Water is the source of life themed week preparatory group. Calendar planning for the summer health-improving period in the middle group. Thematic week “Water is the source of life

Topic of the week:
"Sorceress water"

From 04/25/16 to 04/29/16

Software content:

Expansion of ideas about the properties of water (water can be in different states: solid, liquid, gaseous; other substances can dissolve in water; water can be painted in different colors; water is transparent, has no shape, has different temperatures, etc.).

Development of the ability to establish the simplest connections between living and inanimate nature (it is raining - there are puddles on the ground, plants and animals need water, etc.).







Cognitive development (extended circle)

Conversation "Sorceress - water".

Artistic aesthetic development (appl)

"Living Clouds" by I.A.Lykov, page 120

Cognitive development (FEMP)

No.4 I.A.Pomoraeva bldg 51

Speech development

Drawing up a story based on the painting "Melt Water" by O.S. Ushakov

Artistic aesthetic development (modeling)

"Our aquarium" I.A.Lykov page 132

Artistic aesthetic development (music)

According to the plan of the music director

Physical development


According to the plan nat. instructor

Topic: "Sorceress water" Experimenting with water "Sinking, not sinking", "Painting water"

Day of week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents / social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activity in regime moments



social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning exercises.

Conversation "What do you know about water?" Purpose: clarification of knowledge about water and its properties.

Reading and repetition of the nursery rhyme "Vodichka, vodichka" Purpose: to develop memory, speech, ingenuity

Examining illustrations about water. Purpose: to encourage children to recognize, distinguish and name objects and natural phenomena.

D / and "And then what?" Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about the parts of the day, about the activities of children at different times of the day. Ruslan, Sasha, Alina

Experience. The water is clear. Purpose: clarification of the properties of water, establishment of cause-and-effect relationships: water is transparent, which means that living organisms can live in it, without water all living things die.

Create conditions for

Consideration of illustrations and pictures of various sources of water and reservoirs on Earth, the use of water in everyday life

Talk to parents about the well-being of children. Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents

Directly educational activities

Cognitive development (extended circle)

Conversation "Sorceress - water". Purpose: To develop cognitive activity in the process of getting to know the environment. To form an idea of \u200b\u200bchildren about the importance of water in the life of humans, animals, plants (water is the source of life); develop an understanding of the properties of water; continue to acquaint with the techniques of elementary experimentation; cultivate respect for water, for nature.

FSES DO recommend creating conditions for the development of cognitive interest, acquainting children with methods of obtaining information. These tasks can be solved by opening laboratories and experimenting. We propose to pay attention to the study of the properties of water in early February. For this, the teacher introduces new equipment for games and cognitive activities, organizes experiments, talks about the meaning of water in nature, etc. The result of the week is the design of the didactic manual "What is water for". A detailed description of excursions, observations, artistic and work activities can be found in the appendix to the plan "Thematic week" The Wizard of Water ".

Social and communicative development

The teacher organizes an excursion to the medical office, thereby encouraging children to transfer the acquired knowledge into a role-playing game. The teacher also plans exercises on social and communicative development, talks on safety.

Cognitive development

For cognitive development, the teacher selects noisy images, suggests comparing objects, finding them relative to themselves. The teacher engages children in experimenting with water, helps them draw conclusions.

Speech development

Speech development continues. In addition to conversations, the teacher plans the games "Catch and drop, name the colors", "Say it differently", reading in the afternoon.

Artistic and aesthetic development

In the field of artistic and aesthetic development, it is planned to design fish out of paper, design the collective work "Aquarium" and make fish using a tin lid.

Physical development

At the end of the week, together with the instructor and the music director, the "Droplet Adventure" holiday is held, during which the acquired knowledge is consolidated. Also, for physical development, the teacher introduces children to the folk game "Voyevoda", learns physical exercises and finger games about water and fish.

