Foundation emphasizes wrinkles what to do. Correction of age-related changes with makeup

A perfect face without wrinkles is the goal of most women, regardless of age. Someone carefully follows all the rules of care, someone uses cosmetic innovations, someone resorts to plastic surgery. But there is another way to mask wrinkles - the right makeup. Let's consider how with the help of decorative cosmetics you can visually rejuvenate your look and hide wrinkles.

The main thing is moisturizing

Well-hydrated skin is an important prerequisite for a high-quality make-up, as it avoids blemishes such as unevenness and roughness. In the case of wrinkle correction, this is not just important, but necessary. The skin in the eye area has an extremely thin and sensitive structure, also in terms of hydration. Therefore, on dehydrated skin, it will be difficult to hide wrinkles even with good makeup. So do not neglect eye care cosmetics with the mandatory presence of moisturizing ingredients.

Choosing a foundation to correct wrinkles

The main taboo in choosing a foundation in this case is a dense structure and a greasy base. Such a foundation will only "clog" wrinkles and make them even more visible. The most suitable are foundations with a light, silky structure, which do not contain oils. It is equally important to pay attention not only to the structure of the tone, but also to its color. In order to correct mimic wrinkles, including around the eyes, it is better to use products that are as close as possible in color to your skin tone. The main thing is not to apply a tone on the face that is much darker or lighter than natural.

Anti-wrinkle concealer

Concealer - the most basic, on the recommendation of makeup artists, means for "masking" wrinkles around the eyes. For this purpose, you need a water-based concealer, choosing a shade slightly lighter than your own skin. Quickly and gently absorbed into the skin, the concealer visually evens out the problem area of ​​the skin, masking wrinkles all day long. Keep in mind that even when using concealer, you can "overdo it", aggravating the unpleasant picture of "crow's feet" even more. Therefore, apply it with a special brush and especially on the areas to be corrected. As a bonus, using a light concealer can also remove dark circles under the eyes.

Eye shadow for wrinkle correction

Use a natural shade palette to hide wrinkles around your eyes. The advantage for professionals is given to calm pastel shades, 1-2 shades darker than the natural skin color. If at the same time choose shadows with a slight shine - masking wrinkles around the eyes will become even more effective. They need to be applied only on the upper eyelid, having previously moistened it with a tonal base. In order not to get the opposite of the expected result, remove shadows with an oily base from your cosmetic bag - as they roll down, they accumulate in wrinkles, further emphasizing them.

Eyeliner, kayal and anti-wrinkle mascara

To divert attention from wrinkles in the eye area, we recommend that all lovers of eyeliners and kayals of dark shades do not use them on the lower eyelid. For the same purpose, it is better not to paint over the lower eyelashes with mascara. On the contrary, to revive and refresh the look, lighten the lower eyelid (or rather, the contour of its mucous membrane) with a light-colored pencil. For example, beige or white kayala eyes are very effective. And for the top, use soft shades of liners - gray, brown.

Blush and eyebrows in the overall picture of wrinkle correction

In the matter of masking wrinkles around the eyes, blush also plays a significant role. Here, preference should be given to products with a creamy structure, since a loose blush will only emphasize all the unevenness of the skin. In terms of the color palette, the tandem of pink and bronze works most effectively in terms of camouflage. In this case, the former are applied to the most prominent parts of the cheeks, and the latter - under the cheekbones. Orange and brown blushes are best avoided. Eyebrows also help to divert attention from wrinkles. Therefore, they must be neat, and it is better to maintain their beauty with pencils to match the natural color or a little lighter.

To most effectively hide wrinkles around your eyes, use our tips and the potential within you. Remember that our eyes are a reflection of what is within us. Therefore, smile, fill with inner light - and behind it your wrinkles will definitely not be visible!

Nasolabial folds are a problem that sooner or later every woman faces. If you remove this drawback, then you can visually “look younger” by 5-10 years.

Many people resort to plastic surgery or cosmetic procedures using “beauty injections”.

But, if you are not ready for radical measures yet, then "correct" makeup will help... It is based on the special application of light and dark shades to problem areas. The former, as it were, raise the sunken area, while the latter “flatten” the excessive volume, which helps to remove the relief.

In this article:

Subtleties of make-up

To make your makeup look as natural as possible, brightening and darkening the proofreader should differ by 1-2 orders of magnitude from the base... When modeling, the order of application is taken into account: the main tone, powder, shading dry products. If the latter have a creamy texture, then they are applied to powder.

Cosmetics are carefully shaded, especially at the border between shades. Pre-cleanse the face, apply a moisturizer that nourishes the skin from the inside and makes it smooth, youthful.

