Thematic work plan for the summer period with the children of the senior group. Perspective planning for the summer-treatment period in the preparatory group promising plan for the summer wellness period

Kaltedina Elena Vladimirovna
Position: Senior teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten number 31"
Locality: Balashikha
Name of material: Article
Subject: "Write a plan for a summer wellness period"
Publication date: 05.07.2017
Section: preschool education

What are the goals and objectives of summer recreation work in the DOO

Before drawing up a plan of summer recreation work, you need

think over its goals and objectives. Among the main goals - to maintain and strengthen

physical and mental health of pupils, take into account their age

and individual features, satisfy the need for summer holidays,

creative activity and movement.

shape in preschoolers habit to healthy and active

lifestyle, safe behavior skills;

develop cognitive activity and interests;

instilling love for nature, bring up careful attitude towards her,

form initial environmental knowledge;

raise the competence of teachers in the organization of summer

recreational work;

provide methodological assistance in planning and organization

different activities of pupils in the group and on the territory


increase the competence of parents in the organization of summer

recreation and recreation of children;

attract families of pupils to participate in educational

activities and implementation of plans for recovery and summer holiday

children in kindergarten.

How to relate these goals and tasks with the requirements of GEF before and reflect

in terms of summer recreation work? Let's stop more

on the main positions of the standard.

What requires GEF pre-school education

The main provisions of the GEF must be conditionally grouped

in areas of activity: Work with children, interaction

with parents, creating an educational environment.

So, in the course of educational activities with children, teachers should:

cover all directions for the development and education of preschoolers

(educational areas);

take into account their individual and age features;

maintain the initiative in various activities;

form cognitive interests and actions;

create conditions for personal development, positive

socialization, development of abilities and creative potential

based on cooperation with adults and peers;

protect and strengthen physical and mental health;

form a common personality culture, including the values \u200b\u200bof a healthy

lifestyle, develop social, moral, aesthetic,

intellectual, physical qualities, initiative,

independence and responsibility.

Interaction with families of pupils provides for psychological

pedagogical support and increase competence of parents

in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children's health.

In addition, teachers must involve parents in educational

activities, including through joint educational projects,

take into account the needs and educational initiatives of the family.

Education medium according to GEF to - Socialization Conditions System

and individualization of children. It reflects the ethnocultural situation.

their development, comes to sociocultural standards, family traditions,

societies and states, takes into account age, individual,

psychological and physiological features of pupils.

Teachers must be supported, friendly

children's attitude to each other, teach them to interact in different kinds

activities, provide them with the opportunity to choose materials, types

activity, participants of joint activities and communication, provide

emotional well-being.

So that teachers competently fulfill these requirements, senior tutor

must provide them with advisory support for education

and child health.

Thus, on the basis of the provisions of GEF, it can be formulated

principles of summer recreation work:

support for childhood diversity in summer;

accounting for age and psychophysical opportunities and features

an activity approach to the organization of the educational process;

integration of different types of children's activities;

promoting and cooperation of children and adults;

the interaction of the Do and family.

How to reflect the main provisions of the FGOS to in terms of

To reflect the provisions of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise to the Summer Health Plan

work, no need to change its usual structure. The main sections of the plan

coincide with the designated directions and content.

Traditionally, the work plan in the summer includes:

organizational and methodological activities;

physical and recreational work;

educational and educational activities in age groups;

The section "Administrative and Economic Work" is also

mandatory, but not considered in this article. Content

this section refers to the competence of the head of the DOW and its

deputy AHR.

The Appendix presents the designer of the plan of summer recreation

work. In each of its sections, activities are highlighted

and its content is given (on the example of events from the experience of MBDOU

"Kindergarten No. 8 of the combined species" Art. StaroshrechBinovskaya

Krasnodar Territory).

Section "Organizational-methodical activity" includes different

work forms with teachers. It matches the requirement to raise

competence of educators in issues of education and health

children in the summer.

Section"Physical and recreational work" provides for

necessary events that allow you to maintain and strengthen

physical health pupils, satisfy their need

in motion, develop motor activity.

Section "Educational-educational activities" includes:

promising entertainment plans and leisure activities that

carry out musical leaders, physical instructors


play of the work of educators in the summer, which

specified through the themes of educational projects for each

age group.

Educators implement educational projects of four types

(research, practical oriented, information

oriented, creative) proposed by A.G. Asmolov,

In addition, this section provides for all types of children's activities:

game, Communicative, Cognitive-Research, Perception

fiction and folklore, self-service and elementary

household work, design, visual, musical,


On the example of individual events can be traced as in this and others

sections of the Plan takes into account the ethnocultural development situation

pupils. For example, in educational work plans

groups included four modules of the regional component: "Natural

world of Kuban "; "Cultural Heritage of Kuban"; "Ethnosocial features

Kuban "; "The World of Professions of Kuban".

Section "The content of psychological and pedagogical support" contains

three main activities: with children, teachers, parents.

Goals of planned events - Emotional

welfare of children in kindergarten, an individual approach to each

child, to provide psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents.

Thus, with this designer, you can upgrade

and in line with GEF to educational activities

in summer. You plan together with the teachers of the event,

which will provide psychological and pedagogical support

educational process, create conditions for the socialization of children,

their comprehensive development will allow the regional component to take into account.

Such a detailed approach to planning summer recreation work

provide educators of all age groups the opportunity to show

pedagogical creativity, choose effective forms and methods of work,

the needs of children of their group.

The competent organization of summer recreation work in the DOW will help

strengthen the physical and mental health of the pupils, comprehensively

develop them, increase the competence of parents in the organization's issues

summer holiday children.


Designer of the plan of summer recreation work in DoO




Approximate content






Consultations for teachers on issues

organizations of educational activities

with children in the summer and calendar

planning. Competition of DOO Groups

for the best decoration of the baby's garden

in the Kuban style. Operational control:

"The realization of the festival plan

wellness work. " Round table

with educators of adaptation groups

on the topic "Features of the organization of work

during the adaptation of children to the DOO. "

Operational control: "Organization

adaptation of children in groups

early age



Workshop for parents of children

adaptation group on the topic: "Method

conducting articulation gymnastics. "

Consultations for parents on topics:

"Physical and recreational work

with children in the summer "," Organization

leisure children in summer "," Walking

and observations with children "




Passage of raising courses

qualifications. Briefing on topics:

"Protection of the life and health of children",

"Fire safety rules."

Consultation on the topic "Provision of the first

medical care for children in summer




and hardening


Reception of children, Morning gymnastics

freshly air. Solar and air

baths. Long stay of children

on air. Compliance with air

room modes. Gargling,

extensive wash. Overall wiping

wash legs after walk. Day sleepless sleep

mains with open framugs. Games with water

for walks, mobile and sports

games. Walking barefoot on "path

health "in group plots,

by corrective and massage mats

in a group. Finger gymnastics.

Sand therapy: Sand games. Games

with equipment boosting

motor activity (balls, rope,

towns, badminton, kegli and ring).

Monitoring the level of physical training

Physical education


and entertainment

Junior groups: sports entertainment

"Parsley visiting kids",

physical entertainment "We are growing

strong and brave. " Middle and older

groups: Sports Day for the day

protection of children "fidgets", week of health

"Health gives Aibolit", "Kuban

playing. " Senior groups: sports

thematic leisure of "Green Spark". Everything

age groups: Physical

holiday "Neptune visiting guys",

sports-musical holiday

"Goodbye, summer!"




in age

Children's organization


(Work plans


Conversations. Reading fiction

and discussion of the plots of works.

Observations in the flower bed, mini-garden,

park, in the reservoir, in nature. Elementary

household work. Excursions, target

walking. Experimental experimental

activity. Plot-role

didactic, movable, musical,

horovodal educational games. Competitions

for the best building from the sand, competition

children's drawings. Music holidays

and entertainment. Independent creativity


Information and oriented: "My

malaya Motherland, "" Professions of People ".

Research: "Sand fairy tales -

water mysteries "," The world of animals, fish

and insects. " Creative: "Magic

paints "," our edge ". Practical

oriented: "Our friendly family",

"Our traditions and life." Psychological

pedagogical educational:

"Adaptation with a smile"


and entertainment (plan


Junior groups: Entertainment "Parsley -

merry toy "," Magic Chest ",

"Sun-bucket". Middle and older

groups: Puppet Theater "Teremok",

neptune's holiday, concert "Hello, we are looking for

talents »




Work with children

Games of the adaptation period. Socio

communicative entertainment "Good

play with friends "," hour of communication ",

"Let's get acquainted"


with teachers

Round table with group teachers

early age and group

compensating direction

List of Svetlana Vladimirovna
Calendar-promising plan for educational work on the summer wellness period. June

Calendar-promising plan for educational work

on the summer and wellness period (June)

Preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, taking into account their individual characteristics. Complete satisfaction of the needs of the growing organism in vacation, creative activity and movement.

Create conditions to ensure the protection of life and strengthen the health of children, prevention of morbidity and injury.

Implement a system of measures aimed at rehabilitation and physical education of children, the development of independence, initiative, curiosity and cognitive activity.

