Determination of sex by date of conception calculator. Methods for determining the sex of the unborn child by the monthly cycle

The conception and birth of a child is an important stage in the life of any person. Many parents have clear preferences regarding the gender of the unborn baby. Some rely on chance, believing that it is impossible to predetermine whether a boy will be born or a girl. Others use a variety of ways to plan the sex of the child.

Method for determining the sex of the child by the date of ovulation

Of all the ways to plan the sex of the unborn child, the most scientifically sound is the method of calculating conception by the date of ovulation. You can calculate the sex of a child if you accurately determine the day of ovulation. You can also evaluate its effectiveness. The method is based on observing the behavior of sperm. It is believed that sperm with the XY chromosome set, from which boys are subsequently born, are more mobile than their counterparts with the XX karyotype, from which girls are born. When they all enter the body, it matters whether the egg is ripe for fertilization. If you want a son to be born in the family, it is advisable to schedule sexual intercourse during ovulation. The sperm will reach the egg faster, which means that the chance of conceiving a boy increases. If you want a daughter, you need to act a few days before ovulation. The male sperm will again reach the target faster, but the egg will not be ripe yet. When this event occurs, only sperm with a female set of chromosomes will be able to fertilize her. Planning the sex of the child in this way is possible only with an established regular menstrual cycle in a woman. It is imperative that tests are used before conception to determine the time of the onset of ovulation.

Nature is so established that the sex of the child depends on which sperm fertilizes the egg. As you know, sperm are of two types: carrying two X chromosomes and carrying one X and one Y chromosome. If the egg is fertilized by an XY sperm, after 9 months the happy parents will have a boy, if XX is a girl.

How to conceive a boy?

To ensure the maximum chances of conceiving a boy, it is necessary to create such conditions for the XY sperm to enter the egg. By their nature, "boy" sperm are more active. Therefore, they rush to the meeting with the egg with much more enthusiasm than the "girl" XX-spermatozoa.

It turns out that in order to provide a head start to "boys" XY-sperm, sexual intercourse should take place just on the day of ovulation - when the egg has already left the follicle and is ready for fertilization. To increase the chances of conceiving a boy, it is advisable to repeat intercourse the next day.

How to conceive a girl?

Despite the fact that "boy" spermatozoa are more active, at the same time, they are less tenacious. And they die much faster than the "girl" XX-spermatozoa.

Therefore, in order to maximize the chances of conceiving a girl, you need to plan intercourse so that it takes place a few days before ovulation (3-4 days). Thus, by the day when the egg is ready for fertilization, the "girl" XX-spermatozoa will already be waiting for it, in contrast to the "boy" survivors.

So how do you calculate the sex of your unborn child?

Everything written above can be "packaged" into a simple conclusion: if you want to conceive a boy, sexual intercourse must occur exactly on the day of ovulation or, in extreme cases, the day after it. If you want to conceive a girl, intercourse must take place a few days before ovulation (3-4 days).

Our calculator will help you calculate favorable days for conceiving a boy or girl... It's very simple: enter the start date of your last menstrual period, indicate the duration of the menstrual cycle and how many favorable periods you need to calculate:

Indicate the first day of your last period:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 January 31 February March April May June July August September October November 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Specify the length of your menstrual cycle (days):

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

How many periods to calculate:

How accurate is the Baby Gender Calendar?

As you already understood, the exact determination of the day of ovulation plays a key role in planning the sex of the baby. The formula of our calculator assumes that ovulation occurs in 14 days before the next menstruation, and further forecasts are based on this.

However, every woman is unique. And it is impossible to say for sure how much the life rhythms of each of us correspond to a certain average statistical value. This can be influenced by a great variety of conditions: ecology, nutrition, stress, regularity of the cycle, health status, etc. And if there are any differences from the "reference" values, the calculator will most likely be useless.

However, each woman can determine the day of the onset of ovulation by various signs: vaginal discharge, basal temperature, or using ovulation tests. Ovulation tests are the most accurate and are sold in every pharmacy. The strips that appear to the maximum on them will tell you that there are about 24-36 hours left before ovulation. At this time, the maximum concentration of luteinizing hormone is observed in the woman's urine - the strips react to it.

Japanese calendar for determining the sex of the future baby

One of the most common methods for determining the sex of an unborn baby is using the Japanese calendar. An ancient oriental wisdom says that the sex of a child depends on the month of birth of the father and mother, as well as the month of conception of the child. The calendar consists of two tables, which are very easy to use. First, you need to compare the month of birth of the mother and the father of the unborn child. At the intersection of a column and a row, you will see a secret number. You need to remember it and look at the second table. Here, at the intersection of each month and your secret date, the probable gender of the child is indicated. The Japanese calendar should be used before pregnancy. For example, if you and your other half are dreaming of a boy, estimate in which months of the year the probability of his conception is the highest and wait for the right time.

As a result, we find that the probability of conceiving a boy in October is much higher than that of a girl.

Folk omens when planning a baby's gender

When planning the sex of a child, many parents rely on folk methods and signs. For example, it is believed that a boy is conceived in hot weather, and a girl in cold weather. Popular wisdom says that the greater the age difference between the parents, the more likely it is to conceive a daughter. The gender of the child, according to folk signs, also depends on the frequency of sexual intercourse. After prolonged abstinence from sex, the likelihood of conceiving a son is high. Such methods of gender planning are not scientifically substantiated, but many parents-to-be use them in their attempts to conceive a boy or girl.

Signs indicating pregnancy with a daughter or son

In the old days, when there was still no ultrasound, midwives could determine the sex of the child by the size and shape of the abdomen, appearance and behavior of the expectant mother. They passed on their knowledge to their descendants, so now we can rely on some signs and signs. For example, when a boy is conceived, the abdomen is pointed, located low and protruding forward. When a girl is conceived, the growing tummy has a rounded shape. It is noticeable even from the back of the mother, because it sticks out from the sides, but does not stick out forward.

