Zodiac sign wedding style. How to choose a wedding dress by your zodiac sign. Fashion tips: how to dress, clothing color, style, fashionable look for an Aquarius girl and woman

Laconic cut and noble fabrics testify not only to the principles of Aries, but also inform about their impeccable taste. Moreover, such a dress will favorably emphasize the figure and will not restrict movement. You're probably going to dance a lot, aren't you? The most daring young ladies will not be hurt by some provocation, for example, in the form of a deep cut from the thigh.

Taurus, April 21 - May 20

Taurus refers to the elements of the earth, they are natures who often perceive the world tactilely. For them, the feeling of wearing a dress is important: is it pleasant for the body. Therefore, you should give preference to high-quality fabrics, airy, flying style, and cover your shoulders or leave them naked for the gentle touches of the breeze. The second place for the discerning Taurus is the quality of cut and tailoring. Make sure the dress fits like a glove.

Gemini, May 21 - June 20

An experiment dress is what can suit a changeable, active nature. They should take into account fashion trends in the wedding industry and pay attention to styles with an abundance of transparent inserts, lace, sequins, rhinestones and the like. decorative elements... Another important trend of 2018 is the presence of vintage items in the outfit, from which many Gemini are delighted. They can be a brooch, earrings or a handbag.

Cancer, June 21 - July 22

Long sleeves, a high neck or a modest neckline are very suitable details for dresses of brides born under the sign. In addition, all of the listed elements are integral features fashionable novelties wedding dresses. Pay attention to feminine silhouettes, as well as plots with a hint of antiquity.

Leo, July 23 - August 22

To sparkle and be in the spotlight is a "double necessity" for Lions born under the control of the Sun and related to the element of fire. To fulfill the prescriptions of your horoscope, choose dresses that are shiny, excessively lush and with catchy volumetric details. For example, trendy in 2018 lantern sleeves, long trains or even natural fur... Emphasize your hairstyle: for example, curly curls decorated with a diadem.

Virgo, August 23 - September 23

Choose for yourself a comfortable and, moreover, graceful and feminine outfit. Let the ensemble "you plus a dress" look like a porcelain figurine or a tall bouquet of lilies. If you are compared to the ancient Greek goddess, it will again mean that you guessed right with the choice.

Libra, September 24 - October 23

Grace and sexuality - let one of these qualities (or both at once) become a reference point for Libra, the most tender sign in the horoscope. Perhaps then choosing the perfect dress will be less painful and faster. Take note: an open neckline, lace will add femininity to the image, and intricate accents on the shoulders and an accentuated waist will make the posture regal.

Scorpio, October 24 - November 21

Uncompromising Scorpios are not worried if in such a traditional sphere as bridal fashion, they deviate from the standards. On the contrary, this is how they express themselves. Provocatively short wedding dresses, not too popular colors, catchy details- the prerogative of Scorpio brides. Perhaps it was for you that the designers came up with such details as long transparent skirts, tiered furs, and feathers that accentuate the collarbones.

Sagittarius, November 22 - December 21

Sign ruled by Jupiter, the largest planet in Solar system, very picky about the volume and size. Therefore, by the way, excessively lush wedding dresses, a multilayer veil, an endless train will come in handy. And Sagittarius is not at all sorry for the expenditure of matter, time and money that will require sewing their most grandiose dress in life.

Capricorn, Dec 22 - Jan 19

To prefer suit-type wedding dresses or even overalls that can be worn more than once - this is the whole Capricorn, a practical, earthly sign. Girls choose an outfit not only with an eye to the future, but also taking into account fashion, their style and weather. If these are summer wedding dresses, then they are made of cotton or silk. Young Capricorn ladies manage to create very spectacular images thanks to carefully chosen details like wide belt or a miniature hat.

In this article, we will tell you how to choose a wardrobe based on your zodiac sign.

It is believed that perfect wardrobe- this is one that not only harmonizes with the person's appearance, but also reflects it inner world... The signs of the zodiac, as we know, to one degree or another affect the psychology of a person. If so, why not combine these two concepts?

