The most expensive drag stones. The biggest emerald in the world. Legendary red diamond

The most expensive gem is red diamond. In general, in the earth's depths along with ordinary minerals, many beautiful gems are lurking. Extraction of them is limited, the price is high and not even all names are known. So, the red diamond in the whole history was able to find only a few times.

So the red diamond looks like

Diamonds are stones with stunning magic, they are able to conquer the person instantly. Since ancient times, amulets were decorated with jewels, which were considered to protect a person from all bad. Some believed that with the help of stones you can find out the future. Later, when the composition of gems was studied, it turned out that they were very durable. It is this property very valuable in them.
People who have the most expensive diamonds were delighted with them.

Unfins dear diamonds

Gems simply "burn" in the sun. The price of stone depends on processing and color. The form of them is most often rounded, colorless are rare. Its transparency only increases the price. However, colored pebbles are more expensive than whites. They can have the following shades:

Description and properties of stone

The dimensions of the red diamond are small, up to 0.5 carats. It is produced mainly at the source of Argail, located in Australia. Representatives weighing more than 0.1 carats can be found on auction sales. The price of the gem is large enough.
The most expensive gem in the world in the chemical composition has only carbon. It is a crystalline lattice in the form of a grazent cube with atoms on tops.

Inside contains another 4 atom. In the thickness of the Earth, they are all very hot and exposed to pressure. Thus, a compacted "packaging" of atoms in covalent communications is formed, which helps to characterize the stone as very durable.

Meaning and education

Diamond itself is quite solid. Thanks to this property, he got his name. Translated from the Arab "Al-Mas", which denotes the "solidity". Back in ancient times, the unreacted stone was considered an exquisite decoration and had a currency meaning.

Example of not faceted diamond

One of the reliable stories of diamond education is the version of magmatic origin. Carbon atoms at a huge depth are formed as diamonds and are taken to the surface of magma.

There is a meteoric version of the formation of gems. By themselves, the unprocessed crystals are noncazists with sight. They look like matte and rough grains up to 5 mm.

When mining can be detected:

The processing process of precious stones

Grinding occurs with a cast-iron disk containing diamond powder. It is noteworthy that the faces are located in such a way that the crystal reflects the light, but did not absorb it. Multicolored rays are refracted and the stone shines in different colors.

Work on cutting can be carried out for a long time, up to several months and even years. From the hands of craftsmen, they leave half, and even one third smaller gems -, but the cost of them increases several times.

Famous precious diamonds

Forms of the cut

The cut of diamonds characterizes their appearance. Basically 3 methods of processing gems are used:

Other precious stones

If you draw up the top 10 most expensive gems in the world, then the red diamond, of course, will take first place.

2nd place

The second position on the right can be given a graderitis - rare stone, expressed in green and blue shades.

This is the gem of the grandstone.

It must be said that the individual most expensive precious stones in the world are rarely found, one time for several years. They are sophisticated names, many are found in honor of the names in honor of the names. So this stone first found French Alfred Grandge.

Example of processed graderitis

Heples in Madagascar is found, although it was originally found in Sri Lanka, and also in the USA, New Zealand, Norway, Italy. To date, there are data on different amounts of minerals, but their no more than 20. The cost of the copy reaches up to three tens of thousands of dollars.

Imperial jewelry

In antiquity, people believed that the stone affects the weather changes. It is mined in Japan, Mexico, USA, China and Kazakhstan. The cost of gem for carat is about 20 thousand dollars.

5th place

The fifth in the list of the most expensive gems in the world is diamond - a beautiful and fairly famous gem, the price of which comes to 15 thousand dollars for the carat.

The gloss has an unusual diamond, with playing colors: from colorless to black. The stone itself is very solid, but fragile, can split on spikes. But recently detected a diamond of excellent hardness - IKUTI.
This is one of the stones, which is mined on many continents, with the exception of Antarctica.