You can also determine the sex of the child by the mother's gastronomic preferences. If during pregnancy she eats a lot of meat, dairy, protein products, prefers spicy and salty foods, a boy was conceived. If the pregnant woman prefers sweets, flour, confectionery, the gender of the child is female.

If a pregnant woman actively grows body hair, this is the birth of a son. This sign can be explained scientifically, because the future son secretes male sex hormones into the mother's body. You can use these signs during pregnancy and assess their veracity.

Ways of conceiving twins

Some parents dream of twins. They are looking for ways to conceive twins. Science claims that the only method for planning a multiple pregnancy in advance is artificial insemination, but it does not give a 100% result either. Some women have a genetic predisposition to carrying and having twins. This probability increases in a generation. If twins were born to a pregnant woman's own grandmother, then these chances increase for her.

Knowing about the above methods of preliminary determination of the sex of a child, multiple pregnancy, you can prepare for bearing and giving birth to a long-awaited baby.

A conception table from the fortune teller Vanga to establish the sex of the heir or tables of predictions from Chinese healers can help in determining the sex of the unborn child.

The baby is in the womb for about 42 weeks, going through the stages from embryo to embryo. This period is divided into 3 periods of 3 months (trimesters). In relation to the accepted standards in the development of the fetus, intrauterine changes occur in each trimester, which make it possible to determine the timing and development of the child.

The entire gestation period is divided into the embryonic stage (embryonic) and the fetal stage (fetal).

The dependence of the birth of sons or daughters in a woman is in direct proportion to the chromosome set contained in the parental eggs. In male oocytes (sperm), the number of X and Y chromosomes is approximately equal, and only female oocytes contain X chromosomes.

Information with the sex of the unborn baby is immediately contained within the blastocyst (an egg that is already fertilized).

When diagnosing ultrasound, by the end of the 13th week of gestation, the sex of the embryo is determined:

  • From the 5th week, the internal and genital organs of the child begin to form.
  • At 6 weeks, the genitals become more defined. But ultrasound is not yet possible.
  • For the 7th week, the development of reproductive organs is characteristic: testicles or ovaries.
  • By the end of the 8th week, the development of the testosterone hormone, which is responsible for male sexual characteristics, begins.
  • The appearance of external sexual characteristics occurs at the beginning of the 10th week.
  • To determine the sex of the child, you can undergo an ultrasound examination already at the 13th week of pregnancy, having previously made an appointment.

What affects the gender of the baby

It is the father's sperm that has a great influence on the sex of the child. Male eggs (sperm) carry both the X and Y chromosomes. Up to 5 weeks, the embryo remains bisexual with signs of both sexes.

  • lack of sex in a man,
  • alcohol abuse,
  • smoking,
  • excessive passion for fatty and fried foods,
  • high body temperature.

Up to the 4th week of pregnancy, the embryo can "choose" whether to be born a boy or a girl, if he feels the influence of the strong feelings of the mother, physical exertion or illness.

Methods for determining the sex of the baby

In modern realities, there are 2 almost guaranteed ways to recognize the sex of a child. Fetal ultrasound is a method that is closer to real results. An experienced specialist with a probability of up to 95% will be able to establish the sex of the unborn child.

Chorionic biopsy is another safe method. Unlike ultrasound, a biopsy is prescribed only when there is a risk of hereditary diseases and genetic abnormalities. It is recommended to conduct this study at the 7th week of pregnancy.

The amniotic fluid is collected with a thin needle and its study reveals the presence or absence of chromosomal abnormalities. The method gives a 100% result in the diagnosis of the sex of the child. But it should be borne in mind that this procedure can cause physical harm to the health of the mother and child.

Calculating gender by parental blood group

The table of conception of the child's sex by the combination of parental blood groups is popular with 75% of couples. According to the blood group, parents can calculate the chance of conceiving a boy or girl even at the stage of planning pregnancy.

Each person has their own blood type from birth. There are 4 such groups. When certain blood groups are combined, the possibility of having a boy or girl increases.

Blood type Father
Mother I II III IV
I GirlBoyGirlBoy
II BoyGirlBoyGirl
III GirlBoyBoyBoy
IV BoyGirlBoyBoy

Calculation of sex according to the Rh factor of parents

According to the Rh factor blood table, some parents plan the gender of their unborn child. In 65 percent of cases, the method gives positive results.

Rh factor of blood

Female+ +
Man+ +

Floor calculation by the Budyanskikh method

The concept of the method is based on the woman's menstrual cycle and the date her mother became pregnant. If a woman is physically healthy, then her menstrual cycles are planned to last 28 - 30 days. A woman can conceive a boy in one menstrual cycle, and she can become pregnant with a girl in the next.

All women have their own system for regulating the sex of the child. It is inherited by the expectant mother for life from her maternal ancestors.

A woman can only become pregnant with girls in an even or odd menstrual cycle, and it also happens with the conception of boys.

The menstrual month, when the woman herself was conceived, for the subsequent pregnancies of this woman is female. The forthcoming month of conception is for boys, it is male.

The months of the calendar year differ from the months in the menstrual cycle by the number of days. In the calendar cycle of the year, there are always 12 months and December is an even month. There are 13 months in the menstrual cycle of the year, so December will be an odd month. Since even months and odd months should be replaced by each other, then such a calendar should be 2-year.

This 2-year calendar is also divided into an even and an odd year. The date of birth, month of conception and menstrual year according to the total should be indicated by the female calendar.

Calculating gender according to the Chinese calendar

For thousands of years, China has been using its own system for calculating the sex of the child. Both before conception and after it, using a table, it is easy to calculate what gender of the baby the expectant mother is wearing. The method is based on calculating the month of conception and the age of the mother at the stage of conception. According to this calendar, the probability of a boy or a girl appearing depends only on the woman.

