Story how I spend the new year. Writing on the topic of the new year

Imam of the spiritual administration of Muslims of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad RegionSalih Kadeev It argues that the long decade of the weekend can be useful for Muslim at the beginning of the year:

"As-Salamu Aleikum Va Rakhmatullahi Va Barakatuhuh! Peace to you, the mercy of the Most High and his blessing!

In our country, there is such a tradition - every January in society is activated by a discussion about whether we need these long New Year weekends or not. So in the past, the chief sanitary doctor of Russia, and now - the national one of the Russians Gennady Onishchenko Recently stated that ten days of rest for our people are the reason for increasing mortality. They say, they drink our people, and therefore die quickly (the quote is not him, but the point is the same). On the Internet, as usual, the people are divided into yarn opponents of this position (and their obviously more) and supporters of the opinion of the State Duma deputy. I would not want to dilute a piggy bank of the discussion on this issue by my comment, but I would likejust tell about how in the spiritual administration of Muslims of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, this decade of state weekend was held. I am convinced that new Year's vacation - This is a great opportunity to pay more time to relatives, close and friends, about which we sometimes forget, or have no opportunity to see them.

Muslim never spends his time wasted, even during public weekends. He does not spend these days at idleness, forgetting the Most High, making things that are not approved by our religion. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to himself and his body, allowing him to rest. The Hadith says: "Your body has the right to you."

These weekends we spent the Muslims of St. Petersburg, according to the will of the Most High, for the benefit of themselves and others. December 31 at the house of the famous Tatar singer, a member of our mahalli Dinara Baytemirova I spent Majlis dedicated to the anniversary of the departure of his father from this world. At this event, where the sounds of the Holy Quran were pronounced, he was attended by dear elders, grandmothers, numerous relatives, people close to each other. The weekend is a great opportunity to get together in the circle of your family and relatives to read the words of the Most High and remember our ancestors, asking for them from the Most High Forgiveness of Sins and Paradise.

It pleases that the members of our community, despite the fact that they are engaged in people who are constantly in the roads, adhere to the religions of the Most High and do not forget their traditions. On January 4, at the invitation of the Honorary Consul of Kyrgyzstan in St. Petersburg, we visited him Majlis and again read the sacred quran, the Creator's prayers. Active member of the Mahalli of the Spiritual Department of Muslims St. Petersburg and Lo Talaybek Abdiev made a recently small pilgrimage to Islamic shrines - die. After reading the Koran, we asked Allah to accept his good deeds and die.

This kind of meeting, especially during a long weekend, is an excellent opportunity to communicate with the uninterests, remember the lessons from the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace to him), to preserve their traditions inherited by us from the ancestors.

And everyone himself chooses for himself, how to spend these "extended weekends". "

Imam Dum of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region Salich Kadeev

"New Year" New Year! Most wonderful holiday! Night .. 12 hours. Chiming clock. President. Firework. Ringing glasses. Joy. Laughter. Meet this holiday in different ways. But the same thing is: happiness, good luck, health. New Year! Wonderful holiday! We are waiting for you! Come more!

"New year's night" New Year's Eve is the most wonderful and magical night of the year. After all, millions of people different nationalities, at different corners our planet, this night do not sleep, as it is usually, and celebrate in a circle of family and loved ones new Year's Eve - The change of the old year is new.

"New Year" This joyful and all beloved holiday, frosty and colorful New Year In our family, it is customary to meet in a quiet and warm home atmosphere, in a circle of expensive and close people who sincerely enjoy each other's society. We are never bored together, and I will always prefer the family feast of merry peers.

"Favorite holiday - New Year" New Year - best holiday in the world! Since childhood, he remains in our hearts, and lives forever .. every year we expect magic, seeking to finally touch the miracle, to the magical holiday!

And how much joy is delivered new Year's troubles? How many worries are they foreshadowed? And only in the battle of the chimes we can breathe calmly, and enjoy this unforgettable moment. Smells .. How many magic New Year fragrances do we know? The smell of the Christmas tree, tangerines, anticipating the smell of your favorite candy and cakes, and of course the smell of a miracle visiting the house! The heart is overwhelmed with joy at these moments! How good that there is such new Year holiday!

About the New Year's New Year is a holiday that everyone loves. Although many nations do not celebrate the New Year (for example, the British celebrate only Christmas), in Russia the New Year's Eve is waiting. In the new year On the table a lot of treats, necessarily - Olivier and Mandarins. All fun and happy, waiting for midnight. Probably everyone loves this wonderful holiday.

"New Years is soon!" Very soon the new year will come! - Favorite holiday for children! Children gladly play snowballs and ride on sledding. And the most remarkable thing that Grandfather Frost will come and give long-awaited gifts. On matinees and celebration of the New Year, the guys will be happy with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden! All children love and look forward to the new year!

"Why I love the new year" Of all holidays in the year I like most New Year. Why? You ask.

First, you are looking waiting for the next year. You know what next year You will be one year older.

