Hair dye to make it red. How to dye black hair red. Dark red hair color suits

Hair throughout human history has been shrouded in an aura of mystery and mystery, which is why it is so desirable for most women. And today it is no less popular: many girls willingly try on such an image. But what color is better to choose? Is it possible for all girls to change their image so boldly? And how to do without unexpected shades on the hair? Let's talk about everything in more detail.

Many-sided solar charm

The most famous paint companies are Schwarzkopf, Wellaton, Syoss, Garnier and L'Oreal. Firms have a rich and varied palette, thanks to which you can get red-brown hair in all sorts of shades.

Semi-Resistant & Gloss has 18 shades in its arsenal, many of which give a sunny hue.

The Palette Deluxe palette is represented by 22 tones, of which 464 Gorgeous Copper, 562 Copper Mango and other equally attractive products may be of interest.

Garnier Color Naturals also offers beautiful shades: 6.41 Passionate Amber, 7.40 Golden Copper, 7.41 Captivating Copper. Thanks to them, you can get an excellent brown-red hair color.

Wellaton paint pleases with the Vibrant Reds palette, which has the necessary tones.

The range of products offered on the market today is so diverse that every girl, even a very capricious one, will be able to choose the desired image for herself.

Who suits?

The red color is the most original and, in turn, quite whimsical. It often happens that brightly colored curls acquire a completely new color, but is it always for the better? Do not be afraid to experiment, you just need to choose the right tone. Initially, you need to determine your color type, and then boldly wear red-brown hair color, a photo of the options is presented below.

1. Light is almost blond, but only with peach, copper and gold tints. Such strands will make the appearance more romantic and tender. Suitable for ladies with blue eyes and light "porcelain" skin. Such girls should not use fiery and bright colors, as there will be a strong contrast - and they will be lost against the background of colorful hair. You need to choose from these:

Light copper;
- red with caramel notes;
- ginger;
- peach.

2. Bright is a color from orange to fiery. As practice shows, only 10% of women decide to try it. But if you still have the courage for such an extravagant experiment, you must be prepared for close attention from others. The palette includes colors:

- bright copper;
- fiery.

These are very few, most do not even allow themselves to try them on. It is contraindicated to use red-brown hair color (photo below) for natural blondes and girls with pale and translucent skin. Copper shades do not go well with light gray and blue eyes. You can safely wear colors of bright colors to the fair sex with dark brown and green eyes; the main thing is that the skin is not pale.

If you rely on the color type, then “spring” and “autumn” are suitable. Before you get the desired result, you need to make sure that the skin looks perfect, as the new image will probably emphasize all the imperfections: wrinkles, dryness and age spots. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how to dye the red hair color brown or light, so that in case of failure it is easy to return everything back.

3. Dark is a shade that has a pronounced brown pigment. Natural brown-haired women and brunettes who want to make their appearance brighter often use such modifications of their appearance. These include:

Deep copper;
- burgundy with a chocolate tint;
- Dark red;
- red with golden notes.

These paints will add charm and luxury to the image, they are perfect for adults and respectable ladies. Colors favorably emphasize the eyes, especially brown ones. But young girls should not experiment with them.

How to save

Many people think that intensive care “washes out” the shade. But everything is quite different. If the hair is porous and loose, when dyeing, the pigment from them disappears quickly enough and becomes very dull. In the interval between sessions, it is recommended to use special shampoos, tonics and balms that will bring the necessary brightness.

What does red-brown hair represent?

There has always been increased attention to the owners of fiery hair. Is it justified? And what kind of character do such women have? Most often they are unbalanced, eccentric and active, and also cannot hide their emotions. They often have a strong, most likely masculine character, they know their worth and are independent. They like to communicate with the opposite sex, while they cannot stand stupid and weak people. Persons with believe that their opinion is always correct - and it is almost impossible to dissuade them of this. Despite the external severity, they are sociable, cheerful, but only with certain people. They often go in for sports with great enthusiasm, have good vocal and dance skills.

