When are twins usually born, at how many weeks are twins considered full-term? Childbirth of twins: preparation, timing, stages, special cases, difficulties How long are twins born?

Multiple pregnancies are considered abnormal, and therefore the associated legislation is different from those established for women who are expecting one child. Every mother has the right to count on maternity benefits designed to compensate her for the lack of wages during the period of forced leave, but not everyone knows what amount of benefits can be counted on if there are two children. Let's figure out which women are entitled to payments for the birth of twins in 2019.

Registration of maternity leave for multiple pregnancies

The body of each woman, like the way of life, is individual - and therefore pregnancy for everyone proceeds differently. Maternity leave is considered hospital leave because its essence is to give a woman time to recover after a difficult process of childbirth. Some women give birth normally, others have complications, some give birth on their own, others have a Caesarean section, which means that the recovery period will be different for everyone.

In this regard, the Government has approved various norms designed to choose the duration of maternity leave, which will be affected not only by the presence of postpartum complications, but also by the number of babies born.

With multiple pregnancies, the vacation is extended. If childbirth proceeded normally in a natural way, and there were no complications, the woman is given 194 days to rest, of which 84 days are given before childbirth, and 110 days after.

Many people know that after a Caesarean section, a young mother has the right to extend her vacation by 16 days, so she is given 86 days instead of 70 days before giving birth. After such a birth, a woman recovers longer, so the postnatal leave is also extended to 110 days. But you should be aware that the operation does not in any way affect the duration of the vacation when twins are born - the very fact of the birth of two children already significantly prolongs it.

With a singleton pregnancy, a woman must leave the workplace at 30 obstetric weeks of pregnancy, but twins tend to be born earlier, and it is more difficult for a woman to carry them, therefore pregnant twins go to rest earlier - at 28 obstetric weeks.

Registration of parental leave for the birth of twins

After maternity leave, a woman has the right to apply to the employer for taking maternity leave. At that moment, the childcare allowance will be calculated for her. If a woman is not employed, she draws up the allowance in the social protection authorities - then it is paid to her in the minimum amount.

According to the provisions of federal laws, there is a special procedure for calculating benefits for mothers who have given birth to twins - benefits for babysitting are summed up, but do not exceed the amount of the mother's salary. Payments continue until the baby reaches one and a half years.

At the birth of one child, the size of the allowance for caring for him is 40% of the mother's average income, when the second baby is born, she receives an additional allowance in the amount of 80% of her earnings, but at the birth of twins, one cannot count on an allowance of more than 100% of the average salary.

Until 2007, the situation was worse - the allowance for the birth of twins was equal to the allowance for one baby.

Lump-sum benefits for employed parents of twins

Since formal women pay regular insurance payments through their employer, they are entitled to all of the following lump-sum payments generated from insurance contributions:

  1. Hospital allowance for taking maternity leave. Paid together with the publication of the order of the management on the appointment of the employee of leave (the basis for the publication of the local act is the sick leave issued in the clinic at the place of registration of the pregnant woman). It is calculated on the basis of the salary for the 24 months preceding the maternity leave and in the event of the birth of twins is at least 50,000 rubles.
  2. Supplement to the BID allowance due to the payment of those women who registered with the antenatal clinic in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 12 obstetric weeks). As confirmation of the right to this benefit, it is necessary to provide the employer, along with the sick leave, also a certificate from the gynecologist about the time of the first visit to the clinic of the pregnant woman. The size of the payment varies depending on the region, usually it does not exceed 580 rubles.
  3. One-off childbirth allowance. Paid to the mother or father of the child, but only to one of the parents. The amount of the allowance for one baby is 16,360 rubles, but when twins are born, the two benefits are summed up, that is, the parents will receive 33,000 rubles.

