Paint the blond without yellowness. The best paint for blondes: shades and brands. Peach hair color photo


Choose the right paint and oxidizer. It is best to buy them from professional hairdressing stores. Most often, everything that may be useful to you is sold there in large volumes, but if you do not use all the clarifying powder for primary staining, then it will come in handy for tinting the growing roots. The concentration required for lightening depends on what color yours are before staining. Oxidants range from 1.8 to 12%. Accordingly, the lighter your hair is before dyeing, the lower the concentration of the oxidizing agent for you. The color of the tinting paint must also be carefully selected. Remember that redheads also acquire a yellowish tint when discolored, and do not bleach completely, so it is better to take the paint closer to silver or ash.

Take care of your health! If your hair is weakened by perm or recent dyeing, then you should postpone repainting, because this is a very difficult process in which the hair structure is destroyed. The hair becomes empty and very fragile, and if the lightening procedure is carried out on already weakened hair, this can lead to the fact that they begin to break off or when the composition is washed off.

Also, before using a mixture of paint and oxidizer, you should check if you are allergic to any components of the composition. To do this, the day before staining, apply the test compound to the inside of the elbow. If in a day redness, peeling or other phenomena that are not normal for your skin appear, then you can apply paint without.

3. Apply paint correctly. This will help to avoid color unevenness, which means your hair won't have to endure another color in the near future. In addition, inaccurate application of paint can lead to stains on the border that will spoil your appearance and damage your skin for a long time. Therefore, the composition must be applied with gloves on unwashed dry hair (unless otherwise indicated in the instructions). At the same time, the skin at the border of the hair and ears must be treated with a fat cream so that it can be easily washed off if it gets into paint. Start applying paint from the back of your head. In this area, the temperature of the head is lower than in others, which means that staining occurs more slowly. Move towards the temples, grabbing along a thin strand. First, apply the dye to the entire length of the hair, without grabbing the root, and only then bring it to the root with a special brush. After all your hair is colored, take a fine-toothed comb and comb it several times. This will help the dye to spread evenly through the hair and remove excess composition. Try not to overexpose the paint, at least not to exceed the limit specified in the instructions. Let the paint hold for 20-30 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with warm water.


  • how to dye your hair blonde

Blondes have always been in fashion. Therefore, most of the fair sex is constantly trying to lighten their hair... But the result is not always successful - instead of the expected noble shade, an unpleasant yellowness may appear.


Generally paint hair recommended beauty. An experienced master will select the right paint, tell you what shade it will turn out, whether it will suit you. If you paint at home, then consult a specialist before, especially if hair damaged, available or. Wait a little while painting if there are small wounds or inflammations. Be sure to contact a hairdresser if hair were painted with henna or basma. In this case, the risk of yellowness, reddish shade or spots are very large.

Dilute the paint just before use, then quickly apply to hair... It is also important that the paint is evenly distributed. After all, yellowness is the remnants of a pigment that has not completely oxidized. Therefore, thorough dyeing of all strands is the key to beauty.

If a slight yellowness is still present on your hair, rinse your hair with a tinted shampoo. Pearl, platinum, silver shades are well suited for this purpose. They must be kept on the hair for no more than 2-3 minutes. Otherwise, you risk getting purple or gray. Tint shampoos can be used every week, because after 2-3 washes, yellowness can reappear.


  • what color to dye hair without yellowness

Nowadays, any woman can easily turn into a blonde. This does not require a large amount of money for coloring in the salon. Every woman can achieve a beautiful blonde at home. But to make you happy with the result, follow a few rules.


Keep in mind that if your hair is very dark, then it is unlikely that you will get the desired result after the first dyeing. Dark hair is very difficult to lighten. Even if you leave the dye on for 60-70 minutes, the effect achieved by the owner of light hair will not be. In this case, the dyeing procedure is repeated after a few days or the hair is toned, due to which it looks more natural.

Do not be afraid in. After all, many products are created specifically for independent use, so there should be no difficulties in the staining process. But do not forget that lightening is a chemical process that affects the hair quite detrimentally. After it, your curls may become drier and more brittle. Therefore, after dyeing, be sure to use shampoos, masks and conditioners for blond hair. They will help restore their beauty and health.

Before you start lightening your hair, prepare everything you need: a towel so as not to stain clothes, a comb, a paint brush. Do not wash your hair immediately before painting, so as not to wash off the protective film. But it is necessary to comb them thoroughly.

Read the instructions carefully before lightening. Then mix the brightening composition according to the instructions, apply it along the entire length of the hair, excluding the roots. After a few minutes, apply the remaining color to the roots, distribute it evenly through the hair and leave to lighten.

After dyeing, rinse your hair thoroughly with water and then with shampoo. Squeeze them out and apply the mask that comes with your lightening paint. If your hair has a yellowish tint, use a tinted shampoo with a blue or purple filler.

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Sometimes we want to change our whole life and often we start these changes with our hairstyle. For example, we cut long hair, do a perm or dye it from dark to light.

You don't have to paint your entire head to become. You can apply new technologies and radically change your image.
1. Highlights. When not the whole head is colored, but only individual strands. In this case, each strand is wrapped in foil. The advantage of this dyeing is that the hair is not as badly damaged as with full dyeing. And the regrown roots are not so noticeable, so the procedure has to be repeated less often.
2. Shatush. The hairdresser brushes the hair hard, and then dyes the bouffant itself, without touching the roots. This procedure can be done only once every few months. The hair color at the roots remains completely natural, and more and more light strands appear at the ends.
3. Stretching color. Hair roots are only one tone lighter than natural ones. The next 5-10 centimeters are painted a few shades lighter. And on the tips - the lightest tone. Suitable for long hair.
4. Booking. With this technique, only the upper part of the hair is in a light shade. The temporal and occipital parts remain natural. Thus, light strands cover the dark ones, which gives a beautiful deep color. Looks good on straight and slightly curly hair.
5. Coloring. The master lightens only individual strands, but is not limited to only one light one, but several shades are selected that are combined with each other. This method of coloring visually adds volume to thin hair.

Platinum blonde is a rather complex color. In case of inept dyeing, you can ruin your hair, dry it out or get an ugly yellow "chicken" shade.

From brunette to blonde - no rush

Dyeing dark hair is a lengthy process. You shouldn't even try to get the desired color at one time. The result can be disastrous. First you need to carry out the washing procedure. The special composition is applied to the hair like a dye. It breaks down the dark pigment, making the hair hollow from the inside. They can be filled with any color. Very dark hair may require more than one treatment.