To carry out the implementation of pedagogical and sanitary education of parents on the issues of education and recovery of children in the summer.

Month, the theme of the game of children (goals, objectives, literature) Entertainment or generalizing events Working with parents

1 week "Child in the world of people"

Children Protection Day

Memorizing poems about summer;

Contest drawings on asphalt;

Work with parents

Holiday dedicated to the Day of Protection of Children "Hello, Summer" (concert of senior groups). Consultation on the topic: "Caution, it became hot!".

Consultation "How to protect a child from allergies."

Meets summer all planet

Conversation with children: "That's the summer came";

Reading: V. Tatarinov "What color summer";

Using the poem N. Surikova "Summer".

Consultation "Traveling with the baby" Goal: Enrichment of pedagogical knowledge of parents on how to make rest interesting and fascinating.

Friendship Day

Purpose: develop elementary ideas about friendly relationships.

Game - Imitation "Mood";

Fingering game "Front fingers"

Conversation "We play."

Purpose: Promoting the formation of social skills in children, to help understand what to play more interesting, continue to raise the friendliness, form a friendly relationship of the brochure "Punishment and Promotion"

Wind day

Purpose: develop to know. Interest, deliver joy.

Games with turntables, sultachiki;

Experimental games with wind;

Anxiety (definition of strength and wind direction with the help of turntables). Consultation on the topic: "hardening in summer".

Day of sandy games

Purpose: develop to know. interest.

Sand Experimental Games;

Constructing sand;

Drawing on sand;

D. and. "Sand hide and seek", "Guess what is hidden."

Music - sports entertainment "Summer, summer to us come!"

Purpose: Create a friendly atmosphere, deliver joy. Conversation: "Games in the Fresh Air".

2 weeks "learned himself - teach a friend"

Day of soap bubbles

Purpose: develop cognitive interest, use experimental elements.

Inflation of soap bubbles in different ways;

Soap bubbles show.

Conversation with parents "Child's hygiene in summer."

Day of the city

Conversation "We live in the city."

The goal is to continue to expand the knowledge of children about our city, its history; learn to compare, compare, draw conclusions; develop curiosity, speech; Relieve careful, caring attitude towards your city.

Conversation "An example of an adult in the child's upbringing."

Russia Day

Conversation with children "Russia - My Homeland";

Reading the work of I. S. Nikitina "Rus";

D / and: "Collect the chain"

Concert "Our Rodina Russia" (View Senior Groups).

The design of the photo album "Together we have fun to live." (Family photos)

3 weeks "Week of Cheerful Games and Fun"

Rainbow Day

Observation with children behind the phenomena of nature, clarify the ideas about the rainbow, thunderstorm, thunder, rain;

Reading: I. Sokolov-Mikitov "Rainbow";

Productive activity: "Raduga-arc" (Plasticine drawing);

D / and "Find the description".

Consultation on the topic "Holidays in Nature".

Day Bantica

Purpose: creating a fun, festive mood. Improving communications and methods of interaction with adults and peers in joint creative activities. Development of a sense of humor, imagination and creative abilities of preschoolers.

Game "Dress up a doll by bows";

N / and "who is forward";

Game "Balloons"

Contest of bantle costumes: "The most, most ..."

Day of beloved toys

Purpose: develop a positive attitude to toys.

Conversation "My favorite toy";

Viewing the album "People's Toy";

Photo exhibition "How we play houses";

S / R game "Toy store";

Games in corners with favorite toys.

Working with parents "Play with your children."

Day of interest

Conversation with children "Let's get acquainted";

D / and "Guess who called",

D / and "who did not?";

Horovodna Game "We went to the meadow"

Information sheet "How to make juice useful."

Children's Day Day

Purpose: Learn to use various image tools.

Pictures on sand, asphalt, paper;

Collective work "We love to draw."

"We are cheerful talents!" Delivered concert

Conversation with parents "Learn to see beautiful."

4 weeks "Provenkin Week"

Fairy Tale Day

Purpose: to educate interest in reading fairy tales, develop the speech of children, learn to distinguish fabulous animal heroes.

View Fairy Tale Stage by Elder Children;

Reading fairy tales;

View, listening to fairy tales;

Dramatization of the fairy tale (by choosing children);

D. and. "Guess the fairy tale."

Questioning of parents "Children and Book"

Consultation for parents "Family reading"

Day A. S. Pushkin

Pushkin readings;

Contest of drawings to fairy tales A. S. Pushkin;

D / and "find out the hero"

Consultation "How to tell children biography of the author"

Day of riddles

Purpose: In enormal form, intensify mental activity.

Magnifying puzzles by pictures;

D. and. "Guess what I will show," "What is missing?", "Guess the description", "what happened";

Productive activity: "Draw a guess on my riddle";

The verbal game "Boarding Sloves".

Work with parents: "Learn with children"

Book Doctor Day

Labor activity ("Knikkin Hospital" Repair of books);

Conversation about careful attitude to books;

D / and "what a book loves"

Promotion "Give the Book Children's Garden"

Foreign Language Day

Music entertainment "I won't know everything in the world"

Consultation "Book Corner House"

Publications on the topic:

Work plan for the summer health period in a preschool educational institution "Work plan for the summer health period" in a preschool educational institution The purpose of the work: preservation and strengthening of physical.

Calendar-promising work plan. Week "Victory Day" Educational activity Morning Immediate activity Evening work with parents Monday Knowledge surrounding world conversation about the city-hero.

Summer presents great opportunities to preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children, developing their cognitive.

Report per summer and wellness period Summer is an amazing time! The work of the kindergarten in the summer period has its own specifics, because children spend almost all day.

Perspective theme plan for educational and educational work in the second youngest group for 2015-2016 Topic Term Software Tasks Final Event "Goodbye, Summer! Hello, kindergarten! " 1 - 2 weeks of September consolidate knowledge.

PLANWork on the summer wellness period

MBDOU Krasnodar "Kindergarten №166"

Purpose: Preservation and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, taking into account their individual characteristics


1. Create conditions that ensure the protection of the life and health of children,

prevention of morbidity and injury.

2. Implement a system of measures aimed at rehabilitation and physical development of children, their moral education, development of curiosity and cognitive activity, the formation of cultural and hygienic and labor skills.

3. To carry out pedagogical and sanitary education of parents on the issues of education and recovery of children in the summer.

Perspective plan educational work

with children for summer


Days of the week



Registration of parental corners;

Reading: "World Child Day", "Our Children" N. Maidannik Rights of children in verses;

Competition drawing "Happy childhood";

Children's play "Planet Tales".

Senior teacher

Music leader

Phys. Instructor

Educators Group

(Day books - kids)

Show different types of performances

Tale dramatization

Drawing "on the pages of favorite fairy tales"

Exhibition of books "Russian folk tales"

Exhibition of children's drawings "These magic fairy tales", "We are illustrators"

P / and: "Bubble", "Catch mosquito", "Sparrow and car"

Educators Group

(Architecture day)

Viewing album and books "My City"; Illustrations with architectural and building professions

D / and: "Full house", "Find output" - a labyrinth,

Designing: "My Favorite Street", "My Home", "Playground", "Future Park"

Construction of sand

P / and: "Make Figure", "White and Black", "Paints"

S / R Game: "City builders"

Educators Group

Birthday A.S. Pushkin

Experiments with sand and water

Reading fiction

Exhibition of books A.S. Pushkin

Educators Group

(Day of your favorite game and toys)

Conversations: "My favorite toy"

"Russian folk games:

- "Wonderful bag",

- "Games with kegs"

Game corners with favorite toys

Consider the albums "People's Toy"

Toys do it yourself "- making toys

Contest drawings "My favorite toy"

P / and: "Colored cars", "Find a couple", "Kegley", "Pass - not the back"

S / R Game: "Toy store"

Educators Group

Guessing mysteries about the water world

Consider illustration

Acquaintance with the rules of behavior on water

Contest drawings "Water Kingdom" - together with parents

S / R Game: "Visiting the residents of the underwater kingdom"

Educators Group

Birthday A.S. Pushkin

Viewing albums: "Animals", "Birds", "Flowers" ...

Consider / acquaintance with signs "Rules of Conduct in Nature"

Drawing: "Summer Paints", "Summer Landscape"

Experiments with sand and water

Building game "Terem for animals"

P / and: "Hares in the garden", "Fathers", "I know 5 titles ..." - with the ball "

Reading fiction

Exhibition of books A.S. Pushkin

Educators Group

(Day fairy tales)

Design of bookcores in groups.

Reading fairy tales

Consider illustrations for fairy tales

Registration of different types of theater

Modeling fairy tale characters

Listening to fairy tales in audio recordings

Writing fairy tales by children

Children's drawing contest:

"Hurry up to help paints - draw a friendly fairy tale", "The hero of the fairy tales"

Dramatic fairy tales

Scene moving games

S / R game "Library"

Educators Group

Music leader

Sports leisure "Sun, air and water - our best friends"

Conversations: "What kind of benefits bring the sun, air and water", "how to sunbathe", "can the sun, air and water harm health",

Drawing up memos: "Rules of behavior on water", "how to sunbathe"

Guessing mysteries on the topic.