Monthly childcare benefits for twins

In 2017, there were some innovations regarding the calculation of maternity benefits. Let's consider what changes have occurred:

  1. The amounts of the minimum and fixed childcare allowance have been adjusted:
    • payments accrued every month, until the baby is one and a half years old, now amount to almost 3,000 rubles for the first baby and 6,100 rubles for all subsequent children minimum);
    • fixed allowances for leaving on vacation in the BIR amount to 613 rubles 14 kopecks and are paid monthly to those mothers who were dismissed due to the liquidation of the company or the termination of activities as an individual entrepreneur and registered the status of unemployed at the Employment Center within 12 months after dismissal.
  2. The rules for calculating the amount of the average mother's income for calculating the childcare allowance have changed - to determine the amount, you must have data on the salary for the previous 24 months (for 2016 and 2015). The total income for each year cannot be more than the marginal insurance base, which changes annually. If in 2015 a woman received more than 670,000 rubles of income, the amount is reduced to 670,000. If she earned more than 718,000 rubles in 2016, the size of the maximum insurance base is also taken for the calculation. Also, the duration of the settlement period is subject to consideration - in 2017 it is 731 days (due to the leap year 2016).
  3. The size of the minimum wage has increased, and this value plays a role in the calculation of maternity payments for women whose work experience during official employment at the date of leaving on vacation was less than six months. Today the minimum wage is 7800 rubles.

Payments at birth of twins in 2019 to non-working mothers

The difference between employed and unemployed pregnant women is that the former can apply for hospital maternity benefits, and the latter cannot, except for those cases when the expectant mother was fired due to the closure of the company shortly before leaving on maternity leave and managed to obtain the status unemployed during the first year after being laid off. But even then the payment turns out to be very small - it has a fixed amount of 613.14 rubles.

The payment of a one-time allowance for the birth of babies does not depend on the category of the recipient, the availability of a job, financial security and any other factors - it will be paid in any case to one of the parents of the twins. In this case, the mother of twins will be entitled to double the amount of the allowance - 33,000 rubles (twice 16,360 rubles).

Another payment that cannot be denied to non-working parents is the childcare allowance, which is paid monthly to the family member who actually takes care of the baby. It should be borne in mind that if the mother of the child does not have a job, the father of the baby is not entitled to take out parental leave. Monthly benefits are calculated based on the current minimum wage.

Where to go to apply for payments for the birth of twins in 2019

Unemployed, unemployed and employed parents have the right to apply for a certificate for maternity capital to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

The place of applying for maternity benefits depends on whether the parent of the babies is employed or not:

There is a place of work

No job

You need to contact the accounting department at the place of work or directly to the authorities - at the same time, both leave and benefits due to the mother will be issued. If the parent of twins is in the Direct Benefit pilot program, they apply directly to the Social Security Fund.

Unemployed parents should apply for a one-time and monthly allowance for children in the regional branch of the social protection authorities.

Women dismissed before the decree due to the liquidation of the company apply for payments to the FSS - payments for pregnancy and childbirth will be calculated from insurance contributions for the period of work. This should also be addressed if the employer evades the fulfillment of his obligations due to bankruptcy and the lack of sufficient funds in the company's account.

What is the time frame for making payments for the birth of twins in 2019

It must be remembered that you need to apply for child benefits on time, otherwise the right to them will be lost. In case of receiving payments from the state through the SZN authorities or through the FSS of the Russian Federation, an application must be submitted within the following deadlines:

  • within six months in the case of a one-time allowance for the birth of a child;
  • within two years when applying for monthly childcare benefits;
  • additional payment on the occasion of early registration with the LCD is made out when applying for payments for pregnancy and childbirth;
  • regional benefits paid within the region have their own deadlines, which need to be clarified with the local authorities of the SZN;
  • maternity capital can be issued at any convenient time, and after receiving the certificate, you can apply for a payment after the twins are 3 years old (if it corresponds to the established list of targeted use of funds).

Maternal capital for the appearance of twins in the family

As you know, at the federal level, the possibility of obtaining maternity capital for families in which the second child was born has been determined. You can get the corresponding certificate even after the birth of the third, fourth and any of the subsequent children, but the right to it arises already when the second baby is born.

This means that the birth of twins to a mother automatically gives her the right to receive maternity capital, the amount of which today is 453,000 rubles... The amount has not been indexed for several years due to a lack of funds in the country's budget.

Regional features of payments for the birth of twins

The authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are authorized to independently increase existing benefits or approve payments that would operate within the region. Let's look at some examples.