Fashion tips: how to dress, color of clothes, style, fashionable image for a girl and a woman of Aries

"Every day is like a holiday!"- Aries prefer to live according to this principle. These girls can rightfully be called fans of new trends that reveal an energetic and vibrant nature.

Due to this Red and orange colors - what you need! It is recommended to pay special attention to combination of red and black.

Aries Miranda Carr in an attractive red dress

Leighton Meester in a tight burgundy dress - a typical Aries robe

Red with black - perfect combination for Aries women

Styles these women are suitable for those who emphasize their courage and sexuality - tight-fitting models, outfits with cutouts, belts. Even shoes should be spectacular, therefore, for example, stocking boots are very appropriate.

IMPORTANT: No bows, ribbons or pastel colors!

Victoria Beckham is an excellent example of Aries' love of tight fitting

Emma Watson's outfit with an accent on the back is something that suits Aries very much

Lady Aries will not give up on such a feminine wardrobe item as hat... You can even say that it is she who often becomes the highlight of the image.

Graceful feminine hat complete with fitted coat- a great look for Aries

For creating everyday look styles fit military and casual... Yes, even Aries sometimes wants to take a break from the "flashy" flowers. However, as a rule, such women will still remain true to themselves, choosing at least something tight to go out.

Khaki jacket and skinny jeans - Aries Sarah Jessica Parker casual style

Fashion tips: how to dress, clothing color, style, fashionable look for a Taurus girl and woman

"Everything ingenious is simple!"... Representatives of this zodiac sign are distinguished by moderate beauty, taste, calmness and downright aristocratic charm.

Undoubtedly, this should be reflected in the style. Taurus will most of all go to the so-called "Noble shades"- the whole palette pink, sand, turquoise, green.

IMPORTANT: It is desirable that there is muffling.

Penelope Cruz's Taurus looks great with a delicate pink shade

Taurus Megan Fox in a sand-colored dress

Austerity very much to the face of Taurus, but at the same time it should be organically intertwined with elegance... The material of the outfit plays a significant role in the formation of this style - velvet, flannel, English wool, chiffon, silk, leather.

Simple yet elegant velvet mini dress for the Taurus girl

Another example of a Taurus-style dress, but this time in chiffon

Concerning styles, then Taurus is unusually good simple dresses in everyday life or evening style... Ruffles, frills, flounces - this is perhaps superfluous. And here conciseness and light flowing models- exactly what is needed!

Taurus Michelle Pfeiffer in a laconic dress Rene Zellweger's Flowy Taurus Evening Dress

Taurus Megan Fox in a simple versatile dress

What are details Will they profitably decorate a Taurus outfit? These ladies are very fond of neckline and, importantly, they know how to wear it - the framework of decency is always observed.

Jessica Alba with a modest neckline and a jacket that looks incredible for Taurus

Uma Thurman with a small neckline and laconic jewelry that suits Taurus very much

Fashion tips: how to dress, dress color, style, fashionable look for a Gemini girl and woman

"Fashion is in the air"- Gemini is piously convinced of this. They love the most diverse clothes and, what is most interesting, it suits them.

These air signs with constant mood swings are in search of inspiration, which is reflected in color preference... Gemini equally adore both pastel shades and bright... On contrast also love to play.

Ombre effect in clothes - perfect option for Gemini

Gemini Angelina Jolie looks good in the simplest clothes of calm tones

The same Angelina Jolie, but in a revealing red dress, which can also suit Gemini girls

Most suitable fabrics - cotton, linen, soft jersey... As you understand, the lightness of the image is a priority.

Linen clothes are what you need for airy Gemini

Since Gemini are mobile ladies, they just need something that will not hinder movement. Free style dress, sportswear, down jackets, scarves perfect. It is recommended to take a closer look at youth style- The twins look young in it.

The Helena Bonham Carter twins are a great illustration of the love of comfort in clothing. Actress Carrie Milligan in Everyday lifegood example Gemini youth style

Gemini Nicole Kidman also appreciates dressing comfort

Natalie Portman is a great example of Gemini youth style makes younger

Layering- her girls just adore this zodiac sign. And, importantly, they know how to wear.