6th place

If you have a conversation about what the most expensive precious stones in the world, it is worth remembering Rubina. In its structure, aluminum oxide, color - brown, red. The most expensive is bright red with a crimson.

Ring with ruby

It doesn't matter how much rubb weighs, its value depends on the number of flaws, clarity and brightness of color. Such gems adore the weak sex representatives, there is an opinion that rubies make them even more feminine. Mining precious stones at all continents, except Antarctica.

7 place

Ring Design with Blue Tourmaline

His discovery happened quite recently, at the end of the last century. After the cut, the stone acquires a unique form, it shines intensively even with a light light.

Mining takes place mainly in Brazil, Mozambique, Madagascar. The cost of the mineral can be up to 15 thousand dollars per carat. High-quality gems are valued twice as expensive.

8th place

The list of the most precious stones with confidence can continue Alexandrite - the most beautiful gem capable of changing the color when changing lighting.

Under the influence of daylight lighting, the mineral shakes blue with a greener shade, and with artificial lighting it can give red, olive, purple and even purple. For the first time, the stone was opened in Yekaterinburg in the XIX century, he delighted people with a bizarre configuration and overflows. Until today's pore in Brazil and Madagascar, this mineral is mining. The cost of Alexandrite can fluctuate within 9-16 thousand dollars for carat.

Among the 4,000 varieties of stones, which are found in nature, are distinguished by those that represent a unique natural education and possess extraordinary beauty. These stones are kind of precious because of their artistic and material value.

The most expensive gem must be perfect for the following criteria:

  • Refers to rare copies (the less often it is found in nature, the more appreciated).
  • Have an incredible beauty (glitter, overflow, have a deep color).
  • To be wear-resistant (as a relic is transmitted from generation to generation).

Based on this, only a little more than a hundred stones can wear a "precious" title.

Luxury precious stones

Among the precious stones, the famous stones occupy a special place that covered their centuries-old secrets and stories. It is them that are compared with real works of art.

Top most famous:

  • Brilliant "Kullinan" - Translated "Star of Africa". Initially, the weight was detected more than 500g (3106 carats), from defects - only a black spot in the center. Because of the discovered cracks, it was decided to split into parts. As a result, it turned out 9 large stones and 96 small fragments. The largest instance (530CAT) is encrusted in Eduard VII Scepter. The second in size - took his decent place on the Crown of Britain. The cost of 400mln.dollarov.
  • Graff Pink - Pink diamond, a stone of flawless beauty and rarity, weighing 24.78 carats. The cost is determined in the area of \u200b\u200b45 million dollars
  • Sapphire "Millennium" (Millennium) leaves an indelible impression, it cannot be confused with any other stone. Its dimensions are just giant, almost with a soccer ball, weight - 61 500 carats. At the same time, there are 130 portraits of famous personalities. This miracle is put up for sale, provided that the buyer places it in open access to the public. The price plan range fluctuates around $ 180 million.
  • Aquamarine "Don Pedro" Beautiful and stunning stone weighing 10363 carats. Unusual overflowing faces of the obelisk with a height of more than 35 cm fascinating. This is a merit of a coastr, which about a year from the source stone weighing 45 kg created a masterpiece, polishing it. Located in the exposition of the National Museum in Washington. The initial value is marked with a seven-digit number in dollar equivalent.
  • Diamond "Hope" (with Ang. - Hope).The largest diamond of the blue shade, weighing 45.42 carats, cut in the shape of a pillow. He has several names, the most chassis - "Blue French", "French Blue", "Blue Taverns". A distinctive feature is the ability to change the color on the flaming red under special conditions. The cost is determined in 350 million dollars. Stored in the United States, in the National Museum of Natural History.
  • Diamond Shash.An extended shape, with a yellowish tone, not subjected to cut, only polished. At one end, the furrows is cut to use in the form of suspension. It is the pride of the diamond fund in the Kremlin, where they can admire them.
  • Ruby "Timur". One of the mysteries of this stone is that it is not rubied. This is the rarest mineral, a relative of the stone. The date of its cut varies in the 5th century district BC. At its faces there are inscriptions mentioning all owners.
    Timur Ruby is on storage in the Buckingham Palace.
  • Diamond "Red Shield" It is so rare that the number of jewelers who seen his units. It weighs a little, only 5.11 carats, but thanks to the color, this stone becomes real value.
  • Diamond "Black Orlov" Out of the form resembles half the egg, is considered a relative of the diamond "Shah". The historical cut in the form of a rose makes this stone unique and interesting for descendants, the rarest representative of black diamonds on the planet. It is estimated by hundreds of thousands of dollars.