Region, territory, city

Features of payments for the birth of twins

Moscow and Moscow region

Additional support has been approved for young families (in which both spouses have not reached the age of 30) - they are paid a governor's allowance in the amount of 86,000 rubles for the first baby and 121,000 rubles for the second. It turns out that at the birth of twins, parents have the right to receive 207,000 rubles (provided that there are no other children in the family). If at the time of the birth of the twins, the married couple had already raised their children, the benefits increase to 121,000 and 173,000 rubles, respectively, and the amount of funds for twins will be 294,000 rubles.


When twins appear in a family, the regional authorities allocate 400,000 rubles to parents to help them expand their living space.
Sverdlovsk region

When a married couple is born with twins, they are paid an allowance of 10,000 rubles.

Orenburg region

When twins are born, parents are entitled to an additional payment of RUB 25,000 in addition to federal benefits.
Kurgan region

Due to the low birth rate, a regional program “Maternity (family) capital” is envisaged here, which does not in any way affect the family's right to receive federal maternity capital as well. In addition, at the birth (adoption) of two or more children at once, local authorities reward parents with a payment of 40,000 rubles.

Nizhny Novgorod

Regional authorities have established additional payments to parents raising five or more children, including those who, among other babies, have twins. Plus, families in which two babies appeared at once will be paid about 6,750 rubles (the amount may be increased if less than 160 married couples apply for payment during the year, since 1 million 80 thousand rubles were allocated to pay this benefit this year ).

There is a regional guide for parents who have twins, triplets, and so on. The payment is credited to the mother's account every quarter until the children reach the age of majority (for each child in the amount of 400 rubles). There is a condition - the family must be officially recognized as low-income - the average per capita income for each family member must be below the local subsistence minimum.

Khanty-Mansi region

If the family has twins, the parents are entitled to receive a regional allowance in the amount of 30,000 rubles (15,000 rubles for each infant).

What documents are needed to process payment for the birth of twins in 2019

The set of documents for receiving child benefits depends on where the parent applies for payments:

List of documents when applying for a certificate for maternity capital to the Pension Fund


Where to get
Parents' passports (with photocopies)

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Birth certificates of children (with photocopies) with an insert or seal confirming the Russian citizenship of babies

Civil Registry Office (the seal is affixed to the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation)
Applicant's pension certificate


A set of documents when contacting an employer

To be filled on the spot

Application for payment of hospital benefits for BiR

Application for parental leave

Employment history

Human Resources Department

Sick leave

From the clinic at the place of pregnancy observation
Certificate of registration in the LCD

From a gynecologist observing pregnancy

A set of documents for processing payments to the FSS

Application for maternity benefits

To be filled on the spot
Russian passport

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Registry Office
Employment book with a record of dismissal due to the liquidation of the company

From the last place of work

Court decision on recognizing the employer's debt for maternity payments (in the event of bankruptcy of the enterprise and evasion of the management of benefits)

At the court clerk
Certificate of registration as unemployed

Employment center

A set of documents for the registration of benefits in the SZN authorities

To be filled on the spot
Russian passport

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Birth certificates of children

Registry Office
Family composition certificate as proof of cohabitation with the child

Housing department, passport office

Certificate of registration of children at the place of residence

Passport Office
Employment book without employment records (if any)

From the last place of work

Diploma, certificate (if any, for those who have never worked)

At the place of study
A copy of the bank account for accrual of funds

Certificate of non-receipt of benefits by the child's second parent

Bodies of the USZN
Certificate of non-receipt of benefits in the authorities of the USSP at the place of registration (if child benefits are issued at the place of actual residence)

Bodies of the USZN

When registering regional benefits, additional documents may be required indicating the need for additional funds:

Certificate of a large family


Low-income family identification

Certificates of family income (form 2-NDFL), on the payment of pensions, on the calculation of benefits

Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, from the accounting department at the place of work, from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, from the Employment Center, from the USZN

In recent decades, women have increasingly begun to give birth to twins or twins. Some modern married couples dream of immediately conceiving twins, so they turn to a gynecologist with a question about how to increase the chance of developing multiple pregnancies. How long are twins born? How many weeks is a twin pregnancy considered full term?

Where do twins come from and what are they like?

The birth of twins is due to the fact that women ovulate simultaneously in two ovaries. In this case, fraternal twins are born. There are also known cases of the birth of twins in one egg. Such children are called identical twins.