Educator on fizovo.

Music leader

Educators Group

(Day good manner)

Conversations: "How and what can be pleased with loved ones",

"Who and why came up with the rules of behavior", "how you help adults",

"My good actions"

Consider the plot pictures "Good-bad"

Reading fiction: "What is good and what is bad" - V. Mayakovsky; "Two greedy bear", "Fairy Tale of a Stupid Mouse" S. Marshak, "Harmful Tips"

Playing etudes: "Say a good word to a friend", "Nazis Laskovo"

Tasks: "As you can ... (say hello, say goodbye, thank, ask, refuse, contact)

P / and: "Good words", "Who will call more polite words" - with the ball, "Pass the letter"

S / R Games: "Supermarket", "Beauty Salon"

Educators Group

Guessing riddles on the topic

S / R Game: "Dolphinarium".

Educators Group

Medical Day)

Conversations about health: "If that you have a hurt, Aibolit will help you," live vitamins "," harmful food "

Reading: "Inflammation of tricks" A. Miln, "Grafting" S. Mikhalkov, "Wonderful pills"

"Consider illustrations:" Profession Doctor "

Draw a favorite hero from the fairy tale "Aibolit" K. Chukovsky

S-R game "Hospital"

Game - Dramatic on the fairy tale "Aibolit"

P / and: "Help Aibolita to collect a medical suitcase", "Call to the aid", games with water

Educators Group

Acquaintance with the Olympic Mishka

Viewing albums on the topic

Relay: "Get to the flag", "fall into the goal", "Takey football players", "Fast riders"

Competition "Guess the sport"

Attraction "Catch the ball hat"

Skating on scooters, bike

S / R Game: "Olympiad".

Physo teacher

Educators Group



Conversations with children: "For what I love d / s",

"Who works in kindergarten"

Reading the fiction reflecting the regime moments

Making attributes for games

Registration of group emblem

Drawing "My favorite toy"

P / and "Looking for a treasure", "skinking", "Fathers", "Classics"

S / R Game: "Kindergarten"

Educators Group

(Birthday day)

Group decoration

Congratulations for birthdays

Games - Fun

Listening to your favorite children's songs

P / and: "Ship", games with balloons and soap bubbles, "Hyperships"

S / R game "Cafe" .

Educators Group

(Family day)

Consider albums "Family photos"

Conversations with children: "My family", "Resting the whole family", "Family House" - Responsibilities of family members, "What is a pedigree tree"

Guessing mysteries on the topic "Family", "Native House".

Drawing on the topic "Weekend in the family", "Portraits of family members"

D / and "Who for whom" is to consolidate the ideas about related relations in the family,

N / and: "I know 5 names" - with the ball, "Prii

di - not back "," get into goal "," geese "

S / R games »:" House "," Family "

Building games: "House in the village", "Multi-storey house"

Educators Group

Consider illustrations, Fish albums

Guessing riddles on the topic

Reading fiction: "Tale of fisherman and fish" A. Pushkin

Competition drawing "Goldfish"

D / and: "Where the fish hid", the "fourth extra", "birds, fish, beasts"

P / and: "Fish Fish", "Find your home", "Ramine hoop"

S / R Game: "Dolphinarium".

Educators Group

Days of the week



Consider illustrations, Fish albums

Guessing riddles on the topic

Reading fiction: "Tale of fisherman and fish" A. Pushkin

Competition drawing "Goldfish"

D / and: "Where the fish hid", the "fourth extra", "birds, fish, beasts"

P / and: "Fish Fish", "Find your home", "Ramine hoop"

S / R Game: "Dolphinarium".

Educators Group

(Fire safety day)

Conversations with children: "Why there is a fire",

"What can smear the fire", "What is dangerous fire" "Fire is a dangerous game",

"Fire behavior rules"

Reading: "Alarm" M. Lazarev, acquaintance with proverbs and sayings on the topic

D / and: "What is first, that then", "Certain-ka"

Exhibition of Figures "Fire Good, Fire - Angry"

Design of books: "instructive stories"

P / and: "Challenge firefighters", "sweat fire"

S / R Game: "Salvation Service"

Educators Group

Music entertainment "Summer Red"

Conversations: "Favorite time of year", "Why the summer is called red", "Summer entertainment"

Reading poems, guessing mysteries about summer

Applique "Summer Day" (tearing)

Drawing "What summer gave us"

Music leader

Educators Group

(Day traffic police)

Conversations:"Kakiolelovka needs cars",

"Light Signal",

"Why do road signs need",

"Safe behavior on the street, etc.

Playing situations on traffic rules.

Registration of the album "Rules of Road"

S / R Garage game, "On the bus"


Days of the week




Gaying mysteries

Solving crosswords

Reading books

Consider alphabet

Drawing up words from cubes

P / and: "Classics", "White - Black", "Dwarfs - Giant"

S / R Game: "School"

Educators Group

(Care and Love Day)

Conversation with children: "My family

Production of gifts for relatives and loved ones

Conversation "What pleases and grieves close people"

Observations for passersby on a walk

S / R and: "Family"

P / and: "Bubble", "Bunny gray is washed", "train", "catch the ball", "good words" - with the ball.

Educators Group

(Children's Writers Day)

Design of bookcores in groups.

Consider portraits of writers (K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, A. Barto)

Consider illustrations for works

Drawing based on works

Literary quiz on works by K. Chukovsky

D / and: "Dorisui Hero", "Split the Hero"

S / R and: "Journey on a pirate ship", "Bookstore"

P / and: "Magic wand", "Bear in Bor", "Carousel", "Take care of the subject."

Educators Group

All-Russian Family Day)

Sports leisure "Dad Mom I am a friendly family"

Conversations: "What is a family", "What is a house"

Viewing family photos

Registration of the album "Kindergarten is a big friendly family."

Educators Group

Day of military glory of Russia)

Conversations: "Defenders of the Motherland", "Soldiers, pilots, tankers, sailors ..."

Reading fiction: "A. Mityaev "Our weapons", "Why a native army", L. Cassille "Your Defenders", S. Bajuradin "Soldat Street"

Consider albums: "Monuments of Defenders of the Fatherland"

Drawing: "Airplanes flew into the sky", "By seas - by waves"

S / R Games: "Sailors", "Pilots", "Soldiers"

P / and: "From the bumps on the hammer", "airplanes", "jumping through the stream", "runs quiet"

Educators Group


plikational heroes)

View Soviet cartoons (on choosing an educator).

Conversations with children: "Who creates cartoons?"

"Who is an artist multiplier?"

Drawing your own cartoon in the plot of your favorite fairy tales.

Educators Group

(Sweet Day)

Reading fiction: "Sweet tooth's Day", N.Nosov "Dunno" - the duet of the syropychik and donut.

Conduct a fabulous tea ceremony.

Crafts and candy candy candy.

S / R game "Cafe"

Educators Group

(Bird day)

Conversation on the topic: "Birds, who are they?", "Birds and the future"

Gaggage puzzles about birds

Acquaintance with proverbs and sayings about birds

Elastic stories by children about birds

Watching birds

D / and: "Guess what kind of bird?", "Fourth extra"

Reading an Eskimo fairy tale: "Like Raven and Owl each other painted", "where dined the sparrow" S. Marshak, feed the birds A. Yashin, "Sinitsa" E. Ilyin,

P / and: "Birds in nests", "birds and chicks", "crows and nests"

S / R Game: "Zoo"

Educators Group

(Humor and laughter day)

Competition for the funny figure

Reading Story N.Nosov, K. Chukovsky

Games with air and soap balls

Reading non-exaggered "All the opposite" of Kruzhkov

Show focus

Games: "Who is funnier to come up with the name",

"Find the artist's mistakes", "fantasies", "yes - no", "Tsarevna - Nesmeyana"

S / R Game: "Circus"

P / and: "Find where hidden", games with balloons, "get the ring", "paints"

Educators Group

Conversations about flowering plants

Reading J. Sand "What Flowers say"

Consider illustration

Decoration of the album "My favorite flower" - drawings of children

N / and "gardener", "find your own color", "such a flower run to me"

D / and: "Collect a bouquet", "Flower shop"

Production of paper flowers (way origami)

Imprette "Basanes of Plants"

Excursion to the flower garden

Caring for flowers on flowerbed

S / R game "Flower Store"

Educators Group

On the pages of favorite cartoons:

"Plasticine Crow",

"Faith and Anfisa", "The investigation leads kolobki"

Visiting a favorite transfer "Good night, kids"

Drawings of favorite heroes

Consider illustration and reading fiction on cartoon scenarios

Hearing audio recordings songs from cartoons

S / r Game: "In the movies"

Scene moving games

Educators Group

Days of the week



(Day fairy tales)

Reading Russian folk fairy tales

Tale drawing

Gaying mysteries

Exhibition of drawings made jointly with the parents of "Russian heroes".

