An essay on the theme of washi's path to truth and goodness. Vasya's path to truth and goodness in the work of V.G. Korolenko "In a bad society" (School compositions). An essay on the topic: Vasya's path to goodness and truth In a bad society, wasya's path to good The difficult path of Vasya to good

Composition Vasya's Way to Truth and Goodness based on the story "In a Bad Society".

The work "In a Bad Society" tells about life in a small town, which is located in the southwestern part of the country. All residents take care of their own lives by doing small everyday things. Of course, in this settlement there are also social outcasts. But they are far from being an ordinary person. Most of the residents make fun of the vagabonds, but the boy Vasya has his own opinion on this matter. He sympathizes with these people and is keenly interested in their lives.

Dating Vasya

Vasily is the son of a city judge. He is approximately 7-8 years old. He has enough free time, which has nowhere to do. At such an early age, they had not yet been admitted to school. The father does not communicate with the son. He lost his beloved wife and closed in on himself. No one looks after the boy, no one teaches him, no one directs his energy in the right direction.

Vasily's family is considered prosperous. Parents gave him a lot of love, affection, care. The father was distinguished by intelligence and strength. He was considered a decent judge. Vasya inherited his best qualities. The boy is still very young, but in difficult situations he shows his best side. The son of a judge is always brave, courageous and decent. He knows what love is and tries to give it to humanity. Due to the death of his mother, Vasya has to grow up quickly. He meets Valik, who has gone through difficult life situations. Early adulthood unites boys and a friendship is struck between them.

The logic of doing good

You can't remember Vasya's bad deeds. In every situation, the boy demonstrates that he is a worthy person. The family's honor was not affected in any way. Vasya understood that young tramps needed care. They need help. And the boy acted. From his parents, he inherited the best qualities of character, which he demonstrated every day. The father saw his son's aspirations to do good. He became more loyal to his son, opening his heart to love.

We can safely say that Vasya is a good person. His actions are not influenced by circumstances. When the boy lost his friends, he still could not stand aside, when the stupid society tried to offend the harmless Professor. Such injustice cannot be tolerated.

Vasya's path to truth and goodness was short enough. After all, the boy already possessed these qualities. He never deviated from his principles.

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In a bad society, it is a vivid example of how external factors influence a person, how living conditions, difficulties and circumstances shape a personality. The reader observes this on the example of the main character Vasya, whose path to goodness and truth lay through acquaintance with people of the lower class.

Vasya's way

The work introduces the reader to the son of a local judge. His mother died, and his father was engulfed in grief and he simply stopped noticing his son. The boy felt that his father had stopped loving him and tried not to show himself to his parent, running away from home. For this he was considered a vagabond, and his father began to live with this thought. Vasya himself suffered from loneliness, because his father did not communicate with him, and they were not allowed to visit his little sister, whom the hero loved very much. So he ran into the street, hoping to find something or someone.

It was these searches that became Vasya's road to truth and goodness, about which we are writing an essay on the topic. His walks around the city introduced the boy to a difficult life. That is, with people who lived in poverty, did not have their own homes, and eked out existence in basements and ruins.

While playing near the ruins of the chapel, Vasya met Marusya and her brother Valek. This meeting turned the whole world and the boy's view of the surrounding reality. He saw the need that his peers lived in. At the same time, the hero notices that among this dullness there is always a place for love, which Vasya did not have. The boy sees Tyburtsi - the father of his new acquaintances, sees his care and love. Valek, taking care of his sister, goes to theft.

Watching new acquaintances, Vasya wakes up a desire to help. He began to bring apples and other food to children. I began to show compassion. In addition, when communicating with Tyburtsiy and Valek, Vasya saw his father differently, who was always just, not dividing people into rich and poor. Communicating with Marusya, Vasya learns patience. He shows courage, and decides to take his sister's doll without asking to please the dying, poor girl.

