Is it possible to take children's shoes. What if the seller refuses to take purchased products back? Is it possible to return the shoes after the warranty period


If you have noticed that the shoes do not fit you in size or inconveniently sits on the leg already on the day of purchase, try to immediately return it to the store. The likelihood is high, the seller or cashier will remember you. This will help to resolve the return question faster.

In the store try to behave benevolently and clearly explain what you want to return the purchase. According to the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, you can return a couple of high-quality shoes in the course of fourteen days from the date of purchase. At the same time, shoes must have a commodity, to be clean, with the necessary tags and labels. If you even go in new shoes or shoes on the street, it will reflect on the sole. Such shoes may not take back.

When the shoe is returned to the store, it is advisable to have a check with yourself - it will eliminate extra questions. But his absence is not a hindrance to return. The check is printed in two copies, one of which is issued to the hands of the buyer, and the second is saved in the store. In addition, merchandises indicate the names and the number of goods sold in their documentation. Therefore, the fact of your purchase will be in any case fixed in the store.

The seller has the right to offer you to exchange a pair of shoes unsettled with a similar or more expensive (if you agree to pay the required amount). But on the day of your appeal to the store in it may not be suitable for you. In this case, you have the right to demand a refund. The store is obliged to return the cost of purchase for a three-day period from the moment of your appeal.

Helpful advice

Read the Consumer Rights Law. Knowledge of rights and responsibilities will help you feel more confident.


  • RF Law "On Consumer Protection" (Consumer Rights Act) dated 07.02.1992 N 2300-1

A few days ago you bought pretty shoes or fashionable boots. You happily brought a purchase home. But upon closer examination, it turned out that the shoes would rush and rubs his legs, the show flashes badly on the right boogue, and the color you wanted at all this. It is possible to return or exchange inappropriate or poor-quality shoes.

You will need

  • Checking or return shoes with packaging, factory labels and cashier check.


Within 14 days after the purchase, you can return to the undressed goods, referring to the reason as follows: the goods did not approach you, the style, shape, dimensions, color, configuration. Before going out on the street, try at home, try to like it. If the fact that the shoes do not fit you will be detected at home fitting, it will be easy to solve the question. Footwear damaged in the process to return to the store you can no longer.

In addition, after two weeks, you can return to the store only that shoes in which there is a production defect. If the boot broke through the seam if the sole cracked in half, then this is a clear marriage. However, controversial cases arise much more often. For example, footwear legs. As a rule, this is that the shoes are incorrect. It can not serve as the reason for the return of the goods. But if discomfort is associated with poorly stitched seams or protruding details, then this is a production defect. In such cases, the store can spend. If the result does not suit you, you can refer to the expert yourself. If the expert's decision is in your favor, the cost of examination will be repayable to you. Just provide an act, receipt and check paid examination.


The law on the consumer side. According to the "Consumer Rights Act", you can shoes within 14 days from the date. Require a refund, referring to this one. Knowledge of own rights and responsibilities will be out of many situations. If the seller flatly refuses to take back shoes, refer to his superiors, writing writing. If it did not help, contact the Consumer Rights Protection Service, also writing an application and attaching all the necessary documents.

Purity - Return. When referring to a replacement or a return of money, check again so that all checks and coupons have been saved on the shoes or packaging. Otherwise, the seller has the right to refuse you due to the commodity type.

Check Cape Maintain. Most often, you give cash or commodity checks. If for some reason you did not give you the document, do not leave the store until you receive it. Require to knock you off the check. If the cash register broke, require that the seller wrote you a warranty check by hand, indicating the name of the store, its details, the model of your shoes, the amount for payment, their initials and painting. So you will protect yourself from possible misunderstandings.

Paper eyelid. Often it can be seen as coming out of the store, the buyer leaves him a check in the nearest garbage bucket. Never do that. Always keep all the checks, any warranty coupons and other documents during the period when you can donate shoes back on any day. When renting back, give good reasons for the return, as well as make out a claim in writing, attaching all the necessary documents (checks, coupons, guarantees).

With mass production and relative cheapness, as a rule, the quality of goods suffers. When buying shoes it is not always possible to see to recognize all defects directly in store, most often they open at home or even when exploiting. Such shoes can be passed to the store.


In order to pass to them, it is necessary to have the shoes actually, it must be clean and dry, the factory packaging (not always), a cash register or a commodity check, which indicates the name of the goods, its number, in the product check there is also a signature of the seller.

You have the full right to pass shoes back, even if you have no factory packaging, or lost check (in store There must be a duplicate check, the main thing is to remember the date of purchase) if the shoes lost the freight form or has traces of operation. Remember this and do not let violate your rights.

