The rhyme about the daughter is short. Poems about an adult daughter. Beautiful poems about her daughter

Here are the most touching, kind, beautiful words Gratitude for daughter from mom. Texts are written in prose (not in verses) and are intended for both public speech (at the wedding, anniversary, birthday and other holidays), and for conversation alone. You can also sign a postcard, a gift, enable in a letter or put an end to a quarrel.

Daughter! When you were small, I gave me a sense of dignification and tenderness ... Now you grew up and give me a feeling of pride! Thank you for the very wonderful feelings in my life.

Daughter! I always asked you to do so that I was not ashamed for you! Today I want to thank you for what I have never been ashamed for you. Moreover, I am proud of you, thank you for it.

Favorite daughter! You often thank me for much ... I want you to know - I am also grateful for a lot:

  • for the fact that you are a real patriot of your family and always did everything to strengthen it, and not destroy that the bright world in which it was born and grew;
  • for the fact that I was pleased with how I knew how and tried in the days of bad weather, add a little sun to my life;
  • for the fact that I can contact you for advice or help and rely on your support in a difficult minute;
  • for the fact that you bring your fresh, young energy into my emergence and measured life;
  • for the fact that you are fidget and constantly push us with a dad to new "feats";
  • for your kind, sensitive, responsive heart - it instills optimism and new hopes into me;
  • for the fact that you are a caring daughter and I am not scary to build up next to you;
  • for the fact that you are active, smart and purposeful - I calmly from this and I hope that if you stay without ours from a dad, you will not disappear in life;

But most of all, daughter, I am grateful to you for the love that you always brought into my life.

Dear daughter! They say the person has 2 families: the one who gave birth to him and the one that he gave rise to himself. You have always been a sun in our family and brought only love and happiness to it. Now you have grown and now you can create your own family. I'm sure your new family You will make a light and happy place ... you know how to do it. I am grateful to you for the heat that you always gave me, for your love, friendship and kindness. Be happy!

My girl! I often tell you that I love you, but it's not all. I did not say that in my heart constantly lives a feeling of deep gratitude to you for:

  • your kindness and condescension - they got rid of me from the feeling of guilt, when I was angry at the moments of fatigue and was not pedagogical;
  • for your wisdom that helps us create a warm, cozy world of our family;
  • for always shared with me with their amazing discoveries and joys - it brought beauty, brightness and livelism into my world;
  • for the fact that regularly worried home care and gave me a minute of rest from everyday hassle - it inspired me, helped me not to deoxinate;
  • for trying to cheer me when sad;
  • for the fact that from year to year I had the happiness to enjoy the sincerity, trust, honesty and the unfortunate of my child - you, daughter.

But my special "thank you" to you, daughter, for what you keep doing all this now.

I want to thank you for putting a lot of effort and honestly tried to grow beautiful daughter... and you got it! Thanks to you, I always felt myself - a happy mother and enjoyed his motherhood. This is an unforgettable feeling, they serve me reliable support in life and help in hard days. I will always be grateful to you for it and I promise, I will be the same strong support for the strength.

As I see and listen to the TV and the neighbors, I understand that my daughter - gift option Child. Thank you, dear, for always trying not to upset me and make me easier to alleviate my motherhood, reduce my alarms, help in domestic troubles and at a convenient case - to please me. It is thanks to you, my motherhood did not become a feat and I am very glad to this. Thank you for it!

