The newborn does not gain weight well on artificial feeding. And yet, the most common cause of underweight is an unbalanced diet, when a child does not receive the required amount of nutrients and vitamins from food. Such a service

The health and development of a child is assessed by several indicators: weight, height, head and chest girth, skin condition, acquired skills, etc. A baby, whose development occurs in accordance with age, should gain weight every month. Sometimes mothers complain that this is not happening.

How reasonable this observation is, the pediatrician has to figure out.

Unreasonable fears

As soon as the baby is born, the mother begins to compare him with other children. Who is thicker, who is paler, etc. The same applies to weight. It is unreasonable to compare a growing baby with his peers and be upset if your child is not as fat as others. Too many things affect the weight of babies - the way they feed, the appearance and body structure of the parents, the degree of maturity, and others. First of all, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the child.

If nothing worries him, he eats with appetite, is interested in everything that happens around him, then everything is fine. Newborns are already personalities with their own character. Can a person want nothing for breakfast, but eat for three at lunch? Maybe.

The main indicator is the activity of the baby.... And the fact that his weight is a little lower than the norms accepted by doctors is not scary. In the end, all these criteria are only recommended. You can't fit every kid under them.

If you still have doubts

  • at the age from birth to 4 months, children are supposed to add 600-900 g per month;
  • up to six months - an increase of at least 400 g;
  • from 6 to 9 months, the minimum allowable weight gain is 300 g;
  • by the year, the baby can gain only 100 g every month.

Thus, the older the child is, the less weight he will gain. A deviation from the table values ​​of several tens of grams is not yet critical. Even if there are no skinny relatives in the family, the baby can look thin. If at the same time he is lively and agile, eats everything and does not complain about anything, he is a completely ordinary healthy child.

But if, in combination with a shortage, other signs are observed, parents should carefully monitor the deviations. Which ones exactly?

  • The general condition of the skin. The child is very thin, there are no folds on the body, the baby's cheeks are completely invisible. The skin is pale, dry and flabby, like an old woman's.
  • Activity and cognitive interest. The child is lethargic, not interested in anything, often cries and is capricious, eats poorly.
  • Sleep disturbances. The child often wakes up or sleeps little. The dream is fragmentary, restless.

A combination of at least two of these symptoms is already a reason to visit a pediatrician.

What parents can track on their own

Breastfeeding is difficult for every woman. It is not only a responsibility to lead a healthy lifestyle: proper sleep and rest, diet and sensible nutrition, breast and hand hygiene. There are many reasons why a baby may not have enough milk. And this is why a child may not gain weight properly.

A nursing woman needs to pay attention to the following points.

  • Milk quantity... It can be tracked by expressing milk between feeds. If the baby does not have enough food, after feeding, he will continue to open his mouth, smack his lips and try to stick to everything that comes across. Various herbal infusions, special teas and lactation tablets help to increase the amount of milk.
  • Sucking reflex... In some babies born prematurely, it is not well developed. It is especially difficult for babies to eat if the mother's breast is "tight". That is, to get enough, you have to work hard. More often than not, premature babies simply do not have the strength to suck milk. In this case, the baby needs help by expressing milk into a bottle. It is easier to drink from it.
  • Feeding position... It is easier for newborns to eat while lying in their mother's arms. In this case, the child's head is slightly raised at the bend of the mother's elbow. With age, this position becomes uncomfortable. Half-year-old babies no longer fit in their mother's arms. And they begin to get distracted by various interesting things more often than newborns. Then it is easier to feed while lying on the couch or bed. There are many mother and baby pillows and pads available to help you find a comfortable feeding position.
  • Baby hygiene... If the baby is not well cared for in the mouth, various diseases can develop. As a result, red or white spots appear on the palate, gums, inner surface of the cheeks, which cause severe pain. Experiencing it, the infant refuses to eat. Any touch of sores provokes crying. These problems are easy to treat, but until they are found, the child can be seriously malnourished.
  • Individual nipple shape... In such rare cases, it is inconvenient for the baby to take the breast, clasp the nipple with his lips. This problem becomes noticeable already in the hospital. Weight loss will be noticeable even in the first month of a baby's life. Until the baby grows up, he will need to be supplemented with a mixture.

Lack of weight in a baby while breastfeeding is a fairly common problem. Before contacting the pediatrician, the mother needs to measure the volume of milk that the baby eats at each feeding for two to three days.