The horizontal line of the table contains numbers from 18 to 45 - this is the age of the mother at the time of conception of the fetus. The vertical line of the table contains numbers from the 1st to the 12th - these are the months of the Chinese lunar year. The baby's gender can be seen at the intersection of the squares of the vertical and horizontal rows (M, D).

It should be borne in mind that the Chinese calculate the age from the moment of conception, and not from the moment of birth., and the matrix for determining the sex of the baby with the support of the Chinese calendar does not always give the correct result, if this feature is not taken into account.

The age at the time of the birth of a baby is already 9 months old, and on the 1st New Year's day, a baby born during the past year turns 2 years old.

Table for determining the sex of the child by the age of the mother:

Calculating the floor according to the Japanese table

The people of Japan have developed a universal method for calculating the sex of a baby. They compare the month of birth of the parents with the month of conception and predict the sex of the baby. The Japanese calendar is made up of 2 tables. In table 1, the couple indicates their dates of birth in horizontal and vertical lines and looks at the number at their intersection.

Japanese Conception Chart of Gender of the Child

The second table shows the transcript.

Calculating sex by date of conception (ovulation)

In the process of rupture of the follicle, the released egg moves into the fallopian tubes. This action lasts approximately 4 hours.

The period of vigor of the egg is a day, maximum two days, and only during this period of time can pregnancy occur. "Male" and "female" eggs have different properties. Male germ cells carrying the X chromosome have a life cycle of no more than 3 - 4 days, move at a low speed, and are larger in volume than their own "brothers" with a masculine principle.

Spermatozoa with a Y-chromosome are less than "sisters", their life span is no more than 2 days. But on the other hand, their superiority lies in speed, since sex cells with the X chromosome are the least mobile.

Ovulation occurs when a mature egg from the follicle is sent into the fallopian tubes for sperm fertilization. Only during the period of life of a mature female reproductive cell can there be the emergence of a new life.

Women have their own menstrual cycle, lasting an average of 28 days. In order to become pregnant with a girl, sexual intercourse is carried out 3-4 days before ovulation. By this time, all Y chromosomes have disappeared. If the birth of a boy is planned, sexual intercourse must take place in one day, or on the day of ovulation. The sperm rate of the "boys" helps to reach the egg first.

Method for determining the sex of the child Freiman-Dobrotin

The table of conceiving a baby's sex by the Freiman-Dobrotin method is quite complicated at first glance (therefore, it is worth keeping a calculator at hand), but it is considered one of the clearest. The letter "O" in the tables denotes the father, the letter "M" in the tables denotes the mother.

At first, in table O1 they look at where the lines intersect with the date of the father and the year of the baby's conception, and remember. All this is repeated in all 5 tables. All indicators from the tables are added. In the 6th table, they look at the final coefficient under the sum. Further, in tables M2, the number at the intersection of the lines of the mother's birth and the year of the child's conception is remembered.

All actions are repeated in the parent tables, and the final coefficient is viewed in the last table. Which of the pair has a higher coefficient figure, this gender will be the child. The girl should be expected even if the parental odds are equal to the number "0".

Determining the sex of the child by the age of the parents, the date of birth of the mother and father

The table of conception of the sex of the child based on the date of birth of the father and mother is based on the method of systematic updating of blood by date of birth. It is believed that male blood is subject to renewal every 4 years. In women, blood renewal occurs every 3 years. The sex of the child will correspond to the partner whose blood renewal was the last.

To calculate, it is necessary to divide the woman's age by 3, and the man's age by 4. The total number of one of the parents came out whole, which means that his blood was renewed later than the partner's, you can count on a child of the same gender.

The final number came out with a remainder - the winner is the parent whose remainder is less than... The final numbers after division are the same for both partners, which means that twins are most likely to be expected in the family.

Table for father

The table of conception of the sex of the child, developed by medical scientists, to determine the sex of the heir by the age of the dad, will help to cope with the problem of the predisposition of being born into the world in a family of only girls or only boys.

To use the scheme, you can refer to the instructions:

  1. The age of the father is selected (vertical).
  2. The month of conception is located (horizontally).
  3. Parents should expect the birth of a boy, if there is a month in the cell, but if there is no month in the cell, it is worth preparing for the birth of a girl.

Determination of the sex of the child according to Vanga

An example of how to use a similar scheme for determining gender has already been considered above. It is enough to find out the age of the mother and the date of conception itself (more precisely, the month). And find "M" or "D" for the intersection of the parameters.

The optimal age for the birth of a child, according to Vanga, is considered to be the age from 19 to 35 years. If the mother, for example, is 28 years old, and conception occurred in June, then at the intersection of the cells you can see the presumptive birth of a girl.

Is it possible to predict the sex of a child with 100% probability

Unfortunately, there is no 100% guarantee at the moment to tell future parents who they can pick up after birth: a boy or a girl. Even highly qualified ultrasound specialists will not be able to accurately determine the sex of the unborn baby.

For a number of inexplicable reasons, being in the womb, a child may not “show” his gender. And when examined with the apparatus until the 18th week, the genitals of boys and girls have a similar structure.

Pregnancy planning rules that will increase the likelihood of having a boy, girl

If a parent only needs a son or only a daughter, you can also try the tips below.

For the birth of a boy:

  • have sex more often: "sperm-boys" are more active, but live shorter;
  • not be stressed, drink soothing herbs;
  • reduce physical activity;
  • is in a cool room.

For the birth of a girl:

  • have less sex: "girl sperm" are less active, but live longer;
  • increase physical activity;
  • stick to a diet: fish, cottage cheese, fruits, honey;
  • use soda douching before sexual intercourse.

Article formatting: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: table of conception of the sex of the child

Table for determining the sex of the unborn child:

Is it possible to program the gender of a child when conceiving a child:

The expectation of a child is always considered a happy event; new sensations and emotions appear in a woman's life. The news of the imminent replenishment causes a lot of different feelings, one of the main experiences for many parents is associated with the sex of the unborn child. Nature is so laid down that it is impossible to immediately find out this information. For this reason, there are many methods, technologies, tables and signs designed to calculate the sex of a child. After all, one of the first questions that friends and acquaintances ask a pregnant woman: “Who are you waiting for - a boy or a girl?”.