My dear! I am very grateful to you, because you have done a lot for me and continue to do, although you don't even suspect about it, probably. I want to tell you:

  • Thanks for the sleepless nights donated to me in childhood, for anxiety during diseases and excitement in school years... I grew up with you, I became wiser, patient and even more life-time;
  • Thanks for the first victories and the joy that you generously shared with me when you had something ... it all made me happy, filled pride and satisfaction;
  • Thanks for the sorrow, which sometimes happened and which you trustfully carried me, waiting for support ... In trying to help you, I became inventive, dirling, bolder, persistent and stronger in spirit;
  • Thanks for humility and obedience, when I had to punish you, because I had patience with me ... Thanks to these moments I knew that I did something wrong and tried to become better;
  • Thanks for the desire to like me and earn my love, for fear to upset me and reluctance to disturb on trifles ... It fell down, trottered for the soul and made my world kindness, gentle and lighter;
  • Thank you for your unconditional trust to me ... I was afraid to lose it, destroy, it made me justify him (trust). Thanks to this fear, I did not meet trust, I developed and mastered the many new personal heights.

But most importantly, I am grateful to you for being and staying my closest my, native and loving person. I promise that I will try to be not only a good mom, but - best friend, reliable support, support and guideline.

Daughter! We had anything with you ... and good and not very. I am grateful to you and for the other, because I know that you - I tried ... I tried to be better, smarter, justify my expectations, do not disappoint me ... Sometimes we didn't have enough patience, sometimes it was not enough wisdom, kindness or a drop of understanding. I'm not angry with you, I do not take offense, I remember only good and love. You are a beautiful, sensible, not indifferent, positive, independent ... what's there ... you are wonderful. You will succeed. And everything will be - fine. Thank you that you are near.

My girl, precious! Thank you for the fact that you have always decorated my life ... When you were small, I gave me joy with my first steps, new discoveries, thousands of naive questions and homemade wonderful postcards. When you grew, I decorated our seven with your warmth, care and effort to learn everything the best. Now, when you grew up, I myself often appeal to you for advice and support - you decorated my world to pride for what I have - such a daughter, wonderful trusted friend And a wonderful continuation of me.

But most importantly, daughter, thank you for decorated my life with your pure Heart and disinterested love.

Daughter! You can't even imagine how I am grateful to you for being sensitive, caring and very sensitive to my problems. It helps our family being friendly, avoid conflicts and do not do relationships tense. Your wisdom has kept me a lot nerve cells. Thank you, native, for:

  • what you do not leave the house in the winter without a cap, although you can't tolerate it. I know you do it so that I can calmly and because I asked you about it;
  • for not hanging at night, although sometimes I really want to poctay me with your girlfriends is late - I have much less from that gray hairwhat could be;
  • for the fact that you do not spend time in dubious companies and responsibly refer to the choice of people around you - it reduces my eternal alarm for you and I feel better knowing that with you if it happens, then not because I have not gotten it and you I sat down with whom fell;
  • for the fact that if you leave home, you always tell me where and another 20 times call the report ... Thanks to your warning, I can safely do my own business, and not to pick up the infinite number of your phone;
  • for the fact that you trust me and leave all phone numbers and the names of your friends to whom I can contact you - thanks to this, I know all your beautiful friends, they are not alien to me and I'm calm for you;
  • for what you listen to doctors when you are sick. I know for sure that you will properly drink all the appointed medicines when they need to take. Your punctuality and care to health give me the hope that you will not die in a silly chance, from some nonsense infection if it will not be near me;
  • for keeping rules road And you do not risk your life in vain ... When I remember your reasonable behavior on the road, I manage to enslave my panic attacks, because of which I am sometimes might you feel like a car;
  • for what you learned to cook myself and prefer most often to eat by hand made food. I have hope that you will not choose in the catering, consuming all garbage;
  • for the fact that you choose smart and decent men (partners) and I am not afraid for your future offspring. I am not ashamed for you, no for myself, looking at your relationship with the opposite sex.

Dear, I still can list for what I am grateful to you ... The main thing, know: I notice everything, I remember everything and appreciate. You are an exemplary daughter, I have nothing to reproach, thank you. I just wish you to continue such a lifestyle to be in a burden, brought you only joy and was easy. I would not really want you to be unhappy from what you do so much for my calm.

