Communication. Pictures communication of people At what age to start learning


Slides: 68 Words: 2573 Sounds: 0 Effects: 31

Communicative competence. Effective communication. Four dramas of communication. Problems in making contact. Communication barriers. communication signals. Establishing a trusting relationship. Modality. paralinguistic signals. First impression factors New acquaintance. Question formulation techniques. Expert zone. Active listening. Reformulation. Summary. Increasing voltage. Proposal for a specific exit. Technique of emphasizing the importance of a partner. Formulas for verbalization of feelings. Verbalization of feelings. Constructive criticism algorithm. Argumentation techniques. Logics. - Communication.ppt

Communication process

Slides: 28 Words: 352 Sounds: 0 Effects: 154

Approaches to the study of communication and activity. Activity. Think. The essence of communication. Communication. Communication. Dialogue. Types of exchange of views. Communication of real partners. Communication of a real subject with an imaginary partner. Communication functions. Information. - Communication process.ppt

Communication with people

Slides: 17 Words: 309 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Communicative (exchange of information) Interactive (interaction) Perceptual (perception and understanding of each other by people). The pattern of first impressions. The third stage is the development of joint feelings, relationships, experiences. Ways of communication. Don't forget the friendly expression on your face. Factors affecting perception. Business (applies only to work issues) Personal (friendly communication, about experiences, life). Don't be afraid to be the first one Ask the person questions Talk less yourself Answer every question asked? - Communication with people.ppt

Psychology of communication

Slides: 61 Words: 1006 Sounds: 3 Effects: 3

Social psychology of communication. Attention to the screen. Try to explain how and by what factors they are interconnected. Forms of communication. Communication. Communication is opposed to authoritarian and manipulative types. Psychological mood. Sharing various knowledge. Blitz is a question. Basic Law of Attraction. Rule of three pluses. The name of the interlocutor. Communicator. The second block of nine questions. Hand movement. Touch. Video clip. A collection of abilities. Ignoring. Look at the diagram. People's behavior. The ability to put forward and defend their ideas. Non-verbal manifestations of people. - Psychology of communication.ppt

Why do people communicate

Slides: 8 Words: 145 Sounds: 0 Effects: 38

What are the goals of communication and why people communicate. What can be called means of communication and what is important in communication? What is communication? Mutual, business and friendly relations of people. Why do people need to communicate? Be able to understand the person. - Why do people communicate.ppt

The world of human communication

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Special world. The world of communication. Be a good listener. Complex art. Ancient commandments. Communication. - The world of human communication.ppt

Manipulation in communication

Slides: 28 Words: 1168 Sounds: 0 Effects: 11

Communication. Communication methods. Communication manipulation. Baffling at the pace. Carthage. An apparent misunderstanding. Techniques for influencing business partners. Reception "mirror relationship". Reception "patient listener". Active listening techniques. Compliment techniques. Mimic. Sight. - Manipulations in communication.pptx

Communication between people

Slides: 75 Words: 4193 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Supportive communication. Communication. informal. Indirect. Confidence in important information. Trust in a person as a performer. Communication styles. "Spiritual". "Informational". "halo" effect. The effect of "projecting one's own properties onto other people." Negative behavior. Basic aspirations: I am good I am able I am loved I AM! Listen actively. I am the message. Thoughts are the world of feelings. The irrational attitudes of the leader are the source of conflict situations. Irrational judgments are divided into 4 main categories: Judgments of "should". If something scares or causes fear, always be on the alert. - Communication between people.ppt

Communication as understanding

Slides: 24 Words: 1361 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

The concept of communication. sides of communication. Communication as interpersonal interaction. Causal explanation of actions. Communication channels. Genuine interest in other people. Purpose of contact between health worker and patient. Somatogeny and psychogeny. Types of communication. intimate distance. Social distance. Life position and style of communication. - Communication as understanding.ppt

Activity and communication

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Communication as interaction

Slides: 13 Words: 559 Sounds: 0 Effects: 14

To get acquainted with the features of communication as interpersonal interaction. Two sides of interaction. Actions. systematic action. The reaction of the influencer. Physical contact. verbal contact. Interaction options. Task: You have to get acquainted with a certain type of interlocutor: Dominant interlocutor. Mobile interlocutor. Extrovert. Plan hint. Interactive communication with peers is important for youth, as: "Me and you." "Me and Society" Read item 32, answer the questions. - Communication as interaction.ppt