At home, Vasya did not admit where he had gone to the doll, and only Tyburtiy, who came to the judge's house, gave a full explanation of everything that was happening. This situation also opened the eyes of Vasya's father. From that moment on, he stopped considering his son a tramp and began to pay attention to him, communicate more. He realized that his child was a kind, sympathetic person.

After reading the story "In a Bad Society" by Vladimir Korolenko, I met the boy Vasya, the judge's son. His mother died when he was six years old. Dad loves, regrets and speaks affectionately with Vasya's younger sister, Sonya, who is very similar to her mother. With the boy, he is strict, gloomy and not talkative. The child is presented to himself and feels lonely, grew up "like a wild tree in a field."

He, walking - wandered wherever he wanted. Exploring even the most neglected places, for example, the ruins of an old abandoned castle. Beggars lived in the ruins. Chief among them was old Janusz, the count's former butler. Vasya witnessed the expulsion from the castle of people who allegedly did not belong to a "decent society", not Catholics and the former count's servants: women, old people, children, sick and crippled. They left and settled in a basement under a crypt near an abandoned chapel. Vasya really wanted to get into the chapel in order to "examine it all, look inside."

Vasya invited a similar excursion to make a campaign "of three tomboy", promising to treat them with rolls and apples from his garden. The hike was completed, and the boy met the beggar Valk and the four-year-old girl Marusya in the dungeon. These were the adopted children of Tybutia Drob, a man with a "difficult, mysterious past." He loved his children very much. He took care of them: fed, dressed, treated. Vasya began to visit his new friends often when there were no adults in the basement. The children rejoiced at his arrival. They were waiting for him. Vasya never told anyone about his new acquaintances, but he brought them treats. Played with a girl.

Vasya and Marusya were pleased with the communication, laughed loudly and rejoiced at the time when they were together. The life of Valka and Marusya was hard and hungry, and living in the constant dampness of the dungeon is not easy. The girl Marusya did not have any toys, and when she fell ill, Vasya, in order to please her, secretly from the family, brought his sister's doll, which her mother gave Sonya. Marusya was very happy with the toy, for a long time did not let go of it, and when Vasya, having gathered home, wanted to take the doll, she wept bitterly. Vasya could not bear these tears and left the doll in the dungeon. At home, his father and nanny sisters scolded him and demanded to explain where the toy had gone. The boy was silent. He was punished and not allowed to leave the room.

Vasya ran away from home, came to see his poor friends. In the basement, he found the father of friends, who understood where the doll came from, and who brought apples and rolls to his children. He praised the boy, telling him that he had a good heart, and if it did not become "callous" to the trouble of another, everything would be fine. Vasya returned home, where he was punished again without asking about anything. For several days the boy was not allowed out of the house. And then one afternoon there was a knock on the door, Tybutius stood on the threshold with a doll in his hands. He talked to Vasya's dad, telling him what a good son he has, caring and gentle. The whole story opened up, and Vasya's father realized that he was wrong and wronged his boy unfairly.

Tybutius asked to let Vasya go to Marusya's funeral, as the disease was very strong and the girl died. The judge released his son and even gave him money for the funeral. After these events Valek and Tybutius left this town. Vasya, his sister and dad began to go to the cemetery and take care of the grave. A serious conversation took place between father and son, after which their relationship changed and Vasya no longer felt lonely and no longer needed by anyone. His life changed, it became clear that if he is truthful and caring about his loved ones, then all this will lead him to good things for him and for his family.

In the lesson, we talk about the main characters of the story, listen to the pupils' stories about the heroes of the story prepared at home: Vasya, Valek, Marus, Tyburtsia.

We ask students to confirm their statements with quotes, retell the relevant episodes of the story. After one person speaks, others who have prepared the same topic supplement his answer. We draw conclusions, briefly write them down on the board and in notebooks. We examine the illustrations, determine which episodes the artist depicted.

Why is the story called "In a Bad Society"? Who in the story utters this expression?