Cute daughter! When I look at you, I can't do not admire. You have grown wonderful person, independent, responsible, kind, responsive and smart. I am grateful to you for all the time spent together and now when you have your own family, waiting for you to make me grandma. I am sure you will have the same beautiful children as you are. And I can't wait to see them. I promise, I will try to become an exemplary grandmother and help you grow new wonderful people.

Dear daughter! You know, motherhood for me has become the most important part of life, I gave him great importance and paid most of his time. It was important for me that it was successful and that I could not blame yourself. Looking at you I understand that it became prosperous: you call me a feeling of satisfaction and pride, and I have no guilt. I want to thank you for being your considerable merit. After all, without your efforts and participation, I would not get such a wonderful result, what are you. Thank you for your help in becoming me as a high-quality mother.

  • If the selected text seems too long, you can easily cut it without loss of meaning. To do this, select the first sentence of the text you like and, as well, select the last offer from any sample you like. Insert one item from the list between them (select this item in those texts that contain a marked list). So you get your own, short thank you. Samples are compiled in a special way that you can without prejudice for sense, by combining proposals, create the desired text.
  • If the selected text seemed too short, you can easily combine it with other texts. They fully complement each other. However, make sure that the selected texts are not about the same, otherwise it will seem to repeat the same thought repeated many times. This is possible because in some samples contain separate proposals, which, in meaning, can be similar to suggestions from other texts.
  • If you decide to arrange words of gratitude in writing, then take long textHe is able to become a full-fledged letter that do not require other additions.
  • Remember, these texts have the author and it is categorically against any of them entirely or its fragments published on any other resources (both printed and electronic). Do not forget about copyright. Use texts only in personal, non-commercial purposes.

The main joy in my daughter's life is to smear chocolate.

"BUT. Gromov "

Daughter is a little girl who grows up to be your girlfriend

Mother chose dresses, books, hats and thoughts for her.

For father does not exist suitable person For his daughter. He will all be subject to paternal rights.

When, finally, you understand that your mother was usually right, you yourself already grow up your daughter, confident that her mother is usually not right.

Each man approves sex to marriage ... until his daughter appears.

Daughter is the only woman in front of which dad should not try to look smart, strong, courageous. For her daughter of her dad and so the most.

A real woman should break the house, cut the tree and grow a daughter!

It is observation of her daughter, as she matured, largely helped me take the fact that I am older. I see myself and try to help her know this world. I feel very good with her.

"Courtney Coke"

The most beautiful thing that the guy can tell the girl: "If I ever love another girl, then it will be our daughter."

I will not allow my family mistakes, but in the house there should be peace! Scandals are away, you need smiles, so that the daughter grew, where there is love!

Daughter is the only reasonThose men become softer and tender.

Each mother must remember that someday her daughter will follow her example, and not to the advice.

Daughter is a compliment to a woman from God, then it is worthy of repetition!

That only which I will be in my hands from the first minutes of our meeting is my daughter!

It is the daughter-subject to the special pride of the Pope.

I have a daughter, so I consider it unpromising to plant a tree and build a house!

I have the feeling that the daughter brought me up to the same extent, in which I brought it up.

"Frederick Begder"

What a commission, the creator, to be an adult daughter's father!

"BUT. S. Griboedov "

Honestly, daughter, I sometimes do not recognize you - you absorned all the shades of the wind.

Sydney Sheldon

For old people there are no greater joy than daughter. The edge is not less than the granddaughter appears.


She is better than me. She is more beautiful me. She is perfect! She is perfection itself. She is my daughter!

Only now I understand that it is actually important. With the birth of a daughter, I gained confidence in myself, which I had never suspected before. Now, standing on stage or in the frame, I am not nervous at all. After all, if everything is fine with my daughter, the rest does not matter.

"Milla Jovovich"

Some men first indulge their daughters as they can, others then suffer from them all their lives!

If you allow your daughter to solve in my own way - married or for the drummer, or for Zurnach.

Each man should treat a woman so. How he would like to relate to his daughter!