Painting at home

If it was decided to change the color of the hair on your own, then you need to take into account the difference between the declared shade on the package and the result obtained after the end of the procedure. Much depends on the natural tone of the hair, as well as on the manufacturer of the selected paint. According to professionals, shades of gold from L'Oreal are darker than indicated, and chestnuts give amber. Brown hair color with a red tint can be obtained by dyeing light brown tones from Schwarzkopf. Therefore, before you start experimenting at home, it is best to look for reviews about the selected product - and eventually get the desired shade.


Today, stylists are increasingly using trendy colors. In particular, such a technique as coloring is gaining popularity. Professionals offer volume painting, which looks very natural. However, with the help of technology, you can simultaneously combine several selected shades. For example, in order to get a red-brown hair color, you need to combine golden, chocolate and red-red.

Henna and basma

Coloring with natural dyes is a creative process, as the result can be unexpected. Therefore, before starting, it is advisable to experiment on a small strand. This is the best way to get the perfect color.

Remember a few rules:

1. The prepared composition must be applied only to clean, best washed with soap and damp hair. Air conditioning is not recommended.
2. The lighter the natural shade, the more pronounced the final result will be.
3. When mixing henna and basma, the first component should be more in order to get the desired red-brown hair color.
4. If women have chemically clarified curls, then staining must be done carefully, because you can get a very bright color.
5. After the composition has been applied, the hair must be covered with cling film, and then wrapped with a thick towel.
6. Dry red wine, lemon juice and low-fat kefir oxidize the prepared solution, as a result of which the staining will occur better, and the tone will last much longer.

In order to get brown hair with a red tint, photos of which can be seen in every salon, you must use the following recommendations.

1. Any paint is better taken on curls of medium fat content, it will be good to wash the day before the procedure.
2. Fiery tones wash out quickly enough, so you need to be ready to update the image regularly. In order for the brown hair color with a red tint, the photo of which is found in fashion magazines, to be bright and saturated for a long time, it is necessary to use maintenance shampoos and balms.
3. Before starting work, everything around is covered with newspaper.
4. After the mass is applied to the hair, a special cap is put on.

Staining rules

In the case when a decision is made to try out an extravagant color for the first time, it is best to use tinting masks or tint mousses, which are easily removed after several washing sessions. In order to understand how to get red-brown hair color, you need to use some tricks. If initially there is a dark shade, then it must first be lightened by several tones. Maintaining brightness and saturation requires frequent coloring. To keep the curls healthy, it is recommended to give preference to products without ammonia. Girls with a red color scheme need to show some restraint with makeup. Eyebrows should be in harmony with the hair, eyes are emphasized with brown pencils, eyeliners and mascara, and nude shades of lipsticks, blush and shadows are also chosen.

Home care

For a healthy and beautiful appearance, red-haired beauties need to provide curls with appropriate care. As a rule, care begins with the right shampoo. To date, the market offers a huge number of funds in this category. Some of them are able to easily and simply maintain beautiful color, as well as enhance brightness and saturation.

As home care, masks or serums based on natural henna, with the addition of extracts of pomegranate, cherry and cinnamon, are suitable. Care products containing alcohol, ammonium and peroxide should be avoided, as they destroy the synthetic pigment.

During the active solstice, red-brown strands must be protected from the negative effects of direct rays. This also applies to the solarium, swimming pool and baths. Salon procedures, namely keratinization or lamination, will help to preserve a bright and saturated shade for a long time. It should be noted that when choosing the right tone from the red palette, you can become a constant admirer of it for many years.

Who shouldn't experiment?

Stylists do not recommend using bright colors in the first place for those who have a lot of gray hair. These tones are very capricious and may not stay on the strands, losing their pigment. The presence of age-related folds and wrinkles is also a contraindication to painting in red tones, which can not only emphasize the age of a woman, but also highlight all the defects in appearance. Also, fiery colors focus on age spots and freckles. If their owner is trying to hide the sun dots, then this hair color is not the best solution. It should be noted that overdried and damaged curls will not be able to keep a bright shade in its original form for a long time and will require frequent staining.

Red hair color will make the image more mysterious and bold. This is not just a change in appearance - the fair sex often begins to feel much more confident, and attention from men significantly increases self-esteem. Doubt? Then decide to experiment - perhaps this is exactly your style.

Red hair color is a special state of mind. Not every girl, having come to the salon, will boldly say: “dye it red”, they are much more likely to ask or dye colored strands. But the red color itself is capricious and does not suit everyone, just like a little red dress (each of us has our own shade of dress in the closet).