Ashley Olsen Twins Layered Top

Fashion tips: how to dress, clothing color, style, fashionable look for a Cancer girl and woman

"Style comes from the heart"- elegant, romantic, emotional and at the same time practical Raki ladies live by this principle.

This nature is reflected in color preferences... Cancers just love discreet shades, halftones - white, silver, gray... They suit them very much bottle color, khaki... Those women who want something rich should pay attention to black and purple.

IMPORTANT: Sometimes Cancers look at pink and blue shades, but they are not suitable for everyone.

Cancer Liv Tyler in a black dress Cancer Diane Kruger in a black-bottle flying dress

Cancer Julianne Hough in a white with a silvery sheen outfit

This chiffon blouse is very suitable for Cancer women.

White cotton trousers will be a godsend for summer look Cancer girls Jessica Simpson Cancer Fur Coat

The softness of the image- something that almost every Cancer woman subconsciously strives for. This is reflected in soft lines and semi-fit. If there are few draperies, you can use shawl.

Cancer Meryl Streep in a draped dress

Openwork shawl- a great find for Cancers

They go extraordinarily for such young ladies and lace.

Cancer Selena Gomez in a lace dress

Those Cancers who love sundresses, it is worth paying attention to models with an emphasized chest and a falling skirt - empire style... Just perfect if they are decorated ethnic embroidery.

White empire sundress with ethnic embroidery on the bodice for Cancer girls

Fashion tips: how to dress, clothing color, style, fashionable look for a Leo girl and woman

"Fashionable is what I wear"- this is how these women reason, giving preference to luxury, aristocracy.

Perhaps that's why saturated colors they are especially suited. But, unlike Aries, Leo is not a bright, screaming face to face, but noble and refined gamma... This, for example, red-yellow palette, purple-brown shades, gold, black and white colors.

IMPORTANT: Warm colors are especially preferable.

Coco Chanel the lion in a crimson-brown dress

Jennifer Lopez the lion in a golden dress

Halle Berry lion in black dress with gold insert

Ladies Leo prefer luxury and fabrics, love fur and skin... But stuff like denim, is irreplaceable in everyday life, and it suits Leo very much.

Lion Audrey Tautou in denim suit

Leo Sandra Bullock in chic evening dress

Girls of this zodiac sign, like no one else, succeed experiments with texture, tailoring outfits... Look good on them neckline and cutouts at the back, fringe trim.

Leo Kate Beckinsale in a sophisticated evening dress

Charlize Theron, like any Leo, knows how to wear a neckline

The accent on the neck and fringe is what Leo needs

Leo Ladies go very well with a variety of hats, extra length trousers, vests.

Lion Audrey Tautou in an exquisite hat

Denim vest for Leo girl

Fashion tips: how to dress, clothing color, style, fashionable image for a Virgo girl and woman

"And fashion lends itself to logic"- Dev motto. As in everything else, it is also important for these ladies to maintain order, restraint, and pay attention to little things in their clothes.

Shades fit the most varied, but calm ones like sand, blue-green, brown, gray. And, of course, how can a conservative Virgo avoid classics - black and white?

Salma Hayek's Virgin gray dress with white belt

Virgo Claudia Schiffer in a laconic black dress Virgo Blake Lively in shorts with large peas

IMPORTANT: In general, Virgo is distinguished by the fact that she can masterfully combine things, creating unique ensembles each time.

Interesting casual style from Virgo Cameron Diaz

Such ladies are not distinguished by their love for curvaceous forms in clothes. However, the creation good silhouette they succeed masterfully. At the same time, fanciful materials do not suit Virgos very much.

But different kinds ruffles, tucks, laces, unusual stitching, pleated for feminine Virgins are a real find... For the same reason, they are partial to dresses, sundresses, skirts.

Virgo Rose McGown in a blouse, the bodice is decorated with ruffles

Virgo Beyoncé in a dress decorated with soft folds

Maiden Caris van Houten in a circle blouse

Fashion tips: how to dress, color of clothes, style, fashionable image for a girl and a woman Libra

Coco Chanel's statement "Fashion passes, but style remains" very close to Libra. It is these women who tend to see the necessary to create stylish image"Golden mean".