Check out a snippet of the thematic week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Morning greeting "Greetings to the cheeks." Goal: Create a positive attitude for the whole day.The grand opening of the Droplet laboratory. Purpose: to draw the attention of children to experimental activities.Talk with children about the meaning of water. Purpose: to teach to make elementary conclusions.Making fish stencils. Objective: to continue teaching children to work with templates and stencils.Physical minute "Pure water is pouring." Objective: to learn words.
Guessing riddles about personal hygiene items. Purpose: to form a desire to take care of yourself.Exercise "Noisy images". Purpose: to develop perception, interhemispheric connections.Exercise "Say it differently." Purpose: to enrich the vocabulary of children.Modeling by design. Purpose: to consolidate the techniques of modeling, to develop motor skills.P. and. "Owl". Purpose: to introduce you to the new game. P. and. "Find and be silent." Purpose: to form endurance and self-control.
2 p.d.Exercise "Let's show Nyusha how we can wash our hands." Objective: To consolidate the sequence of hand washing.Cognitive research activity "Cold, warm, hot". Purpose: to determine the temperature of the water, to introduce you to the water thermometer.Reading L. Deryagin "Let's launch the boats". Purpose: to teach you to listen carefully to the work, to answer the questions of the teacher.Constructive-model activity from paper "Rybki". Purpose: to consolidate the ability to fold a triangle from a square.Conversation "Microbes are afraid of water." Purpose: to form ideas about a healthy lifestyle.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Introduction of the album "Russian hut, its decoration". Purpose: to expand the understanding of the meaning of the hut and the materials for its construction.Exercise "Where is the object." Purpose: to continue to teach how to navigate in the group in relation to yourself and other subjects.Conversation "Who lives in the water?" Purpose: to develop cognitive interest and imagination.Drawing "Waves on the Sea". Purpose: to show children how to draw waves.Cut pictures "Sports equipment". Goal: remember which games you can play with.
Observing the snowfall. Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the seasonal phenomenon - snowfall.Di. "Catch and drop, name the colors." Purpose: to train children in the selection of nouns to the adjective.Examination of the picture "Fish". Purpose: to expand children's understanding of the body parts of fish.P. and. "The Shepherd and the Flock." Purpose: remember the game. People's game "I am a voivode today". Purpose: to acquaint children with the folk game.

Scheduling by topic: "Sorceress water"

In the preparatory group MKDOU kindergarten number 15

G. Emanzhelinsk

Compiled by the teacher: Ryabchenko Alena Alekseevna


T.S.Komarova - Classes in fine arts

Complex thematic planning according to the program edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova. Senior group

Detailed long-term planning according to the program edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova. Senior group

I.A.Pomoraeva, V.A.Pozina - Classes on the formation of elementary mathematical representations

T.A. Tarasova, L.S.Vlasova "I and my health" Program, guidelines and practical development for the upbringing of a healthy lifestyle for preschool children Moscow School Press2009 LBC 74.1T191 "Preschool education and training - an appendix to the journal" Education of schoolchildren "Issue I half of 2009

Kravchenko I.V., Dolgova T.L., Walks in the kindergarten. Senior and preparatory groups for school: Methodological manual / Ed. G.M. Kiseleva, L. I. Ponamoreva. - M .: TC Sphere, 2008 .-- 208 p.

Kulikovskaya I.E., Sovgir N.N. Children's experimentation. Senior preschool age. - M .: Ped. society of Russia, 2003

Dybina O.V. We create, change, transform: classes with preschoolers. - M., 2002.

Ryzhova N. Games with water and sand. // Hoop. - 1997. - No. 2.

O. A. Skorolupova "Classes for preschool children on the topic" Water ""

O. A. Solomennikova "Classes on the formation of elementary ecological ideas". Mosaic-Synthesis Moscow 2009.


Cognitive development (femp)

Objectives: to improve the ability to make the number 5 from units, to exercise in the ability to move in a given direction, to consolidate the ability to consistently name the days of the week, to determine what day of the week is today, what was yesterday, what will be tomorrow.

