Our club for children and their parents. Family club for children and their parents big turtle. Methodological development on the topic: Family club for children and parents

Professional development and training in the club for children and parents. The development of children, and even more so early development, is a difficult process that requires constant attention from parents, perseverance, regular training, and a thorough study of existing programs. Household chores or employment at work do not allow most parents to go headlong into development issues. After all, dads, as heads of the family, need to think about the financial support of the family, and moms need to provide comfort in the house.
Family club in Moscow is a great way for everyone to relax, unwind and ensure the development of the child, corresponding to his age characteristics.
The abundance of information about developmental methods and activities can even harm parents who want to organize regular activities for their child on their own. Therefore our family club offers a qualified professional approach to the development and education of children of different ages.
Experienced, educated, certified highly qualified teachers of the club regularly undergo special training. Therefore, for all groups of children, we guarantee the best development methods, relevant and interesting classes, effective teaching methods.
Visiting the club with the whole family is the best option for the youngest students. We care about the adaptation of children and their psychological comfort. Regular attendance at classes at an early age, first with parents, and later without their presence, will form a good attitude towards learning, social adaptation, and prepare the best soil for further education in kindergarten or school.

The best family club in Moscow

Club for children and parents- a unique place where you can get a lot of new experiences and skills, make amazing discoveries that will help in the future in raising your child and building harmonious relationships in the family.
By regularly visiting a family-type club with the whole family, you can learn the best ways to communicate with a child: how to influence him in moments of disobedience and protest, how to build trusting and frank relationships, how to interest and convince him.
Experienced teachers, psychologists, a speech therapist and other specialists will help to identify and solve problems at a very early age that may affect the child's academic performance in the future, for example, difficulties with concentration or with memory, speech, etc.

The Club of Parents of Children of All Ages has opened at the Center for the Psychology of Self-Realization! Do you want to get practical knowledge on raising children, ask the psychologist your questions, share your experience?

Welcome to our Parents Club!

You will find a pleasant, friendly atmosphere and a circle of like-minded parents who want to get answers to all their questions.

Why don't the "flowers of life" always bring only joy?

Why don't they listen?

Why do toddlers act up and older children are rude?

How to understand what lies behind bad behavior?

How to properly raise children?

How to deal with emerging problems?

How to find a common language with your children?

Can you be their best friend?

Is it true that all children are talented?

How to recognize what abilities a child has and how to develop them?

How to grow a talented person?

You will find answers to these and many other questions that concern every parent in our Club of parents of children of all ages!

Each meeting is a new thematic lesson, interesting information on raising children and advice from an experienced psychologist.

We also share our experiences with each other, tell funny stories about children. In general, we have a fun and useful time.

Do you have a small child?

Of course, you want your baby to always be happy. But he is often stubborn, throws tantrums, does not obey, and you have no idea about the reasons for this behavior?

"Why is he behaving like this?" - Whenever you ask a question.

It's all about the characteristics of the psyche of a small child. By attending our classes, you will learn to understand your child and respond correctly to his behavior. And soon the whims and tantrums will stop!

You will know literally everything about the psychology of young children and unique methods of education.

Want to know how to determine your child's abilities? How to develop them correctly? Tips and advice from an experienced psychologist will help you grow a talented person!

Do you have a teenage child?

Then you know about the difficulties of adolescence firsthand. Has the teenager become uncontrollable, impudent? Doesn't want to study, skips school? Or has he become withdrawn and sits at the computer in the evenings?

Do you know that your child has problems, but do not know how to help him?

By learning more about the psychology of adolescent children, you will begin to understand the complex inner world of a teenager.

In the classroom, the psychologist will talk about common problems that teenagers experience and tell you how to solve them.

How can a child believe in himself? How not to lose his trust or how to regain it? How to offer your help? Find out in the Parents Club!

Now you can establish a constructive dialogue with your child and help him cope with difficulties, find himself and be realized in this life.

A family club for thinking parents who think about the future of their children and want to communicate with like-minded people. The main profile of the club is to give joy to parents and their children. Family Club "Big Turtle" is a club for parents together with their children. Our club was created for everyone who walks through life holding a child by the hand! For those who, like us, believe that with the birth of a child, life only becomes brighter and richer! For those who develop together with the child and want to spend interesting time with benefit both for themselves and for the child, who are close to the principles of natural parenting or are simply interested in it, who want to find like-minded people and communicate with them in a pleasant, almost family atmosphere. Everyone will be interested in our club, including children and adults of all ages. In our club you can find friends for interesting communication; get advice from experts in various fields; it is interesting to spend time for yourself and for the child, or devote time only to yourself, while entrusting the child to a conscientious and reliable nanny; celebrate a birthday or any other holiday; visit a lot of interesting and informative classes and master classes; travel in a fun company and many other interesting things. Also in our club there is a full-fledged kindergarten with a Waldorf direction.

In our club, you can diversify as parents: coming to painting classes, clay modeling, yoga classes, various seminars on raising children, etc.; and for children: musical, folklore, sports activities, creative workshops. Various performances and performances are also regularly held, which will be of interest to all family members. The club has a babysitting service.