As a rule, pediatricians prescribe supplementation with artificial formula as the last resort. If the weight loss is low, your doctor will advise you to take medications to stimulate milk flow. If the baby does not have intestinal colic and skin rashes, from 4 months you can start feeding with a one-component puree (zucchini, cauliflower or broccoli).

Artificial mixtures are given to those children who are seriously underweight or have any abnormalities in digestion.

Child doesn't like food

Children who are fed with formula from birth take it calmly. But when the baby has already tasted breast milk, and after that he is given artificial milk, this can cause a protest. The child refuses to drink substitutes because they have a different taste. Parents will have to pull themselves together and try to find a product suitable for the baby. This can take several days.

For children over six months, vegetable purees are introduced into the diet, which in the first days causes discontent in many babies. The unfamiliar taste is frightening and the consistency is much thicker than milk. It's easier to spit it out and demand the usual food. There are babies with character who, even at six months of age, will scream until the demand is met. For this you need to lose weight and not eat? Easily!

What should parents do? Once again, gather willpower into a fist and educate the child. The older the baby becomes, the more varied his nutrition should be. Lack of beneficial trace elements, vitamins, fiber and other things can negatively affect the body's functioning and immunity.

A little about useful products

Parents may be faced with an incomprehensible situation. The child eats whatever is offered to him, but still does not gain weight. In fact, everything is simple - the child's diet lacks healthy foods that affect metabolism and growth.

What can prevent weight gain?

  • Too much sugar
  • ... Shall we sweeten porridge? Yes! Shall we have some delicious cookies? Of course! And the candy? First mom, then grandmother, then a neighbor on the street feed the child with various sweets. Excessive amount of sugar slows down and interferes with the digestion and absorption of nutrients.
  • Lack of variety in food... One young mother, due to lack of time, constantly fed her child only mashed potatoes. As a result, nothing good came of it. By the age of one year, all foods should be present in the child's daily diet, from vegetables to meat. Cooking yourself or buying ready-made mashed potatoes is a matter of taste and possibilities. But you cannot limit the child to only one dish that is easier to prepare.
  • Lack of fat... They are involved in digestion and should be included in the child's diet in a reasonable amount. In vegetable purees, soups and cereals, oil must be added at the rate of: 1 coffee spoon per 50 g of the mixture. You can use any oil: vegetable, olive or melted butter.

Development features

Premature babies, due to the fact that their body is underdeveloped, can gain weight poorly. In the maternity hospital, each child is examined, trying to identify possible pathologies in the development of internal organs. Knowing the problems of the baby, parents, under the guidance of a pediatrician, must strictly follow all recommendations. Special attention is paid to premature babies. All issues related to developmental and growth abnormalities are resolved by a doctor.

Hyperactive children who are constantly on the move simply do not have time to gain weight. Everything that they eat, they immediately burn during the games. As a rule, hyperactive children are not overweight.


There are a number of conditions that can cause weight loss, from common worms to diabetes. If the child eats normally, his food includes all the necessary substances, but he still does not gain weight, you need to undergo an examination. The doctor will prescribe tests that will confirm or deny a possible diagnosis.

What to do

Parents are not always able to objectively assess the appearance of the child. For many mothers, a catastrophe can grow from scratch. Therefore, you should not immediately panic and scare the child with your hysteria. The main indicator is the child's cheerfulness and activity. And parents can be advised the following: in everything that concerns children, you need to calmly and thoroughly weed out one after another possible problems and their causes.

If babies have a little weight gain, the main thing is to calm down! "Your girl is not gaining weight!" - said a strict neonatologist, prescribing a referral for hospitalization for me and my two-week-old daughter. I realized that weight gain in babies does not accidentally excite the minds of young mothers. But in the hospital they were not going to treat us "lack of weight", since such a diagnosis does not exist. Weight is only a catalyst for the general condition of the baby. My daughter had problems with neurology, weakened muscle tone, and therefore she simply did not have the strength to suckle the breast, she slept for 4 hours without a break during the day and for 7-8 hours at night.

In addition to all sorts of medical prescriptions, the attending doctor said to feed with a mixture and be sure to wake the child to feed. As a result, my daughter confidently began to gain weight.

Weight gain in infants. Only calmness!