Online calculator for calculating the sex of the child

Today there is a popular method of determination - this is an ultrasound scan. But this method shows reliable data only from the second trimester and only on high-quality equipment. The old device sometimes reflects inaccurate information, in addition, the doctor's experience must be taken into account.

You can use folk signs, for example, using a ring over the belly. Sometimes a woman relies only on her feelings, knowing for sure that she will have a daughter or a son. But the signs and your own intuition are not always reliable. It is impossible to rely on them in determining the sex of the baby.

What does our site offer? We can have a baby using a universal calculator for calculating the sex of a child. Why is he so unique? With it, you can calculate the sex of the child and identify the likelihood of having a boy or girl.

The calculator has collected several popular methods, the calculation of gender is based on technologies that are the most famous and have already proven themselves among women.

January February March April May June July August September October November December

O (I) Rh− O (I) Rh + A (II) Rh− A (II) Rh + B (III) Rh− B (III) Rh + AB (IV) Rh− AB (IV) Rh +

How to work with a child's gender calculator

For an accurate forecast, you need to enter the month in which conception took place, enter the dates of birth of the father and mother. And, importantly, the blood group of the parents is entered into the columns of the online calculator.

The result of the forecast is then displayed on the screen. If all methods showed the same information, then the probability of having a boy or girl is 100%. If the results of the methods differ, then the percentage probability of gender is reported. For example, 75% - a boy will be born, or 50% - a little princess may appear in the family.

Important: on our website you can check information about the future field for each specific method individually.

Calculator efficiency

Calculating the sex with the help of a calculator is trusted by people who have matched the calculations, and got one hundred percent hit. Some of the women got a vague result, but it is worth considering a small statistical error in the calculations.

Whether or not to trust the method, everyone decides for himself. The influence of a genetic factor on the formation of sex cannot be ruled out. So, deviations in the health and set of genetic information of one of the parents can affect the sex of the little man. There are families in which only boys are born or, conversely, only girls are born to a couple. Surely everyone is familiar with such examples.

It is understandable that the parents want to know the sex of the baby faster, sometimes women are interested in this issue already at the first ultrasound scan at 12 weeks. But sometimes you should not rush to the discovery, in some cases it is better to focus on pregnancy in order to give birth to a healthy baby. Treat the unborn child with love, an important event in his and his parent's life will soon happen - birth. The calculator of our site predicts the result, treat the calculations like a game and fun during pregnancy.

Determining the sex of the unborn baby is important for almost all couples. Sometimes this is due to idle interest, sometimes - hereditary diseases, which only men or women in the family suffer from. And if in the latter case it is better to take advantage of the achievements of modern medicine, then in the first one you can resort to the knowledge that people have been saving up for a long time and try to calculate the sex of the child yourself.

Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis to find out the sex of the unborn child

Used for IVF. The name reflects the essence of the method: before insertion, an embryo biopsy is performed and genetic diagnosis of the material obtained is carried out. The technique is expensive, it is not applied everywhere, but it allows you to be 100 percent confident in the health and gender of the child.

MicroSort system to find out the gender of the unborn child

It is used before insemination or IVF to avoid diseases inherited in the male or female line. Science has long known that the sex of a child is determined by the father: it all depends on the type of sperm that has fused with the egg. The principle of the method is to sort the sperm into X- and Y-carriers ("female" and "male") and the subsequent fertilization of the egg with sperm of a certain group.

Credibility: 90 percent for a girl and 73 percent for a boy.

Invasive methods for diagnosing the sex of the unborn child

It is possible to determine the sex of the unborn child with one hundred percent accuracy using procedures such as:

  1. Cordocentesis - puncture of the uterus, sampling and examination of fetal umbilical cord blood. Produced no earlier than 18 weeks of gestation.
  2. Amniocentesis is a puncture of the uterine wall, taking and subsequent examination of amniotic fluid. It is done between 15 and 21 weeks of pregnancy.
  3. Chorionic villus biopsy - sampling and examination of chorionic villi, the DNA of which is identical to that of the fetus. Produced at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy.

All invasive procedures are expensive, involve a risk, up to spontaneous abortion, and are prescribed in exceptional cases.

Ultrasound examination to find out the sex of the unborn child

It is possible to recognize the sex of the child on ultrasound not earlier than 14-16 weeks of pregnancy, but even at this time, the error is quite large. Mothers are often told already at the first screening the sex of the child, but at this time it is rather an assumption. Experienced uzists believe that modern equipment can reliably determine the sex of the fetus for a period of 20 weeks or more. Also, sometimes it is impossible to determine the sex due to the specifics of the location of the fetus in the mother's womb.

Scientific ways to find out the gender of the unborn child

Ovulation method to find out the sex of the unborn child

Determining the sex of a child by the date of conception is based on the differences between spermatozoa carrying different types of sex chromosomes.

X-carriers are larger, tougher, more tenacious, but slower. Y-carriers are nimble, but die relatively quickly, especially in an acidic vaginal environment.

Fertilization takes place at ovulation. If coitus occurred 3-4 days before it, then by the time the oocyte leaves the follicle, the Y-carriers will die and the slow-moving X-carriers will reach the target. It is also recommended to choose shallow sex positions to increase the chance of conceiving a girl. If intercourse took place the day before or during ovulation, then the fast Y-carriers have a much better chance of fertilizing the egg, especially if the sperm's path to the oocyte is shortened as much as possible.

  • Ovulation should be monitored using special tests, ultrasound or daily assessment of vaginal discharge, the structure of the uterine cervix, basal temperature measurement.

Baby gender by menstruation

According to the theory of the doctor from Poland, Frantisek Benedo, ladies with regular menstrual cycles can schedule the gender of their baby. For the conception of a girl, coitus must occur 14-15 days before the onset of the expected menstruation. If there is a desire to carry the boy, then sexual intercourse is performed 11-12 days before the expected period.

