Does the guy love his ex. What to do if the husband loves his ex-wife. Active communication with her

Nobody wants to know that you are being used just to distract themselves and forget. Nobody wants to know that your man still loves his ex. And we usually just feel that something is wrong. And here are some signs that your suspicions are justified:

1. Everything reminds him of her.

Imagine that you are going on a date with him, you met for a romantic dinner, but when the waiter brings your order, he says that his ex always ordered the same. Maybe you close your eyes to this, but as the evening progresses, he remembers her more and more often, and by the end you already know more about her than about him. Apparently, he constantly thinks about her and looks for reasons to talk about her. It is not normal.

2. He tells his news first to her, and then to you.

Whether it's a new job or a promotion, or something insignificant like his new haircut, you should be the first person he tells about it. But if his ex is the first to know about it, even if he calls her now just a friend, this is not normal.

3. He listens to lyric songs that are not peculiar to him and says something about her.

Musical preferences can tell a lot about a person's soul. If he continues to listen to lyric songs about past love, he suffers for it. And if you tell him about it, he may get angry and say something bad about his ex. But these are just excuses.

4. He is following her online.

The fact that he likes her photo is not a crime. But if he continues to like every post of her (whatever it may be) and follow her on all social networks, he has not forgotten her. This is especially noticeable if he does not do the same with your posts and photos.

5. He acts strange when he talks to her.

You see him talking to his friends, and you notice that he talks to her differently. Maybe when she calls, he always goes to another room. And after talking to her, he behaves distantly and mysteriously.

6. He gives her personal gifts for the holidays.

Gifts for the holidays are okay, unless he is giving something that has great meaning or meaning. It is even worse when he gives her what belongs to him - maybe their joint photo or his suitcase, which she loved very much.

7. He is still in close contact with her family.

Does he continue to visit her family or communicate with them online? He can talk to them about her, can thus find a way to stay in her life.

8. He talks about his feelings for her when drunk.

You yourself know that when we are drunk, we remember what is in our souls. If he talks about her, then all his thoughts and feelings are also about her.

He became kind of pensive. He listens with half an ear. Nods out of place. Laughs in places where it is not at all funny. As if it turns on with a delay and reacts to it. He was not like this before. He was decisive, daring, dynamic. He could grab his hand and run forward along the path to the park. And then stop abruptly, so that you almost fall, and kiss greedily.

Now there is no such thing. When was the last time you kissed? It's a shame to admit - six months ago. Can you imagine? Six cold, chilly months without a kiss. And what, even making love without a kiss? What kind of love? Are you kidding? So, fast, automatic sex. As if, just to get behind. In order not to bother with questions and suspicions.
Are they there, suspicions?
And what? What do you suspect him of? What confuses you in your relationship? Where do these thoughts come from? They also have nature. They couldn't come from anywhere. What's eating you?
He thinks about his ex ...
Are you sure? Why did you decide this?

He loves her, right?

Yes, I'm sure you think, and as if you pull out a crumpled handkerchief from your pocket as proof. You put it on your eyes. You wipe away tears that have dried up long ago. Which do not exist, but the handkerchief still remembers them. You cried into it all evening yesterday. I was sitting by the window in a cafe, stirring an Americano in a huge cup and counting my tears, which dripped steadily into the dark fragrant liquid. Drip-drop-drop, three-eight-twelve. He wants to return to her. He thinks about her. It can be seen from it. Sometimes he turns his head, looks out the window and you can clearly see how nostalgic he is, how he yearns for those times. He still loves her.

She died? I mean his ex. She died?
Of course not. She is alive and well. Lives in the same city. You even see each other sometimes. Of course she's nothing like that. But you wouldn't call her pretty. She's kind of ordinary. Too thin, her collarbones protrude from under her shirt with unpleasant humps. When the gums are visible, how can you like it? No, she's normal. With its own, sometimes even deliberate flaws. It seems to you that you are more beautiful than her. But...
But he loves her, right?
Yes! Still in love!

How did they break up? Did they break up because of you? He left her because he met you, it seemed to him that he was covered by love and all that ...
Not. They broke up because they could no longer be together. Because she wanted a child. And he wanted a car and go on it to the sea. They realized that they were too different. Therefore, we parted.

Now do you think they suddenly become the same? That they have common goals? That together they want to give birth to a son, take his hands and rush with him to the ocean? Do you think this is really so?

87% of men don't remember their ex

Didn't you come up with this story to order an Americano in a cafe in the evening, a piece of vanilla cake and cry to your heart's content? Is this girl a phantom? Have you thought about it? Otherwise, why did you suddenly start talking to yourself? Asking strict, revealing questions and seeking exculpatory answers? You made it all up. Your fears are in vain. Stop torturing yourself, don't be.