During the week, in our club there is a short stay group, where you can bring children from 1.5 years old for playing and social adaptation. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, there are yoga classes that mothers can attend with their children, as well as baby yoga and baby contact. Creative workshops are held and organized by talented craftswomen. On Wednesdays and Sundays, wonderful music classes are held, developed according to the author's methodology, including knowledge of the musical world in the form of playing, communication, playing the flute. On Fridays and Sundays - classes at Myashkoy School - fun sports activities for children and adults. On Saturdays - folklore studio, which hosts fun games with live music and dancing. Seminars by an experienced psychologist on the development and upbringing of children of different ages, as well as other seminars for parents, are regularly held. Performances, theatrical performances and other family events are arranged for the holidays.

Today, in European and other civilized countries, which in the race for technological progress are moving farther and farther away from nature, from the principle of continuity of generations, family clubs are very relevant. Why? Looking around, we will see that many modern young people, giving birth to a child, no longer follow the experience of their parents so recklessly, since many things do not satisfy them. Trying to figure it out, they begin to study a huge amount of specialized literature, but there is so much of it that it is very difficult to find the truth hidden in it. In the past, this was much easier. A child, as a rule, was born in a large family consisting of several generations. And since one of the main properties of the child's psyche is copying the behavior of adults, he simply automatically learned how to behave in a given life situation, watching the elders. Now everything is different. We can often observe contradictions in families, when the older generation imposes its "rules" of education, and the youth categorically rejects their "outdated experience".

In such a difficult situation, the most important question for modern parents is how to build the foundations so that their children, dissatisfied with their upbringing, are not forced to change and rethink everything? Our kindergartens, schools, universities offer thoughtful educational programs and train high-quality specialists. And who prepares quality spouses and parents? It is hard not to agree that building relationships in a family where everyone is satisfied is an even greater science than any of the professions. Family clubs are called upon to fill this gap.

What is a family club? Firstly, this is a cozy room, where everything is thought out in terms of convenience for both children and parents. Secondly, it is communication. Communication on an equal footing in a circle of like-minded people.

The most active, of course, are families expecting a baby. It is at this point that we are first confronted with questions to which we do not know the answers. Why do you need to prepare for childbirth, what role does the husband play in this whole process, what conditions are needed for the newborn, whether to vaccinate or not, how to separate bad advice from good? There are so many questions, and even more negative frightening information...

Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions and prejudices about childbirth in our society. Researchers of the life of lost tribes testify to how calmly and practically without pain women of semi-savage peoples give birth. However, we didn’t see it with our own eyes, but on TV we saw and heard enough about childbirth, as about a “terrible disaster”, when everyone suddenly panics, runs to the hospital, then the woman screams loudly and suffers, and then a shriveled screaming creature is born, and , of course, all this in a sea of ​​blood, like in horror films.

Sad picture, isn't it? If a young woman had the experience of living in a large family, and she watched how children appear with her mother and sisters without panic, in a joyful family environment, this would be put off in her head as a completely natural process that does not cause either fear or other negativity . If a woman is calm, balanced, not afraid of anything, then the situation of expectation proceeds naturally, and there is no need to prepare for childbirth - the body of the woman in labor understands well what needs to be done. But it often happens that a pregnant mother does not really know her physiology, has no idea how childbirth proceeds and is crammed with prejudices and fears. Knowledge of this process, understanding of female nature successfully overcomes any fears. Classes in the club are aimed precisely at this. All kinds of techniques for working with the body: relaxation, breathing, massage, pain relief, a woman learns to be the mistress of her own body. And the man understands how he can help, how to create an island of safety around his wife and the child being born, to give them a sense of peace.

Of course, it is important that he mastered massage for pain relief, knew the techniques of proper breathing, but the main thing is his protective, protective role. Sometimes we observe among couples preparing for childbirth and giving birth together that sometimes it is easier for a woman to contact the outside world through her husband. She does not hear doctors, obstetricians. In this situation, you need to give information to your husband, and he will already whisper in his wife's ear - and she will understand everything. And this is wonderful, because the main thing in such an important matter is precisely the feeling of security.

If a man is afraid, has no idea how the process of childbirth takes place, then he, being in a panic attack at the time of childbirth, most likely will only interfere. There can be no question of any sense of security in a woman in such cases. The absence of this factor negatively affects the course of childbirth, and even serious medical intervention may be needed. The family club provides future dads with the opportunity to learn a lot, but the main thing is to feel like a protector of their loved ones. Classes are structured in such a way that a decision matures within the family consciously and by mutual agreement, not under the influence of fashion trends, but based on the real circumstances of each family.

By the way, the club has an accompaniment service during childbirth. After all, an experienced instructor can help in childbirth. This is also good, since the same security function is carried out, only with the help of another person.