It is considered the largest instance of the Diamond Fund of Russia.

The most expensive and rare gems

Precious stones are often not just expensive, but also quite rarely found natural masterpieces. Because of this, a few people can admire their unique beauty.

The most expensive and rare include the following stones:

- King of all stones, thanks to a solid structure and stunning appearance. Often has a yellowish tint. Transparent diamonds are great value. However, there are in collections and copies of blue and red shades, which is a huge rarity. The most expensive diamonds are about 2 billion dollars.

The price is caused by a pearl thickness, gloss, shape. The most expensive is the pearl of La Peregrina classic cream color having an ideal pear shape. Its weight is 203 grams, the cost of 12 million dollars.

The most valuable copy from the very beginning of the Earth. The color palette is represented from brown to pink shades. The rarest stones are painted in the color of "pigeon blood". The cost of such rubies is 30 million dollars.

The owner of a thick, saturated green color, which does not change its color with artificial lighting. Emerald "Fura" - Weight in 2kg found in Colombia and rated in 150 million dollars.

Its corporate brilliance and cornflower color are forced to detain their breath, watching the game faces. Prince Charles presented the princess Diana Ring precisely with Sapphire, which indicates the nobleness and value of this stone. He will not fade, does not change his shades at any refractive color. Dark and the brightest shades in the cost losing with their fellows with clean and bright color. Market price 10-30 thousand dollars for carat.

The most expensive gems, minerals, crystals

There is a myth that the limit of the high cost of precious stones is limited to diamonds, sapphires and rubies. In fact, there are many rare, valuable and beautiful natural education among the mineral subsoil of the earth.

These include such gems, crystals and minerals, as:

The uniqueness of the color, the ability to overflow from the blue-green to a juicy-violet shade, turns it into a lustful object for collectors. The most expensive stone weighed a little more than 4 carats and was sold for 7 million dollars. Such copies are found in the USA, Russia, Madagascar Island.

The most mysterious mineral that has recently recently allowed himself to detect. It has a bright green color, has the second name "Imperial". The cost of 1 karat is equal to 20 thousanddollars. It is known that a necklace from this material consisting of 27 the smallest beads left the auction for 9.3 million dollars.

Rarely encountered mineral mixed green and blue. There is in extremely limited quantity, which affects its cost. To date, this is about $ 30,000 per carat.

Quality minerals are painted in bright pink color. It is considered rather rare. The cost depends on the saturation and purity of the color, and fluctuates around $ 5,000.

The high price of precious stones is due to a certain combination consisting of uniqueness, beauty and huge demand. Particularly valuable copies are sold secretly in private or are the value belonging to the people, and under government.

Many mistakenly believe that the limit of the high-cost of precious stones stops on diamonds, but there is minerals on our planet, much more rare and valuable than diamonds, sapphires and such jewels, whose names have long been on hearing.

The high price is usually determined by a unique combination of rarity, beauty and great demand. The list indicates the average cost of high-quality stones available today in the world market, however, it should be noted that some prices are approximate, since especially valuable gems are often sold in private, without disclosing the general public.


