Youthful facial skin after 30. Necessary care for women. Hydration and nutrition

Each representative fair half humanity wants to preserve the youthfulness of the skin of the face. Not only women think about it, but also young girls. Modern life leaves its mark constant stress and experiences unhealthy food and dirty air contribute premature aging skin. Not everyone can afford expensive procedures in the salon, so consider important aspects proper care.


Some ladies use a variety of serums and creams, but all of them are ineffective. Dark spots and dark circles have not gone away, wrinkles under the eyes accumulate at lightning speed. It's all about the wrong diet.

  1. reconsider daily menu eat more fruit. Give preference to pears, apricots, peaches, melons, watermelons, apples. From vegetables, eat spinach daily, bell pepper, cucumbers, asparagus, cabbage and carrots.
  2. Replace unhealthy white bread with black bread with cumin. If this option is not suitable, buy products containing seeds, nuts and other cereals. Vegetable fibers contain fiber, which increases the elasticity and tone of the skin. In addition, toxins are removed from the body, and the activity of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized.
  3. Eat more seafood, they are rich in Omega-3 vitamin and promote the production of elastin. Buy salmon, tuna, salmon, shrimp and sea cocktail in your own juice. Eat 1 citrus several times a day. Oranges, lemons, kiwi, grapefruits are responsible for the formation of collagen.
  4. Replace black tea with green tea mint decoctions and drink 150 ml. daily. Give up sugary carbonated drinks, give preference to homemade compote or still mineral water. If you often drink coffee, dilute it with heavy cream, limit consumption to 1 time per day.
  5. Drink about 3 liters of liquid per day, of which 2 liters of water, 1 liter - tea, compote, juice, etc. Do not abuse alcohol, if you really want to, drink red or white dry wine.
  6. Reduce consumption of spicy, salty and starchy foods. Instead of sweet cakes, eat dried fruits, raisins, dried apricots. Keep in mind that heavily spiced food contributes to the formation of blackheads and expands the pores.


  1. If you have enough willpower, quit smoking. Otherwise, reduce your consumption of cigarettes to 10 pieces per day. Bad habit not only promotes skin aging, it gives the epidermis yellow tint and also causes lung cancer.
  2. Take care of healthy sleep, it is desirable to rest, lying on your back. Lack of sleep provokes the appearance of hated dark circles under the eyes.
  3. Ladies who spend a lot of time in the sun are advised to cover their faces with a hat / cap. Always apply a cream with the maximum degree of protection to the skin. If you are afraid that the body will tan and the face will remain white, choose safe hours for taking sunbathing(from 09.00 to 11.00, from 16.00 to 18.00).

Cosmetic care

  1. Never leave makeup on overnight. At this time of day, the skin needs to breathe and regenerate.
  2. Morning and evening, use a moisturizer designed specifically for your skin type.
  3. When you wipe your face with lotion or tonic, do not forget about the neck and décolleté.
  4. Do not use pharmaceutical preparations against acne in large quantities, they dry the epidermis. Do stretching and moisturizing masks, gradually the water balance will return to normal and the production sebum will be reduced.
  5. The face cream is like a shampoo, it needs to be changed every three months. Otherwise, the skin gets used, as a result of which care becomes minimal.
  6. Not everyone knows about such a miracle remedy as thermal water. You can apply it not only to clean skin but also for makeup. The option is suitable for ladies who work in a stuffy room. splash your face thermal water, then wipe off the excess with a cotton cloth. Also, the tool is indispensable assistant on hot summer days.
  7. Do not abuse scrubs and peels, cosmetologists advise to carry out the procedure no more than 1 time per week.

Folk remedies are not much inferior to professional ones. cosmetic procedures, so their regular use will relieve the skin of a lack of moisture, smooth out wrinkles, remove freckles and bags under the eyes. Try to use the composition at least 4 times a week.

Kiwi mask

  • cottage cheese with a fat content of 20% - 70 gr.
  • kiwi - 2 pcs.
  • banana - 1 pc.
  • milk - 80 ml.
    oat bran - 30 gr.

Peel off the skin of the kiwi, cut into pieces and put in a blender. Do the same with the banana, then mix in the fruit. Pour the bran with milk, add cottage cheese, combine all the components into a homogeneous composition. Cover your face with the mixture, wait 50 minutes.