You can pass the goods or exchange it to a similar application on the day of purchase. You can also pass the goods without explaining the reasons within 14 days after purchase, without visible traces of operation. For example, at home you realized that the shoes are not suitable for the wardrobe, rubbing, or even just do not like it, but you have not had time to "walk". In other cases, when you pass back to the store, you need to write a cash statement and indicate the reason.

After that, shoes are sent to the examination. Examination can be held at the expense of the store. If it is found on it, the shoes came to your fault, then you will have to pay for it. If a production marriage is recognized, the store undertakes to return for shoes and take on all expertise expertise. Be sure to demand a written sentence of an expert, do not trust the interpretation.

If you do not suit this decision, you can challenge him by sending shoes to an independent examination. In this case, it will be held at your expense, but if it recognizes factory defects, the store will have to cover your expenses. This will also require the conclusion of a specialist. Do not be afraid to attend the examination personally or write it on the camera. It may be an additional advantage if the store breaks your rights and you will have to go to court.

You can pass shoes to the store for two years after purchase, provided that it does not have mechanical damage resulting from non-accurant operation.

Probably every person at least once happened: you come to score With the desire to buy footwearFor long trying, finally, find the right one. Return home the happy owner of the new clothes, and suddenly understand that this footwear You do not face or uncomfortable. Is it possible to return it to score?


Of course, you can and even need. Fortunately, gives for this as much 14 days. Only in this case there are small reservations. You must have a check or a witness that can confirm that footwear You bought it in this scoree. Also, the warranty card must be whole and unharmed. And last - footwear It must be clean and look like a non-clear - otherwise the seller will not accept it on quite legal grounds, because the vehicle is not saved.

If all these conditions are observed, and the seller is in no hurry to return money to you, let him know that you will be in the service of the protection of consumer rights. Most often, such words the seller gives money. But it is necessary to immediately warn those who are going to use this technique in any scoree: Some goods this rule does not apply. Even with excellent commercial form and the availability of all checks, you will not be back the medicines, bedding and underwear, blankets, pillows and other "individual use objects". Full of such goods in the "Law on Consumer Rights".

There is also an opportunity footwear Back when detecting a defect. In this case, the seller will conduct an examination. In the course of it, it will be found out whether the defect was caused by the improper manufacture of shoes on or by it because you missed the wrong footwearyu. In the event that the manufacturer is to blame, he will be obliged to return the money to you or offer a replacement. If you gueafend yourself, you will have to reimburse the seller of expertise. However, its decision can be challenged in court.

To defend your rights when buying goods, you need to be in sufficient savings in the legal sense. Take advantage of several tips in order not to get into the unpleasant situation when buying poor-quality goods.

You will need

  • - product;
  • - receipt.


Buy only in specialized stores that can provide you with a commercial check and purchased goods. Avoid buying shoes in the markets or with hands. Then no one can guarantee you, especially to return money for it or exchange.

Consult the seller while buying. Wake up all about the properties of the shoes that you are going to buy. For what conditions it is suitable. If it is winter shoes, for which temperatures it is designed, whether the sole is stitched or just glued. Are the materials from which shoes are made, natural (skin, fur).

Be sure to ask the seller, is it possible to exchange or, if it is not suitable or will be poor quality. You need to know what exchange is made if you provide a check. In case the check, you can give witnesses that will confirm the fact of purchase.

In the event that the shoes did not fit the size, and you want to simply exchange it, then the main (legal) requirement that the seller can show you - the shoes should maintain a commodity look. It should not be any traces of socks. In the event that this condition is not respected, the seller has the right to refuse you in exchange.

If you want to exchange (in which there is a production marriage), the seller cannot refuse you in this requirement. To establish the fact of marriage, shoes can be passed on examination. It usually lasts no more than 15 days. If experts can prove the availability of a production marriage, the Seller is obliged to return to you money or exchange goods on. Make it you can within two years from the moment of purchase.

You have the right to challenge the results of the examination, if you think that it is not at the proper level. You can challenge your right to honest expertise through court. True, court costs can significantly exceed the cost of the shoes itself.

When returning low-quality goods, follow the next instruction. First, just come with if the money is not returned immediately. Hand Claim. If money is not returned and after that step, then draw up documents for an independent examination.

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The law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" (Art. 22) provides you with the right to refund within 10 days.

Helpful advice

We chat writing with the seller so that you can always confirm the fact of providing a complaint or request for the return of the goods.

If you have acquired footwearand at home found that she is not suitable for you, you can return this pair in score. It is also worth entering boots or shoes that you have already begun to wear and revealed a defect. Perhaps the sellers will refuse to take back. Keep in mind - the law on the protection of consumer rights on your side. Require its execution - even if the return procedure takes a few more time and forces than you assumed.