When the baby is born, young parents return home with him, where they receive the necessary help and advice from our patronage service. Very often, parents experience serious physical stress due to a simple misunderstanding of the needs of the child. At the same time, the peculiarity of our club is that we do not say how to do it right, but only explain the basic principles: how a person’s immunity is formed, how his psyche develops, what you need to know about the physiology of children and much more. For our specialists, the main thing is that parents understand how everything happens. They make their own decisions.

Often young parents lack a sober, unbiased point of view, an outside opinion. Young people are convinced that they are right, or, on the contrary, they doubt everything out of ignorance. Both situations negatively affect harmony in the new family, which is why it is so important for inexperienced mothers and fathers to have support, both in the form of specialists and like-minded people, who can be found in the family club. For example, from the age of 2 months, we invite parents to the "Fundamentals of parenting" classes, which discuss the issues of competent interaction with the child, which in the future will help to avoid serious problems in his upbringing. After all, according to modern experts, it is very important to build a harmonious relationship with a child until the age of three.

After parents learn the Fundamentals of Parenting, the family club offers children's developmental classes that show moms and dads how to gently and unobtrusively expand the scope of their baby's development. Now stores are littered with various "smart" toys, but if you look at them objectively, it becomes clear that these are just substitutes for real life - substitutes for parental attention, care, love. If you approach the issue from the point of view of a child, it is impossible to find the difference between toys and ordinary things, and a normal, "adult" pot or spoon is even more interesting for him. And if adults, instead of expensive and necessary, but easily breaking and breaking toys, came up with plastic toys for the cub, this does not mean that this has any meaning for the child. It's just convenient for adults. It is very important here that parents understand how they can help the development of the child, stimulate him, and not slow him down. Do not go to extremes, indiscriminately applying a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bmethods. After all, as a rule, if parents are excessively passionate about this process, the child, as if defending himself from a flurry of information, loses interest in learning, denies it, becomes depressed. Therefore, it is very important that parents be as sensitive as possible. This is discussed in an accessible and interesting way with specific examples in the classes of the family club.

Dear mothers, fathers, grandparents!

Please read the basic rules for visiting “Teddy`s club”

    By paying for the first subscription, you confirm that you agree with the rules of our club and are ready to comply with them.

    You can take a trial class on any course of your choice. If you decide to continue with the course, the cost of this class will be included in the fee. If you refuse to visit the club, the trial lesson will be free for you.

    It is better to come to classes no later than 10 minutes before the start, so that the baby can get used to the environment and is not in a hurry.

    Bring your kids to our Kids Club healthy. We kindly ask you to refrain from visiting the Children's Club if a child or an accompanying adult has acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections or other infectious diseases, gastrointestinal ailments, fever, rash, etc.

    For babies from 9 months to 3 years of age, classes are necessarily held together with parents or persons replacing them. At an older age, your presence is necessary only if the child himself does not want to let you go

    In case of missing classes due to illness and upon providing a certificate from a doctor (certified by the seal of the clinic), our Club accepts compensation for one week of missed classes with other Club courses that are suitable for the age of the child. The client must notify about the pass in advance, no later than one day before the scheduled lesson. The club offers possible options for classes if the groups are not overcrowded. It is necessary to sign up for a lesson in advance. You need to use the lesson according to the certificate within one week after the illness. Missed classes are not made up.

    We have a subscription freeze system. The limit of "subscription freeze" during the year (from September 1 to August 31) is two weeks. You can break the “freeze” into 2 parts, one week of classes each. All classes that have been frozen are rescheduled in the same amount. To freeze a subscription, you must write an application in the approved form addressed to the director of the children's club.

    Parents or persons replacing them (grandparents, nannies) are obliged to personally transfer their child to the Instructor or Administrator of the Children's Club, personally pick up the child, without transferring it to other persons under 16 years of age. At the written request of the Parent, the child can be transferred to and taken from the Club by the person specified in the application. The club reserves the right not to give the child to the person who came for him, not specified in the application. Also, we do not let the child go home alone after class, even if he is already quite independent. In this situation, the Parent personally writes the Application and takes full responsibility.

    The club reserves the right to replace the declared teacher for the duration of his illness or forced absence.

    In case of any changes in the work of the Children's Club, the administration undertakes to notify each client in advance, subject to the availability of his means of communication.

    On national holidays and during the winter and summer holidays, the Children's Club operates according to a special schedule, which is posted in advance on information stands.

    A parent attending the Kids Club assumes full responsibility for the state of his health and the state of health of his minor children attending the club, and confirms that neither he nor his minor children have medical contraindications for classes, including for mobile ones.

    The child must be dressed in comfortable clothing. The instructor has the right not to take the child to class if his clothes do not meet the requirements (dirty, creates discomfort for the child and others). In the Club, the child must be in changeable shoes or socks. If a child comes to class accompanied by an adult, then the adult must also have a change of shoes or socks.

    The club administration asks if possible not to use mobile phones of children and Parents during classes. Please turn off your phones or put them on silent during this time.

We are pleased when you come to our Children's Club in a good mood.

This is transferred to your children and our employees, improves the quality of classes.

Please pay close attention to the observance of these Rules, because they were developed by us specifically to ensure that you and your children feel comfortable and safe with us.