It must be remembered that blonde hair becomes thinner due to the fact that there is practically no coloring pigment in it. The tips are especially affected. They must be processed with nutrients.

After washing, it should take about ten days for the staining procedure to be carried out. During this time, you need to use restorative agents - balms and masks. Then you will be able to keep your hair healthy.

The maximum allowable lightening is three to four tones, depending on the structure of the hair. Thicker ones are harder to paint. That is, the transitional color from brunette to platinum is light chestnut or medium blond. In the next staining, you can try to achieve the desired color scheme. But you need to take into account the natural shade of the curls. If it was reddish (dark chestnut, for example), the yellow color can come out after coloring. In this case, you can tint your hair with a special shampoo with purple dye. It perfectly neutralizes the "chicken" tint, making the hair platinum.

Very dark, coarse, curly hair should not even be dyed platinum blonde. To get the desired shade, you will have to carry out a huge number of procedures that will greatly ruin your hair.

Tinted shampoos and foams are a great option for natural blondes

If the hair itself is light, it is possible not to injure it with paints, but to give it a platinum shade with lighter means. Shampoos and foams cover the curls with a thin layer, making them thicker and shinier. The only drawback is that they do not last long. The shampoo is washed off after one or two times, the foam - after three to five trips to the shower. But, unlike paint, unstable products can be used quite often, without fear of ruining the health of the hair. For example, you can apply a tint shampoo once or twice a week. The main thing is to use it correctly.

Before applying, you need to wash your hair with regular shampoo, then distribute the tint over the curls and hold for a few minutes. The intensity of the color depends on how long the product will be on the hair. If you overexpose, then the curls will not be platinum, but gray-purple.


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Tip 6: Londa hair coloring: the opinion of professional stylists

With the help of the hair coloring procedure, you can change the image without resorting to drastic measures. This method of staining involves the use of two or more shades, similar in color, or contrasting.

High-quality hair coloring can only be done by a professional hairdresser or stylist. Most craftsmen prefer the products of the well-known German manufacturer Londa. More than a century-old history of the concern and an impeccable reputation are only a small part of the advantages of professional hair dye products.


For the manufacture of products, natural raw materials are used that have passed selection and the strictest quality control. The development and renewal of the hair dye composition takes place in the own laboratories of the Londa concern. Each new product undergoes expertise in world-class independent research centers. The palette of products includes more than 90 colors and their shades, including 10 mixtons. All of them contain components that protect the hair structure and restore its surface after dyeing, for example, oils, waxes and lipids of natural origin. The color declared by the developer consistently corresponds to the result obtained. At the same time, the cost of all Londa products is quite low.

Experts' opinions

According to the unanimous opinion of leading stylists, hair coloring with Londa products provides high levels of color fastness. Such results are possible due to the high content of coloring pigments, the molecules of which penetrate deep into the hair structure, simultaneously moisturizing and nourishing them. The colors are deeper and more saturated, which allows you to create an excellent visual effect of the volume of hairstyles of any length.

How is coloring

Specialists perform hair coloring in two ways, depending on their length. The procedure resembles the well-known highlighting, but the result is radically different from this method. In addition, coloring can be both vertical and horizontal. With the help of a special hat or pieces of foil, strands of hair are separated and a dye is applied to them. It is more convenient to paint short and medium in different shades, separating them with foil. To obtain smooth overflows of color, thin strands are painted in a contrasting tone. Sharper transitions, emphasizing the structure, contrast of the haircut, and the so-called "baliyazh", require coloring of wide curls or hair ends.


  • The history of the development of the Londa concern
  • Description of hair coloring products from Londa

Often, women are afraid to lighten their hair with chemical dyes, fearing to ruin them. If your curls are not very dark, then they can easily be lightened by a couple of tones without using paint containing clarifiers and ammonia. You can turn into a blonde without harming your hair at home using common products found in every home.

Traditional blonding is a dyeing technique that bleaches all hair. Blonding is carried out using special brightening powders or super-brightening paint.

The lightening powder removes the pigments from the hair that are responsible for the color of the hair, making the hair completely white. After that, dye is applied to the treated hair, which gives it a more natural shade. Blonding with lightening powders is done in an attempt to achieve cool and very very light shades. A significant disadvantage of this method is the strong negative effect on hair health.

An alternative to using brightening powder is a special super brightening paint. It must be kept on the hair for at least 45-55 minutes. In the first half hour of exposure, this dye bleaches hair, deprives them of pigments, and in the remaining time saturates with new pigment. This method, unfortunately, can only be used on undyed, natural hair. Super lightening dye can lighten hair by several tones. It is ideal for effect and beige shades. But with its help, it will be possible to achieve platinum and silver shades only on naturally light hair.

Less drastic options

It should be noted that blonding in any technique is quite harmful to the hair, it is especially bad for dry and injured hair. In addition, it is not recommended to do it for dark brown-haired women and brunettes, because after two or three weeks the regrown roots become very noticeable and look sloppy. If you have dark hair, use the highlighting technique to achieve a burnt-out effect. They look good and very natural even on regrown hair, moreover, they do much less damage to hair.

Instead of traditional highlighting, you can use the coloring technique. In this case, only individual strands are lightened, but at the same time several matching shades are used, which looks much more interesting. Colored hair looks healthy, voluminous and luxurious. Unfortunately, coloring takes more time, is done in several stages and is much more expensive than regular highlighting or even coloring.

Hello everyone!)
With the onset of spring, I wanted a change. Well, how could it be otherwise? Everything around is blooming and fragrant, the air is filled with spring aromas.
And I decided to become completely fair. As much as possible.
In addition, a clean lightening background without strong yellowness and reddishness is a huge scope for experimenting with tinted blonde shades: here you have warm beige, cold, and platinum steel, and delicate pink. In general, there are many ideas.
Ideally, I would like to get a color like this:

I made a scouting trip to a professional store and chose Kaaral 12.32:

The color on the layout won me over: cold blond with pink, a dream.
But an inner voice whispered to me that he would not be cold, because there is gold in additional nuance. But I did not listen to the voice.
Here's what I brought home:

Kaaral paint AAA 12.32
-oxide 9% (there was no such name, I had to take Estelle)
-Chromoenergy complex Estel.