Eremeevit is a rare gem, first discovered in 1883 in the southeastern part of the Trans-Baikal Territory. At first it was taken for Aquamarine, since the first found crystals had a light blue color. Over the past century, light yellow and even colorless copies were discovered, but the blue still remain the most expensive in the precious stones market. In honor of the Russian minorologist Pavel Yeremeev in honor of the Russian minorologist. It is reliably known that at the moment there are several hundred felling ememeyevites, the value of which on average is $ 1,500 per carat.

Blue grenades

Blue grenade - the most rare representative of a number of data from minerals, which was first discovered in Madagascar only in the late 1990s. Today, stones of this color are found in Tanzania, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Norway and the USA. Their main distinguishing feature is the ability to change their shade when changing lighting. So in the daylight, they acquire blue, blue and green overflows, and with artificially become purple or red. Today, the average cost of this gemstone of high quality is 1500 cu for carat.

Black opal

Black opal is the most valuable of the group of opals, the main amount of which is mined on the expanses of Australia. Other rich deposits are Brazil, USA, Mexico. The color of the types of this type can vary from grayish to black with a rich variety of flickering overflows of all colors of the rainbow. Although today, these precious stones are no longer considered as rare as before, they are still quite expensive. The cost of black opal of high quality is about 2 thousand dollars per carat.


Demantidoid is a gem from a group of green or yellowish-green grenades, known only in collectors' circles. The main deposits of these gems are in Iran, Pakistan, Russia, Kenya, Namibia and Tanzania. Every year the popularity of the mineral is steadily increasing, together with which the growth of its value occurs. Currently, the top-class deuntoida carat in the global market of precious stones can be purchased for 2000 cu


Taopeit is one of the rarest gems in the world, named after his primary-standing Count Edward Tauffe, which in 1945 accidentally discovered an unusual sample in the acquired party acquired by gems, previously never encountered him. The spectrum of Tauffeit shades can vary from lavender to pale pink. To date, the unique mineral in a small amount is found only in some placer deposits of Sri Lanka and South Tanzania. The cost of high-quality Tauffeit copies varies within 2-5 thousand dollars.

Woodtreite / Poodrette

Woodttite / Poodrette is a rare pink mineral, first discovered in 1987 in Quebec (Canada). I received my name in honor of the Poudrette family, which still owns the mine in Mont Saint-Hilaire Mount, where the first sample was found. High-quality stones began to appear only in 2000, when several copies were found in the North Mogohy (Myanmar). Since 2005, the mineral has not been discovered there, and the Canadian deposit presented the world only about 300 stones of various quality. Depending on the saturation of the color and purity, the cost of the pitter can vary from 3 to 5 thousand conditional units.


Musghavit is a close relative of Tauffeitis, which he is similar to both the chemical composition. For the first time was discovered in 1967 in the Australian Valley of the Musgree Range. Later, the mineral was found on the territory of Greenland, Tanzania, Madagascar and even in the depths of the cold lands of Antarctica. This gem exists in several colors, but the most commonly encountered green and purple specimens. Due to the fact that in the entire history there was a very small amount of precious stones, their price reaches quite expected sizes: the cost of a green musguevita of high quality karat is 2-3 thousand dollars, while for one carat of purple felling mineral will have to give around 6 thousand conventional units.


Benitomit is a gemstone saturated blue, the only deposit of which is located in the district of San Benito, (California, USA), where it was first discovered in 1907. In 1984, officially recognized as state gemstone state. In the world market, the average cost of small benitoitis weighing 1 carat, which in the world there is an extremely limited number (no more than a dozen) is 4000-6000 cu


Sapphire is one of the most famous jewelry stones, in the mineralogy and jewelry industry called Corundum. It has a deep blue color, less often meet pink, green and yellowish-orange gems. The rare varieties include blue star sapphire and dadpazza - the stone of orange and red-yellow. The most famous mineral data deposits are located in India, Russia, Vietnam, Thailand, USA, Australia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, China and Madagascar. The most rare and high-quality copies on the world market can be purchased approximately 4-6 thousand conditional units for one carat.