What is red color made of?

  • Red color (aka orange or copper) is obtained by mixing red and yellow.
  • Red in color is considered a color related to the cold palette. And yellow is warm.
  • Therefore, a little more red, and girls with a cold color type - summer and winter can "wear" red. More gold (yellow) will go to warm color types: autumn and spring (the theory of four color types).

Common shades of red hair:

copper hair color

Copper hair color can be called "classic" in our list. This is a pure warm shade of red. Most of all the rest will go to the pure color type of the girl-spring, especially if there are freckles on the face. Such a shade can easily be obtained on hair no darker than light brown (7-8 levels). Brunettes will have to use dyes with a high oxide content.

Dark red color

Dark red hair color is obtained by adding a little purple to copper. This is a complex shade in terms of color perception, but does not require a light hair level and pre-lightening. For a natural base from 6 and above (dark blond).

light red

Light red color comes out if you add gold to red. The color is very delicate in tone, you need to pre-lighten it to yellow (level 8) or your native shade should be light brown blond.

Fiery red (bright)

Bright red color is not natural, only for true lovers of the fiery palette. Because it is very difficult to get it out of the hair, and especially, to switch to colder shades of blond. To get such a color, it is necessary to lighten up to a light yellow level (even if you are naturally blond), and after that toning follows with the addition of mixtons.


Brown-red or golden chestnut, universal shade. It looks natural on the hair, especially on those persons who have their skin color swarthy (or olive). Yes, and in coloring it does not require effort, it falls on the natural base of brunettes (from level 5-7).

Red-brown color

The reddish-blond color can look very natural, for girls of the summer color type (cold color type). This color is very capricious and without difficulty lies only on the pure light brown color of the base (level 7). I would not advise the rest to associate with this color at all, it is very difficult to get it on hair of other shades.

Golden copper (golden red)

The golden-red color is very warm in perception, and in 2018 it is a favorite among colorists. This beautiful shade looks rich and has many overflows. For girls with a natural base 8 (light brown blond), brown-haired women need pre-lightening, or oxide with a high percentage.


Red-pink color can not be obtained by any dye. Even in professional palettes, it is not always present. An experienced colorist can easily achieve such a shade on the hair, at home it is much more difficult to do this. Lightening to a clean blonde base (levels 9-10) is a prerequisite for subsequent toning. Otherwise, pinkish tones of color will not be visible in red.

Amber hair color

The amber shade of hair is an extensive concept, like the color of the stone itself, with which it was compared. It is characterized by mother-of-pearl yellow overflows with caramel notes. And the color itself can be created both on light brown hair and on shades of blond. This shade looks especially beautiful on brown-eyed girls.

Who does and does not suit red hair

  • A wider palette of red shades will suit girls whose natural hair color is not darker than light brown. Usually they are the ideal owners of the desired type for this shade.
  • Girls with green, gray and blue eyes. Brown-eyed is also suitable, but then you will need to choose a contrasting hair color with a hint of eyes.
  • For those with freckles

Won't go:

  • Girls prone to redness and rashes on the face. The red color will enhance the redness.
  • I advise you to refrain from bright reddish and copper shades for older ladies. Unfortunately, these colors emphasize age and draw attention to the face.

How to choose your shade of red:

  • Light shades of red will suit white-skinned girls with a blush, and blue, gray and green eyes.
  • Brown-eyed girls with a swarthy skin color (prone to tanning) are more suitable for rich shades of red chestnut or deep rich copper color.
  • Bright non-natural colors of red will look good on girls with clear transparent skin and bright saturated eye color (hazelnut, green, blue). Against the background of fair skin, 2 bright accents should be present: hair and eye color.

Paints for coloring

There are a lot of colors for dyeing red. From tinting products for easy tinting (which can be used at home) to an extensive palette of various professional paints.

For example, Loreal Paris Colorista Washout in a shade of paprika is a washable coloring hair balm. Or means to create an expressive red tint on light blond hair with the effect of accumulation of color from Wella Proffessional Color Fresh Create colors: Infinite orange and Hyper Coral (all colors in this line can be mixed with each other).