Educators Group

Acquaintance of children with chess

Applique from paper "Chessboard"

Imprette "Chess Figures"

Games: "Name Figure", "Determine the figure to the touch", "Find a figure among others", "checkers", "Chess"

P / and: "Classics", "Hippopotics", "You go quiet - then you will be", "Black and white"

S / R Game: "School"

Educators Group

(Birthday day)

Congratulations for birthdays

Production of gifts for birthday women

P / and: "Caparage", "I know 5 names" - with the ball, "classics"

Games: "Snowball", "Hello, IT I", "Gardener"

D / and: "Multicolored water"

Experiments: "I blow, blow, inflated" - a glass with water, a stool for a cocktail, a vase with water, a twig.; "Soap bubbles" - plate, soap solution, tube

Educators Group

Sports holiday "Day Neptune"

Gaying of marine mysteries

Decoration of album "Sea fabulous heroes"

Drawing "Marine Inhabitants"

Physo teacher

Educators Group


Game - Travel "For the bottom of the ocean"

Conversation "Sailors"

Consider the Album "Defenders of Motherland"

Reading and memorizing poems about sailors

Improke "Boat"

Drawing "By seas, by waves"

Games with building material and sand "Build a ship"

P / and: "Save the ball", "get a ring", "Find where hidden", "Take care of the subject"

S / R Game: "Sailors"

Educators Group

(Summer Sunstream Holiday)

Conversation "Tradition to celebration of the holiday" Day of Ivan Kupala. "

Folk tips.

Drawing on the topic of the holiday.

Educators Group

(Health Day)

Conversations: "Vitamins I love - to be healthy I want",

"Safety lessons",

"Talk about health, clean"

"Moidodar friends"

Consider illustrations, photos, paintings on health.

Reading fiction: V. Lebedev-Kumach "Stay!", S. Marshak "Dremot and Zewnota", S. Mikhalkov "About a girl who is badly Kushal", E. Uspensky "Children who are poorly eaten in kindergarten", and . Barto "Walk", S. Mikhalkov "Walk", S. Mikhalkov "Village", V. Sevennin "is prohibited - permitted!"

Exhibition of children's drawings on health.

Contest drawings "Journey to the country of health"

P / and: "Do, like me," "School of the ball", "Fullies in a circle" ...

S / R Games: "Polyclinic", "Pharmacy" ...

Educators Group

Games - Experimentation:

"Clear water",

"Pure water",

"Wet sleeves and towel",

"What form soap",

"Making soap bubbles",

"Mistress Toothbrush",

"Journey to the country of brushes",

"Journey to the city of personal hygiene items"

Educators Group

(Day of riddles)

Conversations about Russian folklore

Exhibition of books with proverbs and sayings and riddles.

Riddles about natural phenomena.

Creative tasks (by the age of children).

Games: "Guessing" with tied eyes guess that you get from the bucket (medium sized objects).

Educators Group

(The kingdom of land)

Conversations "What surrounds us?"

Drawing on the topic

N / and: "hare and bunny",

"Hedgehog and hare",

"Edible - Inedible"

Educators Group


Days of the week



(Animal day)

Conversations: "Wild and Pets",

Calling postcards, illustrations, albums

Drawing "non-existent animal", Doring

D / and: "Who lives where" whose kids "," who screams "," find a couple "," who hid "

P / and: "Bear's bear", "Wolf and hares", "homeless hare", "Bunny gray is washed"

S / R Game: "Veterinary Hospital"

Educators Group

(Ilyin Day)

Conversation "Tradition to celebration of the holiday" Ilyin Day ".

Signs of the holiday.

Folk tips.

Drawing on the topic of the holiday.

Horics, singing of folklore and patriotic songs.

P / and: "Rain".

Educators Group

(Day insects)

Conversations about insects

Reading fiction: V. Bianki "As an ant home in a hurry", K. Chukovsky "Fly - Costoha", A. Pushkin "Tale of Tsar Saltan", "Conversation with a bee" M. Boroditskaya

Drawing "Butterflies in the meadow"

D / and: "Collect the flower", "Find the mistakes of the artist", "Transformation of the Caterpillars"

Reincarnation game "If you were a butterfly"

P / and: "Bear and Bees", "Day and Night", "Catch Komara", "Where do you live"

Insect observations on a walk

S / R Game: "At the cottage"

Educators Group

(Ogorodnik Day)

Viewing Encyclopedia

Selection of illustrations, postcards on the topic

Reading fiction, guessing mysteries

Registration of the newspaper "Amazing Vegetables"

D / and: "Find the description", "Puzzles", "Cutting pictures", "Domino", "Wonderful bag", "Cups - Forers"

P / and: "Edible - Inedible", "Find a couple", "Ozerechik"

S / R Games: "Vegetable store", "Family"

Educators Group

(Day of the native land)

Conversations: "The region in which we live", "what monuments are told", "People who glorified our land"

Reading fiction: V. Stepanov. "What are we called the birthplace"

Conversation about the natural riches of the native land

Reading and worrying poems about the native land

Consider books, albums with illustrations about the sights of the city of Yaroslavl, Native Edge

Listening to Mari songs, melodies

Gaying the Mari mysteries

D / I :: "Associations - City"., "What is where is" (schemes, cards).

S / R Games: "Railway", "Hospital"

Drawing "Our Street"

Educators Group

Days of the week



(Gracious day)

With the viewing of plot pictures from the series "Where did the bread come from

Illustrations with the image of machines and devices used to grow cereals

Reading proverbs and sayings about bread

Games: "Guess the taste" - determine wheat or rye bread, "who will call more dishes", "What a porridge boiled", "Guess to the touch" (cereals), "Name profession"

Theater on the flannelhemph "Kolobok"

Children's drawing contest "Magic transformations"

P / and: "Find, where hidden", "Edible - Inedible"

S / R Games: "Bakery", "Supermarket"

Educators Group

Conversation "Athletes"

Consider books, albums about sports

Reading: "I Rasta" A. Barto,

"Moydodyr" to Chukovsky,

"About Mimozu" S.Mikhalkov

Competition of the family newspaper "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family"

Registration of the photo album "Active leisure of the family"

Drawing "Sports Group Emblem"

P / and: "We are funny guys", "fall into the goal", "Sali Kegell", "Who is faster before the checkbox"

Educators Group

(Art day)

Exhibitions of Art Fine Arts: Decorative and Applied Arts, Sculpture.

Summer viewing

Gaming exercise "Composition", "Make up Still Life"

Competition "Best Chrant


Drawing "Warm Sunny Day"

P / and "Sea is worried", "Solar bunnies", "Dwarfs - Giant", "Find checkbox"

S / R games: "Museum"

Educators Group

(Cosmos Day)

Conversation about the cosmonaut Y. Gagarine,

"What animals were in space flight"

Gaying of cosmic mysteries

Solving cosmic crosswords

D / and: "Build a rocket",

Drawing "Space Aliens"

Contest Figure "Spaceship of the Future" - together with parents

P / and: "Collect cosmic garbage", "bar of obstacles"

S / R Game: "Cosmonauts"

Physo teacher

(Young trafficking day)

Wet - handkerchief, newspaper, bowl with water (Wet Wet herself and can wet items)

Transparent - opaque - paper, bowl with water. Bath with water, toys.

Magic transformations - a bank with water, a spoon (when a spoon near the front wall, it looks like usual, and when at the back wall and look at it through a thick layer of water, then it becomes big and round ...)

Air and water - plastic bottle of 0.5 l, water tank

Drawing with unconventional ways - manifestation of previously applied candles

P / and: "Find your color", "hide and seek", "Find checkbox"

S / R games ":" Hike "

Educators Group

(Honey saved)

Conversation: "Traditions to celebrate the Honey Savior holiday.

Signs of the holiday.

Folk tips.

Drawing on the topic of the holiday.

Horics, singing of folklore and patriotic songs.

Reading proverbs, sayings, choral songs and mysteries: "Machyek with honey - mustache", "Black Mac, yes Boyar eat," "Rad Yakov, that Poppy Pie", "Pominous Mac, do not proceed and so", " Tychinka town, there is seven hundred people of the governor. "

P / and: "Bee".

Educators Group

(Traveler day)

Conversations: "What I liked the most in the journey"

Reading: "Snow Queen" G.Kh. Andersen, "Flower-seven-degree" V. Kataev, "Dr. Aibolit" K. Chukovsky, "Pro Penguins" of Snegrev

The design of the photo album "Favorite places of rest of my family"

P / and: "Find the treasure" - with a support on the map, "homeless hare", "Sparobushki and car"

D / and: "Geographical Couples", "Live Encyclopedia"

Exhibition "Travel to the Future" - the transport of the future "together with parents

Educators Group

Physo teacher

(Bread day)

Acquaintance with cereal crops

Conversations: "Where did the bun come from"

Reading and learning poems, proverbs, sayings, artistic works about bread

Viewing the album "Journey spikes"

Drawing: "Bread - the owner of the house", "Take care of bread"

Dramatic tales "Kolobok"

Salt dough model

P / and: "Mice in Storeroom", "Find a couple", "Caustice"

Educators Group

(Fire safety day)

Games: "Fire-hazardous items", "What is necessary fire"

Gaying mysteries

Conversations "Rules of Conduct for Fire"

Consider the album "People of the Heroic Profession"

Reading and discussing art works

Viewing posters, illustrations

Competition drawing "Match children not toys"

D / and: "It is possible - you can not", "Items - sources of fire", "Homemade helpers", "Who needs you", "I will start, and you are finished"

P / and: "Fathers", "Hyperships", "Find the subject", "from the bodies on the hammery", "runs quiet"

S / R games: "brave firefighters"

Educators Group

(Apple CAC)

Conversation: "Traditions of celebration of the holiday" Apple Savior ".