The story is called "In a Bad Society" because it tells about the son of a judge who made friends with poor children. It is not the boy himself who calls the company of Pan Tyburtsia “bad society”, but old Janusz, who was once one of the count’s minor employees.

The story is told on behalf of Vasya, so there is no direct description of Vasya in the story. Vasya was a brave boy, honest, kind, he knew how to keep his word.

The year this story happened, he was seven or eight years old.

Valek was about nine years old. He was bigger than Vasya, “thin and thin as a reed. He was dressed in a dirty shirt, his hands were in the pockets of narrow and short pants. Dark curly hair was disheveled over brooding black eyes. ” Valek behaved solidly and instilled respect in Vasya with his “adult manners”.

Marusya, Valek's sister, was a thin little girl of four years old. “It was a pale, tiny creature, reminiscent of a flower that grew without the rays of the sun,” writes Korolenko in the chapter “Acquaintance continues”. - Despite her four years, she still walked badly, stepping uncertainly with crooked legs and staggering like a blade of grass; her hands were thin and transparent; the head swayed on a thin neck, like the head of a field bell ... "

Vasya compared Marusya to his sister Sonya, who was also four years old: “... my Sonya was round as a donut and elastic as a ball. She ran so briskly, when she used to play, laughed so loudly, she always wore such beautiful dresses, and the maid weaved a scarlet ribbon into her dark braids every day ”. Sonya grew up in prosperity, a maid looked after her. Marusia grew up in poverty and was often hungry. Her brother Valek looked after her.

What did the friendship with Valek and Marusya bring Vasya?

After meeting Valek and Marusya, Vasya felt the joy of a new friendship. He liked to talk with Valek and bring gifts to Marusa. But at night his heart sank from the pain of regret when the boy thought about the gray stone that sucks life out of Marusya.

Vasya fell in love with Valek and Marusya, missed them when he could not come to them on the mountain. Not seeing friends became a great hardship for him.

  • - What bitter discovery did Vasya make, making friends with Valek? When Valek told Vasya bluntly that they were beggars and they had to steal in order not to starve to death, Vasya went home and cried bitterly from a feeling of deep grief. His love for friends did not diminish, but it was mingled with "a sharp stream of regret, reaching the heartache."
  • - How did Vasya get to know Tyburtsiy?

At first Vasya was afraid of Tyburtsia, but after promising not to tell anyone about what he saw, Vasya saw a new person in Tyburtsia: “He gave orders like the owner and head of the family, returning from work and giving orders to the household.” Vasya felt like a member of a poor, but close-knit family and ceased to be afraid of Tyburtsy.

How and when did Vasya's opinion change from his father?

We will read with the students a conversation between Valek and Vasya (chapter four), Tyburtsy's statement about a judge (chapter seven).

The boy believed that his father did not love him, and considered him bad. Valek and Tyburtsy's words that the judge is the best person in the city made Vasya look at his father in a new way.

How did Vasya's character change during his friendship with Valek and Marusya?

Vasya's character and his attitude to life changed dramatically after meeting Valek and Marusya. Vasya learned to be patient. When Marusya could not run and play, Vasya patiently sat next to her and brought flowers.

The boy's character showed compassion and the ability to alleviate someone else's pain. He sensed the depth of social differences and realized that people don't always do bad things (like stealing) because they want to. Vasya saw the complexity of life, began to think about the concepts of justice, loyalty and human love.

Tyburtsiy Drab was an unusual person in the small town of Knyazhye-Veno. Where he came from in the town, no one knew. In the first chapter, the author describes in detail “the appearance of Pan Tyburtsy”: “He was tall, large facial features were rudely expressive. Short, slightly reddish hair stuck out apart; a low forehead, a slightly protruding lower jaw and strong mobility of the face resembled something of an ape; but the eyes, sparkling from under the overhanging eyebrows, looked stubbornly and gloomily, and in them a sharp insight, energy and intelligence shone together with slyness. "

The boy felt a constant deep sadness in the soul of this man. Tyburtsiy told Vasya that he had a long time ago with the law “some collision ... that is, you know, an unexpected quarrel ... ah, boy, it was a very big quarrel!”