Last summer I already experimented with Kaaral AAA paint (12.20) and I ended up with awful red roots. But! Instead of 9%, I took 6% that time, but you can't do that, because the 12th row is high in ammonia, and these high dosages can only be extinguished by a high percentage of oxide. If ammonia is not extinguished, it will destroy hair. But then I did not know about it. This time I did everything in Feng Shui.

So here are my roots before coloring:

1.5 months have passed since the last staining. As you can see, hair growth is so slow. Well, not about that now.

So, the gold after the dot in the paint number haunted me and I still decided to add 12.20 from last year's stocks. 2-in Kaaral is a violet-red nuance.

This is what the final mixture looked like:
12.32 (30 ml) + 12.20 (30 ml) + 9% oxide (120 ml) +1 ampoule of HEC.

I applied the paint to the roots, starting from the back of the head (the lightening process is slower there) and ending with the frontal part (here the lightening process is faster).

Withstood 30 minutes. During these half an hour, the scalp did not burn, did not itch or pinch. The only thing was the strange sensation of moving hair. During this time, the paint remained white and I realized that, most likely, chicken yellowness awaits me on the roots. But, it was already necessary to finish it to the end and I applied the remaining paint over the entire length for 5 minutes.

It is believed that paint does not lighten paint. I was convinced from my own experience that this is not the case. The dye lightens the dye on my hair, so at the end of dyeing, I always apply the dye to the full length for 5 minutes to clean up the hair.

Here's what I ended up with on the roots:
-day light by the window
-day light in the back of the room

And on the bulk of the hair:

The roots are light golden under electric light and I hate it very much. The hair itself became almost white, without an unpleasant lightening background. The result is good, if not for these golden roots. And of course the color is far from the color on the layout.
As for the quality of the hair, I can say until one thing is that it has not become much worse. But the brilliance, in my opinion, has increased.

By the evening, I wanted to see how the tint would lay on this base, so in the evening I tinted with the Color Lux Platinum tint balm (sorry, I didn't take photos of the process and packaging, I was in a hurry to see the result).
I mixed a whole tube of tint and an ampoule of HEC and applied it to dry hair (this way the color is more intense) for an hour.

And the difference before tint and after:

I really, really liked the result !!!
Once again I am convinced that there is no better tint balm for a blond! And what kind of hair is soft after him. So with him I have love forever !!!)))

In conclusion:
-to achieve almost white on their hair I did it;
-the quality of the hair has not yet suffered, and then I will carefully look after them;
- Kaaral paint is practically not pigmented, which means that it will not be able to remove unwanted lightening background.

So now I'm again in search of the perfect paint for myself, so that it lightens without yellowness, does not spoil my hair and scalp, and so that it does not make me blue-violet (like Londa, for example).

I hope my experience will be useful for someone.
All beautiful hair !!!

Photo taken from sources:

Many ladies dream of being blondes. And for dark-haired young ladies there is only one way out - to lighten and dye their hair. But unfortunately, a feature of the natural hair pigment is the characteristic shade of yellowness, which can often be observed after not very successful lightening and not every paint can cope with this.

How to repaint from light brown to light blonde, to cope with this annoying yellowness that spoils the overall impression - this question is asked by many.
To make it easier for women to find a suitable hair dye, we will list them in the article: we will take into account both professional series and homemade ones.
In addition, we will get acquainted with the reviews of the girls who were able to find a successful product that does not leave a yellow bloom on the hair.

Brightening hair colors without yellowness

Yellowness on the hair after lightening is nothing more than a manifestation of a chemical reaction into which the dye with a natural natural pigment entered when dyed with.

Usually this phenomenon can be observed with the wrong choice of paint, as well as in violation of the dyeing technology.

Consider the most popular cosmetic brands that have lightening dyes in their arsenal and which one can bleach hair without yellowing.

List of good home remedies for lightening hair


It is one of the most sought-after manufacturers of hair dyes and other beauty products today.

Paints of this brand are household paints, which means they are easy to use at home, without the need for a mandatory visit to the master in the salon.

Garnier produces paints with ammonia, so these products can be considered quite persistent.
The brand's arsenal includes such wonderful shades of blond as:

  • natural;
  • platinum;
  • sand and others.

All of them, when used correctly, can discolor hair without giving the effect of a nasty yellowness. With this paint you can professionally (ombre) yourself, without using the services of a salon.

In the assortment of brightening agents of this line, there are paints designed for hair of different shades: for light, and for chestnut, and for dark.

It is best to use this dye either on naturally blonde hair or after pre-bleaching. Since if you immediately apply it to dark hair, then, most likely, yellowness cannot be avoided.

See also the Loreal Prodigy hair dye palette.


The dyes of the Deluxe line of this brand are capable of lightening the hair in several shades without the effect of yellowness. The brand can offer products for both bleaching and coloring, and toning: choose the product that you need most at the moment. We invite you to familiarize yourself with.

On video: Estelle lightening hair dye without yellowness

Palette from Schwarzkopf

The professional brand produces several lines of paint for home use. To achieve a blonde shade without unpleasant yellowish tinge, it is best to use the Color + Nutrition Palette paint. This creamy product is inexpensive and can lighten hair by 4-6 tones.
has such wonderful beautiful shades as pearl blonde, silver and ash blonde.

It is the cold tones that are best chosen if you want to achieve a light shade without yellowness.

To all the listed advantages, you can add the gentle composition of the paint, and its easy application. The useful components of Palette paint include royal jelly, which provides gentle care for the hair, as well as biologically active substances that give hair shine and softness.

Various colors of red shades are presented.



Paints from this manufacturer are professional and semi-professional.

The assortment of the brand includes, among other things, super-lightening paint, which makes it possible to make the hair lighter by as much as 5 tones in one application.

This product is called Revlonissimo NMT Super Blondes, and it contains, among other things, natural emollients such as wheat proteins, various essential oils.
The product gently colors the hair, without giving the effect of yellowness, and at the same time still carefully cares for the hair.

The approximate cost is 600 rubles.

Igora Royal from Schwarzkopf

This is a semi-professional series of hair dyes. Using the colors of the ruler allows you to achieve a deep, saturated light shade without annoying yellowness. The palette of blond shades from Igor is quite extensive, and the cost is quite affordable. Check out the rating.

In addition, the hair color obtained as a result of dyeing always corresponds to that on the package.

You will not find this paint in ordinary cosmetic stores: you can buy it only in specialized departments for the sale of professional salon products, or order it from an online store.

BBCOS White Meches Bleaching

This is also a professional product specially formulated for lightening dark hair.