You will need

  • - passport;
  • - a return statement;
  • - cash check;
  • - Warranty card.


Bringing shoes or boots home, try again. Make sure that the back is not rubbing the heel, it is fastened without problems, the inner seams and the labels are glued on the insole do not tear stockings. If something is questionable, you can return footwear in score within 14 days.

Pack the shoes in the box. Check the completeness - if special bags for storage or additional audits have been attached to the shoes, they also need to return them. Take the receipt received when buying a check and passport.

IN scoree Contact the seller. Get ready for the fact that you will argue with you, it will not be able to give money to give, will give a lot of arguments to confirm the correctness of your words. Insist on your own - you have the right to good quality that has not been used, within two weeks.

Footwear purchased with markdown or loan is also refundable. The only condition - it should not be scalded. Insoles and soles should be preserved in immunity, the glued labels should not be divorced.

If a defect has been discovered in the process of socks of purchased shoes, you can also return the defective goods. The warranty period for the purchase is specified in the issued to you. It usually is a month or one and a half. Keep in mind that the countdown begins from the beginning of the season. Date depends on the region. For example, in the northern regions, the winter season begins earlier and lasts longer. You can find accurate dates in the local branch of the Committee for the Protection of Consumer Rights.

To return defective shoes, make an application in two copies. Specify the purchase date and describe the defect you identified. Send one statement scoreand, the other leave yourself.

The store can take the goods to the expert assessment. Request a receipt that you have given a thing, and make a turn of the expertise. You can evaluate and in your own account. If the production marriage is confirmed, score Returns you money spent on expert services.

If a score Refuses to recognize the goods for marriage and returning you money, apply to the court. Consult with the experts of the Committee for the Protection of Consumer Rights - you will explain the prospects for the case and will help you correctly make a suit. Waiting for the trial can take up to two months. However, if the decision is made in your favor, you will not only return the money for the defective footwearBut also get an additional amount for the forced postponement of this payment - 1% of the purchase price.

You have long chose shoes, bought, but she did not come up. Or you gladly joined the purchased shoes for three days, and the sole suggested on the fourth. In this case, the panic is not necessary. And what really needs is to return the shoes to the store.


If the shoes simply did not come up - in size, style, color, models - you can return it to the store for 14 days. Just look so that the shoes are disabled to not be lost checks, receipts, tags, labels, etc., as well as the factory packaging.

If the pair fell apart in a few days or, for example, less than for three months the sole was extended, you can return the shoes to the store as defective. In this case, the store must or eliminate the defect, or replace the goods, or, if they could not do this for 20 days, simply return the money.

You do not exchange shoes with mechanical damage (with burns or cuts), with traces of chemical impact or other defects arising from your fault. Do not try to repair your shoes yourself, because after your repair, the shoes will not take back either.

If the store has doubts, it has the right to send shoes for examination, and if it turns out that the defect has been formed still not by your fault, the store must replace the goods. If they prove that you, for example, made repairs (except for replacing the sets or gluing the preventive tilt), the shoes will not change you.

What are the defects that are required by law from the seller of shoes? May break the seams, turn the dye, move out the sole (more than 3 mm in the depth and 1 cm in width).

To make you returned money, the claim will need to be issued in writing, specifying all the detected defects. It is compiled in free form, but necessarily in two copies, one of which remains with you, and the second you give the seller. It is only important that he will signed both copies, because if it comes to the court, it is necessary that the seller cannot say that you have not been reported to him.

When a marriage or defect is detected in the purchased shoes, it can be returned to the seller and exchange to a new pair, to another model with a surcharge or get back money. If the marriage is not immediately discovered, and during operation, the goods can be returned, observing certain rules.

You will need

  • - statement to the seller;
  • - Act of the examination;
  • - receipt;
  • - packaging;
  • - Application to court.


If you bought a new pair of shoes and did not notice the defect or discovered marriage during operation, contact the seller in the store in which you bought shoes.

Shoes, boots, sandals or other purchased shoes must be clean and dry, packaging. You must maintain a check in which there is a cash register number, seller's signature and the name of the released goods.

No check or packaging is not a reason to refuse to exchange or return funds, but the seller can tell you that the shoes are not purchased in its store, and you will not be able to confirm the fact of purchase, without having evidence in the form of a check or factory packaging. But if you have witnesses, ready to testify that the purchase is done in the store in which you demand to exchange shoes or return funds, it is unlikely that some seller will be put into a dispute about this.

The seller is obliged to send shoes for expertise to confirm the factory marriage. If the examination conducted by the Seller made a conclusion that marriage is not factory and shoes lost their qualities in the process of improper operation, you have the right to contact the licensed company and conduct an independent examination at your own expense. Conclusion of independent experts present the seller.