There are also a few anti-aging makeup taboos to keep in mind:

  • too oily or light foundation is contraindicated;
  • orange and brown blush looks unnatural on aging skin, gives fatigue, emphasizes the rays of wrinkles, natural pink or pink-peach tones are preferable;
  • is necessary moderation when applying powder: if there is an excess of it, all the irregularities are emphasized, adding age.

Step-by-step instruction

Makeup artists claim that masking "nasolabies" is much more difficult than other flaws. But when mastering the skills of sculpting, even a beginner can cope with this task.


To complete the make-up you will need: bronzer, white and pink highlighter, foundation, pink blush. The further algorithm of actions looks like this:

  1. A bronzer is applied to the entire face.
  2. With a light concealer, folds are worked out along the length, and also draw lines towards the earlobe.
  3. To stretch the oval of the face, highlight the area between the eyebrows, in the center of the back of the nose and under the eyes.
  4. Light pink highlighter fill the cheekbones.
  5. The face is covered with a tonal base, trying to blend out the sculpting products that were used earlier as gently as possible.
  6. The protruding points of the cheeks and cheekbones are worked out with a pink of a suitable shade with a bold blush (they look more natural than dry) and shade well.


For this method of hiding nasolabial folds with makeup, take:

  • pore grout;
  • the base is one tone darker than the natural skin color;
  • creamy concealer without shimmer to match the complexion;
  • light matte highlighter;
  • colorless powder with a reflective shine.

Apply cosmetics in the following sequence:

  1. Cover face with makeup base.
  2. The nasolabial folds are treated with a pore grout.
  3. Use the foundation all over the face.
  4. The nasolabial area is covered with a creamy corrector.
  5. Highlighter accents are made in the center of the forehead, under the eyebrows, on the bridge of the nose and above the lip.
  6. The second chin, "flews", the line under the cheekbones, the edges of the forehead are hidden with a bronzer.
  7. All sharp transitions are carefully shaded.


For the latter option, you will need a dark and light matte concealer, powder of the same shades, highlighter, blush.

Other tricks

Masking the nasolabial folds, it is important to correctly choose a lipstick color. It should be neutral.... Dark lips visually only accentuate the shadows in the problem area. Makeup artists do not recommend highlighting the lower eyelid with a pencil or shadows; you should draw arrows only above the eye. Multi-layer application of mascara is contraindicated, it is enough to walk on the eyelashes 1-2 times. If you additionally use a curling iron, your eyes will increase in size, which will also help you look younger.

Makeup isn't the only way to divert attention from a problem area. To enhance the effect, you need to choose the right hair color. Dark tones, like lipstick, only add years. That's why women over fifty are preferable to choose shades a few tones lighter than natural... The most organic look is a complex, iridescent coloring - for example, like a shatush.

Straight lines in the hairstyle of women after 50 years, with nasolabial folds are also contraindicated, since they duplicate the lines on the face, thereby making them more expressive. A haircut is preferable to a soft silhouette, graduated. One more taboo - graphic bangs.

As for the hairstyle, it is better to style the hair with the ends outward, away from the face. Soft curls, waves, curls are welcome.

Every tool - make-up, hairstyle - with skillful use, will give the expected result. But if they operate in combination, then the effect of rejuvenation is definitely ensured, and the trip to a plastic surgeon will be postponed.

In contact with

When stretched, the skin along the nose forms nasolabial folds, which add age, make the facial expression unhappy, in general, spoil the appearance. There are various factors that lead to the formation of wrinkles in both women and men. Plastic surgery and cosmetology are constantly updating complexes and methods of dealing with this problem. At home, you can provide effective treatments to help smooth your skin and freshen up your complexion.

The nasolabial folds run from the wings of the nose to the corners of the lips. In some people, they are expressed from a young age, in others they appear over the years. In adulthood, the skin of the face becomes thinner, first of all, mimic wrinkles appear, in particular, the nasolabial grooves.

The reasons for the appearance of folds in the mouth at any age are:

  • rapid weight loss. The cheeks usually have the most fat, and the reduction in this area is the most active. On a thinned face, the skin does not have time to tighten, sags, and breaks appear;
  • lean physique by nature;
  • a tendency to edema. During the night, the face swells, during the day excess fluid leaves the cells, but the skin remains stretched;
  • special anatomy of the skull bones. It is rarely observed, but still in some people it is for this reason that the nasolabial folds are pronounced;
  • unfavorable climatic conditions: a sharp change in ambient temperatures, scorching sun, excessive ultraviolet radiation or strong winds that worsen the condition of the facial skin;
  • bad habits - frequent alcohol consumption, active smoking;
  • environmentally unfavorable environment. Living near large industrial facilities, in areas of active urbanization, polluted air and water are reflected in the entire human body as a whole;
  • position in a dream. Even the habit of dreaming face down can eventually affect the skin, if at the same time a person is still prone to edema, then the appearance of wrinkles is inevitable;
  • improperly performed facial massage, cosmetic resurfacing at home, strong pressure on the skin;
  • constant work of facial muscles, lively facial expressions, which accelerate the appearance of skin creases, as well as "crow's feet". People whose professional activities are related to performances, oratory should be engaged in the prevention of the appearance of wrinkles in the nasolabial area;
  • applying face cream or decorative cosmetics, pulling the skin down in the mouth area.