A properly selected muted palette will help in creating such an image - soft pink, turquoise, mint, blue, beige shades.

Libra Catherine Deneuve in a muted outfit Libra Gwyneth Paltrow in a soft shade pink dress and with your favorite Libra vintage jewelry

Fabrics these young ladies like those who are associated with comfort - silky, soft, fluffy.

IMPORTANT: It is not at all necessary that the thing be expensive - Libra manages to look chic even with a minimum of wardrobe costs.

Libra loves softness and Susan Sarandon is no exception.

In order to emphasize femininity, such girls should use flowing outfits, which at the same time accentuate the curves. Pleated fabrics, varied draperies, flounces and even corsets- all this will go to Libra extraordinarily.

Libra Marion Cotillard in a draped dress

Libra Alicia Silverstone in a sundress with draperies

Libra Dita von Teese in a dress with flounces and a corset

Definitely worth using to create an image scarves, shawls, glasses, belts, hats, ties.

Libra Brigitte Bardot with a hat and a scarf

Libra Monica Bellucci with hat and glasses

In the cold season, it is advisable for these ladies to wear coat reingot.

Redingot coat will help Libra create a stylish look

Fashion tips: how to dress, clothing color, style, fashionable look for a Scorpio girl and woman

"Disobedience to the fashionable standard"- these are Scorpio women. In this they are all - lovers of shocking in search of own style, however, at the same time remain within the bounds of what is permitted.

As you might guess, pastel shades not very well combined with the style of these ladies. And here burgundy, cherry, violet, intense blue colors - just the perfect choice!

IMPORTANT: Of course, do not forget about the combination of red and black - on Scorpions it will look especially juicy and stylish.

Scorpion Demi Moore in red and black outfit

Winona Ryder's scorpion blue dress and burgundy shoes

Scorpio ladies should pay attention to outfits with gold or silver embroidery.

Concerning materials, even here these young ladies are ambiguous. They prefer natural but at the same time spectacular materials - silk, satin, leather. They are distinguished by indifference and to knitted things.

Anne Hathaway's Scorpio satin dress fuchsia Scorpion Julia Roberts in a knitted sweater

Anything that can attract the attention of others is suitable for creating the image of the Lady Scorpio - tight-fitting silhouette, unusual details, lace, translucency, cuts.

Scorpio Aishwarya Rai in a fitted evening dress of an interesting cut

Scorpio Scarlett Johansson in lace tight red dress

Scorpio style icon Grace Kelly in a catchy but graceful dress

Fashion tips: how to dress, dress color, style, fashionable look for a Sagittarius girl and woman

Boycott boredom- the goal of Sagittarius when creating an image. These girls who value comfort and practicality, nevertheless, try to bring zest to their style, emphasize airiness and romance.

Loose Flying Outfits in this connection are particularly preferred. It is recommended to pay attention to fluffy skirts or dresses, voluminous capes, scarves.

IMPORTANT: Sagittarius, like no one else, suits negligence in the image.

Sagittarius Mila Jovovich in a dress with fluffy skirt

If we really focus on details then on large.

Sagittarius Patricia Kaas in a fitted dark blue coat with large details

As for the colors, then in in this case saturated are most preferred - burgundy, raspberry, indigo, turquoise, gold, orange.

Sagittarius Britney Spears in a blouse golden color A flowing indigo dress is what Sagittarius girls need

And, since we're talking about the palette, Sagittarius should definitely replenish their wardrobe with outfits with oriental or African flavor.

Such East style Sagittarius will suit

This tunic will also go extraordinarily well for Sagittarius.

Materials (edit) the following are preferred - n lush, velor, fur with long pile, shiny brocade.

Sagittarius velor suit

Fur coat long hair for Sagittarius

Fashion tips: how to dress, clothing color, style, fashionable image for a Capricorn girl and woman

"Style should be simple and tasteful" Is the motto of Capricorns. What their ascetic conservative nature does not accept is bragging.

Of course, this look was reflected in the preferences of color palettes- these ladies were in favor gray, dark blue, green, beige colors.

IMPORTANT: Black and white combinations especially suit Capricorns.