87% of men don't remember their ex. They are not really as sensitive as we are. They do not carry their past like a backpack over their shoulders. They leave him, maybe they will burn for a while, but then they shake themselves off and move on. It is we who impose our patterns on them. We put them in our fantasies. But in them, as in any fantasy, there is very little reality. Don’t make yourself worried. I hope I convinced you.

But just in case, let's think about what points you should pay attention to and talk about them with your boyfriend:

It's worth worrying only if ...

1. If your boyfriend often calls you by the name of his ex

It is clear that this is, to put it mildly, unpleasant for you. You flinch every time he calls you Natasha. You know that was the name of his first wife. And after he got confused in the names, for some reason he smiles so awkwardly and shrugs, saying, what's wrong with that. Talk to him about this. Tell me you don't like it. Yes, he himself must understand this, he is not a fool.

2. If he often remembers her. And he does not remember so calmly, but with emotions

Or, with tenderness, he talks about how cool they had a rest on the French Riviera. Or she constantly shares her culinary secrets: she cooked this casserole with raisins, and she covered this cake with icing. Or deliberately criticizes. This is also a bell. It means that she really does not give him rest. Keep his memories calm and even. Do not reproach him for this. Each of us has a past, there is no escape from it. Try to keep his memories subside, don't bother them in vain.

3. If he discusses your life with her

This is, of course, very strange. But this also happens. She calls him herself, and they chat on the phone for hours. He talks about his day at work, what you ate for dinner, what you gave him and how you went on vacation. Talk to your boyfriend gently that you don't like it. That he has a person with whom to discuss his life. And it is all the more unpleasant for you when his ex-girlfriend is aware of your personal life. Not small people, after all.

4. If he congratulates all her relatives on the holidays

If he congratulates his ex-girlfriend on his birthday, it speaks of him as a decent and responsible person. There is nothing seditious about this. Moreover, if they parted as friends. But the situation will look a little strange if he congratulates her mother, grandmother, aunt Luda and grandfather Veniamin Adolfovich on all the holidays.

5. If he hides her

Well, you finally made up your mind and asked your beloved: and introduce me to her, to your ex, I want to see her. Well, just to calm down. And he somehow immediately sank down, hesitated, began fiddling with the sleeve of his shirt, coming up with a bunch of ridiculous excuses. It becomes obvious that he is not going to introduce you. Moreover, he seems to be hiding her. What is it for? "A normal guy will calmly introduce you, but what's the big deal?" my husband just said. And I agree with him. For men, this is simple. And if his feelings for his ex are still breathing, he will protect them. In order to return to them, if possible.

Dear girls, do not come up with something that does not exist. I like to repeat myself a good phrase from Mark Twain: "Most of the events that cause your concern do not happen at all." She helps me out in many situations. Hope it helps you too. If you suddenly think that your man remembers his ex, sit in a chair, close your eyes and start listing your strengths: you are a beauty, you have firm breasts, expressive eyes, you speak Spanish perfectly and can dance Zumba. Who can compete with you? A virtual ghost? Come on, honestly!

Relationships with ex-lovers are a very sensitive topic that they usually try not to touch on. But what if the guy loves his ex? In this case, advice is necessary, especially if you have already tried everything you could.

Why you think your boyfriend loves his ex

First, break down the situation. Do you think that he cannot forget the girl or does he speak about it in plain text? If the first option, then this is exclusively your problem, because his thoughts are pure. If the second option, the futility of your relationship is obvious. Why postpone the separation further? You need to collect will in a fist and throw a man for whom another woman means more than you.

Ask not to communicate with your ex

Have you ever discussed your feelings with him? You pretend you don't care, and your heart breaks with pain when he writes or calls her. Show what is really going on in your heart, because he may not even suspect that it really hurts you.

If you know for sure that there is nothing between them, ask him not to communicate with her anymore or to reduce contacts to the very minimum, so as not to arouse your suspicions, your hopes, and that girl's nostalgia. They may be working together. Then the situation becomes much more complicated, especially if some feelings still remain. In addition, there are women who do not even let their exes go, thereby asserting themselves at their expense. Even being with someone else, such a skittish will from time to time beckon your boyfriend, not allowing him to forget about himself. If you understand that his ex is exactly like that, find any plausible excuse to move to another place, and he could change jobs.

Don't expect things to fix themselves

This doesn't happen. If communication with your ex becomes a habit, this is already an addiction, from which it becomes more difficult to get rid of every day.Therefore, you need to act decisively while you are able to help him. After you talk, see how he understood you. If communication is not stopped, then the relationship with her is more important to him than yours.

Do you really want to be with the guy who you have - a reserve parachute or a temporary airfield? He spends time with you, waiting for her runway to be free.... Find enough strength in yourself that self-esteem or just anger can give you, and break the vicious circle, even if you really like the man. In any case, you need to take a timeout, which can be lifelong. Some guys get pleasure not from being around a particular woman, but from the fact that they cannot be with another. This case is perfectly illustrated by the Russian film "Children under Sixteen".