Real time communication

Slides: 24 Words: 477 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Actualization. Purpose: Communication. Model of communicative communication: Internet telephony. Interactive communication using systems. Program features: Less demanding on computer hardware resources. Skype. Possibilities. Program functions. "Which program do you prefer?". Conclusion. - Real-time communication.ppt

Communication as an exchange of information

Slides: 10 Words: 383 Sounds: 0 Effects: 34

Why do we communicate? (Communication functions). Regulatory-communicative (L.F. Lomov) / interactive (G.M. Andreeva) - regulation of interaction. The specifics of the exchange of information between people. Communicator. Message channel. Meaning. Feedback. Goals of communication intention. communication barriers. Goals of communication. Social (barriers caused by objective social reasons). Communication barriers (2). Incorrect pronunciation; Speech defects. unfamiliar language; abstract concepts; Unequal understanding of the situation of communication, etc. The scheme of the dialogue. Estimated positive. Estimated negative. - Communication as an exchange of information.ppt

The perceptual side of communication

Slides: 67 Words: 1990 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Communication. Three components of communication. communicative side. The concept of "perceptual function of communication". Mechanisms of interpersonal perception. Self assessment. Specificity of perception of social objects. Types of perception of another person. Psychological mechanisms of perception of other people. social stereotype. Scale. Image. Perception errors. effect of the superiority factor. Information sources. Stereotypes of evaluation by appearance. Projection. favoritism effect. Sources of perception. Attraction. Measurement of interpersonal attraction. Examples of questions for the study of personal relationships. Experiment "Computer dances". - Perceptual side of communication.ppsx

Social-perceptual side of communication

Slides: 17 Words: 895 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

The concept of social perception. Social perception and social cognition. The subject of perception. identification and empathy. Communication success. Fundamental attribution error. The effects of people's perception of each other. interpersonal attraction. - Social-perceptual side of communication.ppt

Communication barriers

Slides: 30 Words: 870 Sounds: 0 Effects: 1

Take everything I have from me. And soon I will have everything I had. The “barrier” of communication is… Barriers of interaction: Motivational barrier… Ethical barrier… Barrier of incompetence… Aesthetic barrier… Barrier of negative emotions… State of human health… … Caused by the interlocutor's desire to protect himself from you. Double barrier… Semantic barrier… Poor speech technique (phonetic barrier). Inability to listen ... ... Occurs when a person does not think about the priority channel for perceiving information. ... people with pronounced temperamental characteristics can be uncomfortable interlocutors. - Communication barriers.ppt

The joys and difficulties of communication

Slides: 11 Words: 169 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Answers to the tasks of card number 2. 1st group - communication of friends. 2nd group - communication between the student and the teacher. 3rd group - communication between parents and the child. 4th group - communication between the employee and the employer. 5th group - communication of strangers. Give examples: - Neatness; - restraint; - vigilance; -justice; - lack of will; - enterprise; - greed; - intelligence; - foresight; - good nature; - arrogance; - kindness; - slowness; - performance; - selfishness; - stubbornness; - honesty; - resourcefulness; - purposefulness; - diligence; - negligence; - sociability. - The joys and difficulties of communication.ppt

Communication and interpersonal relationships

Slides: 11 Words: 348 Sounds: 0 Effects: 22

Basic concepts: communication interpersonal relations conflict situation behavior strategy. Friend - ... Legality - ... Kindness - ... What feelings did the characters have? The boy was well dressed on a weekday. Finally Tom said: - Do you want me to beat you? - Well, try it. The need for human communication. Culture of communication. Conflict is a serious disagreement. Ways to resolve conflicts. Rules that make people like you. Rule 2: Smile. Rule 5. Talk about what interests your interlocutor. - Communication and interpersonal relationships.ppt

Communication at school

Slides: 31 Words: 2496 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Diagnostic results. Low level of aggressiveness. Psychogeometric typology. Assessment of life goals. Character features. Conducting a conversation. psychotherapeutic function. Emotional and personal appeal. Collaboration position. Description of facts. Behavior change. The door to the office. Creating an atmosphere of psychological support. D. Carnegie. - Communication at school.ppt