Reliability: up to 80 percent.

Test to determine the sex of the child

Recently, the TestPol, KtoTest, GenderMaker test systems are gaining popularity for determining the sex of the child from the 8-10th week of pregnancy at home. The principle of operation, according to the instructions, is based on the fact that the sex hormones of the embryo enter the mother's body and then are excreted with urine. The patented complex of reagents, depending on the presence of male or female hormones in the urine, is painted in "boyish" or "girlish" colors.
Preparation for the analysis of the sex of the child:

  • Sexual intercourse should be excluded at least 2 days before testing.
  • A pregnant woman should not take hormonal drugs.
  • After taking antibiotics, it should take 10 days.
  • A pregnant woman should be healthy: polycystic ovary disease, ARVI, infections of the genitourinary system affect the reliability of the test.


Morning urine is required for the test. It is important to follow the instructions exactly: pour the recommended amount of urine into a special reservoir, do not shake the test, do not expose it to direct sunlight. It is necessary to evaluate the result within the time allotted by the instructions; after the specified time, the test is uninformative.

  • Reliability (indicated by the manufacturer): 80-9o percent.
  • Often, these tests are not certified.

Unscientific ways to determine the sex of a child

Baby gender by heartbeat

In 93 of the last century, scientists from the United States came to the conclusion that when the heart rate (HR) of the fetus is more than 140 beats per minute, girls are born in 74 percent of cases. If the heart rate is less than 140, then the chance of having a boy is 91 percent.

In further studies, confirmation of this statement was not found, however, some uzists today assume the sex of the sex in the early stages, relying on this technique.

Determining the sex of the child by blood renewal

  • It is based on the opinion that in women the blood is renewed every 3 years, and in men - every 4. The future child will inherit the gender of the parent whose blood was "younger" at the time of fertilization.
  • Calculations can be made either manually or using a special online calculator for the sex of the child.
  • If there was significant blood loss (childbirth, blood transfusion, donation, surgery), then blood renewal should be counted from this date.
  • It is believed that for Rh-negative women, the method works exactly the opposite: whose blood is "older" at the time of conception, the baby will be born of that gender.

Conception table of the sex of the child by blood group and the Rh factor of the parents

  • Parents with the same Rh factor should have a son, if the Rh factors are different, then we should expect a daughter to appear.
  • The sex of a child by blood is somewhat more difficult to determine. The first or second group, which is the same for both partners, predicts the birth of a girl, the third or fourth - a boy.
    A girl should be born to partners with the first and third or second and fourth blood groups. The first and second blood groups, as well as the first, and fourth, and third, and fourth, as a result indicate the birth of a boy.
  • The reliability of determining the sex of the child by the blood of the parents is questionable already in view of the possibility of having children of different sexes from the same parents.

French diet for sex determination

With its help, you can determine the gender of the child by the parents, or rather, their diet. The method is based on the opinion that in order to conceive a boy, the diet of future parents should contain a lot of potassium and sodium and little magnesium and calcium. To conceive a girl, you need a diametrically opposite diet. Partners should adhere to such nutrition for several months before conception.

  • Confidence: up to 75 percent.

Chinese table for determining the sex of the child

According to legends, the Chinese table was discovered 7 centuries ago, either in the tomb of the emperor, or in the grave of a hermit monk. Using this table, you can determine the sex of the child by the mother, knowing the month in which fertilization took place or is due, and the woman's full age from conception.

  • The ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of the child is suitable for women aged 17-18 to 44-45 years old.

Japanese table for determining the sex of the child

The Japanese calendar is based on the opinion that the sex of the child depends on the months of birth of his parents and the month in which the woman ovulated.

Calculations on the Japanese table of conception of the sex of the child are made in 2 stages.

  • Determination of the code number. The first table is used. The code number is located at the intersection of the rays, the beginning of which are the months of the birth of the couple.
  • Determining the sex of the child. The second table is used. The cell located at the intersection of the rays, the reference points of which are the month of ovulation and the code number, will show what gender the child will be born into.
  • Calculation example: the future dad was born in December, mom - in March. The code number is 3. Ovulation was in May, so the couple will have a girl.
  • Using the principle of the Japanese calendar, you can also calculate the sex of the child online: this technique is adapted to a format convenient for modern Internet users and excluding the incorrect use of tables.

Wanga table for determining the sex of the child

  • In general, Vangelia Gushterova, known all over the world as the seer Vanga, has nothing to do with the gender of the child bearing her name. The table was compiled by a follower of the Gospel named Lyudmila Kim.
  • Using this method, you can determine the sex of the child by the age of the mother and the month in which fertilization took place. The point of intersection of these two indicators will indicate the sex of the fetus.

Gender of the child by date of conception

One of the simplest folk ways. With its help, it is possible to assume what the sex of the child will be by the month of conception, to which the age of the mother at the time of fertilization and one are added. If the sum is an even number, then a daughter will be born, if an odd number, a son.

Determining the sex of the child - folk signs

Determination of gender by the back of the head of the previous child

It is possible to guess the sex of the unborn baby if the couple already has a child (if there are several children, then the sex is determined by the youngest). To do this, you need to look at the hairline on the back of the child's head: if the line is straight, then the son will be born next, if the angle, then the daughter.

The method will not work if the child is already born from a different father or if after the birth of the child the woman had miscarriages or abortions.

The gender of the child and the appearance of the pregnant woman

  • Popular beliefs say that girls, while still in the womb, “take away” beauty from their mother. Therefore, if a woman began to look worse on drifts, her face was swollen, age spots appeared, then she is waiting for the appearance of her daughter. If the appearance of the future mother has not changed, then a son will be born.
  • A relatively flat, wide belly - for a girl: calm and flexible. A clearly distinguishing, sometimes even pointed tummy, which is completely invisible from the back - to the mischievous, striving forward boy.

