The fastest way to whiten your face. Whitening of the face at home. Orange zest with yogurt

We have already written more than once how to lighten the skin of the face at home. This topic is not only extensive, but also in demand by women of all ages.

Even cute freckles sometimes cause significant discomfort to their owners, not to mention pigmentation, acne spots, excess sunburn and a dull complexion.

To make the skin tone even, yellowness and grayness are gone, it is not enough to use decorative cosmetics and try to mask imperfections. And daily skin care is also not enough if a woman has such problems.

Today we will talk about why you need to whiten your skin, what are the rules for using home recipes for lightening the skin and, of course, we will introduce you to new recipes for whitening masks and other home remedies based on natural products.

Why lighten skin?

The main reason we have already mentioned is the aesthetic one. A woman cannot look and feel well-groomed if spots and traces of acne appear on her face, if dark circles under her eyes are visible, her complexion is gray or yellowish. Any of us will try to deal with this situation: someone will go to a beautician, and someone will use folk remedies and try to cope with home masks, lotions and scrubs.

And, of course, the skin will not get a good color if it is not regularly nourished. Weekly, or even 2-3 times a week, prepare nutritious masks from natural products, they are safe and perfectly supply the epidermis with the necessary vitamins, minerals, antioxidants. Here you will find a selection of such masks for different skin types:.

Best masks for lightening skin

We offer the most effective recipes for lightening the skin at home. Choose those formulations that suit your skin type, test them and be sure to find those that will help you achieve the desired result. Repeat the procedures 10-14 times, and then change the composition of the mask.

Cucumber is a wonderful skin care product. As part of homemade masks, it perfectly moisturizes the skin, saturates it with microelements and whitens it. The effect is greatly enhanced when combined with helpers such as parsley and lemon.

Cucumber - 1 piece
Parsley greens - 1 bunch

Grind a small cucumber with a grater or blender. Chop a small bunch of parsley finely to make about 2 tablespoons. Squeeze out fresh lemon juice. Mix everything and apply to face, neck and décolleté. Where pigmentation also often appears. Soak the mixture on your face for 20 minutes and wash with slightly acidified lemon water.

Cottage cheese as part of lightening masks for spring pigmentation can be mixed with a variety of products: with salt, parsley and dandelion juice, with an egg and hydrogen peroxide. From the proposed recipe, choose what you like best and use to improve your complexion.

Cottage cheese - 2 tablespoons
Milk - 1 teaspoon
Egg yolk - 1 piece
Parsley greens - small bunch
Fresh dandelion leaves - 5-6 pieces
Salt - 1 pinch

Composition 1: mix cottage cheese with milk, pour in parsley juice and add a pinch of salt.
Composition 2: mash the curd with finely cut dandelion leaves.
Ingredients 3: Mix cottage cheese with raw yolk and add peroxide.
Keep the composition on your face for no more than 15 minutes and rinse off with lukewarm water.

Honey is an irreplaceable product for skin care, it supplies it with very useful vitamins and microelements. And in combination with lemon juice it perfectly whitens age spots and freckles. It is better to apply this mask in the morning, before washing. The face after the procedures remains fresh for the whole day.

Natural honey - 1-2 tablespoons
Lemon juice - ¼ teaspoon

Mix ingredients and apply on face and neck for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with cool water and proceed with further skin care and makeup.

Yeast is often used in homemade masks. They contain a lot of substances beneficial to the skin, and in combination with hydrogen peroxide, they can fight even very strong pigmentation.

Raw yeast - 1 tablespoon
Hydrogen peroxide - 5-6 drops

Mix yeast and peroxide, if the mask is too thick, add a little fresh milk. Apply to problem areas and keep until dry. Then rinse off with water.

Starch is known as a wonderful product for nourishing the skin, it perfectly tightens and rejuvenates the skin, providing the effect of botox. In addition, starch also whitens, therefore it is used in masks for pigmentation on the face.