The most interesting thing is that after all these tests, I realized that weight gain in babies is not at all a terrible problem that you need to constantly think about, nervously weighing the baby after each feeding. By no means, I didn’t even buy the scales, but only watched how many grams per month my girl was getting bigger and how she was feeling. In addition, after talking with "colleagues" - young mothers, I realized that each child is individual and it is not entirely correct to bring everyone to the average rate. To one acquaintance - a small and thin lady, worried that her baby does not look like a well-fed hamster, a wise doctor said: “Why don't you yourself get better at a fast pace? Yeah, it doesn't work ?! "

When not to worry about weight gain in babies?

When my daughter had a brother, I was calm, I no longer leafed through magazines, I did not surf the Internet, looking for articles on the topic "Weight gain in babies." Because she knew when to worry and when not. By all indications, the son was healthy, he sucked the breast with pleasure - on demand. The scales (my work colleagues gave them to me) pulled out once a month. Weighing after each feeding is not logical, because once the child can suck 5 grams, and the other - 100. So why worry in vain? In addition, the child develops in leaps and bounds, in 2-3 weeks he can add quite a bit, and then in one week he can catch up. At the complaints of the district pediatrician - first that the weight is slightly below normal, and then that the child overeats - I just smiled. Indeed, breastfeeding a child can gain weight differently than artificially, and "overeating" mother's milk is impossible. After six months, the son began to move a lot and from a plump butuz turned into a measure of a well-fed baby.

In the first minutes of a child's life, the doctor taking birth weighs and measures the baby's height. These numbers are of great importance, every mother knows them by heart for the rest of her life. The weight of the newborn plays an important role in determining the vital activity of the child, his physical development. Therefore, being in the hospital, babies are weighed every morning. What determines the weight of the child, what factors affect it, we will consider in more detail.

what is the normal weight of a newborn baby

What is the normal weight for a newborn?

According to modern data, the normal weight of a newborn includes indicators of the range from 2.5 kg to 4.5 kg. These are average indicators, a kind of bar at which the weight of the child can be considered good.

Parents of average height and average weight category give birth to children mainly having weight in 3 - 3.3 kg... To some extent, these numbers can be considered optimal for a newborn. With this weight of the baby, even with a narrow pelvis, a woman will be able to cope with a natural delivery. It will be easy for the child to pass through the birth canal and the number of possible complications, usually associated with the large weight of the child, can drop to a minimum. Therefore, even during pregnancy, it is necessary to control the weight of the unborn baby, for example, using the results of an ultrasound scan, where the device automatically determines the weight of the fetus. Gaining weight in a pregnant woman can also inform about a possible problem associated with a large fetal weight. A gynecologist will tell you what kind of nutrition will help you maintain balance and gain the number of kilograms that fit into the established norms.

weight table (click to increase)

If the child was born prematurely, or these are children from twins, then in this case the weight of the newborn child will be below normal, but this can be called a pathology only when the underweight is critical and does not show a positive development trend. These babies usually gain weight during the first year of life and may even surpass their peers who were of normal weight at birth.

Heredity is also an important factor. If at least one of the parents at birth had a "heroic" weight, then most likely, the children in this family will be born large. If both parents are low in weight and have a short stature, the baby will be born to match them - tiny and not exceeding the optimal weight bar.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

If the child is not gaining weight well

It happens that a newborn does not gain weight well during the first four weeks after birth. Normally, a baby should gain in the first month of life from 500 g to 1.2 kg. If the figure is even slightly less than the lower norm, parents should sound the alarm. The sooner you identify the cause of the underweight, the faster you can make a decision and fix the situation. It's about your child's health. Factors influencing low weight gain in the first month of life can be:

  • Malnutrition... The child receives a small amount of food and he simply has nowhere to take calories and increase weight. Make sure you apply to the breast correctly, hear the throat when feeding. Give your baby breast at the first request. If you are not breastfeeding for medical reasons, make sure that your baby is getting enough formula and that you do it exactly as instructed. -
  • Mother and baby stress... If the family has a dysfunctional environment, oppression, the mother is exhausted and forced to do a lot of home and other work, the child does not receive enough attention and care, often cries, and is constantly in a state of anxiety. All this affects a significant underweight. If you want your baby to grow up healthy, provide him with comfort and satisfy his emotional need to communicate with you. Have you noticed that in orphanages most children have a small thin physique? This is not due to the fact that they are malnourished. This is due precisely to the emotional perception of the world, with the lack of love of a loved one.
  • There are some health problems... If you have the slightest suspicion of a violation of your child's health, be sure to inform your local pediatrician about it - it is better to play it safe once again.
  • Nursing mother smokes- it also affects weight loss in newborn babies (

To get the answer to all the questions, you need to know that there are two important indicators: the height and weight of the child, which characterize the physical development of the child. Very often, young mothers get upset and ask:

How much weight should the child gain?