Signs of the holiday.

Folk tips.

Drawing on the topic of the holiday.

Horics, singing of folklore and patriotic songs.

Reading proverbs, sayings, choral songs and mysteries on the topic.

Viewing the album "Russia - My Motherland", reading poems about the native region, about the world

Reading: R.N.S. "Sadko", "Ilya Muromets and Nightingale - Robber",

Exhibition of works of folk craftsmen

Conversations: "Flag of Russia", "Color Symbols of Flag"

Russian folk games

Educators Group

(Drug Plants Day)

Conversations: "What is medicinal plants"; "Where and how medicinal plants use"; "The place of growing medicinal plants";

View books, albums, encyclopedias about medicinal plants

Collection of herbarium medicinal plants.

Together with the parents, the manufacture of mini albums "Medicine in our house" - riddles, poems, stories of their own essay.

D / and: "What would happen if disappeared ...", "what plant did not become", "" words "," what is too much "

P / and: "1-2-3 - to the running plant", "Find a couple"

S / R Games: "Pharmacy"

Educators Group

(Sun day)

Playing on a walk: "Pathfinder"

D / and: "blots", "lay out the sun"

Drawing Sun - unconventional ways

Sun watching on a walk

P / and: "Sun and rain", "Solar bunnies", "Find your color", "Day - Night"

Educators Group

(District day)

Reading poems about his hometown

Registration of folder-mobile "Love and know your edge"

Design drawing on asphalt

D / I :: "Dorisui Hero", "Multicolored World"

Educational games: "My address", "how much in the house floor", "say differently", "I am in the city I go", "collect the whole of parts", "Here is my street, here is my home", "where that is".

P / and: "Games with balloons", "Carousel", "Colored cars"

S / R Games: "Library", "City Excursion"

Educators Group

Music - sports holiday "Goodbye, Summer"

Conversations "What you remember the summer"

Collective Applique "Decorate Polyana Flowers" (using different material: Napkins, paper, leather, chips from color pencils ...)

The design of the album "How I spent the summer" - together with parents

Music leader

Physo teacher

Educators Group

(Birthday day)

Reading poems dedicated to birthdays

Solving crosswords

Competition Figure "Fantastic Animal"

"The best wish"

Magnifying mysteries

Production of gifts for birthday women

Congratulations birthdaynikov

Performing a song about the birthday


S / R Game: "Cafe"

Educators Group

Days of the week



Sports leisure time "Looking for a treasure"

D / and: "Maze", wallpaper - printed games with a cube and chips

Reading: "This is what scattered" S. Marshak, "Fireproof" Andersen

Making crafts for treasure.

Physo teacher

Educators Group

Music entertainment "Traveling to Color Country"

Guessing mysteries about colors

Card view, illustrations

Drawing "Flower Polyana"

Registration of the folder "What flower should be entered in the Red Book"

Educators Group

Viyakova Galina Vladimiroving
Position: Educator
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten" Golden Key "
Locality: G.Abakan.
Name of material: Methodical development
Subject: Perspective plan for the summer wellness period 2018.
Publication date: 22.08.2018
Section: preschool education

MBDOU "Kindergarten" Golden Key "

Perspective plan

on the summer wellness period.

Senior group "Bee"

compensating type

Educators: Viyakova G.V.

G. Abakan - 2017

Perspective plan for the summer in the senior group

Thematic blocks:

"Hello summer!"

"Happy holiday, love

"ABC security"

Russia My Motherland

"Sand Fantasy"

"My family"

"Aerial Travel"

"Floral Kaleidoscope"

"Visiting a fairy tale"

"Sun, air and water -

our best friends! "

"Miracles on the beds"


Work planning:



Acquaintance with others

Implock / Applique

Familiarity with fiction

Designing / Manual Labor

Summer Entertainment Plan


Theme of the event


Holiday dedicated to the Day of Children's Day

"Holiday of childhood"

C. "Story";

c. "Sun"

Music entertainment "Hello summer

red "

Exhibition of children's drawings "Color paint"

C. "Fidgets"

Quiz "Republic Day"

Interactive platform: "Magic


Entertainment "Abakan, City of Childhood" within

project dedicated to the anniversary of the city

Quiz "In the world of fairy tales"

Entertainment "Freckles and Grandfather Vintage Visiting

deets »

Acquaintance with others


Summer, summer -

what it is





there are occurring in nature in the summer.

Fasten summer signs, summer months names.

Easify careful attitude towards the surrounding nature.

Sun - friend and

To form a system of ideas about the sun, about its influence on


features of precipitation at different times of the year.

Secure knowledge about the dangers and benefits of direct sunlight.

Very necessary


Expand the ideas about pretexts as small but important

words and as part of speech pointing to various relationships

between words in the proposal.

Fasten the understanding and proper use of various


Consider proposed-cased designs, differentiation

prepositions in, on, under.

need water?

To form knowledge of children about the meaning of water in the life of a person;

knowledge of the need for water to ensure human health.

Give ideas that the water is indicated blue on the globe

color. On the globe of water more than sushi. These are sea and oceans.

Relieve careful attitude towards water.







cities, District, Streets.

Clarify the knowledge of the attractions of the hometown.

Learn correctly and accurately call your home address.

Relieve careful, caring attitude towards your city.

What we have under

Consolidate the presentation of children that those places where there is no

asphalt, where flowers, trees grow, the grass is called living earth,

those. soil.

Expand representations about the composition and properties of the soil.



Expand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe diversity of colors in the summer.

Fastening the knowledge of the composition of the flower (CHASHELISTIC, PETALS, PESTIK,





it is transferred by the wind, insects, birds and water.

Briefing the feeling of beauty and the need for nature concern.


Fastening children's knowledge about the benefits of vegetables and fruits.




vitamins: A, C, B.

Shape healthy lifestyle skills.


Dangers around




life activity on the street, at home and in nature.

Fasten the ability if necessary to dial telephone

fire service room, militia and ambulance.

Our family

To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe family composition.

Learning to call the names and patronymic of family members, place of work






Improve the ability to make a small story about the family.

Educate love, respect and desire to take care of

relatives and loved ones.

We are fairy tales.

Expand the presentation of children about professions.

Develop the ability to understand the significance of the labor of the "Fairy Tale", his


Call a positive emotional attitude, induce

the ability to make small fairy tales, stories.



Give an idea about the Olympics.

Fasten the idea of \u200b\u200bvarious sports.

Form healthy lifestyle skills, regime compliance

day, personal hygiene.

Walking on a walk







Colors in a flower bed;

Seedlings in the garden;

Shoots of trees;


Medicinal plants;



Behind trees;

Pouring manifold

Painting plants;

Insect manifold;








Behind the sun;

Solar bunnies;

Evening sky;

With cumulative clouds;

Current clouds;

Layered clouds;

Observations for nature

after a thunderstorm;



Sun movement;

Beauty of the surrounding world.

Property of sunlight.

Transfer of a solar bunny.

The needs of plants in water.

What will happen if the garden is not


What is faster?

How the cucumber got into the bottle.




Experimental experimental




Birch trunk;


Plants in the garden;

Medicinal plants;





For watering colors;

Shoots of trees;

Those who live in a tree;







Butterfly caterpillars;


Moving insects;

Feeling smells


Weather definition by



With cumulative clouds;

Current clouds;

What is faster?

Changing image sizes with

using lenses.

Consider sand through a magnifying glass.

Sandy cone.

Properties of wet sand.

Power permeability of sand and clay.

Soil condition depending on


How water goes to the leaves.

Street shadows.









Flowers on flowerbed;

Plants in the garden;

Medicinal plants;


Plant seeds.

Collection of plant seeds.

Inhalation of smells of plants.


Behind flies;




Birds on branches;

Bird behavior;


Spiders on flowerbed;



Over the wind;

Nature after rain;



The sun and longitude of the day;

Beauty surrounding

The sun dries


Protective paint grasshopper.

Wizard lemon.

Live sand.

Sun beam power.

Air force.

Air invisible.

Labor in nature


Guidance of order in the garden. Watering the beds on the garden.

Weeding in a flower bed. Help babies in work in the garden.

Cleaning the territory after the wind.

Helping children younger group in the cleaning of the site.

Locking the Earth around the plants in the garden and in the flower bed.

Watering a flower garden.

Greeting beds in the garden.

Cleaning in the corner of the forest.

Help babies in a ridge garden.

Cleaning tracks near the plot.

Help kids in the cleaning of the site.

Locking the earth around plants in the garden.

Weeding weeds in flower beds.

Hanging beds in the garden.

Bringing the flower beds with flowers (to correct the border, we rize with

crickeners weeds, explode the earth).

Guidance of order on the plot.

Cleaning the neck after harvest (pulling the tops, cleaning leaves).