Girl - asterisk, Moms of Otild, an invaluable gift of heaven. Mama for her daughter - the crown as a reward, because the queen give birth to the princesses.

The cleanest innocent eyes in the world are my daughter's eyes when it is nasal.

She alone she lives and no daughter, and no one sister. And as before, drinking this pain to the bottom, not understanding what is her wines.

Dice mine
My angel
Divine mine

Such children like you, not often
Now you will see friends
And this, daughter, fine,
What I call you your.

Care Your chest is full
In Ne. gentle feelings seedlings live
You, like a bright moon,
Another shine is your reward.

On the birthday of the daughter
I'll make a verse:
There is no diligence
And there is more beautiful.

Cute little man, nice, dear,
Be always stored by God and destiny.
You are my ray of sunshine,
Bunny golden.

Not adulthood so fast
Spring for spring.
You are bloom and smells, like the Earth itself,
Sing with the spring duet, my daughter.

Happy birthday, my happiness
Let the bad weather go
You at the beginning of a long journey
Many secrets waiting for you ahead

There will be sun and bad weather
Joy, sadness and anxiety,
Many meetings, friends,
Bright, happy days

You are a daughter, we all on the sights,
The child is more beautiful in the world there is no
And causing admiration
Love you give people light.

Without rudeness you and good-natured,
The heart is full of kindness,
Gentle, exquisite, obedient,
Families hope and peace.

Nice daughter to raise such
Like you, my beloved,
And not find anywhere else,
Exceeded to you.

Holy heart you
My favorite child
I feel the day and night
Care of your handles, daughter.

I look at you - and I think.
I myself - and I can not believe:
This princess, my star,
I wore under my heart?

Touch you - gentle.
Right up - careful.
These in the sky of the sky
Do me laugh gently?

Do you feed you - greedy
My chest is furious.
Miracle is mine,
I gave birth to exist?

You, that Masha's handms,
The flesh of my bang
With blue eye glasses
Do you whisen my shoulder?

I see me and I can not believe
Only here she is near
The particle of my heart
Souls Love and Uslada.

In your actions, nobility,
And tenderness is in them with kindness,
And gives all of this similarity
You, with a parent dream.

Like a daughter, you are a gentle ideal,
Easy and polite in common.
You are a delightful crystal,
With you love is equal in comparison.

One such in the universe
You, incomparable,
And for you immensely faithful
Family will always remain.

Daughter! My star!
You are a support and hope!
Today we will celebrate
Your birthday is yours! Congratulate

We are very happy!
You are our recovery!
Write, beautiful,
All very beloved!

Happiness to you, dear!
And let always and in everything
You are lucky, my zaya!
For this we drink today!

Daughter! Daughter! Daughter!
How else to say
To express that joy
What I have accumulated!

Your responsiveness is known,
She is always relevant to everyone
Probably the Angel wondered
Incredible kindness.

Night over the city is stele
Seen rest is looking for.
Daughter, everything will change,
I will raise you, I will grow!

I do not call the sublime
By road fury
Feelings piercing me -
The first motherhood!

Uniqueness is in you

What kind of eyes, what are the cheeks,
Sponges, like roses color!
There is no nurse of our daughter
In the whole world, it is better not!

Be healthy, our fish,
Be obedient and modest!
I am glad us with your smile,
Be beautiful and smart!

Stand in a number of books, poems and fairy tales
In the closet in cute blue-eyed.
Does not want to read and listen
While wishes to sleep, eat.

But I know for sure - everything will be needed.
Everything will be important and careless,
About the kingdom, princesses, about a miracle
I will not torment her.

I will thank you with it:
Flowers, mushrooms, figures, masks.
Adversity, joy, resentment, affection,
Let him observe in a family fairy tale.

It is impossible not knowing,
It is impossible to pass without foda,
It is impossible to live to us completely without books,
And she - without dolls, strollers, bears.

Her books - early, just two years old
But I am waiting for the time, it will take half a year,
And we will sit down in an embrace nearby
And I will start on roles and views.