You can pass shoes within 14 days, without explaining the reasons why you do not need a purchase. The seller gives a guarantee for the goods, it is valid for 1 month from the beginning of the season for which shoes are designed. But it is possible to make a refund within two years if the shoes have no traces of intensive exploitation, not scratched and not worn.

If the seller refuses to change your defective goods or return money, receive written confirmation of this fact from it and consult a lawsuit against the arbitration court. Although rarely, which seller brings the case to a trial, since trade workers are familiar with the law on the protection of consumer rights, which stands on the buyer's side / so that you are without much difficulty replace the shoes with a quality product or get back money.

According to the law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", if a factory marriage was found in the noshenia shoes, it can be returned to the seller within two years from the moment of purchase and get back money or exchanged a new pair without defects.

Return the shoes to the store is not as simple as it is written in the legislation on the protection of consumer rights. Sellers often refuse, especially if you have time to displacing them. In the Moscow-lawyer collegium, they told how to literate their rights.

You can return the shoes to the store if she just did not fit you. Return Terms:

No later than 14 days from the date of purchase;

The buyer provided a check who confirms your purchase;

You did not wear shoes, the transportation and consumer properties, packaging and labels have been preserved.

If you have not saved the check, not scary. The purchase fact can be confirmed by testimony.

Art. 25 of the Federal Law "On Consumer Protection" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law).

The law provides both options. You can return shoes and demand the return of the entire amount paid. If you attracted another couple, ask for an exchange with a surcharge or return difference in price.

Art. 25 federal law.

For example, you bought sneakers that, according to the consultant, are designed for running. They came to the stadium, ran out and found out that these were no running, but ordinary fitness sneakers. You have the right to return the goods because you have been given unreliable information. The second example - the seller assures you that the boots are made of genuine leather, and over time it becomes clear that it is ordinary leatherette.

Art. 12 federal law.

If there are deficiencies, you have the right to demand replacement, repair or refund. The requirement can be presented within the warranty, and if it is not specified - up to 2 years. The deadline for eliminating the shortcomings to 45 days, replacement - 20, the return of money - 10.

Yes, spreads. You have the right to require repair, replacement or refund in cases if:

Sole dug up;

Out sole: leather for 50 days, porous rubber and polyurethane sole - 80 days, imitating skin tires - 70 days;

Shutters broke out;

Imagined, swept the paint.

Not considered marriage and, accordingly, it is not subject to repair, exchange or refund:

If defects arose due to non-accurate or incorrect socks, for example, not for the season or not for its intended purpose;

Already renovated by the owner shoes;

After the warranty period.

Art. 18-22 federal law.

If we are talking about the return or exchange of new shoes, which was not in the sock, everything is simple - sellers rarely refuse to the buyer in a legal request. When it comes to the return of defective things, shoes with disadvantages, due to the provision of unreliable information, buyers face difficulties.

We recommend to progress in case of failure - make a complaint. Remove the copy with the claim to get a seller's painting on it. In complaints clearly, specify your requirements: to return money, replace the new quality thing, repair. The seller must answer a claim for a 10-day term. If he declares the need for examination, must hold it at his own expense.

Art. 22 of the Federal Law.

Submit a complaint to the authorities of Rospotrebnadzor and a lawsuit in court. You can demand compensation not only the price of the goods itself, but also moral damages, damages, penalties and fines.

If you decide to go to court, take advantage of the services of a lawyer. His participation in the lawsuit will significantly increase your chances of success, especially if we are talking about dear shoes. The cost of legal services The lawyer will include in the amount of the claim and their loser will pay them.

There are such situations where the purchase of shoes ends with the fact that, having come home and having tried up to the new things, clearly understand that they hise, or not as comfortable as it seemed in the store. What is in this case to do? The procedure for returning the goods in principle is not such a difficult, as consumers are protected by law, and shops, as a rule, are not attempting to dispute the exchange of shoes or return cash. It is easy to figure out how to behave in such a situation.

If you contact the legislation directly, then in accordance with Article 18 of paragraph 1 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the buyer, discovered flawed in the purchased product, may:

  1. Replace the goods of the same brand, changing, for example, size;
  2. Change the brand and model, while recalculating the new cost;
  3. Demand to return compensation for improper quality of goods;
  4. Demand to resolve the issue of damage to the goods in place by the seller or a third party, and also compensate your costs if they had a place to be;
  5. Refuse to buy and demand an immediate return of funds spent on the purchase. In this case, the goods are returned to the seller.
  6. If the purchase causes doubts, the buyer has the right to replace the similar product, if suddenly the initial version did not suit the buyer in shape, dimensions, configuration, colors or size.
  7. Exchange can be produced within two weeks without taking into account the purchase day;
  8. Return can be made if the goods have not been used for its intended purpose, its appearance was not changed, and the buyer may submit documents confirming the purchase of a check. If there is no cash document, it does not exclude the refund, as the testimony of witnesses present when buying can be taken into account.
  9. If the replacement of the goods is impossible due to the lack of such a buyer's appeal, it is possible to abandon the purchase, demanding a cash return from the seller in full. Return of funds by law should occur no more than three working days from the date of appeal.