Emerald - the precious stone of the highest quality bright green or dark green. Recent years, the title of the main deposit of this mineral is Colombia. Despite the large number of emeralds actively produced throughout the world, the prices of them still remain truly cosmic. Today, pure stones are extremely rare, which, together with great popularity, determines their high cost. The green gem of exceptional quality weighing about 1 carat in the world market is sold by more than 8,000 US dollars.


Bixbit is a rare variety of red beryl, until recently known only to some collectors. It is mined exclusively in the US states of Utah (Vakho-Vakho mountains) and New Mexico. It is extremely difficult to purchase a red beryl high-end, while the price of a stone weighing about 1 carat is more than 10-12 thousand US dollars. Determine the average value of this mineral is quite difficult due to the small number of high-quality stones on sale.


Alexandrite is the famous gem, famous for its ability to change color. In the daylight, its color is characterized by a bluish-green, dark blue-green and olive-green tint, while in artificial illumination it is overflowing can acquire pink-raspberry, red, purple or purple-red. The first crystal was discovered in 1833 in Emerald Graduation in the vicinity of Yekaterinburg. The cost of this precious stone, depending on its quality, can range from 10 to 15 thousand conventional units.

Paraleiba (Blue Tourmaline)

Paraleiba (Blue Tourmaline) is a beautiful and very rare bright blue-turquoise crystal, opened in 1987 in Parabia, which is in the east of Brazil. For a long time, this precious stone was mined only in one place, but today its deposits are already in Madagascar and in Mozambique. Brazilian blue tourmalines are currently the most expensive representatives of the group - their price is 12-15 thousand dollars per carat, and really unique gem of the highest quality may be much exceeded the specified numbers.


Ruby is one of the most popular gemstones in the world, known for its rich shades of red: bright red, purple-red, dark red. It is found like diamonds, on all continents, excluding Antarctica. Main exporting countries - Thailand, Myanmar and Sri Lanka. Asian rubies are the most valuable, especially the stones of the color of "pigeon blood" - purely red with a purple tint. Limited quantity and tremendous popularity make them extremely expensive precious stones. For the carat, the ruby \u200b\u200bof high quality in the world market will have to pay about 15 thousand dollars.


Diamond is a common mineral, for a long time remaining one of the most expensive and desired precious stones. The reason for this, of course, is the huge popularity of diamonds (so-called faceted diamonds). Every year the amount of jewelry manufactured with these precious stones is rapidly increasing. Industrial diamond fields are known today at all continents, except Antarctica. Currently, the perfectly faced diamond color D on average for sale at a price of about 15,000 y. e. for carat.

Jadeitis (Imperial)

Jadeitis (Imperial) - Green Mineral, which has been the status of one of the most mysterious stones of our planet for a long time. Today, its main sources are located in China, the upper Myanmar, Japan, Mexico, Kazakhstan, Guatemala and the United States. The approximate cost of Karat Jadeite high quality on the world market is 20 thousand dollars.


Padpaja (translated from the Tamil "Sunrise Color") is pinkish-orange sapphires, which were historically mined in Sri Lanka, in Tanzania and Madakascar. Now, the Sri Lanka pad apartments in natural form remains almost no left and get it, heating the corundum mineral in the furnace to the desired condition. The last classical (i.e. is not Greyt) Padpagian weighing 1.65 carats was sold on Sri Lanka about 20 years ago for 18 thousand dollars. Nowadpands, the weight of over five carats is considered a collective and can be estimated to 30 thousand dollars for each carat of weight.


Graderitis - a rare mineral of greenish blue, greenish-blue or bluish-green, the first sample of which was discovered in Sri Lanka. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the French researcher Alfred Grandide, who studied Madagascar, was described in the territory of which today the main part of these minerals is mined. Faceted graderites today exist in extremely limited quantities - about two dozen. The approximate cost of a unique mineral is more than 30 thousand dollars per carat.