Potato starch - 2 tablespoons
Honey - 1 dessert spoon
Salt - 1 whisper
Milk - 1 tablespoon

Mix all the ingredients until a homogeneous slurry is formed and apply on the face in several stages as the previous layer dries. In total, hold the composition on your face for up to 25-30 minutes and then wash.

Parsley is a great skin bleach. But in combination with lemon and honey, the effect is enhanced, whitening age spots, freckles, and acne marks.

Parsley greens - 1 bunch
Honey - 1 tablespoon
Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon

Chop the parsley finely and take about 2 tablespoons. Add liquid honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice. This mask should be kept on the face for 15-20 minutes and washed off with cool water.

Express methods for fair skin

  • An excellent face mask with a nourishing and brightening effect is obtained from banana pulp and cream.
  • To whiten the dark skin around the eyes, boil a potato, mash it and mix with finely chopped parsley.
  • Mix the pulp of red currant with a teaspoon of honey - you get an excellent brightening mask.
  • Mash the flesh of a melon or strawberry and simply apply to your face. You will get the result in 10-15 minutes.
  • Add lemon, orange, grapefruit, rosemary, sandalwood, vanilla or turmeric essential oil to the cream you are using. This will give the cream extra. Enough 1-2 drops per serving of cream (5 grams).

Prevention of pigmentation and dark complexion

  1. In order for the face to retain its fresh color, you need to pay attention to your health. Identify and promptly treat skin diseases and internal organ problems.
  2. If you want to look good, you have to give up smoking, alcohol abuse and junk food.
  3. Always, at any time of the year, protect your skin from harmful solar radiation. Wear sunscreens even in winter, it is better if they contain zinc oxide, which is an excellent barrier against UV radiation.
  4. Avoid sunbathing between 10-11 a.m. and 4-5 p.m. Wear hats and sunglasses in hot weather.
  5. Nourish and moisturize your skin regularly to keep it healthy for longer and to withstand the harmful factors of the environment and time.

Remember that a healthy, fresh complexion speaks of your well-groomed and youthfulness. Use additional tips from this video:

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How to whiten your face at home without harm to your health? This question is popular with thousands of people for very different reasons. Often unwanted blemishes, an uneven tan, or a sore complexion seem like an intractable problem. But this is not the case, and there is an effective lightening method for everyone.

Before looking for an answer to the question of how to whiten your skin at home, it is important to have an accurate idea of ​​the desired result. Each person has his own ideals of beauty, and the reason for lightening can be:

  • ugly tan;
  • dark spots;
  • yellowing of the skin due to smoking;
  • gray skin after or during an illness of the internal organs.

There are good solutions for every problem, but, for the most part, skin whitening methods are universal.

For more effective lightening, complete skin care should be performed. Regardless of the main goal, you should:

  • thoroughly cleanse your face before the procedure;
  • use moisturizers immediately after procedures or at night to reduce the risk of dry skin;
  • after lightening the skin, do not use decorative cosmetics for several days.

Failure to follow these basic rules can slow down or reduce the whitening effect and can lead to skin inflammation and acne.

Brightening assistants and their uses

To achieve the desired complexion, you can use a variety of tools that can always be found at hand. But each method has its own peculiarities of application and limitations, therefore, when choosing a way to lighten the skin, it is important to study all the nuances of the whitening procedure.


The most popular and simplest method to lighten the skin, remove unwanted spots and nourish the skin with vitamins a little is whitening. It is necessary to wipe your face with a slice of lemon or a cotton ball dipped in lemon juice. Rinse off the juice immediately, but after 8-10 minutes.

Attention! The juice should not get into your eyes.

The procedure must be repeated in the morning and in the evening for 3-4 days. If the effect is insufficient, you need to take a break for 1 day and repeat the course.

The method is well suited for whitening the skin after sunburn at home, and also helps to make age spots barely noticeable or even completely remove.


The softest and most beneficial whitening method. Cucumber juice not only does no harm, but also completely changes the appearance and touch of the skin. It easily removes age spots and helps to brighten the face in cases of painful discoloration. In addition to natural lightening, the product will make the skin elastic and incredibly smooth, and soon rubbing with cucumber juice will become a permanent habit.