Capricorn Vanessa Paradis in white clothes and dark green Capricorn Kate Middleton in a blue suit

Unlike many signs of the zodiac, these ladies should focus on outfits not from flowing, but from hard tissue... They keep their shape perfectly, and this is what Capricorns need.

Capricorn Yana Rudkovskaya in a dress made of dense material

It is quite natural that in the style, the advantage is given classics. Small volumes without excessive decor, straight silhouette... Ideal pencil skirt, sheath dress, jackets, shirts.

Pencil Skirt for Lady Capricorns

Street style Capricorn Kate Moss - jacket, sweater, straight cut jeans

Capricorns do not differ much in their love for decor. However, there is a small exception that suits them unusually - retro style.

Capricorn Karl Bruni in retro outfit

Fashion tips: how to dress, clothing color, style, fashionable look for an Aquarius girl and woman

"Fashion should be like a storm"- the majority of Aquarius live by this principle. They are extravagant, prone to experimentation. However, at the same time, the practicality of clothing is welcomed, especially by the Aquarius intellectuals.

Most of the representatives of this zodiac sign adore and know how to wear flashy shades - bright pink, orange, red, light green, blue. Concerning fabrics, then the quality of these fashionistas is not particularly worried about - even if there will be synthetics, but at the same time synthetics catchy. Of different kinds fabrics under the metal generously flavored sequins- exactly what is needed!

Aquarius Bridget Fonda in a bright sequin dress

Aquarius Oprah Winfrey in a shiny brown dress

IMPORTANT: Aquarius should focus on the legs - for example, put on fishnet stockings or tights with an unusual pattern. Thin shoes are also welcome.

Aquarius Isla Fisher emphasized her legs in this look.

Most Aquarius ladies like it and go very much cutouts, neckline, transparent inserts, mini-models of clothes, unusual shapes.

Aquarius Ekaterina Klimova in a bright dress with a cutout

Aquarius Shakira in a bright blue dress with a catchy skirt and a neckline

Aquarius Alicia Keys in a blouse with a deep neckline

Fashion tips: how to dress, clothing color, style, fashionable look for a Pisces girl and woman

"A woman's expression is more important than her outfits."- this is how the mysterious Pisces philosophize. These dreamy, feminine natures know how to be elegant with a minimum of decor.

Favorite shades are exquisite - this variations of pink, purple, emerald, coral, mint, purple. - velor, silk, knitwear, satin. But they are unusually suitable and fluffy, soft materials, knitted things .

Jennifer Love Hewitt's Pisces light tunic

Fish Natalia Vodianova in a sweater

Large comfortable sweaters, flowy dresses and skirts, lightest tunics, variety of scarves and capes- that's all Pisces! They will most often prefer comfortable heels. ballerinas or sneakers Pisces Olivia Wilde in jeans and a cropped sweater

Pisces Juliette Binoche wears comfortable and practical shoes in everyday life

We hope that with our stellar review in every sense, we helped you navigate the formation of the style. Try, experiment, and most importantly, listen to yourself often.

A wedding happens infrequently in life, so entrust the choice holiday dress astrologers - they know exactly what to advise at a crucial moment! After all, whoever does not manage to foresee what will happen in the future family life, depending on even the smallest detail. In addition, the different temperaments of all 12 signs of the zodiac and their dissimilar attitude to reality dictate their own rules, obvious only to the "soothsayers" of the stars. Read if you want to know which Wedding Dress suitable for the signs of the zodiac.

Main requirements

Here, the stake should be placed on practicality and convenience: an attire that does not hinder movement and does not need to painstakingly tie a lot of meaningless strings will be ideal. In favor - outfits that can be easily put on and off, as well as things with sharp corners and straight lines.

Palette and style

Despite the fact that Aries are in favor of modern solutions, they are still more attracted to traditional snow-white wedding vestments, and not options with any other colors. They like party clothes, bordering on sports: without an abundance of ruffles, lace, without multilayer tulle and crinoline. References to past centuries are also discouraged.

Main requirements

This sign is led by the patroness of beauty and art Venus, therefore its representatives pay Special attention the question of your own appearance, choosing outfits that are delightful to the touch and look. For example, silk materials that rustle when walking.