It just so happened that women constantly change their images. Brunettes dream of becoming blondes, owners of light curls at least once in their lives dyed them with dark paint, they try to straighten their wavy hair all the time, and smooth obedient strands curl into curls.

Energetic temperamental girls, full of passion and eccentricity, prefer to paint in dark shades of red. It is this color that looks original and elegant, successfully highlights the merits of the appearance and even adds a touch of nobility.

But dyeing your hair dark red is a very capricious and whimsical business. Sometimes it happens that the final result differs significantly from the expected.

To prevent this from happening, you should study all the subtleties of the art of being a redhead. After all, there are such types of women who, no matter how they dream of copper curls, and the features of their appearance do not allow them such changes.

Dark shades of red are suitable for people with dark and yellow skin. Pinkish tones of the skin cover allow the use of brighter of dark red colors, and the olive epidermis is conducive to staining in the darkest halftones. For dark-skinned brunettes, it is better to give preference to strands with a reddish wine sheen.

For albinos with alabaster veil, fiery curls will not bring anything good.

All facial imperfections are accentuated, and existing wrinkles are unfavorably emphasized. Therefore, it is advisable for blondes by nature to choose other more suitable colors.

Luxurious copper hair can be afforded by people with brown and green eyes. Girls with gray and blue irises should pay attention to the natural color. A sunny and cheerful person-autumn “reveals” under the cover of dark red hair, the look becomes clear and open, the lips are cast with a ripe juicy sheen, it seems that the girl simply glows from the inside.

For ladies who decide to try on a bold defiant image, the only thing left is to choose the right tone.

Palette of dark shades of red hair

At first glance, it may seem that dark red in itself is a shade. But actually it is not. The palette of tones and midtones is very rich in color range.

  1. Amber. The lightest of the likely dark red tones interspersed with hazelnut shades.
  2. Terracotta. Red tint with honey notes.
  3. Blazing copper. Red color with a warm golden sheen.
  4. Copper red. Intense redhead with hints of red.
  5. Dark copper. Red chocolate undertone.
  6. Cherry. Brown-red-purple gamma.
  7. Mahogany. Natural chestnut with a hint of red and a slight hint of purple.
  8. Bordeaux. Wine shades of hair with an admixture of scarlet and purple.
  9. Burgundy. Dark ruby.
  10. Red tree. Bright red with hints of brown.
  11. Ripe plum. A mixture of rich red and bright purple.

It should be noted that red stays on the hair longer than other colors. But the durability of the color also depends on other factors: the quality of the paint itself, adherence to the dyeing technology and care for the hair after it.

Choosing the right hair dye

Permanent paints are the most popular, they are highly resistant, but due to the ammonia and hydrogen peroxide they contain, they destroy the hair structure. Semi-permanent paints without ammonia are safer, but also less resistant.

The third option is tinted shampoos. Toning complexes do not penetrate deep into the hair, and therefore do not cause significant harm. For trial staining, not too “caustic” paints are suitable, and if a decision is made to change the color once and for all, then permanent means are used.

First of all, hair dye should be of high quality. And, despite the assertion that expensive does not always mean high quality, you should not spare financial resources for the purchase of cosmetics. This can affect the health of the curls. Here's what to look for when looking at a list of paint ingredients:

  • the composition should not contain the presence of coal tar and lead acetate;
  • the presence of B vitamins and plant extracts is mandatory;
  • The UV filter will create additional hair protection.

On boxes with paint, the color of natural hair and the possible result of dyeing are always indicated.

In choosing the right tube, you should always build on these data. You can find the necessary dye with dark red hair color among the following:

  1. Ollin;
  2. Estel;
  3. organic;
  4. Palette;
  5. Londa Professional;
  6. Schwarzkopf Brilliance;
  7. L'Oreal Luo Color;
  8. Clear System;
  9. Cramer.

You can read about how to dye your hair dark red in the instructions for the selected dye. It is worth being prepared for the fact that painting in the end can bring surprises, and not always pleasant ones.

Color doesn't always turn out as intended. Dark blond hair is the worst to dye.

Although a copper-red tint will be noticeable on black hair, and if lighter tones of dark red are meant, then a bleaching procedure is carried out before dyeing.

But gray hair and blond make any shade brighter by at least one and a half tones. With such white strands, you should be very careful and paint with caution.