Red diamond

Red Diamond is the most expensive representatives of their family and part-time the most expensive gem in the world. In the entire history of mankind, only a few copies of this mineral were found and most of them have a very small weight - less than 0.5 carats. The color of the natural red diamond of hemologists is called purple-red. The only color diamond deposit is located in the Argail diamond mine (Australia), in which the number of stones are annually produced. Gems weighing more than 0.1 carats, as a rule, appear only at auctions, where the price for carat is more than one million dollars.

In contact with

Precious stones have amazing magic - they conquer a person at a glance. In antiquity they were used to decorate amulets. It was believed that they could protect a person from diseases and unclean strength. Some believed that stones are able to predict the future. Later, when they began to study, it turned out that each gem had its strength. The most expensive stones in the world are valuable thanks to this property.


Diamond is a gem that is distinguished by a simple structure. It consists of a single chemical element - carbon. The atoms of the substance are located deeply underground, there are a long time to severe heating and pressure.

It is believed that diamonds are the most expensive stones in the world. High-quality only one gram can cost hundreds of thousand rubles.

From what depends the price of the diamond:

  • quality;
  • the form;
  • color.

The weight of the diamond is measured in carats. By the way, a very interesting fact: in antiquity, Karat called special seeds, with which they compared the size of gems. One carat is 0.2 grams.

The most expensive stones in the world are uneven weight. For example, a diamond in one gram will cost several times cheaper than a stone that weighs 0.99. It is believed that such a gem is unique, special. Reviews of those people who managed to get such a stone enthusiastic. It is said that he is unprecedented beauty and simply "burns" in the sunshine.

The cost also depends on the cut and color. Most often, the diamond can be found round. Of all the varieties, only single stones are colorless. The more transparent gem, the more expensive it will cost. As for colored stones, it is worth noting that they are more expensive than whites. They can have a pink shade, green, yellow or red.

What diamond can be said that he is the most expensive stone in the world? The name is very interesting - "Kullanan". Stone weighs more than 600 grams (3106 carats).


This stone is also known as Corundum. The structure of crystalline, from chemical elements only aluminum oxides contains in itself. On the hardness scale it is believed that after a diamond sapphire is the strongest gem.

One of the main factors determining the value of the stone is the origin. High-quality sapphires can be found in Kashmir, they have a gentle-corn hue. Interesting the fact that gem does not change the shade even with artificial lighting. That's great rarity.

The most expensive stones in the world are those sapphires that have natural origins. The cleaner shade of gem, the higher it will be its value. Too dark or pale stones are cheaper.


The crystal structure of the stone consists of aluminum and beryllium. In case of artificial lighting, gem retains its natural shade.

Emerald, which was recognized as the most expensive gem in the world, has a size with watermelon. Its weight is 57.5 carats, and this is about 12 kilograms. It is believed that he was produced in Brazil. Called TEODORA stone.

Most natural emeralds have internal defects, uneven color and cracks on the surface. The brighter the color of the gem, the higher it will be its main cost.

Distinguish the real stone from synthetic is not difficult. Emerald, having natural origin, is not ideal and is not transparent. As for high-quality synthetics - such gems are completely transparent and have a rich green color.

The most expensive precious stones in the world are those whose color resembles the shade of dill. They are extremely rare and are very popular.


When the question arises about what the most expensive stones in the world, the name "Ruby" cannot be bypassed. The structure of gem consists of a stone of natural origin differs in internal defects that are visible to the naked eye. Color can be brown, red.

The most valuable is that Rubin, which has a shade of "pigeon blood" - pure red color with a slight purple tide.

From what depends the cost of Rubin:

  • number of defects;
  • clarity and beauty color;
  • purity.