Palette and style

In the first place - floral patterns (prints or embroidery), hinting at romance. The cut of the apparel, in turn, should not be too conservative ( open shoulders welcome), but at the same time traditional.

Main requirements

A bride born under this constellation, most likely, will not want to rise above the rest, as a result of which she will choose not the most extravagant clothes. Ease of movement is important for her, since it is important for her to communicate with guests. In general, a simple but beautiful outfit is in favor - a multi-layered and airy one.

Palette and style

Gemini is a talented mix of decorative solutions, materials and textures. They are crazy about fun accessories, tiny tassels and fringes, and they need bright accents like jewelry and original shoes a la 60s.

Main requirements

These people adore antiques and can wear some family heirloom-jewel like a great-great-grandmother's ringlet that has passed through generations to a celebration. By the way, now antiques are widely represented in wedding collections.

Palette and style

Raku will suit traditional white outfits, always soft, emphasizing the waist, having cutouts and laces. Various retro elements from the 1800s are also in favor. The best jewelry- silver, because this metal is associated with the moon.

Main requirements

It is very important for these fiery girls to attract other people's attention, to be in the center of what is happening. Including standing out with your attire - unforgettable, glamorous, as if descended from the catwalks high fashion... Most likely, such a bride will choose a massive outfit and large jewelry.

Palette and style

A departure from tradition is welcomed: a lot of sequins on the fabric, golden iridescent elements. Exquisite tiaras and long veils are available as accessories.

Main requirements

Representatives of this sign prefer everything that is as feminine and unpretentious as possible. In general, any details of the archetypal feminine image.

Palette and style

Virgo loves to emphasize her figure, emphasize elegance, she is not particularly original. Prefers durable, traditional style items.

Main requirements

Such people are ruled by Venus, which is why they prefer outfits of an erotically attractive nature. They are crazy about satin and they go for glamorous products.

Palette and style

When choosing wedding clothes, Libra needs to remember the image of Aphrodite and think: "What would she wear?" It is recommended to stay at transparent elements, lace, only taking into account the fact that the vestments, table decor and the interior must certainly be in harmony.

Main requirements

This watermark is not afraid to deviate slightly from the norm, to put emphasis on punk motives or the Asian trend, to look as provocative as possible. In addition, its representatives love risky unusual accessories.

Palette and style

Such women have the right to leave the last word for themselves, because no one else is capable of combining things so successfully as they are.

Main requirements

These brides are patronized by the largest planet - Jupiter, so they live in grand style, throwing grand parties. Their outfit should look the part - large but loose, with an abundance of impractical elements that create a sense of celebration.

Palette and style

It is possible that Sagittarius can choose custom color- they do not get hung up on details, they love everything spectacular and relate to wedding clothes... In the first place is the dynamics of form.

Main requirements

Representatives of the earthly and "stubborn" sign expect the outfit to be practical and always of high quality, to emphasize the figure and not have ambiguous transparent fabrics and stupid lace.

Palette and style

Capricorns stop on a clear silhouette, without massive fabrics dangling when walking. However, they do not want to spend personal time on shopping trips and browsing catalogs, so they often choose the first option they like in white or cream colors.

Main requirements

The planet of this sign rotates on the opposite axis relative to the others, which is why Aquarius also goes against the usual traditions, wants to be different from everyone else. Such a bride from the first day of preparation for the celebration will begin to systematically deviate from accepted norms, and both regarding the organization of the holiday, and regarding the outfit. It is important for her to find something mega-fashionable, unique, asymmetrical and explosive.

Palette and style

The vanguard should prevail here. For example, Aquarius doesn't need to mix anything different eras, forms, styles, cultures in one image, getting something eclectic. Shimmer and shine are also encouraged, the abundance of which evokes associations with something cosmic.

Main requirements

Pisces romantics and dreamers choose beautiful outfits... This is one of the most creative signs. In addition, such women are incredibly prone to compassion and empathy due to the direct influence of Neptune.

Palette and style

In favor of the most different colors ranging from traditional to original. The fact is that such brides may have unusual preferences, including bohemian or hippie ones. In general, the eccentric and rushing. They like gracefulness, drapery, flexible layering, softness, smoothness.

