Causes of heavy breathing during pregnancy. Learn to breathe deeply. Is it normal to have difficulty breathing during pregnancy?

Rational breathing, providing the body of the mother and child with oxygen in sufficient quantities, is vital for pregnant woman. The more attention she pays to breathing training, the easier the body copes with the timely removal of adhering debris: con through the lungs. So, we will help the skin, and the liver, and the kidneys. You remember the wonderful words of the famous Russian doctor A. Zalmanov!

There are many different breathing systems.

the main objective of any method - training the respiratory apparatus and strengthening the diaphragm ("abdominal heart", as A. Zalmanov aptly put it).

It is reasonable to remember the basic principles breathing exercises:

when walking fast and vigorously, breathe through the nose, while the exhalation should always be longer than the inhalation;

there should be a feeling of lightness and cheerfulness, since oxygen effectively expels toxins from the body;

moderation - required condition when training breathing by pregnant women: you should not bring yourself to dizziness, increased heart rate, you should not do too long breath holdings.

If you liked the breathing exercises of A. N. Strelnikova, you should exclude movements associated with sharp inclinations from it. Remember that pregnant women are contraindicated jerky movements. If you prefer breathing training according to the method of K. P. Buteyko, you should do it only under the guidance of specialists.

For pregnant women, it is wiser to take a system that has been tested for thousands of years: this is full yogic breathing.

First of all, you need to pay attention to how the diaphragm works. Sit comfortably, place both hands on the diaphragm (under the chest) and inhale, lifting the chest as high as possible. At the same time, holding your breath, relax your shoulders and keep your head straight. When you lower your hands to your knees, the diaphragm is released and the breath becomes deeper. Notice how your chest expands as you inhale and contracts as you exhale. This movement is the main one with all physical efforts. You need to train your ability to breathe smoothly, whether you are exercising or giving birth, and this ability will increase when you improve your awareness of the muscles that help the diaphragm during breathing. Full breath. Place one hand on the abdomen and the other on the chest, inhale and expand both the chest and the abdomen; then exhale. Toward the end of the exhalation, slowly pull your belly up and in. Inhale again, first slowly expanding the stomach, and then the chest, then exhale, pulling the stomach slightly towards the back. Repeat several times. Balance the breath on the count of 1-2-3-4 - inhale, 1-2-3-4 - exhale. Inhale through your nose, exhale as you please.

It is possible that you will feel a little dizzy or the child will move, having received an unexpectedly large portion of oxygen. Breathe a little slower and everything will pass. If not, stop the full breathing exercise and breathe normally. Breathe at a rate of 4-6 full breaths per minute.

Abdominal breathing. Done B full breaths, change your breathing a little, relax when exhaling abdominal muscles. When the abdominal cavity is not involved in the process of breathing, the inhalation will be less deep, and the relaxed abdominal muscles will not respond to exhalation. Place both hands on your lower abdomen to check how relaxed these muscles are. When the uterus contracts during childbirth, the ability to relax the abdominal muscles will be very useful to you (the uterus will be able to move freely). Practice to breathe at a rate of 6-10 times per minute.

chest breathing. Now try to train chest breathing using only the muscles chest. Place both hands on the ribs under the chest so that the fingers touch the ribs, and thumb was directed towards the back. Inhale and separate the fingers so that the ribs expand, exhale and the fingers join. Repeat several times. Follow abdominal cavity. It moves slightly, but does not participate in the breathing process. Now your breathing is shallower and faster, 12-20 times per minute. The count for inhalation and exhalation should be the same. It is difficult to regulate the breathing process out of habit, but these exercises will help you consciously prepare for the birth process, since they are extremely important for facilitating childbirth.

Shallow breathing. Try to breathe, straining the muscles of the chest even less. Open your mouth so that the tongue lies relaxed, resting on the tip of the front lower teeth and it is constantly moistened with saliva. Exhale slightly audibly with a slight push of air outward. Try to keep the air moving over a damp tongue to avoid dryness in the throat. Gently push the air out again, and you will find that after a little effort to exhale, a calm breath comes by itself. Listen to the rhythm of the sounding breath: as if the child is imitating a moving train. Breathing should be shallow and thus frequent. The body moves slightly in the area of ​​the diaphragm, which, in turn, will cause the stomach and chest to move a little. Try to keep your shoulders relaxed and your upper body moving slightly. It is necessary to breathe so that in one second to produce one exhalation. Let the air come out as freely as it enters. Return to chest breathing, then to abdominal breathing, then take a full breath several times.