Teen communication

Slides: 14 Words: 742 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Leader- (English Channels of leadership. Charisma Kindness Empathy Morality. Character traits of a teenager leader. Becoming a personality. Features of communication and leadership of younger teenagers. Types of leader. Sociometry of leadership (March 2008). Leader-organizer. Conclusions. - Communication of teenagers.ppt

Communication and fashion

Slides: 16 Words: 938 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Research. Interaction among teenagers. Need for communication. informal groups. Fashion. Social poll. Hobbies. - Communication and fashion.pptx

Communication in the organization

Slides: 27 Words: 1143 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Rationale. Organizational communication system. The main goals and functions of communication. Impact on mental state. Ascertaining information. Forms of organization of joint activities. Perceptual function of communication. Features of interpersonal perception. The essence of the "halo" effect. projection effect. Read the situation. Exploitation of the inequality error. Methodical methods. - Communication in the organization.ppt


Slides: 29 Words: 860 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Theory of communication in the system of sciences. Communication as an object of research. Laws and categories of communication theory. Methods of communication theory. Communication as an object of scientific study. General Theory of Communication. The subject is universal in natural, social and technical systems of information exchange. Communication. Speech activity. Information. Information exchange. Information tool. Impact of information. New scientific directions for the study of information. Communication and communication. General scientific Modeling Comparison method System approach Comparative-historical approach. Private scientific Sociological method Communicative-interpretative method. - Communication.pptx

Types of communication

Slides: 25 Words: 1264 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Terms. Information exchange and transfer processes. Low context cultures. Communication style. Artful style. instrumental style. non-verbal messages. non-verbal forms of communication. Sensory. Communication zones. paraverbal communication. culture. - Types of communication.ppt

Communication process

Slides: 33 Words: 2607 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Basic concepts and principles of communication. The purpose of the communication process is to ensure the understanding of the information that is the subject of analysis. Types of communications. Principles of effective communication. Supportive and innovative communication. External supportive communication. External innovation communication. Information in the broadest sense means a message. The physical filter (syntactic filter) has a given bandwidth. The pragmatic filter evaluates the usefulness of the data. The basis of management is decision-making, which is based on the use of information. - Communication process.ppt

Communication skills

Slides: 18 Words: 1382 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Pedagogical research "Methods of developing students' communication skills in extracurricular activities." What is the social order today? The goal of the OS "School 2100" is the formation of a functionally literate personality. Object of study: the area of ​​formation of students' communication skills. Student survey. What is communication for? Are you ready for successful interaction in another team? Survey results. Elective course "Creating a travel essay". Cooperation with the media ("Buyskaya Pravda", "Buy Segodnya", the school newspaper "Pozitiff"). The results of the course were summed up by the students themselves. - Communication skills.ppt

mass communication

Slides: 20 Words: 881 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Definition of MK. Differences between MI and interpersonal communication. Three sides of communication in MK. Socio-psychological mechanisms of influence. Suggestive psychotechnologies. Manipulation. Manipulative technologies in MK. Media persuasion. Probability model of conscious information processing. peripheral variables. - Mass communication.ppt

Suggestion to the people by means of art

Slides: 7 Words: 550 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

V.M. Bekhterev. One example of such historical exploits of the masses, inspired by one common idea, is the capture of the Bastille and the rebuff on the borders of France of the European troops that surrounded the latter during the Great Revolution. the importance of suggestion as a condition contributing to the unification of individuals into large societies. - Suggestion to the people by means of art.pptx


Slides: 17 Words: 662 Sounds: 0 Effects: 144

Content. Types of groups Representations about the "primitive" group Representations about the team. Group. Small Informal (informal) Stable Spontaneous Contact. Small and large Conditional and real. Informal. The “device” of a primitive group. Rigidly defined hierarchy - the role is once and for all set in this way: The lowest form of group organization of people. Authority Courage Exceptional ferocity Cunning. SO: Winged-approximate Toady-sycophant Led-jester Winged-dissatisfied. The most frail Cowardly The least savvy. Role-playing game "Bad Company". The lines are improvised by the participants during the game. - Group.pps