Divination by the gender of the child

The most popular fortune-telling, which allows you to find out the sex of the fetus, is done using a white or red thread and a pendulum: a needle or a ring.

Fortune telling on the sex of the child using a needle for sewing by hand

  1. For the ritual, you should prepare a needle and a long thread, preferably white. A pregnant woman needs to think about the issue that worries her and gently squeeze a needle in her palm for a while. Next, the thread is threaded with the right hand and pulled through the eyelet. Still holding the ends of the thread with your right hand, you need to lower the needle over the open palm of your left hand so that the needle does not reach the skin for several centimeters and fix the needle in this position. Again mentally repeat the question while looking at the point of the needle. If the needle begins to swing in a circle, then a girl is expected to appear. Movements from side to side indicate that the child is in the womb of a male-to-be mother. If the needle remains motionless, then it is worth repeating all the stages of fortune-telling from the beginning, this can be done on the same day.
  2. For the second method, you will need a new needle with a long white thread pulled through the eyelet. The needle should be raised in the air, holding the ends of the thread with the right hand, bring the resulting "pendulum" to the open left palm and three times, without touching the skin, lower the needle between the thumb and forefinger. Then mentally ask the question of interest and hold the hovering needle over the left palm. If the needle begins to describe a circle, then a daughter will be born, if it wobbles, then a son.

Divination by the sex of the child using a ring

  • Pass a long thread through the ring, holding the ends of the thread in your right hand, pull the "pendulum" over the belly, mentally ask a question about the future child's field. If the ring begins to circle, then a daughter will be born, if it sways from side to side, a son.
  • Unmarried girls perform the ritual personally using a ring that they wore at least a few and which they did not share with other women. For married people, the spouse can also guess; a wedding ring is used for the ritual.


Not a single fortune-telling, omen or table of conception of the sex of a child can give one hundred percent result. In cases where the birth of a child of a particular gender is not a whim of the parents, it is worth taking advantage of the achievements of modern medicine. In other cases, you can have fun and try, for example, to find out the gender of the child from the table. What if it coincides?

If you want to plan in advance the sex of the child by the date of conception or find out if you will have a boy or a girl in an early period - this article can help you.

In general, the interest in who will be born is quite understandable and in many cases justified, sometimes even from a medical point of view. If you are expecting your first child, most likely it is not very important for you who you will have, another question is if a child is already growing up in the family and you want something new.

There are also vital situations, for example, if there is a genetically determined disease in the family that is inherited linked to the sex (hemophilia, etc.). Then excluding the birth of a boy becomes important from a medical point of view, because only in this case the baby is guaranteed to be born healthy.

In some countries, having a baby is important to parents for social reasons. Suffice it to recall the tradition of the Arabs in ancient times - to bury newborn girls alive, they were not needed.

Today, a similar thing is done in China, where abortions of female fetuses at a later date are common, because they need an heir and there are restrictions on the birth rate in the country.

What determines the gender of the child

At conception, the female ovum and the male sperm merge. These cells contain only a fraction of the genetic material. The so-called sex chromosome is responsible for who will be born to you.

In all cells of our body there is a paired set of chromosomes, which means that there are also two sex chromosomes. Unlike other chromosomes, they are male and female.

Among women - two female chromosomes in genotype (XX) and men have one female and one male (XY). A woman can only give a female chromosome to an unborn child, and a man can only give a male or female chromosome. How a man's genetic material is divided, and which chromosome the sperm will carry, depends on luck and chance. The odds are 50/50. So it turns out that for who you will be born in the answer is an exceptionally strong member of the couple.

Female sex chromosome, X, contains significantly more genetic material than male Y, and therefore weighs more. If present, its presence gains greater vitality, is able to survive longer, tolerates adverse conditions better and retains mobility for longer. However, on the other hand, such a sperm has more weight, and therefore moves more slowly.

Male sex chromosome smaller in size, has a lower molecular weight and less genetic material. This leads to the fact that the sperm carrying male genetic material is more mobile and lighter, but at the same time more vulnerable. Dies faster and loses mobility.

When a woman ovulates, the result largely depends on the time at which everything will happen and the characteristics of its conduct.

If sperm with male genetic material in the form of a light Y chromosome are more mobile and live less - the task is to provide them with a quick meeting with the egg and favorable conditions, and then the chances of producing a boy will increase, and if you want a girl, then you need to do the opposite, make the sperm wait for the egg and create conditions that are difficult for them to survive, then the strongest, albeit slow, sperm will survive.

Below we will look at all the ways to influence the birth of a desired child. All planning methods are based only on observations and do not have any adequate scientific explanation, so do not rely too much on them.

Chinese table of conception child gender

The table created by the Chinese was born thousands of years ago, because the problem under discussion has been living there for a long time. Since ancient times, a boy-heir was needed there. This problem has only worsened in recent decades. The country has long faced the problem of overpopulation and lack of resources for life. Over the past 33 years, since 1980, the policy of limiting the birth rate, "one family - one child", has been introduced here. And even the authorities here turned a blind eye to illegal abortion in families where the girl was expected.

The birth control in China has led to serious distortions in society, to unjustified cruelty. Examples of attitudes towards accidental violations of this law are on our website:.

Fortunately, now there are plans to soften this policy, and perhaps by 2015 no one will demand fines from mothers who are expecting more than one child at once.

Be that as it may, the Chinese table of conception has not lost its relevance, although there is no scientific or statistical confirmation of its real effectiveness. The system is based on calculations related to the date of conception and the age of the mother. Of course, in reality, the age of the mother does not matter, it is only known that boys are more likely to be born to the youngest women (which, however, can be easily explained from a scientific point of view, in adolescence sexual activity is higher and sex is more frequent, the reason is ). And the date of conception also has no role in relation to age - it is important in itself.

The Chinese calendar of conception is calculated taking into account the “prenatal” age of the mother, that is, if she is 19 years old, she was conceived about 19 years and 9 months ago, therefore, roughly speaking, a year must be added to her age.