Super ruby \u200b\u200bis considered valuable regardless of their weight. In the upper Burma there is a gem of a shade of "pigeon blood". It has 5 carats and costs 10 times more expensive than exactly the same stone, but from Thailand.

As for feedback on Rubin. Jewelry with this stone is very loved by a beautiful sex representative. It is believed that Ruby is decorated with a girl, reveals her femininity.


What are the most expensive stones in the world? List of gems big. The honorable place is occupied by pearls. It is formed in the oyster's body. If the sink somehow gets the subject of foreign origin, for example, the smallest grain, then the mollusk immediately begins to push it. He highlights a mother of pearl to cover the "strangers". The thicker it turns out the pearl layer, the more elegant and more expensive will be pearl.

By the way, a very interesting fact is that it is a unique stone that jewelers are used without preprocessing.

Pearls that can be found today in stores - cultivated. Its creation takes place with human participation. A bead hosted into the oyster. Properties are the same as in a natural stone, only a layer of pearl, it turns out much thinner, and these stones gather much earlier.


This precious stone knows everything. The main feature is in the ability to change its shade. If in the daytime lighting gem shines bluish-green rays, then with artificial it will show itself olive or blue-green.

The very first stone was found in Yekaterinburg in 1833. He struck people with his unusual shape and playing flowers. The cost of Alexandrite may be different, it depends on its quality and cut - from 9 to 16 thousand conventional units.

Blue tourmaline

The first time such a stone was found in the east of Brazil. Gem has a blue-turquoise shade. The most expensive stones are mined there and to this day. However, their deposits were also discovered on Madagascar.

Blue tourmaline is a very rare gem. Jewel lovers note that the cut, the shape and the uniqueness of this stone is fighting with their unique beauty. The price varies from 12 to 15 thousand dollars per carat. However, if gem has the highest quality, it may be even more expensive.


Translated from this name means "Sunrise". This sapphire is distinguished by an amazing tint - something between gentle orange and pink. Once mined on Sri Lanka. However, now the stone is practically left there. The man found another way to receive him. In a special furnace, mineral corundum heats up to a certain temperature. The last stone, mined in this way on Sri Lanka, was sold for 18 thousand dollars. It was more than 20 years ago.

To date, PadpaJan weighing 5 carat is considered a collective gem. Its value is approximately 30 thousand dollars per 1 carat.


This mineral is considered the most mysterious of all that was found on the planet. It has a beautiful smooth green color, rounded shape. The approximate cost of the market ranges from 20 thousand dollars.

Now the gem is mined in Mexico, Japan, China, the USA and Kazakhstan.


Some time ago, the value of this gem was known only to single collectors. The mineral is considered a type of beryl, only here it is found very rarely. It has a saturated burgundy shade, uneven cut.

You can only get in New Mexico and Utah. It is almost impossible to find on sale. Collectors note that an instance of this mineral is extremely expensive. For one karat, you will have to put about 12 thousand dollars.

It is difficult to determine the true value of stones for the reason that they are very small.


This is one of the rarest gems. All over the world there are no more than 10 copies. The average cost for carat is 6-8 thousand conditional units.

The only place where the gem was mined is San Benito County. The first time the stone was discovered there in 1906. Later he was recognized as a state precious symbol of the state.

Red diamond

Many wonder how the most expensive stone in the world. This is a diamond. But not simple, but red. It is very rare and is considered to be the most significant gem. For all the existence of humanity, it was possible to find only a few copies of this mineral. Most differ relatively slight weight - 0.5 carats.

Red diamond is mined at the Argail mine. Gems having weight more than immediately put up auctions. The price of such a pebble can reach more than a million dollars. To get a gem for your collection dreams of many collectors of unique jewels.