Aloe Vera Mask

  • freshly squeezed aloe juice - 50 ml.
  • aloe stalks - 2 pcs.
  • corn oil - 35 ml.
  • quail yolk - 1 pc.
  • potato starch - 10 gr.

Grate the stems on a fine grater, combine the gruel with aloe pharmacy juice. Pour in the oil, add the yolk and starch. Mix thoroughly, if the mixture turned out to be liquid, squeeze it out with gauze. Apply the mass on the face, lie down to rest for 3 hours.

Brewer's yeast mask

  • brewer's yeast - 20 gr.
  • kefir - 40 ml.
  • honey - 30 gr.
  • olive oil - 20 ml.

Fill the yeast with kefir and wait for it to swell. Melt the honey in the microwave, pour in the oil, then mix the ingredients into a homogeneous mass. Cover the face with the composition, paying due attention to the skin under the eyes, nasolabial folds and wrinkles on the forehead. Wait 1 hour, rinse cold water and wipe your face with a mild lotion.

Mask of zucchini caviar

  • gelatin - 25 gr.
  • squash caviar - 40 gr.
  • mineral water with gas - 50 ml.
  • burdock oil - 20 ml.

Heat water in the microwave, pour gelatin over it, wait 10 minutes. Add caviar and oil to the mixture. Mix thoroughly, apply on the skin and wait half an hour. The mixture may drip, so cover your shoulders, neck and décolleté with a towel. you can replace marrow caviar grained salmon, but the ingredients will come out more expensive.

Clay mask

  • blue clay - 30 gr.
  • white clay - 35 gr.
  • green clay - 25 gr.
  • pink clay - 30 gr.
  • sea ​​salt - 20 gr.
  • lemon juice - 40 ml.
  • sour cream with a fat content of 15% - 50 gr.
  • honey - 30 gr.

Pour clay 200 ml. warm water, add lemon juice and sour cream. Put honey in the microwave for 30 seconds, combine with the rest of the ingredients and infuse the composition for 15 minutes. Cover your face with mass, put cling film on the forehead, chin and cheeks (capturing the area under the eyes). Lie down to rest for 40 minutes.

Dill mask

  • fresh dill - 40 gr.
  • parsley - 25 gr.
  • oat flour- 30 gr.
  • almond oil - 30 ml.
  • egg yolk- 1 PC.

Chop the dill and parsley, beat the yolk and add it to the greens. Brew oatmeal in 40 ml of boiling water, pour in the oil. Mix the ingredients, whisking them with a fork, apply to the skin. Hold 45 minutes.

Green tea mask

  • tea with lemon balm or jasmine - 30 gr.
  • green apple - 0.5 pcs.
  • olive oil - 40 ml.
  • rye bran - 40 gr.
  • honey - 25 gr.

Grate the apple on a fine grater along with the peel. Brew tea in 70 ml. hot water, immediately add honey, wait 40 minutes. After the time has elapsed, pour in the oil and bran, heat the mixture in the microwave. Cover the skin with the composition and hold for 50 minutes.

orange mask

  • lemon juice - 20 ml.
  • chicken yolk - 1 pc.
  • sour cream - 40 gr.
  • orange - 1 pc.
  • almond oil - 20 ml.

Squeeze the juice from the orange, you don't need it. Grind the zest on a grater and mix with lemon juice. Add butter, sour cream and yolk, beat the mass with a mixer. Apply the mixture and lie down to rest for 1 hour.

beeswax mask

  • natural beeswax- 40 gr.
  • honey - 30 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc. small size
  • butter grape seeds- 30 gr.

Grind the onion in a blender so that the juice comes out. Add honey and oil to it. Melt the wax in a water bath. Combine the ingredients, cover the face with the composition and wait 35 minutes. After the procedure, gently remove the mask with a tissue, wash with cold water and wipe the skin with ice cubes.

To maintain youthful facial skin, it is not necessary to visit a beautician twice a month. It is enough to give up bad habits, drink more fluids and eat healthy food. Make masks out of folk recipes regularly, after a month and a half, the skin will become radiant and toned. Take care of yourself and be irresistible!