You can squeeze the juice in any convenient way, the easiest way is to grate the cucumber on a fine grater, and then gently squeeze the pulp and discard. You need to immerse a cotton pad in the juice, squeeze a little and wipe your face, the wetter the better. When the juice is dry, repeat the procedure.

According to this scheme, you can and should wipe your face as often as possible, ideally at least 8 times a day. This procedure takes about 30 minutes in total and must be done every day for a week until the first visible effect. Then you can reduce the number of wipes to 2, but you will have to continue the procedure every day until the skin color becomes as necessary. Maintaining the result is easy. It is enough to repeat the procedure every 2-3 days (at least 8 wipes).

Interesting! You can mix cucumber juice with lemon juice in a 2d1 ratio, thereby enhancing the effect. But in this case, it is imperative to wash your face after all wipes. Don't leave lemon juice on your skin for long.


An irreplaceable product that can help you in everything. Face skin whitening is no exception.

Before using soda, you need to lather your face with baby soap and a product with a low concentration of alkali, and then apply a little soda to the lather, rub and leave for 5-7 minutes. Wash off everything with warm water.

Important! Soda requires mandatory moisturizing of the skin after the procedure, it is especially necessary for people with dry skin.


There is hydrogen peroxide in almost any medicine cabinet, and for good reason. With this tool, you can lighten both skin and hair. But it's important to remember that overuse of peroxide can lead to dry, flaky skin. The advantage of this method is that it can be used even if there are abrasions and scratches on the skin, there will be no harm.

Apply a little hydrogen peroxide to a cotton pad and wipe your face thoroughly. You do not need to wash off the peroxide. If dryness and peeling appear, it is worth using a moisturizer after the procedure. Wipe your face in the morning and evening for 2 to 7 days until a visible effect is achieved. The method copes well with tanned skin and quickly gets rid of age spots.

Nuance! Peroxide whitens everything. Therefore, be careful when applying peroxide to your eyebrows. But with regular use, this tool will help to make the antennae light and invisible.


This tool comes off as one of the ten best and most convenient face and body skin care products. There are a million recipes with clay, but it is not at all necessary to use it with something. In the case of quick face whitening at home, you can limit yourself to a minimum of components. White, green or blue clay is suitable for lightening, the method is universal and suitable for all skin types.

How to whiten your face with clay? It is necessary to dilute it in warm water to the consistency of very fatty sour cream (or soft cottage cheese). Then apply on face in a thick layer and leave to dry completely. Then wash with warm water and apply a light moisturizer to your skin. You can add a little (1 tablespoon per 50 g of dry clay) olive oil to the clay paste, 2-3 drops of essential oils.

Nuance! The skin under the mask may start to itch - this is a normal reaction to the drying out of the clay, so there is no need to worry.

The clay should be left on the skin until completely dry, but not less than 10 and not more than 25 minutes. Beauticians advise to repeat this procedure every other day. Clay helps to restore the natural whiteness of the skin to smokers and people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other internal organs.


Parsley is a useful plant, both when used internally and for external use. The herbal decoction helps to brighten the face at home quickly and painlessly. It is better to cook it from fresh herbs:

  1. Pour 50 grams of parsley with water (1.5 liters).
  2. After boiling, turn off the heat, close the lid, leave for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Drain the broth without branches into a separate container and cool.

You can wipe your face with a ready-made broth using a cotton pad or ball.

Rinse off the product is not required. You can repeat the procedure from 4 to 10 times a day until the desired result is obtained (on average, it takes about a week).

Interesting! Parsley can help whiten your face after sunburn at home, and can also deal with gray and earthy skin tones.

It is not necessary to choose one brightening method, it is quite possible that another will be more effective. You can alternate between different methods and even do several treatments a day. But be sure to give the skin a rest between procedures - at least 1 hour. But it is important to know that whitening your skin at home can lead to disastrous results.