I.A. Pomoraeva,

VA Pozina - Classes on the formation of elementary mathematical representations (p. 56)

I.A. Pomoraeva,

V.A.Pozina - Classes on the formation of elementary mathematical representations


Development (broadening one's horizons)

Magic drop of water. Topic: acquaintance with the properties of water. develop social skills: the ability to work in a group, negotiate, take into account the opinion of a partner, as well as defend your opinion, prove your case

Skorolupova O. A. Classes with older preschool children on the topic "Water" - M .: "Scriptorium", 2003

Hood-esthete development (modeling)

Sculpt fish

I.A. Lykova, artist L. V. Grushina

Hood-esthete development (appl / construction)

Application "Raindrops"

Evoke an emotional response in children; the desire to convey the image in applications.

Designing "Ships"

Purpose: to acquaint with the new building; distinguish between details: bow, stern; learn to tightly attach bricks to each other, to depict a boat or steamer.

Literature: L.V. Kutsakova-Classes on designing from building material (p. 39)

Physical development

According to the plan of the physical instructor

Development of physical qualities (speed, strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination); accumulation of enrichment of the motor experience of children (mastering the basic movements); the formation of the pupils' need for physical activity and physical improvement

Speech development (Literacy training)

Topic: "Letter U". Objectives: correctional educational: to give children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe letter Y; form a dictionary; ь correctional and developmental: perform exercises aimed at consolidating the printed image of the letter; develop phonemic hearing and perception; develop general and fine articulatory motor skills; develop breathing and voice; correctional and educational: to foster a feeling of love for the Motherland; to bring up in children a sense of pride that they are citizens of Russia (see in the book. OS Gomzyak "We Speak Correctly at 6-7 Years" (3rd period) No. 52, pp. 61-65).

Hood esthete (music

Application for "Sorceress water"

Magic drop of water.

Topic: acquaintance with the properties of water.



1. To acquaint children with the properties of water:

o transparency,

o taste and odorless,

o water solvent,

o water has memory.

2. Develop the skills of conducting laboratory experiments:

o reinforce the ability to work with transparent glassware: glass cups, chopsticks.

o consolidate the ability to work with unfamiliar solutions, while observing the necessary safety measures.


· Develop social skills: the ability to work in a group, negotiate, take into account the opinion of a partner, as well as defend their opinion, prove their case.


· Activation and enrichment of the vocabulary of children with nouns, adjectives, verbs on the topic of the lesson.

Preliminary work:

· Viewing the globe, world maps, conducting a mini-conversation “If there were no water”, memorizing poems about a spring, river, sea.

Equipment: illustrations on the theme "Water", audio recording, video recording, flasks, water, milk, sugar, small toys, glasses with drinking water, felt-tip pens, sheets of paper.

Course of the lesson

Introductory part.

The teacher's word

In order to find out what will be discussed today in our lesson - guess the riddle:

If our hands are in wax,

If blots have sat down on the nose.

Who then is our first friend

Remove dirt from face and hands

What mom can't do without

Neither cook nor wash,

Without which, we will tell you straight

A man to die?

To rain from the sky

So that ears of bread grow

For ships to sail

To cook jelly

So that there is no trouble -

We cannot live without ... (Water)

Today we will talk about water. We will remember what we know. We will learn new things, we will reason, we will play.

Where in nature can we see a drop of water?

Children's answers. Poems about a spring, river, sea.

(on the blackboard illustrations of various reservoirs)

Game workshop "Mama Tuchka"


Let's imagine that I am Tuchka's mother and you are my children. Do whatever I tell you.

Droplets, it's time for you to hit the road (audio recording with the sounds of rain sounds). Drops flew to the ground. They jumped, jumped ... (Children jump). It became boring for them to jump one by one. They got together and flowed in small merry streams. ("Droplets" form rivulets holding hands). Brooks met and became a big river. ("Streams" are connected in one chain). Droplets float to the big river, travel.