Fine activity


View of organized



"Happy summer"


Drawing simple plots with transfer

movements, interactions and relationships

between characters.

"Clear what

Develop the ability to independently

conceive the content of work and bring

idea to the end using a variety of

receptions of modeling.



dress! "


Drawing Sun based on

decorative and applied art and

book graphics. Develop imagination

rail interest in folk art.



smile! "


Creation of multicolor applicative

the images of the sun of paper squares,

folded twice diagonally (with different

form rays).


"What smells of summer?"

Creating original compositions from

flacon with aroma, its applical

forms and drawings with letters elements;

development of synesthesia (intersensive

"Summer Carpet"

(weaving out


Maspeake Mascutik Miscellaneous Color

way of simple interlacing; Search

analogies between different types of folk



"I'm drawing the sea ..."

Creating an image of a different

unconventional techniques:

experimentation with different

art materials I.



"Dolphin Steak"

Independent creative reflection

representations of marine animals

different finely expressive

means (symmetric silhouettes).





"My favorite

representations about your city different

fine expressive



"Our town"



Cut out houses from paper folded

twice in half; Compilation of Panorama S.

partial overlay elements.


"Sand City"

Acquaintance with unconventional

the direction of the visual art -

drawing sand. Develop imagination

make an interest in a new kind


"Murauches B.

anthill "-

collective work

Development of shallow motility, creative

imagination, skills work in the team.



Drawing fantasy colors based on

exotic plants; Mastering techniques

modifications and decoration of petals

and whiskers.


"Elegant butterflies"

Cutting silhouettes of paper butterflies

squares or rectangles folded

popolas, and registration at your request.


"Riddles with beds"

Drawing vegetables by their description in

riddles and comic poem;

development of imagination.


still life"

Modeling fruits and berries from salt dough;

creation of bulk compositions; acquaintance

with still life.





"Come to the sign on

rules of behavior B.

Independent and creative reflection

ideas about the rules of behavior on

nature, on the danger of fires for

environment and for your own

health with different pictorial

expressive means.


svetoforik »

Mastering the sculptural method of modeling;

development of feeling of form and proportion.

Consolidation of knowledge rules



"My family"

Reflection in the picture of personal impressions about

life and traditions of their family. Development

creative imagination.


"Friendly guys"

Drawing up a collective composition;

expansion of visual and semantic

the capabilities of the belt application.


"Cheerful clown"

Drawing of an expressive figure of a person

in a contrast costume - in motion and with

transfer of Mimici (smile, laughter).


men "

Maspeake figures of a person of different shapes:

girl from cone, boy from cylinder;

transmission of uncomplicated movements.


"For charging

become! "

Drawing a person's figure, with characteristic

changing the position of the hands during



"Color palms"

Cutting over the drawn contour

(wrist); Drawing up images I.

compositions; "Decoding" meanings.

Development of imagination.

Design and manual work





rocking "

Consolidate the ability to work on

pattern; bring up independence



"Cap S.

horn "

origami technique from a square bent by




Fasten the ability of children to make a craft

in the technique of origami from a sheet of paper, folded




Consolidate constructing;

improve the ability to build in

a certain sequence.


"The streets of the town"

Develop the ability to develop independently

select the required material to build.



Teach children to fold the figures by

sequential bending of paper in half, by




Continue to teach children to make crafts in

origami technique. Develop the eye meter



"Basket for

Improve the ability to make toys

finished pattern, carefully cutting and gluing



Teach children make road signs for

scene-role games.



Mastery of various ways of action with

paper. Fasten the ability to follow

instructions in the teacher.


"In some

kingdom ... "

Teach children to make the volumetric craft

toys from cones without the use of templates.



color "

Fasten ways of folding paper.

Develop constructive creativity.



Didactic games


"Good words"

"Tell me differently"

"Get it by youself"

"Name three subjects"

"My cloud"

"Nature and man"

"Well no"

"Tips and roots"

"Looks like not like"

"What grows in the forest?"

"Who am I?"

"On the contrary"


"Find what I will describe"

"Guess what plants"

"Name insect with the right sound"

"Add a syllable"


"Flies - does not fly"

"Repeat each other"

"Name the animal, insect with the right

"Not mistaken"


"Kittens and puppies"


"Fox in chicken coop"

"Birds and Cat"

"Homeless Hare"

"Hares and Wolf"

"Hunter and hare"






"To the title tree of the run"


"Fishing rod"

"Swan geese".

Fun games:

"Find down the sound"

"Find no seeing"

"What changed"

"Unusual Zhmurki"

"Hurry up to pick up"

"Consider legs."



Didactic games


"Name three subjects"

"What is this bird"

"Finish Proposal"

"Who knows, let it continue"

"My cloud"

"Game in riddles"

"Looks like not like"

"Third Extra" (plants)

"Well no"

"Find what I will describe"

"Cups - roots"

"Who knows more"


"What grows in the forest"

"Clean, we will go out"

"Who am I?"

"What is this insect"

"Find what I will describe"

"Who is what flies"

"Who likes what"

"Tell me without words"

"It happens - does not happen" (with the ball)

"Tell me what you hear"

"What it is"

"What if…"

"Fishing rod"

"Birds and Cat"

"Swan geese"

"Do not stay on the floor"


"Bear and Bees"

"Someone rather before the checkbox"

"Make Figure"

"My cheerful ringing ball"


"Hunter and hare"

"Sly Fox"





"Karasi and Pike"


"Wolf in Ravy"

"Not getting off"

"Sound chain"


Fun games:

"Develop attention"

"What changed"

"Where is the sound"

"Unusual Zhmurki"

"Hurry up to pick up"

"Learn through the sound."

Khakan folk game:

"Card with a nodule."


Didactic games


"Tell me what you hear"

"When it happens"

"What why"

"Good bad"

"What is planting in the garden?"

"Who lives where"

"Tell the word with the right sound"

"Who will come up with more words"

"Do you remember these poems ..."

"How many items"

"Stop, wand, stop"

"It happens or not"

"Feed animals"

"Knock yes knock, find a word, cute friend"

"Do not yawa" (insect)

"Who needs something"

"Who are you?"

"What season"

"Where can I do?"

"Guess the insect"

"Find a couple of yourself"

"Get it by youself"

"Who will remember more"

"Come to another word."

"Catching, take a ribbon"

"Frogs and Heron"



"Not a naughty legs"

"Bear and Bees"

"Empty place"


"Cutters and Lakes"



"Hares and Wolf"

"Kittens and puppies"

"Find pebbles"

"Song dragonfly"

"Find a couple of yourself"


"Children and Wolf"


"Find the plant"


"Guess what caught"


"Cat on the roof"


Russian folk games:

"Needle, thread, nodule"

"Wandering Ball"

"Bees and swallow"


"Wear a hat."



Russian folk fairy tales

"Nikita Kozheyaka" (from the collection of fairy tales A. Afanasyev);

"Restrain fairy tales."

Foreign folk tales

"About a mouse, which was a cat, dog and a tiger", Ind., Per. N. Khodzov;

"As the paternal treasure brothers found", Mold., Obr. M. Bulatova;

"Yellow Stork", Kit., Per. F. Yallin.


B. Lytkov "White House", "How I caught a little man";

G. Snegolev "Penguin Beach", "To the Sea", "Brave Penguin";

L. Panteleev "Letter" s "";

M. Moskvina "Kroch";


Ya. Akim "Zhardde";

Y. Moritz "House with a pipe";

R. SEF "Council", "Infinite Poems";

D. KHARMS "I'm running, ran, ran";

D. Chiardy "About who has three eyes", per. from English R. SEF;

B. Skod "Pleasant Meeting";

S. Black "Wolf";

A. Pleshcheev "My Sadik";

S. Marshak "Mail".

Literary fairy tales

A. Volkov "The Wizard of the Emerald City" (chapters);

O. Promysler "Little Baba Yaga", Per. with it. Yu. Corinets;

J. Rodari "Magic Drum" (from the book "Fairy Tales, who have three ends," lane. With Ital. I.


T. YANSON "On the most recent Dragon in the world", per. with the Swede L. Braude;

"Wizard hat", lane. V. Smirnova;

Sappriir "Nonbylitsa in persons", "like a frog sold";

L. Petrushevskaya "The cat who knew how to sing";

A. Mityaev "Tale about three pirates."

Work with parents


The purpose of the event

1. Consultation for parents "Hello,

2. Individual conversations with parents.

Subject: "Headdress" (about the need

head Upbean in the summer).

3. Consultation for parents

"Overheating. Sunburns. "

4. Exhibition of children's work "Fun Summer".

5. Consultation for parents "Fear of water

in children. "

Distribution of pedagogical

knowledge among parents

theoretical assistance to parents in

issues of raising children.

Enrichment of pedagogical knowledge

parents about overheating and about

solar baths.

Exhibition of children's drawings and

joint crafts of parents and

1. Exhibition of children's work

"Happy Birthday Abakan!".

2. Consultation for parents "what to take

children in summer. "

Topic: "Using natural factors

to harde children in summer. "

4. Consultation for parents "Vitamin


Familiarization of parents S.

the main factors

contributing to the strengthening of I.

preservation of preschool children

in summer.