Group psychology

Slides: 9 Words: 316 Sounds: 0 Effects: 52

Development of the subject of research in social psychology and cultural-historical psychology. Thesis No. 1 (Gestalt psychology). The group as a whole; Thesis No. 3 (Gestalt psychology). Thesis No. 4 (social psychology). Lots of directions. The influence of the group on individual behavior; Thesis No. 5 (social psychology). Leadership. (Relate to the subject "laws of life in a group"). Conditions for personal development; What is development? Conclusion: Social Psychology:-

Communication of people it is always the interaction of their leading egregors, which can be carried out in different ways, but is always associated with mutual study. The man wants this... their egregores. First, this is a mutual viewing, egregors get to know each other and "sniff" for possible joint actions, then, if the interaction of people becomes closer, egregors through them sort out their relationship (sometimes antagonistic), and sometimes unite and work together. And yet, despite...

Communication of people happens not only for the sake of creating some kind of relationship, or the exchange of information, but very often for the sake of normalizing one's energy balance. ... those associated with the higher chakras regulate the functions of the three lower chakras, making their functions adequate to the circumstances in which the person finds himself. At communication of people the amount of more subtle energy-consciousness belonging to higher chakras decreases, starting from the Anahata-chakra, then the vital energy of Muladhara and Svadhisthana is spent ...

Dialogue. Formerly art communication came down only to telling us about how to influence of people how to manipulate society. But thanks to television, the Internet and other means communication People become much more... Although many do not understand this. At this stage, the only way to interest of people and use them, it's efficient communication. And now efficiency communication depends not so much on the knowledge of technologies for manipulating people, but on increasing personal competence ...

Have children, and so on and so forth. But possessing does not mean communicating. On the contrary, to possess means to destroy any possibility communication. IN communication no place for possession, communication shows respect. Communication- showing great respect. IN communication People open, closely approach each other, penetrate each other. But no one encroaches on the freedom of another, each remains an independent individual. Family relationships...

Total textual information, then there are static graphic images in the form pictures and page design, then - everything else: video, audio ... by a person in some form and decoded by others. For this kind communication characteristic: the lack of synchronism in the exchange of information, the non-guaranteed receipt of it by the interlocutors and, what ... to think about your own words is not always in a hurry. * What is written must be understood by others People to which the text is addressed. Otherwise, there is no point in writing. Better if the point is clear...


The tonal contains map peace, i.e. a list of everything known, things, concepts, etc., which have their own verbal designation. Since childhood this map grows, acquiring new concepts ... the world and the individuality of a person. Personality is the sum of habits, skills, means communication helping to live in peace and society. If you move to another country... Tonalem means to be aware of everything that happens on the island of Tonalya. Many People live unconsciously, as if in a dream, dream, dream automatically, condemn...

Plato's phrase: "Education is the assimilation of good habits" does not lose its relevance to this day. A well-bred kid behaves confidently in any situation, it is pleasant to play and communicate with him. A child with good manners, becoming an adult, will retain communication skills that will help both in family life and in the work team. Therefore, it is advisable for parents who have the goal of raising a successful person to know the rules of etiquette for children.

From this article you will learn

Types of etiquette

Etiquette is a manifestation of a culture of communication, unwritten rules of behavior in society, depending on the form of activity and the situation. It is clear that the code of conduct concerning good manners for children contains fewer points than the adult code of propriety. And yet, from a young age, it will be great to acquaint the child with the following types of etiquette:

  • Day off, prescribing good manners in public places for leisure activities - parks, museums, cinemas.
  • Guest, revealing the principles of hospitality and behavior at a party.
  • Passenger - rules of etiquette in public transport.
  • Speech, providing verbal communication at the proper level.
  • Telephone etiquette, which prescribes how to competently conduct a conversation on the phone, communicate through messages and emails.
  • Family etiquette contains a set of rules of conduct between family members.
  • Canteen, relating to good manners during meals.
  • Educational, prescribing how one should behave in various educational institutions.

All of the listed types belong to such a type of etiquette as general civil. Parents belonging to a certain denomination teach their children additionally the rules of behavior in temples. An older child can be told that adults still observe the rules of military, marriage, state, business and diplomatic etiquette.

This is interesting! Even animals have their own rules of behavior. Monkeys belonging to the family of common marmosets have developed a kind of speech etiquette. Being in a flock, they do not interrupt each other with shouts, but let the opponent speak.