Each child gains weight differently. A baby who is born after 38 weeks of gestation is considered full-term. The average weight of a full-term baby for boys is considered the norm not more than 3.5 kg, for girls 3.2 kg.
These are average figures if a child's height is within 45-54 cm. In recent years, the birth of "large" children, weighing up to 4 kg, has been observed. and more. Immediately after birth, the baby loses weight, during the first week, about 5-8% of the initial weight, which is usually 170-280 grams.

Further weight gain should be on average in this ratio:
- in the first month - 115-120 grams per week,
- from 1 to 6 months 450-900 grams per month,
- from 6 to 12 months 450 grams per month.

Why isn't her baby gaining weight?

After all, she endlessly fed, looked after her baby, and his weight during this time did not increase at all.
The correct answer to these mothers is this: a baby himself knows how much he needs to gain in weight. When it is applied to the breast, it only sucks until it is full. And if there is not enough milk, then he begins to demand crying or begins to suck his fist.

Also, many mothers, if their child does not gain weight, are interested in the question: is she feeding the child enough?

The reasons why a child is not gaining weight can mainly be the following:
- malnutrition is relevant only in the early period the life of the child until lactation is established. Whether enough milk is enough for the baby can be determined by the number of wet diapers and the emptying of the baby, the condition of the breast.

- lack of nutrients in milk... Breast milk, according to its composition, is so-called "front" milk and "back" milk. "Front" milk is liquid, less nutritious, it accumulates in the breast in the intervals between feedings, and "back" milk is thicker and fatty, it is produced during the sucking period.

- inept breastfeeding and addition of complementary foods... To date, it has been established that the child must be applied to the breast at least eleven times a day, and must also be fed at night. Correct application stimulates milk lactation.

- improper child care... For example, massaging your baby while nursing can help the baby lose weight.

- dysbacteriosis, the appearance of teeth and other diseases. Non-sterile nipples of the mother, feeding the baby can cause a violation of the intestinal microflora, respectively, the deterioration of the child's stool and weight loss. Also, when a child's teeth begin to cut, his appetite usually deteriorates and he does not gain weight. When a child is sick, he may even lose weight.

- mental state of the child... If a child does not sleep well, cries constantly, or is physically active too much, then naturally he may not gain weight.

- hereditary physique... There are children who normally gain less weight than others. These are children of ectomorphic constitution, mostly thin and long. They spend more calories on growth than on weight gain. Also, children of small parents may lag behind in weight gain compared to children of normal parents.

Has the baby sucked enough milk?

Pediatricians believe that if a baby is getting enough milk, this can be seen in several main indicators:
- usually 6-8 wet diapers have to be changed a day after the first 3 days of life.
- for changes in stool,
- by breast fullness before feeding and after feeding. If the breast is tight before feeding, and after feeding it is empty, and milk flows during the breaks, then these are signs of sufficient milk production.
- on the external signs of the child, how he sucks and how satisfied he looks. If a baby sucks vigorously and you can see him swallowing milk, and after feeding he falls asleep enough, then, apparently, he is getting enough milk.

Of no small interest for mothers who are concerned about the problems of their baby's weight is also the answer to the question:

There are special formulas for calculating baby's weight:

The weight of children from 6 months to 12 months is calculated according to the formula:
Birth weight (in gr.) + (800 × 6) + (400 (child's age (in months) - 6)). = Weight (in gr.)

For example, a girl at birth weighed 3500 g, how much should she weigh at 9 months? Calculate by the formula: 3500 + (800 × 6) + (400 × (9 - 6)) = 3500 + 4800 + 1200 = 9500
This means that a girl's weight at 9 months should be at least 9.5 kg.