Attracting parents to

questions about vitamins, about the right

their use.

Exhibition of children's drawings.

1. Exhibition of children's work

"So that there is no trouble ...".

2. Consultation for parents "I myself".

3. Individual conversations with parents.

Topic: "Possible shapes of joint

rest parents and children. "

4. Consultation for parents "Summer and

security of your children. "

5. Photo exhibition

"How I spent summer".

Realization of single educational

approach when teaching a child

security Rules in Children

garden and houses.

Activation of pedagogical knowledge


Enable activation

parents to the work of kindergarten.

The development of positive

relationships of parents I.

Perspective plan

for summer 2016


1 Week

June 1, Wednesday

Contest drawings on asphalt "We take by hands, friends!"

Music - Sports holiday "Let's give the Ball of Earth Children" "

Reading: "World Child Day", "Our Children" N. Maidanik. Rights of children in verses.

Contest drawings "Happy childhood"

MUZ. Hand., Instructor for fiz. Culture


Our best friends are books.

Design of bookcores in groups. Reading fiction.

Drawing "on the pages of favorite fairy tales." Making books-kids.

Literary quiz "In the world of fairy tales".

Exhibition of books "Russian folk fairy tales".

Exhibition of children's drawings "These magic fairy tales".

P / and: "Bubble", "Catch mosquito", "Sparrow and car"

Team teacher

(June 5 - World Environmental Day)

Consider albums "Animals", "Birds", "Flowers" ...

Acquaintance with signs "Rules of Conduct in Nature"

Making signs "Take care of nature"

Drawing: "Summer Paints", "Summer Landscape".

Experiments with sand and water

Building game "Terem for animals"

Compilation of environmental monasses


June 2 weeks

June 6 Monday

Pushkin readings.

Group decoration

Reading works A.S. Pushkin: "The wind is walking around the sea", "Tale of Tsar Saltan ...", "Tale of the dead princess and about seven heroes", "Tale of fisherman and fish."

Consider illustrations for works by the author

Listening to works in audio recordings.

Contest drawings "My favorite fairy tale."

S / R Game: "Library"

Team teacher

What do we know about time?

Conversations: "On time", "if there was no clock", "what we know about the clock."

Reading fiction: "Moydodyr" K. Chukovsky, "Tale of a stupid little face" S. Marshak, "Stolen Sun" K. Chukovsky, "Masha - Crashing" L. Voronkova, "where the fish is sleeping" I. Tokmakova.

Contest drawings "Fairy Watch".

D / and: "When it happens", "pick up the clock pattern", "Journey in the morning, day, evening, night"


World Ocean Day.

Guessing mysteries about the water world. View the presentation "Underwater World". The game is a journey "For the bottom of the ocean, together with the mermaid."

Acquaintance with the rules of behavior on the water.

Contest drawings "Water kingdom".

P / and: "The sea is worried", "whose ball will do next", "hide and seek."

S / R Game: "Visiting the residents of the underwater kingdom"


We do not live without friendship.

Conversations: "What a friend is", "For what you need friends." Attraction "Give a smile to a friend."

Reading fiction: "Teremok", "Three Piglets" Per S. Mikhalkov, "Bremen Musicians" of BR grimm, drawing "Portrait of a friend."

P / and: "Classics", "Skinking", "Mousetrap", "Fullies", "Carousel".



Russian Post .

Consider illustrations, albums "Russia - My Homeland", "Moscow". Entertainment "And I live in Russia."

Conversations: "Profession of the postman".

Reading fiction: "This is what scattered" S. Marshak, "Baggage" S. Marshak, "Ilya Muromets and Nightingale - Robber", "My Country" V. "Motherland".

P / and: "Tell the letter", "Who is faster", "Find your color"

S / R Games: "Tourburo", "Mail"

Excursion to mail


June 3 week

In the world of fairy tales.

Puppet Theater "Visiting Grandma Arina"

Design of a book corner in the group. Reading fairy tales

Consider illustrations to fairy tales. Imprette characters fairy tales.

Competition of the Children's Figure: "Clean the Hero of the Fairy Tale."

S / R game "Library"

Tutor group.

Music leader

If you want to be healthy - temper!

Sports leisure "Sun, air and water - our best friends"

Conversations: "What kind of benefits bring the sun, air and water", "how to sunbathe", "can the sun, air and water harm health",

Drawing up a memo: "Rules of behavior on water", "how to sunbathe".

Music leader.


Good manners.

Conversations: "How and what can you please close people", "Who and why came up with the rules of behavior", "how you help adults", "My good actions".

Reading fiction: "What is good and what is bad" - V. Mayakovsky; "Two greedy bear",

Etudes playing: "Say a good word to a friend," "Nazis Laskovo".

Tasks: "As you can ... (say hello, say goodbye, thank, ask, refuse, contact)

P / and: "Good words", "Who will call more polite words" - with the ball, "Pass the letter"

S / R Games: "Supermarket", "Beauty Salon"


June 17, Friday. Care and Love Day

Conversations with children: "My family", "what pleases and what does not care about the close people."

Observations for passersby on a walk. Photo exhibition "Our friendly family." S / R and: "Family".

P / and: "Bubble", "Bunny gray is washed", "train", "catch up", "good words" - with the ball


June 4 week


Clean - pledge of health.

Conversations: "Vitamins I love - to be healthy I want", "security lessons", "talk about health, about purity." Consider illustrations, photos, paintings on health.

Reading fiction: V. Lebedev-Kumach "Check by S. Marshak" Dremot and Zewnota ".

Exhibition of children's drawings on health. S / R Games: "Polyclinic", "Pharmacy" ...

P / and: "Do, like me," "School of the ball", "Fullies in a circle" ...


About fire safety.

Conversations with children: "Why there is a fire", "What can smear the fire", "What the fire is dangerous", "Fire Conduct Rules"

Reading: "Anxiety" M. Lazarev, acquaintance with proverbs and sayings on the topic.

D / and: "What, first, then," "Certain-ka".

The exhibition of the drawings "Fire is kind, fire is evil."

P / and: "Challenge firefighters", "sweat fire"

S / R Game: "Salvation Service"


Memory Day and Sorrow

On guard of the world "22 - day of memory and grief

Excursion "They defended their homeland" (to Obelisk)

"Pigeon - Bird of the World" (coloring);

Didactic games "Military weapons".

Final event: "Competition of readers, songs, drawings" Peace - Yes! ".


Our favorite kindergarten.

Conversations with children: "For what I love d / s," who works in kindergarten "

Reading the fiction reflecting the regime moments

Drawing "My favorite toy".

Reading poems about kindergarten, singing songs.

P / and "Looking for a treasure", "skinking", "catchers", "classics".

S / R Game: "Kindergarten".


Happy Birthday, Friends!

Group decoration. Congratulations for birthdays.

Production of gifts for birthdaynikov.

Games are fun.

Listening to your favorite children's songs

P / and: "Caustice", games with balloons and soap bubbles, "hide and seek."

S / R game "Cafe"


June 27, Monday

Family day

Consider albums "Family photos"

Conversations with children: "My family", "resting the whole family", "Our grandmother" - upbringing respect for senior family members, "What our moms and dads do" - expanding the ideas about professions

Drawing on the topic "Weekend in the family", "Portraits of family members"

D / and "Who for whom" is to consolidate the ideas about related relations in the family.

P / and: "I know 5 names" - with the ball, "pass - not back", "fall into the goal", "Geese"

S / R games »:" House "," Family "

Building games: "House in the village", "Multi-storey house"


In the world of nature

Ecological holiday "Journey to the Magic Forest"

Preliminary work:

Watching weather phenomena. Consider the albums "Seasons". . Competition of mysteries about nature

Listening to audio recordings "Forest voices"

D / and: "Take care of nature", "say the name" "call the plant on the sheet", p / and: "Earth, water, fire, air" - with the ball, "Sunny bunnies", "skinking", "hide and seek", "Fathers"

S / R Game: "Forest Journey"


Instructor in physical culture.

Day of humor and laughter

Competition for the funny figure

Reading Stories N.Nosov, K. Chukovsky.

Reading of non-pieces "All the opposite" of Kruzhkov.

Games: "Who is funnier to come up with the name",

"Find the artist's mistakes", "fantasies", "yes - no",

P / and: "Find where hidden" get the ring "," paints "


Flower day

Conversations about flowering plants

Consider illustration

Decoration of the album "My favorite flower" - drawings of children

N / and "gardener", "find your own color", "such a flower run to me"

D / and: "Collect a bouquet", "Flower shop" Production of paper flowers (way of origami)

S / R game "Flower Store".

Target Walk to the meadow "Summer walks from sunset to dawn on meadows"


Perspective plan

summer-recreational work with children in the Children's Garden "Sunny", branch

MBDOU kindergarten "Golden Cockerel"

for summer 2016


August 1 week

August 1, Monday

Insect day.

Conversations about insects.