At what age do you start training

A gross violation of the generally accepted rules of etiquette by society is still condemned. Of course, an ill-bred kid will be given a discount on age, but the sediment from the parents and their opponents will remain. Therefore, the sooner you instill good manners, the better. But you should start not with lessons and notations, but with an analysis of your own behavior. The kid will learn exactly the parental model of communication.

Already in infancy, the child is able to determine with what intonation they are addressed. By showing courtesy, tact and goodwill in dealing with the baby, parents can be sure that the child uses these qualities in return. The intonation of an adult can also indicate the unacceptable behavior of the child.

When the baby is one year old and the vocabulary begins to replenish, it is worth entering polite words into it, such as “thank you”, “good morning”, “goodbye”.

At two years old, the child will be delighted with the encouragement for beautiful and clean clothes, a neat appearance. Three-year-olds, when playing, simulate situations in which good manners are manifested: laying a puppet table, playing guests, a trip, going to the cinema. At three years old, the baby can master the necessary hygiene skills.

At the age of six and older, it is acceptable to attend seminars and lessons in schools to teach good manners. Teachers, seeking to instill moral qualities, dedicate a classroom hour, a parent meeting to the rules of etiquette. For children of any age, cartoons are an actual form of education.

This is interesting! The Dutch thinker, scientist and philosopher Erasmus of Rotterdam was the first to set out a code of conduct for boys in his treatise On the Decency of Children's Morals. The manuscript described in detail the rules of conduct at the game and in society, hygiene standards, and much more.

Greeting rules

Hello, good afternoon (evening, morning) - this is how communication begins. Often a greeting sets the general tone for the entire conversation or lays the first impression when meeting. The form and tone of the address matters, therefore, it is necessary to teach the baby to greet correctly from an early age. A few simple rules will help:

  • Well-bred children do not expect greetings from others, but are the first to greet, especially with older people.
  • The greeting must be answered.
  • Polite words at a meeting should be pronounced loudly and clearly, but shouting at the top of your lungs is indecent. If a familiar person passes in the distance, it is enough to say hello with a nod of the head or a slight wave of the hand.
  • The location and goodwill will cause a sincere smile and warm intonations in the voice during the greeting. Dry tone and rough speech, on the contrary, will repel you.
  • When meeting, it is customary to shake hands, bow your head or bow slightly as a sign of respect. It is indecent to look away, uttering polite words, to keep your hands in your pockets.
  • The kid needs to be explained that if the parents greet someone, then he needs to do it too. Entering a room where there are several people: in a group or class, during a trip to visit, you need to greet everyone loudly. When visiting, the hosts are the first to greet.

Etiquette for girls and boys is practically the same. Difference when shaking hands: men (and boys) need to remove the glove. Women, girls and girls are the first to give a hand during a greeting at will.

Important! Often, when meeting, acquaintances try to hug or kiss in a friendly way. Such receptions are permissible only among relatives or close people. It is unacceptable to hug someone else's child.

Phone conversation

Children start using a stationary device from the age of five, answering calls, and the first smartphone is often bought for first-graders. Good phone manners are as follows:

  • You need to start a telephone conversation with a greeting, end with a farewell.
  • Talking loudly on the phone, the child can cause displeasure of others.
  • In some situations or in organizations where, according to the rules, it is impossible to talk on a smartphone - in the classroom, in church, shops and banks - the phone is turned off.
  • In circumstances where it is not possible to talk, the phone call should be answered and a promise to call back later. It is imperative to fulfill the promise later.
  • If there was a dialing error, you should apologize.
  • SMS-correspondence must be conducted correctly.
  • You cannot answer calls from an unknown number.

Etiquette for children of school age: calling before 8 am and after 9 pm is impolite, the exception is an urgent, urgent call. If one of the family members called on a landline phone, there is no need to ask unnecessary questions and chat idly. If a loved one is absent, you need to ask what to give him.

Rules of conduct at school

In addition to the general requirements for students: do not be late, do not leave the institution during lessons, follow the recommendations of the manual - the child must:

  • Be kind and respectful to other students and teachers.
  • Greet the teacher while standing.
  • Do not talk, eat or do other things during the lesson.
  • If you need to answer or leave, you should call the attention of the teacher by raising your hand.
  • Turn off your cell phone during class.
  • Be calm during change.