You have not met for the first month, but you are tormented by doubts - suddenly he has not yet forgotten his former love. It's a shame one day to find that all his thoughts are occupied by another, and you are just a way to show her that everything is fine with him or make her jealous. How do you know if there is a real cause for concern or if your suspicions are unfounded?

In order not to be the “injured party”, take a close look at his behavior and analyze.

1. Most likely, he often thinks about her if they broke up less than a month ago, and even more so if they were married or lived in a civil marriage for several years. In this case, this period can be safely extended for six months. The fact is that even if the separation was by mutual agreement, a serious relationship cannot be quickly thrown out of my head.

2. Another sign is sadness and mood swings. He seems to be with you, but you notice that his thoughts hover very far. Although, if you recently met, then it is difficult to understand whether he has always been like this or whether the breakup with his ex is to blame.

3. A sure sign that she is constantly in his thoughts - her frequent mention in conversations, even the most innocent. An even more obvious sign is when he, in such conversations, speaks about himself and about her - "we". It seems that his subconscious is sure that something else is possible between them.

4. They continue to communicate. It is not surprising that he sometimes looks at the pages of his exes and likes them. Any man likes to remember his victories and "mark" the territory. But if their communication is regular and they are trying to implement "let's stay friends", then apparently both are not ready to take parting for granted.

5. He constantly returns to their parting - recalls quarrels and misunderstandings, talks about her antics and lists the shortcomings. All of us at the moment of parting blame only the opposite side for this. And often, even after a long time, they are not ready to admit that they were also to blame for something. But if he experiences these moments over and over again, it means that the pain of parting has not yet lost its acuteness.

6. He confuses you with her. No, no, he does not call you by her name, but in his eyes you are a representative of the half of humanity that recently inflicted so much pain on him. Therefore, he projects his resentment onto you - expresses claims for actions that you did not commit, is indignant at things to which you have nothing to do.

While the above signs suggest that your man hasn't forgotten his ex, don't panic. Of course, while your relationship is hanging by a thread, but you are near - she is far away, you are good - she is bad. So just do not rush things, gradually he will get used to the idea that she is the past, and you are the present and the future.

What if you are in a relationship but your boyfriend loves your ex? What can be done to address this issue? You need to think a little and decide what to do.

In general, first you need to figure out whether your beloved really has any feelings. Are you just wrong? This is quite possible, not always what is obvious to you may turn out to be true.

For example, maybe your boyfriend doesn't have any love for his ex. How to check this? There are several ways to determine exactly if a guy is in love with his ex:

  • He still communicates with her. If so, you should already alert yourself. Sometimes they don't want to see their ex, let alone communicate. Pay attention to these little things in order to avoid trouble. You don't want to leave, do you? Then prohibit communication.
  • The guy is always comparing you to her. If he says that his ex cooked better, or cites other facts in favor of the fact that everything was much better for him before than now, resolve this issue so that it does not happen that you are simply dumped. In general, appreciate yourself and do not let us compare with someone, this is generally not the best option for creating new relationships.
  • Does your boyfriend go to "friendly get-togethers" with his ex? Here you need to sound the alarm, as you will not notice, and your loved one will be in bed with his ex.

Facts like this can help you know if your loved one loves your ex. If so, you should do something about it. Otherwise, it will be just a scenario - you will break up, like most couples who have faced a similar problem.

Love between boyfriend and girlfriend

Now the unstable situation will be considered - "I love a girl, but she has a boyfriend" . What can be done here? You have only one option - to wait until your loved one breaks up with the person she has. Why are such extreme measures? The point is that you should not destroy someone's family. If they have a relationship, do not interfere, this will not have a positive effect on the whole situation. You need to be respectful and strive to help people. If you're lucky and fate brings you together, you will be together. If this does not happen, you just need to wish you luck.

And here's another problem when a guy said he loved an ex-girlfriend. What should be done here to completely solve the problem? The only solution is to let him go. If he loves his ex, then he won't even have time for you. Believe me, the ex will take all the love and you simply have nothing left but to part.

Returning to the question of how to understand that a guy loves an ex-girlfriend, it is worth saying that if he does not feel anything for you, you will definitely notice it. For example, much less attention will be paid than before. You will feel out of place with a guy, he simply will not give you the warmth and comfort that you would always like to experience on yourself.

I love a girl but she has a boyfriend

If you don't know how to find out if a guy is in love with his ex, you just talk to him. Maybe he will tell you everything and it will be easier for you to continue living. Surely you will be able to solve something, discuss and understand each other.

It should be understood that if you are not loved, you will not do anything about it. You simply do not have a chance to become a loved one; all that remains is to wish only happiness to the one who loves another. If you have a boyfriend and his feelings for an ex-girlfriend are still hot, you can assume that you don't have a boyfriend. You just can't live together for a long time. Sooner or later, you will have to admit that there are no sincere feelings, and love belongs to someone else.