Flowed, the river flowed and fell into the big ocean. (Children rearrange themselves in a large round dance and move in a circle). They swam, the droplets swam in the ocean, and then they remembered that mother Tuchka told them to return home. And then the sun warmed up. The droplets became light, stretched upward. They evaporated under the rays of the sun, returned to mother Tuchka. (Children scatter and sit on chairs around the teacher).

Educator: Where is a drop of water found?

Children's answers: in a drop of rain, in a stream, river, ocean ...

Educator: And what is water? What properties does it have? To find out, we will go to our laboratory.

Main part. Research "Magic Water"


Remember the rules of conduct in the laboratory:

Do not make noise - this is how you disturb others.

Handle utensils with care. Remember that glass can break and cut easily.

Listen to your teacher.

Monitor the results of the experiment carefully.

When you finish observing, try to draw a conclusion.

(Children go to work tables. On the tables are flasks, water, milk, sugar, small toys, glasses with drinking water)

Educator: puts a toy in a glass of milk. Is the toy visible?

Children's answers: no.

Educator: Dip your toys in a glass of water. Do you see toys well?

Children's answers: well visible.

The teacher formulates a conclusion together with the children that one of the properties of water is transparency.

Educator: If water has a taste? Try the water.

Children's answers: water without taste.

Educator: Does the water smell like anything?

Children's answers: no.

The teacher leads the children to the conclusion that water has neither taste nor smell.

Educator: Dip a sugar cube in the water. What's going on with him?

Children's answers: sugar dissolves.

Educator: Where in life can we observe this?

Children's answers: for example, at breakfast, when we put a sugar cube in tea, the sugar dissolves and the tea becomes sweet.

The teacher, together with the children, concludes that another property of water is that various substances can be dissolved in it. Water is a solvent.

The teacher formulates the result of the entire experiment: water is one of the most amazing substances. It has many properties: transparency, taste and odorless, solvent, memory.

Lesson for older children

Objectives: to expand knowledge about the properties of water, its various states (liquid, gaseous, solid); about the meaning for all living things, to introduce the concept of "water cycle in nature", sources of drinking water; instill a respect for water; to form the need, the desire to save water, save it; activate, enrich the vocabulary of children; develop coherent speech; develop skills for writing proposals; develop logical thinking, cognitive interest.

Material: 2 trays, 1 glass jar, 10 glasses, filter paper,

2 cut pictures of a reservoir, a diagram of the water cycle in nature, 2

bucket, "Lumps" of snow (crumpled paper), globe, kettle, mirror.

Course of the lesson

There is a knock on the door

Rep. Who is it knocking on us? The postman Pechkin enters, brings a telegram and a package from the inhabitants of the lake - Little Mermaid and Vodyanoye. They report that trouble happened to the reservoir, it is dying. Mermaid and Vodyanoy ask for help, people have polluted the lake, the plants have withered, the fish got sick, the birds have flown away ...

Rep. Only we guys can help them (takes out a can of dirty water from a bag). This can is magical. The water in it is dirty, and in the lake it is dirty, but if the water in the jar becomes clean, then the lake will be cleansed. In order for everything to work out, it is necessary to fulfill the condition: the dirty water must be cleaned by all of us together - only then magic will happen, the lake will become clean.

Vos. We will now go to the laboratory, purify the water from the magic jar and return it to the already clean Little Mermaid and the Water One. For this we will use filters (special filter paper). Experience in water purification. After purifying the water, the children pass the jar to Pechkin. He thanks them: the water has become clear and transparent. Now the Water One will be able to see in the water, the fish will become healthy, the birds will come.

Pechkin. Guys, now you can see the lake by collecting different pictures (2 subgroups of children collect cut pictures of the lake). The sound of water from the tap is heard.