Reading fiction: V. Bianki "As an ant home in a hurry", K. Chukovsky "Fly - Costoha", A. Pushkin "Tale of Tsar Saltan", "Conversation with a bee" M. Boroditskaya

Applique "Butterflies in the meadow"

D / and: "Collect the flower", "Find the artist's mistakes",

P / and: "Bear and Bees", "Day and Night", "Call Mosquito", "Where you live." Insect observations on a walk

S / R Game: "At the cottage"


Travel to the world of animals.

Leisure "Journey to the world of animals."

Preliminary work:

Conversations: "Wild and domestic animals." Consider postcard, illustrations, albums.

D / and: "Who lives where" whose kids "," who screams "," find a couple "," who hid "

P / and: "Bear's bear", "Wolf and hares", "homeless hare", "Bunny gray is washed"

S / R Game: "Veterinary Hospital"


World of flowers

Music entertainment "Traveling to Color Country" Guessing mysteries about colors

Card view, illustrations

Drawing "Flower Polyana" (TRIZ)

Registration of the folder "What flower should be entered in the Red Book" - together with parents

Music leader


Day of the gardener.

Consider encyclopedias. Selection of illustrations, postcards on the topic.

Reading fiction, guessing mysteries

Staging "Spore of vegetables"

D / and: "Find on the description", "puzzles", "cut pictures", "Domino", "wonderful bag", "tops - roots" p / and: "Edible - inedible", "Find a couple", "Ozhechchik »S / R Games:" Vegetable store "," Family "


Physical worker day.

Conversation "Athletes from the country of multi-cloth." Consider books, albums about sports.

Reading: "I Rasta" A. Barto, Moidodyr to Chukovsky, "About Mimozu" S.Mikhalkov, "Little Athlete" E. Bagryan.

Drawing "Sports Emblem Group" p / and: "We are funny guys", "fall into the goal", "Say Kehel", "Who is faster before the checkbox"


Physical culture instructor

August 2 weeks

8 August,


(Day of cereals)

Consider: Decals of grain plants, plot pictures from the series "From where the bread came."

Illustrations with the image of machines and devices used to grow grain.

Reading proverbs and sayings about bread. Games: "Who will name more dishes", "What a porridge", "Guess to the touch" (Crupes), "Name Profession".

Desktop Theater "Kolobok".

P / and: "Find, where hidden", "Edible - Inedible" S / R Games: "Bakery", "Supermarket"



My native land

Conversations: "The region in which we live", "what monuments are told", "People who glorified our land"

Reading fiction: V. Stepanov. "What are we called the birthplace." Conversation about the natural riches of the native land. Reading and managing poems about the native land. Consider books, albums with illustrations about the sights of the Rostov Region. "

S / R Games: "Railway", "Hospital"

Drawing "Our Street"


In the world of art.

Exhibitions of artistic art: artistic graphics, landscape painting, portraits, still lifes, as well as decorative and applied arts, sculpture. Consider the summer landscapes of artists.

Gaming exercise "Composition", "Make up Still Life".

Horing games.

Drawing "Warm Sunny Day".

P / and "Sea is worried", "Solar bunnies", "Dwarfs - Giant", "Find checkbox". S / R games: "Museum"



(Cosmos Day)

Conversation about the cosmonaut Y. Gagarine, "What animals were in the space flight."

D / and: "Build a rocket",

Drawing "Space Aliens". Contest Figure "Spaceship of the Future". P / and: "Collect cosmic garbage", "bar of obstacles"

S / R Game: "Cosmonauts"

Physical culture instructor


Young trackers


Wet handkerchief, newspaper, bowl with water (Wet herald and can wet items).

Transparent - opaque - paper, bowl with water. Bath with water, toys.

Magic transformations - a bank with water, a spoon (when a spoon near the front wall, it looks like usual, and when at the back wall and look at it through a thick layer of water, then it becomes big and round ...)

ü n / and: "Find your color", "hide and seek", "Find checkbox"

ü s / r games ":" hike "


August 3 weeks

August 15,


We are travelers.

Conversations: "What I liked the most on the journey."

Reading: "Snow Queen" G.Kh. Andersen, "Tsvetics - Semitioner" V. Kataev,

P / and: "Find the treasure" - with a support on the map, "homeless hare", "Sparobushki and car"

D / and: "Geographical Couples", "Live Encyclopedia"

Exhibition "Travel to the Future" - the transport of the future "together with parents. S / R Game: "Tourburo"


Physical culture instructor


Bread - everything head.

Conversations: "Where did the bread come from?"

Reading and learning poems, proverbs, sayings, artistic works about bread.

Dramatic tales "spikes"

Sleet dough modeling "Delicious cookies".

P / and: "Mice in Storeroom", "Find a couple", "Caustice"


Sport day.

Sports leisure "Strong and deft".

D / and: "Maze", wallpaper - printed games with a cube and chips

Reading: "Great travelers M. Zoshchenko," That's what scattered "S. Marshak," Floor "Andersen.

Physical culture instructor


August 18, Thursday

Fire safety.

Games: "Fire-hazardous items", "What is necessary fire"

Guessing mysteries. Conversations "Rules of Conduct for Fire"

Consider the album "People of the Heroic Profession"

Reading and discussing art works

Contest drawing on the asphalt "Match children is not toys."

D / and: "It is possible - you can not", "Items - sources of fire", "Homemade helpers", "Who needs you", "I will start, and you are finished"

P / and: "Fathers", "Hyperships", "Find the subject", "from the bodies on the hammery", "runs quiet"

S / R games: "brave firefighters"


August 19, Friday

(State Flag Day)

The viewing of the album "Russia is my homeland", the flag of the Russian Federation, flags of different countries. Reading poems about the native land, about the world.

Reading: R.N.S. "Ilya Muromets and Nightingale - Robber",

Exhibition of works of folk craftsmen

Conversations: "Flag of Russia", "Flag color symbolism".

S / R game "Tourburo"

Russian folk games


August 22,


Use of medicinal plants.

Conversations: "What is medicinal plants"; "Where and how medicinal plants use"; "The place of growing medicinal plants";

View books, albums, encyclopedias about medicinal plants Herbarium collection of medicinal plants.

D / and: "What would happen if they had disappeared ...", "what plant did not become", "words", "what is too much."

P / and: "1-2-3 - to the running plant", "Find a couple"

S / R Games: "Pharmacy"


August 23,


The root of pranks does not like!

Entertainment "Road of pants does not like!"

Conversations: "What a person needs cars", "Signals of traffic lights", "Why do road signs need", "Safe behavior on the street"

Reading fiction:

M. Ilyin, E. Seagal "Machines on our street"; S. Mikhalkov "My Street"; V. Semerin "It is forbidden - permitted"; B. Zhitkov "What I saw"; S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Stepa - Militizer"

Playing situations on traffic rules

S / R games: Garage; "In the bus"; "Journey"

Building games: Garage; "New District of the city"; "Passenger stops", "various types of roads"

P / and: "traffic light"; "Colored cars"

Drawing: "Prohibiting signs on the road"; "Garage for special transport"; "Our town"; "Crossroads"

Educator, music. worker

24 August,


Day of the village.

Consider books, illustrations, postcards

Registration of folder-mobile "Love and know your edge"

Contest drawing on the asphalt "Nature of my village"

Educational games: "My address", "How many floors", "say differently" in the house, "collect the whole parts", "here is my street, here is my house," "Where is what is".

ü n / and: "Games with balloons", "Carousel", "Colored cars"

ü S / R Games: "Library", "Tour of the village"


25-th of August,


Farewell to summer.

Music entertainment "Summer Red"

Conversations: "Favorite time of year", "Why the summer is called red", "summer entertainment". Reading poems, guessing mysteries about summer. Applique "Summer Day" (tearing)

MUZ. Lead

Physical education instructor


August, 26th,


Birthday day.

Reading verses dedicated to birthdays. "The best wish."

Magnifying riddles. Production of gifts for birthdaynikov.

Congratulations birthdaynikov

Performing a song about the birthday


S / R Game: "Cafe"


August 29, Monday

Sand holiday.

Conversation "What is the sand for what?"

Sand building. Drawings on the sand.

Looking for sandy buildings.

Experiments: study of dry and wet sand . Pitch. Games on choosing children.


August 30,


Hello, sun!

Reading: "Thoughtful Sun",

Playing on a walk: "Pathfinder". D / and: "blots", "lay out the sun"

Drawing Sun - unconventional ways

Observation of the sun on a walk.

P / and: "Sun and rain", "Solar bunnies", "Find your color", "Day - Night"


August 31,


Sport - is life!

Musically - sports holiday "Goodbye, Summer".

The conversation "What you remember the summer."

Collective Applique "Decorate Polyana Flowers" (using different material: Napkins, paper, leather, chips from color pencils ...)

The design of the album "How I spent the summer" - together with parents



Pedagogical Council

kindergarten "Sunny"

branch of MBDOU Kindergarten "Golden Cockerel"

Protocol number from "___" "______2016


Head of MBDOU

children's garden "Golden Cockerel"

_______________ Bloishenko A.M.

Order No. ____ from "____" ________ 2016

Perspective plan

summer-recreational work with children

in the older group "Chamomile"

for summer 2016


Common events with children

In kindergarten "Sunny"

On June - August 2016

Work with parents

On the summer wellness

In kindergarten "Sunny"

On June - August 2016