Whitening procedures are contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. It is useless to lighten skin that has turned yellow from smoking or discolored due to illness. In such cases, it is necessary to combat the root cause of the color change.
  2. You can not whiten your face with wounds, abrasions, cuts on it. Hydrogen peroxide is an exception, but it should be used with caution.
  3. With skin diseases, do not smear the skin with anything superfluous. In this case, it is best to consult a dermatologist.
  4. You should postpone whitening if your face was peeled less than a month ago. It is also worth waiting a week after epilation.

There are also professional products available in retail for whitening the skin and removing age spots, and pharmacies also have preparations that can lighten the skin. But the price for them is much higher, and there are more restrictions on application and subtleties of use.

You can whiten your skin at home using chemicals, or you can use natural ones, which we will talk about today. Unlike their artificial counterparts, they are safe and easier to use. Of course, the result will have to wait a bit, but you will be sure of it..

What exactly can we achieve using the products discussed below? Whiten freckles and age spots, even out complexion, especially after sunburn. By the way, in the summer you need to be more careful: being under the sun, the influence of ultraviolet rays can not only interfere with the bleaching process, but also create unnecessary problems for us. Therefore, either we are not carried away, trying to become white and white, or we do not go out into the street during the day.

What happens to the skin during whitening? A kind of peeling: dead skin cells are exfoliated and the level of melanin produced is reduced.

The composition of the whitening masks contains foods rich in vitamin C - mainly vegetables and fruits. Among them are cucumbers, lemons, strawberries, raspberries, currants, parsley. Based on existing recipes for masks, you can come up with your own: who has what at home, and what the skin likes best. Masks need to be done often, but be sure to alternate them with nourishing and regenerating masks. Alternative or addition to masks - lotions, herbal decoctions for washing. So, look at the list of products and get to work!


Cucumber mask is the most common clarifier. Affordable, cheap, effective. We rub the cucumber on a grater, add a spoonful of sour cream or nourishing cream to the pulp and apply it on the face. We keep it for 15 minutes, wash it off with water. If your skin is oily, then replace the cream with a couple of drops of vodka.


Another popular product. Parsley greens or finely chopped into a mask can be used to make a lotion out of it. To do this, pour boiling water over the parsley and wipe the face twice a day, when the mixture is infused.


Why not? Dandelion leaves lighten age spots and freckles. We make strong tea from them and insist overnight. Wipe your face in the same way as with a tincture of parsley. They blotted a cotton swab, rubbed their face, waited until it dried, rinsed with clean water. For experimenters, dandelion ointment. To make it, cut fresh leaves and fill it with castor oil. The mixture will be ready in two weeks: filter and use.

Oatmeal + tomato

We strive so much to sunbathe, but sometimes it turns out that the tan is not what we wanted. Or, at the end of summer, he starts to “slip” and the complexion “gets dirty”. The situation will be corrected by a mixture of oatmeal with tomato juice. Ideally, the juice is freshly squeezed (or the more natural the better). Mix it with oatmeal and apply the mixture to your face. When it dries up, wash it off with warm water. In addition, we know that oatmeal is good for unclogging pores, so this mask serves several useful functions at once.

Lemon + honey

They say that if you sprinkle your hair with lemon juice before going outside, it will lighten. Such a natural highlight. Lemon whitens skin just as well. But it can seem a little aggressive, especially if you have dry skin. Therefore, the most successful use of lemon is in combination with honey. We mix lemon juice with honey and apply to those areas of the skin that we want to whiten. Pre-check if you are allergic to lemon - to do this, apply a drop of juice to your hand. Powdered milk or egg white can be added to this mask.


Do you like berries? Rub the strawberry juice on your face morning and evening, and your freckles and age spots will become lighter. A mask made from strawberries, honey and lemon juice has the same whitening effect. Moreover, you can get rid of irritations and acne. Strawberries are good for oily skin - they visibly tighten pores.