Ways to get rid of nasolabial grooves

Prevention of the appearance of wrinkles on the face should begin from a young age, competent and regular skin care will prolong its elasticity and radiance. Everyone has a natural desire to get rid of wrinkles as soon as possible. We cannot stop the passage of time, but there are ways to help postpone the appearance and reduce the severity of nasolabial folds:

  • faceforming technique (face gymnastics);
  • assistance in aesthetic cosmetology;
  • folk remedies.

Fighting wrinkles with contour plastics

Contour correction is a quick method of getting rid of wrinkles near the mouth, the result of which lasts up to six months. The procedures are performed by cosmetologists with medical education in clinics.

Contour correction consists in the introduction of the composition under the skin in the mouth area. The depth of the injection depends on the severity of the wrinkles. The composition can be a special gel or filler. After filling with the substance, the skin is smoothed, the complexion improves.

The following preparations are used to smooth out the skin relief during contour plastics:

  • fillers, under the influence of which collagen is produced, which is necessary for the processes of tissue renewal;
  • fillers, the main substance of which is hyaluronic acid.

The procedure time varies from five minutes to half an hour, depending on the depth of the needle insertion. Before this, the areas of the face on which the manipulations will be carried out must be treated with a cream or gel, which reduces the soreness and sensitivity of the tissues. For patients with a low pain threshold, conduction anesthesia may be performed. This is guaranteed to relieve pain during the procedure, but at the same time it will increase the swelling at its completion, and the injection of the anesthetic itself is quite sensitive.

There are no officially established age restrictions for contouring, but an experienced specialist will not advise you to resort to it before the age of 30. Poor environmental conditions, stressful work, adherence to bad habits, hormonal disturbances can worsen the appearance, which forces them to resort to the help of a beautician at a young age.

Other invasive correction methods

You can get rid of nasolabial wrinkles with the help of:

  • mesotherapy, the essence of which is the introduction of a cocktail of hyaluronic acid, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, plant extracts, placenta preparations under the skin;
  • lipofilling procedures - subcutaneous injection, in which the puncture site is filled with specially treated cells of the patient's own adipose tissue;
  • subcutaneous injection of a botulinum toxin-based drug, for example, Botox, Dysport and Xeomin. Unlike mesotherapy, here the reduction of wrinkles occurs due to the blocking of transmitting impulses of nerve cells to the muscles responsible for facial expressions;
  • surgical methods - the most complex and expensive procedures with the possibility of complications.

The effectiveness of the placenta is due to the large accumulation of biologically active and nutrients transmitted from mother to child. In the human placenta, active processes of cell division take place; when injected under the patient's skin, it triggers the regeneration and synthesis of young cells.

If you decide to inject

With the help of beauty injections, you can painlessly and quickly smooth the skin and refresh the complexion. The development of dermal fillers has focused on reducing nasolabial wrinkles and has expanded significantly over time.

Dermofillers are preparations specially designed for subcutaneous injections. By filling aging tissues with these special compounds, non-surgical rejuvenation is carried out.

Beauty injections should be carried out only in specialized clinics where sterile preparations are used and trained specialists work. First you need to consult with cosmetologists, if the need arises, undergo the prescribed examinations. The doctor should ask if the patient is currently taking medications, in particular, those that reduce blood clotting. Only on the basis of the results of the examination and examination will the composition be selected, its exact dosage and proportions will be calculated, and it will also become clear how many procedures will be required.

Beauty injections are carried out with hyaluronic acid, fillers, Dysport, Botox and other drugs. The basic rules for carrying out the process directly on the couch at the beautician:

  • initially, the patient's skin is treated for the purpose of disinfection and cleaning from the remains of cosmetics, products of the production of sebaceous glands;
  • then a cream with an analgesic effect is applied;
  • the thinnest needle with the drug is inserted into the nasolabial area, several punctures are required;
  • at the end of the injections, ice is applied, a mask with a cooling effect on the treated areas to reduce swelling and bruising.