Gynecologists distinguish between 2 types of twins - monozygous and dizygotic twins. Monozygous twins are commonly referred to as twins. They form in one egg. Depending on the period of division of the zygote, experts distinguish between the following varieties:

  • Bichorial. If division occurred no later than the 5th day after conception, both fetuses will have their own placenta and amniotic fluid.
  • Dichorial. The separation of the ovum occurs before implantation - in the interval between the division of the zygote and the morula stage.
  • Diamniotic. Each embryo resides in its own amniotic membrane, having a common placenta.
  • Monoamniotic. Both fetuses are in the same amniotic sac or membrane and share a common placenta.

Monozygotic babies, or twins, are very similar to each other, until a certain time strangers do not distinguish between them. The difference in appearance becomes noticeable only in adulthood. Twins also do not differ in gender: in a family where monozygotic twins are born, there are either two boys or two girls.

Dizygotic twins are fraternal children, due to which each of the embryos is in a separate amniotic sac. Such babies can be both same and different sexes. As for their external similarity, in most cases, dizygotic children are not very similar.

An ultrasound examination allows you to find out what gender the children will be in a woman carrying twins. There is an opinion, which still does not have scientific evidence, that a baby, less developed in physical or mental terms, is born first.

When do you usually give birth to twins?

Some couples dream of conceiving twins. This ability is usually inherited. However, there are several ways to get pregnant with twins through medical procedures:

  • Stimulation of ovulation with hormonal agents. The likelihood of developing multiple pregnancies increases after the use of potent hormones in the ovulatory phase.
  • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). During the procedure, doctors resort to artificial cultivation of several follicles. After the end of ovulation, they are fertilized with sperm. As a rule, after IVF, the expectant mother is implanted at least two embryos.
  • Folic acid supplementation. Regular use of drugs containing this substance during the planning stage promotes successful conception and increases the likelihood of developing multiple pregnancies.

How long are babies considered full-term?

In multiple pregnancies, women are often interested in the question of how many weeks delivery usually takes place. Pregnant women who carry one child should have a normal delivery at 38–40 weeks. Multiple pregnancies are considered full-term at 36–37 weeks. The weight of each of the babies at the 37th week should ideally not exceed 2.5 kg. At 38–39 weeks, the average body weight of one child is 3 kg.

How does natural childbirth take place and what are the possible complications?

Natural childbirth with multiple pregnancies is usually associated with a number of complications. Despite this, doctors very rarely resort to operative delivery (with hypoxia, incorrect fetal position). In addition, gynecologists perform a cesarean section with an increased risk of complications, including:

  • weakness of labor;
  • placental abruption prematurely;
  • opening of bleeding.


Multiple pregnancies require incredible effort and patience from a woman. Throughout all 9 months, you need to prepare for the final event, because the birth of twins is a responsible and difficult process that requires special attention. They put a huge strain on the health of mothers and babies.

Expectant mothers undergo consultations, do an ultrasound scan, and get tested more often than others. They are even sent on maternity leave much earlier, since the birth of children is possible as early as 33 weeks. What should a couple know about, which will soon have twins?

As soon as at the next examination (most often this happens on an ultrasound), a woman is informed that she will have twins, starting from this very moment, she needs to more carefully prepare for childbirth so that they pass without complications. This stage lasts for all 9 months and should include the following activities:

  1. Do not miss a single consultation with a gynecologist, take everything without exception, follow exactly all the doctor's prescriptions.
  2. Strengthen nutrition, which does not mean an increase in the amount of food consumed, but an improvement in its quality. The woman needs to provide nutrients to both babies.
  3. In the third trimester, you need to rest more, be sure to get enough sleep, especially starting at 33 weeks, when labor can begin at any time. You need to have enough strength to give birth to both babies.
  4. It is necessary to calculate the financial issue so that there are enough things for two children.
  5. It is necessary to discuss in advance with the doctor the moment how the birth of twins will take place: or by means of a cesarean section. If there are abnormalities in presentation or fetal development, it is better not to risk it and agree to an operation.

The psychological preparation of a woman is very important at this stage. She should not think about the bad once again, be nervous, worried. She herself and her relatives should take care of this. The most important point here is to make the right decision about how babies will be born in order to avoid possible complications.

Curious statistics... According to modern statistics, today there are about 80 pairs of twins in the world. In the USA it is every 44th, in Japan - 286th. The percentage of births of twins since the 60s of the XX century has grown by almost 2.5 times.

