All about bodily tights: what, when and with what to wear? Tips from stylist Daria Harman. Transparent body tights - bad manners or a thing of the season? Why is nude pantyhose bad form?

Hatred for bodily tights has literally swept the fashion world. Everyone condemns them, and they almost point the finger at the women who wear them. For Russian women, such instructions from eminent designers turned out to be literally a bolt from the blue, since in a not as warm climate as in Italy or France, it is not so easy to abandon bodily tights, so disputes on this topic will not subside.

Elegance that has become bad manners

Flesh-colored tights have long been a sign of elegance, as evidenced by the fashion books of the past decades. The woman in them looked graceful and respectable. Many style icons have worn such tights without hesitation, for example, you can remember Princess Diana, Donna Karan and even the editor of "Vogue" Anna Wintour, and in some cases, flesh-colored tights were even worn with sandals. The world community did not see anything special in this. What has changed?

A strong aversion to bodily pantyhose has been linked to several things.

  • Firstly, it is the association with the ladies of the past that makes bodily tights an attribute of the older generation. Ladies over 50 can wear them without fear. But all the rest, in order not to resemble ladies over 50, in the light of today's trends, must abandon them.
  • Secondly, the Internet rules the modern world. In the pictures, for the most part, nude tights look terrible, they shine, and the difference between the color of the legs and arms is too striking. In everyday life, the image can be pretty good, but all the flaws are visible in the picture, and the legs attract special attention.
  • Thirdly, modern fashion does not pay attention to the climate at all and even seasonal things are mixed to some extent, so designers do not care at all that it may be just cold outside and you need to wear tights, and, therefore, there is no reason to wear tights. imitating the natural color of the skin, if you can just walk with bare feet.

When can you wear it?

It is permissible to wear bodily tights when a woman is aged or has a certain status, when it is simply impossible to appear at an event with bare legs. This usually applies to the wives of diplomats and crowned heads. In the office, nude tights are also appropriate, because at work the dress code is much more important than fashion. You cannot do without them at important official events, where everything is decorous and noble, and colored tights are unlikely to delight important guests, unless it is a fashionable party where stylists and designers will be. They will also be appropriate if a woman creates an image of past decades, when such tights were common.

Women who are unhappy with their legs due to plumpness, bulging veins, and other problems may want to wear nude tights, as bright colors will only draw attention to imperfect legs. But tights in this case should be as close as possible to a woman's skin color, the less denier they wear, the better. Fake tanning and the like should be swept aside immediately. Also, shiny tights are not acceptable, since they look frankly bad.

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When I was asked to write something about bodily tights, I walked the streets for a whole week and looked at women. And here are the observations I have accumulated. I must say that the horror of bodily pantyhose is greatly exaggerated. Most of the time, when I saw a badly dressed woman, flesh-colored tights were the least evil in her appearance. Take a look at these photos, for example. If we replace the tights or take them off altogether, the overall impression will not diminish much. Therefore, if you are in doubt about whether to wear tights or not, start by critically assessing your overall image.

There are cases where tights look quite appropriate. Especially if you live an ordinary life and do not pretend to be a style guru and trend connoisseur;) Here is a very common example: a closed knitted warm dress, boots. Bare legs would look strange here. Tights are denser and of a different tone, most likely, too.


Often the presence of pantyhose is due to the dress code. In this case, you need to choose tights that are as similar as possible to your natural skin color.

True, one must understand that in reality, a real strict dress code is not so common. The most creepy thing I saw was the business districts of Singapore, when the girls from the offices went out for lunch. Tights, albeit thin, in hellish heat. Yes, often (we are talking about small employees) low quality tights combined with cheap business clothes or uniforms of a bank hotel are a pitiful sight.

Therefore, assess the requirements of your superiors soberly. Body tights may not be such a must. I would also like to say that bodily tights are an indispensable thing for an "age" wardrobe and for women with a certain status that presupposes conservatism. Women over 50. School teachers, for example. And, accordingly, bodily tights are associated with these categories of citizens and bring these notes to your image. So, when putting on bodily tights, consider whether you need these moods.

Most of the time, creepy nude pantyhose looks are just misplaced pantyhose. Don't try to imitate tanning. Likewise, don't play with semitones. Just choose a shade that is as close to your skin as possible. And without shine. By the way, high density often plays a negative role. Therefore, the tights should be thin and matte. Not like in the examples below. The mulatto Hanga looks especially funny in beige tights.

Here are some good options: you can't tell right away whether you have tights or not.

Only bodily patterned tights can be worse than regular bodily tights. At a distance of two steps, it seems that your legs are bruised, your veins protrude, or in general that this is some kind of terrible skin disease.