About kolobka, teremok and repka,
Pro Three bears and grandmother with a grandpa
About Uncle Step, about cockroaches,
About the base, about two rams

So many fairy tales, poems and songs!
The child is our world without knowledge is crazy.
I will be the best father in the world
I can answer all questions.

It will not be a daughter swearing
Will not go between evil and blessing
And will be wise, with the mind, princess,
The soulful will become interesting.

Growing out, daughter, more, native!
After all, you are alone in the world.
I love you, with you - I fly,
How did I live before? In no way. I know

Daughter - a wonderful angel,
No in the light of crumbs is better
Daughter-small flower
Ray Sherny in the window.

Daughter in the sky clouds
Life solar paints
Daughter the whole world, until,
Sleeping in a small crib.

Daughter sleeps, she is tired
Was today a long day
All day she played
To all rest did not give.

Just let it better jump
What is sick of the angry
I'll cover it on top
Snow-white sheet

Let him sleep and tomorrow again
Kindergarten and Devora
Bunny daughter, be healthy
Sleep, my lapse.

Merry sparkles in your eyes
Fidget is nice as you are good!
Easy bird early with a sun rose
And all day you hang songs.

I like your girlfriends
Everyone is enjoyed by a girl such.
And wish a pupa of warm bright days
Mom with dad to please and have friends.

Dress elegant on you now
From you, beautiful does not assume the eyes.
Gently princess will be magnificent
After all, just searching for a girl!

I am one of the family

Soft toy or plane

I wondered very and friends found

But now the year is a whole behind

Little girl
Hair in braid.
I'll take you on your arms
In the crib will take place.

I will be put in the bed
Sad on the edge
Quietly in the ear gently
Song sleep.

I wish sweet dreams,
Kiss in the cheek.
Sleep my favorite
Little daughter.

You are my sunny ray, fire spark,
Ringing crops in the desert for me.

Slender topolate, with affectionate foliage.
I always admire my daughter, you.

Let sorrow, sorrow bypass by side,
You are my bursochka, my petal.

The world, let it be sunny on your path,
Black paths - try to bypass.

Let life be bright, daughter, you have.
People are kindness give, joy from themselves.

And then many friends will appear,
You will be happy, grow up soon!

What kind of eyes, what are the cheeks,
Sponges, like roses color!
There is no nurse of our daughters,
In the whole world, it is better not!

Be friendly, our fish,
Together to grow, grow up
Your wonderful smiles,
Will not let us get

I wish the best daughter,
To dream all the dreams,
Always any beginnings
You managed to fame!

To wait for you success everywhere,
Good luck, happiness and luck!
Let your life be beautiful
And only wonderful - the right!

Be a mom of boys, of course, not that
Soldiers, rifles, tightlies coat,
There is dirt under the nails, with friends fighting
Here I gave the princess fate!

My house is decorated with roses garlands,
Not a kiforg killer that the son would bring!
Beautiful dresses, hairpins, categories -
All that should be in every girl!

And mother's beads are already at her daughter
Purified in a small red box.
And mascara for the eyelashes like a month disappeared
But the daughter says she did not see her

And know that there is no happier dad,
Who became a papier of his daughter once!
She gently kisses him when meeting
And dad happier goes all evening!

He is so dying in the dress Gerchka!
And asks me to pierce the daughter of the ears
Only an hour will come and we will be proud
Beautiful and smartly by our maiden!

Then years later, like me to my mother,
She comes running on a birthday with flowers.
And tell me quietly in the sequin's ear:
"You are the most best Mom in the world. "

Froze from happiness
I am tonight
I just thought:
"I have a daughter"

I am surprised every day
Awn as if:
I have a girl,
How much and where?

Many or few,
Little or a lot
It's just happiness,
God given to me.

Kiss handles
Heel stroke.
The rest is like
Everything is not so important.

Long Cilia
Not mine but still
View of my baby
I am only more expensive.