Give your hair a dark red tint with henna

As a dye, henna is preferred for its naturalness and safety. But improper use can lead to the fact that the color of the hair turns into swamp green. Recommendations from professionals will save you from mistakes.

How to get dark red hair color with natural henna:

  1. The main staining is started only after the verification test. It is carried out on one strand of hair. This will allow you to figure out how long it will take to achieve the desired color.
  2. When preparing the solution, use only ceramic dishes.
  3. Do not mix henna with other paints.
  4. Do not apply the mixture on the head in a heated form.
  5. Strictly observe the temporary mode of maintaining the ink mass.

Henna does not fade and does not fade in the sun. In addition, it does not have a harmful effect on the bulbs and the structure of the hairs. And each new coloring will make the color brighter and richer.

The original way to give hair a dark shade of red with henna

Take three bags of henna, half a bag of ground cloves and a glass of red wine. Mix everything thoroughly and leave for a quarter of an hour to infuse. After the allotted time, the mixture is ready for application. It is advisable to withstand the paint for as many minutes as determined by trial testing.

Non-standard staining methods

Modern fashion is so sophisticated and pretentious that it is difficult to surprise others with just one exclusive hair color. You have to resort to non-standard methods of staining.

Highlighting and coloring is already an innovation. But in any case, you can play with the main tone. So add strands of lighter tones to the dark red chosen as the basis.

But balayage is gaining popularity. This option involves dyeing only the ends of the hair. The color can be either in harmony (for example, terracotta strands are shaded with burgundy), or it can contrast with the main tone (when a very unexpected shade is chosen, ripe wheat, ash blond or blue-black).

Professionals often focus on naturalness and naturalness. The effect of burnt hair is repeated by shatush and 3D coloring.

But trying to lighten individual strands of copper curls on your own at home is still not worth it. It is better to contact an experienced hairdresser.

How to properly care for dyed curls

So, half the work is done: the tips are studied, the paint is selected, the strands are painted. It remains the case for small things - to carry out competent care for dyed hair.

The rules for caring for red hair are not much different from the basic recommendations for hair dyed in other colors. Trim the ends at least once a month, use masks and balms, purchase only high-quality shampoos and conditioners, limit the negative effects of high temperatures and chemicals (hairspray and mousse are also negative factors).

A daily head massage and the use of B vitamins have a good effect.

It is important to carry out additional staining in time so that regrown roots do not spoil the overall impression. Remember, everything is perfect in the image of a beautiful woman, from the roots of her hair to her fingertips.

It is believed that people with fiery hair are temperamental individuals with a daring disposition and perky character. Many women dream of possessing such qualities in order to attract the eyes of men and always be in the spotlight.

Someone believes that changes in the external appearance will not bring changes in the inner world. Maybe you should decide to experiment and check on your own experience how the undertones of dark red hair color play with feelings and emotions, raising the most daring notes of the hidden corners of the soul to the surface.

The next video has a lot of interesting additional information on henna hair coloring.

Red hair color, not only natural, but hair dye, as well as henna. Shades of red give character to hairstyles and makeup. Photo.

Red-haired children often suffer, standing out from the general mass of fair-haired and dark-haired boys and girls. An increased interest in bright hair is expressed in offensive teasers and questions. But growing up, most often girls discover the bright charm and seductiveness of their red hair. Being in adulthood, it is rare for a woman to repaint her native red color in light brown or brown. However, many blondes and brunettes will try red shades on their hair.
Red hair color is very different: light and dark, with a yellow or red undertone, very bright or moderate, but always colorful.

A frequent companion of bright red hair is freckles. They can cover a significant area of ​​the face and body. Many owners of red freckles consider them a disadvantage, and in every possible way try to get rid of them, however, artists and photographers see a special natural beauty in the bright pigmentation of the body.

Red fairy tale. Aesthetics of red hair

Nature gave people this miracle, like flowers, sunsets or tropical waterfalls. This beauty has entered fairy tales, myths and legends. She inspired many generations: inquisitors and artists, kings and beggars.
In red hair there is a magical power of fire, sun, lion. All shades of red harmonize wonderfully with green, blue and brown - the very basic colors of the Earth that give rise to life and its mystery. These combinations awaken the fantasy (or maybe the ancient memory) taking us to the ancient deities: mermaids, goblin, water; elves, gnomes, dragons; wizards, witches and sorcerers... These feelings are conveyed to us in paintings, staged photographs, songs, books, things and jewelry.