Etiquette at the table

The sooner the little one sits down at a common table, the better. Mom can help the baby learn good manners from the cradle. To do this, at the initial stage, it is necessary to beautifully and correctly set the table, attracting the baby to help, help him act competently during meals, and follow the rules of hygiene. The child needs to learn that good table manners are not only beautiful, but also safe: eating in a hurry, you can choke.

Two-, three-year-old baby needs to know the following rules:

  • Before eating, be sure to wash your hands, wish those present a pleasant appetite.
  • Sit straight at the table, do not put your elbows on its surface, do not sway in a chair, do not talk with food in your mouth, do not slurp and do not indulge.
  • Spitting food is unacceptable even for babies.
  • Use cutlery, properly hold them in your hands. They eat meat with a knife; soft food: fish, meatballs, aspic - break off with a fork. Touching the side dish with your hands is a bad form.
  • Dirty hands are cleaned only with a napkin or rinsed. Lips are also blotted with a napkin.
  • It is ugly to reach for a dish across the table, it is better to ask to pass it.
  • Be sure to thank the person who prepared the food.

Important! It is better to learn the rules of behavior at the table before kindergarten.

Away etiquette

To behave decently in a strange house means:

  • Don't come uninvited.
  • Buy a gift for the owners as a token of attention: something for the table or from household items.
  • Upon entering the house, say hello to all household members.
  • Do not touch or disturb pets without permission. Do not pick up interior items.
  • Do not criticize repairs, furnishings, refreshments, even behind your back.
  • Behave calmly and modestly, keep up the conversation.
  • Stay away for no longer than a certain period.
  • Be sure to thank for the food and welcome.

If the child invited friends to his place, he should:

  • Think over a treat, topics of conversation and games, which cartoon to put on for viewing by the whole company.
  • Call in advance if a family celebration is expected.
  • Give attention to all guests so that they do not get bored.
  • Thank you for coming.

There is no need to show bad mood to others.

In the theatre

Starting from 3-5 years old, the baby can be introduced to cultural events: taken to the theater, to concerts, celebrations and open-air holidays. Before the trip, the child should be explained how it is customary to behave in such places and why to do it:

  • Choose an outfit that matches the event.
  • In order to avoid being late, leave early, scheduling time for changing, putting yourself in order and visiting the wardrobe.
  • If tickets are purchased for seats located in the center of the row, it is better to seat yourself in advance so as not to disturb other spectators.
  • Hats, especially voluminous and high ones, must be removed.
  • It is indecent to make noise, talk, including on the phone, eat food.
  • Carriers of an infection transmitted by airborne droplets, it is better to return tickets and stay at home.
  • Littering and spoiling interior items is bad manners and a sign of a lack of conscience.
  • Actors and singers do not need to sing along. It disturbs other viewers.

Important! It is advisable for parents to choose an activity that is interesting for a small child. Otherwise, he will be capricious and spoil the holiday not only for his parents, but also for those around him. You should leave at the first manifestations of discontent in the crumbs.

In public places

On the street or in transport, knowledge of the basics of etiquette and communication rules is necessary not only for reputation, but also for safety. Of the most important norms of behavior in public places and transport, it is worth teaching a child:

  • Knowledge of the basic rules of the road.
  • Shows of courtesy - to skip first getting out of the vehicle, then women and kids ahead.
  • The fact that in crowded places you can’t push, litter and stain objects, enter vehicles with ice cream, pizza or other food. It is indecent to look at passengers closely, as well as to point a finger.
  • Give way to those who are more vulnerable.
  • Ride with animals, observing the rules for their transportation.

From the general rules of behavior in crowded places:

  • It is ugly to comb your hair, pick your teeth, blow your nose, sneeze and cough without covering your mouth with your hand or handkerchief.
  • Stomp, scream at the top of your voice, act up.
  • Unceremoniously interrupt the conversation.
  • Dress untidy, wear dirty shoes, especially for a girl.

Attention! Sitting down with a child on your knees on a seat in public transport, take care of the cleanliness of the clothes of those around you, especially if it is raining outside. Put bags on your baby's shoes or hold the legs with your hand so as not to stain those standing nearby.