Video: how to keep youth and look at 50 like at 30

Everyone wants to stay young as long as possible. But women are particularly sensitive to the passage of time. Already by the age of thirty, wrinkles appear on their skin, and over time it loses elasticity. It is impossible to stop these processes, but there are ways to help slow them down. And an excellent effect is given not only by hyped cosmetic products and methods of influence, but also the recipes of our ancestors that have been proven over the years. Let's clarify how to maintain youthful facial skin after 30 years?

In order to look great after thirty years, you need to carry out salon procedures, use special cosmetic preparations and traditional medicine. Also not without proper nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle.

Facial care after 30 years

Morning should start with cleansing the face. Can be used as a cleanser for dry skin cosmetic milk, and the owners of oily and normal skin it is better to give preference to water with foam for washing. Best to wash with water room temperature. Cold can cause vasoconstriction and lead to loss of elasticity, while hot causes vasodilation and helps to reduce body fat. Also, cosmetologists advise giving preference to melted or boiled water, since tap water contains chlorine. You can also use herbal infusions for washing, for example, products based on chamomile, parsley, rosemary and sage.

To moisturize and nourish the skin, it is better to use special products for the appropriate age group. When choosing a cream, it is best to consult with a beautician. It is desirable that the composition of such a remedy contains antioxidant vitamins ( vitamin C and tocopherol) and hyaluronic acid which enhances the effect of moisturizing ingredients. Also, the cream should contain elements that activate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, and retinoids, which perfectly accelerate the renewal of epidermal cells. Patients over thirty-five years of age should be given preference anti-aging cosmetics.

Concerning evening care behind the skin, then it should consist of the same items as the morning one. But in the evenings it is worth using a special night cream. Give preference to products that contain vitamins, retinoids, ceramides, collagen and a number of natural ingredients, represented by essential oils, chamomile, aloe and calendula. Also, such creams should contain hydroacids and coenzyme.

Home remedies for skin care after thirty years

To keep the skin youthful, you can additionally use care products prepared on your own. So an excellent effect gives the use of home tonics. To prepare the simplest of them, you need to combine five to six tablespoons of cool water, a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Mix these ingredients and use as directed in the morning.

For oily skin, you can use freshly brewed green tea adding a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice to it.

For facial skin care after thirty years, you can prepare a variety of anti-aging masks. An excellent effect is the use of a mixture of banana pulp, one teaspoon of cream and half a teaspoon potato starch. Apply this mask on a well-cleansed face and leave for a quarter of an hour. Then remove it with a cotton swab dipped in warm water.

Also, as a rejuvenating mask, you can use a mixture of thick homemade sour cream and freshly squeezed parsley juice. Combine them in equal proportions and apply on cleansed face for twenty minutes. Wash off with cool water afterwards.

To prepare a nourishing and rejuvenating mask, you need to combine one fresh egg yolk, twenty grams of fresh yeast. Warm up a little in a water bath peach oil and stir it into the egg-yeast mixture. Apply this mask for half an hour, then wash your face warm water and then rinse with cool.

An excellent method of maintaining the beauty, health and youth of the skin of the face is lymphatic drainage massage. In total, cosmetologists advise to carry out five to seven sessions of such an effect. Lymphatic drainage massage improves blood microcirculation, making the skin look younger, and its tone increases by an order of magnitude. These procedures help eliminate small wrinkles for a couple of months, especially in the nasolabial folds.

Also, women whose age has exceeded thirty years will benefit from professional peeling procedures, facial cleansing, mesotherapy and microcurrent therapy. exact list recommended measures of influence can be advised by a qualified cosmetologist.

In fact, if you properly care for your skin after thirty years, you can slow down the aging process by an order of magnitude and look young.

After 30 years, our skin physiological reasons begins to gradually lose firmness and elasticity, as a result of which the first wrinkles appear. That is why at this age facial skin care should be correct, purposeful and permanent. The time for experiments has passed, mistakes in care will immediately affect the face with new wrinkles and folds. To prevent this from happening, follow the tips and basic rules for skin care after 30 years.