Feminine beauty is not only about a flawless figure and perfect features. Any woman looks attractive with a healthy complexion and clear, delicate skin. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly and thoroughly take care of it.

It must be remembered that many factors adversely affect beauty: bad habits, polluted ecology, prolonged exposure to the sun, various diseases of internal organs, improper lifestyle and insufficient sleep.

Before you whiten your skin at home, heed these guidelines.

It is known that a face with light and even skin visually looks well-groomed and young. To make the skin white and tender, women in ancient times resorted to various cosmetic secrets and tricks.

Today, beauty salons use a variety of procedures that help cleanse pores, eliminate age spots and freckles, smooth and smooth it, improve turgor and complexion. You can safely whiten the skin and restore the structure of the epidermis at home using natural folk remedies.

However, before using this or that recipe, you should know your skin type.

  1. It is recommended to whiten oily skin 2-3 times a week.
  2. Dry and sensitive skin can be lightened only once a month.
  3. In the normal or mixed type, effective bleaching agents are advised to be applied no more than 1-2 times a week.

Before the process of whitening pigmentation or freckles, it is mandatory to cleanse the face of dead cells, dirt, toxins and grease.


Steam baths help unclog pores, improve blood circulation, remove greasy deposits and normalize the function of the sebaceous glands.

Dry, aging skin with age spots should be whitened with masks with the addition of essential oil. Gives a whitening effect: peppermint oil, grapefruit oil, patchouli oil, lemon oil. It is enough to add 2-3 drops of an essential oil to one portion of the mask. Do not forget to add some olive or coconut oil to your bleaching products. For example, a little base oil and two drops of patchouli (or other) essential oil are added to a mask on egg white and lemon. Keep such a mixture on the face for no more than 20 minutes and wash off.

It should be remembered that whitening the skin with age spots requires a systematic and individual approach. It must be combined with proper nutrition, regular intake of essential vitamins (especially C), protection from ultraviolet rays, and treatment of internal organs. Therefore, it is helpful to consult a dermatologist to effectively remove blemishes.

Faced with the problem of age spots and redness, girls ask themselves the question: how to whiten their face effectively and quickly at home?

This is a difficult question, because each such situation will require an individual approach.

The problem of age spots can be caused by inflammation or residual effects after acne, someone wants to get rid of freckles, and someone from sunburn or sunburn.

In such cases, you can whiten age spots relatively quickly, or at least reduce their severity.

But if age spots have arisen as a result of diseases, then the problem must be eliminated at the root, and it may not be possible to correct the defect only with cosmetics. In this case, you need an integrated approach and a doctor's consultation.

Most often, skin pigmentation is inherited. Freckled or dark skin can be a gift from parents or grandparents.

But there are also acquired reasons for the appearance of age spots or a pronounced color of the skin.

It can be caused by hormonal changes, for example, women develop spots on their skin during pregnancy, and during puberty, many teenagers suffer from acne and acne blemishes.

Elderly people are also prone to the formation of age spots on the skin due to age-related changes.

With diseases of the liver or biliary tract, the skin becomes yellow. The color of the skin and the appearance of acne can be affected by helminthic invasion, intoxication, vitamin deficiency, gastrointestinal diseases or the use of certain medications.

The most common problem is age spots on the skin after treatment of certain skin diseases (eczema, pyoderma) or after wounds, burns or acne.

Such stains have long been effective in removing whitening products at home. Home treatments are more gentle than salon treatments, but at the same time, they require long-term and regular skin care. For this, masks and peels are used.

If a permanent effect is to be achieved, then all facial care (moisturizing, nourishing, cleansing and protecting) must be carried out taking into account the desired brightening effect.

You need to use special bleaching agents, many of which can be made by hand.

Lightening the face with lotions and peels

If you want to whiten your face and achieve a long-lasting effect, you should make it a habit to use whitening products every day.

Cleansing procedures should be carried out using a whitening lotion, which should be used every day, morning and evening.

You can make your own lotion using the recipes below.

Lotion with cucumber tincture has not only a whitening effect on age spots, but also helps with acne.