Rep. Children, do you know where the water comes from to our taps? (from rivers, lakes, from underground) But you cannot drink water from rivers and lakes, it is not very clean, and a person can get sick. To make the water clean and safe for us, it is specially purified, filtered at a purification station, only then it enters our house. Our city is big, and we need a lot of clean water. Imagine that you forgot to turn off the tap. Because of such a trifle, a whole river can "disappear". It is necessary to save water, do not leave the tap open. Guys, tell me, please, how is it that the water in rivers and lakes does not end? How does the river replenish its reserves? Every day the sun heats up the water in the seas, rivers, lakes, and it turns into steam. Experience in converting steam to water. (A freshly boiled electric kettle is brought into the group, from the spout of which there is steam. The teacher substitutes dry glass to the spout, and water droplets form on it. This steam, hitting the cold glass, turns into water again.) In the form of steam, tiny, invisible droplets of moisture rise into air: The higher the water vapor rises, the colder the air is. The steam turns back into water. Clouds are forming. When a lot of water droplets are collected, they become too heavy for a cloud and rain onto the ground. Snowflakes form in the same way as rain droplets. When it is very cold, water droplets turn into ice crystals - snowflakes and fall on the ground in the form of snow. Rain and melted snow flow into streams and rivers, which carry their waters to the seas and oceans. They nourish the earth and give life to plants. Then the water resumes its path. This whole process is calledthe water cycle in nature ... (the educator illustrates his story with the help of the water cycle diagram).

Rep. And now we will play with you. (He invites the children to stand in a circle, holding hands. Pechkin participates in the game) Vosp. Our circle, like water, can change its shape - it stretches into an oval. Now imagine that water is poured into a mug and placed on a hot stove - it began to heat up. Each of us is a piece of water. The water heats up and you get hot. Your palms are so hot it hurts to hold on to each other. Your hands drop, the heat makes you move more actively (children run around the group), and each of you moves on your own - you have become a part of steam. And now you are being frozen, you are getting cold. What are you going to do? Of course, you have to stand close to each other, hug each other to make you feel warmer (Water is liquid, steam is gaseous, ice is solid).

Children make riddles to Pechkin.

Rep. Water comes not only from the tap. How can rainwater be used? (Collect in barrels and then water plants, vegetable gardens) How can you use snow? (To take it to the fields - it will warm the shoots of plants, and in the spring it will turn into water that will replenish the rivers of the lake).

Game "Who is faster?" Two children collect lumps of snow (crumpled sheets of paper), who will collect more and faster (the players are blindfolded). Pechkin invites children to play the game "Finish the sentence" we need water to ... (children's statements). ... What is installed in apartments in order to find out how much water the residents of the apartment have used up? (counters) Have spent a lot - paid a lot; spent a little - paid little, saved money. What proverbs and riddles about water do you know? (children tell

proverbs and riddles)

1. Do not pour water, be able to value water.

2. Close the tap tightly so that the ocean does not flow out.

3. Thrift is the best wealth. Etc.

Pechkin thanks the children and leaves

Finger gymnastics "Rain"

How much rain do I know

Rain with wind, mushroom rain,

Rain with a rainbow-arc, Rain with the sun,

Rain with hail, Rain with red leaf fall.

Rain and snow, Rain and storm

The rain is cold, pouring, that's how much it rains

Game "Tell me a word"

Quietly, quietly, as in a dream Falls to the ground: (snow)

All fluffs glide from the sky, silvery: (snowflakes)

To the clearing, to the meadow, everything is falling: (snow)

Here's the fun for the guys - Getting stronger: (snowfall)

Everyone is running, everyone wants to play: (snowballs)

Like a white down jacket, dressed up: (snowman)

Nearby is a snow figure, This is a girl: (snow maiden)

In the snow, look with a red breast: (bullfinches)

As if in a fairy tale, as in a dream, he adorned the whole Earth: (snow)

The teacher reads a couplet, and the children finish the missing word

Sorceress water


Clouds floated across the sky, And I looked at them. And two similar clouds I wanted to find.