What else is important to remember about tights: a protruding elastic band is a nightmare and a terrible antisex.

Tights - only with closed toe shoes. No open shoes, no cut-outs. This is terrible in my opinion. Of course, tights with a cutout were invented for open shoes. But it seems to me that in real life the contrast between the canvas of tights and bare toes will be very noticeable. So I wouldn't wear it.

Another very controversial issue: bodily socks. It seems to me that if the socks are visible, then it is better not to wear them. With shoes, nude socks only look good in sock ads.

Of course, there are stylizations when nude socks or knee-highs look cool. But here you need to soberly assess your stylistic capabilities and the quality of the wardrobe as a whole - will you be able to "stretch" the tights or will you look strange.

Socks under trousers are also ugly. Especially with a heel.

But a fragment of a bare leg is the most interesting thing in a combination of cropped trousers and shoes, especially if the shoes are in a man's style. Such dandyism.

Attention is riveted to this fragment. And bodily socks will be very noticeable, especially if they gather even in a small, but fold in the bend of the leg. If you are cold - with Oxfords and similar shoes it is better to experiment with bright and funny socks, which can become a cool accent of the image. With ballet flats, such a number does not work, therefore, for ballet flats in combination with trousers - only bare legs.

In general, it seems to me that nude tights are appropriate when it is important for you to look more conservative, elegant, strict. If you are far from conservatism and elegance, but you are still uncomfortable without tights, and colored or dense ones do not fit, try experimenting with tights that imitate patterns on the leg.

Still, whatever you say, fashion is full of paradoxes. In the past few years, everyone has come to believe that bodily clothing is wonderful! Nude shoes - so generally super! But bodily tights are for some reason a completely unacceptable "fairy"!

The wave of protests against bodily pantyhose started with fashion blogs. "They don't wear that anymore!" "Don't wear nude tights if you don't want to look like office plankton!" "Body tights - what could be more nightmare ?!" “What to replace body tights with? Dense black or colored! " There is also a fierce debate on internet forums: Do bodily pantyhose actually create a compelling illusion of bare legs? Or, on the contrary, in bodily tights, our legs look like sausages in cellophane?

As a result of Internet battles, the scales have tipped so much against bodily pantyhose, outlawing them, that it is even strange now to look at old photographs in which Anna Wintour, the "great and terrible" editor of Vogue, appears in bodily pantyhose, gleaming in the flash of flashlights.

Are bodily pantyhose really terrible? And if not, how to choose them correctly. And if so, then what to replace them with?

How to replace body tights? Nothing! And here are the cases:

In the office

Whatever fashion bloggers think about this (most of whom are freelancers who are not bound by any corporate conventions), bodily tights are indispensable in the office. How to replace body tights? Bloggers say: colored. Or walking with bare feet!

However, both business style attitudes and common sense suggest that bare legs in a serious state institution are inappropriate, tight tights do not always fit into a strict business style, and multi-colored ones do not always fit into a color scheme. What remains? Only bodily! You just need to know how to choose them correctly.

At the gala reception

Nowadays, nude tights are really not often seen at the ceremony of some prestigious Hollywood film awards or the afterparty of the Milan fashion show. However, the range of ceremonial receptions is still much wider than the Oscar dressing room.

Various diplomatic receptions, charity auctions, receptions, etc., which can also be taken as a role model, are not at all so categorical with regard to bodily tights. Sometimes they look even more sophisticated than black ones, since by their nature, bodily tights are less provocative and erotic.

Duchess Catherine, who regularly leads the list of the most well-dressed people on the planet, is also quite supportive of bodily tights. Moreover: wearing a suit and a hat, but “forgetting” about tights is unacceptable in many formal occasions. “Who walks in stockings, but without a hat - only loafers, only bunglers,” sang the Giraffe from the cartoon. But even wearing a hat without stockings is also noncomilfo. An exception is outdoor events, such as the Ascot horse races. Here you can not wear tights. But if the event takes place indoors - be sure!

The Spanish princess Leticia looks at her bodily tights just as affectionately as Kate Middleton. And he does not even think about how to replace them. And it’s hard to blame her for bad taste. For example, even such a strict arbiter of taste as Karl Lagerfeld, who always pounces on fashion icons with his scorching criticism, does not get tired of singing the praises of Leticia's elegance.

We also regularly see body stockings on the wives of diplomats and heads of state. Apparently, this is an integral part of the official protocol and dress code. Even the first ladies do not go to visit the Queen of England with bare feet.

At an "elegant" age

Unfortunately, not only facial skin changes with age. The skin of the legs is also subject to aging processes. It dries up, resembling parchment, its tone decreases, freckles and age spots may appear. Pity and ridiculous look "eternal starlets" over sixty, flaunting their faded charms, as if not suspecting how to choose an outfit by age.