It effectively dries out the skin, reduces inflammation and makes pigmented areas of the skin less pronounced.

To prepare a lotion with cucumber tincture, you need to cut the vegetable into small pieces and fill it with vodka, after which the liquid should be kept in a dark place for 10 to 12 days.

The resulting infusion is filtered, freeing from pieces of cucumber.

It can be stored for a long time and is suitable for both cleansing the skin and whitening acne spots. If the skin of the face is dry, then you can gradually add lotion to the cream.

Milk-based whitening products are often used for the face. For example, to brighten the face, rub it with milk diluted in half with water, after which the milk lotion is not washed off.

Another lotion is based on sour milk. The face is wiped several times with a tampon moistened with milk, after which the skin is rinsed with a weak saline solution and moistened with cream

Regular care, in addition to the usual daily facial cleansing, includes peeling - deep cleansing of the face.

This treatment is designed to effectively remove dead skin cells, unclog pores and make skin pigmentation and blemishes (acne or otherwise) less pronounced. Peeling is carried out 1-2 times a week.

Homemade whitening products are quite gentle on the skin. For peeling, finely ground almond seeds, coffee, bran or oatmeal are used.

To get an effective lightening scrub, just mix the above ingredients with sour cream or natural yogurt.

Another option for homemade whitening scrub is made with salt (regular or sea salt).

For this, a small amount is mixed with olive oil. Lemon juice is added to the resulting salted oil mixture.

The use of such a peeling will not only whiten the skin, but also make it more elastic and nourish it with vitamins.

A similar scrub is applied to the face with gentle massage movements and kept on the skin for about 5 to 10 minutes.

You can wash it off with plain cool water, or you can use a cooled dandelion broth mixed with lemon juice, grapefruit or cucumber juice.

Skin whitening with masks

The most popular method of bleaching the skin from age spots is the use of masks.

Before using such products, the face should first be cleaned of dirt or makeup. To do this, you can apply the lotions described above.

Masks are used with the same frequency as scrubs - 1 or 2 times a week.

Natural masks can be used regularly or in courses of 3 months with interruptions, depending on the characteristics of the pigmentation of the facial skin.

The whitening mask is applied for 15 - 20 minutes, after which it can be removed with a swab or a special spatula.

There are many recipes for every skin type. To find the best options for yourself, how to whiten your skin, sometimes you need to try many masks with different compositions.

Often recipes based on fermented milk products are used to whiten stains. Masks based on cottage cheese are suitable for any skin.

In one embodiment, curd is mixed with milk to a creamy mass and diluted with salt. In another recipe, curd is mixed with parsley juice.

Another option involves using a mixture of cottage cheese with chopped dandelion - this mask is recommended for lightening freckles.

Milk-based masks are also made. To prepare one such mask, you need to mix milk powder with honey and lemon juice.

In another “dairy” recipe, dry milk is replaced with regular milk, and salt and starch are added instead of lemon juice. The mask is applied in layers, but during aging it should not be allowed to dry out.

You can also hide stains with a simple but mouth-watering banana and sour cream mask. Banana should be grated and mixed with sour cream.

For oily skin, a hydrogen peroxide mask is recommended. It is suitable for solving problems with hyperpigmented areas on the face, for example, after acne.

To make it, you need to dilute the yeast with a 3% peroxide solution. The mixture should acquire the consistency of sour cream.

To prepare another yeast whitening mask, they must be mixed with lemon juice or red currant juice.

After applying the mask, it is better to wipe the face with lotion or apply a herbal compress for a while and moisturize the skin with essential oil.

These masks are best used in the evening, as the skin becomes vulnerable to the sun's rays. It is recommended to conduct courses of 10 masks, periodically changing their composition.

Skin and ultraviolet

As mentioned above, ultraviolet light has a detrimental effect on the skin. It provokes premature aging and can cause changes in skin pigmentation.

Therefore, it would be useful to get into the habit of using cosmetics with UV filters even on sunny winter days. These can be sprays or creams.