In applying this breathing training technique, you must exhale with effort as the muscles involved in the exercise contract. Inhale when the muscles are in a relaxed state. During strenuous work or exercise, or at the most difficult moments during labor, move on to shallow breathing when you feel the need to. Shallow breathing can help during strenuous physical tension or during a strong contraction during childbirth.

Of course, it is desirable to conduct breathing exercises in the fresh air, or at least with an open window. Of course, it is important not only how to breathe, but also what to inhale. Therefore, the room must be constantly ventilated, at night it is necessary to leave the window open, and if it is very cold, tighten it with gauze.

There are a lot of breathing practices - rebirthing, holotropic or energy-sensory breathing. They can be used for relaxation, healing, mental or spiritual development. Especially breathing technique important for expectant mothers and their babies. "Women's Passions" talk about breathing exercises for pregnant women.

There are a lot of breathing practices - rebirthing, holotropic or energy-sensory breathing. They can be used for relaxation, healing, mental or spiritual development. Especially breathing technique is important for expectant mothers and their babies. "Women's Passions" talk about breathing exercises for pregnant women.

Proper breathing is important both during pregnancy and in preparation for childbirth.

The baby feels very well what is happening in the environment. One should not think that he “sleeps” in the womb and will wake up only when he is born.

All [children]() in certain period development begin to listen to the surrounding processes and people with whom their parents communicate. Therefore, by the way, it is recommended to listen classical music She calms them down a lot.

Favorably affect the baby and activities breathing technique. In addition, the child himself begins to learn to use the power of breathing for his mental, energy and physical development.

Special breathing exercises improve the well-being of a pregnant woman, help to get rid of irritability, drowsiness and fatigue, from unpleasant and pain.

So, let's go directly to the exercises themselves.

You need to start with the simplest. During exercise, nothing should interfere with you. Get distracted from extraneous thoughts, tune in to the lesson and communicate with yourself and with the baby.

Exercise One: Relax

Lie on your back. Preferably for hard surface. The arms should be parallel to the body. Relax the body: arms, legs, lower abdomen. Then gently, very slowly, take a deep breath through your nose, feel how the air penetrates into the lungs, filling every cell with oxygen.

Feel how your [body]() absorbs something fresh and pleasant from environment. Take a slow breath. So repeat several times: inhale - exhale ... Try to feel the changes in your body: lightness, airiness, warmth or, conversely, chill.

Exercise two: tissue elasticity

Stand up, lower [arms]() along the body, [legs]() put shoulder-width apart. Keep your head straight. You need to relax your eyes, but do not close them. Inhale deeply, smoothly through your nose, and as you exhale, relax the tension in the tissues. Do this exercise several times.

Bring [hands] () to the chest at the level of the abdomen and raise them in front of you, then above your head, combining these movements with inhalation. Imagine yourself as a large absorbent porous sponge, which is immersed in very clean and transparent water.

So you take in the air around you. Everything should happen not by force, but gently and naturally. When [hands] () are above your head, begin to exhale smoothly, spreading them to the sides with your palms up and returning to their original position. Then inhale again as you raise your arms and exhale as you lower them.

Continue until there is a pleasant feeling in the whole body: palms, in the lower abdomen, in the uterus. Listen to the sensations within yourself and try to remember them.

These two exercises will help keep your [body]() in good shape, improve blood circulation in the uterine area, increase blood flow to it nutrients and strengthen muscles.

The energy-sensory breathing technique also facilitates the course of pregnancy and improves the conditions for the development of the child. It consists in relaxing the perineal region. This helps to make more elastic fabric birth canal and avoid tearing during childbirth.

Skin respiration is equally important. It allows you to feel good in places where there is not enough oxygen. Energy-sensory breathing increases the supply of oxygen not only to the mother herself, but also to the baby.

Special mention should be made of breathing during childbirth. Doctors advise starting these exercises no earlier than 30-32 weeks of pregnancy.

Get on your knees and spread [feet] () shoulder-width apart. Rest your hands on the floor. Gradually take a slow breath - without lifting your knees from the floor, stretch your head and nose forward and up, arching your back and leaning forward with your whole body.

Then exhale smoothly and intensely, trying to lower the pelvis and perineum to the floor. Arch your back in reverse side. Do these exercises without stopping, they should completely coincide with your breathing.