Features of the return of goods that do not correspond to the personal preferences of the buyer

Often, people, not knowing their rights, or simply because of natural modesty, do not turn to the seller with a request to make the exchange, continuing to wear shoes that do not meet the requirements for which the buyer expected. This position is incorrect, since the buyer has a complete right to get acquainted with the goods, and within two weeks to exchange or refund cash spent on the purchase.

If communication is conducted with an incompetent employee, which categorically refuses to accept the client's appeal, then you should send a claim to the head. If the case is completely launched and the requirements are ignored, then you can send your complaint to the store into an organization that is engaged in the protection of consumer rights, attaching all the necessary documents confirming the purchase of goods, as well as a copy of the appeal, which was drawn up in the store.

Procedure for the reimbirth of such products back to the store

It is worth staying in more detail on how to behave in a situation where the shoes simply did not suit for any reason:

  • First of all, it is necessary to pack the shoes back to the box with all the additional components that were attached when purchased (it can be an audit, straps, tools for the care of shoes, etc.).
  • Next, you will need to take a certificate and check document with you, although the store without it does not have the right to make a refusal, but its presence will significantly save time.
  • It is necessary to immediately prepare for the fact that the seller in the store can join the controversy, trying to refuse to return the goods. This happens for a number of reasons, in which case it is necessary to clearly stand on its position, that the buyer has a refund within 14 days, and the actions of the seller's refusal are absolutely illegal.
  • It is important to know that not only shoes purchased for cash, but, as well as the goods purchased on credit are subject to return. In this case, of course, the procedure itself is more difficult, but not for the buyer, but for the seller, since it will be necessary to produce a number of manipulations to terminate the contract with the bank. The most important thing is that the shoes do not wear, and tags or labels were in original form.
  • If the marriage was noticed after some time in the process of shoe socks, and at the same time there is a manufacturer's warranty, then in this case the buyer also has the right to return. There are cases when the shoes were bought on sale, the warranty period begins to be counted since the start of the season. Ate arises misunderstanding with the seller, then in this case you can contact the organization of the protection of consumer rights to clarify this information so as not to be unfounded.
  • The return application should be drawn up in 2 copies, while it is important to note the date of purchase, detected defects, the cost of the goods, as well as the requirement for the seller about the return of full cost. The first instance remains in the store, and the second remains at the buyer.
  • Often, with controversial situations, the store conducts an examination, which should identify how defects were formed on the product. The buyer has the right to produce a similar procedure independently. In the event that the company turns out to be the buyer, the store will be obliged to compensate for the cost of expertise services.
  • An extreme measure in addressing the issue may be the appeal to court instances, in the event that the dispute fails to solve in a different way. If the court decides in his favor, the seller will be obliged to reimburse not only the cost of the goods, as well as return the money to the plaintiff for the paid state duty, as well as pay a penalty in the amount of one percent of the price of the goods.

What if the seller refuses to take purchased products back?

Usually sellers, knowing the norms of legislation, try to resolve the conflict without resorting to solving the issue in court. However, it is not always possible to solve everything peacefully.

If you come to a common denominator did not work, then it is possible to apply the following procedure:

  1. Contact an organization for the protection of consumer rights at the place of residence. Experienced specialists must clarify the right of the buyer, as well as provide legal assistance in addressing the issue of returning the goods to the store. If this step had no result, and the situation remained unchanged, then only the extreme measure of conflict resolution remains.
  2. The last instance that can help solve the issue of returning the goods is the court. It is best to resort to the help of a lawyer who, knowledge and qualifications allow you to correctly compile the statement of claim and win the case. As a rule, the store, having received a lawsuit, tries to settle the situation before the court decision, offering the buyer the optimal option. This is because in 99 cases out of 100, the court rises to the consumer side. The most important point is the timely appeal to the seller demanding the return of money or the exchange of goods. Once again, it is necessary to recall that the terms that are stipulated in the legislation are not more than 14 days. Also in a lawsuit, you can require not only the cost of goods, but, as well as the costs associated with the payment of a lawyer, compensation for moral damage and additional payments for the delay of payment, which is accrued in the amount of 1% of the cost of goods.