For children under 6 months, the formula looks like this:
Birth weight (in grams) + (800 × baby's age (in months)) = baby's weight (in grams)

For example, a boy was born with a weight of 3200 grams, after two months his weight is 4900 grams. Is it a lot or a little?
We count by the formula: 3200 + (800 × 2) = 4800. Everything is fine, the baby is gaining weight well.

If, nevertheless, systematically every month your baby's body weight increases abnormally, then you need to find out the reasons for this:

And the last advice, if it turns out that it is not in your power to fight the lack of weight gain in the child, you need to go to the clinic to see a pediatrician. In addition to weight, height, chest and head volume, they also pay attention to the development of hand motor skills, which is expressed in holding the toy, in the exact movements of the hand and fingers, in shifting the toy from one hand to another, in the baby's ability to take small objects.

Also, do not forget that the weight of the child at each weighing depends on the fullness of his stomach, bladder or intestines.

Return to the table of contents of the section ""

... The baby should add an average of at least 600 g per month (counting from birth weight), or at least 150 g per week. The increase may be uneven by months: for one month 1000 g, for another - 500 g, but on average, the norm should still be obtained: (1000 + 500): 2 = 750 g. The optimal monthly increase is 800 g. After 5-6 months, the rate of increase is decreasing (especially if the child has already created a "reserve" for himself, adding more than 1 kg every month). In this case, the baby can add 300-400 g per month. Weight by 1 year should be at least 10 kg.

Deficiency in body weight (average monthly gain of less than 600 g) is called hypotrophy or paratrophy. The greater the lag, the higher the degree of hypotrophy. For example, if a child was born with a weight of 3500 g, and at 3 months weighs 5000 g, then his weight deficit is 300 g, and this is a slight lag (hypotrophy of the 1st degree).

Weight loss, when the weight deficit is measured in kilograms (hypotrophy of the 2nd or 3rd degree), is already considered serious and requires mandatory medical advice and treatment.

There are three groups of causes for poor weight gain.

The first group of reasons: inadequate, unbalanced nutrition

Babies who are breastfed may simply not have enough mother's milk. Then the baby does not gain weight well, is restless, almost always hungry and does not withstand the minimum interval between feedings (2.5 hours). If there is a suspicion that there is not enough, the mother needs to carry out a control weighing, which will help determine the amount of the supplement mixture. If there is a shortage of breast milk, supplementary feeding is gradually introduced - an adapted formula, a breast milk substitute.

The lack of a balanced diet can also be associated with the late introduction of the mixture (the optimal time to start their introduction is from 4 to 6 months). The reason for an unbalanced diet can also be the unjustified use of poor therapeutic mixtures, such as hydrolysates (there must be very good reasons for taking them for a long time). If a child has an allergy, this does not mean at all that he needs to be starved, excluding dairy products. In 99% of cases of allergic reactions, a baby can be cured without canceling milk nutrition.

The second group of reasons: poor absorption of food in the gastrointestinal tract

Nutrition can be adequate and correct in quantity, but due to problems in the intestines, it is poorly absorbed. For example, lactase deficiency can slow down, and in this case it is necessary either to introduce the enzyme lactase, or to feed the baby with a low-lactose mixture. If a child has a lactase deficiency, but there is no lag in weight, then treatment is carried out without changing the nature of the diet. Some fermentopathies (eg celiac disease) also cause poor digestion. Usually, if the cause of poor weight gain is in the intestines, it is accompanied by a violation of the stool (most often it is liquid, frothy, copious, poorly digested) and abdominal pain. With such symptoms, there is only one advice - to consult a specialist.

The third group of reasons: metabolic disorders

If the nutrition is correct, balanced, the intestines work normally, but the absorbed food is poorly distributed throughout the body, the child may have problems with weight gain. In its correct distribution (metabolism), vitamins (for example, D) and amino acids (L-carnitine), which often need to be added, play an important role. Usually metabolic disorders are accompanied by a reduced appetite, often with them there is increased sweating, excitability, deformation of bone tissue. This group of disorders also includes some congenital conditions, such as hypothyroidism.

If the lag in body weight is significant and is accompanied by a lack of growth (to the point that the child does not add in length at all), you need to contact an endocrinologist and, possibly, a geneticist.

Andrey Sokolov
Yuri Kopanev


This article is complete heresy! Written as if according to the canons of the Soviet school of pediatrics - the author and know not to know about feeding on demand and other modern trends!