Red hair shades

Shades of red hair can be divided into two parts: natural - those that are found in nature and artificial colors, usually very bright and saturated. Of course, everyone strives for naturalness, but if there is a desire to stand out, then ultra-bright options also have a place to be.

natural red

Naturally red shades of hair belong to the “autumn”, “spring”, “autumn-summer”, “autumn-spring”, and “autumn-winter” color types. This is a wide range from warm honey yellow to cool dark chestnut red shades.
In general, red means red, but over time, this category included all orange shades, brown with impurities of red and orange, copper up to red. Although pure red hair does not exist in nature.
All the many red shades of hair became the prototypes of hairdressing dyes, which occupied a decent segment among the popular colors for coloring.

Red color paint

The paint of red shades is within c, that is, medium in lightness. But within the same tone, its color can vary significantly: for example, from yellow-red to brown-red.

In general, red paint can be divided into two types: close to a natural shade and synthetic color. So, fiery orange and bright red-orange is an artificial color, and golden-copper or yellow-red is close to natural shades of hair.

Light red paint color. Photo

Yellow-red paint color. Photo

Bright red paint color. Photo

Copper color paint. Photo

Golden-copper paint color. Photo

Brown-red paint color. Photo

Copper brown paint. Photo

Red-brown paint color. Photo

Dye your hair red

If you are inspired by the red image and decide to choose a hair color in this range, do not rush to run to the hairdresser. This hair color needs a special skin tone that will make the harmony complete. But whatever one may say, we are given one skin color that we cannot change. Even initially red-haired girls are not suitable for any shade of this palette. An incorrectly chosen red color can significantly spoil your appearance, make your facial skin painful, and increase your age by five years. I think few people will agree with such an effect just for the sake of one color on the hair. The problem is that you notice such changes only after painting. Therefore, this hair color needs to be planned.
So for "spring" light red and yellow-red shades are suitable. For "spring-summer" - golden-copper and brown-red colors. For "summer" - copper and copper-brown tones. For "winter" and bright "spring" - bright red and red-red shades. For "autumn-summer" - copper, golden-copper, brown-red and copper-brown. For "spring-autumn" - light red, yellow-red, bright red, brown-red and golden copper. For Pure "Autumn" - yellow-red, bright red, golden copper, brown-red, copper-brown and red-red.
If you do not know your color type, use the free program for selecting hairstyles and hair colors (the main thing is that the photo should not be heavily distorted in color). Before painting, you can create a picture that somehow reflects the influence of this color on your appearance.

Henna painting

Before high-quality red hair dye appeared, red hair could be tinted with henna. This plant gives not only a bright shade, but also significantly heals the hair, giving it shine and splendor. Thanks to these properties, henna is still used today. However, there are difficulties in adjusting the color, which makes it difficult to plan the shade, and this is a very important component in creating a harmonious image.

However, I can offer you a diagram of the dependence of the resulting hair color on a mixture in different proportions of red, colorless and black henna (basma) applied to undyed hair of different shades.

The scheme does not guarantee a “tone on tone” hit, since there are many unique shades of hair that can be dyed to varying degrees (besides, the coloring time also affects the final color), this is an approximate idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe result so that you can understand how it changes shade from proportions and changes in the natural tone of the hair.

If your hair has natural red undertones or you want to refresh the shine of your red-dyed hair, consider the following color-enhancing mask.
You will need:
3 medium carrots;
2 tablespoons of honey;
3 tablespoons yogurt (no fillers)
½ cup cranberries;
Grind carrots and cranberries in a blender until a coarse paste is obtained, add yogurt and honey - mix thoroughly. Apply shampoo to the hair, then the resulting mask, massage it evenly throughout the hair with massaging movements. The action time is from 1 to 2 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
How it works: beta-carotene of carrots and cranberries - the main natural dyes (besides, it is vitamin A), when mixed with yogurt fats, becomes active, while lactic acid activates antioxidants, and honey fixes the result with a small amount of peroxide, moisturizing along the way. hair. The result is more intense color and healthier hair.