Lie on your back, [hands]() - behind your head, [legs]() bend at the knees and place them shoulder-width apart. Gently inhale through your nose, and as you exhale, lift your shoulders and shoulder blades off the floor. Exhale intensely but gently. At the same time, your lips should look as if you are inflating a tight balloon. Returning to the original position, take a soft breath.

Relax. Repeat the exercise 10 times, then exhale and hold your breath for as long as possible. Then take a slow breath and keep breathing on. During the exercise, the muscles of the perineum should be as relaxed as possible.

The main thing here is to learn to breathe smoothly, without jerks and hold your breath for at least 40-50 seconds. Indeed, during childbirth, the rupture of the perineum occurs precisely because the mother does not know how to do these simple things.

Just remembering the exercises is not enough. You need to learn to feel your [body] () and the baby and feel what you need at a particular moment. And then there will be no fear of childbirth. After all, mommy will no longer be afraid of marriage, she will not panic, as she will know what to do: how to relax, breathe and how to move to facilitate childbirth.

During childbirth, all the theory that you once heard or read is forgotten, only those sensations and states that your [body] () "remembered" during the exercises remain.

If there is a lack of air during pregnancy, then, most likely, given state is temporary, harmless, and it is connected precisely with " interesting position" women. Specialists call this lack of air during pregnancy physiological.

Lack of air during pregnancy causes of the event
on the calf monitor pregnant
doctor growth trimester

It is explained by the fact that the growing uterus and the embryo push everything apart. internal organs which are nearby. It also suffers bladder, intestines, stomach and lungs. Aperture exposed to data unpleasant sensations last but not least, which is the only positive moments with this phenomenon.

Be that as it may, but this state can be alarm signal: it is necessary to take tests for hemoglobin levels, as well as check the work of the heart muscle.

Causes of the disease

Consider the most probable causes Why is there not enough air during pregnancy:

  • the diaphragm under the pressure of the growing uterus rises, because of this, there is less space left in the lungs for their straightening - shortness of breath occurs;
  • a growing embryo needs more and more oxygen, which it takes from the bowels of the mother, which is why a woman feels a feeling of lack of air during pregnancy;
  • nervous disorders, stressful situations, emotional, hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother can provoke a lack of air during pregnancy for early dates;
  • due to a lack of iron, a mild form of anemia develops, so the woman is no longer able to endure the previous physical exercise, because of this, there is a feeling of lack of air during pregnancy.

It's difficult to breathe

As a rule, this condition, when there is not enough air, lasts until about 32 weeks of pregnancy. On the this period the baby's head rotates towards the small pelvis, while the pressure on the diaphragm and epigastric region becomes less, so the air enters better during pregnancy.

Why does it occur early

Some women complain that they do not have enough air during pregnancy already in the early stages - 6-8 weeks, when hormonal changes organism.

This may be related to toxicity. Despite the fact that toxicosis in most cases is manifested by nausea, vomiting, sometimes this condition has other signs, among which are:

  • heaviness, pain in the stomach;
  • heartburn;
  • flatulence.

Very often, literally immediately after conception, it becomes difficult for the expectant mother to breathe after eating, even if she ate a very small portion. May appear pain in the stomach, belching, heartburn.

The same symptoms occur when isolating of hydrochloric acid: its production is provided by the synthesis of growth hormone, which is intensively produced in the body of the expectant mother.

Preventive actions

Among preventive measures, which will help prevent or at least reduce the likelihood of a lack of oxygen, can be identified.

  1. Regular intake of medications containing enough gland.
  2. Reception folic acid in moderate doses. This is most relevant for women who suffer from hemolytic disease or are malnourished.
  3. Regular moderate exercise.
  4. Keeping a balanced diet.
  5. Regular visits to the doctor and the delivery of the necessary tests.
  6. Mandatory consumption of foods such as legumes, dietary meats, nuts, fruits and juices.

Finding out the cause from the doctor

Therapy Methods

Let us consider in more detail what can be done if there is not enough air during pregnancy.