At the same time, the effect is obtained, although strong, but soft, therefore we recommend this paint to brunettes and brown-haired women.

But in this case, it is especially important to follow all the manufacturer's recommendations, and read the instructions before use, since the paint has a really strong, radical effect.

Price 700 rubles

The brand's assortment also includes the Goldwell Silklift brightening agent, consisting of an activator cream and a special powder with a brightening effect. It is not recommended to use this remedy at home, because without professional training, you can get a completely different effect than expected.


This is a professional paint, used even in the most "advanced" beauty salons. The Matrix Color Sink palette will help you determine the shade. The tool has a very gentle effect, for which it is especially appreciated by women. For reviews of the Matrix-free hair dye, see.

There is no ammonia in the composition, so radical clarification will not occur: only for a couple of tones.

Cost 400 rubles

Dark hair and blond

Of particular difficulty is the coloring of the initially dark hair in a light color. No blond paint can completely lighten the dark pigment, so a yellow tint will definitely remain.

A woman has many ways to change her image. To do this, you can revise your style of clothing, makeup, but many women prefer to first experiment with the color of the strands.

Such changes may not be dramatic, but it also happens that women think about how to turn from a brunette to a blonde, and this is not always easy.

Those who are ready for such a change should be patient, as several staining procedures may be required. In addition, with the wrong approach to this issue, you can harm your curls. Before deciding on such a step, you need to carefully consider your decision, familiarize yourself with some of the secrets of the successful transformation from a brunette to a blonde.

Are you sure you are ready to go blonde?

On the way to your goal, you may have to face a number of difficulties. For example, many women complain that lightening their hair gives them a yellow tint, which spoils the whole image.

After changing the color of the strands, the latter will need even more thorough care, and if before you used masks, the use of balms, conditioners you used only to prevent problems with curls, then after staining it will become a necessity, and every day.

If all these problems can be solved - you can get rid of yellowness, and you are ready to provide your hair with proper care for the sake of your dreams, then it is worth considering that this color of curls is not suitable for every girl.

You need to think about whether you made the right choice under these circumstances:

  • Problem skin prone to acne, rash, irritation, inflammation. Light curls will only emphasize all these problems;
  • Facial features are too large. In this case, light strands will not only emphasize them, but also visually make them even larger. If you think that your facial features are already too large, it is better to refuse lightening.

Choosing a shade

Even if you do not have such problems, do not rush to "blindly" start coloring, check if the new tone of the strands really suits you, and you can do it in the following ways:

  • Try on wigs in different shades to match the desired hair color, and in general, make sure that blonde suits you. It is recommended to do this with or without makeup;
  • You can use Photoshop, with which you can "try on" completely different shades of blond to your photo.

Sometimes women choose an easier way of trying on - they apply a strand of girlfriend's hair with light curls to their face. With this approach, you can get a false result, and how it will look in reality, you will understand after staining.

The choice of the blonde

You can perform the procedure not only in the salon, but also at home, and it is important to choose the right paint.

There are two types of it:

  • Household. Such a tool can be purchased at almost any store. Its cost is low, and the effect can be achieved with its help, but usually such dyes contain from 6% to 9% oxygen, which is why they are very harmful to hair. The strands become very thin after their application, therefore, if you want not only to change the tone of the strands, but also take care of how to become a blonde without harming your hair, this dye will not suit you;
  • Professional. It can be purchased in specialized stores, however, its cost is quite high. Such products contain a maximum of 3% oxygen, due to which they have a gentle effect on the curls. In addition, professional paint is produced in special tubes with a scale, which makes it easier to mix the components of the product and use the composition. At the same time, oxygen in such paints is produced in separate packages that are attached to the product.

If you decide to become a blonde at home with the help of household paint, purchase a product with an oxygen concentration of no more than 6%, because the lower the concentration of this substance, the more gentle it has on the hair.

Having decided to resort to professional means, you can purchase paint components separately. To do this, you need supra (a lightening powder that has a blue color) and oxygen, which is sold in liquid form. The latter, as a rule, is sold in bottles of 1.5 liters, but you can also purchase it on tap.

Difficulties in staining

Redheads, brown-haired women, brunettes, blondes - almost all girls today achieve the desired tone and shade due to the change in the color of the curls. If your strands have been dyed, it will be difficult for you to go blonde, especially if you are a brunette, brown-haired or red-haired girl.

To achieve the desired color, you will have to dye the strands several times with a break of 1-2 weeks. Of course, you can purchase a quick dyeing agent, thanks to which you can turn from a brunette, brown-haired or redhead into a blonde in one procedure, but in parallel with this result, you will also expect such problems as thinned, "burnt", naughty strands.

If your hair is dyed, before turning into a blonde beauty, you should rinse off the remnants of the previous product. For this, special formulations are used, which you can also purchase in a specialized store.

How to become a blonde without yellowness?

This is another important question that interests girls who have chosen not sand or golden shades for themselves, but, for example, ashy ones. The yellow pigment can be neutralized with a violet tone, but for this you will have to apply the paint again, doing it right, withstand the right amount of time to get the desired shade. A professional can perform such a procedure with high quality, and at home it can be replaced with the use of special toning balms.

It is a little easier to become blond after highlighting, since the strands are colored gradually. At the same time, they have a well-groomed appearance, multi-colored curls look natural, and with each new staining they become lighter.

Nevertheless, be prepared for the fact that after the complete lightening of the hair, she will need careful care, because the original color does not affect the effect of the applied paint.

Having decided to become a blonde after highlighting, it will not be possible to avoid such a nuance as gradual coloring, which will allow the curls to take on a uniform tone and protect them from serious damage.

Staining procedure

You need to apply the composition on unwashed curls.

Here is the algorithm of actions to be followed during the first procedure.

  1. We combine the components of the product in a plastic container, taking 2 parts of oxygen and 1 part of supra. We put gloves on our hands;
  2. We make 2 partings - transverse and longitudinal, thus dividing the hair into 4 parts, each of which must be treated with paint. At the same time, you do not need to apply the product to the roots, regardless of whether you are going to become a blonde from a redhead, brown-haired or brunette. You need to retreat a couple of cm from the roots;
  3. Strands treated with the composition should be thoroughly combed with a comb with frequent teeth. This is necessary for an even distribution of the composition over the curls;
  4. We hold the blonde for about half an hour, and then wash off.

When the procedure is repeated, the composition must be applied to the entire length of the hair and roots. This is due to the fact that the warmth of the skin allows this part of the hair to absorb the pigment faster, due to which the hair can get an uneven tone.