Hairstyles for red hair

Red hair is often thick and lush, and sometimes curly. Wild hair of fiery shades never fit perfectly. They are characterized by a slight disorder, which gives liveliness and emotionality to the image. Therefore, hairstyles for redheads will emphasize their splendor, while leaving some freedom.
If the hair is dyed and does not have the required volume, then it is created artificially: by bouffants, curling, “tousled” braids.

The main rule for creating such hairstyles is to maintain at least minimal freedom for the hair. The bundle should not be tight, and the hair "should" flow into it in jets. This allows the hair to fall out of the hairstyle, but at the same time is in harmony with the overall composition.

As with bundles in braids, the principle of freedom is important: do not tighten them tightly. The fluffy braid is larger in volume, which gives the hair a favorable side. If you are not satisfied with the volume, you can use ribbons or false hair.
To give the hairstyle a casual look, release a few strands near the face. Spikelets and two-stage braids look good on red hair: thin braids woven into a thick one.

These are tails and thin braids with a rim. The main task of these hairstyles is to give the impression of a creative mess. They are accompanied by bouffants and curls, giving the impression of the wildness and energy of a redhead girl.

An unusual hairstyle that looks especially good on red hair, giving the owner a certain retro style. The wave requires smooth or semi-wavy hair. Unlike all other hairstyles, in this one you will need to try to curb your hair and give your hair a perfectly smooth look. Here you will need the entire hairdressing arsenal: perms, varnishes, foams, gels, waxes, etc.

As I already mentioned: the red color creates lively, colorful pairs with almost all natural shades. Flowers in such hair are comparable to a skillful painting, they can create amazing images.
As an alternative to flowers, various colored hairpins, headbands, crabs and elastic bands can become.

Due to the fact that the bright color emphasizes the color of the face, there are a lot of short hairstyles in this range: from boyish short to multi-level options. Of course, thick short hair looks attractive, but the intensity of the color will brighten up the lack of volume. A short hairstyle for thin hair dyed red is much more preferable than light blond or long red hair.

Red-haired girls have an average or high contrast of appearance. Having dyed your hair red, while having low contrast, you will have to reach it to medium. Having a bright appearance, sometimes it is enough to add a little color or slightly enhance the native shades of the face, creating a natural make-up.

However, with red hair, you can afford medium-bright makeup that will look natural. Expressive eyes and lips against the background of an attractive hair color will make your image unforgettable.

As I said before, redheads have an exceptional skin tone. It is quite bright, although it looks light. When choosing eye shadow, it should be borne in mind that the skin also needs a favorable neighborhood. So, if you have green eyes, then shades of plum and carnation will suit you. For brown eyes, choose lilac shades with golden dots, champagne color and glitter. Blue eyes will successfully harmonize with shades based on gold and orange.
To emphasize the color, you should choose brown, eggplant and gray-black eyeliners. For high eye contrast, you can use black mascara, but do not forget about brown.
To choose blush and lipstick, you should know your color type. Above, I have listed what color types red-haired girls can belong to. And if we assume that you dyed red according to your color type, then choose a lipstick using the main tone of your hair: if copper, then lip pigments from lilac to burgundy. If your redhead is closer to honey, then lipstick is selected based on orange. If dark shades of red, then lipstick and blush based on red, etc.

If you have black hair but have always wanted to dye it red, then it is quite possible to do it at home. Only 2 percent of the population is born with red hair, so it will make you stand out from the crowd. However, black hair is not so easy to dye red. However, modern dyes will allow you to color your hair at home without prior bleaching.


Part 1

Choosing the right paint

    Choose a color that suits your skin tone. There are three types of red shades: copper, purple and red. The red tint will be very bright, and the magenta will be darker. Copper is closer to chestnut color.

    Consider the type of product. There are different types of hair coloring. Permanent coloring, which penetrates directly into the hair cuticle and remains for several months, and temporary coloring, which covers only the outer surface of the hair and lasts only a few days. Temporary dye is usually sold in shampoo bottles. The boxed version of L "Oreal paint is permanent.