I peered up for a long time And even screwed up my eyes, And what I saw, I'll tell you now.

Here is a merry cloud Laughing at me. Why are you squinting your eyes like that? How funny you are! I also laughed with him: I am having fun with you!

And for a long, long time to the cloud I waved my hand.

But another cloud Was upset in earnest: The breeze from his mother Suddenly carried him far away. And with raindrops It burst into tears ... And it became so sad and sad, And not at all funny.

And suddenly a formidable scarecrow flies across the sky And threatens me with a huge fist, Oh, I was scared, friends, But the wind helped me:

It blew so that the monster flew away. And a small cloud floats over the lake, And a surprised cloud Opens his mouth: Oh, who is there, in the surface of the lake So fluffy, So shaggy, soft? Fly, fly with me!

Lykova I.A.

FSES DO recommend creating conditions for the development of cognitive interest, acquainting children with methods of obtaining information. These tasks can be solved by opening laboratories and experimenting. We propose to pay attention to the study of the properties of water in early February. For this, the teacher introduces new equipment for games and cognitive activities, organizes experiments, talks about the meaning of water in nature, etc. The result of the week is the design of the didactic manual "What is water for". A detailed description of excursions, observations, artistic and work activities can be found in the appendix to the plan "Thematic week" The Wizard of Water ".

Social and communicative development

The teacher organizes an excursion to the medical office, thereby encouraging children to transfer the acquired knowledge into a role-playing game. The teacher also plans exercises on social and communicative development, talks on safety.

Cognitive development

For cognitive development, the teacher selects noisy images, suggests comparing objects, finding them relative to themselves. The teacher engages children in experimenting with water, helps them draw conclusions.

Speech development

Speech development continues. In addition to conversations, the teacher plans the games "Catch and drop, name the colors", "Say it differently", reading in the afternoon.

Artistic and aesthetic development

In the field of artistic and aesthetic development, it is planned to design fish out of paper, design the collective work "Aquarium" and make fish using a tin lid.

Physical development

At the end of the week, together with the instructor and the music director, the "Droplet Adventure" holiday is held, during which the acquired knowledge is consolidated. Also, for physical development, the teacher introduces children to the folk game "Voyevoda", learns physical exercises and finger games about water and fish.

Check out a snippet of the thematic week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Morning greeting "Greetings to the cheeks." Goal: Create a positive attitude for the whole day.The grand opening of the Droplet laboratory. Purpose: to draw the attention of children to experimental activities.Talk with children about the meaning of water. Purpose: to teach to make elementary conclusions.Making fish stencils. Objective: to continue teaching children to work with templates and stencils.Physical minute "Pure water is pouring." Objective: to learn words.
Guessing riddles about personal hygiene items. Purpose: to form a desire to take care of yourself.Exercise "Noisy images". Purpose: to develop perception, interhemispheric connections.Exercise "Say it differently." Purpose: to enrich the vocabulary of children.Modeling by design. Purpose: to consolidate the techniques of modeling, to develop motor skills.P. and. "Owl". Purpose: to introduce you to the new game. P. and. "Find and be silent." Purpose: to form endurance and self-control.
2 p.d.Exercise "Let's show Nyusha how we can wash our hands." Objective: To consolidate the sequence of hand washing.Cognitive research activity "Cold, warm, hot". Purpose: to determine the temperature of the water, to introduce you to the water thermometer.Reading L. Deryagin "Let's launch the boats". Purpose: to teach you to listen carefully to the work, to answer the questions of the teacher.Constructive-model activity from paper "Rybki". Purpose: to consolidate the ability to fold a triangle from a square.Conversation "Microbes are afraid of water." Purpose: to form ideas about a healthy lifestyle.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Introduction of the album "Russian hut, its decoration". Purpose: to expand the understanding of the meaning of the hut and the materials for its construction.Exercise "Where is the object." Purpose: to continue to teach how to navigate in the group in relation to yourself and other subjects.Conversation "Who lives in the water?" Purpose: to develop cognitive interest and imagination.Drawing "Waves on the Sea". Purpose: to show children how to draw waves.Cut pictures "Sports equipment". Goal: remember which games you can play with.
Observing the snowfall. Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the seasonal phenomenon - snowfall.Di. "Catch and drop, name the colors." Purpose: to train children in the selection of nouns to the adjective.Examination of the picture "Fish". Purpose: to expand children's understanding of the body parts of fish.P. and. "The Shepherd and the Flock." Purpose: remember the game. People's game "I am a voivode today". Purpose: to acquaint children with the folk game.