A change in hair color for a woman is more than just a change of image. This is a change in mood, in life. Since we often lack light and brightness, we sometimes want to add brightness to our reflection in the mirror. Dyeing blonde is one of the most popular ways to lift your mood and make positive changes.

However, sometimes the situation is darkened due to the fact that the color is not the same as intended. Blond dyeing is a rather complicated procedure, regardless of the type and color of hair. Depending on the original color, blond can take on a yellow or red hue. This completely undesirable and unattractive outcome can seriously cloud the joy of change.

Fortunately, there are many treatments for blonde hair on the cosmetic market today. Shampoo, foam or lightening hair dye without yellowness will help not only get rid of the yellow tint, but also preserve the color for a long time.

Difficulty in coloring

Yellowness appears due to the presence of certain color pigments in the hair, which form the natural color. Using a blond shade does not completely paint over these pigments. Especially on dark hair, they appear as different shades of yellow. As the paint is washed out, the yellowness appears more.

In this regard, before dyeing, it is necessary to discolor the hair and destroy the pigment that gives yellowness.

What determines the appearance of yellowness

Of course, it is easier to avoid the appearance of yellowness than to get rid of it on already dyed hair.

The appearance of yellow tints on the hair is primarily due to the quality of the dye. What paint to lighten dark hair without yellowness is difficult to say, you also need to use other means. However, in addition to color, there are other important factors that affect the final hair color, for example:

  • Natural hair color, as well as their structure and amount of pigments.
  • Overall health of curls, no dry ends.
  • Hair coloring is a thing of the past.
  • Compliance with the rules for staining.

Lightening agents

To lighten hair, there are many different products that you can use at home. Many hair care brands have separate lines where products are presented that help to achieve a beautiful blonde color without yellowness, as well as preserve color. The most common remedies are:

  • Lightening paints.
  • Brightening sprays and gels.
  • Toning foams.
  • Tinted shampoos.

However, the choice of the product is determined not only by desire, but also by the initial data of the hair. Before buying a product, you need to carefully study the composition, as well as the features of using a particular product.

Which remedy to choose

The dyes give the hair the desired color and last for a long time. But you need to carefully choose a shade, thinking about what paint to lighten your hair without yellowness. Reviews of women and advice from professionals agree that it is best to choose cold shades of ash flowers for a color without yellowness. The advantage of the dye is that it can be used on natural hair of any color. However, the bleaching agents in dyes, such as ammonia, can damage your hair.

For naturally blonde hair, it is better to use less traumatic products, such as tinted shampoos. They do not contain hydrogen peroxide and ammonia that are harmful to hair. They lighten hair slightly and get rid of the yellow tint. They also help colored curls, which have acquired yellowness over time. On the other hand, any effect of the shampoo is not permanent, it will wash off after a couple of weeks, depending on the frequency of washing your hair.

Foams, gels and sprays also act superficially. They can only lighten one or two tones. However, they are perfect for light hair. They do not harm the structure of the curls, but rather help for their shine and smoothness. Tint gels are convenient to use to give the effect of burnt hair. The effect lasts longer than using foams. Sprays act on the principle of gradual lightening. When applied to hair, the spray begins to work from interaction with sunlight. As a result, the hair gets a beautiful shine.

What paint to lighten hair without yellowness

There are many quality paints available that give good results. However, the final color depends a lot on the hair. There are a number of products that have proven their worth. So which lightening hair dye without yellowness is better?

Professional and semi-professional paints

  • BBCOS White Meches Bleaching.

Full lightening hair clarifier works well even on very dark curls. However, it does not injure them, thanks to the mild action of the components during discoloration. The product line of this brand is also supplemented with a special root clarifier.

    Goldwell Silklift.

This complete brightening system contains three ingredients, namely brightening ion powders, intense serum and conditioner. They effectively deal with yellowness, while not injuring the hair, because they do not contain ammonia. However, it is intended to be used only in professional salons. It is very important to observe the technology of using paint and the selection of shades and other components correctly. For this reason, it is not recommended to try it yourself. In this case, the effect is not guaranteed.

  • Igora Royal 10-4.

Professional brightening hair dye without yellowness, which can be purchased only in specialized salons or online stores. It is quite easy to use and accessible to non-professionals. Reviews confirm that the result of staining with this paint is always predictable, and corresponds to the shade in the palette. The main thing is to choose the right shade in a large palette of colors that are presented in the brand's lineup. This paint is also saturated, and therefore resistant.

Home paints

  • Casting Creme Gloss L'Oreal.

Rather, it is suitable for naturally light curls as a lightening hair dye without yellowness. Reviews confirm the effectiveness of the product and the naturalness of the color. The palette of shades is very large, and you can choose a suitable tone. The paint is long-lasting, and the hair after it is bright and shiny.

  • Color & Shine Garnier.

The dye for gentle hair lightening does not contain ammonia. She does a good job of giving them a beautiful intense blonde color. Due to the absence of ammonia, there is no danger of damaging the hair. Moreover, the dye contains various natural ingredients that help to strengthen and heal hair.

  • Deluxe ESTEL.

Gained popularity recently as a good lightening hair dye without yellowing. In the line of the brand there are different products for dyeing, lightening and toning hair to give a long-lasting and intense blonde color. The curls become shiny, and the color remains for a long time.

  • MATRIX Color Sync.

This paint is one of the most gentle. Due to the lack of ammonia in the composition, however, it can only lighten hair a few tones. Therefore, it is more suitable for owners of natural light curls. However, it is guaranteed not to leave yellowing on colored hair. For those who want a gentle, non-traumatic hairstyle, but at the same time good coloring, Matrix is ​​the best lightening hair color without yellowness.

  • Blonde Ultime Schwarzkopf.

The brand's lineup includes many products that will help you acquire a beautiful blond color and get rid of yellowness, for example, sprays and conditioners. They are especially effective on not very dark hair. The paint also copes quite effectively with yellowness, but there are only 8 shades in the palette, from which it is not easy to choose your color. You should also be careful when dyeing your hair with a perm. The result can be unpredictable.

Hair lightening procedure

Recommendations may vary for different hairs and it is best to consult a specialist. What kind of paint brightens hair well without yellowness depends on the color, structure, the presence of cut ends, and more. However, there are general rules that are the same for most.