We can conclude that Tyburtsiy unintentionally violated the law, and now he and his children (his wife, apparently, died) were outlawed, without documents, without a residence permit and without means of subsistence. He feels like an “old toothless beast in his last den”, does not have the opportunity and means to start a new life, although it is clear that he is an educated person and he does not like this kind of life.

Tyburtius and his children find shelter in an old castle on the island, but Janusz, a former servant of the count, together with other servants and descendants of servants drives the strangers out of their “family nest”. The exiles settle in the dungeons of the old chapel in the cemetery. To feed themselves, they engage in petty theft in the city.

Despite the fact that he has to steal, Tyburtius acutely feels the injustice. He respects Vasya's father, who does not distinguish between the poor and the rich and does not sell his conscience for money. Tyburtsiy respects the friendship that has developed between Vasya, Valek and Marusya, and at a critical moment Vasya comes to the rescue. He finds the right words to convince the judge of the purity of Vasya's intentions. With the help of this person, the father looks at his son in a new way and begins to understand him.

Tyburtsiy understands that the judge, as a representative of the law, will have to arrest him when he finds out where he is hiding. In order not to put the judge in a false position, Tyburtsy and Valek disappear from the town after the death of Marusya.

Korolenko's story "In a Bad Society" was illustrated by the artist G. Fitingof. Let's look at his illustrations with the children. Did the artist manage to convey the special atmosphere of the story's events?

Homework. Complete in writing the 12th task (p. 42): explain using the selection of synonyms and interpretation of the meaning of the listed words and expressions.

Individual task. Prepare an expressive reading of the chapters "Doll" and "Conclusion".

The work of Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko "In a bad society" presents the life of the rather poor strata of the population. The story is written from the perspective of a little seven-year-old boy.

Vasya's path was rather difficult. He had a difficult period in his life. His mother died. He stayed with his dad and sister. The father suffered greatly from the loss of his beloved wife. Therefore, dad has become, not very much about his son. He believed that the son was not at all upset by the death of his mother. The daughter was a copy of mom, and dad often bought gifts for her and constantly spoiled her. Vasya was very upset. He often left home. Dad scolded him for this, and out of spite he began to spend less time at home. He was lonely, and he wanted and thought that he would find friends on the street. He met the guys and ended up in bad company. The whole city was afraid that Vasya would become a bandit. My father always only swore with him and could not talk calmly.

Vasya was a friend of one of the bandit's son. He had a sister who reminded Vasya of his sister. He hardly spoke to his sister because he was not allowed to do so. And Vasya missed her a lot.

This friend's sister was sick. No toys were bought for her, and Vasya decided to please her. He stole a doll from his sister. The sick girl, who never smiled, was so overjoyed that a smile appeared on her face. It even seemed to her that her health had improved. But that was not the case. Vasya was very sad and he often cried after learning that his friends are poor and must steal in order to live.

And Vasya began to be scolded for theft. Dad wants to punish him. Vasya's friend came to visit them. I returned the doll to the girl and thanked for such a gift. Dad did not even think for whom the son stole the doll. It turned out that Vasya is a boy with a very kind heart. Father even felt ashamed of his abuse. He asked his son for forgiveness and Vasya forgave him.

Everyone considered Vasya a bad boy and a bully. They were afraid that he might grow up as a bandit because of bad company. And he did a good job and made the girl nice. There is no need to judge people by the circle of their communication, inside people are completely different. Many believe that a "bad society" can only ruin people, but it was people from such a society that showed Vasya the world without exaggeration. They opened the boy's eyes to life. They showed that there are families who live much worse than his family. The boy realized how difficult it is to live in an adult world and to enjoy his childhood better with his family without spending a lot of time on the street. We can understand that this was Vasya's long road to goodness and truth.


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