Law from March 1 on the dispensing of medicines. Prescription drugs banned from free sale

Photos from open sources

We are all used to change. We are no longer so afraid of reports of the next economic crisis, because in our memory there have already been several of them. Innovations in the educational standard of schools and universities are not surprising. educational institutions. But the news in the field of health care and access to medicines cannot but cause concern. AT modern world Hardly ever healthy people. We all have some kind of chronic disease and are often forced to purchase certain medicines. And when there is information in the news feeds that changes are coming in this process from a certain period, we experience feelings.

From the beginning of 2017, a new order of the Ministry of Health on the rules for dispensing medicinal products from pharmacy chains comes into force. The new order will directly affect every inhabitant.

In particular, a ban on the sale of a number of medicines in in large numbers in one hand. This restriction is introduced for alcohol-containing tinctures and syrups, mass fraction ethyl alcohol in which more than 15%. Now they will be sold in one hand in the amount of no more than two bottles. Namely, with such means, many of us treat our own at home. colds. We advise you to take care of their availability in advance, since at the peak of the incidence you will often have to visit the pharmacy under the new vacation conditions. The advice is especially relevant given the long term suitability of the latter.

Fans of online shopping should also listen to the innovations, since any online pharmacy in Moscow will follow them from the new year.

A pleasant change can be called the fact that according to prescriptions for patients with chronic diseases can be purchased necessary medicines for the future. Today it is possible to do this only for the next two months. In this case, documentary evidence of the fact of departure or the impossibility of getting to the pharmacy in the future is required. Since January 2017, this period has been extended to a calendar year.

If the pharmacy does not have drugs from the list of vital and necessary drugs, then it will have to purchase them and provide them for sale no later than a week after the patient's request. Today this term is prescribed as five calendar days. But if it is necessary for the buyer to take the medicine immediately, which is indicated on the prescription by the doctor's mark “statim”, the pharmacy is obliged to provide this product on the day of the request.

Under the new document, pharmacy workers are prohibited from advising the buyer of more expensive drugs if a cheaper analogue is available. Also, pharmacists will have to give detailed advice about the properties and contraindications of a particular drug, its expiration date, storage methods and doses used. Currently, such information is provided only at the request of the pharmacy employee himself and is not necessarily regulated in any way. Therefore, even when purchasing medicines in an online pharmacy, in 2017 you can count on the professional participation of a specialist in choosing one or another remedy, on advice on its use and storage.

We can only hope that all these innovations will be implemented and will benefit the interests of pharmacy customers.

The sale of antibiotics without a prescription in Russia has long been banned. At the same time, many Russians regularly freely buy such drugs without a doctor's prescription. What this can lead to and how the Ministry of Health intends to deal with this problem, read in our regular section "Question and Answer".

Isn't it now illegal to sell antibiotics without a prescription?

It is forbidden, but in fact it is not observed. The Russian Ministry of Health intends to introduce a de facto ban on the sale of antibiotics without a prescription, Izvestia reports. On the this moment An interdisciplinary commission has already been created, which includes representatives of various federal departments. They will have to develop an algorithm, thanks to which the over-the-counter sale of antibiotics will be strictly punished.

Now you can't break into the clinic! Did they consider this aspect?

This problem does exist, and it is likely that strict measures to dispense antibiotics without a prescription will increase the burden on polyclinic doctors.

Often it is simply impossible to get a day to day appointment with a therapist. Patient Defenders League President Alexander Saversky said their latest survey showed that the average wait for an appointment with a therapist is 4-7 days.

“Imagine if a person needs an antibiotic and waits for a week to see a therapist. It is easiest to tighten the screws, but you need to put things in order in the system as a whole,” the expert is convinced.

Seversky believes that posing such a question is possible only if the healthcare system works well. He also noted that the prescription should release not only antibiotics, but also other drugs. And here is a question for pharmacies that actually violate the law.

Does that mean you have to go to pay?

If the issue of polyclinic workload is not resolved, some patients will be forced to apply to commercial medical institutions. But only those who have the financial means can do it. Today, a paid appointment with a therapist in Barnaul costs from 350 to 1000 rubles.

Those who do not wait for an appointment at the clinic and do not pull paid medical care will continue to self-medicate. The question remains how strictly pharmacies will comply with this order, because they are not interested in losing profits.

Of course, the inability to buy antibiotics without a prescription will cause discontent among Russians. To prevent this from happening, the Ministry of Health will have to conduct more than one information campaign and constantly explain why the uncontrolled use of such drugs is dangerous.

And why again this cheese-boron?

Question over-the-counter The use of antibiotics has risen sharply after the statement of the World Health Organization (WHO), which predicted that by 2050 every year 10 million people will die due to the fact that antibiotics will no longer work on infections.

Antibiotic resistance occurs naturally, but the misuse and overuse of drugs in both medicine and agriculture is accelerating the process. Already there are diseases that cannot be cured. Among them are gonorrhea, new varieties of tuberculosis and many others. infectious diseases. All this has serious consequences for humanity.