Natural childbirth or caesarean?

Despite the fact that the birth of twins is almost always associated with certain risks and often it is impossible to avoid complications, doctors try to ensure that a woman gives birth to babies on her own. Only if the health and especially the life of the mother and the twins is threatened by something, a decision is made about a caesarean section. Medical indicators for it are:

  • weakness of labor;
  • hypoxia;
  • if the babies are in different presentations;
  • if, with a breech presentation, the weight of the second baby is less than 1,500 grams or more than 3,500 grams;
  • spasm of the cervix.

By the 33rd week, a couple expecting twins should discuss with their doctor whether to give birth on their own or through a cesarean section. You can have your own opinion on this matter, but you should definitely listen to the recommendations of an experienced specialist. This will depend not only on the state of health of the expectant mother and the presentation of the fetus, but also on their type.

Did you know that ...

Are twins not always born at the same time? A case was recorded when the difference between them was 85 days.

Types of twins

When a woman is going to give birth to twins, both herself and all her relatives are very interested in the question of whether the children will be similar to each other, whether they are same-sex. In obstetrics and gynecology, there are several types of twins.


Monozygous twins develop from a single egg. The division of the zygote can occur at different times. Depending on when this happened, the following types of monozygotic twins are distinguished:

  • biamniotic;
  • bichorial;
  • dichorial;
  • diamniotic: each child develops in its own amniotic sac;
  • monoamniotic: babies develop in one sac, which determines their maximum similarity (up to the blood group), however, the birth of such twins is fraught with complications (their umbilical cords are most often closely intertwined, Siamese twins are often born).

Monozygous babies are born of the same sex, are as similar to each other as possible, differences in appearance appear only with age. More often than others, the birth of monochorionic diamniotic twins occurs, when both babies are fed from the same placenta. Their difficulty is that one child will be more developed and larger than the second. However, with sufficient nutrition for the mother during pregnancy, both crumbs will receive the necessary set of nutrients for normal development.


Dizygotic in medicine are called rascal children. Each of them develops not only in its own amniotic sac, but also in a separate placenta. They shouldn't be alike, their blood type may differ. Sometimes they are born same sex, sometimes they are opposite sex.

Shows which twins are developing in the womb, so that a woman can find out in advance what kind of children she is carrying: heterosexual or not, similar or not. Although even medicine is mistaken here, and everything will be known for sure only after childbirth. If it has already been decided in what way the kids will appear and what they are, then at what time period this will happen, no one can answer for sure. Here everything will depend on the individual characteristics of the intrauterine development of twins.

It is interesting! According to scientists, the first of the twins is born the one who has some kind of problems, deviations in development.


One of the characteristic features of multiple pregnancies is that the due date for twins occurs much earlier than with the birth of one baby. Therefore, it is very important here not to panic, but to understand whether early contractions are pathology or for their situation everything goes within the framework of the norm.

32-33 weeks

If the babies are asked to go outside already at 32-33 weeks, it is believed that this is a premature birth of twins, which requires special attention. One of them may not yet be ready for birth, not yet formed. This is fraught with a small weight of newborn babies and various deviations in their physical development. Most often, during these periods, in order to avoid complications and consequences, doctors decide to carry out a cesarean section even with the correct presentation of the fetus.

35-36 weeks

Knowing that twins are born much earlier than usual, already at 35-36 weeks the woman is offered to go to the hospital, since the long-awaited event can happen at any time. If she is still at home, it is advisable to collect the bags in advance. And she herself must be physically ready to give birth at any moment. Typically, births of twins at 36 weeks can be natural without a caesarean section. Although, babies will still need medical support, because during normal childbirth, this period is considered still premature.

37-38 weeks

Most often, twins are born at 37 weeks, and in the absence of deviations and complications, everything goes well. Both babies at this time are born strong and healthy, although they are inferior to their single peers in weight. Few of those who are expecting two babies at once reach the 38th week.

Knowing the peculiarities of the timing of carrying twins, a woman may not worry if the contractions began too early. Possessing such information, she will be able to prepare in advance for the premature birth of babies and not panic about this. In any case, you need to strive to give birth on your own if doctors allow natural childbirth. They have many advantages over caesarean section.