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In that age category skin aging occurs in absolutely all women, only the intensity of the process is different for everyone and depends on hereditary factors, lifestyle, regularity and correctness of care. To understand what to pay attention to in the first place in facial care, you need to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat happens deep in skin tissues. Namely:

  1. The skin is rapidly losing moisture.
  2. The metabolism slows down.
  3. Reduce secretion from sebaceous glands, there is a thinning of the lipid layer and a thickening of the stratum corneum.
  4. The own production of collagen and elastin fibers decreases, elasticity decreases and wrinkles appear.
  5. The blood flow in the tissues is disturbed, worsening the skin tone.
  6. Decreases muscle tone, against which there is sagging of the cheeks, drooping of the corners of the mouth, nasolabial folds appear.

Based on this, daily care should be comprehensive and include procedures such as cleansing, toning, moisturizing, nutrition, protection. A special role is also played by the use of special means, carrying out salon procedures, balanced diet And healthy lifestyle life (including good sleep at least 7 hours, giving up bad habits).

Many women, due to lack of time or simply laziness, do not take care of themselves, hiding imperfections and minor defects on their faces. decorative cosmetics. The latter can help out up to a certain point, but then it will not be possible to “cover over” or refresh fading skin with wrinkles. That's why regular care, corresponding to skin type and age, should become an indispensable rule of any woman.


Cleansing and toning.

Skin cleansing is a preliminary procedure that plays a special role. All cosmetics, any anti-aging procedures are applied and carried out exclusively on clean face, otherwise their use becomes useless, because through the keratinized layer of cells nutrients they simply cannot penetrate deep into the epidermis.

For women over 30 years old, the use of soap is contraindicated, it dries the skin, destroying the upper protective layer, accelerating the aging process. To do this, use special tools (foams, gels, etc.). In the morning, simply wash your face with room temperature water (mineral, filtered) with foam (for oily skin) or wipe with cosmetic milk / emulsion (for dry skin or prone to dryness). In the evening, the cleansing process should be more thorough. In addition to the usual cleansers, it is necessary to use store or homemade scrubs / gommages (for dry skin 1 time per week, for oily skin - 2 times a week) and masks with a deep cleansing effect. Such procedures contribute to cell renewal, improve cell respiration. Before the procedure, it is necessary to steam the skin with steam bath. When washing, it is useful to use a special soft brush, it perfectly exfoliates dead cells and stimulates blood circulation.

After washing, the face should be slightly wet. soft towel without rubbing or stretching the skin, so as not to cause irritation and dryness. Toning (applying a tonic) will complete the cleansing process, restore the water balance of the skin. For the dry type, it is necessary to use alcohol-free tonics with vitamins and bioadditives, you can replace ice cubes prepared from herbal infusions chamomile, calendula, parsley, sage, rosemary (1 tbsp raw material per glass of boiling water), or a mixture of 1 tsp. honey, 6 tbsp. l. boiled water and 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, or brewing green tea with the addition of lemon juice. Additionally, cosmetologists recommend using thermal water for owners of dry skin during the day. For oily skin a lotion with a low alcohol content is more suitable.


Choice day cream must meet the characteristics and needs of the skin after 30 years. Do not use anti age means if you are under 35 years old, this helps to reduce the synthesis of youth components in the skin. All care products (with the exception of night cream and serum) must contain protective filters (SPF at least 45-50). To maintain youthfulness and elasticity of the skin, the day cream should contain antioxidant vitamins C and E, hyaluronic acid, substances that promote the production of collagen and elastin, and retinoids to accelerate cell renewal.

For evening care, you should use a special night cream with an intense nourishing and regenerating effect in accordance with the type of skin. It is desirable that coenzymes, collagen, vitamins, retinoids, ceramides, peptides, hydroacids, natural substances(aloe, chamomile, essential oils, calendula). The cream should be applied after cleansing and toning the skin, only at night use an hour and a half before bedtime in combination with self-massage. The remains of the product are removed cosmetic napkin light blotting movements 10-15 minutes before bedtime. Night cream after 30 years should contain enzymes, phytoestrogens, hormones, amino acids, biologically active substances.


To remove makeup, women over 30 need to use a special cleansing cream or lotion. Finally, wipe your face with tonic.