  • For those who have natural red or dyed curls in this color, it is necessary to bleach the hair before dyeing. Otherwise, getting a color without yellowness will not work. Especially for those who have used natural dyes such as henna.
  • It is even more difficult for brunettes to achieve the right blonde color. Lightening and discoloration is guaranteed to be traumatic for the hair, because several layers of pigment need to be washed off. The best option would be to gradually dye your hair a few tones lighter. So they will be less damaged, and the color will be more intense and without yellowness.
  • Naturally blonde hair can be dyed blond without damaging it. However, in order to avoid yellowness, it is better to choose platinum and ash shades.

It is contraindicated to dye hair in any color if it is damaged. A light color, firstly, will emphasize the dryness and soreness of the curls, and secondly, the result of staining may be unpredictable. For example, permed hair can react unexpectedly to bleaching. Also, on curls dried out by the sun, you need to start staining with caution.

When painting with paint with ammonia or hydrogen peroxide, do not use any metal objects. Their interaction with the dye can have an undesirable effect on the hair.

Subject to the rules, as well as using a good lightening hair dye without yellowness, which is correctly matched to the characteristics of the hair, you can achieve a good result when dyeing at home.

What dye to lighten hair without yellowness: chemistry or natural ingredients?

Many women know that in the process of lightening hair, the question inevitably arises: what paint to lighten hair without yellowness. Chemical paints are not helpers in this matter, so more and more often you have to turn to proven folk remedies.

What is the reason?

The reasons for the appearance of yellowness with any blonding have long been known. It is a chemical reaction of a dye with a natural pigment in the hair. Most often, the yellowness of the hair during chemical dyeing is to blame for an incorrectly selected dye, a broken algorithm for the dyeing process (exposure time of the product), a poor-quality hair rinse, a sharp transition (without intermediate stages) from bluish-black to a light blonde.

Tinted shampoos and balms

There are several ways to eliminate yellowness in bleached hair. Which one is better is up to you. For example, you can use professional series of tinted shampoos and balms. Or you can immediately dye your hair with paint without the yellowing effect. Among the store products that fight yellowness, you can name: "silver" shampoo (Silver Shampoo), a special tint shampoo against yellowness, a special hair dye without the effect of yellowness.

The last product was used by a girl named Ju_letta and left her positive feedback. She writes: “I have been buying Fiona Creative Color paint for a long time and I am very satisfied. I always use the "Shining Blond" shade and have never seen yellow hair on myself after applying it. Each time, instead of "chicken", a beautiful snow-white color is obtained. The paint itself is quite thick in consistency, does not flow and practically does not sting the scalp. All friends are surprised and ask what paint gives such a stunning color. I'm not lying, you can see the photo. "

But the user of YanaSilver tried another shampoo and was satisfied. She writes: “I tried Sessio for blonde hair, a yellowness neutralizer. The shampoo is amazing! After the first wash, the yellowness was gone. However, there is one drawback: the shampoo does dry out the hair. But I think that a good balm will help here. Look at the photo for the result of an absolute blond. "

As other, non-chemical means for removing yellowness from hair, various herbal products can act - rhubarb, lemon juice, honey, kefir, eggs.

Whitening masks

At home, it is very convenient to make whitening hair masks from these ingredients. They work on both dark and blonde hair. Below are the recipes for such mixtures.


In a water bath, melt 1 glass of non-sugar honey. Pour honey into a deep cup and gently moisten strand by strand with it. Wrap each one in several layers of foil to keep the honey from dripping. Wrap your head with a towel on top. Keep the first time for about an hour, and then bring the holding time of the mask to 3 hours.

Rhubarb and white wine

Take chopped rhubarb root and pour over 2 glasses of white wine. Boil on the stove and evaporate. Remove from heat and cool. Filter and rinse hair with this broth after washing.


Mix fresh kefir (50 ml) with 2 tablespoons of vodka, add 1 tablespoon of shampoo and pour concentrated lemon juice (50 ml) into the mixture. Add the beaten raw egg. Apply the mixture to hair and keep for 1 hour.

With glycerin

Grind the dried rhubarb root in a coffee grinder to a powder. Pour 150 g of powder with 200 ml of boiling water and add 60 g of glycerin. Keep everything under the lid for half an hour. Then apply the mixture to your hair.

Our choice

If we talk about the most powerful remedies that remove yellowness from hair, then these are lemon and cinnamon. Rinse the hair with lemon juice as in lightening, and grind the cinnamon into powder and add a pinch to the shampoo for washing hair.


6 ways to remove yellowness with masks and rinses

In most cases, after unsuccessful or incorrect staining, yellowness occurs, which is obtained when a chemical reaction of dyes and pigments occurs. How intense this yellow shade will be depends on the individual characteristics of the original shades.

Hair yellowness is a consequence of a chemical reaction of dyes

Dye for lightening hair without yellowness is not uncommon, you just need to know which one to buy and how to properly color the strands with it, the amount of time for exposure and similar nuances.

How to lighten hair after dyeing or rinsing

Yellowness should be eliminated

Reasons for the appearance of yellowness: poor-quality paint

Yellow hair appears for several reasons. In the course of staining, there is a "side effect" associated with the inaccuracy of the master or out of his own ignorance. So, the reasons for the appearance:

  1. Dyeing using the wrong technique, most often yellow hair color appears after the dyeing procedure is over. It is necessary to follow all the steps, to withstand the paint for the amount of time indicated for a certain color, no less than what is written in the instructions.

    Yellowness is the result of improper staining

    Advice: in order to exclude such mistakes, it is better to go to a professional master in a salon or hairdresser who knows how to properly highlight, stain, toning and bleaching. Having decided to save on home coloring, you can hardly do it right and then quickly get rid of yellow hair.

  2. Poor quality or expired paint. Yellow strands occur when using a substandard or expired product that dyes or lightens the hair. In most cases, self-selection of products and their use at home are to blame.

    Before and after staining

    Tip: in order for a lightening hair dye without yellowness to be of high quality and good, consult with a specialist in advance, their rich experience and experience is what you need for a beautiful hairstyle and color.

  3. Rinsing procedure upon completion of clarification or staining. An important step in the staining process is rinsing, for which only purified water should be used, in no case from the tap, in a separate case if there are filters on it. Water from the water supply system is with salts, rust and other negative impurities, which, getting to the open hair scales, will react with the paint and provoke the appearance of yellow curls.

    After dyeing, the hair should be rinsed.