1. Practice breathing during childbirthLearn breathing exercises and breathing techniques during labor activity. Apply them whenever you feel a lack of oxygen. So you can prepare for childbirth and feel better.
2. Have a good restIf this attack is caught during exercise, you just need to rest a bit.
3. Walk outside more.Clean air, away from highways and manufacturing enterprises will allow you to fill your lungs and feel much better.
4. Open a window at nightSleeping with an open window or window favorably affects the overall well-being. The main thing is that there is no draft.
5. Avoid sleeping on your backLie down half-sitting with special pillows. Remember that you can not sleep on your back while carrying a child. This can not only cause breathing difficulties, but also adversely affect the general condition.
6. Get on all foursAs soon as you are caught by an attack of lack of air, you need to get on all fours, relax as much as possible and take slow breaths and exhales.
7. Be sure to eat breakfastSometimes the lack of oxygen occurs precisely because of poor nutrition.
8. Don't OvereatYou need to eat while carrying a baby fractionally - often, but in small portions. The ideal option considered 5-6 times / day every 2-3 hours. The last meal should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
9. Control your weightWatch your weight gain so you don't gain extra pounds. This can be not only the cause of difficulty breathing, but also bring a host of other problems.
10. Consult a doctorPerhaps you will be assigned relaxing, sedatives, for example, essential oils, herbal teas.
11. Drink oxygen cocktailsSome expectant mothers are perfectly helped to cope with this ailment.

You should never worry that such bouts of lack of oxygen are harming the baby. If all tests and the results of other examinations are normal, then this condition does not harm the fetus, but only creates some discomfort for the expectant mother.

Preventive actions

A couple of weeks before the expected birth, it will become much easier for you: if your stomach drops, expect an early birth.

Possible dangers and risks

Consider a number of ailments in which there is not enough air during pregnancy:

  • cardiovascular diseases - heart defects, arrhythmia;
  • a complication after suffering the flu or acute respiratory infections, in which case the heart does not pump blood well through the vessels and veins, due to which the organs and tissues of the body suffer from a lack of oxygen;
  • allergic diseases - this reaction may appear on a large list of products that are allergenic to humans, for example, pollen, plant fluff, some types of trees, household dust, mold, cosmetics, chemicals (the body may also have a negative reaction to eggs, nuts, milk or insect bites)
  • bronchial asthma, and, consequently, dyspnea;
  • overweight, obesity, malnutrition;
  • if a lack of oxygen occurs during a conversation, this indicates that a narrowing of the small bronchi has occurred;
  • chronic diseases of the lungs, bronchi, high blood pressure.

Majority allergic reactions accompanied by a lack of inhaled oxygen. The intensity of this feature is determined by the state of the organism of the expectant mother. That is why, if you observe such signs, it is imperative to visit a specialist in order to exclude possible complications.

When pregnancy occurs, almost from the first day, every woman thinks about the successful outcome of the case, imagining how everything will happen. To upcoming birth did not frighten, but reassured and instilled confidence, you need to prepare yourself and your body in advance for a responsible procedure.

The proposed breathing exercises during pregnancy are performed in parallel with a set of physical exercises. The main goal of such classes is to fully supply blood and, accordingly, oxygen to the growing fetus. They are designed to strengthen muscles. abdominals and improving the flexibility of the pelvic bones and spine, as well as ensuring the gradual adaptation of the vessels and heart of the pregnant woman to physical stress.

In addition, breathing exercises act as a kind of relaxation, a kind of relaxation that calms a woman. Well, the fact that correct breathing during childbirth reduces the load on all organs of a woman and reduces pain, is simply undeniable. However, without systematic training and self-concentration, it is simply impossible to realize this correct breathing during labor.

Basic rules to follow

When performing exercises to train proper breathing, you should adhere to a number of simple requirements that make these exercises useful, correct and enjoyable for a pregnant mother. Remember that in between exercises, you should take a break for a break. You can close your eyes and breathe the way you are used to.

You can train your breathing while in the following positions:

  • lie on your side, and raise your knees to the body;
  • lie on your back, and legs bent at the knees, put on the bed, leaning on the soles of the feet;
  • sitting on a chair;
  • in the "lotus" position or in Turkish;
  • while walking.

Choose for yourself comfortable position and breathe well. You can turn on light music. Practice both at home and in a group. It is good to attach the breaths used in yoga to various popular techniques. Great outdoor exercise.

Types of breathing exercises

There are several types of breathing exercises, which depend on the organs and systems to which they are directed. So there is:

  • Breathing through the diaphragm. This is how they teach to breathe when teaching academic vocals and other types of singing art.

To master the technique of such breathing, you need quite a bit of skill. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest and breathe in and out deeply. It is important to carefully monitor that the breath lifts and engages only the abdominal muscles, but the pectoral muscle remains unchanged. It is difficult to achieve this effect right away, because, as a rule, women breathe with their chests, and men with their stomachs. Respiratory movements are carried out exclusively through the nose and inhalation-exhalation.

  • Breathing through the chest. Using chest breathing, you can breathe in two different ways.