The area around the eyes is very thin and delicate, there are no sebaceous glands at all, which is why the first wrinkles appear on it. After 30 years for this zone, it is also necessary to apply special remedy that solves exactly your problems. For example, cream dark circles under the eyes, cream for puffiness around the eyes, cream for wrinkles around the eyes or gel with a lifting effect around the eyes, etc. The product is applied morning and evening to cleansed skin.


A purifying & softening clay mask.

White clay - 1 tbsp. l.
Brewing green tea.

Pour clay powder with tea leaves until a slurry of a similar mass is formed. Apply the mixture on a cleansed and steamed face, hold for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. At the end of the procedure, moisten the face with cream.

Green vitamin mask.

Chopped mixture of fresh parsley, lettuce and spinach - 2 tbsp. l.
Potato starch or oatmeal - 1 tsp

Mix the ingredients and apply on a cleansed face. Remove the mask after 15 minutes cotton pad soaked in warm water and rinse with cool. Apply a moisturizer to your face.

Rejuvenating mask with yeast.

Egg yolk - 1 pc.
Fresh yeast - 20 g.
Peach oil.

Grind the yolk and mix with yeast. Separately, heat the oil in a water bath and add to the egg-yeast mixture to get a thick consistency. Keep for half an hour, then rinse with warm water and rinse with cool, lubricate the face with a suitable care product.

Softening mask.

Banana pulp - 1 pc.
High fat cream - 1 tsp.
Starch - ½ tsp

Grind all the ingredients until smooth and apply on the face. After 20 minutes, rinse with cool water, and lubricate the face with an appropriate cream.

Anti-wrinkle oil mask.

Vegetable oil - 100 ml.
Chamomile flowers - 1 tsp
Honey - 1 tbsp. l.
Rowan juice - 1 tbsp. l.

Combine the components and heat in a water bath until comfortable temperature. Apply the mixture on a centimeter layer of cotton wool, then on the face and keep for half an hour. After the time has elapsed, wash with cool water, apply a nourishing agent to the face.

Whitening mask.

Lemon juice - 2 tsp
Egg white - 1 pc.
Egg yolk - 1 pc.
Vegetable oil - 3 drops.

Thoroughly beat the protein with lemon juice (1 tsp), using cosmetic brush apply the mask in several layers (2-3) on the skin, as the previous layer dries, apply the next one. Next, apply a mixture of oil and yolk to the dried layer, hold for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Carrot refreshing anti-wrinkle mask.

Small fresh carrots - 1 pc.
Potato starch - 1 tsp
Protein chicken egg- 1 PC.

Mix the ingredients and apply on the face, neck and décolleté. After half an hour, remove the mask with a cotton pad dipped in water at room temperature. At the end of the procedure, moisten the face with cream.

Forehead wrinkle mask.

Cream of the average percentage of fat content - 1 tsp.
Egg white - 1 pc.

Whisk the ingredients and apply skin covering faces. After 20 minutes, wash with water at room temperature.

To maintain skin tone and elasticity after 30 years, it is useful to do fruit masks from strawberry, blackcurrant, peach, raspberry, cucumber, they nourish and soften the skin. If the consistency is too liquid, cottage cheese or sour cream can be added to the mask.

Remember that your health is the main component. If there are health problems or you are not in the mood, this will immediately affect the condition of the skin. Therefore, watch your immune system and take vitamins. Do not forget that the youth of the soul is reflected in the skin, and good mood only enhances the effect.

At 30, a woman is young and full of energy, but she already has that life experience, which gives her a peculiar charm that reflects the sexuality, originality and beauty of every woman. It is this age that rewards a woman with the first wrinkles, swelling under the eyes, and pale color faces that can not only spoil the mood, but also frighten a woman, plunge her into a deep depression. How to keep the youthfulness of the skin, the radiance of the eyes and the joy of a smile for a long time? Of course, start grooming yourself if you haven't done so before, or change your grooming according to age.

In order to meet the 30-year milestone “fully armed”, it is necessary to start caring for the face, neck and hands from about 25 years old. If you did not devote enough time for yourself before, then after 30, depending on the type of skin, facial care should be especially thorough and systematic. An important factor is that careful care at the age of 30 will prepare a woman for the next age stages: facial care after 50 years will be easier, and inevitable fading will be less rapid. Skin care before 30 consisted mainly of cleansing and moisturizing. The 30-year milestone requires adding nutrition and protection, you should pay more attention to your lifestyle and your habits, not only harmful, but also harmless at first glance.