05/26/2018 21:57:55, Seraphima

10/21/2016 15:15:50, Yuliasch

my son was born with a weight of 4380 grams. Every month they added from 600-900 grams. Now we are six months old and the baby weighs 9 kg. The doctors say that everything is normal. Therefore, I believe that everything is individual

We also began to under-take from the 3rd month due to staphylococcus aureus. They began to eat porridge from the 5th month and everything returned to normal!

We were underweight, the doctor said to feed on porridge. We began to eat porridge from 4 months. We started with dairy-free VINNY buckwheat, low-allergenic with prebiotics without sugar. Each subsequent month, the weight began to approach the norm of 100 -150 grams. We are now 10 months old. And the weight returned to normal. We are already eating milk porridge.

Our daughter also has a bad appetite, I don't even know how and what to feed to increase her appetite

About the lack of milk - cool. There is no such thing (3% of women all over the world suffer from a true lack of milk). There are either lazy women who break into feeding at night, or those who do not know that for a successful hepatitis B need to be fed at night (for the production of lactation hormone - prolactin). Apply more often and you will be happy.

04/27/2011 09:14:49, Valia1712

I read it and did not endure anything useful for myself.
Although I opened it with great hope, tk. we have a bad increase. For half a year we have been adding less than 100g. per month. The child is active, grows and develops, the stomach does not torment, we already eat everything. I did not find the answer in our case.

Comment on the article "Poor weight gain in a baby"

How can you tell if a formula is right for your baby? The main criterion that the mixture is suitable for the baby should be the well-being of the child. If the baby is cheerful, sleeps well, gains weight and develops normally, then the selected mixture meets the needs of the baby. The mixture is not suitable if the child is irritable, moody, does not sleep well, cries for no reason, rashes appear on the face, trunk or limbs, the frequency and nature of the stool has changed. Sometimes, a change in diet can be the cause of constipation or ...

Introducing the first complementary foods According to current recommendations, the first complementary foods should be introduced at 6 months. It is possible to acquaint a baby with a new product only against the background of complete health. You need to start giving complementary foods with half a teaspoon, and then every day gradually increase the amount of the product to the age norm. You can start feeding your baby with vegetable puree or porridge. Porridge is more often recommended if the baby is not gaining weight well. If there are problems with stool, and the baby is prone to ...

Does the baby have enough milk? The main indicator of adequate nutrition is the weight of the child. In case of suspicion of a lack of milk, the baby should be weighed no more than once a week. Weighing more often (after each feeding or once a day) can mislead the mother. If there is enough milk, the child is full and he is healthy, then he adds: In the first month - 125-150 grams per week. During the second, third month - 150-200 grams per week. After three months, every ...

31-year-old actress, deputy of "United Russia" Maria Kozhevnikova gave birth to two sons with a difference of 1 year and 1 week. The youngest, Maxim, celebrated his first birthday a week ago. And the elder Ivan celebrated 2 years the day before, on January 19. Now a young mother and a former gymnast participates in the extreme show "Without insurance" - and tells how difficult it was to recover after two pregnancies and childbirth. "Frankly, it was difficult after two pregnancies in a row to put myself in order, and even more so ...


there is not enough data a little. what is the lower weight? weight gain since when did it start? eg if the bottom weight is approx. 3600, the set began from the second week, then the increase will be 550 grams in three weeks, and this is already the norm. for the last week 50 grams - and for the previous one? what is the weight now? hmm ... the battery hasn't run out in the scales? in principle, large children can add less, but there are, of course, limits of reason.
I would still do an ultrasound - heart, kidneys. to calm down (nevertheless, I think, if the pediatrician suggested anything of this kind, she would have already sent you to the ultrasound scan).
8 times a day - not enough, in theory. What happens if you offer a second breast in one feeding? How many times does he piss-poop? how active? Have you tried weighing the feeding? (not in order to be horrified and immediately feed on something, but simply if there is 150 grams at a time, then the point is to supplement? consultant and discuss the situation at least by phone). also: don't you add water?
In general, I would first think about the numbers, do the examinations, talk to a consultant, get tested, and then, in a couple of weeks, I would look at the situation.

Maybe the bridle is short?

Poor weight gain in the baby. If the food is correct, balanced, the intestines work normally, but the absorbed food is poorly distributed throughout the body, the child may have problems with weight gain.