The world around the child is, first of all, the natural world
with an endless wealth of phenomena, with inexhaustible beauty.
Here, in nature, is the eternal source of the child's mind.
V. Sukhomlinsky

The holiday "World Water Day" is celebrated every year on March 22. It was created in 1993 by the UN General Assembly. The main task of this holiday, according to its creators, should be a reminder to all the inhabitants of the Earth about the enormous importance of water for maintaining life on our planet. As you know, humans and animals cannot exist without water. If there were no water resources on Earth, life would not have arisen on it.
On the territory of our country, the holiday "World Water Day" has been celebrated since 1995. Its motto is: "Water is life". It is intended to highlight the greatest importance of water in our lives.
Water occupies a special position among the natural resources of the Earth. The famous Russian and Soviet geologist Academician A.P. Karpinsky said that there is no more precious fossil than water, without which life is impossible.
Russia is a great water power, ranking second in the world after Brazil in terms of river flow, and third in terms of water availability per person, after Brazil and Canada. Water abundance imposes on Russia a special responsibility before humanity for the preservation of this most important natural resource.
MBDOU at 25 Bondarenko Street has been working in the environmental direction for many years, fostering love and respect for the nature of the native land. Environmental education of preschoolers is, first of all, moral education, because humane feelings, an awareness of the value of any manifestation of life, the desire to protect and preserve nature should lie at the basis of a person's attitude to the world of nature around him.
In the preparatory group for school No. 12 for the World Water Day, under the guidance of the educator of the highest qualification category Olga Viktorovna Gryaznova, the project "Water is an amazing substance" was carried out. The following activities were planned and carried out:
Speech development: "Who lives in the water?", "What grows in the water?"
Cognitive development:“The water is around us. Water cycle in nature ”,“ Properties of water. Sorceress water. "
Artistic and aesthetic development:Drawing "At the bottom of the sea", "Aquarium", "Our river Upa", "Penguins on an ice floe."
Application: "Sailboat and fish".
Modeling: "Underwater inhabitants".
Paper construction (origami): "Boat", "Whale".
Social and communicative development: Conversations: “Where does water live in kindergarten?”, “Who lives in the reservoir?”, “Rivers can hurt and how to save them”, “Water on Earth”, “The river of our city”.
Subject - role-playing games:"Sailors", "Steamer", "Sea voyage", etc.
Physical development:outdoor games "Fishing rod", "Frogs and heron", "The sea is worried", "Water".
Reading: Poems and riddles about water, aquatic inhabitants, "Living Water" Polish fairy tale, Fairy tale "How the duck got the earth", In Orlov "You tell me, forest river", S. Sakharov "Who lives in the sea?", G. Lyushina " Droplet ", N. Ryzhova" Have you heard of water? ", N. A. Ryzhova" Once upon a time there was a river "(ecological tale), Two streams", "In troubled water - you yourself will disappear", B. Zakhoder "What happened to river? "," The Tale of the Brook "Esther Adam.
Experiments: “Water cycle in nature”, “Properties of water”, “Plants drink water”, “Cloud”, “Where does the fog come from”, “Water can move”.