In terms of time, the manipulation takes about half an hour, it depends on the number of required punctures and the volume of the injected drug.

A correctly administered injection will show the result either immediately upon completion, or the next day. In this case, the effect should grow over time.

It is impossible after injections in the nasolabial area:

  • massage, touch, stretch puncture sites;
  • take a horizontal position for 4 o'clock;
  • go in for sports on this day;
  • visit the bathhouse, sauna or solarium;
  • drink alcohol, it provokes swelling and will reflect a deterioration in well-being in general.

Skin tightening with threads

Cosmetic correction of nasolabial folds with threads is carried out without surgery, takes little time and does not require a long recovery period. This explains the high popularity of the procedure. The essence of the technique lies in the introduction of the finest fibers from biological material under the skin, which eventually disintegrate and are not rejected by the body.

You should trust your face to qualified, specially trained specialists. After all, the threads are inserted across the muscle fibers, that is, you need to know the anatomical subtleties well. Conductive needles, inside which there are filaments-fibers, are inserted under the skin according to pre-drawn lines in the nasolabial region. The physician must know and observe a certain angle of inclination and direction.

The length of the needles varies from 25 to 90 mm, the diameter is less than a millimeter. Local anesthesia is practiced, but it is not necessary to do it if the patient wishes. The diameter of the needle is so small that it is gently screwed in and does not pierce the surface of the skin; a slight discomfort is felt during the lifting process. The consequences can be small bruises, which eventually disappear completely.

It is necessary to remember about the existing contraindications:

  • formations of a benign or malignant nature in the nasolabial region;
  • pregnancy;
  • high body temperature, headache;
  • acute period of a chronic illness;
  • the possibility of a keloid scar;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • any inflammatory processes on the skin.

Laser lifting of nasolabial grooves

Correction of nasolabial grooves using a laser is called skin resurfacing. Renewal and rejuvenation in the process of laser action on the desired areas of the skin is carried out due to the evaporation of moisture, the removal of dead cells, and the launch of collagen production. Collagen protein is actively reduced during heat treatment with a laser, the skin is tightened. In cases of deeply lying nasolabial folds, it will be necessary to carry out several laser peeling sessions with intervals of 2-4 weeks. The feeling of discomfort and burning on the skin after the laser is due to the effect of high temperatures.

If there is a likelihood of swelling on the treated area, the doctor will apply ice, but in any case, you need to carefully apply a special cream. The clinic will explain to the patient what ointments and how long to use for a favorable restoration and renewal of the skin, stimulating its immunity and turgor. Rehabilitation takes on average a week.

Competent approach to the choice of a clinic and a cosmetologist, rehabilitation is necessary in order to avoid complications and side effects. The latter are expressed in the appearance of pinpoint mini-burns, inflammatory processes, pigmentation, swelling, small bruises.

Surgical correction

It is necessary to resort to plastic surgery in cases when injection procedures or devices no longer eliminate deep-seated skin fractures. In general, the surgical correction process consists in cutting off excess fatty tissue, sagging areas of the skin, which helps to strengthen the facial muscles.

This correction is the longest, most risky and burdened by long-term rehabilitation. Therefore, before going to the surgeon's table, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination and be aware of possible complications.

It is imperative to study the reviews of real patients of a particular doctor before entrusting him with your face.

After the operation, the rehabilitation period can take several weeks. Key points for correct recovery after nasolabial fold surgery:

  • within 3-4 days to eat pureed or liquid food, so as not to strain the jaw muscles;
  • treat the seams with antiseptics;
  • take medications prescribed by your doctor, apply healing ointments;
  • do not visit the sauna, solarium, bath;
  • do not swim, cancel sports;
  • wear a compression bandage in the case of combining the circular and tightening of the nasolabial folds.

Massage to combat nasolabial wrinkles

A simple and effective remedy for the fight against nasolabial folds is a massage proven in practice and tested by more than one generation. An uncomplicated tool will serve as massage movements in places of grooves on the skin with ice cubes from a herbal decoction.

The technique of massage in the nasolabial area, which came to us from Japanese women who are known for their longevity, is popular:

  • move your fingers from the bottom up along the nasolabial grooves until a slight burning sensation appears. Thus, blood flow starts, metabolic processes are activated;
  • stretching the corners of the lips upward with the fingertips, perform massaging circular movements clockwise, do 15–20 times;
  • without pressing, gently stretch the skin of the face with the palms of both hands from the central point of the chin in a vertical direction to the nose, without lifting your fingers, continue to the level of the lower eyelid, and then go to the temples. Repeat for two minutes, gradually add time;
  • massage the skin in the area of ​​the nose and mouth with your fingertips, after applying olive oil and vitamin E. This will start the regeneration processes, enrich the cells with biologically active components, and increase their turgor.