And at the same time, how full of dignity, for example, the actress Helen Mirren, who is not trying to rejuvenate, or Joan Collins, who is trying, but within reasonable limits, involving the use of bodily pantyhose. By the way, Elizabeth II, played by Mirren in The Queen, is unlikely to allow herself to appear in front of her subjects with bare feet. It's not even a scandal - it's nonsense.

How to choose nude tights

By and large, there are only three rules on how to choose tights.

  1. Always choose thin tights - up to 40 den, and preferably 15 or 20. Thick bodily tights are ugly and evoke associations with retirement.
  2. Try to keep your body stockings neither much darker nor lighter than the color of your legs. If your legs are tanned, choose tights to match the color of your tan.
  3. Third and foremost: never, do you hear, never choose nude tights with a cheap glossy sheen! How to replace them? Noble matt. Let them be twice as expensive.

You may ask: how to choose tights for sandals? Can you wear bodily tights under them? In no case! How to replace nude tights under sandals? To begin with, in a strict business style, sandals are not worn - only shoes. Sandals are shoes for warm weather, and you should not wear any tights with them.

In the cold season, we wrap ourselves in warm clothes, rush to work or school, run through the streets, tremble at a bus stop waiting for transport. In this bustle of the big city, I increasingly see girls "without pantyhose." And no matter how many articles they write about the taboo on bodily tights, they do not stop wearing them. Let's put an end to these "tanned" glossy sausages, which we associate with the head teacher and varicose veins.

PEOPLETALK editors call on all readers to put their hands on their hearts and take an oath:

"I (name) promise to burn all my nylon nylon tights and never approach them again."

Of course, if the presence of tights is due to the dress code, I wash my hands. In this case, you need to consider a few rules.

Choose tights that are as close as possible to your natural skin color, no need to try to imitate a tan.

Only matte! No gloss on the legs.

Do not exceed 8-10 days. Pay special attention to this, and you have a chance to achieve the visual absence of tights.

Tights - only with closed toe shoes. Sandals should be worn as their name “asks for”, that is, on bare feet.

Dangerous! If you get to the event and the photographer will notice you, run from him as fast as you can. With the flash of the camera, your tights will shine treacherously in any case.

OKSANA ON, stylist:“I try to be quite tolerant in matters of style, fashion and generally the choice of wardrobe. I pursue the idea that any manifestation of human nature, if it does not harm others, has a place to be. But with regard to nylon nylon tights, I am quite categorical and adhere to the line that I have taken a very, very long time ago - they can not be worn anywhere, never and under any circumstances. Naturally, there are exceptions to the rule. For example, when the dress code requires that the legs are not bare, even if it's thirty-degree heat outside. But even in this case, you can always find a way out: find light gray, if the skin tone allows it, or thin black. In real, modern life, where you are not burdened with a dress code, this is the absolute bad manners!

Why are they wearing these tights? Not at all for insulation. We understand that nylon tights will not save anyone in cold weather. Girls often wear them to hide some kind of defect (bruises, veins). Here I adhere to a strict position! It is better to summarize the funds spent and direct them to maintain your natural beauty and skin condition. Nylon tights are generally the most terrible thing that humanity has ever invented. They remind me of a concert Masha Rasputina(50) - it was the most phenomenally terrifying sight that haunts me to this day. If you are cold, do not wear skirts in winter. Put on trousers, jeans, and any clothing that does not involve bare legs. And in summer, wear a skirt and take care of your legs so that they look great without tights. "

It is important to know the translation of color names, in this case you can buy exactly what you need.

When choosing tights in an online store or in a regular supermarket, it is not always possible to accurately determine their color due to the difference in screen settings or tight packaging, which is forbidden to open. It is useful to know the designation of all shades and choose products in accordance with them, because the color of tights is very important, it can complement the image and make it harmonious and stylish, or completely destroy the impression of it.

Tights color names

Stylish women prefer to think over the compatibility of hosiery with jewelry, skin color. Sometimes problems arise with this: each manufacturer has its own marking, there is no single standard, so it is difficult to figure out what shade these or those tights are. The name is often spelled in Italian, English or French, in addition, the same color can be denoted in different ways. From the table you can understand what each name means.