Sometimes it happens... 25% of twins have a mirror image. That is, if one has a mole near the right eye, then the second has it near the left.

Natural childbirth

If both babies develop without abnormalities, and the young mother felt great throughout the pregnancy, there is no reason to have a cesarean section. With a normal presentation (cephalic) of both fetuses, natural birth of twins is allowed, during which the same stages differ as in the usual ones. Their only feature is that the second period will be double, since two babies will appear at once.

Stage 1. Harbingers

As a rule, the harbingers of childbirth with twins differ little from the usual ones:

  • the stomach falls;
  • it becomes easier to breathe;
  • urination becomes more frequent;
  • there are sharp painful sensations in the pubic area and lower back;
  • gait becomes slower and more measured.

If a woman begins to notice such changes in her condition, it means that the twins are actively preparing for childbirth, which can begin from day to day.

Stage 2. Contractions

  • as soon as the systematic sufficiently severe pains in the perineum and lower abdomen area began, this means that childbirth begins with twins, which at this stage differ little from the usual ones;
  • the cervix begins to open;
  • its goal is to expand up to 10 cm so that the heads of babies can pass through it;
  • water and mucous plug leave;
  • painful sensations can be reduced with massage or a warm bath;
  • over time, the contractions become longer, more frequent, stronger.

Stage 3. Attempts

  • at this stage, the main task of a woman is to obey doctors in everything, push and breathe correctly;
  • after the birth of the first baby, they are examined, in parallel, the presentation and the state of the second, still remaining in the womb, are determined;
  • the difference between them is most often from 5 to 20 minutes;
  • sometimes to speed up the birth of a second twin, the amniotic sac is opened.

Stage 4. Placenta delivery

  • about half an hour after the birth of the twins, the placenta (afterbirth) is born;
  • the application of babies to the mother's breast causes uterine contractions, promotes faster birth of the placenta, stimulates lactation, sucking movements;
  • at this crucial moment, together with colostrum, the crumbs receive nutrients, hormones, enzymes, and calm down;
  • there will be several more contractions, but not so strong and prolonged: this is how the placenta is separated from the uterus;
  • the twins and placenta are examined.

Natural childbirth lasts for twins in different ways. Starting from the first contractions and ending with the discharge of the placenta, in primiparous this period can be from 8 to 12 hours. Mothers who already have children cope with this much faster: from 5 to 7 hours. There are also cases when the birth of twins proceeds under special conditions that require more careful attention.

Wonders of nature... Even scientists are surprised by the fact that identical twins have encephalograms as similar to each other as possible. This indicates that their brains are working in the same way.

Special cases

Each birth of twins is a special case, the outcome of which is not always predictable. Some situations require a more responsible attitude both on the part of medical personnel and on the part of future parents.

After IVF

After in vitro fertilization, every fourth woman has two babies. If earlier this process involved a mandatory cesarean section, now the birth of twins after IVF can take place naturally without complications and negative consequences. However, throughout pregnancy and in the process of delivery itself, close attention is required from the medical staff.

Third birth

Often there are twins, which differ from the rest in speed and swiftness, which requires special preparedness of the medical staff and the woman herself. Harbingers in this case can be invisible, and the whole process can take only 3 hours. Although this parameter is very individual.

Home birth

Doctors are extremely negative about this practice. Only very brave couples who have too strong some of their principles and beliefs about the naturalness of this process can decide on twins. They must understand that all responsibility rests only on their shoulders. It is difficult to give birth to one baby at home, and even more so to give birth to two. It makes sense to make sure that the presentation of the babies is correct, their intrauterine development is normal. Few midwives agree to deliver twins at home. Is it worth the risk?

For someone, twins are happiness and inexpressible joy, someone is disturbed by doubts and fear. In any case, the couple must understand that their situation is unique and requires a special approach, careful study of every nuance and the smallest detail. Nothing should be overlooked. Maximum adherence to medical recommendations and prescriptions is a guarantee of successful delivery and the safe birth of both babies.

Many pregnant women with twins are interested in the question of how long twins are born. This usually happens at 35-37 weeks. Statistics show that about 60% of births with twins are premature. Moreover, children are often low in weight. Doctors try to monitor the state of developing fetuses and "hold out" their birth to a viable state.