One of the main attributes of any wedding, as a rule, is the attire of the bride. Deciding which dress to choose for one of the main celebrations in life is a key question for the bride.

The stars influence our destinies so why not try matching your zodiac sign in your wedding dress? Introducing the perfect zodiac wedding dress.

Marchesa bridal

Typical lush wedding dresses are not about Aries. Most women of this sign feel comfortable in more laconic outfits without an excess of flounces, trim or lace. Aries will suit elegant, simple silhouettes with clean lines and a well-defined cut. So everybody wedding images with crinoline and many layers of tulle, you can immediately sweep away and choose among models that sit strictly according to the figure.

Marchesa bridal

Choosing a wedding dress is a real pleasure for Taurus, who are under the influence of Venus, the patroness of beauty and the arts. This sign values ​​luxurious textures and materials, preferring hand-embroidered or decorated designs. For romantically minded representatives of the sign, emphatically feminine and sophisticated versions with a floral pattern will suit.

Jenny packham bridal

The ideal wedding dress for Gemini should in no way be heavy or hinder your movements. The Gemini bride is well versed in the combination of colors, prints and textures, so she will accurately collect non-trivial wedding dress adding to the wedding dress original accessories and shoes. Representatives of this sign do not get hung up on the search for the perfect dress and no doubt dilute the solemn image with completely non-wedding accents, demonstrating the duality and creative component of their character.

Temperley london bridal

Cancers ruled by the Moon naturally gravitate towards things with a history. That is why the Cancer bride can insist on family wedding rings Or opt for a bridal gown with clear historical references: fine lace, turtleneck and accented waist, with vintage jewelry and notched heels.

Jenny packham bridal

A lion - fire sign, whose patron planet is the Sun. By nature, Leos strive to be in the center of attention, and it almost becomes main goal at the time of choosing a wedding dress. For example, Leo brides are ideally suited for outfits with shiny finishes, especially gold, which symbolizes their patroness planet. In preparing a memorable image for a wedding, anything can be used - large headbands, jewelry, flashy makeup, voluminous styling, so that the bride's passage to the altar will be remembered by her and all the guests of the celebration for life.

Temperley london bridal

The Virgo element is Earth, which means that the representatives of this sign consider the purchase of a wedding dress as an investment and take the choice seriously as never before. Perfect fit and hand finishing are on the Virgins list of priorities, while brides of this sign prefer outfits that emphasize their natural femininity and elegance, while being simple and memorable. The perfect dress for a Virgo, a laconic slip dress embroidered with crystals or voluminous appliqués, or an outfit of a straight silhouette with an unusual detail like a flowing cape with a train, can become.

Reem acra bridal

Like Taurus, Venus is the patron planet of Libra. Hence their ability to subtly feel and perceive beauty and art. One of the most feminine and gentle of the zodiac signs, he is well versed in fashion and appreciates luxurious finishes and outfits that accentuate his sexuality. The Libra Bride will not be afraid to go to the altar in a wedding interpretation of a "naked" dress and will look like no one else organically in it.

Naeem khan bridal

Scorpions prone to shocking do not compromise their principles even for the sake of a wedding, categorically rejecting any classic versions dresses. The main criterion in choosing an outfit for a Scorpio bride will be its originality: dresses with ethnic details or provocative options in lingerie style, which Scorpio must combine with actual accessories like a choker or rough boots... It is strictly forbidden to repeat such experiments for representatives of other signs of the zodiac - only Scorpios can create such an image and look harmoniously in it.

Carolina herrera bridal

Sagittarius is patronized by the largest planet Jupiter, so do not be surprised at the scale with which the brides of this sign approach everything related to organizing a wedding. Excessiveness is encouraged in everything: from the guest list to the dress itself, which must be luxuriant, full of frills, lace and the obligatory long veil.