How in these eyes
Tears not see it.
How would it not quarrel with her
how to offend.

How to help me
She smile more often
How to tell her
What is happiness.

I will try, honey,
I will try to honestly
Be a keeper to you
Heavenly angel

Pope to be and grandfather,
focker too,
Cinderella from a fairy tale
although not like it.

In the meantime you believe
And you look openly,
I will at least from "Fish"
In an old village

Kiss spout
Kiss Glazik.
Happiness to you sweet
Happiness of God for the sake of.

Froze from happiness
I am tonight
I just thought
"I have a daughter".

I look at you, my daughter
Sieglase, blonde.
I love you gently very,
My solar and smoking!

I will urine you from the winds,
Guide from any trouble,
Bring you all the colors
What you want you.

Let you open doors
Kindness and love of fire.
And I believe, desperately believe
What will you be happy!

You have become quite an adult,
And in the eyes of your wisdom trail,
But childish remains stubborn,
My cute daughter, my portrait

I wish you a lot of happiness,
Life is not easy, you know
Let them bypass adversity, bad weather,
You are an adult, you understand everything

My cute daughter, Mom herself,
Let you be easy in life,
Kids joy let them surround
And let my love warm your home!

"Year behind"
Baby girl, will be soon
But already a citizen, a small people
Days are running over the day, the first step is made.
It is difficult to top, I'm not a magician

I still baby, I'm just a year
I am one of the family
Here and the birthday of the first has come
Show me more like you bought me

Soft toy or plane
I have a date, life for a whole year
I have grown hard for this time
I wondered very and friends found

Still, of course, only ahead
But now the year is a whole behind

I look at you - and I think.
I myself - and I can not believe:
This princess, my star,
I wore under my heart?

Touch you - gentle.
Right up - careful.
These in the sky of the sky
Do me laugh gently?

Do you feed you - greedy
My chest is furious.
Miracle is mine,
I gave birth to exist?

You, that Masha's handms,
The flesh of my bang
With blue eye glasses
Do you whisen my shoulder?

I see me and I can not believe
Only here she is near
The particle of my heart
Souls Love and Uslada.

I have thunderstorms
London evil, stubborn,
Squeak-chirping -
Mommy, my mom

Night over the city is stele
Seen rest looking for
Daughter, everything will change,
I will raise you, I will grow!

I do not call the sublime
By road fury
Feelings piercing me -
The first motherhood!

Sun in the sky is golden,
Asterisk shiny my.
You are my heart expensive
And on the bird bolk branch.

You are my cute pink lump
The closest, most expensive
You are my gentle scarlet flower
The kindest, smart and native.

You are my love, my hope
Swallow heaven away.
You are my soul and my tenderness,
Lord you bless!

Every flower is good
Two are unlikely to find
Lily, Rosa, Narcis and Tulip,
In every beauty and their charm.

The same girl can be said
Can be called princess
Uniqueness is in you
Such as you do not find on Earth,

Cute daughter, my baby,
Sun is clear three times,
If it crises in any edges,
You come back back.

Just without a daughter is boring triple
Just longing the longing
Well, feasting no one
Pour that I accumulated.

The daughter laid a female essence,
Women's logic too,
Just without her daughter is hard just a little,
We can't do without each other!

What kind of eyes, what are the cheeks,
Sponges, like roses color!
There is no nurse of our daughter
In the whole world, it is better not!

How good when there is a daughter,
How the sun is bright, exactly in-point!
So affectionate and native,
Such a kind and golden!

Magic, fabulous flower,
Happy, gentle angels,
The moon that illuminates the night ...
How good when there is a daughter!

How good when there is a daughter

How good when there is a daughter!
Let in dad: harmful exactly in-point
But beautiful and smart,
And there is my wines in it ...
We are with her - as the best girlfriends!
And every day I pray at night:
"Thank you, Lord, for my daughter!"