With daily application of creams, it is necessary to massage the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, which activates blood flow, saturation of cells with biologically active substances, and improves the penetration of useful components. It is worth alternating all the manipulations and gymnastics, carrying them out regularly for one to two months.

Video: facial massage for wrinkles at home

Masks to reduce nasolabial wrinkles

Cosmetic masks help fight dryness and dehydration of the skin in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. You can apply them yourself at home or use the services of a beauty salon.

It is better to choose a ready-made mask in a professional cosmetics store, and it will be even more effective to use a composition prepared by a beautician. You can trust your skin only with products from well-known and trusted companies that comply with all production safety requirements, use natural and high-quality ingredients.

It is necessary to select a mask in accordance with the type of skin: oily, dry or combination. With dry skin, do not use products containing alcohol. And to care for the fatty type, you need to choose moisturizing masks, it is allowed to add ethanol to them.

It is important to pay attention to the content of coenzyme Q-10, elastin, collagen and hyaluronate. The listed ingredients help to neutralize wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones.

Depending on where the mask will be applied, you need to choose the form of release:

  • disposable products are ideal on a trip;
  • cosmetics are used at home in ordinary tubes and jars;
  • before a special occasion, applying an alginate mask or a hydrogel patch will help as express care. Hydrogel patches - the result of the development of Korean cosmetologists, are patches that are similar in consistency to thick jelly. This concentrate of a mass of useful ingredients dissolves quickly from the heat of the human body, the effect is noticeable after 20-30 minutes.

Alginic acid salts are called alginate. These salts are found in brown seaweed, their mass use in cosmetology began about 5 years ago, before that they were only a by-product in the process of iodine extraction.

In order for the masks to bring the proper effect, you must follow the rules:

  • the skin must be clean, before the procedure, you need to wash, wipe with a special cleanser and steam your face over freshly boiled water;
  • while the mask is on the skin, you need to lie quietly. If you walk with the applied composition, then under its weight the skin will be pulled down;
  • do not forget about using the cream at the end of the procedure;
  • masks should be applied no more than 2-3 times a week.

Folk recipes for masks and compresses

Several easy to prepare and effective recipes:

  • gelatinous mask consists of 1 tbsp. l. gelatin, which must be stirred in 1/4 cup of water. Leave to brew for half an hour. Next, grind 4 spirulina tablets and stir with 1 tbsp. l. water. Add the resulting mixture to gelatin, pour 1/4 tsp there. lemon juice. Apply a gelatin mask every 3 days for 14 days;
  • clay mask. Dilute the clay gradually with water until the consistency of sour cream. Add 2-3 drops of peach oil if desired. Apply the mask to the skin with a brush and hold until dry. Repeat the procedures by the course every other day for 2 weeks;
  • composition based on a decoction of bay leaves. Pour 15 spice leaves with 300 ml of water and boil for 15 minutes, then strain through cheesecloth and let cool. Beat 3 chicken eggs in a high lather and add 1 tbsp each. l. laurel broth and olive oil. Prepare a gauze compress, moisten with the mixture, apply on face for 40 minutes. Thus, carry out the procedure for three days in a row, 3 days - a break;
  • fish oil mask contains 1 tsp. starch and olive oil, 0.5 tsp. fish oil. The composition is applied for 20 minutes twice a week;
  • Cleopatra's mask is considered to be very effective. The result of its use is compared to an injection of hyaluronic acid. You need to mix 1 tbsp. l. without a slide of millet and oatmeal, grind into flour. Add 2 tsp to the cooked flour. honey and 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, mix until smooth. This mask is not suitable for frequent use, that is, it can be applied no more than once a week;
  • mask with sour cream. To make it, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. potato starch, mix with water and heat. The resulting mixture should have a jelly consistency. Then add 1 tbsp to it. l. sour cream. Apply the composition in an even layer, and after it dries, apply a second one. In total, the mask consists of three layers. Keep it on for about 20 minutes;
  • from honey. In a glass dish, mix at the same time 2 tbsp. l. cocoa, honey and cream, 1 tbsp. l. oat flour. Put the mixture in a water bath and heat until it thickens. Apply the cooled mask for 15–20 minutes;
  • potato mask. For such a tool, finely grate 1 medium potato, then immediately add 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Keep the composition on the skin for half an hour;
  • banana mask is made from mashed whole banana pulp. Next, add 5 ml (1 tsp) almond oil and 1 tsp. ground dry ginger root. Apply the ready-made mixture to the skin of the face and leave for 15 minutes.