Mine was born prematurely, the weight was 2640, now we are exactly 6 months old and the weight is exactly 7 kg, and the height of 64 is this normal?

07/01/2017 20:34:22, Suaybat

in general, it is considered from birth weight, BUT with a large loss, this addition must be taken into account. My eldest lost 500 grams for discharge, and ate 800 grams in the first month, i.e. actually 300 grams of birth weight. They tried to endure my brain, but not much. Moreover, often the main increase begins after 2-3 weeks of a child's life. So in almost 2 weeks, you can still eat sooo much. Try to feed more often, during sleep, or so. They will help you with this in the conference on GV

Poor weight gain in the baby. Poor weight gain in the baby. What if the baby is not gaining weight well? Print version. 3.5 5 (108 ratings) Rate the article.


Take off the diaper and count the pee-peers - if there are more than 8-10 of them per day, then there is enough milk. Although it may not have been enough before, but now everything has returned to normal and it’s not a matter of milk at all. it's not so difficult, just for one day, but you will know for sure. Just "pee pampers" do not say anything.
If there are less than 8 peeses, then there is not enough milk. The best way to increase lactation is to close all the cases, lie on the bed with re and feed-feed-feed.
Good luck!

I really want to support you, we ourselves were in the same situation. You have written correctly about frequent attachments, but there is one trick: if the child is not gaining weight well, then he does not have enough fatty "back" milk. Therefore, give the same breasts for two hours, then change. If you give both breasts in one feeding, then the first is at least 15-20 minutes (preferably half an hour), then the second until it falls off. And I also read the prayer "Our Father" for every feeding. By six weeks, things were all right. My daughter is now three months old, and is still spitting up a lot, but this is not scary, it does not interfere with gains. The main "back" milk!

05/05/2009 18:44:30, Mom is at home again

Poor weight gain in the baby. Poor weight gain in the baby. What if the baby is not gaining weight well? Print version. 3.5 5 (108 ratings) Rate the article.


I subscribe to what was said about the fact that weight is gained in jumps. Stop looking at the scales! I myself sometimes sin with this. And it turns out as you have already written above: 2 weeks an increase of 0, and then in 3 days 500 g appears from somewhere.
At the 3rd month, we also had very profuse regurgitation, it seemed to me that half of it was regurgitating. They checked for intracranial pressure - everything turned out to be normal. At the 4th month, profuse regurgitation stopped as suddenly as it began. The increase was then 500 g per month. We have a very good doctor, she said that this is all within the normal range, we continue to feed on demand and recruit well.
For God's sake, do not listen to your pediatrician: from an artificial break in feeding (3 hours) and the baby will suffer, and your milk will become less. So in a month you will be advised to supplement, and then generally transfer to a bottle. Mom's milk is digested very quickly! Recommendations to take a break in feeding for 3 hours are intended for artificial people, because the mixture takes a long time to digest and you can really overfeed it! (Of course, my advice does not apply to cases of physiological differences in the structure of organs, as in the example with the gallbladder).
If you still want the increase to be more, better, IMHO, take the child to your bed, let him sleep with you and suck as much as he wants. You will immediately notice the difference (although, of course, it will be worse to get enough sleep at first).

oh, I had the same problem with my daughter (I really hope that this will not happen again with the second baby). The first 2 months were gaining very well, and from the 3rd month the weight gain began to decrease significantly (for example, in the 3rd month we gained only 410 grams, and for 5 and 6 months together only 460 grams), it scared me very much, although the volume of daily feedings was normal. And from the third month all this began to be accompanied at first by profuse regurgitation, and then generally by vomiting. The older the more. In general, in the end (after the examination in Semashko, and before that we visited a dozen paid gastroenterologists in different clinics and the result of the prescribed treatments was zero), we found that the child had an irregular gallbladder from birth as a result of an irregular discharge of bile, which makes it difficult to digest food and hence the vomiting. The prescribed medications helped only while taking them, but when you finish everything all over again. In general, this problem ended only after 2 years, when the baby herself was able to determine how much to eat, as soon as she turned away from food, I stopped feeding her and vomiting became extremely rare. And so almost every day. So most likely your doctor is right and this is from overeating (the child does not have time to digest it). Do not despair everything will be fine.