abbronzante Dark tan color
ambra medium tan, not very bright
anthracite deep gray, wet asphalt color
avorio milk tone
bambi Natural skin tone, light
bambu Fleshly dark tone
beige beige color
blu ink blue
brandy cognac
bronzo, brazil bronze
cacao cocoa tone
caffe coffee
camel shade of sand on the sea
capuccino color of coffee with milk
caramello natural skin tone, light
castagna, castor beige gray
ciocolato dark chocolate tone
claro fleshly, natural
cognac cognac
comoscio tan color with a copper tint
daino tan color
dore Flesh, natural
ecru Flesh, natural
fumo Smoky gray
glace tan color with brown tint
grafite color of wet asphalt
grigio light gray
grigio scuro grayish
lana lactic
liquirizia barely noticeable tan
lola medium tan
londra dark grey
mandorlo tangerine (tan with a red tint)
marron brown saturated
marrone scuro brown saturated
melon light brown, next to flesh
miele light tan color
mineral wet stone tone
moka shade of coffee beans
moro brown, dark
muscade nutmeg color
nabuk fleshly dark shade
naturel natural
naturelle light-skinned (Sisi-rich tan)
neutro flesh-colored
noce dark flesh tone
pesca dark flesh tone
piombo dark grey
platino light gray
playa nature light natural
prugna purple tone
rosa pink
rosso Red
sierra full bodily
tea tea color
testa brownish
the light tan
tierra brownish
tropico medium tan
visone light tan with a reddish-golden undertone
zibellino greenish
zibellino (franzoni) grayish
sahara (sisi) flesh-colored

Common colors of hosiery

Tights are considered the most popular. nude and black, this is a timeless classic that is always appropriate. But even bodily products are different, for example, dark or light, with a tint of tan or with a redhead. Stylists advise you to choose such accessories based on the tone of the skin on your hands - they must match it exactly. In this case, it will seem as if you are without them at all, but the shade of tan on pale skin looks cheap and ugly.

Body products are not worn in winter and autumn, they look ridiculous in combination with warm high boots, especially if the boots are dark.

These tights can be worn with a black suit, but only if it's warm outside.

Only shoes of the same color are worn with black hosiery; in some cases, shoes with bright accents on a dark background are suitable, for example, black ankle boots with a leopard toe or shoes with green heels. But in this case, they balance the image with other accessories, for example, a belt or a bag.

The transparent black tights are, the more concisely they choose an outfit, especially if they are laced or patterned. Thick products of this color are worn with a sporty look, with casual clothes, but they are not very suitable for an office suit. goes well with black tights, but in this case, the shoes simply have to be black. and light-colored shoes do not go well with black products.

Colored tights are also relevant nowadays., they appeared in the late sixties, when short ones only came into fashion. It is important to be attentive to every detail when choosing such accessories. Fashionistas combine the color of tights with shoes or jewelry, but do not wear contrasting shoes, this shortens the legs and violates the integrity of the image.

The main thing is not to overdo it with color, bright hosiery is worn with a laconic outfit in muted shades.

- a dangerous choice, they can diversify the image, but often spoil the ensemble. Drawings draw attention to the legs, so the legs must be slim. At the same time, the rest of the clothes are kept in neutral shades, fabrics with patterns are not worn.

Shiny tights

This accessory was especially popular in the nineties. Variety artists and all women of fashion flaunted in them, showing shiny legs. But today it is considered bad form, such products are not even worn at a carnival or a party, they choose matte products.

Recently, details have come into vogue with, which differ in that they shine selectively and have a rich color. Flesh tone and gloss are equal to failure.

Whether the tights are shiny or matte depends on the thread they are made from. Polyamide thread, common to all modern models, consists of three thinner threads, which are as follows: round, square and triangular.

Products with round threads are matte, with square ones they shine a little, and triangular ones are completely glossy. They usually do not write this on the packaging, but most often they are shiny. In addition, the thinner the tights, the less they shine. When they want to choose an absolutely matte model, they prefer microfiber.

Popular colors this season

Today, the trend is such tights:

  • Tights in rich deep shades: graphite, dark blue, emerald green.
  • Sapphire and yellow options that young girls can afford.
  • In summer, red or pink tights look good, and in winter, knitted orange models are popular, which girls with good taste combine with mittens and caps to match.
  • Products with an openwork pattern or arrows.
  • Openwork warm tights, almost opaque, very dense.
  • , which have become a squeak of fashion. The toes are lighter in color, and the thighs are black or close to that. They are combined only with plain clothes.
  • Numerous shades of brown ranging from coffee to beige. They are especially appropriate in the fall and winter.
  • Sexy options: with a seam, side arrows or bows. They are not worn every day, this is bad form. When putting on such accessories, it is important to balance the image so that it is not vulgar. They are combined with rather long skirts up to the knee or below, closed blouses.
  • Fingerless tights. In recent years, ankle boots and open-toed boots have been fashionable; just such a tights option is chosen for them. Products come in different colors and textures, thin transparent stockings of this type will even fit sandals.