A boy or a girl for your month of conception should be determined as follows: select the month of conception and your age, white color of the cell - a boy will be born, pink - a girl.

Age janfeb marapr Mayjune julAug sepoct but IDec




























This chart of conception of the sex of the child has no scientific explanation, do not take the result lightly.

Japanese conception calendar

If you want to apply this technique, you need to know your month of birth, month of birth of your husband, and month when conception occurred or is planned. True, this calendar also has no scientific explanation, and it is more complicated than the previous one.

Below is a table in which you see 2 parts. The first part will only give you a conditional digit that can be used to select the date itself.

Month of birth
Month of birth of a man
janfebmarapr MayjunejulAug sepoctbut IDec
jan 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9
feb 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6
mar 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3
apr 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12
May 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9
june 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6
jul 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3
Aug 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12
sep 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9
oct 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6
but I 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3
Dec 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12

Select in the first table your month of birth and the month of your husband's birth. There is no need to add a year. At the intersection of the graphs you will see a number from 1 to 12. Use the number you dropped out for subsequent calculations.

1 2 3 4 5 6 boy girl 7 8 9 10 11 12

jan NSx

janfeb xxxxxxx

janfebmar xxx

janfebmarapr xx

janfebmaraprMay xxx

janfebmaraprMayjune xx

febmaraprMayjunejul xxx

maraprMayjunejulAug xxxx

aprMayjunejulAugsep xxx

MayjunejulAugsepoct xxxxxxxxxxxxx

junejulAugsepoctbut I xx

julAugsepoctbut IDec xx
Augsepoctbut IDec
xx janfebmaraprMayjune
sepoctbut IDec

xxxxxx febmaraprMayjunejul
octbut IDec

xxxxxxxxxxxx maraprMayjunejulAug
but IDec

xxxx aprMayjunejulAugsep

xxxx MayjunejulAugsepoct

xx junejulAugsepoctbut I

xx julAugsepoctbut IDec

xxx Augsepoctbut IDec

xx sepoctbut IDec

xxxxxxxxx octbut IDec

xxxxxx but IDec

xxx Dec

You need to find your number on the top line. In the vertical column, you will see all 12 months, and in the middle of the table there are columns of a boy and a girl with different numbers of plus signs. The more plus signs in one or another column in the row with the month you have chosen, the higher the chance of the birth of this particular heir.

Faster and easier help you find out on our website based on this table. Like all services, it works for free.

Lunar conception calendar

But what about astrologers? Oh, yes, of course, in such a delicate matter as the sex of a child, the stars simply could not help but interfere. The lunar table itself only indicates the best days for making a child at all, but we will give it. And of course, we will give a forecast of the best arrangement of stars for the birth of a boy or girl.

To understand what a lunar month is, you need to know that it is counted by the rotation of the moon around the Earth, and its duration is slightly different from the usual months to which we are accustomed, being just over 29 days.

Since the Paleolithic, people have counted the time as lunar months and took into account the influence of the moon on life on Earth, and for a reason. The influence of the Moon on the Earth is considered 2.5 times stronger than that of the Sun, due to the proximity of this celestial body to our planet.

Below you will find the lunar conception calendar. In it, the dates correspond to the days of the lunar month, not the calendar one, please take this into account, of course, they do not coincide with the real calendar. Where can I get them? On any site dedicated to fortune-telling, we still have a slightly different profile and the information is provided for information only, we do not advise you to believe it.

Moon dayHow will the baby be born?
1. Children conceived on this day are distinguished by high vitality and fortitude, they succeed in everything, and life's difficulties are overcome thanks to perseverance and perseverance. Among them there are many long-livers and people who have left a memory in society with their interesting and eventful life.
2. Children conceived on this day are darlings of fate, which is supportive of them and fulfills all desires. Successful and feeling the protection of higher powers, they easily and beautifully go through life. The day is successful for the conception of a girl.
3. On this day to conceive a child is to get a headache for life. From a baby, a rebel by nature will grow, prone to reckless actions under the influence of passions. The character of such people, although strong, is completely uncontrollable, they are not predictable and have difficult fates.
4. On this day, the conception of a couch potato, tied to the house, lazy and not independent, is possible. It is believed that a child conceived on this day is infused with the soul of one of his ancestors.
5. This is the day when the conception of a child can end with the birth of a genius or a criminal, a person with a difficult, special path. His path will not be strewn with roses, falls will be replaced by ups and new losses.
6. Conception on this day will lead to the birth of a wanderer and a dreamer, a person with an amazing and happy destiny.
7. On this day, conception promises the birth of a very healthy, active child, whose fate is to be in the spotlight, to fight for justice. Perhaps he will show talents in the field of science and medicine, and maybe he will travel a lot.
8. People with a bright and difficult fate, striving for happiness all their lives, and often plundered. It is possible that he will leave his native places, and will wander in distant lands.
9. It is better not to try to conceive a child, for either a villain or a saint will be born, in any case, a bitter fate awaits the child.
10. A very favorable day for the conception of a child. The whole family will support him, giving him a truly wonderful destiny, maybe he will be a traveler.
11. A wonderful day for conceiving a boy. The child will grow up active and healthy, will have a subtle soul and live a long life.
12. It is contraindicated for the expectant mother to cry on this day if you are planning to conceive. A child with the gift of healing and a strong intuition will be born, who is already facing suffering, your tears will now complicate his fate.
13. A child, whose life will consist of a series of misfortunes and happy moments, may be very dependent, and maybe completely free.
14. A wonderful day for conceiving a baby, provided that you are far from magic, and will not guess - this will scare away the guardian angel, who is destined to protect him from all troubles. But this person will have a sharpened conscience, and therefore will often yearn for it. Among the gifts of fate is the gift of foreboding.
15. Honesty on this day will allow you to conceive a person with the character of a fighter, and with a heightened sense of hatred and love. Whether a scoundrel or a wise mentor grows out of him - it depends on you.
16. The birth of a peaceful, very kind person who is able to understand and comfort. Nature lover in search of the ideal.
17. The birth of a child with an easy character, successful, but prone to alcohol and deception - do not drink on the day of conception.
18. A happy day for conception, when the life of successful, wealthy, smart and hardworking people begins. Unfortunately, overestimated self-esteem is possible, with consequences in the form of loneliness and failure.
19. Conceiving a hardworking and risk-taking person, honest and full of energy.
20. This day is like a scale, and it all depends on the potential that future parents have. A person with a difficult fate and a difficult character can be born, as well as a happy, spiritually rich person.
21. Dangers and exploits will accompany your child all his life. Patient and hardworking, he will eventually become a fighter or a poet.
22. Conception according to the lunar calendar on this day is auspicious, defenders of the family hearth and keepers of the foundations are born.
23. A risky day for conception, gene mutations are possible. Better to fast. There will be an ambiguous attitude towards the child, but life can give him great fame. Self-sacrifice is one of the striking character traits of an unborn child.
24. If you cannot conceive a child for a long time, try this day, it is the most favorable in the lunar cycle. A baby will be born with a good appetite, whom everyone will love. Among the character traits are honesty, laziness, a little rudeness. Children are born strong, albeit painful, kind.
25. Intuition, foresight and wisdom beyond your years will amaze you from an early age. These children are patronized by higher powers, but there are also negative traits, such as slowness and secrecy. In the future, it is possible that the means to an end will mean nothing compared to the end itself, which will lead to losses and mistakes.
26. Ambitious children are born who easily achieve fame and fortune, but they themselves are capable of destroying everything.
27. Perhaps the birth of a soft, kind, but despite this, a baby capable of standing up for himself, if he has the same parents. Such children simply bathe in the love of others and are protected by everyone. The flip side of the coin is poor health.
28. Lucky children, able to win over those around them, begin their intrauterine life on this day. Despite being lucky, carelessness and laziness can cause serious problems.
29. Conception on this day is not desirable, as suffering and loss are possible.
30. A child conceived on this day may be born limited and lazy, not fully capable of social adaptation. Only the attention of parents, persistently instilling mercy and love in the child from an early age, will protect him from serious problems. Often these people make good family men.