Herbal and oil compresses are excellent folk remedies. It is imperative that napkins made of cotton or gauze are applied to the clean skin of the nasolabial area. The procedure takes about half an hour.

Herbal compresses made from warm decoctions of bay leaves or flaxseed are popular.

The compress oil is heated in a water bath to a comfortable temperature. You can take any, for example, olive, and the addition of a few drops of rosemary ether and geranium squeezing will increase the effectiveness. The face is cleaned of oil with a dry cloth without washing.

Video: magic mask from nasolabial folds

Face building - gymnastics for the face

Folk remedies, for example, self-prepared masks, in combination with gymnastic exercises for the muscles of the face, will help simply and without unnecessary expenses improve the condition of the skin, smooth out the nasolabial folds. The main key to success is regularity, you need to practice every day for a month, then take a break of 1-1.5 weeks. It is most useful to approach the issue of facial care comprehensively, that is, combine masks with massage and exercises.

With nasolabial grooves, over time, a dermal hall appears in the place of the so-called muscle suture, because several muscles connect in the mouth area.

Effective exercises in the fight for the smoothness of the skin in the nasolabial region are as follows:

  1. Draw in full lungs of air, puff out your cheeks strongly and exhale slowly through your mouth.
  2. Take a deep breath and exhale through the right edge of your mouth, then repeat to the left corner.
  3. Pull out the lips in the form of a tube, fix for 5 seconds.
  4. Strongly inflate the cheeks and "roll" the air inside the mouth.
  5. Open your mouth wide, give it the shape of a circle, as when pronouncing the sound "o".
  6. Press your lips together with maximum effort to feel the tension, push your jaws forward.
  7. Pull your cheeks as deep as possible, hold for 5 seconds, relax, and then repeat.
  8. Fill the bottle one third with water, put it in front of you, grab the neck with your mouth (without the help of your teeth) and lift. Hold out for 20-25 seconds, after a couple of days you can increase the volume of water in the bottle, that is, gradually increase the load.
  9. Inflate and deflate the balloon several times. Exercise maximizes the use of facial muscles.

Video: exercises for the nasolabial triangle

Means for quickly getting rid of the problem

To get rid of nasolabial wrinkles quickly, home masks, gymnastics and exercises are definitely not suitable. They require constant implementation for a long time, so their effectiveness is increased gradually.

Surgical plastic is also not an assistant in an urgent solution of the issue. If the operation itself is quick, then rehabilitation takes from two to five weeks, depending on the degree of invasiveness, the complexity of medical manipulations. The quality and duration of the result depend on the correct postoperative recovery.

Non-invasive cosmetic procedures take a few minutes. They are also divided into different types, the result of which varies over time.

Lipofilling is a rather complicated technique that will not get rid of nasolabial wrinkles in a week. Mesotherapy is able to cope with this task, but only with shallow skin wrinkles.

Contour plastics, thread lifting, carried out by a neat experienced specialist, will not leave swelling and bruising, will help get rid of nasolabial folds within a week. The effect can be seen on the same day, but it is worth remembering that it is not recommended to use cosmetics, strain your muscles and smile for several days.

Makeup to help hide nasolabial folds

Correctly applied makeup will help to hide nasolabial wrinkles, which is achieved through a certain alternation of light and dark tones. Areas of skin creases should be highlighted in light for visual elevation, and dark shades will help to align excessively protruding areas. The transition of colors should be neatly shaded.

A step-by-step example of makeup that helps to hide nasolabial wrinkles:

  1. Under the cheekbones, along the hairline, sides of the nose, on the crease of the upper eyelid, along the contour of the lower jaw, apply a line with a dark corrector to outline the oval of the face.
  2. Above and below the eyebrows, in the center of the chin and forehead, on the temples, cheekbones and nasolabial grooves, draw a light corrector above the upper lip.
  3. Shade the transitions between light and dark lines with a damp sponge.
  4. With a highlighter mark the cheekbones in the upper part in the interval from the temples to the middle of the eye and the area between the eyebrows, make shading.
  5. With dark powder, highlight the areas where the dark corrector has been applied, with light powder - the highlighted areas.
  6. Apply blush on the cheekbones.

With this make-up, the lipstick should have a neutral shade; you cannot accentuate the lower eyelid with a pencil.

Light hair or coloring with iridescent colors reduce age, visually rejuvenate.

Photo gallery: makeup for pronounced nasolabial folds

First, with a dark corrector, give a clear oval to the face The area of ​​the nasolabial folds is highlighted with a light Sponge, you need to shade the transitions Cheekbones are marked with a highlighter The shade of the powder should correspond to the shade of the corrector On the face after applying makeup, you can hardly see wrinkles

Now on the cosmetic market there are many products that emphasize certain features: blush, eyeshadows, bronzers, highlighters and others. But do they always make us better? Today we will deal with the fact that changes in the face with age and makes us look older, and how, being carried away by similar products, accidentally do not emphasize this.