At the end, I would like to once again note that it is not necessary to experience inconvenience when replacing shoes that did not fall to taste, or in doubt as a product. It is necessary to clearly understand that the law on the consumer side, and any store must comply with the legislative norms. The main thing about returning should be remembered about the time frame, to have documents confirming the payment of the goods, as well as to preserve the purpose of the goods so that the seller does not have reason to refuse to buy in return.

"Give a woman a couple of good shoes, and she will conquer the world!" - said the legendary Merlin Monroe. "The eyes are deceived, the smile is soling, but the shoes will tell the truth," said a harsh Dr. House straight. "It is the shoes that makes a woman a woman" - not in the eyebrow, and the heroine of the legend film "Service Roman" falls into the eye.

Indeed, a good pair of shoes, like a medicine - from depression, bad mood, gloomy day, domestic troubles - and on health, as you know, do not save.

The role of high-quality shoes for modern people remains invariably important, and in the lives of both women and men. What is good shoes? For some of these daily comfort, convenience, for other status. Men more often appreciate the functionality of shoes in defense against bad weather, women use another pair as a winning way to demonstrate their own attractiveness, although to the detriment of the health of the legs.

However, in addition to subjective sensations, there are also well-known rules. Experts converge in the opinion that good shoes are:

  • shoes that make it possible to feel the ease of foot, as if she is at all without shoes, creating the "effect of absence";
  • shoes preserving the biomechanical properties of the foot. The natural position of the foot is one of the main rules for choosing shoes;
  • the foot in the shoes should remain free so that the muscles of the legs are in the tone, it avoids the unpleasant consequences of the shoes wearing;
  • footwear transmitting the surface relief of contact, which allows you to "feel the earth under your feet." This innocent feeling, familiar to us since childhood, when we just studied to walk, will give the opportunity to avoid injury, as well as develop a confident gait.

How free your legs are free from circumstances, forcing me to wear not quite comfortable and comfortable shoes? Imagine that ease and freedom, feeling early summer in the morning, at dawn, when walking barefoot on breathable warm earth. Allowing it to walk "barefoot in shoes", you directly feel the meaning of the notorious phrase "Movement is life."

So, it happened - here it, the desired new pair of shoes acquired about, for example, by the season, or without it. First of all, it needs to be carefully checked at home - to examine on all sides, to measure, walk around the room, without deleting stickers, labels and other manufacturer or seller data. Make sure that nothing squeezes, does not argue movements, locks, lightning, velcro in order, all components are well cleaned or stitched.

But what to do, if any defect has been discovered from a new, non-shoe, or have problems with wearing? All further action in such cases are regulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" of 07.02.1992 No. 2300-I

What should the buyer know when choosing shoes?

According to Article 10 of the FZ "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", the responsibility of the Seller is the timely provision of information about the product (in our case of shoes), for the possibility of its proper choice.

This information should include:

  • the name of the technical regulation or otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation and indicating the mandatory confirmation of the compliance of the goods designation;
  • price in rubles and the conditions for the purchase of goods;
  • warranty period if installed;
  • terms and conditions for the effective and safe operation of shoes;
  • service life or shelf life of the selected pair of shoes;
  • information on the mandatory confirmation of the compliance of the goods;
  • information on the rules for selling goods;
  • if there is a disadvantage (disadvantages) in the purchased shoes, the consumer must be provided with information about it.

All of the above in the technical documentation attached to the product, on labels, marking or in another way.

If the buyer is denied at the time of purchase in obtaining information about the product, it is entitled to demand from the seller the return of the amount paid for the goods and compensation for other losses.

The seller who did not give the buyer with full and reliable information about the product, is responsible provided for by paragraph 1-4 of Art. 18 or paragraph 1 of Art. 29 of the law, for the disadvantages of goods arising after his transfer to the buyer due to the lack of such information.

How to return to the store with non-clear shoes?

So, you at home printed the packaging and carefully considered the lined pair of shoes. And here it was found that it does not fit your expectations, or the nuances not seen when buying were revealed. What can you count in this case?

First of all, it is necessary to know the following: Article No. 23 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" stipulated that in cases where the quality non-food goods did not approach the buyer (in shape, stamps, color, size, etc. ), or just did not like, he has the right to exchange it on a similar product, within 14 days, not counting the day of purchase.

With this exchange, compliance with the following rules is mandatory:

  • the goods were not in use (respectively, on the shoes there should be no traces of socks);
  • preserved commodity, consumer properties, factory labels;
  • in stock Commercial or cash receipt, or other documents confirming payment.

Important: In the absence of checks, you can refer to testimony.

If a similar pair was not available, then the buyer can:

  • a negotiate with the seller that he will immediately announce the admission of such a pair to replace;
  • complete your money back.

I must say that there are some products that are not subject to exchange based on the above grounds. Their list is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

How to return shoes with defects under warranty?