How good when there is a daughter

How good when there is a daughter,
You can help!
And with her - a cute son-in-law,
What respects the mother-in-mother!

I want the world in the family of them!
I want my husband to wife love!
I want to grow with a healthy grandson!
I want to have no separation!

How good when there is a daughter!
All run away clouds away
And shines the sun again
And the warmth is satisfied with the mother.

About daughter

Through tears laughing on this day.
We are so different with her! We are so similar!
And harm in it - only my reflection,
Stubin - in me - and slowly in motion.

And just like me, my mother's caress is eager.
And, greedily swallowing words, believes in fairy tales.
Always protect and will not leave in trouble.
And proudly inflated, instantly melts.

But if you hug and press it to heart,
She will open the soul of her door -
Able to love, will not ask salvation,
In the eyes of the sink her, the dream of Spring.

Through tears laughing, quiet daughter comforting:
"Do not cry, my joy! I'm near, native!
Know: Your happiness is more expensive to me,
And your tears - and my tears too! "

I have a daughter

My daughter - Sunny you are clear!
So love you, you are my beautiful!
Shipping pigs I am happiness
So that I did not meet on the way of bad weather.
You are my good - angel flower!
What is I happy - I have a daughter!

I have a daughter

Little handles, tiny fingers ...
Soon you will grow up, - and hold on, boys!
Pink dress, shoes with flower ...
How I am proud of what I have a daughter!

I will pamper you, wip tears.
You are my princess: just like the pictures!
I will not give you offense to anyone!
There is no happy mom in the world!

What is happiness, mom?

"What is happiness, mom?" She asked my daughter,
And looking into my eyes stubbornly, waiting for a response from me.
I love her questions so much, so many children's simplicity ...
And, smoking her nose smoky, my answer: "Happiness is you!"

Birthday is a special moment for parents. Moms, wearing babies under his heart, are already dreaming how they will dress up their beauties in beautiful dresses and sing their lullaby. Strict dads die near maternity hospital at the sight of an envelope decorated pink ribbonsand penetrate this enthusiastic gentle love Through life.

Self touching verses Dedicated daughters. In them, joy and lunizing are combined with anxiety and fear for the fate of fragile princesses.

Poems about daughter: the dreams of future parents

And it will be day.
And it will be night.
And my daughter will be born.
I will give her a name
And I will tell her everything I know.
I will tell her that the world is not bad,
Although, perhaps, not "Oh!",
But that God has conceived him,
As the best.
And teach the wall,
And be stretched string
And glances to feel your back -
Just in case,
Do not trust good dreams,
Bad verses, wonderful words ...
And how much would it be there -
Egor Kuzmich, Demyan Fomich, Ivan Petrovich -
For each tear -
I throat you overload,
And God for help me!
(Ekaterina Gorbovskaya).

My little daughter is friends ...
Well, do it for me!
Let my daughter be born
On the rainy evening of September.
I dreamed of my daughter all my life!
Dreamed about my daughter from you!
When she wakes up in you
I will be happy forever!
She will like you like that
And hair and eyes and pits on the cheeks.
Such gentle I. velvet leather,
And the droplet madness in the eyes.
She will be fun to laugh
And I am ready to grow old, but only next to her!
I will try to do it for her
After all, I have thousands of ideas for this reason.
She will find out what stars are
Inhales the mounted heat.
She will open the expanses for me,
That this life did not give me.
My daughter, I beg!
Let him appear on the light!
And he will be more beautiful,
Will not be in our world trouble
Parents ... she will open his eyes
And so look at me ...
How I will be very happy
On the rainy evening of September!
My little daughter is friends ...

Poems about daughter: congratulations to the newborn

From lace, ribbons and caps
In the hands of reliable mother
Looks at the world of trusty
Heavenly creation.
Father glowing away from joy
Calling daughter in love
Kisses in gratitude he
Wife with love, tenderness.
And the daughter does not know yet
Dreams of their parents -
Calmly fall asleep
In the parental monastery.
Baby, be happy
Beloved, good, gentle!
And pretty-beautiful
Like a Martov Snowdrop!