In one of the articles on the Internet I read that out of 100 born twins, 25 die. I will not argue with the figures given, however, during my pregnancy, I have not encountered such cases - the birth was successful or not very good, but the children remained alive. And you have time to listen and take a look during the time of constant "saving" a lot.

We were born at 36 weeks, but the babies were by no means small - 3,050 and 2,550 kg. Therefore, when they talk about full-term twins, it is quite difficult to say how long it is. One thing is for sure - with the normal development of children and with such a weight as ours, the stomach can withstand great difficulty and up to 36-37 weeks. I can hardly imagine what would have happened if I had been with them for another week ...

Natural birth of twins or cesarean?

They give birth to twins naturally, but most often a planned cesarean is prescribed, which reduces the risk of problems. So it was with us, and everything went well, - once again, many thanks to the doctors)) The doctor decides how exactly the birth will take place, based on the situation and the existing contraindications or complications. But in any case, dear future mothers, you should not read a lot of horror stories about unsuccessful childbirth and terrible complications. You need to tune in only for the good. Having looked through several sites and read on this topic, even now, after 7.5 years, the birthplace of my twins, I became scared. What can we say about those who are preparing to become a mother! Save your nerves - they will still come in handy after the birth of children))

Belly after the birth of twins

One of the most painful questions is what will happen to the figure and stomach after the birth of twins. Alas, a few lucky women, judging by the reviews on the forums, had a chance to preserve their former beauty. But still there is such a chance.

Should I use a cream or not? Better yes. At least you will know for sure that you did everything you could. How exactly your skin will react to strong stretching - no forum will be able to give an answer - you don't even have to leaf through and not be horrified by the posted photos. Perhaps you will be able to restore your former figure, or maybe your belly will remain in a fold with stripes of stretch marks as a keepsake - as luck would have it. But believe me, you can live with it. The main thing is that the husband understands all this and perceives it normally, so that along with caring for the children, the problems of relations with her husband do not fall down - alas, this also happens. And if you really want to restore everything as it was, and there will be such an opportunity - plastic will help you. In any case, the first six months you will definitely not be up to this problem))

Where do twins come from?

In recent years, multiple pregnancies have doubled worldwide. This is due to the fact that women are increasingly deciding to become mothers at an older age. And also conception with the help of IVF and other reproductive technologies is becoming more and more popular.

The chances of getting pregnant with twins increase if there have already been such cases in the family. Heredity is passed down through the generation through the maternal line. It is important for both the doctor and the mother to know the type of pregnancy, which can be:

  • monozygotic;
  • raznoyatsevaya.

In the first case, one egg is fertilized by one sperm, but in the process of division of this cell, a violation occurs and two fetuses are formed. This type of pregnancy is more common. As a result, babies grow in a single placenta, each in its own bag. In this case, the sex is the same and outwardly they are very similar.

In the second case, a woman matures two eggs, which are then fertilized by two sperm. This can even happen several days apart. They have separate placentas with an independent network of vessels. The sex and appearance of these babies may vary.

There are monochorionic monoamniotic twins, when two children are in the same fetal bladder and have one placenta. In this case, doctors are afraid that the umbilical cord will twist, tie into a knot, and the babies may die. At 32-34 weeks, such a pregnancy is usually delivered.

Due date

What week can you find out about twins expected? Most often it is diagnosed on the eighth to twelfth. The formation of two fetuses accelerates the production of hCG in the woman's blood and urine, so you can see two oily stripes on the test.

In twin pregnancies, the term of delivery most often occurs at 35-37 weeks. Triplets - for a period of 32 weeks. And the incidence of these babies is higher than that of term babies.

At first I was very worried, but then I realized that childbirth is an unpredictable process, and it is impossible to plan something in it. My boys were born weighing 2280 and 2555 grams. Then it turned out that the ultrasound was wrong by 200 grams.

Twin pregnancy should be treated more carefully and responsibly. To do this, do not skip examinations and follow all the instructions of the doctors. And it doesn't matter how they will be born - through natural childbirth or using a cesarean section. Most importantly, the health of mom and baby.

Despite all the troubles, twins bring 2 times more joy, and children are much more fun to grow up.

Until next time!

Always yours, Anna Tikhomirova