The first thing that comes to mind when we think about age-related changes is wrinkles and age spots. However, these are only superficial manifestations, they may not be visible from afar, and yet we approximately determine the age of a person even without these trifles. With age, facial features sharpen, the skin loses its elasticity, gains volume in some areas and loses in others, the shape of the face, its expression, as well as the manner of movement and posture change. Of course, the last two points cannot be hidden in any way, but as for age-related changes on the face, makeup works wonders. However, these miracles are different: with makeup you can make a face both younger and much older than it really is.

The picture below shows 4 of my photos taken on the same day, but with different makeup.

Moreover, the makeup was done with the same products (except for the lips): a concealer, a highlighter, a lightening powder, a blush in balls with a tanning effect (rather dark), an eyeliner. It's just that all these funds were imposed along different lines. And if in the first photo I am no more than 23, but in the last one I am over 35.

I'll write in order:

Sharpening of facial features
... Here are 3 photos of Megan Fox in her youth, after 20 and now, when she is 28. There are no wrinkles yet, and it would seem, what can give these 10-12 years, which we all refer to as youth? And yet we can accurately determine which photograph is younger and which photograph is older. In the photo in his youth, the face is even, the nasolacrimal depressions and nasolabial folds are not visible, the cheekbones are almost not distinguished, while in the photo under 30, the face seems more defined, the cheekbones are clear, and the facial features are sharp. A lot of unnecessary "details" appear on the face.

How to correct with makeup:

Do not emphasize the cheekbones even more, apply dark shadows to the hollow above the eye, all the more you do not need to use a clear lip contour. Minimum effort: we even out the tone of the face, even if it seems a little flat, we emphasize the line of the upper eyelid, paint the eyelashes, apply lipstick of a neutral color or gloss to the lips. On the cheekbones, you can apply blush of a gentle color, but it is on the "apples" of the cheeks, and not under the cheekbones, so as not to emphasize them even more.

Frequent mistakes: too strong, bright makeup, excessive sculpting of the face, using lip liners, clear eyebrow line.

Change in the shape of the face,... This problem most often occurs after 35-40 years. In youth, the shape of the face, as it were, repeats the letter V: a clear line of the chin, the corners of the lips and eyebrows are raised, the line of the cheekbones goes up. With age, facial tissues drop, changing proportions and "flipping" our letter V, as a result, the corners of the eyebrows drop, nasolabial folds appear, instead of a beautiful line of cheekbones, nasolacrimal grooves come out to the foreground, and the contour of the face is spoiled by the so-called "flews".

How to correct with makeup

At first, as always, an even tone. Then we need a concealer, highlighter and foundation 1-2 tones darker than your skin. It can be foundation, powder, tanned blush - whatever you're used to.

With the corrector, we will hide what our age has awarded us - we will slightly "highlight" all the lines that resemble an inverted V: puppet depressions, nasolabial folds, nasolacrimal grooves. Now, with the help of a highlighter and a dark foundation, we sculpt the face, as if drawing the features we need: cheekbones, the volume of the middle part of the face, a thin nose, we will apply a little highlighter under the eyebrow and on the center of the forehead, with a dark foundation we will emphasize the oval of the face. Apply lipstick of some refreshing color to the lips, for example, light pink, caramel or coral.

Frequent mistakes: lipsticks of plum and burgundy shades, excessive whitening of the face, the use of blush on the apples of the cheeks, which may already have nasolacrimal cavities, which will only emphasize your imperfections.

Fullness of the face
... Fullness always gives age even to a young girl. With makeup, you can make your face look thinner. For this I need a highlighter or light powder with reflective particles and a dark powder (blush) with a tanning effect. You can also use regular powder that is darker than your skin tone.

Apply light powder to the central part of the face: under the eyes, in the middle of the forehead, the bridge of the nose, the nasolabial area, the area under the eyes, on the cheeks closer to the nose, and a little on the chin. Dark - on the oval of the face, we emphasize the line of the cheekbones, darken the parietal zones and the edges of the forehead.

Of course, my face looks very skinny and bony with such makeup))

Frequent mistakes: Excessive whitening of the face, applying one tone of powder / cream all over the face, too much powder. As a result, the face becomes flat and even fuller.

How to fit a whole cosmetic bag into one small box and spend no more than three minutes on a make-up? If you, like me, do not like "plaster" on your face, prefer natural light make-up and want to do with a minimal set of cosmetics, then this one ...