Our planet is very rich in a variety of minerals that play a crucial role in the daily lives of all organisms on Earth. People learned how to use these stones and metals in the construction, transport industry and for many other purposes. We have become almost completely dependent on some natural fossils, without which even the simplest car does not start and it will not be possible to create a reliable shelter. Economy, medicine, industry and many other areas of our life are unthinkable without some very rare and valuable minerals. They are considered precious and incredibly expensive due to the fact that they are not easy to get, or because they are quite a bit in nature. In this list you will learn about the rarest and valuable minerals on Earth.

10. Rodia

Rhodes are a very rare mineral, and for its demand and deficiency This noble metal is valued very high. It has excellent catalytic properties, and therefore ideal for automated processes in industrial enterprises. In addition, rhodium is used in the production of mirrors and in jewelry. Russia and South Africa are leading manufacturers of high-quality rhodium on the planet. Now this unique mineral is estimated at an average of $ 56 per gram.

9. Peynit

Just 1 karat of Pejnita costs as much as $ 60,000! This mineral is so expensive for a fairly simple reason - it is one of the rarest in the world. The first peneets opened the British, and quite recently - in the 1950s. Detected an amazing mineral seller of precious stones by the name Pain (Pain), in honor of which a find and got its name. Painietes can be red-orange or red-brown, and its color is obliged to the presence of iron in its composition. It is said that the peeney is the most expensive mineral not used in industry.

8. Almaz

Diamond is another very valuable stone that plays a crucial role in many industries of human life, although it is most often associated with jewelry. 1 carat usually costs about 55 thousand dollars. Diamond is a solid substance in the world, and that is why it is actively used in the manufacture of the most durable drills. The natural diamond is formed under the action of very large temperatures and extremely high pressure, and closer to the surface of the earth, it falls during volcanic activity.

7. Black opal

Opals are very different. Black opal is different from all the rest of his fellow, because it is unusually rare and therefore a very expensive stone. Green opals occur much more often, and therefore they are not so valuable. Australia is famous for both a country where black opals find the most. Among other leaders in the extraction of this gemstone of countries, Ethiopia is also listed.

6. Platinum

This mineral is appreciated worldwide. It is very rare, but we still manage to apply it in a variety of spheres. For example, people learned how to use platinum in the production of high-quality cables that conduct electricity, because platinum does not rust and serves for a very long time. Did you know that platinum-based preparations are actively used in the treatment of cancer? There are still many other applications of this expensive mineral, the list can be continued for a very long time.

5. Gold

Most people believe that gold is the most expensive and precious mineral in the world. In fact, there are still at least 3 other types of minerals that are more expensive than gold. Gold mined in mines around the world, and it is used in very different areas, although we all see it more often in jewelry. 1 gram of gold costs about $ 56.

4. Ruby

Rubins are precious stones. They are considered almost the most expensive stones in the world. The attractive red color of this mineral is associated with the presence of chromium in its composition. Myanmar is the main supplier of Rubins (90% of world production), and stones from this country are valued above all.

3. Jadeit

Outwardly, he strongly resembles jade, but it has a more grainy structure, it still differs. In addition, it is happening much less often, and this stone is not so easy to get, which explains its high cost. The only famous places of birth of this emerald green mineral - Guatemala and Mexico. The price of Jadeitov continues, and now for 1 carat ask for 3 million dollars!

2. Blue grenades

This mineral is of different colors, including magenta, blue, brown, yellow and red, but it is the blue grenades that are considered the most expensive among all their fellow. This is one of the most recently open minerals in the world - he was discovered in 1990 in Madagascar. Since then, the mineral has been found in several countries around the world. The United States, Turkey and Russia fell into their number. To date, the gem is estimated at 1.5 million dollars for 1 carat.

1. Lithium

Our rating will complete the mineral, which was opened by the Swedish chemist Johan Arfvedson in August 1817. Lithium is an extremely demanded metal, which is actively used in the manufacture of reloaded batteries, in metallurgy, nuclear power, lubricants, medicine, pyrotechnics, electronics, flaw detection and many other areas. The bulk of lithium production lies in Afghanistan.