Simply put, antibiotics no longer work on us, and hundreds of thousands of people die from infections every year. Actually, doctors faced the problem of resistance to antimicrobial drugs back in the 40s of the last century, when the widespread clinical use of antibiotics began. Experts call a frightening figure: resistance to antibiotics is already killing 700,000 people every year.

Now there can be no doubt that private clinics will be opened on the basis of polyclinics?

Indeed, now the Ministry of Health is discussing new way bringing public clinics to the private medicine market. This will be possible thanks to the development of a new public-private partnership mechanism for budgetary medical institutions.

There are cases when only two floors are used in a three-story building. This part of the property cannot be sold. To compensate for the costs of heating and security, it was proposed to open commercial clinics on free space.

At the moment, the Ministry of Health has not decided whether the "daughters" of federal medical institutions will provide free services within the framework of compulsory medical care to the population. While this initiative is under development.

But, if the tension on therapists in polyclinics is not removed, indeed, some patients may become clients of new commercial clinics.

The activity of the pharmacy is based on special legislative acts, the administration and employees are obliged to strictly comply with the rules for the sale of medicines. Compliance with the law is controlled government bodies, to prevent negative consequences self-medication, penalties for the sale of potent medicines without a prescription are being tightened.

Bring to the attention of newly hired employees, check knowledge, application in practice. From pre-training pharmacists depend on the reputation of the pharmacy, the results of inspections by government agencies.

Purpose of the Law

The law on prescription drugs is aimed at combating self-medication, the state restricts the rights of pharmacies, pharmacists must thoroughly study the list of medicines, the sale of which is allowed only by prescription. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the compatibility of the drugs used by the patient, and it is almost impossible to independently understand the characteristics of drugs without consulting a qualified specialist. The initiators of the law were medical workers who in practice daily face the consequences of self-treatment. The legislation regulating the activities of pharmacies is periodically amended in accordance with changes in the pharmaceutical market, the responsibility of managers.

prescription drug law unites medical institutions and pharmacies, there is a mutual interest in cooperation, doctors are confident in the availability of a certain category of medicines in a partner pharmacy, pharmacists increase profits thanks to the recommendations of medical workers.

The population is gradually getting used to prescription services, conflict situations associated with the refusal of the pharmacist to provide the drug, a rarity. A diverse assortment makes it difficult to choose, patients are accompanied by doubts when choosing from similar drugs, the presence of a prescription allows you to make a confident decision. The advantages of medicines are discussed by pharmacists and medical workers, a common opinion facilitates the formation of an assortment, drugs appear in the pharmacy, in the effectiveness of which doctors are confident.

Enforcement of the law

The issue of prescription-only pharmacies is being considered, the practice of other countries inspires legislators to tighten measures to prevent self-medication. prescription drug law pharmacy employees are required to comply, regardless of ownership. To facilitate control over the work of personnel, the administration develops local acts that reflect the rules for the sale of medicines, the consequences of violating the requirements of the Law.

Employees are instructed in working with prescriptions, they must carefully study the authenticity of the document, and if in doubt, invite the head of the pharmacy.

Difficulties with the study of the list of drugs that are sold by prescription are excluded, updating the software facilitates the work of pharmacists.

The manager freely controls compliance with the approved rules by each employee. Information about the sale of prescription drugs will be stored in the database, reporting does not take time from employees, inspectors will not be taken by surprise.

The law on prescription drugs is one of the most important documents, on compliance with which the status of a pharmacy depends, regardless of the strategy, the manager is interested in observing the restrictions, providing reliable information.

Since March 1, pharmacies have been working according to new rules - if the medicine says that it is available by prescription, they won’t sell it just like that

11.03.2017 12:19

- Can I have painkillers? My head hurts.

- Do you have a recipe? If not, we won't sell.

It is this dialogue between the buyer and the pharmacist that can now be heard in the pharmacy. According to the new rules for the sale of drugs, which came into force on March 1, all drugs with the annotation for which it says "Dispensed by prescription" will now have to be sold only in this way. These are most painkillers, antibiotics, all injectable forms of drugs, pressure drugs, diabetes and others.

At the same time, ordinary notes from specialists, written by hand, will no longer be a document. It must be prescription form No. 107, on which there should be a personal seal of the doctor, the seal of the institution, the dosage and frequency of use are correctly indicated.

Previously, pharmacists helped customers with the choice of certain drugs, offered analogues, advised how to take them, suggested cheaper ones. But they did it out of the goodness of their hearts. Now this process is also spelled out in the document. Pharmacists are obliged to offer the buyer an expensive drug and its cheap analogue. Also, pharmacists should give detailed advice on the properties and contraindications of a particular drug, its expiration date, storage methods and dosage.

Pharmacists claim that they have worked this way before, so the new rules are unlikely to change anything, only control over pharmacies will become closer.