Oscar de la Renta Bridal

Another earth sign - Capricorn - also demonstrates the practicality inherent in the representatives of their element. Capricorn brides are not attracted by exaggeratedly solemn lush dresses made of lace or transparent chiffon. Emphasis in choice wedding dress Capricorn makes on a laconic and comfortable cut, expensive fabrics and a simple but elegant silhouette. The perfect solution for brides of this sign, there are minimalist models with a clear sculptural cut or impeccably executed snow-white overalls and trouser suits.

Monique lhuillier bridal

One of the most controversial and romantic zodiac representatives - Aquarius - from nature on short leg with fashion and is not afraid of experimenting with an image, even a wedding one. So don't be surprised if you see an Aquarius walking down the aisle in an eclectic outfit made up of voluminous ruffles or teeming with asymmetrical details and oversized accessories.

Marchesa bridal

Bohemian, romantic, feminine - this will be the wedding dress that the Pisces girl will give her heart to. The reason is the dominant creativity inherent in the representatives of this zodiac sign, which in one way or another affects all aspects of their life.

Zodiac Sign Wedding Dress:

Aries is one of those who accept the classic cut of the dress - it should be long, lush, but not too pretentious. Aries wants to complement the wedding dress with sophisticated details: a golden thin belt, transparent gloves and other unobtrusive accessories that will not distract from the dress itself.


The most important criterion To choose a wedding dress, Taurus becomes elegant attire, as well as the uniqueness of the fabric from which it is sewn. It can be delicate lace, translucent chiffon and a mesh on the back, which emphasizes the silhouette of the bride in the dress. Taurus also do not want fluffy skirts for wedding ceremony but may want a long train.

Zodiac sign wedding dress:

A lace, but by no means transparent, wedding dress will suit the twins. It should emphasize their figure, beautifully fitting the hips, and smoothly transition into a beautiful hem. The main emphasis of such a dress for Gemini should be on the back - deep cut and beautiful row buttons. But the chest in a similar wedding dress will be covered.

Zodiac sign wedding dress:

Cancers always come up with something unusual, so a wedding dress is no exception. Most likely, it will not be snow-white, so cream and pink shades will replace the traditional color. The Gemini dress can be strapless, exposing the bride's shoulders. From above, such an outfit is fitted, and to the bottom it goes into a fluffy skirt or hem in the style of the 50s.

Zodiac sign wedding dress:
a lion

Leos see chic not in pomp and layering, but in special details. Possessing good taste They can choose a fitted dress with beautiful embroidery from pearls or other beads. In such a minimalistic yet gorgeous outfit, there can be a shallow neckline. As a second option for Lviv, a floor-length wedding dress with an embroidered mesh on top can be suitable.

Zodiac sign wedding dress:

Virgos always want to look irresistible, especially at their wedding. They will not survive if the outfit looks dull or too conservative. Therefore, a silhouette wedding dress with a wide hem embroidered with stones will suit them. And no closed sleeves - this is not for Virgos. But the veil is something without which they cannot imagine their wedding.

Zodiac sign wedding dress:

Libras are longtime fans of the classics, so they certainly won't want to experiment with a wedding dress. They will be moderately long fluffy dress, which will be worthy to wear even the princess of Monaco on the most important day of her life. It can be supplemented satin ribbon and beautiful bow on the back. And instead of a veil, Libra can decorate her hair with flowers.

Zodiac sign wedding dress:

Scorpio girls are prominent, so they don't need to draw attention to themselves with fluffy skirts or unthinkable corsets. Representatives of this zodiac sign may want to choose a custom outfit for a wedding, based on the latest trends. A floor-length dress with lace or drop stones will be especially impressive on Scorpios.

Zodiac sign wedding dress:

Sagittarius in everyday life often combine different styles clothes, they can do the same with their wedding dress. They will love a cream-colored spaghetti strap dress with boho lace, which can be complemented by a full skirt that resembles a robe. For Sagittarius, both a pretentious version of a wedding dress and a more airy one, on which there are no unnecessary elements, is suitable.

Zodiac sign wedding dress:

From childhood, Capricorns imagine how they will walk through the crown, fantasizing about what their dress should be. Therefore, the wedding dress of Capricorns, according to cherished dreams, should be magnificent, resembling the magnificent. No open backs and the neckline is superfluous. But in such a dress, both in the front and in the back, there may be transparent lace inserts.