Secondly, you are going at the table with the whole family, consider how many seconds it remains until January first. You open a gift and enjoy with close. Particularly happier to give a gift with their own hands, representing the person of the person received, you enjoy more than he. Looking in the windows, you see joyful people who keep bengal lights.

Here why do I like this holiday!

How we celebrate the New Year

New Year is my favorite family holiday. All our friendly family Going together, dad, mom, grandmother and me. We begin to prepare for the holiday in advance. To do this, choose the most beautiful and fluffy christmas tree. We decorate it together and be sure to hide the garlands. Windows decorate snowflakes that make themselves. Very interesting and fascinating to make christmas toys with their own hands. Did sparkles, smells of mandarins and christmas tree. The mood immediately rises and comes the approach of the holiday.

Mom and grandmother cook different dishes for new Year's table. The proprietary treat in our house there is a goose baked with apples and of course not a cake. New Year's Eve to us come with congratulations. I help my mom and grandmother to put the table and put the treats on the table.

In our family, it is customary to give gifts in new Year. I make gifts with my own hands and folded under the Christmas tree so that in the morning the parents and grandmother have opened them. I am also looking forward to the morning to get a gift that I am really looking forward to. On New Year's Eve, exactly at 12 o'clock, we are listening to the president's congratulations to the whole family and be sure to make the most hidden desireswhich in the coming year must certainly be fulfilled!

After the battle of the chimes, we go out to the street and launch salutes and fireworks, congratulations to all passersby and accept congratulations. Friendly company We return home and continue to celebrate and have fun. Play B. funny Games, Gose charaks, see New Year's concerts and dance. Ahead the winter vacation, skating rink, sledding, play in snowballs!

My parents with parents new Year holidays We choose winter walks In the forest, we ride the whole family on skis. And we still go to visit friends and have fun. I look forward to this holiday!

How I spent the new year with a family essay grade 5

I, like many others, I believe in miracles and with great impatience waiting for them. Most often they happen to the most magic nightwhile the watch beat twelve times! Yes, yes, it is in the New Year's Eve!

New Year we always meet the whole family! Pope and sis, we always go to choose the most fluffy beauty, and my mother is preparing festive table! Having come home, we install it and get the cherished boxes with Mishur and Bright christmas toys For green, fluffy beauties! Also on the green fir, we always hang candy and tiny mandarins, it becomes not only beautiful and bright, but also delicious! Decorating a fir, we remember fun and family with the whole family and funny storiesAnd the cat always breaks into the rain and lies in it. At that moment it seems that everything is impregnated with magic and miracles!

Decorating the Christmas tree, we are taken for decorating rooms and windows. We extend the garlands with bright light bulbs on the room and draw on the windows the most beautiful snowflakes. We and I believe that Santa Claus will appreciate our window creativity.

And now it's time to take the phone and congratulate all close and relatives with new Year's magic, wish them a lot of good and call everyone to visit us for a festive table.

Closer to the battle of Kurarants Mom and Dad finish adult troubles around the house and make the last touches in preparing for the holiday. Already, the guests began to approach and sit down for a beautiful and deliciously covered table, each of them also brings with them some little thing ... Who is a salad, who is a souvenir, but all this is so nice and fun!

Exactly in twelve we are all watching the congratulation of the president, and when they beat the clock on the high tower, everyone shouts "Hurray!" And they wish each other all the best in the coming year. Then we all go to the street with Bengali lights and fireworks. Random passersby are not afraid of communication and celebrate this magical night with us, everyone congratulates each other, playing in snowballs, ride icecakes and it seems that they sincerely believe that this year will be the happiest and successful! Looking at all this, I do not want that this night ended, because everything is satisfied with faith in a fairy tale and a miracle!

That was my new year!

Writing on how I spent the new year 3 class

New Year - time miracles. Adults and children love this holiday.

We, schoolchildren, love New Year. Not only because it is one of the main holidays in the year, and more because of the very atmosphere of the holiday. I like how this holiday is celebrated in our school. First, all students primary classes Collected B. act of the Hallwhere they are in turn (by parallel) high school students show a presentation. This representation is christmas story, with different classical heroes: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, bunnies, chanterelles, and so on. After that, we went to the gym, where it was elegant Christmas tree. All the guys were already in their festive costumes. Santa Claus came to us with Snow Maiden, we drove rounds, played in interesting gamesIt was very fun. Having written, all classes diverged in their cabinets, where parents have already prepared everything for festive tea drinking.

The day after the School Christmas tree, the holiday itself came - the New Year. In the morning under our Christmas tree I found beautiful boxin which lying big machine. I liked it very much, and I lost my whole day. In the evening, before the fighting of the chimes, my parents and I went to the lava area of \u200b\u200bthe city, where there were a lot of people. People were fun, burned Bengal lights, congratulated each other. And when the clock struck exactly twelve times, we stunned a festive salute.

Definitely, the new year - special holidayWhen the miracle feelings in the air.

2, 3, 4, 5, 6th grade

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