Street etiquette

When going for a walk, tell your child what rules of behavior should be observed:

  • Candy and ice cream wrappers must not be thrown on the ground. Garbage should be in the bin, not in the playground.
  • Grass and flowers growing on lawns should not be trampled, as this nullifies the work of people involved in the improvement of the city.
  • When moving along the sidewalk in crowded places, you need to stick to the right side, you can not hurt passers-by and behave defiantly. If there is a need to stop for a conversation or rest, you should step aside, you should not interfere with the movement of the human flow.
  • If mom or dad went away, but asked to wait, in no case should you leave.
  • It is necessary to behave politely with others, but it is dangerous to communicate with strangers in the absence of parents.

Important! Conduct a safety briefing with your child. Ask a colleague or friend to play the role of a stranger, let him try to take the baby away when you are not around. Then tell the child if he behaved correctly and how to act in such cases.

How to behave in nature

For the harmonious development of the child, trips to nature are necessary. But even in the most deserted places: in the forest, on the coast, in the steppe - there are rules of conduct:

  • You can not go into the forest without adult accompaniment.
  • It is better to return from the hike before dark.
  • Collecting unfamiliar herbs, mushrooms or berries is not allowed. It is also forbidden to drink from forest springs and rivers.
  • Breaking branches, trampling grass, destroying anthills, catching birds, animals and insects for fun is barbarism.
  • Before hiking, you need to prepare: charge your mobile phone, take a supply of water and food, wear comfortable clothes and shoes, apply insect repellant.
  • It is necessary to protect all living things: garbage harms the ecosystem, fires destroy everything in its path. Therefore, you can not leave behind food and plastic waste, bottles, make fires. It is strictly forbidden to throw chewing gum on the ground: birds, grabbing it, may die.

Friendship Rules

Friendship is one of the most wonderful manifestations of communication. In order for the schoolchild and preschooler to develop a trusting circle of communication, teach the child the following rules:

  • Behave respectfully towards other people: do not ridicule, do not give nicknames, do not call names offensive words.
  • In case of a quarrel, try to understand and forgive a friend, in case of your own wrong, make peace first.
  • If a friend gave a thing for a while, you need to handle it carefully and return it on time.
  • It is unacceptable to snitch on your friends, but in case of danger, you need to seek help from adults.
  • A true friend does not envy success, but rejoices for loved ones.
  • It is not shameful to accept help or advice, but it is quite normal for friends.
  • It is not good to eat delicacies alone, being in company. Be sure to feed others.

How to give gifts

Choosing and giving gifts is an art. There is also a reminder for this case:

  • You need to buy a surprise, taking into account the preferences of the birthday man.
  • When making a gift with your own hands, you should do the craft carefully, using the best materials.
  • Giving money to a baby is not the best option. It is worth looking for something that will surely please him.
  • You can give animals, birds and fish only with the consent of the parents of the birthday man.
  • Before delivery, you need to remove the price tag from the purchase and pack it beautifully.

Books on etiquette

Books will be of great help in comprehensively teaching a child good manners. Their list is large, there are many modern, well-illustrated publications for children of any age. For the smallest, one-year-olds and three-year-olds, Sergey Savushkin's essay “Bon appetit! For children from 1 year”, set out in mini-stories. And in the book "Polite Words" by Olga Korneeva, kids will find quatrains that will teach them how and when to say "thank you", "please", "hello".

The publication "Growing Cultural" is intended for children from four years old. With the help of exercises and classes, in addition to the formation of moral qualities, it develops logic, creative and speech activity.

Children a little older will be interested in Andrey Usachev's book "Etiquette for Children of Different Years", with bright pictures, presented in poetic form. A lot of books on children's etiquette, the children's poetess Galina Shalaeva.

The list of useful publications includes:

  1. N. Ivanova. ABC of etiquette for kids. 33 rules of good manners.
  2. V. Kudlachev and I. Fomenkova. Fairy Courtesy Advice.
  3. L. Vasilyeva-Gangnus. "ABC of courtesy".

This is interesting! For moms who want to fill in the gaps in the knowledge of good manners and become a real lady, there are many opportunities: webinars, e-books and manuals. Aerobatics - a visit to the Austrian School of Etiquette, where the teaching of good manners is carried out at the international level.

Poems about etiquette

The rules of etiquette and good manners, set out in verses that every preschool child loves to listen to, are as accessible an educational process as a play form. If the child behaves inappropriately, it is enough for the mother to remember the lines she liked, and the baby will understand what to do.

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