Golden rules of youth after 30 years

Site site is divided simple advice, following which you can prolong the youthfulness of the skin. Prolonged sleep and compliance with the rules for good rest necessary for a woman after 30. You should choose the right bedding accessories, a mattress and a pillow that promote blood circulation, that is, prevent swelling and restore complexion.

UV protection is essential at any age. You should be more careful about visiting the solarium. Even in winter, it is recommended to apply a cream that protects against UV radiation. Do not neglect such protection when working at a computer, the radiation of which contributes to skin aging.

Oxygen will accelerate the synthesis of elastin and collagen in skin cells, which slows down after 30 years. Therefore, walking and playing sports are an effective and most inexpensive way to care for your skin. It is necessary to quit smoking because this bad habit leads most women to a consultation with a plastic surgeon.

It is necessary to significantly reduce the amount of fluid consumed before bedtime: excess fluid leads to swelling and unhealthy pallor. You should also review the diet, eat food should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

Application cosmetics And additional procedures(massage, gymnastics of the face and neck, masks, etc.) is mandatory and should be regular.

Daily skin care after 30

Regular morning care- one of the basic rules that helps to keep youth after 30, but do not be afraid - facial care is simple and will require only 15 minutes of your time in the morning and before bedtime. morning care consists of three simple steps: washing, applying active cosmetics, protecting the skin of the face.

For washing it is better to use cool mineral water, you can also use plain water, defended during the day. Washing with ice cubes will remove puffiness, increase blood circulation, and narrow pores.

After washing, an active agent is applied: a moisturizing face cream, serum, vitamin cocktail and etc. Similar funds recommended to be changed periodically. For example, serums are rich active substances of biological origin, so their constant use can adversely affect the condition of the skin. Serums are usually used in courses in autumn and spring for no more than 2 weeks.

The protective cream performs several functions. First of all, it must contain components responsible for the synthesis of collagen on molecular level in skin cells, which will help smooth out wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones. Also, facial protection should include UV protection and a complex of vitamins responsible for rejuvenation processes: C, F, A, E. If necessary, daytime makeup is applied to the protective layer.

Evening care consists of cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing. The youthfulness of the skin of the face largely depends on proper cleansing. For this, cosmetic cream, milk and other means are used. In the evening, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin even if makeup has not been applied.

Cleansing is followed by a stage of restoration of acidity. Tonics, lotions, homemade herbal decoctions will help bring the skin into tone. After wiping your face, wait for the moisture to evaporate. Then apply moisturizer light cream and nourishing night. A nourishing cream should include vitamins A and E and be more oily.

Masks after 30

Skin after 30 years requires additional care. Particularly useful are masks that should be applied 2 times a month. Masks after 30 years are designed to soften the skin, remove signs of irritation and nourish the skin. Therefore, most recipes use greens, egg yolk, honey, vegetable oil, cream, etc. You can prepare anti-aging masks, nourishing and whitening masks at home, which include quite available ingredients. Homemade face masks with systematic use will give the skin a healthy and well-groomed appearance.
Recipes for face masks after 30

Rejuvenating mask. From lettuce, spinach and parsley, make a gruel, add a teaspoon of steamed oatmeal and apply on face. The mask should be removed after 20 minutes. swab dipped in warm water. Then the face is rinsed with cool water and applied nutritious cream.

Softening mask. A teaspoon of cream and a mashed banana are added to half a teaspoon of starch, the mixture is applied to the face for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with cool water, use a nourishing cream.

Women over 30 should regularly visit a beautician who will give individual recommendations for facial care. Face lifting methods include gymnastics, massage and self-massage of the face to prevent skin aging, but these procedures must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, since improper massage can significantly harm. Also, for the beauty and youth of the face, it is necessary to balance the diet, introduce more vegetables, consume less animal fats and carbohydrates. Useful juice of cabbage, celery and parsley. When caring for your face, do not forget about skin care for your hands and décolleté, as they give out the age of a woman no less than the condition of the skin of the face.