Correction of wrinkles is an urgent problem not only for older women, but also for fairly young women. Competent makeup will help you disguise crow's feet, nasolabial folds, get rid of wrinkles under the eyes - in general, it will make your face younger, fresher and more attractive.

Correction of wrinkles: the main thing is hydration

Before starting your makeup, you should definitely moisturize your skin. Even fine wrinkles are especially visible on dry skin in need of hydration.

The ideal option is to choose a moisturizing and toning cream at the same time. In this case, try to use a tone that matches your natural skin tone as much as possible. A darker color will age you for several years. You can use a cream a little lighter than your skin: you get the effect of a healthy glow, but then don't forget about the neck!

When choosing a foundation, give preference to a product with a silky texture, oil-free. A thick and oily cream is not suitable for correcting wrinkles.

Skin toning and wrinkle correction

Start applying foundation from the cheekbones, working your way up to the nose, chin and forehead. This should be done with light tapping movements of the fingers. Do not apply the cream to the nasolabial folds, but carefully tint the areas around the wrinkles: this way you can make the skin relief smoother.

After applying the tone, take a sponge in your hands and lightly walk it over the areas in which wrinkles are outlined: this will remove excess cream.

Concealer will help to hide wrinkles

Makeup artists recommend masking areas with wrinkles with water-based concealers, the color of which is slightly lighter than the skin. After being applied to the skin, such a concealer is quickly absorbed, the area with wrinkles is visually evened out, and this effect lasts all day long.

Correction of wrinkles under the eyes

To get rid of wrinkles around the eyes, choose cream products, while avoiding loose powder: it will only accentuate the unevenness of the relief. If circles are visible under the eyes, they can be masked with a light concealer.

Eye makeup should only include the outline of the upper eyelid: if you emphasize the lower one, you draw unnecessary attention to the fine wrinkles under the eyes.

This also applies to the eyelashes: paint over only the upper ones.

Correct anti-wrinkle shadows on the eyelids

Before applying the eyeshadow, cover the eyelid with a foundation: this will ensure that the shadows last a long time and will not smudge. Choose shades that are natural pastel shades, one or two shades darker than the skin color, this will help wrinkles become less noticeable.

Kajal and wrinkle correction with makeup

Eye makeup is not finished yet! Take a soft white or beige pencil and carefully draw the outline of the lower eyelid mucosa. This will add radiance to the look, and existing wrinkles will be completely lost in this radiance.

Correction of wrinkles around the lips

In the corners of the lips, vertical wrinkles are often visible, adding for several years. They can be quickly corrected with a light concealer. Gloss will help to "smooth" the lips and make them younger - you can choose any shade, just do not forget to paint the middle part of the lips with a lighter gloss, this spot will give your lips additional volume.

The role of blush in wrinkle correction

For anti-aging makeup, a creamy blush will do the trick: it looks more natural than loose and does not accentuate wrinkles.

Aerobatics - combine two shades of blush: pink should be applied to the "apples" of the cheeks, and the blush of a bronze shade - a little lower than the cheekbones. This technique will "lift" your cheekbones, which means it will make your face look younger.

Correcting wrinkles: 10 makeup mistakes that age

  1. Using a greasy foundation.
  2. The foundation is too light.
  3. "Overkill" concealer: it should be applied only to small problem areas using a special flat brush.
  4. Excess powder: it should only be applied to the T-zone, otherwise it will dry out the skin on the cheeks and under the eyes, making wrinkles more visible.
  5. Dark eyeliner on the lower eyelid. It makes the eyes look smaller and draws attention to dark circles and wrinkles under the eyes.
  6. Pearlescent shadows: they accentuate expression lines.
  7. Mascara on the lower lashes.
  8. Oily and liquid lipsticks - they spread, accumulating in wrinkles near the lips and making the lip contour blurred, because of this, the face becomes several years older.
  9. Dark lipstick: it will accentuate the unevenness of the skin and visually add five years.
  10. Orange and brown blush. They look unnatural, drawing attention to wrinkles.

If you want to get rid of wrinkles, you don't have to resort to the help of surgeons. Correct makeup - and now you are a young beauty! And we will not tell anyone about the secrets ...

For a rejuvenating makeup try:

  • Moisturizing Lip Balm Addict Lip Glow, Dior, France
  • Reflective corrector for brightening skin Skin Flash, Dior, France
  • A compact foundation powder with a smoothing effect The Makeup Perfect Smoothing Compact Foundation SPF 15, Shiseido, Japan
  • Foundation with an anti-aging and protective formula Radically No Surgetics Foundation, Givenchy, France