    Advice: before going to the hairdresser, find out if there is a filter for purifying water on the tap, if not, then it is better to buy 1-2 large bottles of purified water in the nearest store. It will turn out to be a little more expensive, but you do not need to remove the yellowness after highlighting.

  4. Coloring or lightening brunettes with light paint. If a brunette has a great desire to quickly become a blonde, it should be remembered that such coloring will be accompanied by yellowness. The fact is that natural pigments try to prevail over those in the paint. This procedure is carried out several times and during it you should use a hair clarifier without yellowness. By choosing such a remedy, you will achieve the desired result as much as possible, but in order to protect yourself from a common problem, you need to tint your hair after lightening.

    Palette of shades

    Important! A radical change of image from black-haired to blonde will be a huge blow to your head of hair. Strands will become brittle, dry and lose their natural shine and vitality, taking a long time to recover. Knowing this, think carefully, is your hair worth the pain? And suddenly this color will not work!

How can you remove yellowness to a blonde with folk remedies

There are proven home and professional ways to remove unwanted yellow from strands. Let us remind you that a lot depends on the original pigments.

How to lighten light brown curls at home without harm?

Here are some tips to help remove yellowness from streaked hair.

There are several options for getting rid of yellowness.

Discoloration of strands with a tonic after dyeing or highlighting

If it so happens that after dyeing the hair has acquired an unpleasant reddish shade, you should use a clarifier, just not immediately after the procedure, but wait 5 days. To lighten the hair roots without yellowness, use a quality product that has been proven by other representatives of the fair half of humanity. If you do not know which product is better to buy, consult with hairdressers.

Consult a specialist

The bleaching procedure should be carried out several times, but not in a row, soak for 5 to 7 days, this will not dry out the hair and make them brittle, ideally, the exposure lasts 2 weeks.

Choosing the best method for dark strands based on feedback

There are effective remedies for yellow hair, the assortment of which is among many stores and supermarkets of household and individual chemicals. Pay attention to the mark Silver. The product contains a set of active substances and violet-colored pigments, which help to remove yellowness from the hair and give a white tint. Shampoo that removes yellowness from hair also has a drawback - in some cases, it turns yellow strands into shades of ash, lilac or eggplant.

Advice: before buying, ask your hairdresser what paint to lighten your hair without yellowness, and also in order to avoid undesirable consequences, which shampoo is better for highlighted hair against yellowness.

Estelle shampoo with tint for white hair

Such products have been well recommended among those able to remove yellow pigment from hair. There are many platinum, pearl, pearl and silver shades in the assortment. The shampoo is applied to the hair for 3-4 minutes and rinsed off; the procedure must be carried out at every third shampoo.

Tinted shampoo

Tip: to remove yellowness from light brown hair, use a professional series of products to improve color and structure.

Before and after elimination of yellowness

Masks with a whitening effect based on kefir, honey and lemon

The above methods will help whiten your hair and make it prettier.

We hope our tips helped and you were able to achieve great results.

2 in 1 review: how to paint the roots in blond without yellowness at home (tone 12/1) and the second painting from dark blond to light blond (tone 9/13).

I like blond without yellowness, and although this does not always work out, you can still experiment. I most often paint in salons, but after the master told me that I had to go to her every month and tint 1 cm of roots, I decided that I should try to paint the roots without her, it’s not so hard. Of course, I chose a professional paint, this time it is Inebrya Color 12/1 Platinum blond extra ash. Why I chose this particular color, I will explain, it is important for me to remove yellowness from the roots, and for this, ash is needed. Although after staining I may well be gray-haired, but this is not for long, everything is washed out and an even, beautiful blond becomes. Dye with flaxseed oil and aloe vera, so it shouldn't hurt your hair too much. The price is 7-10 dollars. Paint manufacturer: Italy. My task is to use this paint to even out the color at the roots and paint over 1 cm of my natural hair (light brown color:.

And so, let's try this paint:

  • in a tube of 100 ml, 25 ml is enough for the roots for 50 ml of oxidizer, as much as possible, the main thing is 1: 1.5 (written on the pack); or 1: 2 (recommended by a hairdresser);
  • the smell of the paint is very pleasant;
  • easy to apply;
  • keep on the roots for 25-30 minutes;
  • paint does not bake.

The photos were taken in the bathroom, and during the painting:

(photo of the roots - near the window, just you can see what color will be on the street)

Result: evenly colored hair roots without yellowness !!!

By the way, after an expensive salon, my roots were much worse, so I think that you can not overpay and dye your hair at home, and even more so the roots. Hair is soft and not damaged, be sure to apply a medical mask after dyeing. For comparison, I want to say that after Vella prof, my hair was gray for a while, and here immediately the perfect result and no ash. I am happy with the result, I recommend the paint.


My experiments with blond have long been over, and now I have decided to grow my natural color. To do this, I repainted two times already and everything was wrong. The first time was Baco paint (from blond to milk chocolate), the second time was Garnier (from milk chocolate to dark blond), and yet I decided to return to my beloved Inebrya. This time the tone is 9.13. You can see the result of staining in the photo (the initial color is dark blond).

Other hair products I've used:

Elixir for the ends of the hair.Wella Enrich.Nourishing.

Estel Hydro Hair Balm Mask Deep Moisturizing

Estel Hair Serum Aqua Otium Light Moisturizing Hair Serum

Hair balm Estel Estel OTIUM AQUA moisturizing balm

Travel set Estel Estel Professional SUN FLOWER

Hair Conditioner KEEN Conditioner

Estel Blossom Otium care cocktail for color brilliance

Parisienne Semi Di Lino Hair Mask

Shampoo Mon Platin DSM Mon Platin Classic for dry and colored hair

Hair serum ELFA Burdock

Garnier Color naturals creme hair dye

Hair lamination MATRIX PRO +

Corrector Estel ESSEX 0 / 00N Neutral

Hair mask Inebrya Ice cream dry-t -

Burdock oil for hair Pure line

Express Conditioner "Extreme Recovery"

Hair balm Granny Agafia's recipes Agafia's thick balm

Set of means I provenzali Semi di Lino

Exactly what is needed. Want a perfect blonde without yellowness?

My natural hair color is ash blonde. In early adolescence, like many, experiments began with appearance and hair as well. Probably, I was not only green or blue, but I managed to try on so many shades.But in the end I realized that blond is ideal for me, especially since I was whiter than white until 7-8 years old, so this color is also my own

I tried many hair dyes and none of them gave the desired result. She burned her hair, then got an ugly yellow tint. As a result, I tried it on the advice of the Estel hairdresser and for 7 years now I have remained faithful to this paint. I used two shades - Scandinavian and polar, settled on the second color. The full name of ESTEL ESSEX is S-OS - 161 polar.