Maintaining youthful skin is a topical issue for women at any age. However, the closer the age of 30 years, the more carefully you should think about proper care, which will allow you to maintain freshness and beauty. From the article you will learn a few rules that will help you correctly decide how to stay young and attractive, like yourself and others, and make your skin healthy and radiant.

Creams, masks, massage for skin youth

Thirty years is a certain milestone when it is worth thinking about what to do for proper facial skin care in order to look young at forty, fifty, and beyond.

If the complexion becomes dimmer, traces of fatigue, swelling and the first wrinkles are more visible - this is not a reason to be upset. This will only make the problems worse. It's time to take care of yourself and take control of your youth and beauty.

Proper hydration in combination with restoration and protection will help to cope with loss of skin tone, slowing down the synthesis of elastin and collagen, and the appearance of wrinkles (especially mimic ones). Constant thorough care using quality products suitable for your skin type can not only correct, but also improve the situation. Just 15 minutes in the morning and 15 in the evening will be enough to provide complete care.

Beautician services

If at 20 you can use what nature has awarded each of us, then at 30 you should think about extra care. Only with some effort (not so burdensome) can you look and feel fresh and young. Most right time dedicate yourself to an experienced beautician. He will select the care that suits your skin type and give valuable advice. Set aside at least one day a month for this and the effect will not be long in coming. Cosmetic procedures it’s also a great time to relax, which will only benefit your appearance.

Lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage facial massage, consisting of 5-7 sessions, can work wonders with facial skin. You need to go through it 2 times a year. It improves the processes of blood microcirculation, improves skin tone, smoothes wrinkles. If you are wondering how to keep your facial skin youthful after 30, but do not have free funds for procedures in the salon, do not be lazy and do a weekly massage yourself after cleansing procedures. It should consist of circular pinching movements along the massage lines.

Cream with collagen

Choose for yourself protective cream with collagen and be sure to use it. It evens out the structure of the skin, smoothes fine wrinkles, improves complexion. For dry skin, use a nourishing cream to ensure that vitamins A, E, C, F enter the cells. Do not forget that overdried skin looks dull and lifeless. For this type of care, it is better to choose with a professional.

SPF filters

The cosmetics you choose must contain SPF filters. Ultraviolet is harmful to the skin, it causes premature aging.

Serums for the face

Start using with serum cream. They contain the most high concentration active ingredients which means they penetrate the skin better. It is best to use them in spring and autumn, twice a year, that is, take breaks so as not to oversaturate the skin. Serum is well applied under the cream, without affecting the durability of makeup.

Facial skin after 30 years: will look clean, young and elastic if properly organized care

Masks at home

Masks that you can make at home (whether you buy them or prepare them yourself) are very valuable for any skin. First, you can do them as needed. For example, often apply moisturizers for dry skin. Secondly, it is not as expensive as when visiting the salon. The most important rule is not to abuse it so that the skin is not used to it, and monitor the reaction. Any allergic manifestation should be a reason to stop using masks. There are several types of face masks:

  1. tonic;
  2. restoring;
  3. tightening;
  4. moisturizing;
  5. anti-aging, etc.

Caring for the skin around the eyes

Pay special attention to the skin around the eyes. regular cream not suitable for this area with thin and delicate skin. Choose the remedy depending on what problem you want to solve: remove swelling, smooth wrinkles, get rid of dark circles.

Importance of proper nutrition and fluids

Separately, it must be said about nutrition. Proper nutrition is the key to beauty and health.

Products for beautiful skin

If you are thinking about how to maintain youthful facial skin after 30, then, first of all, you should reduce the consumption of fatty, fried, salty, smoked and other harmful products. Sweet is the enemy of youth, because sugar is in in large numbers makes it dull and deprives of elasticity. Fruits, vegetables, greens, lean meats and dairy products- all this should be the basis of the diet.

Importance of water for the skin

Use enough clean water benefits the body. However, if you want to look good in the morning, then the last glass of tea, water, juice is best drunk two hours before bedtime. Otherwise, the water simply will not have time to “leave”, and the face will be swollen.

Youthful skin is the result of your work and attentive attitude to yourself. All recipes will be effective if applied correctly.