Suppose there is another situation. Defects or marriage in the selected pair of shoes showed time only in the process of socks. How to protect the buyer's rights in this case?

What time frame can you return shoes with defects under warranty?

The deadlines for the buyer's requirements regarding the deficiencies of goods are regulated by Article.19 of the Federal Law "On Consumer Protection". According to it, the buyer is endowed with the right to make requirements for the seller regarding the flaws of the goods if they are detected during the warranty period or shelf life.

If the warranty period or the shelf life is not established, but defects and disadvantages are detected within a reasonable time (within two years From the moment of transmission, if a longer periods are not established by law), the buyer also has the right to present the above requirements.

The warranty period of shoes, as well as its service life is calculated from the date of sale of this pair of shoes to the buyer. If, for some reason, it is impossible to establish the day of transmission, these deadlines are calculated from the date of manufacture of shoes.

If the shoes are seasonal, then the warranty periods are calculated from the moment of the appropriate season, which is determined by the subjects of the Russian Federation on the basis of the climatic conditions of each region.

Shelf life for shoes is determined by:

  • a period calculated from the date of its manufacture, during which it is suitable for use in the main purpose,
  • the date, before the onset of which this shoes are suitable for use.

In case of identifying essential flaws of shoes, the buyer has the right to present the manufacturer's requirement to freely eliminate such drawbacks, if it proves that they arose before the transfer of goods to the consumer or for reasons that arose before that moment.

The specified requirement may be submitted if the flaws of the goods found:

  • after two years from the date of sale of goods;
  • during the service required for the goods;
  • for ten years from the date of transfer of goods to the consumer in the event of an unquestocation of service life.

If the specified requirement is not satisfied for twenty days from the date of its presentation, or the detected fault of the goods is unrelated, the buyer for his choice is entitled to make the seller other requirements (paragraph 3 of Article 18 of the Law) or return the goods.

Exchange options or refund of defective shoes

In accordance with the law, the buyer, finding the defects in the purchased pair of shoes, may require from the seller:

  • gratuitous elimination of the shortcomings of goods or reimbursement of consumer correction costs or a third party;
  • proportionate to reducing the purchase price;
  • replacements for goods of a similar brand (model, article);
  • replace on the same product of another brand (model, article) with the appropriate recalculation of the purchase price.

Instead of the above requirements, the buyer has a full right to simply return the shoes to the seller and demand the return of the amount paid to them.

Interestingly, the law provides for him caused to him due to the sale of goods of improper quality. Losses are reimbursed within the time limits established by law, to meet the relevant consumer requirements.

Important: the lack of a cash register of a cash or commodity check or other document certifying the fact and conditions for the purchase of shoes is not a basis for refusing to satisfy its requirements.

The seller is obliged to accept the goods of improper quality from the consumer and, if necessary, check the quality of shoes. The buyer has the right to participate in checking the quality of goods. Often, disputes about the causes of shoe defects arise. Then the seller must conduct an examination of the goods at his own expense. The buyer has the right to challenge its results in court.

If the examination establishes that the shortcomings of the shoes arose due to the fault of the buyer, the latter is obliged to refund the costs of examination, as well as related to its holding costs of storage and transportation of goods.

The seller is responsible for the shortcomings of the shoes on which the warranty period is not established if the buyer can prove that such disadvantages arose before the sale of a pair of shoes or for reasons that arose before that moment.

With respect to the shoes to which the warranty period is established, the seller is responsible for its disadvantages, if it does not be able to submit evidence that these disadvantages arose:

  • after transferring a pair of shoes to the buyer, since the latter violated the rules of use, storing or transporting the purchase;
  • as a result of the actions of third parties;
  • due to the circumstances of force majeure (force majeure).

Also, the aforementioned law (Article 21) states that the seller, in case of presentation of the product replacement requirement, is obliged to replace it within 7 days. In case you need an additional check of the quality of such a product, the replacement time increases to 20 days from the date of this requirement. It is possible that the seller is currently not available to replace shoes. Then replacing the shoes must be carried out within 1 month.

Important: Quality goods inappropriate to declared must be replaced only to a new product, and in no case for used.

Other customer requirements, namely:

  • about a commensurate decrease in the purchase price of the goods;
  • reimbursement of costs to correct the shortcomings of goods;
  • refund paid for non-cash flow shoes;
  • compensation for damages caused to the buyer in connection with the sale of shoes of inappropriate quality;

the seller must satisfy for ten days from the date of presentation of the relevant requirement.

