake to straighten it.
    7. From the remaining thread we form a loop and our children's snowflake is ready! And for those who want to master the pure origami technique for creating snowflakes, we have selected a video tutorial with a step-by-step diagram below.

    DIY openwork snowflake using DIY quilling technique, master class with photo

    Quilling is the real art of weaving amazingly beautiful handicrafts and cards from simple strips of paper. With the help of the quilling technique, you can create really unique openwork snowflakes with your own hands, a direct confirmation of which is our next master class with step-by-step photos. But the most surprising thing is that by swapping individual details and adding new elements, you can create several different openwork snowflakes with your own hands using the quilling technique according to one general scheme.

    Required materials for an openwork snowflake using the quilling technique

    • pencil and ruler
    • scissors
    • glue and brush

    Instructions for a master class of openwork snowflakes in the quilling technique

    1. Using a ruler and a simple pencil, you need to draw a sheet. To do this, mark 0.5 cm across the width of the sheet and draw lines along the entire length. Then we cut out the strips with scissors.
    2. To form rolls you need an awl. We wind the strip on it quite tightly, and then let the roll unfold a little and glue the edge to its base.
    3. At the base of the snowflake there will be one round element and six drop-shaped rolls. To get an element in the form of a drop, you need to lightly squeeze one edge of the round roll with your fingers. We connect the structure with glue.
    4. Now add six eye rolls to the base. We will also make them from round rolls, but having already flattened both edges with our fingers. We glue the "eyes" between the drops according to the pattern below.
    5. Now we need small rolls, so we fold the standard strip in half and cut it into two parts. Twist a small round roll from each small strip. To get started, you need six pieces of such elements.
    6. Glue small rolls along the edges of the elements in the form of a cat's eye.
    7. We roll six standard large rolls.
    8. We glue them to the drop-shaped elements, as shown in the diagram below.
    9. Now we need six square rolls. We will form them from standard round ones, slightly flattening the sides into a square shape.
    10. We glue the squares to large round elements, having previously turned them into the shape of rhombuses.
    11. It remains to twist a large round roll according to the standard scheme and glue it to the top of our craft. Let the snowflake dry completely and thread through a large roll. Ready!

    How to cut a New Year's snowflake 2017 from paper with your own hands, diagrams and templates

    The easiest way to make a New Year's snowflake with your own hands is to cut it out of paper using a ready-made template or pattern. Such simple, but at the same time very beautiful do-it-yourself snowflakes are available primarily for children's creativity. However, there are quite complex schemes with which you can make even large and voluminous decorative snowflakes, which, in their originality, will not be inferior to crafts using the origami or quilling technique. Do you want to know how to cut a beautiful New Year's snowflake out of paper with your own hands? Then a selection of photo templates and schemes for adults and children, as well as video tutorials, you will find below.