    • Curly hair is more fragile. Do not lighten them more than 3 shades from your natural hair color, otherwise it may harm them.
    • Ionic paint is best for people with sensitive skin.
  1. Assess the condition of your hair. Be honest with yourself and carefully consider the possibility of coloring your hair. Dyeing causes damage to the hair, so it is very risky to apply dye if they are already weakened.

    Plan ahead for coloring. Do not start coloring your hair without all the necessary ingredients. If you forget to get at least one of them, such as a brush, you probably won't get the desired result.

    • You can buy most of the products in the nearest cosmetics store.
    • Be prepared for the whole process to take about 2-3 hours. It will take about 30 minutes to process the hair itself. This is without taking into account the time you need to mix the ingredients, apply and then rinse off. In addition, on dark hair, you will have to repeat the procedure twice.

    Part 2

    Hair coloring
    1. Don't bleach your hair. Black hair should be bleached before dyeing red. However, today there are dyes such as L'Oreal Excellence HiColor Reds for dark hair with H8, which are able to dye dark hair red without prior bleaching.

      Comb your hair. You don't want your hair to get tangled, so comb it carefully. Then use special clips with which you can separate the hair into strands.

      • Apply petroleum jelly along the hairline to avoid accidentally coloring the skin.
      • It is best to divide your hair into equal strands.
    2. Mix the ingredients. Squeeze a tube of paint and developer into a bowl. Use a ratio of 2 to 1. Add 1 tube of paint (35 ml) and 70 ml of developer to the bowl. Use a measuring cup to be able to measure accurately. 35 ml is a full tube of paint.

      Apply color to your hair. Using a brush, apply the dye to the hair, starting from the ends, without coloring the roots. Paint one strand at a time. Gradually move up to the roots.

      • The dye can lie unevenly if you squeeze it out of the bottle directly onto the hair. Therefore, it is best to dye your hair with a brush.
      • Always wear gloves while painting. Otherwise, you will get your hands dirty.
      • Don't forget to color the hair around the ears. You can do it with your finger.
      • Completely cover your hair with paint.
      • Paint over the entire length, except for the roots. The hair at the roots has a more natural color, so if you color it first, you may end up with a brighter shade than at the ends. That's why you need to paint the tips first, and only then the roots.
      • Put on a shower cap and leave the paint on for 20 minutes. Then remove the cap and color the roots. Leave the paint on for another 10 minutes.
    3. Wash off the paint. Follow the instructions on the package. There will be written about the need to completely wash off the paint. In this case, you should use a shampoo for colored hair, but for starters it is better to just rinse them with running water.

      • Use warm or cold water, but never hot, as this can dull the paint.
    4. Repeat procedure. You need to color your hair again for best results. Dry your hair naturally or with a hairdryer first.

      • After the first dyeing, black hair will take on a slightly reddish tint, so you will need to repeat the procedure to get a rich red color. However, do not re-color the roots because they already received enough dye the first time.
      • You can wait 24 hours before painting them again, or you can do it immediately.
      • Before you start, make sure you have enough paint. Buy more paint than you need, as the dyeing process will take two steps.

    Part 3

    Red hair care
    1. Consider the features of the red hair color. Red pigment has larger molecules than other colors.

      • Don't take hot showers. Hot water helps the paint wash out faster.
      • Hair dye can stain towels. Don't be surprised if your towel gets dirty after you shower.
      • Color your hair. Red hair requires constant maintenance. So you will have to repeat the procedure periodically. People often have to color their hair every three weeks, especially at the roots. However, you do not need to carry out a full staining.
    2. Apply appropriate makeup. You may need to change your makeup style after going from black to red hair.

    3. Moisturize your hair well. Remember that they are spoiled by paint. You need to use a nourishing conditioner for a few days after coloring.

      • Avoid using shampoos with sulfates. Their use leads to faster washing off of the paint.
      • Choose shampoos that are specifically formulated for color-treated red hair.
    • Test the dye on a hidden area of ​​your skin first to make sure you don't have an allergic reaction to any of the ingredients.
    • Turn on the fan during the hair dyeing process to ventilate the room a little, as the dye has a very strong smell.
    • Get ready to get dirty. Wear a shirt you don't mind getting dirty and try to prevent paint from getting on the carpet or tiles.
    • Before coloring your hair, it is better to consult a specialist if your skin is sensitive to chemicals.