Price 51 hry. (130 rubles).

Volume 60 ml.

Manufacturer promises:

The magnificent Estel Professional Essex S-OS cream color not only allows you to lighten hair by 4 tones, but also to choose the desired shade within the same color. To select the desired shade, you need to choose an oxygenate with the correct percentage (3, 6, 9 or 12%). A wide range of colors allows you to choose the tone you like, which will favorably emphasize your irresistibility. The product is not suitable for toning.

Estel Professional Essex S-OS brightening cream-paint contains unique complexes that guarantee high-quality and reliable results. The unique molecular system "K & Es" provides color stability and intensity by deep penetration into the structure of each hair. Therefore, one hundred percent shading of gray hair is guaranteed. The Vivant System "VS" helps restore hair elasticity. Guarana and green tea extracts moisturize and give shine, volume and a well-groomed look.

The paint does not burn my scalp, there has never been any irritation. After staining, a very light lilac shade remains on the roots, it is barely noticeable and is washed off in a maximum of 1-2 shampoos.

Along the entire length, I dyed my hair only the first time, then only the roots and Estel shampoo. I do not paint myself, I trust in the experienced hands of a hairdresser's girlfriend. I tint the roots about once every 4-6 weeks, the oxidizer is 9%, I keep it on my hair for about 40 minutes. Thanks to this, I was finally able to grow beautiful long hair up to my waist.

There is, of course, such a nuance that on the back of my head my hair turns out a little darker and does not want to lighten in any way, but this is already a feature of the hair and the fact that in summer it does not fade there

Tell me how to dye white without yellowing and without harm to hair, I no longer believe in masters

Valeria Soboleva

Buy paint with a pearl blonde or ash blonde shade. Let the result be within 2-4 paints, but the color will be awesome. Better Loreal. Now there is no box, but if you want, I will write the paint number. And how to paint houses correctly, so that the roots do not differ. Itself 10 years old blonde, 2 times was in the salon, only ruined everything.

Marinka the best

I dye myself at home, if your hair is not damaged, you can dye it (completely) with Loreal Preference paint, tone Stockholm, I have white hair from her, and then use shampoo, about which a little below ....
Actually, I myself am the owner of white hair, and for this, once every 4-5 weeks, I first lighten the grown dark roots with a blonde, then I tint them with this paint (I apply it for half an hour), and once every three colors I apply then for another 5-10 minutes for full length of hair ... plus once a week my shampoo bonacure color save silver, it coolly removes yellowness - a superb thing, only they shouldn't wash it more than once a week, as it dries hair ...


I also wanted to be a blonde, I bleached myself, my hair was like hail from the sky, it was like straw, all the same, 100% of the result will not work, and if so, then not for long. try the tonic on top of your hair anyway, it doesn't harm you in any way. And why don't you paint it in ashy, I also suffered, spat on the blond and became ashy, it turns out like highlighting, the shampoo is generally harmless. And in such cases, I used professional masks and balms that hairdressers use and became easier.
I wish you good luck with your goal!

White Chocolate

It means not the master ... depending on what your hair color is! I have fair-haired and yellowness appears later! but this is from dust, etc. for this you need to take a clarifier solution (toning pearl or other), mix it with an ox, rinse a little and immediately rinse it off! not holding a minute! and he will wash away the yellowness!
I'm shocked! Estel sparing paint? don't tell my socks! I worked in a store and saw with what horror they came to us after this paint! although in Russia it may be considered normal!
I'll tell you how I did it!
Your fair-haired! every 2-3 months she bleached with small strands in a hairdressing salon! Has become more and more blond and blond! now the truth is a bit crush the color with other strands, but basically I'm like that

User deleted

Do not use household dyes, they are very harmful due to the content of heavy metals. I strongly recommend finding an experienced master who will competently discolor you, and then tint in the shade you want. I also recommend using Estel Professional products in my work, the paint is more gentle, the quality of the hair after dyeing is excellent !!!


Masters you probably just come across curves. Well, the hair pigment is like that. Rarely does anyone manage to get a completely white color, since the yellow pigment in the hair is often very strong, just like yours.
The only way out is firstly, do not try to get a paper-white color. You will only ruin your hair, especially with home art. And so they break, but in general they will be like straw. Moreover, all shop paint for lightening polls is very hard. You just need to correctly tint your hair. There will be no yellowness, only a clean, expensive blond. Or do you definitely need to get the effect of gray hair? Something doubtful ...
And at home you will definitely not achieve a beautiful long-lasting color with such a pigment. Looking for a professional paint. As a hairdresser-technologist, I would do this: the roots are lightened with a blond powder to a light yellow color, then an ammonia-free dye with a slight purple tint is applied to all hair at the 10th level and lasts until the yellowness is completely neutralized and even a little longer to get a cooler tone ... After that, at home, firstly use shampoos for colored hair for constant washing so as not to wash out the tint and once a week wash your hair with a special shampoo for blondes with a slight tint effect. Then the color of your hair will not turn yellow for a whole month before the subsequent dyeing. If you want to save a lot of money, but far from saving time, then ordinary tinted shampoos and balms with a purple tint will help you. Just always check the product on one strand. If the color is too concentrated, dilute the product (tint balms with water, and shampoos with regular shampoo). But keep in mind that the color will wash out very quickly, you can easily get an uneven color or even become Malvina. So it's better to spend the extra money on normal funds.
And definitely never apply a bleach along the length of your hair. Well, they will not lighten anymore. What we have now is the maximum. And do not ask the masters to do this. And that is smart people ... That's why the hair breaks.
But in general.. . think about whether you really need a blond .... I look at your photos and am surprised. A lover of bright clothes, dark lipstick, a bright woman ... Blond hair does not fit with the image at all. Just kill me, but I see you as a brown-haired woman with a chocolate shade of hair, oblique long bangs and styling in large waves. If your color type is Summer (natural hair is ashy), then you should reconsider the color scheme of clothes and wear cool tones. Then maybe the blond will look better. And then everything is like from different operas. Lipstick from Autumn color type, orange suit from Spring, blond hair from Summer, yellow blouse in general from Winter ...
Sorry for the criticism, especially if I offended you in some way, it's just my job. I think harmony in appearance is more important than personal desires. After all, the perception of us by the people around us and even our success depends on it.