It is important to take into account the following:

  • if the goods with a defect seller replaced a product similar to the brand (model, article), the price recalculation is not produced;
  • when replacing defective shoes for a couple of other brands (models, articula), cheaper, the buyer returns the difference in prices;
  • when replacing the defective shoes for a couple of other brands (models, articula), more expensive, the buyer pays the difference. The price is fixed at the time of exchange.
  • when returning quality shoes that does not apply to the stated, the buyer has the full right to demand the difference between the price on the day of purchase and the price for a return day;
  • if you return the shoes purchased on credit, the seller reimburses the part of the loan already paid and fee for its provision.

IMPORTANT: If more than 14 days have passed since the purchase, you went to the shoes one or more times, previously removing all the price tags, stripes or stickers of the manufacturer, good-quality shoes and high-quality, but suddenly for some reason she broke out, to return this pair Shop, referring to the presence of a guarantee, it is impossible.

Thus, we see that the interests of buyers in our country are fairly well protected by law. Different options for resolving conflicts associated with the quality of the goods offered, and at the same time the seller is tight responsible for compliance with all the quality requirements. The problem is that far from everyone knows about their rights and do not try to defend them in everyday life. We call on carefully to study our materials to save your nerves, their health and their own funds in any life circumstances.

You purchased a beautiful and fashionable pair of shoes in the store. Having come home and doing it well, they saw that the color or style was not quite comfortable. Yes, and she sits on the leg, no matter how much you wanted. Therefore, decide to exchange it to another or return the money. Is it possible to return the shoes if it is inconvenient and rubs the leg?

What provides for the Law

Article 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Consumer Protection" gives you the right to exchange non-food goods, which has proper quality, to a similar product, which was purchased from the same seller if the thing did not fit in color, shape, size, dimensions or configuration. What is the time you can return the shoes if it is inconvenient?

Return term

You can think about returning for 2 weeks after shopping. At this time, it's good to try well shoes, go around the house, appreciate its convenience! If she does not suit you and preserved its original trade look, you have the complete right to exchange on another couple or return the money in the absence of the goods you like. Throughout these 2 weeks, you can also return shoes in a trading organization if the goods were bought on credit.

Important!The law does not oblige the buyer in detail to clarify the reason for the return, although in some cases the sellers persistently convince him to set out the motive of their actions in order not to return money.

How is it better to do in this case and is it worth it to conflict with the seller?

Your Return Actions

To properly return the seller, you do not approach the shoes, several steps should be taken.

1. Preparation of goods

First, pack the shoes in the box and check it in completeness! If bags for storage, silica gel or spare audit are attached to the shoes, then all this should also be put in the box. You accidentally threw the box or did not take it in the store? Do not worry, it is not the basis for the store to refuse to accept the goods.

2. Preparation of documents

Be sure to take a commercial check and your identity card (best passport)! You can return the goods in the absence of a check. If he was lost, then you can confirm the fact of purchase with the help of witnesses or even the seller. He must keep duplicate checks and records about each purchase. Remember only the date and time of purchase to speed up the process!

3. Preparation of the application

To avoid unnecessary tightening time, you should write a written application. In some cases, this is offered to make sellers themselves on their form. It needs to specify the time for purchasing shoes and the reason for the return (it did not fit in size, form, color or style). To the application, attach documents confirming the fact of purchasing shoes.

Important!The obligation of the buyer to provide a document certifying the person, before returning for the goods of money the law does not provide. This is confirmed by Rospotrebnadzor.

If the store does not require a passport, then he, for his part, will violate financial legislation. Therefore, it is better not to enter into a conflict with the seller and give him a passport. Although in some cases the sellers go towards the buyer and give money or change the goods without looking at the law.

What if the seller refuses to take high-quality shoes

In most cases, sellers, knowing the law, do not go to an open conflict with the buyer, and try to solve the issue in peaceful way.


If you still refuse legal and reasonable requirements, then at the first stage you can try to defend your rights, contacting the territorial division of the Company to protect the consumer rights. Employees of this public organization have a huge legal experience of solving such issues. They will advise you and help you write a claim to refund. If this method has not occurred, there is the last and most effective option.

Feeding a lawsuit

The last instance in solving the conflict situation is the judicial body at the location of the seller. Help to make a lawsuit and winning the court will be able to experience experienced and qualified lawyers.

Before this extreme measure, the case comes very rarely. If the seller receives a claim, then most often before the start of the court hearing, he tries to solve the issue peacefully. First of all, for the reason that in 99% of cases, if the buyer turned to the seller in a timely manner with a request for the exchange that did not approach him or returning money for it, and its demands were correct or reasonable, the court takes the side of the buyer.

If you bring the case to court hearings, the Seller will have to do money by law not only to return money to the Buyer, but also to pay him an additional amount for the delay of payment in the amount of 1% of the purchase price, compensation of moral harm and compensate all legal costs.

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