The error according to the lunar calendar is only 2%, provided that you know the day of conception, however, it is almost impossible to predict this - ovulation can deviate in time by 2-3 days in either direction, and sperm can wait, therefore, sexual intercourse does not mean immediate conception. It may take 2-3 days before the meeting of the egg and sperm, and then all the calculations of astrologers will not cost anything.

Other methods

Other methods include a diet for conceiving a child of the desired sex and, of course, folk signs.

The diet for conceiving a girl is based on sweets and dairy-plant foods, in order to give birth to a future man, milk and sweets must be excluded, protein products and meat should prevail in the diet. The diet is of dubious value, perhaps even harmful.

Folk omens are the choice of the date of conception according to the renewal of blood, it is believed that in women, the blood is completely renewed once every 3 years, and in men - once every four years. A boy will be born, if a man's blood is newer at the time of conception, and if a woman's blood has recently changed, a girl will be born. The method has no scientific justification, as well as the conception of a child of a certain sex and.

There are other signs, for example, sex with your head to the north in a cool room with open vents and with a child's pistol under your pillow, so that a boy is born, or that it would certainly rain during conception - then a girl will be born. All this in reality, well, in no way can affect conception.

Let's consider planning the sex of a child before conception, which is based on at least some medical and scientific facts (features of the structure of sperm).

So, sperm with female sex chromatin are heavier and more viable than male, which means that if we want to give birth to a boy, we need to make sure that light and fast sperm with male genetic material get to the egg faster and they have comfortable conditions, as well as they would not have to wait too long.

1. Sex should take place on the day of ovulation.

2. He should be with deep penetration, facilitating positions are preferred.

3. After the act, it is worth placing a pillow under the pelvis or practicing the birch pose.

4. Desirable female orgasm, creating an ideal environment for sperm in the vagina.

5. A man should take care of himself on the eve of sexual intercourse, no overheating, significant stress, etc.

6. In order to have a lot of lungs with male chromatin in the semen, you should often make love, but you should use a condom until the day before ovulation.

To give birth to a girl:

1. You need to have sex 2-3 days before ovulation.

2. Positions with minimal penetration and sex without orgasm in a woman are desirable.

3. The last weeks before conception, sex should be rare, optimal abstinence for a man.

Any scheme for conceiving a child's sex is only probabilistic, no one except a doctor can give you a guarantee.

Medical assistance for conceiving a child of a certain gender

The need to determine who will be born at conception arises due to the fact that some serious congenital diseases are associated with the female sex chromosome. This is where the genes that cause them are located. As a rule, these are really dangerous diseases that often exclude the possibility of a normal life, and sometimes just survival of a sick person.

If one of the sex chromosomes of a woman has such a breakdown, and a man has a normal healthy female chromosome, then the disease will develop only if a boy is born (with a pathology of one chromosome in a future mother, the probability is 50%, if both are problematic, then 100%). All girls will be healthy.

There is the ICSI method - one of the modern options for artificial insemination, when the only necessary sperm is combined with the egg.

There is also a method implemented during IVF, which is called pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, examining the cells of the embryo with sex determination before replanting.

In addition, since spermatozoa with female and male chromatin have different weights, it is possible to separate them before IVF to obtain a fraction containing the maximum number of "girls", and with the use of such sperm to produce artificial conception. The result is predicted with about 80% probability.

You can understand the parents of three girls who are trying to determine who will be born by the date of conception. If you have experienced disappointment, remember the main thing - children feel an attitude towards themselves already in utero. Your experiences can lead to the birth of a child, insecure, with difficulties in building relationships, perhaps even a violation of sexual orientation. A child needs love and tenderness, regardless of who the parents really wanted.