Another innovation is that communication between the pharmacist and the consumer should be confidential, "without prying eyes." To do this, queue delimiters should appear in pharmacies.

— There are a lot of situations when communication between a visitor and a pharmacist requires privacy, — explained Executive Director of the Pharmacy Guild Elena NEVOLINA. - Buyers should be able to get expert advice so that people nearby are not witnesses to this conversation.

According to the new order medications must be stored in warehouses with an area of ​​at least 150 sq. m. This means that many pharmacies will either have to find new premises or expand their own. Moreover, all preparations should be laid out on the shelves, taking into account temperature regime needed for the drug. Access to such warehouses is strictly limited; employees working with drugs that require special storage conditions will now undergo mandatory training on a regular basis. However, like retail employees pharmacy network. And the pharmacies themselves are equipped with zones for advising customers. And if the area allows, then a waiting area with seating so that customers can purchase medicines in comfortable conditions.

For violation, any pharmacy can be fined 10 thousand rubles, and the network - 30 thousand. And for the sale of medicines without a prescription or their improper storage, the pharmacy will be fined 200 thousand rubles or closed for 90 days.

But the severity of the law in Russia is compensated by the non-mandatory nature of its implementation, which is due to insufficient control. So, last weekend, when, by the way, the new rules had already come into effect, our correspondents freely bought Furosemide in one of the pharmacies of the city, although this drug must be dispensed by prescription.

We called several pharmacies and asked how they would dispense medicines now? Some pharmacists answered evasively - they say, they still need to figure out these rules, others argued that they would comply with everything.

- The other day, a hypertensive grandmother came to us for enalapril, we asked for a prescription, so she burst into tears: “Where can I get it for you? I feel bad, I won’t live without him until the morning, ”said one of the pharmacies. - I had to give it without a prescription.

“Unfortunately, pharmacies have become analogous to ordinary stores, the owners of which use the most sophisticated methods of competition to attract customers,” says pharmacist Natalia ZHAMNOVA. “But a pharmacy is not a place where you should try to make a profit at any cost, human health should come first, so we welcome the new rules that oblige pharmacists to present the entire price range of medicines so that the buyer has a choice. If a pharmacist wears a white coat, he should not be a huckster, but an employee of a medical institution.

The Ministry of Health has finally banned self-medication with most antiviral, antimicrobial, heart drugs and blood pressure pills.

Yes, it’s true, antibiotics cannot be bought without a doctor’s prescription, like all other prescription drugs, they unanimously assured in several pharmacies, where Komsomolskaya Pravda called.

This is not an innovation, - the press service of the Ministry of Health clarified, - the decision on approving the list of over-the-counter drugs (the rest, respectively, prescription drugs) was issued back in 2010. Just at the end of August, pharmacies were reminded of their responsibility for violations. The Ministry of Health has always opposed the practice of self-medication. Modern antibiotics throughout the civilized world are prescribed to patients only by doctors. Prescription drugs are prescribed by doctors because they have side effects, may cause allergic reactions may not be compatible with each other.

Not only antibiotics, but also biseptol and groseptol were banned from free sale. Some antiviral drugs are also classified as prescription drugs. Effective (and rather expensive) flu pills cannot be bought without a visit to a doctor, but rimantadine, amizon, and the immunostimulant arbidol are available.

Pain medications like spasmalgon, but-shpy, citramone and aspirin can still be bought without going to the doctor. Stronger - only with his permission. Hypertensive patients will also have to visit polyclinics more often - almost everything that reduces pressure is now issued only by prescription.

As before, a prescription will not be required for most drugs that help the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

You can find out more precisely whether the drug is on the “over-the-counter” list or whether it is time to make an appointment with a doctor by calling or looking into any pharmacy.


“Viagra by prescription, so that the Russians do not take it out!”

We went to Minsk pharmacies to check whether it is true that antibiotics are not sold just like that.

Bring the prescription, then we'll let you go, - they strictly told us in all pharmacies.

And in one, closer to the station, they explained:

The Russians are buying up all the medicines. Buy for future use, several packs. They took antibiotics, painkillers, several packs of Viagra. It is profitable for them to buy here because of the difference in exchange rates, and the salaries of foreigners are higher.

So Viagra is also prescription only? - we were surprised.

Yes. And a maximum of two packs in one hand. Although I have little idea who will go to the clinic for such a prescription ... When they made it according to the prescription, they began to buy noticeably less. Like all prescription drugs. People still need to get used to going to the doctors for what they used to buy just like that.

They tried to buy antibiotics and Viagra Anna Ermachenok, Elena Nesterovich.


Four tablets of Viagra (100 mg) in Belarus cost about 160 thousand rubles.

In Smolensk - about 3 thousand Russian rubles. (This is in Belarusian rubles at the rate of the National Bank - 531 thousand, at the black rate - more than 820 thousand.)

The difference is obvious: a Russian drug to improve potency in Belarus would cost five times cheaper.