First way. Place your hands on your ribs and bend your elbows out to the sides. Make sure that during breathing movements, only the elbows move along with the rising ribs, but the chest and stomach remain unchanged and remain at rest.

The second way. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. Here, breathing is carried out purely according to " female type”- only the chest moves while inhaling, and the stomach remains unchanged.

In time, such exercises for proper breathing can take from ten to thirty minutes, no more. It is important to pay attention to the fact that when performing breathing exercises, one should not make delays, both when inhaling and exhaling. Otherwise, your baby may not receive a portion of oxygen and experience such an unpleasant condition called “hypoxia”.

Light breathing exercises

It is also used, in addition to relaxing exercises, also breathing exercises, which usually precede exercise and takes approximately five to ten minutes in duration. Such exercises subsequently greatly facilitate childbirth.

Breathing exercises during pregnancy gymnastic exercises, are suggested based on three basic breathing skills:

1. Breathing with the abdominal muscles. Place one hand on your stomach, the other on your chest, and exhaling, inhale shallowly, using only your stomach. But the hand that remains on the chest remains motionless. This breathing is repeated three or four times. It is almost indispensable between recurring contractions.

2. Already familiar breathing pectoral muscles. Hands also remain on the stomach and chest, and we inhale only with the chest, the stomach does not participate. Through such exercises, you can breathe during the contractions themselves.

3. Breathing in fits and starts, in short, separate movements. Here you should breathe quickly and loudly enough, managing to simultaneously inhale and exhale through the nose and through the mouth. Such breathing is often shown in movies. Usually it helps out when the first attempts appear and makes it possible to facilitate the fight itself with such breathing, reducing pressure in the abdomen.

Throughout pregnancy female body tolerates major changes and related changes in well-being. In every trimester of pregnancy future mom may experience more and more uncomfortable sensations, completely different in nature and ways of manifestation. One is replaced by another, and sometimes it seems that it will never end. On the later dates and become torture. The most important thing is to know the reason for your feeling unwell and develop methods to deal with it.

Depending on the physiological characteristics body, malaise in pregnant women manifests itself in different ways. These may be unpleasant symptoms like heartburn, bloating, constipation, swelling, appearance skin itching, age spots, stretch marks, pain in the lumbar region, perineum and legs. But the vast majority of women complain of difficulty breathing, especially last dates pregnancy. Sometimes there is a feeling of a sharp lack of air.

Why is it hard to breathe during pregnancy

Breathing problems usually appear in the seventh month, but may well appear earlier. Such changes can be given a completely logical explanation. Active growth uterus and baby is the cause of pressure on nearby organs.

First of all, of course, the stomach, intestines and bladder suffer. But also actively on the diaphragm developing fetus can exert pressure. The bigger the child becomes, the more Great chance that it will be difficult for you to breathe during pregnancy.

On the last month when the stomach starts to drop, you will most likely feel relieved. The good news is that not all women experience severe shortness of breath and frequent shortness of breath. But with physical exertion, rapid inclinations and other undesirable during pregnancy physical activity, you can be among those who suffer from breathing problems.

How to deal with shortness of breath during pregnancy

When you get pregnant, especially if it's your first, your doctor should tell you about all sorts of changes in your body, including breathing difficulties. In addition, you should be given advice on how to behave in a given situation, when to remain calm and not panic, and when it is better to see a doctor. If you have not heard all this, then in this article we will try to give you advice at least on how to deal with shortness of breath during pregnancy.

First of all, you need to learn new breathing techniques. If you were not familiar with this concept before, now is the time. These skills will help you in childbirth.

If you feel difficulty in breathing, you need to get on all fours, inhale deeply and slowly, then exhale also deeply and slowly. Such exercises will have to be repeated several times a day, in order to achieve desired result.

In breathing problems, your position is very important - try to lie on your back as little as possible, if shortness of breath appears at night - try to sleep half-sitting. During a sharp lack of air, try to sit down or lie down, the most important thing is to change position. Moderate exercise will be very helpful. The main thing is to observe the measure in everything.

Try not to overeat, stick to a diet. Overeating makes it difficult to breathe. Also, do not forget about the need to walk along fresh air- it is very useful both for you and for your future baby.

If you find it difficult to breathe during pregnancy, even in calm state you need to talk to your doctor. Perhaps there are other reasons for this, not related to the growth of the baby.

But in general - do not worry! get busy breathing exercises, love yoga for pregnant women and smile more often. Be healthy!