Stuffy, selfless
Night has come.
Everything about her son thought
And they said: "Daughter."
Good dream
In white chambers ...
Blue light bulbs
Doors burn.
The wind has shouted by the window,
Kiseu jet.
Hello, cute sweeps,
My daughter!
All so blue
On the table - flowers.
I thought about my son,
And born - you.
You sorry unpandered
Hedgehog Sleepy my.
I'm good, good,
Take home.
For you on the rug
Embroidered goat,
You probably have
Blue eyes...
Well ... And if gray,
Mom does not care.
Your first morning
Looks at the window.
(Veronica Tushnova)

Daughter - these are ribbons, dresses in polka dot
And fitting new mami sewages.
Daughter - it is the heel, handbags, coquetry,
Eye of funny lights and color childhood.
Let her daughter and smart, and will be beautiful,
Let her happy laugh in the morning wake you up.
Let the sun be causing ray rose brushes,
Tender sincere love - You and your daughter!
(Tatyana Dementieva)

Poems about the daughter: read before bedtime

Sleep, my baby:
Night from all sides.
The night flies the book
Under the name "Sleep".
Rustle pages
Leaves rustle,
Let you dream
Reserved garden.
Let you dream
River in the garden,
And on the branch - the bird,
White cabada
He is the keeper eternal
Silence around
Because the chick
Under his wing.
Sensitively chick
Black-eyed sleeps.
Whisper rings
Free wind
Hiding the moon -
So that nothing in the world
Did not move sleep.
(Faith Noralinova)

The night was covered with a black blanket,
Heating in the light of the stars,
And the gossip of the free and unprecedented
From the country of magical dreams.
Night shows fairy tales
And legends of antiquities:
Naughty - in gray paints,
Mile - pink dreams.
Close the princess eyes
Bai Bay, my angel.
Believe, someday from the fairy tale
Prince will come for you.
Gorgeous coach
Take you to a dream -
To a meeting with morning dawn,
To a clear morning star.
Come to life in old books
Troubadours, kings,
Forever something boys
Looking at the edge of the earth.
And in the light of the princes roam
On seams and forests,
And love is found,
So they believe in miracles.

Little lady
Sleeps in his crib
With a teddy bear
Hugging sweetly.
Dreams like stains
Pleasant voice
In silencepit.
Little lady,
Silk Chelka
Sleep B. fluffy Pill
Puqueant and bee.
Safe itself
Sleep her careless.
Sleeping for mom's voice
Miracle man.
Little Fairy,
Precious ray
Still time
Still gets.
Fist squeezing
In the house drives eyebrows.
Lady, Bai Bay,
Spit on health.

Beautiful poems about her daughter

I am surprised every day anew as if.
I have a girl, how and where?
A lot or little, little or a lot ...
Just this happiness to me by God.
Kiss handles, heel stroke
The rest is everything is not so important.
Long cilia, not mine, ... but still
The look of my baby is most expensive.
How didn't you see her in these eyes?
How would it not quarrel with her, how to offend?
How would I help her smile more often?
How to tell her what happiness is?
I will try my dear, I will try honestly
To be your keeper, heaven angel.
Kiss spout, kiss Glazik.
I froze from happiness I am tonight ...
I just thought: "I have a daughter!"

Fresh strawberries and honey pull
Light vanilla and wind fields
Mallos, brushes and handles smell
Little girl, my daughter.
In the smell warm, saturated childhood
Only peace, serenity and peace.
I breathe it with this
In the most terrible scary days.
The smell of daughter ... fragrant and light
The smell of raspberries in the July garden.
The smell of daughter ...
Inhale and ... that
This breathing live again.

There are many interesting poems About the daughter in which love, heat, tenderness and care for a small princess are expressed. Try as much as possible to speak your baby about how you love her, and the child will surely answer you the same.